#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Note: This is a py2/3 compatible file. """USB updater tool for servo and similar boards.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import json import os import re import subprocess import time import ecusb.tiny_servo_common as c import fw_update from ecusb import tiny_servod class ServoUpdaterException(Exception): """Raised on exceptions generated by servo_updater.""" BOARD_C2D2 = "c2d2" BOARD_SERVO_MICRO = "servo_micro" BOARD_SERVO_V4 = "servo_v4" BOARD_SERVO_V4P1 = "servo_v4p1" BOARD_SWEETBERRY = "sweetberry" DEFAULT_BOARD = BOARD_SERVO_V4 # These lists are to facilitate exposing choices in the command-line tool # below. BOARDS = [ BOARD_C2D2, BOARD_SERVO_MICRO, BOARD_SERVO_V4, BOARD_SERVO_V4P1, BOARD_SWEETBERRY, ] # Servo firmware bundles four channels of firmware. We need to make sure the # user does not request a non-existing channel, so keep the lists around to # guard on command-line usage. DEFAULT_CHANNEL = STABLE_CHANNEL = "stable" PREV_CHANNEL = "prev" # The ordering here matters. From left to right it's the channel that the user # is most likely to be running. This is used to inform and warn the user if # there are issues. e.g. if the all channels are the same, we want to let the # user know they are running the 'stable' version before letting them know they # are running 'dev' or even 'alpah' which (while true) might cause confusion. CHANNELS = [DEFAULT_CHANNEL, PREV_CHANNEL, "dev", "alpha"] DEFAULT_BASE_PATH = "/usr/" TEST_IMAGE_BASE_PATH = "/usr/local/" COMMON_PATH = "share/servo_updater" FIRMWARE_DIR = "firmware/" CONFIGS_DIR = "configs/" RETRIES_COUNT = 10 RETRIES_DELAY = 1 def do_with_retries(func, *args): """Try a function several times Call function passed as argument and check if no error happened. If exception was raised by function, it will be retried up to RETRIES_COUNT times. Args: func: function that will be called args: arguments passed to 'func' Returns: If call to function was successful, its result will be returned. If retries count was exceeded, exception will be raised. """ retry = 0 while retry < RETRIES_COUNT: try: return func(*args) except Exception as e: print("Retrying function %s: %s" % (func.__name__, e)) retry = retry + 1 time.sleep(RETRIES_DELAY) continue raise Exception( "'{}' failed after {} retries".format(func.__name__, RETRIES_COUNT) ) def flash(brdfile, serialno, binfile): """Call fw_update to upload to updater USB endpoint. Args: brdfile: path to board configuration file serialno: device serial number binfile: firmware file """ p = fw_update.Supdate() p.load_board(brdfile) p.connect_usb(serialname=serialno) p.load_file(binfile) # Start transfer and erase. p.start() # Upload the bin file print("Uploading %s" % binfile) p.write_file() # Finalize print("Done. Finalizing.") p.stop() def flash2(vidpid, serialno, binfile): """Call fw update via usb_updater2 commandline. Args: vidpid: vendor id and product id of device serialno: device serial number (optional) binfile: firmware file """ tool = "usb_updater2" cmd = "%s -d %s" % (tool, vidpid) if serialno: cmd += " -S %s" % serialno cmd += " -n" cmd += " %s" % binfile print(cmd) help_cmd = "%s --help" % tool with open("/dev/null") as devnull: valid_check = subprocess.call( help_cmd.split(), stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull ) if valid_check: raise ServoUpdaterException( "%s exit with res = %d. Make sure the tool " "is available on the device." % (help_cmd, valid_check) ) res = subprocess.call(cmd.split()) if res in (0, 1, 2): return res else: raise ServoUpdaterException("%s exit with res = %d" % (cmd, res)) def select(tinys, region): """Jump to specified boot region Ensure the servo is in the expected ro/rw region. This function jumps to the required region and verify if jump was successful by executing 'sysinfo' command and reading current region. If response was not received or region is invalid, exception is raised. Args: tinys: TinyServod object region: region to jump to, only "rw" and "ro" is allowed """ if region not in ["rw", "ro"]: raise Exception("Region must be ro or rw") if region == "ro": cmd = "reboot" else: cmd = "sysjump %s" % region tinys.pty._issue_cmd(cmd) tinys.close() time.sleep(2) tinys.reinitialize() res = tinys.pty._issue_cmd_get_results("sysinfo", [r"Copy:[\s]+(RO|RW)"]) current_region = res[0][1].lower() if current_region != region: raise Exception("Invalid region: %s/%s" % (current_region, region)) def do_version(tinys): """Check version via ec console 'pty'. Args: tinys: TinyServod object Returns: detected version number Commands are: # > version # ... # Build: tigertail_v1.1.6749-74d1a312e """ cmd = "version" regex = r"Build:\s+(\S+)[\r\n]+" results = tinys.pty._issue_cmd_get_results(cmd, [regex])[0] return results[1].strip(" \t\r\n\0") def do_updater_version(tinys): """Check whether this uses python updater or c++ updater Args: tinys: TinyServod object Returns: updater version number. 2 or 6. """ vers = do_version(tinys) # Servo versions below 58 are from servo-9040.B. Versions starting with _v2 # are newer than anything _v1, no need to check the exact number. Updater # version is not directly queryable. if re.search(r"_v[2-9]\.\d", vers): return 6 m = re.search(r"_v1\.1\.(\d\d\d\d)", vers) if m: version_number = int(m.group(1)) if version_number < 5800: return 2 else: return 6 raise ServoUpdaterException( "Can't determine updater target from vers: [%s]" % vers ) def _extract_version(boardname, binfile): """Find the version string from |binfile|. Args: boardname: the name of the board, eg. "servo_micro" binfile: path to the binary to search Returns: the version string. """ if boardname is None: # cannot extract the version if the name is None return None rawstrings = subprocess.check_output( ["cbfstool", binfile, "read", "-r", "RO_FRID", "-f", "/dev/stdout"], **c.get_subprocess_args() ) m = re.match(r"%s_v\S+" % boardname, rawstrings) if m: newvers = m.group(0).strip(" \t\r\n\0") else: raise ServoUpdaterException( "Can't find version from file: %s." % binfile ) return newvers def get_firmware_channel(bname, version): """Find out which channel |version| for |bname| came from. Args: bname: board name version: current version string Returns: one of the channel names if |version| came from one of those, or None """ for channel in CHANNELS: # Pass |bname| as cname to find the board specific file, and pass None as # fname to ensure the default directory is searched _, _, vers = get_files_and_version(bname, None, channel=channel) if version == vers: return channel # None of the channels matched. This firmware is currently unknown. return None def get_files_and_version(cname, fname=None, channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL): """Select config and firmware binary files. This checks default file names and paths. In: /usr/share/servo_updater/[firmware|configs] check for board.json, board.bin Args: cname: board name, or config name. eg. "servo_v4" or "servo_v4.json" fname: firmware binary name. Can be None to try default. channel: the channel requested for servo firmware. See |CHANNELS| above. Returns: cname, fname, version: validated filenames selected from the path. """ for p in (DEFAULT_BASE_PATH, TEST_IMAGE_BASE_PATH): updater_path = os.path.join(p, COMMON_PATH) if os.path.exists(updater_path): break else: raise ServoUpdaterException( "servo_updater/ dir not found in known spots." ) firmware_path = os.path.join(updater_path, FIRMWARE_DIR) configs_path = os.path.join(updater_path, CONFIGS_DIR) for p in (firmware_path, configs_path): if not os.path.exists(p): raise ServoUpdaterException("Could not find required path %r" % p) if not os.path.isfile(cname): # If not an existing file, try checking on the default path. newname = os.path.join(configs_path, cname) if os.path.isfile(newname): cname = newname else: # Try appending ".json" to convert board name to config file. cname = newname + ".json" if not os.path.isfile(cname): raise ServoUpdaterException("Can't find config file: %s." % cname) # Always retrieve the boardname with open(cname) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) boardname = data["board"] if not fname: # If no |fname| supplied, look for the default locations with the board # and channel requested. binary_file = "%s.%s.bin" % (boardname, channel) newname = os.path.join(firmware_path, binary_file) if os.path.isfile(newname): fname = newname else: raise ServoUpdaterException( "Can't find firmware binary: %s." % binary_file ) elif not os.path.isfile(fname): # If a name is specified but not found, try the default path. newname = os.path.join(firmware_path, fname) if os.path.isfile(newname): fname = newname else: raise ServoUpdaterException("Can't find file: %s." % fname) # Lastly, retrieve the version as well for decision making, debug, and # informational purposes. binvers = _extract_version(boardname, fname) return cname, fname, binvers def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Image a servo device") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--print", dest="print_only", action="store_true", default=False, help="only print available firmware for board/channel", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--serialno", type=str, help="serial number to program", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--board", type=str, help="Board configuration json file", default=DEFAULT_BOARD, choices=BOARDS, ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--channel", type=str, help="Firmware channel to use", default=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, choices=CHANNELS, ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", type=str, help="Complete ec.bin file", default=None ) parser.add_argument( "--force", action="store_true", help="Update even if version match", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Chatty output" ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--reboot", action="store_true", help="Always reboot, even after probe.", ) args = parser.parse_args() brdfile, binfile, newvers = get_files_and_version( args.board, args.file, args.channel ) # If the user only cares about the information then just print it here, # and exit. if args.print_only: output = ("board: %s\nchannel: %s\nfirmware: %s") % ( args.board, args.channel, newvers, ) print(output) return serialno = args.serialno with open(brdfile) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) vid, pid = int(data["vid"], 0), int(data["pid"], 0) vidpid = "%04x:%04x" % (vid, pid) iface = int(data["console"], 0) boardname = data["board"] # Make sure device is up. print("===== Waiting for USB device =====") c.wait_for_usb(vidpid, serialname=serialno) # We need a tiny_servod to query some information. Set it up first. tinys = tiny_servod.TinyServod(vid, pid, iface, serialno, args.verbose) if not args.force: vers = do_version(tinys) print("Current %s version is %s" % (boardname, vers)) print("Available %s version is %s" % (boardname, newvers)) if newvers == vers: print("No version update needed") if args.reboot: select(tinys, "ro") return else: print("Updating to recommended version.") # Make sure the servo MCU is in RO print("===== Jumping to RO =====") do_with_retries(select, tinys, "ro") print("===== Flashing RW =====") vers = do_with_retries(do_updater_version, tinys) # To make sure that the tiny_servod here does not interfere with other # processes, close it out. tinys.close() if vers == 2: flash(brdfile, serialno, binfile) elif vers == 6: do_with_retries(flash2, vidpid, serialno, binfile) else: raise ServoUpdaterException("Can't detect updater version") # Make sure device is up. c.wait_for_usb(vidpid, serialname=serialno) # After we have made sure that it's back/available, reconnect the tiny servod. tinys.reinitialize() # Make sure the servo MCU is in RW print("===== Jumping to RW =====") do_with_retries(select, tinys, "rw") print("===== Flashing RO =====") vers = do_with_retries(do_updater_version, tinys) if vers == 2: flash(brdfile, serialno, binfile) elif vers == 6: do_with_retries(flash2, vidpid, serialno, binfile) else: raise ServoUpdaterException("Can't detect updater version") # Make sure the servo MCU is in RO print("===== Rebooting =====") do_with_retries(select, tinys, "ro") # Perform additional reboot to free USB/UART resources, taken by tiny servod. # See https://issuetracker.google.com/196021317 for background. tinys.pty._issue_cmd("reboot") print("===== Finished =====") if __name__ == "__main__": main()