/* Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mpsse.h" #include "ec_commands.h" static int opt_verbose; /* Communication handle */ static struct mpsse_context *mpsse; /* enum ec_status meaning */ static const char *ec_strerr(enum ec_status r) { static const char * const strs[] = { "SUCCESS", "INVALID_COMMAND", "ERROR", "INVALID_PARAM", "ACCESS_DENIED", "INVALID_RESPONSE", "INVALID_VERSION", "INVALID_CHECKSUM", "IN_PROGRESS", "UNAVAILABLE", "TIMEOUT", "OVERFLOW", "INVALID_HEADER", "REQUEST_TRUNCATED", "RESPONSE_TOO_BIG", "BUS_ERROR", "BUSY", }; if (r >= EC_RES_SUCCESS && r <= EC_RES_BUSY) return strs[r]; return ""; }; /**************************************************************************** * Debugging output */ #define LINELEN 16 static void showline(uint8_t *buf, int len) { int i; printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printf(" %02x", buf[i]); for (i = len; i < LINELEN; i++) printf(" "); printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printf("%c", (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] <= '~') ? buf[i] : '.'); printf("\n"); } static void show(const char *fmt, uint8_t *buf, int len) { int i, m, n; if (!opt_verbose) return; printf(fmt, len); m = len / LINELEN; n = len % LINELEN; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) showline(buf + i * LINELEN, LINELEN); if (n) showline(buf + m * LINELEN, n); } /**************************************************************************** * Send command & receive result */ /* * With proto v3, the kernel driver asks the EC for the max param size * (EC_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO) at probe time, because it can vary depending on * the bus and/or the supported commands. * * FIXME: For now we'll just hard-code a size. */ static uint8_t txbuf[128]; /* * Load the output buffer with a proto v3 request (header, then data, with * checksum correct in header). */ static size_t prepare_request(int cmd, int version, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len) { struct ec_host_request *request; size_t i, total_len; uint8_t csum = 0; total_len = sizeof(*request) + data_len; if (total_len > sizeof(txbuf)) { printf("Request too large (%zd > %zd)\n", total_len, sizeof(txbuf)); return -1; } /* Header first */ request = (struct ec_host_request *)txbuf; request->struct_version = EC_HOST_REQUEST_VERSION; request->checksum = 0; request->command = cmd; request->command_version = version; request->reserved = 0; request->data_len = data_len; /* Then data */ memcpy(txbuf + sizeof(*request), data, data_len); /* Update checksum */ for (i = 0; i < total_len; i++) csum += txbuf[i]; request->checksum = -csum; return total_len; } /* * Sends prepared proto v3 command using the SPI protocol * * Returns zero if command was sent, nonzero otherwise. */ static int send_request(uint8_t *txbuf, size_t len) { uint8_t *tptr; size_t i; int ret = 0; show("Transfer(%d) =>\n", txbuf, len); tptr = Transfer(mpsse, txbuf, len); if (!tptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Transfer failed: %s\n", ErrorString(mpsse)); return -1; } show("Transfer(%d) <=\n", tptr, len); /* Make sure the EC was listening */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (tptr[i]) { case EC_SPI_PAST_END: case EC_SPI_RX_BAD_DATA: case EC_SPI_NOT_READY: ret = tptr[i]; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: break; } if (ret) break; } free(tptr); return ret; } /* Timeout flag, so we don't wait forever */ static int timedout; static void alarm_handler(int sig) { timedout = 1; } /* * Read proto v3 response from SPI bus * * The response header and data are copied into the provided locations. * * Return value: * 0 = response received (check hdr for EC result and body size) * -1 = problems */ static int get_response(struct ec_host_response *hdr, uint8_t *bodydest, size_t bodylen) { uint8_t *hptr = 0, *bptr = 0; uint8_t sum = 0; int ret = -1; size_t i; /* Give up eventually */ timedout = 0; if (SIG_ERR == signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler)) { perror("Problem with signal handler"); goto out; } alarm(3); /* Read a byte at a time until we see the start of the frame. * This is slow, but still faster than the EC. */ while (1) { uint8_t *ptr = Read(mpsse, 1); if (!ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Read failed: %s\n", ErrorString(mpsse)); alarm(0); goto out; } if (*ptr == EC_SPI_FRAME_START) { free(ptr); break; } free(ptr); if (timedout) { fprintf(stderr, "timed out\n"); goto out; } } alarm(0); /* Now read the response header */ hptr = Read(mpsse, sizeof(*hdr)); if (!hptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Read failed: %s\n", ErrorString(mpsse)); goto out; } show("Header(%d):\n", hptr, sizeof(*hdr)); memcpy(hdr, hptr, sizeof(*hdr)); /* Check the header */ if (hdr->struct_version != EC_HOST_RESPONSE_VERSION) { printf("response version %d (should be %d)\n", hdr->struct_version, EC_HOST_RESPONSE_VERSION); goto out; } if (hdr->data_len > bodylen) { printf("response data_len %d is > %zd\n", hdr->data_len, bodylen); goto out; } /* Read the data */ if (hdr->data_len) { bptr = Read(mpsse, hdr->data_len); if (!bptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Read failed: %s\n", ErrorString(mpsse)); goto out; } show("Body(%d):\n", bptr, hdr->data_len); memcpy(bodydest, bptr, hdr->data_len); } /* Verify the checksum */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(hdr); i++) sum += hptr[i]; for (i = 0; i < hdr->data_len; i++) sum += bptr[i]; if (sum) printf("Checksum invalid\n"); else ret = 0; out: if (hptr) free(hptr); if (bptr) free(bptr); return ret; } /* * Send command, wait for result. Return zero if communication succeeded; check * response to see if the EC liked the command. */ static int send_cmd(int cmd, int version, void *outbuf, size_t outsize, struct ec_host_response *resp, void *inbuf, size_t insize) { size_t len; int ret = -1; /* Load up the txbuf with the stuff to send */ len = prepare_request(cmd, version, outbuf, outsize); if (len < 0) return -1; if (MPSSE_OK != Start(mpsse)) { fprintf(stderr, "Start failed: %s\n", ErrorString(mpsse)); return -1; } if (0 == send_request(txbuf, len) && 0 == get_response(resp, inbuf, insize)) ret = 0; if (MPSSE_OK != Stop(mpsse)) { fprintf(stderr, "Stop failed: %s\n", ErrorString(mpsse)); return -1; } return ret; } /**************************************************************************** * Probe for basic protocol info */ /** * Try to talk to the attached(?) device. * * @return zero on success */ static int probe_v3(void) { struct ec_host_response resp; struct ec_response_get_protocol_info info; int i, ret; memset(&resp, 0, sizeof(resp)); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); if (opt_verbose) printf("Trying EC_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO...\n"); ret = send_cmd(EC_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO, 0, 0, 0, &resp, &info, sizeof(info)); if (ret) { printf("EC_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO failed\n"); return -1; } if (EC_RES_SUCCESS != resp.result) { printf("EC result is %d: %s\n", resp.result, ec_strerr(resp.result)); return -1; } printf("EC_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO Success!\n"); printf(" protocol_versions: "); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) if (info.protocol_versions & (1 << i)) printf(" %d", i); printf("\n"); printf(" max_request_packet_size: %d\n", info.max_request_packet_size); printf(" max_response_packet_size: %d\n", info.max_response_packet_size); printf(" flags: 0x%x\n", info.flags); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * Pretty-print the host commands that the device admits to having */ struct lookup { uint16_t cmd; const char * const desc; }; static struct lookup cmd_table[] = { {0x00, "EC_CMD_PROTO_VERSION"}, {0x01, "EC_CMD_HELLO"}, {0x02, "EC_CMD_GET_VERSION"}, {0x03, "EC_CMD_READ_TEST"}, {0x04, "EC_CMD_GET_BUILD_INFO"}, {0x05, "EC_CMD_GET_CHIP_INFO"}, {0x06, "EC_CMD_GET_BOARD_VERSION"}, {0x07, "EC_CMD_READ_MEMMAP"}, {0x08, "EC_CMD_GET_CMD_VERSIONS"}, {0x09, "EC_CMD_GET_COMMS_STATUS"}, {0x0a, "EC_CMD_TEST_PROTOCOL"}, {0x0b, "EC_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO"}, {0x0c, "EC_CMD_GSV_PAUSE_IN_S5"}, {0x0d, "EC_CMD_GET_FEATURES"}, {0x10, "EC_CMD_FLASH_INFO"}, {0x11, "EC_CMD_FLASH_READ"}, {0x12, "EC_CMD_FLASH_WRITE"}, {0x13, "EC_CMD_FLASH_ERASE"}, {0x15, "EC_CMD_FLASH_PROTECT"}, {0x16, "EC_CMD_FLASH_REGION_INFO"}, {0x17, "EC_CMD_VBNV_CONTEXT"}, {0x20, "EC_CMD_PWM_GET_FAN_TARGET_RPM"}, {0x21, "EC_CMD_PWM_SET_FAN_TARGET_RPM"}, {0x22, "EC_CMD_PWM_GET_KEYBOARD_BACKLIGHT"}, {0x23, "EC_CMD_PWM_SET_KEYBOARD_BACKLIGHT"}, {0x24, "EC_CMD_PWM_SET_FAN_DUTY"}, {0x28, "EC_CMD_LIGHTBAR_CMD"}, {0x29, "EC_CMD_LED_CONTROL"}, {0x2a, "EC_CMD_VBOOT_HASH"}, {0x2b, "EC_CMD_MOTION_SENSE_CMD"}, {0x2c, "EC_CMD_FORCE_LID_OPEN"}, {0x30, "EC_CMD_USB_CHARGE_SET_MODE"}, {0x40, "EC_CMD_PSTORE_INFO"}, {0x41, "EC_CMD_PSTORE_READ"}, {0x42, "EC_CMD_PSTORE_WRITE"}, {0x44, "EC_CMD_RTC_GET_VALUE"}, {0x45, "EC_CMD_RTC_GET_ALARM"}, {0x46, "EC_CMD_RTC_SET_VALUE"}, {0x47, "EC_CMD_RTC_SET_ALARM"}, {0x48, "EC_CMD_PORT80_LAST_BOOT"}, {0x48, "EC_CMD_PORT80_READ"}, {0x50, "EC_CMD_THERMAL_SET_THRESHOLD"}, {0x51, "EC_CMD_THERMAL_GET_THRESHOLD"}, {0x52, "EC_CMD_THERMAL_AUTO_FAN_CTRL"}, {0x53, "EC_CMD_TMP006_GET_CALIBRATION"}, {0x54, "EC_CMD_TMP006_SET_CALIBRATION"}, {0x55, "EC_CMD_TMP006_GET_RAW"}, {0x60, "EC_CMD_MKBP_STATE"}, {0x61, "EC_CMD_MKBP_INFO"}, {0x62, "EC_CMD_MKBP_SIMULATE_KEY"}, {0x64, "EC_CMD_MKBP_SET_CONFIG"}, {0x65, "EC_CMD_MKBP_GET_CONFIG"}, {0x66, "EC_CMD_KEYSCAN_SEQ_CTRL"}, {0x67, "EC_CMD_GET_NEXT_EVENT"}, {0x70, "EC_CMD_TEMP_SENSOR_GET_INFO"}, {0x87, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_GET_B"}, {0x88, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_GET_SMI_MASK"}, {0x89, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_GET_SCI_MASK"}, {0x8d, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_GET_WAKE_MASK"}, {0x8a, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_SET_SMI_MASK"}, {0x8b, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_SET_SCI_MASK"}, {0x8c, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_CLEAR"}, {0x8e, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_SET_WAKE_MASK"}, {0x8f, "EC_CMD_HOST_EVENT_CLEAR_B"}, {0x90, "EC_CMD_SWITCH_ENABLE_BKLIGHT"}, {0x91, "EC_CMD_SWITCH_ENABLE_WIRELESS"}, {0x92, "EC_CMD_GPIO_SET"}, {0x93, "EC_CMD_GPIO_GET"}, {0x94, "EC_CMD_I2C_READ"}, {0x95, "EC_CMD_I2C_WRITE"}, {0x96, "EC_CMD_CHARGE_CONTROL"}, {0x97, "EC_CMD_CONSOLE_SNAPSHOT"}, {0x98, "EC_CMD_CONSOLE_READ"}, {0x99, "EC_CMD_BATTERY_CUT_OFF"}, {0x9a, "EC_CMD_USB_MUX"}, {0x9b, "EC_CMD_LDO_SET"}, {0x9c, "EC_CMD_LDO_GET"}, {0x9d, "EC_CMD_POWER_INFO"}, {0x9e, "EC_CMD_I2C_PASSTHRU"}, {0x9f, "EC_CMD_HANG_DETECT"}, {0xa0, "EC_CMD_CHARGE_STATE"}, {0xa1, "EC_CMD_CHARGE_CURRENT_LIMIT"}, {0xa2, "EC_CMD_EXT_POWER_CURRENT_LIMIT"}, {0xb0, "EC_CMD_SB_READ_WORD"}, {0xb1, "EC_CMD_SB_WRITE_WORD"}, {0xb2, "EC_CMD_SB_READ_BLOCK"}, {0xb3, "EC_CMD_SB_WRITE_BLOCK"}, {0xb4, "EC_CMD_BATTERY_VENDOR_PARAM"}, {0xb5, "EC_CMD_SB_FW_UPDATE"}, {0xb6, "EC_CMD_ENTERING_MODE"}, {0xd2, "EC_CMD_REBOOT_EC"}, {0xd3, "EC_CMD_GET_PANIC_INFO"}, {0xd1, "EC_CMD_REBOOT"}, {0xdb, "EC_CMD_RESEND_RESPONSE"}, {0xdc, "EC_CMD_VERSION0"}, {0x100, "EC_CMD_PD_EXCHANGE_STATUS"}, {0x104, "EC_CMD_PD_HOST_EVENT_STATUS"}, {0x101, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_CONTROL"}, {0x102, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_PORTS"}, {0x103, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_POWER_INFO"}, {0x110, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_FW_UPDATE"}, {0x111, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_RW_HASH_ENTRY"}, {0x112, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_DEV_INFO"}, {0x113, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_DISCOVERY"}, {0x114, "EC_CMD_PD_CHARGE_PORT_OVERRIDE"}, {0x115, "EC_CMD_PD_GET_LOG_ENTRY"}, {0x116, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_GET_AMODE"}, {0x117, "EC_CMD_USB_PD_SET_AMODE"}, {0x118, "EC_CMD_PD_WRITE_LOG_ENTRY"}, {0x200, "EC_CMD_BLOB"}, }; #define ARRAY_SIZE(A) (sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0])) static void show_command(uint16_t c) { unsigned int i; const char *desc = ""; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_table); i++) if (cmd_table[i].cmd == c) { desc = cmd_table[i].desc; break; } printf(" %02x %s\n", c, desc); } static void scan_commands(uint16_t start, uint16_t stop) { struct ec_params_get_cmd_versions_v1 q_vers; struct ec_response_get_cmd_versions r_vers; struct ec_host_response ec_resp; uint16_t i; memset(&ec_resp, 0, sizeof(ec_resp)); printf("Supported host commands:\n"); for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) { if (opt_verbose) printf("Querying CMD %02x\n", i); q_vers.cmd = i; if (0 != send_cmd(EC_CMD_GET_CMD_VERSIONS, 1, &q_vers, sizeof(q_vers), &ec_resp, &r_vers, sizeof(r_vers))) { printf("query failed on cmd %02x - aborting\n", i); return; } switch (ec_resp.result) { case EC_RES_SUCCESS: if (opt_verbose) printf("Yes: "); show_command(i); break; case EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM: if (opt_verbose) printf("No\n"); break; default: printf("lookup of cmd %02x returned %d %s\n", i, ec_resp.result, ec_strerr(ec_resp.result)); } } } /****************************************************************************/ static void usage(char *progname) { printf("Usage: %s [-v] [start [stop]]\n", progname); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int retval = 1; int errorcnt = 0; int i; uint16_t start = cmd_table[0].cmd; uint16_t stop = cmd_table[ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_table) - 1].cmd; while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, ":v")) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'v': opt_verbose++; break; case '?': printf("unrecognized option: -%c\n", optopt); errorcnt++; break; } } if (errorcnt) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } /* Range (no error checking) */ if (optind < argc) start = (uint16_t)strtoul(argv[optind++], 0, 0); if (optind < argc) stop = (uint16_t)strtoul(argv[optind++], 0, 0); /* Find something to talk to */ mpsse = MPSSE(SPI0, 2000000, 0); if (!mpsse) { printf("Can't find a device to open\n"); return 1; } if (0 != probe_v3()) goto out; scan_commands(start, stop); retval = 0; out: Close(mpsse); mpsse = 0; return retval; }