/* Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Compile time validity checks. */ /* Make sure the hash size is consistent with dcrypto. */ BUILD_ASSERT(PW_HASH_SIZE >= SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); /* sizeof(struct leaf_data_t) % 16 should be zero */ BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(struct leaf_sensitive_data_t) % PW_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE == 0); BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(((struct merkle_tree_t *)0)->wrap_key) == AES256_BLOCK_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE); /* Verify that the nvmem_vars log entries have the correct sizes. */ BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(struct pw_long_term_storage_t) + sizeof(struct pw_log_storage_t) <= PW_MAX_VAR_USAGE); /* Verify that the request structs will fit into the message. */ BUILD_ASSERT(PW_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE >= sizeof(struct pw_request_header_t) + sizeof(union {struct pw_request_insert_leaf_t insert_leaf; struct pw_request_remove_leaf_t remove_leaf; struct pw_request_try_auth_t try_auth; struct pw_request_reset_auth_t reset_auth; struct pw_request_get_log_t get_log; struct pw_request_log_replay_t log_replay; }) + sizeof(struct leaf_public_data_t) + sizeof(struct leaf_sensitive_data_t) + PW_MAX_PATH_SIZE); #define PW_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE (sizeof(struct pw_response_header_t) + \ sizeof(union {struct pw_response_insert_leaf_t insert_leaf; \ struct pw_response_try_auth_t try_auth; \ struct pw_response_reset_auth_t reset_auth; \ struct pw_response_log_replay_t log_replay; }) + \ PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE) #define PW_VALID_PCR_CRITERIA_SIZE \ (sizeof(struct valid_pcr_value_t) * PW_MAX_PCR_CRITERIA_COUNT) /* Verify that the request structs will fit into the message. */ BUILD_ASSERT(PW_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE >= PW_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE); /* Make sure the largest possible message would fit in * (struct tpm_register_file).data_fifo. */ BUILD_ASSERT(PW_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE + sizeof(struct tpm_cmd_header) <= 2048); /* PW_MAX_PATH_SIZE should not change unless PW_LEAF_MAJOR_VERSION changes too. * Update these statements whenever these constants are changed to remind future * maintainers about this requirement. * * This requirement helps guarantee that forward compatibility across the same * PW_LEAF_MAJOR_VERSION doesn't break because of a path length becoming too * long after new fields are added to struct wrapped_leaf_data_t or its sub * fields. */ BUILD_ASSERT(PW_LEAF_MAJOR_VERSION == 0); BUILD_ASSERT(PW_MAX_PATH_SIZE == 1024); /* If fields are appended to struct leaf_sensitive_data_t, an encryption * operation should be performed on them reusing the same IV since the prefix * won't change. * * If any data in the original struct leaf_sensitive_data_t changes, a new IV * should be generated and stored as part of the log for a replay to be * possible. */ BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(struct leaf_sensitive_data_t) == 3 * PW_SECRET_SIZE); #define RESTART_TIMER_THRESHOLD (10 * SECOND) /* This var caches the restart count so the nvram log structure doesn't need to * be walked every time try_auth request is made. */ uint32_t pw_restart_count; /******************************************************************************/ /* Struct helper functions. */ void import_leaf(const struct unimported_leaf_data_t *unimported, struct imported_leaf_data_t *imported) { imported->head = &unimported->head; imported->hmac = unimported->hmac; imported->iv = unimported->iv; imported->pub = (const struct leaf_public_data_t *)unimported->payload; imported->cipher_text = unimported->payload + unimported->head.pub_len; imported->hashes = (const uint8_t (*)[PW_HASH_SIZE])( imported->cipher_text + unimported->head.sec_len); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Basic operations required by the Merkle tree. */ static int derive_keys(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree) { int ret = EC_SUCCESS; const uint32_t KEY_TYPE_AES = 0x0; const uint32_t KEY_TYPE_HMAC = 0xffffffff; union { uint32_t v[8]; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(uint32_t) * 8]; } input; uint32_t type_field; size_t seed_size = sizeof(input); size_t x; get_storage_seed(input.v, &seed_size); for (x = 0; x < ARRAY_SIZE(input.bytes) && x < ARRAY_SIZE(merkle_tree->key_derivation_nonce); ++x) input.bytes[x] ^= merkle_tree->key_derivation_nonce[x]; type_field = input.v[6]; if (!DCRYPTO_appkey_init(PINWEAVER)) return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; input.v[6] = type_field ^ KEY_TYPE_AES; if (!DCRYPTO_appkey_derive(PINWEAVER, input.v, (uint32_t *)merkle_tree->wrap_key)) { ret = PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } input.v[6] = type_field ^ KEY_TYPE_HMAC; if (!DCRYPTO_appkey_derive(PINWEAVER, input.v, (uint32_t *)merkle_tree->hmac_key)) { ret = PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; } cleanup: DCRYPTO_appkey_finish(); return ret; } /* Creates an empty merkle_tree with the given parameters. */ static int create_merkle_tree(struct bits_per_level_t bits_per_level, struct height_t height, struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree) { uint16_t fan_out = 1 << bits_per_level.v; uint8_t temp_hash[PW_HASH_SIZE] = {}; uint8_t hx; uint16_t kx; struct sha256_ctx ctx; merkle_tree->bits_per_level = bits_per_level; merkle_tree->height = height; /* Initialize the root hash. */ for (hx = 0; hx < height.v; ++hx) { if (DCRYPTO_hw_sha256_init(&ctx) != DCRYPTO_OK) return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; for (kx = 0; kx < fan_out; ++kx) HASH_update((union hash_ctx *)&ctx, temp_hash, PW_HASH_SIZE); memcpy(temp_hash, HASH_final((union hash_ctx *)&ctx), PW_HASH_SIZE); } memcpy(merkle_tree->root, temp_hash, PW_HASH_SIZE); if (!fips_rand_bytes(merkle_tree->key_derivation_nonce, sizeof(merkle_tree->key_derivation_nonce))) return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; return derive_keys(merkle_tree); } /* Computes the HMAC for an encrypted leaf using the key in the merkle_tree. */ static int compute_hmac(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct imported_leaf_data_t *imported_leaf_data, uint8_t result[PW_HASH_SIZE]) { struct hmac_sha256_ctx hmac; if (DCRYPTO_hw_hmac_sha256_init(&hmac, merkle_tree->hmac_key, sizeof(merkle_tree->hmac_key)) != DCRYPTO_OK) return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; HMAC_SHA256_update(&hmac, imported_leaf_data->head, sizeof(*imported_leaf_data->head)); HMAC_SHA256_update(&hmac, imported_leaf_data->iv, sizeof(PW_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE)); HMAC_SHA256_update(&hmac, imported_leaf_data->pub, imported_leaf_data->head->pub_len); HMAC_SHA256_update(&hmac, imported_leaf_data->cipher_text, imported_leaf_data->head->sec_len); memcpy(result, HMAC_SHA256_final(&hmac), PW_HASH_SIZE); return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Computes the root hash for the specified path and child hash. */ static int compute_root_hash(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, struct label_t path, const uint8_t hashes[][PW_HASH_SIZE], const uint8_t child_hash[PW_HASH_SIZE], uint8_t new_root[PW_HASH_SIZE]) { /* This is one less than the fan out, the number of sibling hashes. */ const uint16_t num_aux = (1 << merkle_tree->bits_per_level.v) - 1; const uint16_t path_suffix_mask = num_aux; uint8_t temp_hash[PW_HASH_SIZE]; uint8_t hx = 0; uint64_t index = path.v; int ret; ret = compute_hash(hashes, num_aux, (struct index_t){ index & path_suffix_mask }, child_hash, temp_hash); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; for (hx = 1; hx < merkle_tree->height.v; ++hx) { hashes += num_aux; index = index >> merkle_tree->bits_per_level.v; ret = compute_hash(hashes, num_aux, (struct index_t){ index & path_suffix_mask }, temp_hash, temp_hash); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; } memcpy(new_root, temp_hash, sizeof(temp_hash)); return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Checks to see the specified path is valid. The length of the path should be * validated prior to calling this function. * * Returns 0 on success or an error code otherwise. */ static int authenticate_path(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, struct label_t path, const uint8_t hashes[][PW_HASH_SIZE], const uint8_t child_hash[PW_HASH_SIZE]) { uint8_t parent[PW_HASH_SIZE]; int ret; ret = compute_root_hash(merkle_tree, path, hashes, child_hash, parent); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; if (memcmp(parent, merkle_tree->root, sizeof(parent)) != 0) return PW_ERR_PATH_AUTH_FAILED; return EC_SUCCESS; } static void init_wrapped_leaf_data( struct wrapped_leaf_data_t *wrapped_leaf_data) { wrapped_leaf_data->head.leaf_version.major = PW_LEAF_MAJOR_VERSION; wrapped_leaf_data->head.leaf_version.minor = PW_LEAF_MINOR_VERSION; wrapped_leaf_data->head.pub_len = sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data->pub); wrapped_leaf_data->head.sec_len = sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data->cipher_text); } /* Encrypts the leaf meta data. */ static int encrypt_leaf_data(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct leaf_data_t *leaf_data, struct wrapped_leaf_data_t *wrapped_leaf_data) { /* Generate a random IV. * * If fields are appended to struct leaf_sensitive_data_t, an encryption * operation should be performed on them reusing the same IV since the * prefix won't change. * * If any data of in the original struct leaf_sensitive_data_t changes, * a new IV should be generated and stored as part of the log for a * replay to be possible. */ if (!fips_rand_bytes(wrapped_leaf_data->iv, sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data->iv))) return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; memcpy(&wrapped_leaf_data->pub, &leaf_data->pub, sizeof(leaf_data->pub)); if (DCRYPTO_aes_ctr(wrapped_leaf_data->cipher_text, merkle_tree->wrap_key, sizeof(merkle_tree->wrap_key) << 3, wrapped_leaf_data->iv, (uint8_t *)&leaf_data->sec, sizeof(leaf_data->sec)) != DCRYPTO_OK) { return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; } return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Decrypts the leaf meta data. */ static int decrypt_leaf_data( const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct imported_leaf_data_t *imported_leaf_data, struct leaf_data_t *leaf_data) { memcpy(&leaf_data->pub, imported_leaf_data->pub, MIN(imported_leaf_data->head->pub_len, sizeof(struct leaf_public_data_t))); if (DCRYPTO_aes_ctr((uint8_t *)&leaf_data->sec, merkle_tree->wrap_key, sizeof(merkle_tree->wrap_key) << 3, imported_leaf_data->iv, imported_leaf_data->cipher_text, sizeof(leaf_data->sec)) != DCRYPTO_OK) { return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; } return EC_SUCCESS; } static int handle_leaf_update( const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct leaf_data_t *leaf_data, const uint8_t hashes[][PW_HASH_SIZE], struct wrapped_leaf_data_t *wrapped_leaf_data, uint8_t new_root[PW_HASH_SIZE], const struct imported_leaf_data_t *optional_old_wrapped_data) { int ret; struct imported_leaf_data_t ptrs; init_wrapped_leaf_data(wrapped_leaf_data); if (optional_old_wrapped_data == NULL) { ret = encrypt_leaf_data(merkle_tree, leaf_data, wrapped_leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; } else { memcpy(wrapped_leaf_data->iv, optional_old_wrapped_data->iv, sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data->iv)); memcpy(&wrapped_leaf_data->pub, &leaf_data->pub, sizeof(leaf_data->pub)); memcpy(wrapped_leaf_data->cipher_text, optional_old_wrapped_data->cipher_text, sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data->cipher_text)); } import_leaf((const struct unimported_leaf_data_t *)wrapped_leaf_data, &ptrs); ret = compute_hmac(merkle_tree, &ptrs, wrapped_leaf_data->hmac); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; return compute_root_hash(merkle_tree, leaf_data->pub.label, hashes, wrapped_leaf_data->hmac, new_root); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Parameter and state validation functions. */ static int validate_tree_parameters(struct bits_per_level_t bits_per_level, struct height_t height) { uint8_t fan_out = 1 << bits_per_level.v; if (bits_per_level.v < BITS_PER_LEVEL_MIN || bits_per_level.v > BITS_PER_LEVEL_MAX) return PW_ERR_BITS_PER_LEVEL_INVALID; if (height.v < HEIGHT_MIN || height.v > HEIGHT_MAX(bits_per_level.v) || ((fan_out - 1) * height.v) * PW_HASH_SIZE > PW_MAX_PATH_SIZE) return PW_ERR_HEIGHT_INVALID; return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Verifies that merkle_tree has been initialized. */ static int validate_tree(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree) { if (validate_tree_parameters(merkle_tree->bits_per_level, merkle_tree->height) != EC_SUCCESS) return PW_ERR_TREE_INVALID; return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Checks the following conditions: * Extra index fields should be all zero. */ static int validate_label(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, struct label_t path) { uint8_t shift_by = merkle_tree->bits_per_level.v * merkle_tree->height.v; if ((path.v >> shift_by) == 0) return EC_SUCCESS; return PW_ERR_LABEL_INVALID; } /* Checks the following conditions: * Columns should be strictly increasing. * Zeroes for filler at the end of the delay_schedule are permitted. */ static int validate_delay_schedule(const struct delay_schedule_entry_t delay_schedule[PW_SCHED_COUNT]) { size_t x; /* The first entry should not be useless. */ if (delay_schedule[0].time_diff.v == 0) return PW_ERR_DELAY_SCHEDULE_INVALID; for (x = PW_SCHED_COUNT - 1; x > 0; --x) { if (delay_schedule[x].attempt_count.v == 0) { if (delay_schedule[x].time_diff.v != 0) return PW_ERR_DELAY_SCHEDULE_INVALID; } else if (delay_schedule[x].attempt_count.v <= delay_schedule[x - 1].attempt_count.v || delay_schedule[x].time_diff.v <= delay_schedule[x - 1].time_diff.v) { return PW_ERR_DELAY_SCHEDULE_INVALID; } } return EC_SUCCESS; } static int validate_pcr_value(const struct valid_pcr_value_t valid_pcr_criteria[PW_MAX_PCR_CRITERIA_COUNT]) { size_t index; uint8_t sha256_of_selected_pcr[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]; for (index = 0; index < PW_MAX_PCR_CRITERIA_COUNT; ++index) { /* The criteria with bitmask[0] = bitmask[1] = 0 is considered * the end of list criteria. If it happens that the first * bitmask is zero, we consider that no criteria has to be * satisfied and return success in that case. */ if (valid_pcr_criteria[index].bitmask[0] == 0 && valid_pcr_criteria[index].bitmask[1] == 0) { if (index == 0) return EC_SUCCESS; return PW_ERR_PCR_NOT_MATCH; } if (get_current_pcr_digest(valid_pcr_criteria[index].bitmask, sha256_of_selected_pcr)) { cprints(CC_TASK, "PinWeaver: Read PCR error, bitmask: %d, %d", valid_pcr_criteria[index].bitmask[0], valid_pcr_criteria[index].bitmask[1]); return PW_ERR_PCR_NOT_MATCH; } /* Check if the curent PCR digest is the same as expected by * criteria. */ if (memcmp(sha256_of_selected_pcr, valid_pcr_criteria[index].digest, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) { return EC_SUCCESS; } } cprints(CC_TASK, "PinWeaver: No criteria matches PCR values"); return PW_ERR_PCR_NOT_MATCH; } static int expected_payload_len(int minor_version) { switch (minor_version) { case 0: return PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE - PW_VALID_PCR_CRITERIA_SIZE; case PW_LEAF_MINOR_VERSION: return PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE; default: return 0; } } static int validate_leaf_header(const struct leaf_header_t *head, uint16_t payload_len, uint16_t aux_hash_len) { uint32_t leaf_payload_len = head->pub_len + head->sec_len; if (head->leaf_version.major != PW_LEAF_MAJOR_VERSION) return PW_ERR_LEAF_VERSION_MISMATCH; if (head->leaf_version.minor <= PW_LEAF_MINOR_VERSION && leaf_payload_len != expected_payload_len(head->leaf_version.minor)) { return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; } if (payload_len != leaf_payload_len + aux_hash_len * PW_HASH_SIZE) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Common validation for requests that include a path to authenticate. */ static int validate_request_with_path(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, struct label_t path, const uint8_t hashes[][PW_HASH_SIZE], const uint8_t hmac[PW_HASH_SIZE]) { int ret; ret = validate_tree(merkle_tree); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = validate_label(merkle_tree, path); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; return authenticate_path(merkle_tree, path, hashes, hmac); } /* Common validation for requests that import a leaf. */ static int validate_request_with_wrapped_leaf( const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, uint16_t payload_len, const struct unimported_leaf_data_t *unimported_leaf_data, struct imported_leaf_data_t *imported_leaf_data, struct leaf_data_t *leaf_data) { int ret; uint8_t hmac[PW_HASH_SIZE]; ret = validate_leaf_header(&unimported_leaf_data->head, payload_len, get_path_auxiliary_hash_count(merkle_tree)); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; import_leaf(unimported_leaf_data, imported_leaf_data); ret = validate_request_with_path(merkle_tree, imported_leaf_data->pub->label, imported_leaf_data->hashes, imported_leaf_data->hmac); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = compute_hmac(merkle_tree, imported_leaf_data, hmac); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* Safe memcmp is used here to prevent an attacker from being able to * brute force a valid HMAC for a crafted wrapped_leaf_data. * memcmp provides an attacker a timing side-channel they can use to * determine how much of a prefix is correct. */ if (safe_memcmp(hmac, unimported_leaf_data->hmac, sizeof(hmac))) return PW_ERR_HMAC_AUTH_FAILED; ret = decrypt_leaf_data(merkle_tree, imported_leaf_data, leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* The code below handles version upgrades. */ if (unimported_leaf_data->head.leaf_version.minor == 0 && unimported_leaf_data->head.leaf_version.major == 0) { /* Populate the leaf_data with default pcr value */ memset(&leaf_data->pub.valid_pcr_criteria, 0, PW_VALID_PCR_CRITERIA_SIZE); } return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Sets the value of ts to the current notion of time. */ static void update_timestamp(struct pw_timestamp_t *ts) { ts->timer_value = get_time().val / SECOND; ts->boot_count = pw_restart_count; } /* Checks if an auth attempt can be made or not based on the delay schedule. * EC_SUCCESS is returned when a new attempt can be made otherwise * seconds_to_wait will be updated with the remaining wait time required. */ static int test_rate_limit(struct leaf_data_t *leaf_data, struct time_diff_t *seconds_to_wait) { uint64_t ready_time; uint8_t x; struct pw_timestamp_t current_time; struct time_diff_t delay = {0}; /* This loop ends when x is one greater than the index that applies. */ for (x = 0; x < ARRAY_SIZE(leaf_data->pub.delay_schedule); ++x) { /* Stop if a null entry is reached. The first part of the delay * schedule has a list of increasing (attempt_count, time_diff) * pairs with any unused entries zeroed out at the end. */ if (leaf_data->pub.delay_schedule[x].attempt_count.v == 0) break; /* Stop once a delay schedule entry is reached whose * threshold is greater than the current number of * attempts. */ if (leaf_data->pub.attempt_count.v < leaf_data->pub.delay_schedule[x].attempt_count.v) break; } /* If the first threshold was greater than the current number of * attempts, there is no delay. Otherwise, grab the delay from the * entry prior to the one that was too big. */ if (x > 0) delay = leaf_data->pub.delay_schedule[x - 1].time_diff; if (delay.v == 0) return EC_SUCCESS; if (delay.v == PW_BLOCK_ATTEMPTS) { seconds_to_wait->v = PW_BLOCK_ATTEMPTS; return PW_ERR_RATE_LIMIT_REACHED; } update_timestamp(¤t_time); if (leaf_data->pub.timestamp.boot_count == current_time.boot_count) ready_time = delay.v + leaf_data->pub.timestamp.timer_value; else ready_time = delay.v; if (current_time.timer_value >= ready_time) return EC_SUCCESS; seconds_to_wait->v = ready_time - current_time.timer_value; return PW_ERR_RATE_LIMIT_REACHED; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Logging implementation. */ /* Once the storage version is incremented, the update code needs to be written * to handle differences in the structs. * * See the two comments "Add storage format updates here." below. */ BUILD_ASSERT(PW_STORAGE_VERSION == 0); void force_restart_count(uint32_t mock_value) { pw_restart_count = mock_value; } /* Returns EC_SUCCESS if the root hash was found. Sets *index to the first index * of the log entry with a matching root hash, or the index of the last valid * entry. */ static int find_relevant_entry(const struct pw_log_storage_t *log, const uint8_t root[PW_HASH_SIZE], int *index) { /* Find the relevant log entry. */ for (*index = 0; *index < PW_LOG_ENTRY_COUNT; ++*index) { if (log->entries[*index].type.v == PW_MT_INVALID) break; if (memcmp(root, log->entries[*index].root, PW_HASH_SIZE) == 0) return EC_SUCCESS; } --*index; return PW_ERR_ROOT_NOT_FOUND; } static int load_log_data(struct pw_log_storage_t *log) { const struct tuple *ptr; const struct pw_log_storage_t *view; int rv = EC_SUCCESS; ptr = getvar(PW_LOG_VAR0, sizeof(PW_LOG_VAR0) - 1); if (ptr == NULL) return PW_ERR_NV_EMPTY; view = (void *)tuple_val(ptr); if (ptr->val_len != sizeof(struct pw_log_storage_t)) rv = PW_ERR_NV_LENGTH_MISMATCH; else if (view->storage_version != PW_STORAGE_VERSION) rv = PW_ERR_NV_VERSION_MISMATCH; else memcpy(log, view, ptr->val_len); freevar(ptr); return rv; } int store_log_data(const struct pw_log_storage_t *log) { return setvar(PW_LOG_VAR0, sizeof(PW_LOG_VAR0) - 1, (uint8_t *)log, sizeof(struct pw_log_storage_t)); } static int load_merkle_tree(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree) { int ret; const struct tuple *ptr; cprints(CC_TASK, "PinWeaver: Loading Tree!"); /* Handle the immutable data. */ { const struct pw_long_term_storage_t *tree; ptr = getvar(PW_TREE_VAR, sizeof(PW_TREE_VAR) - 1); if (!ptr) return PW_ERR_NV_EMPTY; tree = (void *)tuple_val(ptr); /* Add storage format updates here. */ if (ptr->val_len != sizeof(*tree)) { freevar(ptr); return PW_ERR_NV_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } if (tree->storage_version != PW_STORAGE_VERSION) { freevar(ptr); return PW_ERR_NV_VERSION_MISMATCH; } merkle_tree->bits_per_level = tree->bits_per_level; merkle_tree->height = tree->height; memcpy(merkle_tree->key_derivation_nonce, tree->key_derivation_nonce, sizeof(tree->key_derivation_nonce)); ret = derive_keys(merkle_tree); freevar(ptr); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; } /* Handle the root hash. */ { struct pw_log_storage_t *log; ptr = getvar(PW_LOG_VAR0, sizeof(PW_LOG_VAR0) - 1); if (!ptr) return PW_ERR_NV_EMPTY; log = (void *)tuple_val(ptr); /* Add storage format updates here. */ if (ptr->val_len != sizeof(struct pw_log_storage_t)) { freevar(ptr); return PW_ERR_NV_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } if (log->storage_version != PW_STORAGE_VERSION) { freevar(ptr); return PW_ERR_NV_VERSION_MISMATCH; } memcpy(merkle_tree->root, log->entries[0].root, sizeof(merkle_tree->root)); /* This forces an NVRAM write for hard reboots for which the * timer value gets reset. The TPM restart and reset counters * were not used because they do not track the state of the * counter. * * Pinweaver uses the restart_count to know when the time since * boot can be used as the elapsed time for the delay schedule, * versus when the elapsed time starts from a timestamp. */ if (get_time().val < RESTART_TIMER_THRESHOLD) { ++log->restart_count; ret = setvar(PW_LOG_VAR0, sizeof(PW_LOG_VAR0) - 1, (uint8_t *)log, sizeof(struct pw_log_storage_t)); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) { freevar(ptr); return ret; } } pw_restart_count = log->restart_count; freevar(ptr); } cprints(CC_TASK, "PinWeaver: Loaded Tree. restart_count = %d", pw_restart_count); return EC_SUCCESS; } /* This should only be called when a new tree is created. */ int store_merkle_tree(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree) { int ret; /* Handle the immutable data. */ { struct pw_long_term_storage_t data; data.storage_version = PW_STORAGE_VERSION; data.bits_per_level = merkle_tree->bits_per_level; data.height = merkle_tree->height; memcpy(data.key_derivation_nonce, merkle_tree->key_derivation_nonce, sizeof(data.key_derivation_nonce)); ret = setvar(PW_TREE_VAR, sizeof(PW_TREE_VAR) - 1, (uint8_t *)&data, sizeof(data)); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; } /* Handle the root hash. */ { struct pw_log_storage_t log = {}; struct pw_get_log_entry_t *entry = log.entries; log.storage_version = PW_STORAGE_VERSION; entry->type.v = PW_RESET_TREE; memcpy(entry->root, merkle_tree->root, sizeof(merkle_tree->root)); ret = store_log_data(&log); if (ret == EC_SUCCESS) pw_restart_count = 0; return ret; } } static int log_roll_for_append(struct pw_log_storage_t *log) { int ret; ret = load_log_data(log); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; memmove(&log->entries[1], &log->entries[0], sizeof(log->entries[0]) * (PW_LOG_ENTRY_COUNT - 1)); memset(&log->entries[0], 0, sizeof(log->entries[0])); return EC_SUCCESS; } int log_insert_leaf(struct label_t label, const uint8_t root[PW_HASH_SIZE], const uint8_t hmac[PW_HASH_SIZE]) { int ret; struct pw_log_storage_t log; struct pw_get_log_entry_t *entry = log.entries; ret = log_roll_for_append(&log); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; entry->type.v = PW_INSERT_LEAF; entry->label.v = label.v; memcpy(entry->root, root, sizeof(entry->root)); memcpy(entry->leaf_hmac, hmac, sizeof(entry->leaf_hmac)); return store_log_data(&log); } int log_remove_leaf(struct label_t label, const uint8_t root[PW_HASH_SIZE]) { int ret; struct pw_log_storage_t log; struct pw_get_log_entry_t *entry = log.entries; ret = log_roll_for_append(&log); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; entry->type.v = PW_REMOVE_LEAF; entry->label.v = label.v; memcpy(entry->root, root, sizeof(entry->root)); return store_log_data(&log); } int log_auth(struct label_t label, const uint8_t root[PW_HASH_SIZE], int code, struct pw_timestamp_t timestamp) { int ret; struct pw_log_storage_t log; struct pw_get_log_entry_t *entry = log.entries; ret = log_roll_for_append(&log); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; entry->type.v = PW_TRY_AUTH; entry->label.v = label.v; memcpy(entry->root, root, sizeof(entry->root)); entry->return_code = code; memcpy(&entry->timestamp, ×tamp, sizeof(entry->timestamp)); return store_log_data(&log); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Per-request-type handler implementations. */ static int pw_handle_reset_tree(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct pw_request_reset_tree_t *request, uint16_t req_size) { struct merkle_tree_t new_tree = {}; int ret; if (req_size != sizeof(*request)) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; ret = validate_tree_parameters(request->bits_per_level, request->height); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = create_merkle_tree(request->bits_per_level, request->height, &new_tree); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = store_merkle_tree(&new_tree); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; memcpy(merkle_tree, &new_tree, sizeof(new_tree)); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int pw_handle_insert_leaf(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct pw_request_insert_leaf_t *request, uint16_t req_size, struct pw_response_insert_leaf_t *response, uint16_t *response_size) { int ret = EC_SUCCESS; struct leaf_data_t leaf_data = {}; struct wrapped_leaf_data_t wrapped_leaf_data; const uint8_t empty_hash[PW_HASH_SIZE] = {}; uint8_t new_root[PW_HASH_SIZE]; if (req_size != sizeof(*request) + get_path_auxiliary_hash_count(merkle_tree) * PW_HASH_SIZE) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; ret = validate_request_with_path(merkle_tree, request->label, request->path_hashes, empty_hash); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = validate_delay_schedule(request->delay_schedule); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; memset(&leaf_data, 0, sizeof(leaf_data)); leaf_data.pub.label.v = request->label.v; memcpy(&leaf_data.pub.valid_pcr_criteria, request->valid_pcr_criteria, sizeof(request->valid_pcr_criteria)); memcpy(&leaf_data.pub.delay_schedule, &request->delay_schedule, sizeof(request->delay_schedule)); memcpy(&leaf_data.sec.low_entropy_secret, &request->low_entropy_secret, sizeof(request->low_entropy_secret)); memcpy(&leaf_data.sec.high_entropy_secret, &request->high_entropy_secret, sizeof(request->high_entropy_secret)); memcpy(&leaf_data.sec.reset_secret, &request->reset_secret, sizeof(request->reset_secret)); ret = handle_leaf_update(merkle_tree, &leaf_data, request->path_hashes, &wrapped_leaf_data, new_root, NULL); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = log_insert_leaf(request->label, new_root, wrapped_leaf_data.hmac); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; memcpy(merkle_tree->root, new_root, sizeof(new_root)); memcpy(&response->unimported_leaf_data, &wrapped_leaf_data, sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data)); *response_size = sizeof(*response) + PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE; return ret; } static int pw_handle_remove_leaf(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct pw_request_remove_leaf_t *request, uint16_t req_size) { int ret = EC_SUCCESS; const uint8_t empty_hash[PW_HASH_SIZE] = {}; uint8_t new_root[PW_HASH_SIZE]; if (req_size != sizeof(*request) + get_path_auxiliary_hash_count(merkle_tree) * PW_HASH_SIZE) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; ret = validate_request_with_path(merkle_tree, request->leaf_location, request->path_hashes, request->leaf_hmac); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = compute_root_hash(merkle_tree, request->leaf_location, request->path_hashes, empty_hash, new_root); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = log_remove_leaf(request->leaf_location, new_root); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; memcpy(merkle_tree->root, new_root, sizeof(new_root)); return ret; } /* Processes a try_auth request. * * The valid fields in response based on return code are: * EC_SUCCESS -> unimported_leaf_data and high_entropy_secret * PW_ERR_RATE_LIMIT_REACHED -> seconds_to_wait * PW_ERR_LOWENT_AUTH_FAILED -> unimported_leaf_data */ static int pw_handle_try_auth(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct pw_request_try_auth_t *request, uint16_t req_size, struct pw_response_try_auth_t *response, uint16_t *data_length) { int ret = EC_SUCCESS; struct leaf_data_t leaf_data = {}; struct imported_leaf_data_t imported_leaf_data; struct wrapped_leaf_data_t wrapped_leaf_data; struct time_diff_t seconds_to_wait; uint8_t zeros[PW_SECRET_SIZE] = {}; uint8_t new_root[PW_HASH_SIZE]; /* These variables help eliminate the possibility of a timing side * channel that would allow an attacker to prevent the log write. */ volatile int auth_result; volatile struct { uint32_t attempts; int ret; uint8_t *secret; uint8_t *reset_secret; } results_table[2] = { { 0, PW_ERR_LOWENT_AUTH_FAILED, zeros, zeros }, { 0, EC_SUCCESS, leaf_data.sec.high_entropy_secret, leaf_data.sec.reset_secret }, }; if (req_size < sizeof(*request)) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; ret = validate_request_with_wrapped_leaf( merkle_tree, req_size - sizeof(*request), &request->unimported_leaf_data, &imported_leaf_data, &leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* Check if at least one PCR criteria is satisfied if the leaf is * bound to PCR. */ ret = validate_pcr_value(leaf_data.pub.valid_pcr_criteria); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = test_rate_limit(&leaf_data, &seconds_to_wait); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) { *data_length = sizeof(*response) + PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE; memset(response, 0, *data_length); memcpy(&response->seconds_to_wait, &seconds_to_wait, sizeof(seconds_to_wait)); return ret; } update_timestamp(&leaf_data.pub.timestamp); /* Precompute the failed attempts. */ results_table[0].attempts = leaf_data.pub.attempt_count.v; if (results_table[0].attempts != UINT32_MAX) ++results_table[0].attempts; /**********************************************************************/ /* After this: * 1) results_table should not be changed; * 2) the runtime of the code paths for failed and successful * authentication attempts should not diverge. */ auth_result = safe_memcmp(request->low_entropy_secret, leaf_data.sec.low_entropy_secret, sizeof(request->low_entropy_secret)) == 0; leaf_data.pub.attempt_count.v = results_table[auth_result].attempts; /* This has a non-constant time path, but it doesn't convey information * about whether a PW_ERR_LOWENT_AUTH_FAILED happened or not. */ ret = handle_leaf_update(merkle_tree, &leaf_data, imported_leaf_data.hashes, &wrapped_leaf_data, new_root, &imported_leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = log_auth(wrapped_leaf_data.pub.label, new_root, results_table[auth_result].ret, leaf_data.pub.timestamp); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) { memcpy(new_root, merkle_tree->root, sizeof(merkle_tree->root)); return ret; } /**********************************************************************/ /* At this point the log should be written so it should be safe for the * runtime of the code paths to diverge. */ memcpy(merkle_tree->root, new_root, sizeof(new_root)); *data_length = sizeof(*response) + PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE; memset(response, 0, *data_length); memcpy(&response->unimported_leaf_data, &wrapped_leaf_data, sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data)); memcpy(&response->high_entropy_secret, results_table[auth_result].secret, sizeof(response->high_entropy_secret)); memcpy(&response->reset_secret, results_table[auth_result].reset_secret, sizeof(response->reset_secret)); return results_table[auth_result].ret; } static int pw_handle_reset_auth(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct pw_request_reset_auth_t *request, uint16_t req_size, struct pw_response_reset_auth_t *response, uint16_t *response_size) { int ret = EC_SUCCESS; struct leaf_data_t leaf_data = {}; struct imported_leaf_data_t imported_leaf_data; struct wrapped_leaf_data_t wrapped_leaf_data; uint8_t new_root[PW_HASH_SIZE]; if (req_size < sizeof(*request)) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; ret = validate_request_with_wrapped_leaf( merkle_tree, req_size - sizeof(*request), &request->unimported_leaf_data, &imported_leaf_data, &leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* Safe memcmp is used here to prevent an attacker from being able to * brute force the reset secret and use it to unlock the leaf. * memcmp provides an attacker a timing side-channel they can use to * determine how much of a prefix is correct. */ if (safe_memcmp(request->reset_secret, leaf_data.sec.reset_secret, sizeof(request->reset_secret)) != 0) return PW_ERR_RESET_AUTH_FAILED; leaf_data.pub.attempt_count.v = 0; ret = handle_leaf_update(merkle_tree, &leaf_data, imported_leaf_data.hashes, &wrapped_leaf_data, new_root, &imported_leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = log_auth(leaf_data.pub.label, new_root, ret, leaf_data.pub.timestamp); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; memcpy(merkle_tree->root, new_root, sizeof(new_root)); memcpy(&response->unimported_leaf_data, &wrapped_leaf_data, sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data)); memcpy(response->high_entropy_secret, leaf_data.sec.high_entropy_secret, sizeof(response->high_entropy_secret)); *response_size = sizeof(*response) + PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE; return ret; } static int pw_handle_get_log(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct pw_request_get_log_t *request, uint16_t req_size, struct pw_get_log_entry_t response[], uint16_t *response_size) { int ret; int x; struct pw_log_storage_t log; if (req_size != sizeof(*request)) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; ret = validate_tree(merkle_tree); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = load_log_data(&log); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* Find the relevant log entry. The return value isn't used because if * the entry isn't found the entire log is returned. This makes it * easier to recover when the log is too short. * * Here is an example: * 50 attempts have been made against a leaf that becomes out of sync * because of a disk flush failing. The copy of the leaf on disk is * behind by 50 and the log contains less than 50 entries. The CrOS * implementation can check the public parameters of the local copy with * the log entry to determine that leaf is out of sync. It can then send * any valid copy of that leaf with a log replay request that will only * succeed if the HMAC of the resulting leaf matches the log entry. */ find_relevant_entry(&log, request->root, &x); /* If there are no valid entries, return. */ if (x < 0) return EC_SUCCESS; /* Copy the entries in reverse order. */ while (1) { memcpy(&response[x], &log.entries[x], sizeof(log.entries[x])); *response_size += sizeof(log.entries[x]); if (x == 0) break; --x; } return EC_SUCCESS; } static int pw_handle_log_replay(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, const struct pw_request_log_replay_t *request, uint16_t req_size, struct pw_response_log_replay_t *response, uint16_t *response_size) { int ret; int x; struct pw_log_storage_t log; struct leaf_data_t leaf_data = {}; struct imported_leaf_data_t imported_leaf_data; struct wrapped_leaf_data_t wrapped_leaf_data; uint8_t hmac[PW_HASH_SIZE]; uint8_t root[PW_HASH_SIZE]; if (req_size < sizeof(*request)) return PW_ERR_LENGTH_INVALID; ret = validate_tree(merkle_tree); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* validate_request_with_wrapped_leaf() isn't used here because the * path validation is delayed to allow any valid copy of the same leaf * to be used in the replay operation as long as the result passes path * validation. */ ret = validate_leaf_header(&request->unimported_leaf_data.head, req_size - sizeof(*request), get_path_auxiliary_hash_count(merkle_tree)); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; import_leaf(&request->unimported_leaf_data, &imported_leaf_data); ret = load_log_data(&log); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* Find the relevant log entry. */ ret = find_relevant_entry(&log, request->log_root, &x); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; /* The other message types don't need to be handled by Cr50. */ if (log.entries[x].type.v != PW_TRY_AUTH) return PW_ERR_TYPE_INVALID; ret = compute_hmac(merkle_tree, &imported_leaf_data, hmac); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; if (safe_memcmp(hmac, request->unimported_leaf_data.hmac, sizeof(hmac))) return PW_ERR_HMAC_AUTH_FAILED; ret = decrypt_leaf_data(merkle_tree, &imported_leaf_data, &leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; if (leaf_data.pub.label.v != log.entries[x].label.v) return PW_ERR_LABEL_INVALID; /* Update the metadata to match the log. */ if (log.entries[x].return_code == EC_SUCCESS) leaf_data.pub.attempt_count.v = 0; else ++leaf_data.pub.attempt_count.v; memcpy(&leaf_data.pub.timestamp, &log.entries[x].timestamp, sizeof(leaf_data.pub.timestamp)); ret = handle_leaf_update(merkle_tree, &leaf_data, imported_leaf_data.hashes, &wrapped_leaf_data, root, &imported_leaf_data); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) return ret; if (memcmp(root, log.entries[x].root, PW_HASH_SIZE)) return PW_ERR_PATH_AUTH_FAILED; memcpy(&response->unimported_leaf_data, &wrapped_leaf_data, sizeof(wrapped_leaf_data)); *response_size = sizeof(*response) + PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE; return EC_SUCCESS; } struct merkle_tree_t pw_merkle_tree; /* * Handle the VENDOR_CC_PINWEAVER command. */ static enum vendor_cmd_rc pw_vendor_specific_command(enum vendor_cmd_cc code, void *buf, size_t input_size, size_t *response_size) { struct pw_request_t *request = buf; struct pw_response_t *response = buf; if (input_size < sizeof(request->header)) { ccprintf("PinWeaver: message smaller than a header (%zd).\n", input_size); return VENDOR_RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (input_size != request->header.data_length + sizeof(request->header)) { ccprintf("PinWeaver: header size mismatch %zd != %zd.\n", input_size, request->header.data_length + sizeof(request->header)); return VENDOR_RC_REQUEST_TOO_BIG; } /* The response_size is validated by compile time checks. */ /* The return value of this function call is intentionally unused. */ pw_handle_request(&pw_merkle_tree, request, response); *response_size = response->header.data_length + sizeof(response->header); /* The response is only sent for EC_SUCCESS so it is used even for * errors which are reported through header.return_code. */ return VENDOR_RC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_VENDOR_COMMAND(VENDOR_CC_PINWEAVER, pw_vendor_specific_command); /******************************************************************************/ /* Non-static functions. */ void pinweaver_init(void) { load_merkle_tree(&pw_merkle_tree); } int get_path_auxiliary_hash_count(const struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree) { return ((1 << merkle_tree->bits_per_level.v) - 1) * merkle_tree->height.v; } /* Computes the SHA256 parent hash of a set of child hashes given num_hashes * sibling hashes in hashes[] and the index of child_hash. * * Assumptions: * num_hashes == fan_out - 1 * ARRAY_SIZE(hashes) == num_hashes * 0 <= location <= num_hashes */ int compute_hash(const uint8_t hashes[][PW_HASH_SIZE], uint16_t num_hashes, struct index_t location, const uint8_t child_hash[PW_HASH_SIZE], uint8_t result[PW_HASH_SIZE]) { struct sha256_ctx ctx; if (DCRYPTO_hw_sha256_init(&ctx) != DCRYPTO_OK) return PW_ERR_CRYPTO_FAILURE; if (location.v > 0) HASH_update((union hash_ctx *)&ctx, hashes[0], PW_HASH_SIZE * location.v); HASH_update((union hash_ctx *)&ctx, child_hash, PW_HASH_SIZE); if (location.v < num_hashes) HASH_update((union hash_ctx *)&ctx, hashes[location.v], PW_HASH_SIZE * (num_hashes - location.v)); memcpy(result, HASH_final((union hash_ctx *)&ctx), PW_HASH_SIZE); return EC_SUCCESS; } /* If a request from older protocol comes, this method should make it * compatible with the current request structure. */ int make_compatible_request(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, struct pw_request_t *request) { switch (request->header.version) { case 0: /* The switch from protocol version 0 to 1 means all the * requests have the same format, except insert_leaf. * Update the request in that case. */ if (request->header.type.v == PW_INSERT_LEAF) { unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *) (&request->data.insert_leaf00.path_hashes); unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char *) (&request->data.insert_leaf.path_hashes); const int hash_count = get_path_auxiliary_hash_count(merkle_tree); const uint16_t hashes_size = hash_count * PW_HASH_SIZE; memmove(dest, src, hashes_size); memset(&request->data.insert_leaf.valid_pcr_criteria, 0, PW_VALID_PCR_CRITERIA_SIZE); request->header.data_length += PW_VALID_PCR_CRITERIA_SIZE; } /* Fallthrough to make compatible from next version */ case PW_PROTOCOL_VERSION: return 1; } /* Unsupported version. */ return 0; } /* Converts the response to be understandable by an older protocol. */ void make_compatible_response(int version, int req_type, struct pw_response_t *response) { if (version >= PW_PROTOCOL_VERSION) return; response->header.version = version; if (version == 0) { if (req_type == PW_TRY_AUTH) { unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *) (&response->data.try_auth.unimported_leaf_data); unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char *) (&response->data.try_auth00.unimported_leaf_data); memmove(dest, src, PW_LEAF_PAYLOAD_SIZE + sizeof(struct unimported_leaf_data_t)); response->header.data_length -= PW_SECRET_SIZE; } } } /* Handles the message in request using the context in merkle_tree and writes * the results to response. The return value captures any error conditions that * occurred or EC_SUCCESS if there were no errors. * * This implementation is written to handle the case where request and response * exist at the same memory location---are backed by the same buffer. This means * the implementation requires that no reads are made to request after response * has been written to. */ int pw_handle_request(struct merkle_tree_t *merkle_tree, struct pw_request_t *request, struct pw_response_t *response) { int32_t ret; uint16_t resp_length; /* Store the message type of the request since it may be overwritten * inside the switch whenever response and request overlap in memory. */ struct pw_message_type_t type = request->header.type; int version = request->header.version; resp_length = 0; if (!make_compatible_request(merkle_tree, request)) { ret = PW_ERR_VERSION_MISMATCH; goto cleanup; } switch (type.v) { case PW_RESET_TREE: ret = pw_handle_reset_tree(merkle_tree, &request->data.reset_tree, request->header.data_length); break; case PW_INSERT_LEAF: ret = pw_handle_insert_leaf(merkle_tree, &request->data.insert_leaf, request->header.data_length, &response->data.insert_leaf, &resp_length); break; case PW_REMOVE_LEAF: ret = pw_handle_remove_leaf(merkle_tree, &request->data.remove_leaf, request->header.data_length); break; case PW_TRY_AUTH: ret = pw_handle_try_auth(merkle_tree, &request->data.try_auth, request->header.data_length, &response->data.try_auth, &resp_length); break; case PW_RESET_AUTH: ret = pw_handle_reset_auth(merkle_tree, &request->data.reset_auth, request->header.data_length, &response->data.reset_auth, &resp_length); break; case PW_GET_LOG: ret = pw_handle_get_log(merkle_tree, &request->data.get_log, request->header.data_length, (void *)&response->data, &resp_length); break; case PW_LOG_REPLAY: ret = pw_handle_log_replay(merkle_tree, &request->data.log_replay, request->header.data_length, &response->data.log_replay, &resp_length); break; default: ret = PW_ERR_TYPE_INVALID; break; } cleanup: response->header.version = PW_PROTOCOL_VERSION; response->header.data_length = resp_length; response->header.result_code = ret; memcpy(&response->header.root, merkle_tree->root, sizeof(merkle_tree->root)); make_compatible_response(version, type.v, response); return ret; };