/* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /** * BMI3XX accelerometer and gyroscope module for Chrome EC * 3D digital accelerometer & 3D digital gyroscope */ #include "accelgyro.h" #include "accelgyro_bmi323.h" #include "accelgyro_bmi_common.h" #include "console.h" #include "hwtimer.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "init_rom.h" #include "math_util.h" #include "motion_sense_fifo.h" #include "spi.h" #include "task.h" #include "timer.h" #include "util.h" #include "watchdog.h" #define CPUTS(outstr) cputs(CC_ACCEL, outstr) #define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_ACCEL, format, ## args) #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_ACCEL, format, ## args) /* Sensor definition */ STATIC_IF(CONFIG_BMI_ORIENTATION_SENSOR) void irq_set_orientation( struct motion_sensor_t *s); STATIC_IF(CONFIG_ACCEL_FIFO) volatile uint32_t last_interrupt_timestamp; static inline int bmi3_read_n(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, const int reg, uint8_t *data_ptr, const int len) { return bmi_read_n(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, reg, data_ptr, len); } static inline int bmi3_write_n(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, const int reg, uint8_t *data_ptr, const int len) { return bmi_write_n(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, reg, data_ptr, len); } #ifdef CONFIG_ACCEL_INTERRUPTS #ifdef CONFIG_BMI_ORIENTATION_SENSOR static void irq_set_orientation(struct motion_sensor_t *s) { int ret; uint8_t reg_data[4]; uint8_t orient_data; enum motionsensor_orientation orientation = MOTIONSENSE_ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_EVENT_EXT, reg_data, 4)); orient_data = reg_data[2] & BMI3_PORTRAIT_LANDSCAPE_MASK; if (BMI_GET_DATA(s)->raw_orientation != orient_data) { BMI_GET_DATA(s)->raw_orientation = orient_data; switch (orient_data) { case BMI3_ORIENT_PORTRAIT: orientation = MOTIONSENSE_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; break; case BMI3_PORTRAIT_INVERT: orientation = MOTIONSENSE_ORIENTATION_UPSIDE_DOWN_PORTRAIT; break; case BMI3_LANDSCAPE: orientation = MOTIONSENSE_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; break; case BMI3_LANDSCAPE_INVERT: orientation = MOTIONSENSE_ORIENTATION_UPSIDE_DOWN_LANDSCAPE; break; default: break; } orientation = motion_orientation_remap(s, orientation); *motion_orientation_ptr(s) = orientation; } } #endif /* CONFIG_BMI_ORIENTATION_SENSOR */ /* * bmi3xx_interrupt - called when the sensor activates the interrupt line. * * This is a "top half" interrupt handler, it just asks motion sense ask * to schedule the "bottom half", ->irq_handler(). */ void bmi3xx_interrupt(enum gpio_signal signal) { if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ACCEL_FIFO)) last_interrupt_timestamp = __hw_clock_source_read(); task_set_event(TASK_ID_MOTIONSENSE, CONFIG_ACCELGYRO_BMI3XX_INT_EVENT); } static int enable_fifo(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, int enable) { struct bmi_drv_data_t *data = BMI_GET_DATA(s); /* Set FIFO config to enable accel gyro data */ uint8_t reg_data[4]; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_FIFO_CONF, reg_data, 4)); if (enable) { if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) reg_data[3] |= BMI3_FIFO_ACC_EN; else reg_data[3] |= BMI3_FIFO_GYR_EN; data->flags |= 1 << (s->type + BMI_FIFO_FLAG_OFFSET); } else { if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) reg_data[3] &= ~BMI3_FIFO_ACC_EN; else reg_data[3] &= ~BMI3_FIFO_GYR_EN; data->flags &= ~(1 << (s->type + BMI_FIFO_FLAG_OFFSET)); } return bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_FIFO_CONF, ®_data[2], 2); } static int config_interrupt(const struct motion_sensor_t *s) { int ret; uint8_t reg_data[6] = {0}; if (s->type != MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) return EC_SUCCESS; mutex_lock(s->mutex); /* Clear the FIFO using Flush command */ reg_data[0] = BMI3_ENABLE; reg_data[1] = 0; ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_FIFO_CTRL, reg_data, 2); if (ret) goto err_unlock; /* Map FIFO water-mark and FIFO full to INT1 pin */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_INT_MAP1, reg_data, 6); if (ret) goto err_unlock; reg_data[5] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[5], BMI3_FWM_INT, BMI3_INT1); reg_data[5] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[5], BMI3_FFULL_INT, BMI3_INT1); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BMI_ORIENTATION_SENSOR)) { /* Map orientation to INT1 pin */ reg_data[2] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMI3_ORIENT_INT, BMI3_INT1); } ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_INT_MAP1, ®_data[2], 4); if (ret) goto err_unlock; /* Set FIFO water-mark to read data whenever available */ reg_data[0] = BMI3_FIFO_ENTRY; reg_data[1] = 0; ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_FIFO_WATERMARK, reg_data, 2); if (ret) goto err_unlock; /* Get the previous configuration data */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_IO_INT_CTRL, reg_data, 4); if (ret) goto err_unlock; reg_data[2] = BMI3_SET_BIT_POS0(reg_data[2], BMI3_INT1_LVL, BMI3_INT_ACTIVE_LOW); reg_data[2] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMI3_INT1_OD, BMI3_INT_PUSH_PULL); reg_data[2] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMI3_INT1_OUTPUT_EN, BMI3_INT_OUTPUT_ENABLE); /* * Set the interrupt pin configurations */ ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_IO_INT_CTRL, ®_data[2], 2); if (ret) goto err_unlock; if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BMI_ORIENTATION_SENSOR)) { /* Enable the orientation feature in BMI3 */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_IO_0, reg_data, 4); if (ret) goto err_unlock; reg_data[2] |= BMI3_ANY_MOTION_X_EN_MASK; ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_IO_0, ®_data[2], 2); if (ret) goto err_unlock; /* Write to feature engine */ reg_data[0] = 1; reg_data[1] = 0; ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_IO_STATUS, reg_data, 2); } err_unlock: mutex_unlock(s->mutex); return ret; } static void bmi3_parse_fifo_data(struct motion_sensor_t *s, struct bmi3_fifo_frame *fifo_frame, uint32_t last_ts) { struct bmi_drv_data_t *data = BMI_GET_DATA(s); struct ec_response_motion_sensor_data vect; uint16_t reg_data; intv3_t v; int i; /* Start index for FIFO parsing after I2C sync word removal */ size_t fifo_index = 1; /* Variable to store I2C sync data which will get in FIFO data */ uint16_t i2c_sync_data, fifo_size; if (!(data->flags & (BMI_FIFO_ALL_MASK << BMI_FIFO_FLAG_OFFSET))) { /* * The FIFO was disabled while we were processing it * Flush potential left over: * When sensor is resumed, we won't read old data. */ /* Clear the FIFO using Flush command */ reg_data = BMI3_ENABLE; bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_FIFO_CTRL, (uint8_t *)®_data, 2); return; } /* Parse the length of data read excluding I2C sync word */ fifo_size = fifo_frame->available_fifo_len - 1; while (fifo_size > 0) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_PRIMARY_SENSOR; i++) { struct motion_sensor_t *sens_output = s + i; if (data->flags & BIT(i + BMI_FIFO_FLAG_OFFSET)) { /* * In-case of FIFO read fail it has only * 0x8000. */ if (fifo_frame->data[fifo_index] == 0x8000) break; /* * In case the frame has been cut, FIFO was * greater than our buffer. */ if (fifo_size < BMI3_FIFO_ENTRY) break; /* Frame is complete, but may have no data. */ fifo_size -= BMI3_FIFO_ENTRY; i2c_sync_data = fifo_frame->data[fifo_index++]; if (i2c_sync_data == BMI3_FIFO_ACCEL_I2C_SYNC_FRAME + i) { fifo_index += 2; continue; } v[X] = i2c_sync_data; v[Y] = fifo_frame->data[fifo_index++]; v[Z] = fifo_frame->data[fifo_index++]; rotate(v, *sens_output->rot_standard_ref, v); vect.data[X] = v[X]; vect.data[Y] = v[Y]; vect.data[Z] = v[Z]; vect.flags = 0; vect.sensor_num = sens_output - motion_sensors; motion_sense_fifo_stage_data(&vect, sens_output, 3, last_ts); } } } } /* * irq_handler - bottom half of the interrupt stack. * Ran from the motion_sense task, finds the events that raised the interrupt. * * For now, we just print out. We should set a bitmask motion sense code will * act upon. */ static int irq_handler(struct motion_sensor_t *s, uint32_t *event) { bool has_read_fifo = false; uint16_t int_status[2]; uint16_t reg_data[2]; struct bmi3_fifo_frame fifo_frame; if ((s->type != MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) || (!(*event & CONFIG_ACCELGYRO_BMI3XX_INT_EVENT))) return EC_ERROR_NOT_HANDLED; /* Get the interrupt status */ do { RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_INT_STATUS_INT1, (uint8_t *)int_status, 4)); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BMI_ORIENTATION_SENSOR) && (BMI3_INT_STATUS_ORIENTATION & int_status[1])) irq_set_orientation(s); if ((int_status[1] & (BMI3_INT_STATUS_FWM | BMI3_INT_STATUS_FFULL)) == 0) break; /* Get the FIFO fill level in words */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_FIFO_FILL_LVL, (uint8_t *)reg_data, 4)); reg_data[1] = BMI3_GET_BIT_POS0(reg_data[1], BMI3_FIFO_FILL_LVL); /* Add space for the initial 16bit read. */ fifo_frame.available_fifo_len = reg_data[1] + 1; /* * If fill level is greater than buffer size then wrap it to * buffer size. */ if (fifo_frame.available_fifo_len > ARRAY_SIZE(fifo_frame.data)) CPRINTS("unexpected large FIFO: %d", fifo_frame.available_fifo_len); fifo_frame.available_fifo_len = MIN(fifo_frame.available_fifo_len, ARRAY_SIZE(fifo_frame.data)); /* Read FIFO data */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_FIFO_DATA, (uint8_t *)fifo_frame.data, fifo_frame.available_fifo_len * sizeof(uint16_t))); bmi3_parse_fifo_data(s, &fifo_frame, last_interrupt_timestamp); has_read_fifo = true; } while (true); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ACCEL_FIFO) && has_read_fifo) motion_sense_fifo_commit_data(); return EC_SUCCESS; } #endif /* CONFIG_ACCEL_INTERRUPTS */ static int read_temp(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, int *temp_ptr) { return EC_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } static int reset_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, uint8_t offset_en) { uint8_t offset_sel[2] = { BMI3_REG_UGAIN_OFF_SEL, 0 }; uint8_t reg_data[4] = { 0 }; /* Reset the existing offset values by setting the bits in DMA*/ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX, offset_sel, 2)); reg_data[0] = offset_en; reg_data[1] = 0; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX_DATA, reg_data, 2)); /* Update the offset change to the sensor engine */ reg_data[0] = (uint8_t)(BMI3_CMD_USR_GAIN_OFFS_UPDATE & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[1] = (uint8_t)((BMI3_CMD_USR_GAIN_OFFS_UPDATE & BMI3_SET_HIGH_BYTE) >> 8); RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_CMD, reg_data, 2)); /* Delay time for offset update */ msleep(OFFSET_UPDATE_DELAY); /* Read the configuration from the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1, reg_data, 4)); if ((reg_data[3] & BMI3_UGAIN_OFFS_UPD_COMPLETE) && ((reg_data[2] & BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_ERROR_MASK) == BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_NO_ERROR)) { return EC_SUCCESS; } return EC_ERROR_NOT_CALIBRATED; } int get_gyro_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t v) { int i; uint8_t reg_data[14] = { 0 }; /* Get the accel offset values */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, GYR_DP_OFF_X, reg_data, 14)); v[0] = ((uint16_t)(reg_data[3] << 8) | reg_data[2]) & 0x03FF; v[1] = ((uint16_t)(reg_data[7] << 8) | reg_data[6]) & 0x03FF; v[2] = ((uint16_t)(reg_data[11] << 8) | reg_data[10]) & 0x03FF; for (i = X; i <= Z; ++i) { if (v[i] > 0x01FF) v[i] = -1024 + v[i]; v[i] = round_divide((int64_t)v[i] * BMI_OFFSET_GYRO_MULTI_MDS, BMI_OFFSET_GYRO_DIV_MDS); } return EC_SUCCESS; } static int write_gyro_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, int *val) { uint8_t reg_data[6] = { 0 }; uint8_t base_addr[2] = { BMI3_GYRO_OFFSET_ADDR, 0 }; uint8_t offset_sel[2] = { BMI3_REG_UGAIN_OFF_SEL, 0 }; /* Enable user gain/offset update*/ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX, offset_sel, 2)); reg_data[0] = 0; reg_data[1] = 0; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX_DATA, reg_data, 2)); /* * Set the user gyro offset base address to feature engine * transmission address to start DMA transaction */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX, base_addr, 2)); reg_data[0] = (uint8_t)(val[0] & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[1] = (uint8_t)((val[0] & 0x0300) >> 8); reg_data[2] = (uint8_t)(val[1] & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[3] = (uint8_t)((val[1] & 0x0300) >> 8); reg_data[4] = (uint8_t)(val[2] & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[5] = (uint8_t)((val[2] & 0x0300) >> 8); /* Set the configuration to the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX_DATA, reg_data, 6)); /* Update the offset to the sensor engine */ reg_data[0] = (uint8_t)(BMI3_CMD_USR_GAIN_OFFS_UPDATE & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[1] = (uint8_t)((BMI3_CMD_USR_GAIN_OFFS_UPDATE & BMI3_SET_HIGH_BYTE) >> 8); RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_CMD, reg_data, 2)); msleep(OFFSET_UPDATE_DELAY); /* Read the configuration from the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1, reg_data, 4)); if ((reg_data[3] & BMI3_UGAIN_OFFS_UPD_COMPLETE) && ((reg_data[2] & BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_ERROR_MASK) == BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_NO_ERROR)) { return EC_SUCCESS; } return EC_ERROR_NOT_CALIBRATED; } int set_gyro_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t v) { uint8_t reg_data[4] = { 0 }; uint8_t saved_conf[6] = { 0 }; int i, val[3]; for (i = X; i <= Z; ++i) { val[i] = round_divide((int64_t)v[i] * BMI_OFFSET_GYRO_DIV_MDS, BMI_OFFSET_GYRO_MULTI_MDS); if (val[i] > 511) val[i] = 511; if (val[i] < -512) val[i] = -512; if (val[i] < 0) val[i] = 1024 + val[i]; } /* Set the power mode as suspend */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, saved_conf, 6)); /* Disable accelerometer and gyroscope */ reg_data[0] = saved_conf[2]; reg_data[1] = 0x00; reg_data[2] = saved_conf[4]; reg_data[3] = 0x00; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, reg_data, 4)); /* Reset the existing offset values */ RETURN_ERROR(reset_offset(s, 2)); /* Set the gyro offset in the sensor registers */ RETURN_ERROR(write_gyro_offset(s, val)); /* Restore ACC_CONF by storing saved_conf data */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, &saved_conf[2], 4)); return EC_SUCCESS; } int get_accel_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t v) { int i; uint8_t reg_data[14] = { 0 }; /* Get the accel offset values from user registers */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, ACC_DP_OFF_X, reg_data, 14)); v[0] = ((uint16_t)(reg_data[3] << 8) | reg_data[2]) & 0x1FFF; v[1] = ((uint16_t)(reg_data[7] << 8) | reg_data[6]) & 0x1FFF; v[2] = ((uint16_t)(reg_data[11] << 8) | reg_data[10]) & 0x1FFF; for (i = X; i <= Z; ++i) { if (v[i] > 0x0FFF) v[i] = -8192 + v[i]; v[i] = round_divide((int64_t)v[i] * BMI3_OFFSET_ACC_MULTI_MG, BMI_OFFSET_ACC_DIV_MG); } return EC_SUCCESS; } static int write_accel_offsets(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, int *val) { uint8_t base_addr[2] = { BMI3_ACC_OFFSET_ADDR, 0 }; uint8_t offset_sel[2] = { BMI3_REG_UGAIN_OFF_SEL, 0 }; uint8_t reg_data[6] = {0}; /* Enable user gain/offset update*/ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX, offset_sel, 2)); reg_data[0] = 0; reg_data[1] = 0; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX_DATA, reg_data, 2)); /* * Set the user accel offset base address to feature engine * transmission address to start DMA transaction */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX, base_addr, 2)); reg_data[0] = (uint8_t)(val[0] & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[1] = (uint8_t)((val[0] & 0x1F00) >> 8); reg_data[2] = (uint8_t)(val[1] & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[3] = (uint8_t)((val[1] & 0x1F00) >> 8); reg_data[4] = (uint8_t)(val[2] & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[5] = (uint8_t)((val[2] & 0x1F00) >> 8); /* Set the configuration to the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX_DATA, reg_data, 6)); /* Update the offset to the sensor engine */ reg_data[0] = (uint8_t)(BMI3_CMD_USR_GAIN_OFFS_UPDATE & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[1] = (uint8_t)((BMI3_CMD_USR_GAIN_OFFS_UPDATE & BMI3_SET_HIGH_BYTE) >> 8); RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_CMD, reg_data, 2)); msleep(OFFSET_UPDATE_DELAY); /* Read the configuration from the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1, reg_data, 4)); if ((reg_data[3] & BMI3_UGAIN_OFFS_UPD_COMPLETE) && ((reg_data[2] & BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_ERROR_MASK) == BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_NO_ERROR)) { return EC_SUCCESS; } return EC_ERROR_NOT_CALIBRATED; } int set_accel_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t v, uint8_t reset_en) { uint8_t reg_data[4] = { 0 }; uint8_t saved_conf[6] = { 0 }; int i, val[3]; for (i = X; i <= Z; ++i) { val[i] = round_divide((int64_t)v[i] * BMI_OFFSET_ACC_DIV_MG, BMI3_OFFSET_ACC_MULTI_MG); if (val[i] > 4095) val[i] = 4095; if (val[i] < -4096) val[i] = -4096; if (val[i] < 0) val[i] += 8192; } /* Set the power mode as suspend */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, saved_conf, 6)); /* Disable accelerometer and gyroscope */ reg_data[0] = saved_conf[2]; reg_data[1] = 0x00; reg_data[2] = saved_conf[4]; reg_data[3] = 0x00; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, reg_data, 4)); /* Reset the existing offset values */ if (reset_en) { /* Reset is only done for writing offset and not for FOC */ RETURN_ERROR(reset_offset(s, 1)); } /* Set the accel offset in the sensor registers */ RETURN_ERROR(write_accel_offsets(s, val)); /* Restore ACC_CONF by storing saved_conf data */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, &saved_conf[2], 4)); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int wait_and_read_data(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t accel_data) { uint8_t reg_data[8] = {0}; /* Retry 5 times */ uint8_t try_cnt = FOC_TRY_COUNT; /* Check if data is ready */ while (try_cnt && (!(reg_data[2] & BMI3_STAT_DATA_RDY_ACCEL_MSK))) { /* 20ms delay for 50Hz ODR */ msleep(FOC_DELAY); /* Read the status register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_STATUS, reg_data, 4)); try_cnt--; } if (!(reg_data[2] & BMI3_STAT_DATA_RDY_ACCEL_MSK)) return EC_ERROR_TIMEOUT; /* Read the sensor data */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_DATA_X, reg_data, 8)); accel_data[0] = ((int16_t)((reg_data[3] << 8) | reg_data[2])); accel_data[1] = ((int16_t)((reg_data[5] << 8) | reg_data[4])); accel_data[2] = ((int16_t)((reg_data[7] << 8) | reg_data[6])); rotate(accel_data, *s->rot_standard_ref, accel_data); return EC_SUCCESS; } /*! * @brief This internal API performs Fast Offset Compensation for accelerometer. */ static int8_t perform_accel_foc(struct motion_sensor_t *s, int *target, int sens_range) { intv3_t accel_data, offset; int32_t delta_value[3] = {0, 0, 0}; /* Variable to define count */ uint8_t i, loop, sample_count = 0; for (loop = 0; loop < BMI3_FOC_SAMPLE_LIMIT; loop++) { RETURN_ERROR(wait_and_read_data(s, accel_data)); sample_count++; /* Store the data in a temporary structure */ delta_value[0] += accel_data[0] - target[X]; delta_value[1] += accel_data[1] - target[Y]; delta_value[2] += accel_data[2] - target[Z]; } /* The data is in LSB so -> [(LSB)*1000*range/2^15] (mdps | mg) */ for (i = X; i <= Z; ++i) { offset[i] = (((int64_t)(delta_value[i] * 1000 * sens_range / sample_count) >> 15) * -1); } rotate_inv(offset, *s->rot_standard_ref, offset); /* Set accel offset without resetting the existing offsets * since we calculated the bias with the existing offsets */ RETURN_ERROR(set_accel_offset(s, offset, BMI3_DISABLE)); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int set_gyro_foc_config(struct motion_sensor_t *s) { uint8_t reg_data[4] = { 0 }; uint8_t base_addr[2] = { BMI3_BASE_ADDR_SC, 0 }; /* * Set the FOC base address to feature engine * transmission address to start DMA transaction */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX, base_addr, 2)); /* Read the configuration from the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX_DATA, reg_data, 4)); /* Enable self calibration */ reg_data[2] |= 0x07; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX, base_addr, 2)); /* Set the configuration to the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_ENGINE_DMA_TX_DATA, ®_data[2], 2)); /* Trigger bmi3 gyro self calibration */ reg_data[0] = (uint8_t)(BMI3_CMD_SELF_CALIB & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[1] = (uint8_t)((BMI3_CMD_SELF_CALIB & BMI3_SET_HIGH_BYTE) >> 8); RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_CMD, reg_data, 2)); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int get_calib_result(struct motion_sensor_t *s) { uint8_t i, reg_data[4]; for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { /* A delay of 120ms is required to read this status register */ msleep(OFFSET_UPDATE_DELAY); /* Read the configuration from the feature engine register */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1, reg_data, 4)); switch (s->type) { case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL: if ((reg_data[3] & BMI3_UGAIN_OFFS_UPD_COMPLETE) && ((reg_data[2] & BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_ERROR_MASK) == BMI3_FEATURE_IO_1_NO_ERROR)) { return EC_SUCCESS; } break; case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO: if (reg_data[2] & BMI3_SC_ST_STATUS_MASK) { /* Check calibration result */ if (reg_data[2] & BMI3_SC_RESULT_MASK) return EC_SUCCESS; } break; default: return EC_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } } return EC_ERROR_NOT_CALIBRATED; } static int perform_calib(struct motion_sensor_t *s, int enable) { int ret; intv3_t target = {0, 0, 0}; uint8_t saved_conf[6] = {0}; /* Sensor is configured to be in 16G range */ int sens_range = 16; /* Variable to set the accelerometer configuration value 50Hz for FOC */ uint8_t acc_conf_data[2] = {BMI3_FOC_ACC_CONF_VAL_LSB, BMI3_FOC_ACC_CONF_VAL_MSB}; if (!enable) return EC_SUCCESS; /* Get default configurations for the type of feature selected. */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, saved_conf, 6)); ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, acc_conf_data, 2); if (ret) goto end_calib; msleep(FOC_DELAY); switch (s->type) { case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL: target[Z] = BMI3_ACC_DATA_PLUS_1G(sens_range); /* Perform accel calibration */ ret = perform_accel_foc(s, target, sens_range); if (ret) goto end_calib; /* Get caliration results */ ret = get_calib_result(s); if (ret) goto end_calib; break; case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO: ret = set_gyro_foc_config(s); if (ret) goto end_calib; ret = get_calib_result(s); if (ret) goto end_calib; break; default: /* Not supported on Magnetometer */ ret = EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; goto end_calib; } end_calib: /* Restore ACC_CONF before exiting */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF, &saved_conf[2], 4)); return ret; } static int get_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, int16_t *offset, int16_t *temp) { int i; intv3_t v; switch (s->type) { case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL: /* * The offset of the accelerometer is a 8 bit * two-complement number in units of 3.9 mg independent of the * range selected for the accelerometer. */ RETURN_ERROR(get_accel_offset(s, v)); break; case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO: /* Gyro offset is in milli-dps */ RETURN_ERROR(get_gyro_offset(s, v)); break; default: for (i = X; i <= Z; i++) v[i] = 0; } rotate(v, *s->rot_standard_ref, v); offset[X] = v[X]; offset[Y] = v[Y]; offset[Z] = v[Z]; /* Saving temperature at calibration not supported yet */ *temp = (int16_t)EC_MOTION_SENSE_INVALID_CALIB_TEMP; return EC_SUCCESS; } static int set_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, const int16_t *offset, int16_t temp) { intv3_t v = { offset[X], offset[Y], offset[Z] }; (void)temp; rotate_inv(v, *s->rot_standard_ref, v); switch (s->type) { case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL: /* Offset should be in units of mg */ RETURN_ERROR(set_accel_offset(s, v, BMI3_ENABLE)); break; case MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO: /* Offset should be in units of mdps */ RETURN_ERROR(set_gyro_offset(s, v)); break; default: return EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM; } return EC_SUCCESS; } #ifdef CONFIG_BODY_DETECTION int get_rms_noise(const struct motion_sensor_t *s) { return EC_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; } #endif static int set_scale(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, const uint16_t *scale, int16_t temp) { struct accelgyro_saved_data_t *saved_data = BMI_GET_SAVED_DATA(s); saved_data->scale[X] = scale[X]; saved_data->scale[Y] = scale[Y]; saved_data->scale[Z] = scale[Z]; return EC_SUCCESS; } static int get_scale(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, uint16_t *scale, int16_t *temp) { struct accelgyro_saved_data_t *saved_data = BMI_GET_SAVED_DATA(s); scale[X] = saved_data->scale[X]; scale[Y] = saved_data->scale[Y]; scale[Z] = saved_data->scale[Z]; *temp = (int16_t)EC_MOTION_SENSE_INVALID_CALIB_TEMP; return EC_SUCCESS; } static int get_data_rate(const struct motion_sensor_t *s) { struct accelgyro_saved_data_t *saved_data = BMI_GET_SAVED_DATA(s); return saved_data->odr; } static int set_data_rate(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, int rate, int rnd) { int ret; int normalized_rate = 0; uint8_t reg_data[4]; uint8_t reg_val = 0; struct accelgyro_saved_data_t *saved_data = BMI_GET_SAVED_DATA(s); if (rate > 0) RETURN_ERROR(bmi_get_normalized_rate(s, rate, rnd, &normalized_rate, ®_val)); /* * Lock accel resource to prevent another task from attempting * to write accel parameters until we are done. */ mutex_lock(s->mutex); /* * Get default configurations for the type of feature selected. */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF + s->type, reg_data, 4); if (ret) { mutex_unlock(s->mutex); return ret; } if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) { if (rate == 0) { /* FIFO stop collecting events */ if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ACCEL_FIFO)) ret = enable_fifo(s, 0); /* * Disable accel to set rate equal to zero. * Accel does not have suspend mode. */ reg_data[3] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMI3_POWER_MODE, BMI3_ACC_MODE_DISABLE); saved_data->odr = 0; } else if (saved_data->odr == 0) { /* * Power mode changed from suspend to * normal */ reg_data[3] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMI3_POWER_MODE, BMI3_ACC_MODE_NORMAL); } } else if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO) { if (rate == 0) { /* FIFO stop collecting events */ if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ACCEL_FIFO)) ret = enable_fifo(s, 0); /* * Set gyro to suspend mode to disable gyro * however keep internal driver enabled */ reg_data[3] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMI3_POWER_MODE, BMI3_GYR_MODE_SUSPEND); saved_data->odr = 0; } else if (saved_data->odr == 0) { /* Power mode changed from suspend to * normal */ reg_data[3] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[3], BMI3_POWER_MODE, BMI3_GYR_MODE_NORMAL); } } /* Set accelerometer ODR */ reg_data[2] = BMI3_SET_BIT_POS0(reg_data[2], BMI3_SENS_ODR, reg_val); /* Set the accel/gyro configurations. */ ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF + s->type, ®_data[2], 2); if (ret) { mutex_unlock(s->mutex); return ret; } saved_data->odr = normalized_rate; /* * If rate is non zero, FIFO start collecting events. * They will be discarded if AP does not want them. */ if (rate > 0) ret = enable_fifo(s, 1); mutex_unlock(s->mutex); return ret; } static int get_resolution(const struct motion_sensor_t *s) { return BMI3_16_BIT_RESOLUTION; } static int set_range(struct motion_sensor_t *s, int range, int rnd) { int ret; uint8_t index, sens_size = 0; uint8_t reg_data[4] = { 0 }; int (*sensor_range)[2]; int acc_sensor_range[4][2] = { { 2, BMI3_ACC_RANGE_2G }, { 4, BMI3_ACC_RANGE_4G }, { 8, BMI3_ACC_RANGE_8G }, { 16, BMI3_ACC_RANGE_16G }, }; int gyr_sensor_range[5][2] = { { 125, BMI3_GYR_RANGE_125DPS }, { 250, BMI3_GYR_RANGE_250DPS }, { 500, BMI3_GYR_RANGE_500DPS }, { 1000, BMI3_GYR_RANGE_1000DPS }, { 2000, BMI3_GYR_RANGE_2000DPS }, }; if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) { sens_size = ARRAY_SIZE(acc_sensor_range); sensor_range = acc_sensor_range; } else { sens_size = ARRAY_SIZE(gyr_sensor_range); sensor_range = gyr_sensor_range; } for (index = 0; index < sens_size - 1; index++) { if (range <= sensor_range[index][0]) break; if (range < sensor_range[index + 1][0] && rnd) { index++; break; } } mutex_lock(s->mutex); /* * Read the range register from sensor for accelerometer/gyroscope * s->type should have MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL = 0 ; * MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO = 1 */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF + s->type, reg_data, 4); if (ret == EC_SUCCESS) { /* Set accelerometer/Gyroscope range */ /* Gravity range of the sensor (+/- 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G). */ reg_data[2] = BMI3_SET_BITS(reg_data[2], BMI3_SENS_RANGE, sensor_range[index][1]); /* Set the accel/gyro configurations. */ ret = bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_CONF + s->type, ®_data[2], 2); /* Now that we have set the range, update the driver's value. */ if (ret == EC_SUCCESS) s->current_range = sensor_range[index][0]; } mutex_unlock(s->mutex); return ret; } static int read(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t v) { int ret; uint8_t reg_data[8] = { 0 }; uint16_t status_val = 0; mutex_lock(s->mutex); /* Read the status register */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_STATUS, reg_data, 4); if (ret == EC_SUCCESS) { status_val = (reg_data[2] | ((uint16_t)reg_data[3] << 8)); /* * If sensor data is not ready, return the previous read data. * Note: return success so that motion sensor task can read * again to get the latest updated sensor data quickly. */ if (!(status_val & BMI3_DRDY_MASK(s->type))) { if (v != s->raw_xyz) memcpy(v, s->raw_xyz, sizeof(s->raw_xyz)); mutex_unlock(s->mutex); return EC_SUCCESS; } if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) { /* Read the sensor data */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_ACC_DATA_X, reg_data, 8); } else if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO) { /* Read the sensor data */ ret = bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_GYR_DATA_X, reg_data, 8); } if (ret == EC_SUCCESS) { v[0] = ((int16_t)((reg_data[3] << 8) | reg_data[2])); v[1] = ((int16_t)((reg_data[5] << 8) | reg_data[4])); v[2] = ((int16_t)((reg_data[7] << 8) | reg_data[6])); rotate(v, *s->rot_standard_ref, v); } } mutex_unlock(s->mutex); return ret; } static int init(struct motion_sensor_t *s) { /* Status of communication result */ uint8_t i; uint8_t reg_data[4] = { 0 }; /* Store the sensor configurations */ struct accelgyro_saved_data_t *saved_data = BMI_GET_SAVED_DATA(s); struct bmi_drv_data_t *data = BMI_GET_DATA(s); /* This driver requires a mutex */ ASSERT(s->mutex); /* * BMI3xx driver only supports MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL and * MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYR0 */ if (s->type != MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL && s->type != MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO) return EC_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED; /* Read chip id */ RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_read_n(s, BMI3_REG_CHIP_ID, reg_data, 4)); if (reg_data[2] != BMI323_CHIP_ID) return EC_ERROR_HW_INTERNAL; if (s->type == MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL) { /* Reset bmi3 device */ reg_data[0] = (uint8_t)(BMI3_CMD_SOFT_RESET & BMI3_SET_LOW_BYTE); reg_data[1] = (uint8_t)((BMI3_CMD_SOFT_RESET & BMI3_SET_HIGH_BYTE) >> 8); RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_CMD, reg_data, 2)); /* Delay of 2ms after soft reset*/ msleep(2); /* Enable feature engine bit */ reg_data[0] = BMI3_ENABLE; reg_data[1] = 0; RETURN_ERROR(bmi3_write_n(s, BMI3_REG_FEATURE_ENGINE_GLOB_CTRL, reg_data, 2)); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ACCEL_INTERRUPTS)) RETURN_ERROR(config_interrupt(s)); } for (i = X; i <= Z; i++) saved_data->scale[i] = MOTION_SENSE_DEFAULT_SCALE; /* The sensor is in Suspend mode at init, so set data rate to 0*/ saved_data->odr = 0; /* Flags used in FIFO parsing */ data->flags &= ~(BMI_FLAG_SEC_I2C_ENABLED | (BMI_FIFO_ALL_MASK << BMI_FIFO_FLAG_OFFSET)); return sensor_init_done(s); } /* Accelerometer/Gyroscope base driver structure */ const struct accelgyro_drv bmi3xx_drv = { .init = init, .read = read, .set_range = set_range, .get_resolution = get_resolution, .set_data_rate = set_data_rate, .get_data_rate = get_data_rate, .get_scale = get_scale, .set_scale = set_scale, .set_offset = set_offset, .get_offset = get_offset, .perform_calib = perform_calib, .read_temp = read_temp, #ifdef CONFIG_ACCEL_INTERRUPTS .irq_handler = irq_handler, #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BODY_DETECTION .get_rms_noise = get_rms_noise, #endif };