/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* NEW thermal engine module for Chrome EC. This is a completely different * implementation from the original version that shipped on Link. */ #include "atomic.h" #include "chipset.h" #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "dptf.h" #include "fan.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "host_command.h" #include "temp_sensor.h" #include "thermal.h" #include "throttle_ap.h" #include "timer.h" #include "util.h" /* Console output macros */ #define CPUTS(outstr) cputs(CC_THERMAL, outstr) #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_THERMAL, format, ## args) /*****************************************************************************/ /* DPTF temperature thresholds */ static struct { int temp; /* degrees K, negative for disabled */ cond_t over; /* watch for crossings */ } dptf_threshold[TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT][DPTF_THRESHOLDS_PER_SENSOR]; static void dptf_init(void) { int id, t; for (id = 0; id < TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; id++) for (t = 0; t < DPTF_THRESHOLDS_PER_SENSOR; t++) { dptf_threshold[id][t].temp = -1; cond_init(&dptf_threshold[id][t].over, 0); } } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, dptf_init, HOOK_PRIO_DEFAULT); /* Keep track of which triggered sensor thresholds the AP has seen */ static uint32_t dptf_seen; int dptf_query_next_sensor_event(void) { int id; for (id = 0; id < TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; id++) if (dptf_seen & (1 << id)) { /* atomic? */ atomic_clear(&dptf_seen, (1 << id)); return id; } return -1; } /* Return true if any threshold transition occurs. */ static int dpft_check_temp_threshold(int sensor_id, int temp) { int tripped = 0; int max, i; for (i = 0; i < DPTF_THRESHOLDS_PER_SENSOR; i++) { max = dptf_threshold[sensor_id][i].temp; if (max < 0) /* disabled? */ continue; if (temp >= max) cond_set_true(&dptf_threshold[sensor_id][i].over); else if (temp <= max - DPTF_THRESHOLD_HYSTERESIS) cond_set_false(&dptf_threshold[sensor_id][i].over); if (cond_went_true(&dptf_threshold[sensor_id][i].over)) { CPRINTS("DPTF over threshold [%d][%d", sensor_id, i); atomic_or(&dptf_seen, (1 << sensor_id)); tripped = 1; } if (cond_went_false(&dptf_threshold[sensor_id][i].over)) { CPRINTS("DPTF under threshold [%d][%d", sensor_id, i); atomic_or(&dptf_seen, (1 << sensor_id)); tripped = 1; } } return tripped; } void dptf_set_temp_threshold(int sensor_id, int temp, int idx, int enable) { CPRINTS("DPTF sensor %d, threshold %d C, index %d, %sabled", sensor_id, K_TO_C(temp), idx, enable ? "en" : "dis"); if (enable) { /* Don't update threshold condition if already enabled */ if (dptf_threshold[sensor_id][idx].temp == -1) cond_init(&dptf_threshold[sensor_id][idx].over, 0); dptf_threshold[sensor_id][idx].temp = temp; atomic_clear(&dptf_seen, (1 << sensor_id)); } else { dptf_threshold[sensor_id][idx].temp = -1; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* EC-specific thermal controls */ test_mockable_static void smi_sensor_failure_warning(void) { CPRINTS("can't read any temp sensors!"); host_set_single_event(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL); } int thermal_fan_percent(int low, int high, int cur) { if (cur < low) return 0; if (cur > high) return 100; return 100 * (cur - low) / (high - low); } /* The logic below is hard-coded for only three thresholds: WARN, HIGH, HALT. * This is just a sanity check to be sure we catch any changes in thermal.h */ BUILD_ASSERT(EC_TEMP_THRESH_COUNT == 3); /* Keep track of which thresholds have triggered */ static cond_t cond_hot[EC_TEMP_THRESH_COUNT]; static void thermal_control(void) { int i, j, t, rv, f; int count_over[EC_TEMP_THRESH_COUNT]; int count_under[EC_TEMP_THRESH_COUNT]; int num_valid_limits[EC_TEMP_THRESH_COUNT]; int num_sensors_read; int fmax; int dptf_tripped; int temp_fan_configured; /* Get ready to count things */ memset(count_over, 0, sizeof(count_over)); memset(count_under, 0, sizeof(count_under)); memset(num_valid_limits, 0, sizeof(num_valid_limits)); num_sensors_read = 0; fmax = 0; dptf_tripped = 0; temp_fan_configured = 0; /* go through all the sensors */ for (i = 0; i < TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; ++i) { /* read one */ rv = temp_sensor_read(i, &t); if (rv != EC_SUCCESS) continue; else num_sensors_read++; /* check all the limits */ for (j = 0; j < EC_TEMP_THRESH_COUNT; j++) { int limit = thermal_params[i].temp_host[j]; if (limit) { num_valid_limits[j]++; if (t > limit) count_over[j]++; else if (t < limit) count_under[j]++; } } /* figure out the max fan needed, too */ if (thermal_params[i].temp_fan_off && thermal_params[i].temp_fan_max) { f = thermal_fan_percent(thermal_params[i].temp_fan_off, thermal_params[i].temp_fan_max, t); if (f > fmax) fmax = f; temp_fan_configured = 1; } /* and check the dptf thresholds */ dptf_tripped |= dpft_check_temp_threshold(i, t); } if (!num_sensors_read) { /* * Trigger a SMI event if we can't read any sensors. * * In theory we could do something more elaborate like forcing * the system to shut down if no sensors are available after * several retries. This is a very unlikely scenario - * particularly on LM4-based boards, since the LM4 has its own * internal temp sensor. It's most likely to occur during * bringup of a new board, where we haven't debugged the I2C * bus to the sensors; forcing a shutdown in that case would * merely hamper board bringup. */ smi_sensor_failure_warning(); return; } /* See what the aggregated limits are. Any temp over the limit * means it's hot, but all temps have to be under the limit to * be cool again. */ for (j = 0; j < EC_TEMP_THRESH_COUNT; j++) { if (count_over[j]) cond_set_true(&cond_hot[j]); else if (count_under[j] == num_valid_limits[j]) cond_set_false(&cond_hot[j]); } /* What do we do about it? (note hard-coded logic). */ if (cond_went_true(&cond_hot[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HALT])) { CPRINTS("thermal SHUTDOWN"); chipset_force_shutdown(); } else if (cond_went_false(&cond_hot[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HALT])) { /* We don't reboot automatically - the user has to push * the power button. It's likely that we can't even * detect this sensor transition until then, but we * do have to check in order to clear the cond_t. */ CPRINTS("thermal no longer shutdown"); } if (cond_went_true(&cond_hot[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HIGH])) { CPRINTS("thermal HIGH"); throttle_ap(THROTTLE_ON, THROTTLE_HARD, THROTTLE_SRC_THERMAL); } else if (cond_went_false(&cond_hot[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HIGH])) { CPRINTS("thermal no longer high"); throttle_ap(THROTTLE_OFF, THROTTLE_HARD, THROTTLE_SRC_THERMAL); } if (cond_went_true(&cond_hot[EC_TEMP_THRESH_WARN])) { CPRINTS("thermal WARN"); throttle_ap(THROTTLE_ON, THROTTLE_SOFT, THROTTLE_SRC_THERMAL); } else if (cond_went_false(&cond_hot[EC_TEMP_THRESH_WARN])) { CPRINTS("thermal no longer warn"); throttle_ap(THROTTLE_OFF, THROTTLE_SOFT, THROTTLE_SRC_THERMAL); } if (temp_fan_configured) { #ifdef CONFIG_FANS /* TODO(crosbug.com/p/23797): For now, we just treat all fans the * same. It would be better if we could assign different thermal * profiles to each fan - in case one fan cools the CPU while another * cools the radios or battery. */ for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_FANS; i++) fan_set_percent_needed(i, fmax); #endif } /* Don't forget to signal any DPTF thresholds */ if (dptf_tripped) host_set_single_event(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_THRESHOLD); } /* Wait until after the sensors have been read */ DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_SECOND, thermal_control, HOOK_PRIO_TEMP_SENSOR_DONE); /*****************************************************************************/ /* Console commands */ static int command_thermalget(int argc, char **argv) { int i; ccprintf("sensor warn high halt fan_off fan_max name\n"); for (i = 0; i < TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; i++) { ccprintf(" %2d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %s\n", i, thermal_params[i].temp_host[EC_TEMP_THRESH_WARN], thermal_params[i].temp_host[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HIGH], thermal_params[i].temp_host[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HALT], thermal_params[i].temp_fan_off, thermal_params[i].temp_fan_max, temp_sensors[i].name); } return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(thermalget, command_thermalget, NULL, "Print thermal parameters (degrees Kelvin)", NULL); static int command_thermalset(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int n; int i, val; char *e; if (argc < 3 || argc > 7) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; n = (unsigned int)strtoi(argv[1], &e, 0); if (*e) return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { val = strtoi(argv[i], &e, 0); if (*e) return EC_ERROR_PARAM1 + i - 1; if (val < 0) continue; switch (i) { case 2: thermal_params[n].temp_host[EC_TEMP_THRESH_WARN] = val; break; case 3: thermal_params[n].temp_host[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HIGH] = val; break; case 4: thermal_params[n].temp_host[EC_TEMP_THRESH_HALT] = val; break; case 5: thermal_params[n].temp_fan_off = val; break; case 6: thermal_params[n].temp_fan_max = val; break; } } command_thermalget(0, 0); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(thermalset, command_thermalset, "sensor warn [high [shutdown [fan_off [fan_max]]]]", "Set thermal parameters (degrees Kelvin)." " Use -1 to skip.", NULL); static int command_dptftemp(int argc, char **argv) { int id, t; int temp, trig; ccprintf("sensor thresh0 thresh1\n"); for (id = 0; id < TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; id++) { ccprintf(" %2d", id); for (t = 0; t < DPTF_THRESHOLDS_PER_SENSOR; t++) { temp = dptf_threshold[id][t].temp; trig = cond_is_true(&dptf_threshold[id][t].over); if (temp < 0) ccprintf(" --- "); else ccprintf(" %3d%c", temp, trig ? '*' : ' '); } ccprintf(" %s\n", temp_sensors[id].name); } ccprintf("AP seen mask: 0x%08x\n", dptf_seen); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(dptftemp, command_dptftemp, NULL, "Print DPTF thermal parameters (degrees Kelvin)", NULL); /*****************************************************************************/ /* Host commands. We'll reuse the host command number, but this is version 1, * not version 0. Different structs, different meanings. */ static int thermal_command_set_threshold(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { const struct ec_params_thermal_set_threshold_v1 *p = args->params; if (p->sensor_num >= TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; thermal_params[p->sensor_num] = p->cfg; return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_THERMAL_SET_THRESHOLD, thermal_command_set_threshold, EC_VER_MASK(1)); static int thermal_command_get_threshold(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { const struct ec_params_thermal_get_threshold_v1 *p = args->params; struct ec_thermal_config *r = args->response; if (p->sensor_num >= TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT) return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; *r = thermal_params[p->sensor_num]; args->response_size = sizeof(*r); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_THERMAL_GET_THRESHOLD, thermal_command_get_threshold, EC_VER_MASK(1));