/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Math utility functions for minute-IA */ #ifndef __CROS_EC_MATH_H #define __CROS_EC_MATH_H #include "config.h" #ifdef CONFIG_FPU #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 static inline float sqrtf(float v) { float root; /* root = fsqart (v); */ asm volatile( "fsqrt" : "=t" (root) : "0" (v) ); return root; } /* Absolute value of V. */ static inline float fabsf(float v) { float root; /* root = fabs (v); */ asm volatile( "fabs" : "=t" (root) : "0" (v) ); return root; } /** * Natural logarithm of V. * * @return ln(v) */ static inline float logf(float v) { float res; asm volatile( "fldln2\n" "fxch\n" "fyl2x\n" : "=t" (res) : "0" (v)); return res; } /** * Exponential function of V. * * @return e**v */ static inline float expf(float v) { float res; asm volatile( "fldl2e\n" "fmulp\n" "fld %%st(0)\n" "frndint\n" "fsubr %%st(0),%%st(1)\n" /* bug-binutils/19054 */ "fxch %%st(1)\n" "f2xm1\n" "fld1\n" "faddp\n" "fscale\n" "fstp %%st(1)\n" : "=t" (res) : "0" (v)); return res; } /** * X to the Y power. * * @return x**y */ static inline float powf(float x, float y) { float res; asm volatile( "fyl2x\n" "fld %%st(0)\n" "frndint\n" "fsub %%st,%%st(1)\n" "fxch\n" "fchs\n" "f2xm1\n" "fld1\n" "faddp\n" "fxch\n" "fld1\n" "fscale\n" "fstp %%st(1)\n" "fmulp\n" : "=t" (res) : "0" (x), "u" (y) : "st(1)"); return res; } /* Smallest integral value not less than V. */ static inline float ceilf(float v) { float res; unsigned short control_word, control_word_tmp; asm volatile("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (control_word)); /* Set Rounding Mode to 10B, round up toward +infinity */ control_word_tmp = (control_word | 0x0800) & 0xfbff; asm volatile( "fld %3\n" "fldcw %1\n" "frndint\n" "fldcw %2" : "=t" (res) : "m" (control_word_tmp), "m"(control_word), "m" (v)); return res; } /* Arc tangent of Y/X. */ static inline float atan2f(float y, float x) { float res; asm volatile("fpatan" : "=t" (res) : "0" (x), "u" (y) : "st(1)"); return res; } /* Arc tangent of V. */ static inline float atanf(float v) { float res; asm volatile( "fld1\n" "fpatan\n" : "=t" (res) : "0" (v)); return res; } /* Sine of V. */ static inline float sinf(float v) { float res; asm volatile("fsin" : "=t" (res) : "0" (v)); return res; } /* Cosine of V. */ static inline float cosf(float v) { float res; asm volatile("fcos" : "=t" (res) : "0" (v)); return res; } /* Arc cosine of V. */ static inline float acosf(float v) { return atan2f(sqrtf(1.0 - v * v), v); } #define COND_FP_NAN 0x0100 #define COND_FP_SIGNBIT 0x0200 #define COND_FP_NORMAL 0x0400 #define COND_FP_ZERO 0x4000 #define COND_FP_INFINITE (COND_FP_NAN | COND_FP_NORMAL) /* Check if V is NaN (not-a-number). */ static inline int __isnanf(float v) { uint16_t stat; asm volatile( "fxam\n" "fnstsw %0\n" : "=r" (stat) : "0" (v)); return (stat & (COND_FP_NAN | COND_FP_NORMAL | COND_FP_ZERO)) == COND_FP_NAN; } /** * Check if V is infinite. * * @return 0 if V is finite or NaN. * @return +1 if V is +infinite. * @return -1 if V is -infinite. */ static inline int __isinff(float v) { uint16_t stat; asm volatile( "fxam\n" "fnstsw %0\n" : "=r" (stat) : "v" (v)); if ((stat & (COND_FP_NAN | COND_FP_NORMAL | COND_FP_ZERO)) == COND_FP_INFINITE) { /* Infinite number, check sign */ return stat & COND_FP_SIGNBIT ? -1 : 1; } /* Finite or NaN */ return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_FPU */ #endif /* __CROS_EC_MATH_H */