/* Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "rgb_keyboard.h" #include "stddef.h" #include "tlc59116f.h" #define CPRINTF(fmt, args...) cprintf(CC_RGBKBD, "TLC59116F: " fmt, ##args) #define CPRINTS(fmt, args...) cprints(CC_RGBKBD, "TLC59116F: " fmt, ##args) #define TLC59116F_BUF_SIZE (SIZE_OF_RGB * TLC59116F_GRID_SIZE) #define TLC59116_MODE_BIT_SLEEP 4 static int tlc59116f_read(struct rgbkbd *ctx, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *value) { return i2c_xfer(ctx->cfg->i2c, TLC59116F_I2C_ADDR_FLAG, &addr, sizeof(addr), value, sizeof(*value)); } static int tlc59116f_write(struct rgbkbd *ctx, uint8_t addr, uint8_t value) { uint8_t buf[2] = { [0] = addr, [1] = value, }; return i2c_xfer(ctx->cfg->i2c, TLC59116F_I2C_ADDR_FLAG, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0); } static int tlc59116f_reset(struct rgbkbd *ctx) { return i2c_write8(ctx->cfg->i2c, TLC59116F_RESET, 0xA5, 0x5A); } static int tlc59116f_init(struct rgbkbd *ctx) { int i, rv; for (i = TLC59116F_LEDOUT0; i <= TLC59116F_LEDOUT3; i++) { rv = tlc59116f_write(ctx, i, TLC59116_LEDOUT_PWM); if (rv) { return rv; } } rv = tlc59116f_write(ctx, TLC59116F_MODE1, 0x01); if (rv) { CPRINTS("Failed to set TLC59116F normal mode"); return rv; } return EC_SUCCESS; } static int tlc59116f_enable(struct rgbkbd *ctx, bool enable) { uint8_t cfg; int rv; rv = tlc59116f_read(ctx, TLC59116F_MODE1, &cfg); if (rv) { CPRINTS("Failed to enable TLC59116F"); return rv; } WRITE_BIT(cfg, TLC59116_MODE_BIT_SLEEP, !enable); return tlc59116f_write(ctx, TLC59116F_MODE1, cfg); } static int tlc59116f_set_color(struct rgbkbd *ctx, uint8_t offset, struct rgb_s *color, uint8_t len) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(offset) + TLC59116F_BUF_SIZE]; const int frame_len = len * SIZE_OF_RGB + sizeof(offset); const int frame_offset = offset * SIZE_OF_RGB; int i; if (frame_offset + frame_len > sizeof(buf)) { return EC_ERROR_OVERFLOW; } buf[0] = TLC59116_AI_BRIGHTNESS_ONLY | (frame_offset + TLC59116F_PWM0); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { buf[i * SIZE_OF_RGB + 1] = color[i].r; buf[i * SIZE_OF_RGB + 2] = color[i].g; buf[i * SIZE_OF_RGB + 3] = color[i].b; } return i2c_xfer(ctx->cfg->i2c, TLC59116F_I2C_ADDR_FLAG, buf, frame_len, NULL, 0); } static int tlc59116f_set_scale(struct rgbkbd *ctx, uint8_t offset, struct rgb_s scale, uint8_t len) { /* tlc59116f not support scale function */ return EC_SUCCESS; } static int tlc59116f_set_gcc(struct rgbkbd *ctx, uint8_t level) { int j, rv; for (j = TLC59116F_LEDOUT0; j <= TLC59116F_LEDOUT3; j++) { rv = tlc59116f_write(ctx, j, TLC59116_LEDOUT_GROUP); if (rv) { return rv; } } return tlc59116f_write(ctx, TLC59116F_GRPPWM, level); } const struct rgbkbd_drv tlc59116f_drv = { .reset = tlc59116f_reset, .init = tlc59116f_init, .enable = tlc59116f_enable, .set_color = tlc59116f_set_color, .set_scale = tlc59116f_set_scale, .set_gcc = tlc59116f_set_gcc, };