# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Note: This is a py2/3 compatible file. from __future__ import print_function from abc import ABCMeta from abc import abstractmethod import os import shutil import subprocess as sp import serial import six OCD_SCRIPT_DIR = '/usr/share/openocd/scripts' OPENOCD_CONFIGS = { 'stm32l476g-eval': 'board/stm32l4discovery.cfg', 'nucleo-f072rb': 'board/st_nucleo_f0.cfg', 'nucleo-f411re': 'board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg', } FLASH_OFFSETS = { 'stm32l476g-eval': '0x08000000', 'nucleo-f072rb': '0x08000000', 'nucleo-f411re': '0x08000000', } REBOOT_MARKER = 'UART initialized after reboot' def get_subprocess_args(): if six.PY3: return {'encoding': 'utf-8'} return {} class Board(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """Class representing a single board connected to a host machine. Attributes: board: String containing actual type of board, i.e. nucleo-f072rb config: Directory of board config file relative to openocd's scripts directory hla_serial: String containing board's hla_serial number (if board is an stm32 board) tty_port: String that is the path to the tty port which board's UART outputs to tty: String of file descriptor for tty_port """ def __init__(self, board, module, hla_serial=None): """Initializes a board object with given attributes. Args: board: String containing board name module: String of the test module you are building, i.e. gpio, timer, etc. hla_serial: Serial number if board's adaptor is an HLA Raises: RuntimeError: Board is not supported """ if board not in OPENOCD_CONFIGS: msg = 'OpenOcd configuration not found for ' + board raise RuntimeError(msg) if board not in FLASH_OFFSETS: msg = 'Flash offset not found for ' + board raise RuntimeError(msg) self.board = board self.flash_offset = FLASH_OFFSETS[self.board] self.openocd_config = OPENOCD_CONFIGS[self.board] self.module = module self.hla_serial = hla_serial self.tty_port = None self.tty = None def reset_log_dir(self): """Reset log directory.""" if os.path.isdir(self.log_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.log_dir) os.makedirs(self.log_dir) @staticmethod def get_stlink_serials(): """Gets serial numbers of all st-link v2.1 board attached to host. Returns: List of serials """ usb_args = ['sudo', 'lsusb', '-v', '-d', '0x0483:0x374b'] st_link_info = sp.check_output(usb_args, **get_subprocess_args()) st_serials = [] for line in st_link_info.split('\n'): if 'iSerial' not in line: continue words = line.split() if len(words) <= 2: continue st_serials.append(words[2].strip()) return st_serials @abstractmethod def get_serial(self): """Subclass should implement this.""" pass def send_openocd_commands(self, commands): """Send a command to the board via openocd. Args: commands: A list of commands to send Returns: True if execution is successful or False otherwise. """ args = ['sudo', 'openocd', '-s', OCD_SCRIPT_DIR, '-f', self.openocd_config, '-c', 'hla_serial ' + self.hla_serial] for cmd in commands: args += ['-c', cmd] args += ['-c', 'shutdown'] rv = 1 with open(self.openocd_log, 'a') as output: rv = sp.call(args, stdout=output, stderr=sp.STDOUT) if rv != 0: self.dump_openocd_log() return rv == 0 def dump_openocd_log(self): with open(self.openocd_log) as log: print(log.read()) def build(self, ec_dir): """Builds test suite module for board. Args: ec_dir: String of the ec directory path Returns: True if build is successful or False otherwise. """ cmds = ['make', '--directory=' + ec_dir, 'BOARD=' + self.board, 'CTS_MODULE=' + self.module, '-j'] rv = 1 with open(self.build_log, 'a') as output: rv = sp.call(cmds, stdout=output, stderr=sp.STDOUT) if rv != 0: self.dump_build_log() return rv == 0 def dump_build_log(self): with open(self.build_log) as log: print(log.read()) def flash(self, image_path): """Flashes board with most recent build ec.bin.""" cmd = ['reset_config connect_assert_srst', 'init', 'reset init', 'flash write_image erase %s %s' % (image_path, self.flash_offset)] return self.send_openocd_commands(cmd) def to_string(self): s = ('Type: Board\n' 'board: ' + self.board + '\n' 'hla_serial: ' + self.hla_serial + '\n' 'openocd_config: ' + self.openocd_config + '\n' 'tty_port: ' + self.tty_port + '\n' 'tty: ' + str(self.tty) + '\n') return s def reset_halt(self): """Reset then halt board.""" return self.send_openocd_commands(['init', 'reset halt']) def resume(self): """Resume halting board.""" return self.send_openocd_commands(['init', 'resume']) def setup_tty(self): """Call this before calling read_tty for the first time. This is not in the initialization because caller only should call this function after serial numbers are setup """ self.get_serial() self.reset_halt() self.identify_tty_port() tty = None try: tty = serial.Serial(self.tty_port, 115200, timeout=1) except serial.SerialException: raise ValueError('Failed to open ' + self.tty_port + ' of ' + self.board + '. Please make sure the port is available and you have' + ' permission to read it. Create dialout group and run:' + ' sudo usermod -a -G dialout .') self.tty = tty def read_tty(self, max_boot_count=1): """Read info from a serial port described by a file descriptor. Args: max_boot_count: Stop reading if boot count exceeds this number Returns: result: characters read from tty boot: boot counts """ buf = [] line = [] boot = 0 while True: c = self.tty.read().decode('utf-8') if not c: break line.append(c) if c == '\n': l = ''.join(line) buf.append(l) if REBOOT_MARKER in l: boot += 1 line = [] if boot > max_boot_count: break l = ''.join(line) buf.append(l) result = ''.join(buf) return result, boot def identify_tty_port(self): """Saves this board's serial port.""" dev_dir = '/dev' id_prefix = 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT=' com_devices = [f for f in os.listdir(dev_dir) if f.startswith('ttyACM')] for device in com_devices: self.tty_port = os.path.join(dev_dir, device) properties = sp.check_output( ['udevadm', 'info', '-a', '-n', self.tty_port, '--query=property'], **get_subprocess_args()) for line in [l.strip() for l in properties.split('\n')]: if line.startswith(id_prefix): if self.hla_serial == line[len(id_prefix):]: return # If we get here without returning, something is wrong raise RuntimeError('The device dev path could not be found') def close_tty(self): """Close tty.""" self.tty.close() class TestHarness(Board): """Subclass of Board representing a Test Harness. Attributes: serial_path: Path to file containing serial number """ def __init__(self, board, module, log_dir, serial_path): """Initializes a board object with given attributes. Args: board: board name module: module name log_dir: Directory where log file is stored serial_path: Path to file containing serial number """ Board.__init__(self, board, module) self.log_dir = log_dir self.openocd_log = os.path.join(log_dir, 'openocd_th.log') self.build_log = os.path.join(log_dir, 'build_th.log') self.serial_path = serial_path self.reset_log_dir() def get_serial(self): """Loads serial number from saved location.""" if self.hla_serial: return # serial was already loaded try: with open(self.serial_path, mode='r') as f: s = f.read() self.hla_serial = s.strip() return except IOError: msg = ('Your TH board has not been identified.\n' 'Connect only TH and run the script --setup, then try again.') raise RuntimeError(msg) def save_serial(self): """Saves the TH serial number to a file.""" serials = Board.get_stlink_serials() if len(serials) > 1: msg = ('There are more than one test board connected to the host.' '\nConnect only the test harness and remove other boards.') raise RuntimeError(msg) if len(serials) < 1: msg = ('No test boards were found.\n' 'Check boards are connected.') raise RuntimeError(msg) s = serials[0] serial_dir = os.path.dirname(self.serial_path) if not os.path.exists(serial_dir): os.makedirs(serial_dir) with open(self.serial_path, mode='w') as f: f.write(s) self.hla_serial = s print('Your TH serial', s, 'has been saved as', self.serial_path) return class DeviceUnderTest(Board): """Subclass of Board representing a DUT board. Attributes: th: Reference to test harness board to which this DUT is attached """ def __init__(self, board, th, module, log_dir, hla_ser=None): """Initializes a DUT object. Args: board: String containing board name th: Reference to test harness board to which this DUT is attached module: module name log_dir: Directory where log file is stored hla_ser: Serial number if board uses an HLA adaptor """ Board.__init__(self, board, module, hla_serial=hla_ser) self.th = th self.log_dir = log_dir self.openocd_log = os.path.join(log_dir, 'openocd_dut.log') self.build_log = os.path.join(log_dir, 'build_dut.log') self.reset_log_dir() def get_serial(self): """Get serial number. Precondition: The DUT and TH must both be connected, and th.hla_serial must hold the correct value (the th's serial #) Raises: RuntimeError: DUT isn't found or multiple DUTs are found. """ if self.hla_serial is not None: # serial was already set ('' is a valid serial) return serials = Board.get_stlink_serials() dut = [s for s in serials if self.th.hla_serial != s] # If len(dut) is 0 then your dut doesn't use an st-link device, so we # don't have to worry about its serial number if not dut: msg = ('Failed to find serial for DUT.\n' 'Is ' + self.board + ' connected?') raise RuntimeError(msg) if len(dut) > 1: msg = ('Found multiple DUTs.\n' 'You can connect only one DUT at a time. This may be caused by\n' 'an incorrect TH serial. Check if ' + self.th.serial_path + '\n' 'contains a correct serial.') raise RuntimeError(msg) # Found your other st-link device serial! self.hla_serial = dut[0] return