/* Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef __CROS_EC_GYRO_CAL_H #define __CROS_EC_GYRO_CAL_H #include "common.h" #include "gyro_still_det.h" #include "math_util.h" #include "stdbool.h" #include "stddef.h" #include "vec3.h" struct temperature_mean_data { int16_t temperature_min_kelvin; int16_t temperature_max_kelvin; int16_t latest_temperature_kelvin; int mean_accumulator; size_t num_points; }; /** Data structure for tracking min/max window mean during device stillness. */ struct min_max_window_mean_data { fpv3_t gyro_winmean_min; fpv3_t gyro_winmean_max; }; struct gyro_cal { /** Stillness detector for accelerometer. */ struct gyro_still_det accel_stillness_detect; /** Stillness detector for magnetometer. */ struct gyro_still_det mag_stillness_detect; /** Stillness detector for gyroscope. */ struct gyro_still_det gyro_stillness_detect; /** * Data for tracking temperature mean during periods of device * stillness. */ struct temperature_mean_data temperature_mean_tracker; /** Data for tracking gyro mean during periods of device stillness. */ struct min_max_window_mean_data window_mean_tracker; /** * Aggregated sensor stillness threshold required for gyro bias * calibration. */ fp_t stillness_threshold; /** Min and max durations for gyro bias calibration. */ uint32_t min_still_duration_us; uint32_t max_still_duration_us; /** Duration of the stillness processing windows. */ uint32_t window_time_duration_us; /** Timestamp when device started a still period. */ uint64_t start_still_time_us; /** * Gyro offset estimate, and the associated calibration temperature, * timestamp, and stillness confidence values. * [rad/sec] */ fp_t bias_x, bias_y, bias_z; int bias_temperature_kelvin; fp_t stillness_confidence; uint32_t calibration_time_us; /** * Current window end-time for all sensors. Used to assist in keeping * sensor data collection in sync. On initialization this will be set to * zero indicating that sensor data will be dropped until a valid * end-time is set from the first gyro timestamp received. */ uint32_t stillness_win_endtime_us; /** * Watchdog timer to reset to a known good state when data capture * stalls. */ uint32_t gyro_window_start_us; uint32_t gyro_window_timeout_duration_us; /** Flag is "true" when the magnetometer is used. */ bool using_mag_sensor; /** Flag set by user to control whether calibrations are used. */ bool gyro_calibration_enable; /** Flag is 'true' when a new calibration update is ready. */ bool new_gyro_cal_available; /** Flag to indicate if device was previously still. */ bool prev_still; /** * Min and maximum stillness window mean. This is used to check the * stability of the mean values computed for the gyroscope (i.e. * provides further validation for stillness). */ fpv3_t gyro_winmean_min; fpv3_t gyro_winmean_max; fp_t stillness_mean_delta_limit; /** * The mean temperature over the stillness period. The limit is used to * check for temperature stability and provide a gate for when * temperature is rapidly changing. */ fp_t temperature_mean_kelvin; fp_t temperature_delta_limit_kelvin; }; /** * Data structure used to configure the gyroscope calibration in individual * sensors. */ struct gyro_cal_data { /** The gyro_cal struct to use. */ struct gyro_cal gyro_cal; /** The sensor ID of the accelerometer to use. */ uint8_t accel_sensor_id; /** * The sensor ID of the accelerometer to use (use a number greater than * SENSOR_COUNT to skip). */ uint8_t mag_sensor_id; }; /** Reset trackers. */ void init_gyro_cal(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal); /** Get the most recent bias calibration value. */ void gyro_cal_get_bias(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal, fpv3_t bias, int *temperature_kelvin, uint32_t *calibration_time_us); /** Set an initial bias calibration value. */ void gyro_cal_set_bias(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal, fpv3_t bias, int temperature_kelvin, uint32_t calibration_time_us); /** Remove gyro bias from the calibration [rad/sec]. */ void gyro_cal_remove_bias(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal, fpv3_t in, fpv3_t out); /** Returns true when a new gyro calibration is available. */ bool gyro_cal_new_bias_available(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal); /** Update the gyro calibration with gyro data [rad/sec]. */ void gyro_cal_update_gyro(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal, uint32_t sample_time_us, fp_t x, fp_t y, fp_t z, int temperature_kelvin); /** Update the gyro calibration with mag data [micro Tesla]. */ void gyro_cal_update_mag(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal, uint32_t sample_time_us, fp_t x, fp_t y, fp_t z); /** Update the gyro calibration with accel data [m/sec^2]. */ void gyro_cal_update_accel(struct gyro_cal *gyro_cal, uint32_t sample_time_us, fp_t x, fp_t y, fp_t z); #endif /* __CROS_EC_GYRO_CAL_H */