/* Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /** * BMM150 compass behind a BMI160 */ #include "accelgyro.h" #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "driver/mag_bmm150.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "task.h" #include "timer.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef CONFIG_MAG_BMI160_BMM150 #include "driver/accelgyro_bmi160.h" #define raw_mag_read8 bmi160_sec_raw_read8 #define raw_mag_write8 bmi160_sec_raw_write8 #else #error "Not implemented" #endif #define CPUTS(outstr) cputs(CC_ACCEL, outstr) #define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_ACCEL, format, ## args) #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_ACCEL, format, ## args) /**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Bosch Sensortec GmbH * ****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * License: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of the * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE * * The information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable. * The copyright holder assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use * of such information nor for any infringement of patents or * other rights of third parties which may result from its use. * No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or * patent rights of the copyright holder. */ #define BMI150_READ_16BIT_COM_REG(store_, addr_) do { \ int val; \ raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, (addr_), &val); \ store_ = val; \ raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, (addr_) + 1, &val); \ store_ |= (val << 8); \ } while (0) int bmm150_init(const struct motion_sensor_t *s) { int ret; int val; struct bmm150_comp_registers *regs = BMM150_COMP_REG(s); struct mag_cal_t *moc = BMM150_CAL(s); /* Set the compass from Suspend to Sleep */ ret = raw_mag_write8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_PWR_CTRL, BMM150_PWR_ON); msleep(4); /* Now we can read the device id */ ret = raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_CHIP_ID, &val); if (ret) return EC_ERROR_UNKNOWN; if (val != BMM150_CHIP_ID_MAJOR) return EC_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; /* Read the private registers for compensation */ ret = raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REGA_DIG_X1, &val); if (ret) return EC_ERROR_UNKNOWN; regs->dig1[X] = val; raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REGA_DIG_Y1, &val); regs->dig1[Y] = val; raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REGA_DIG_X2, &val); regs->dig2[X] = val; raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REGA_DIG_Y2, &val); regs->dig2[Y] = val; raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REGA_DIG_XY1, &val); regs->dig_xy1 = val; raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REGA_DIG_XY2, &val); regs->dig_xy2 = val; BMI150_READ_16BIT_COM_REG(regs->dig_z1, BMM150_REGA_DIG_Z1_LSB); BMI150_READ_16BIT_COM_REG(regs->dig_z2, BMM150_REGA_DIG_Z2_LSB); BMI150_READ_16BIT_COM_REG(regs->dig_z3, BMM150_REGA_DIG_Z3_LSB); BMI150_READ_16BIT_COM_REG(regs->dig_z4, BMM150_REGA_DIG_Z4_LSB); BMI150_READ_16BIT_COM_REG(regs->dig_xyz1, BMM150_REGA_DIG_XYZ1_LSB); /* Set the repetition in "Regular Preset" */ raw_mag_write8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REPXY, BMM150_REP(SPECIAL, XY)); raw_mag_write8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REPZ, BMM150_REP(SPECIAL, Z)); ret = raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REPXY, &val); ret = raw_mag_read8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_REPZ, &val); /* * Set the compass forced mode, to sleep after each measure. */ ret = raw_mag_write8(s->port, s->i2c_spi_addr_flags, BMM150_OP_CTRL, BMM150_OP_MODE_FORCED << BMM150_OP_MODE_OFFSET); init_mag_cal(moc); moc->radius = 0.0f; return ret; } void bmm150_temp_compensate_xy(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t raw, intv3_t comp, int r) { int inter, axis; struct bmm150_comp_registers *regs = BMM150_COMP_REG(s); if (r == 0) inter = 0; else inter = ((int)regs->dig_xyz1 << 14) / r - BIT(14); for (axis = X; axis <= Y; axis++) { if (raw[axis] == BMM150_FLIP_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL) { comp[axis] = BMM150_OVERFLOW_OUTPUT; continue; } /* * The formula is, using 4 LSB for precision: * (mdata_x * ((((dig_xy2 * i^2 / 268435456) + * i * dig_xy1) / 16384) + 256) * * (dig2 + 160)) / 8192 + dig1 * 8.0f * To prevent precision loss, we calculate at << 12: * 1 / 268435456 = 1 >> 28 = 1 >> (7 + 9 + 12) * 1 / 16384 = 1 >> (-7 + 9 + 12) * 256 = 1 << (20 - 12) */ comp[axis] = (int)regs->dig_xy2 * ((inter * inter) >> 7); comp[axis] += inter * ((int)regs->dig_xy1 << 7); comp[axis] >>= 9; comp[axis] += 1 << (8 + 12); comp[axis] *= (int)regs->dig2[axis] + 160; comp[axis] >>= 12; comp[axis] *= raw[axis]; comp[axis] >>= 13; comp[axis] += (int)regs->dig1[axis] << 3; } } void bmm150_temp_compensate_z(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t raw, intv3_t comp, int r) { int dividend, divisor; struct bmm150_comp_registers *regs = BMM150_COMP_REG(s); if (raw[Z] == BMM150_HALL_OVERFLOW_ADCVAL) { comp[Z] = BMM150_OVERFLOW_OUTPUT; return; } /* * The formula is * ((z - dig_z4) * 131072 - dig_z3 * (r - dig_xyz1)) / * ((dig_z2 + dig_z1 * r / 32768) * 4); * * We spread 4 so we multiply by 131072 / 4 == BIT(15) only. */ dividend = (raw[Z] - (int)regs->dig_z4) << 15; dividend -= (regs->dig_z3 * (r - (int)regs->dig_xyz1)) >> 2; /* add BIT(15) to round to next integer. */ divisor = (int)regs->dig_z1 * (r << 1) + BIT(15); divisor >>= 16; divisor += (int)regs->dig_z2; comp[Z] = dividend / divisor; if (comp[Z] > BIT(15) || comp[Z] < -(BIT(15))) comp[Z] = BMM150_OVERFLOW_OUTPUT; } void bmm150_normalize(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t v, uint8_t *data) { uint16_t r; intv3_t raw; struct mag_cal_t *cal = BMM150_CAL(s); /* X and Y are two's complement 13 bits vectors */ raw[X] = ((int16_t)(data[0] | (data[1] << 8))) >> 3; raw[Y] = ((int16_t)(data[2] | (data[3] << 8))) >> 3; /* Z are two's complement 15 bits vectors */ raw[Z] = ((int16_t)(data[4] | (data[5] << 8))) >> 1; /* RHALL value to compensate with - unsigned 14 bits */ r = (data[6] | (data[7] << 8)) >> 2; bmm150_temp_compensate_xy(s, raw, v, r); bmm150_temp_compensate_z(s, raw, v, r); mag_cal_update(cal, v); v[X] += cal->bias[X]; v[Y] += cal->bias[Y]; v[Z] += cal->bias[Z]; } int bmm150_set_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, const intv3_t offset) { struct mag_cal_t *cal = BMM150_CAL(s); cal->bias[X] = offset[X]; cal->bias[Y] = offset[Y]; cal->bias[Z] = offset[Z]; return EC_SUCCESS; } int bmm150_get_offset(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, intv3_t offset) { struct mag_cal_t *cal = BMM150_CAL(s); offset[X] = cal->bias[X]; offset[Y] = cal->bias[Y]; offset[Z] = cal->bias[Z]; return EC_SUCCESS; }