# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Build for FPC fingerprint drivers # Note that this variable includes the trailing "/" _fpc_cur_dir:=$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) # Only build if FPC sensor is configured. ifneq (,$(filter rw,$(CONFIG_FP_SENSOR_FPC1145) $(CONFIG_FP_SENSOR_FPC1025) \ $(CONFIG_FP_SENSOR_FPC1035))) ifeq ($(CONFIG_FP_SENSOR_FPC1145),rw) include $(_fpc_cur_dir)libfp/build.mk else ifeq ($(CONFIG_FP_SENSOR_FPC1025),rw) include $(_fpc_cur_dir)bep/build.mk else ifeq ($(CONFIG_FP_SENSOR_FPC1035),rw) include $(_fpc_cur_dir)bep/build.mk endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_FINGERPRINT_MCU),) # Make sure output directory is created (in build directory) dirs-rw+="$(_fpc_cur_dir)" # Only build these objects for the RW image all-obj-rw+=$(_fpc_cur_dir)fpc_sensor.o endif endif