# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import fcntl import os import select import subprocess as sp import time OCD_SCRIPT_DIR = '/usr/local/share/openocd/scripts' OPENOCD_CONFIGS = { 'stm32l476g-eval': 'board/stm32l4discovery.cfg', 'nucleo-f072rb': 'board/st_nucleo_f0.cfg', } FLASH_OFFSETS = { 'stm32l476g-eval': '0x08000000', 'nucleo-f072rb': '0x08000000', } class Board(object): """Class representing a single board connected to a host machine Attributes: board: String containing actual type of board, i.e. nucleo-f072rb config: Directory of board config file relative to openocd's scripts directory hla_serial: String containing board's hla_serial number (if board is an stm32 board) tty_port: String that is the path to the tty port which board's UART outputs to tty: String of file descriptor for tty_port """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta # This is an Abstract Base Class (ABC) def __init__(self, board, hla_serial=None): """Initializes a board object with given attributes Args: board: String containing board name hla_serial: Serial number if board's adaptor is an HLA """ if not board in OPENOCD_CONFIGS: msg = 'OpenOcd configuration not found for ' + board raise RuntimeError(msg) self.openocd_config = OPENOCD_CONFIGS[board] if not board in FLASH_OFFSETS: msg = 'Flash offset not found for ' + board raise RuntimeError(msg) self.flash_offset = FLASH_OFFSETS[board] self.board = board self.hla_serial = hla_serial self.tty_port = None self.tty = None @staticmethod def get_stlink_serials(): """Gets serial numbers of all st-link v2.1 board attached to host Returns: List of serials """ usb_args = ['lsusb', '-v', '-d', '0x0483:0x374b'] usb_process = sp.Popen(usb_args, stdout=sp.PIPE, shell=False) st_link_info = usb_process.communicate()[0] st_serials = [] for line in st_link_info.split('\n'): if not 'iSerial' in line: continue words = line.split() if len(words) <= 2: continue st_serials.append(words[2].strip()) return st_serials @abstractmethod def get_serial(self): """Subclass should implement this""" pass def send_open_ocd_commands(self, commands): """Send a command to the board via openocd Args: commands: A list of commands to send """ args = ['openocd', '-s', OCD_SCRIPT_DIR, '-f', self.openocd_config, '-c', 'hla_serial ' + self.hla_serial] for cmd in commands: args += ['-c', cmd] args += ['-c', 'shutdown'] return sp.call(args) def build(self, module, ec_dir, debug=False): """Builds test suite module for board Args: module: String of the test module you are building, i.e. gpio, timer, etc. ec_dir: String of the ec directory path debug: True means compile in debug messages when building (may affect test results) """ cmds = ['make', '--directory=' + ec_dir, 'BOARD=' + self.board, 'CTS_MODULE=' + module, '-j'] if debug: cmds.append('CTS_DEBUG=TRUE') print ' '.join(cmds) return sp.call(cmds) def flash(self, image_path): """Flashes board with most recent build ec.bin""" cmd = ['reset_config connect_assert_srst', 'init', 'reset init', 'flash write_image erase %s %s' % (image_path, self.flash_offset)] return self.send_open_ocd_commands(cmd) def to_string(self): s = ('Type: Board\n' 'board: ' + self.board + '\n' 'hla_serial: ' + self.hla_serial + '\n' 'openocd_config: ' + self.openocd_config + '\n' 'tty_port: ' + self.tty_port + '\n' 'tty: ' + str(self.tty) + '\n') return s def reset(self): """Reset board (used when can't connect to TTY)""" self.send_open_ocd_commands(['init', 'reset init', 'resume']) def setup_tty(self): """Call this before trying to call readOutput for the first time. This is not in the initialization because caller only should call this function after serial numbers are setup """ self.get_serial() self.reset() self.identify_tty_port() # In testing 3 retries is enough to reset board (2 can fail) num_file_setup_retries = 3 # In testing, 10 seconds is sufficient to allow board to reconnect reset_wait_time_seconds = 10 tty = None try: tty = self.open_tty() # If board was just connected, must be reset to be read from except (IOError, OSError): for i in range(num_file_setup_retries): self.reset() time.sleep(reset_wait_time_seconds) try: tty = self.open_tty() break except (IOError, OSError): continue if not tty: raise ValueError('Unable to read ' + self.board + '. If you are running ' 'cat on a ttyACMx file, please kill that process and ' 'try again') self.tty = tty def read_tty(self): """Read info from a serial port described by a file descriptor Return: Bytes that UART has output """ buf = [] while True: if select.select([self.tty], [], [], 1)[0]: buf.append(os.read(self.tty, 1)) else: break result = ''.join(buf) return result def identify_tty_port(self): """Saves this board's serial port""" dev_dir = '/dev' id_prefix = 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT=' num_reset_tries = 3 reset_wait_time_s = 10 com_devices = [f for f in os.listdir(dev_dir) if f.startswith('ttyACM')] for i in range(num_reset_tries): for device in com_devices: self.tty_port = os.path.join(dev_dir, device) properties = sp.check_output(['udevadm', 'info', '-a', '-n', self.tty_port, '--query=property']) for line in [l.strip() for l in properties.split('\n')]: if line.startswith(id_prefix): if self.hla_serial == line[len(id_prefix):]: return if i != num_reset_tries - 1: # No need to reset the board the last time self.reset() # May need to reset to connect time.sleep(reset_wait_time_s) # If we get here without returning, something is wrong raise RuntimeError('The device dev path could not be found') def open_tty(self): """Read available bytes from device dev path""" fd = os.open(self.tty_port, os.O_RDONLY) flag = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flag | os.O_NONBLOCK) return fd class TestHarness(Board): """Subclass of Board representing a Test Harness Attributes: serial_path: Path to file containing serial number """ def __init__(self, board, serial_path): """Initializes a board object with given attributes Args: serial_path: Path to file containing serial number """ Board.__init__(self, board=board) self.serial_path = serial_path def get_serial(self): """Loads serial number from saved location""" if self.hla_serial: return # serial was already loaded try: with open(self.serial_path, mode='r') as ser_f: self.hla_serial = ser_f.read() return except IOError: msg = ('Your TH board has not been identified.\n' 'Connect only TH and run the script --setup, then try again.') raise RuntimeError(msg) def save_serial(self): """Saves the TH serial number to a file""" serials = Board.get_stlink_serials() if len(serials) > 1: msg = ('There are more than one test board connected to the host.' '\nConnect only the test harness and remove other boards.') raise RuntimeError(msg) if len(serials) < 1: msg = ('No test boards were found.' '\nTry to run the script outside chroot.') raise RuntimeError(msg) serial = serials[0] dir = os.path.dirname(self.serial_path) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) with open(self.serial_path, mode='w') as ser_f: ser_f.write(serial) self.hla_serial = serial print 'Your TH serial', serial, 'has been saved as', self.serial_path return class DeviceUnderTest(Board): """Subclass of Board representing a DUT board Attributes: th: Reference to test harness board to which this DUT is attached """ def __init__(self, board, th, hla_ser=None): """Initializes a Device Under Test object with given attributes Args: board: String containing board name th: Reference to test harness board to which this DUT is attached hla_serial: Serial number if board uses an HLA adaptor """ Board.__init__(self, board, hla_serial=hla_ser) self.th = th def get_serial(self): """Get serial number. Precondition: The DUT and TH must both be connected, and th.hla_serial must hold the correct value (the th's serial #) """ if self.hla_serial != None: # serial was already set ('' is a valid serial) return serials = Board.get_stlink_serials() dut = [s for s in serials if self.th.hla_serial != s] # If len(dut) is 0 then your dut doesn't use an st-link device, so we # don't have to worry about its serial number if len(dut) != 1: msg = ('Your TH serial number is incorrect, or your have' ' too many st-link devices attached.') raise RuntimeError(msg) # Found your other st-link device serial! self.hla_serial = dut[0] return