/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * Smart battery driver. */ #include "console.h" #include "host_command.h" #include "smart_battery.h" #include "timer.h" #include "util.h" /* Read battery discharging current * unit: mA * negative value: charging */ int battery_current(int *current) { int rv, d; rv = sb_read(SB_CURRENT, &d); if (rv) return rv; *current = (int16_t)d; return EC_SUCCESS; } int battery_average_current(int *current) { int rv, d; rv = sb_read(SB_AVERAGE_CURRENT, &d); if (rv) return rv; *current = (int16_t)d; return EC_SUCCESS; } /* Calculate battery time in minutes, under a charging rate * rate > 0: charging, negative time to full * rate < 0: discharging, positive time to empty * rate == 0: invalid input, time = 0 */ int battery_time_at_rate(int rate, int *minutes) { int rv; int ok, time; int loop, cmd, output_sign; if (rate == 0) { *minutes = 0; return EC_ERROR_INVAL; } rv = sb_write(SB_AT_RATE, rate); if (rv) return rv; loop = 5; while (loop--) { rv = sb_read(SB_AT_RATE_OK, &ok); if (rv) return rv; if (ok) { if (rate > 0) { cmd = SB_AT_RATE_TIME_TO_FULL; output_sign = -1; } else { cmd = SB_AT_RATE_TIME_TO_EMPTY; output_sign = 1; } rv = sb_read(cmd, &time); if (rv) return rv; *minutes = (time == 0xffff) ? 0 : output_sign * time; return EC_SUCCESS; } else { /* wait 10ms for AT_RATE_OK */ msleep(10); } } return EC_ERROR_TIMEOUT; } /* Read manufacturer date */ int battery_manufacturer_date(int *year, int *month, int *day) { int rv; int ymd; rv = sb_read(SB_SPECIFICATION_INFO, &ymd); if (rv) return rv; /* battery date format: * ymd = day + month * 32 + (year - 1980) * 256 */ *year = (ymd >> 8) + 1980; *month = (ymd & 0xff) / 32; *day = (ymd & 0xff) % 32; return EC_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Console commands */ static int print_battery_info(void) { int value; int hour, minute; char text[32]; const char *unit; int rv; rv = battery_temperature(&value); if (rv) return rv; ccprintf(" Temp: 0x%04x = %.1d K (%.1d C)\n", value, value, value - 2731); ccprintf(" Manuf: %s\n", battery_manufacturer_name(text, sizeof(text)) == EC_SUCCESS ? text : "(error)"); ccprintf(" Device: %s\n", battery_device_name(text, sizeof(text)) == EC_SUCCESS ? text : "(error)"); ccprintf(" Chem: %s\n", battery_device_chemistry(text, sizeof(text)) == EC_SUCCESS ? text : "(error)"); battery_serial_number(&value); ccprintf(" Serial: 0x%04x\n", value); battery_voltage(&value); ccprintf(" V: 0x%04x = %d mV\n", value, value); battery_desired_voltage(&value); ccprintf(" V-desired: 0x%04x = %d mV\n", value, value); battery_design_voltage(&value); ccprintf(" V-design: 0x%04x = %d mV\n", value, value); battery_current(&value); ccprintf(" I: 0x%04x = %d mA", value & 0xffff, value); if (value > 0) ccputs("(CHG)"); else if (value < 0) ccputs("(DISCHG)"); ccputs("\n"); battery_desired_current(&value); ccprintf(" I-desired: 0x%04x = %d mA\n", value, value); battery_get_battery_mode(&value); ccprintf(" Mode: 0x%04x\n", value); unit = (value & MODE_CAPACITY) ? "0 mW" : " mAh"; battery_state_of_charge(&value); ccprintf(" Charge: %d %%\n", value); battery_state_of_charge_abs(&value); ccprintf(" Abs: %d %%\n", value); battery_remaining_capacity(&value); ccprintf(" Remaining: %d%s\n", value, unit); battery_full_charge_capacity(&value); ccprintf(" Cap-full: %d%s\n", value, unit); battery_design_capacity(&value); ccprintf(" Design: %d%s\n", value, unit); battery_time_to_full(&value); if (value == 65535) { hour = 0; minute = 0; } else { hour = value / 60; minute = value % 60; } ccprintf(" Time-full: %dh:%d\n", hour, minute); battery_time_to_empty(&value); if (value == 65535) { hour = 0; minute = 0; } else { hour = value / 60; minute = value % 60; } ccprintf(" Empty: %dh:%d\n", hour, minute); return 0; } static int command_battery(int argc, char **argv) { int repeat = 1; int rv = 0; int loop; char *e; if (argc > 1) { repeat = strtoi(argv[1], &e, 0); if (*e) { ccputs("Invalid repeat count\n"); return EC_ERROR_INVAL; } } for (loop = 0; loop < repeat; loop++) rv = print_battery_info(); if (rv) ccprintf("Failed - error %d\n", rv); return rv ? EC_ERROR_UNKNOWN : EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(battery, command_battery, "", "Print battery info", NULL); /* Usage:sb cmd [uint16_t w_word] * sb r 0x14 // desired charging current * sb r 0x15 // desired charging voltage * sb r 0x3 // battery mode * sb w 0x3 0xe001 // set battery mode */ static int command_sb(int argc, char **argv) { int rv; int cmd, d; char *e; if (argc < 3) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; cmd = strtoi(argv[2], &e, 0); if (*e) return EC_ERROR_PARAM2; if (argv[1][0] == 'r') { rv = i2c_read16(I2C_PORT_BATTERY, BATTERY_ADDR, cmd, &d); if (rv) return rv; ccprintf("R SBCMD[%04x] 0x%04x (%d)\n", cmd, d, d); return EC_SUCCESS; } else if (argc >= 4 && argv[1][0] == 'w') { d = strtoi(argv[3], &e, 0); if (*e) return EC_ERROR_PARAM3; ccprintf("W SBCMD[%04x] 0x%04x (%d)\n", cmd, d, d); rv = i2c_write16(I2C_PORT_BATTERY, BATTERY_ADDR, cmd, d); if (rv) return rv; return EC_SUCCESS; } return EC_ERROR_INVAL; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(sb, command_sb, "[r addr | w addr value]", "Read/write smart battery data", NULL); /*****************************************************************************/ /* Smart battery pass-through */ #ifdef CONFIG_I2C_PASSTHROUGH static int host_command_sb_read_word(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { int rv; int val; const struct ec_params_sb_rd *p = args->params; struct ec_response_sb_rd_word *r = args->response; if (p->reg > 0x1c) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; rv = i2c_read16(I2C_PORT_BATTERY, BATTERY_ADDR, p->reg, &val); if (rv) return EC_RES_ERROR; r->value = val; args->response_size = sizeof(struct ec_response_sb_rd_word); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_SB_READ_WORD, host_command_sb_read_word, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int host_command_sb_write_word(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { int rv; const struct ec_params_sb_wr_word *p = args->params; if (p->reg > 0x1c) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; rv = i2c_write16(I2C_PORT_BATTERY, BATTERY_ADDR, p->reg, p->value); if (rv) return EC_RES_ERROR; return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_SB_WRITE_WORD, host_command_sb_write_word, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int host_command_sb_read_block(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { int rv; const struct ec_params_sb_rd *p = args->params; struct ec_response_sb_rd_block *r = args->response; if ((p->reg != SB_MANUFACTURER_NAME) && (p->reg != SB_DEVICE_NAME) && (p->reg != SB_DEVICE_CHEMISTRY) && (p->reg != SB_MANUFACTURER_DATA)) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; rv = i2c_read_string(I2C_PORT_BATTERY, BATTERY_ADDR, p->reg, r->data, 32); if (rv) return EC_RES_ERROR; args->response_size = sizeof(struct ec_response_sb_rd_block); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_SB_READ_BLOCK, host_command_sb_read_block, EC_VER_MASK(0)); static int host_command_sb_write_block(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { /* Not implemented */ return EC_RES_INVALID_COMMAND; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_SB_WRITE_BLOCK, host_command_sb_write_block, EC_VER_MASK(0)); #endif