/* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* * Common utility APIs for vboot 2.1 */ #include "common.h" #include "rsa.h" #include "rwsig.h" #include "vb21_struct.h" #include "vboot.h" int vb21_is_packed_key_valid(const struct vb21_packed_key *key) { if (key->c.magic != VB21_MAGIC_PACKED_KEY) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_KEY_MAGIC; if (key->key_size != sizeof(struct rsa_public_key)) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_KEY_SIZE; return EC_SUCCESS; } int vb21_is_signature_valid(const struct vb21_signature *sig, const struct vb21_packed_key *key) { if (sig->c.magic != VB21_MAGIC_SIGNATURE) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_SIG_MAGIC; if (sig->sig_size != RSANUMBYTES) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_SIG_SIZE; if (key->sig_alg != sig->sig_alg) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_SIG_ALGORITHM; if (key->hash_alg != sig->hash_alg) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_HASH_ALGORITHM; /* Sanity check signature offset and data size. */ if (sig->sig_offset < sizeof(*sig)) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_SIG_OFFSET; if (sig->sig_offset + RSANUMBYTES > CONFIG_RW_SIG_SIZE) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_SIG_OFFSET; if (sig->data_size > CONFIG_RW_SIZE - CONFIG_RW_SIG_SIZE) return EC_ERROR_VBOOT_DATA_SIZE; return EC_SUCCESS; }