/* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include "ec_commands.h" #include "mock/fpsensor_detect_mock.h" #include "string.h" #include "test_util.h" #include "common/fpsensor/fpsensor_private.h" static const struct ec_response_get_protocol_info expected_info[] = { [FP_TRANSPORT_TYPE_SPI] = { .flags = 1, .max_response_packet_size = 544, .max_request_packet_size = 544, .protocol_versions = 8, }, [FP_TRANSPORT_TYPE_UART] = { .flags = 1, .max_response_packet_size = 256, .max_request_packet_size = 544, .protocol_versions = 8, } }; test_static int test_validate_fp_buffer_offset_success(void) { TEST_EQ(validate_fp_buffer_offset(1, 0, 1), EC_SUCCESS, "%d"); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_validate_fp_buffer_offset_failure_no_overflow(void) { TEST_EQ(validate_fp_buffer_offset(1, 1, 1), EC_ERROR_INVAL, "%d"); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_validate_fp_buffer_offset_failure_overflow(void) { TEST_EQ(validate_fp_buffer_offset(1, UINT32_MAX, 1), EC_ERROR_OVERFLOW, "%d"); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_host_command_protocol_info( enum fp_transport_type transport_type, const struct ec_response_get_protocol_info *expected) { struct ec_response_get_protocol_info info; int rv; mock_ctrl_fpsensor_detect.get_fp_sensor_type_return = FP_SENSOR_TYPE_FPC; mock_ctrl_fpsensor_detect.get_fp_transport_type_return = transport_type; rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO, 0, NULL, 0, &info, sizeof(info)); TEST_EQ(rv, EC_RES_SUCCESS, "%d"); TEST_EQ(info.flags, expected->flags, "%d"); TEST_EQ(info.max_request_packet_size, expected->max_request_packet_size, "%d"); TEST_EQ(info.max_response_packet_size, expected->max_response_packet_size, "%d"); TEST_EQ(info.protocol_versions, expected->protocol_versions, "%d"); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_host_command_protocol_info_uart(void) { return test_host_command_protocol_info( FP_TRANSPORT_TYPE_UART, &expected_info[FP_TRANSPORT_TYPE_UART]); } test_static int test_host_command_protocol_info_spi(void) { return test_host_command_protocol_info( FP_TRANSPORT_TYPE_SPI, &expected_info[FP_TRANSPORT_TYPE_SPI]); } void run_test(int argc, const char **argv) { if (IS_ENABLED(HAS_TASK_FPSENSOR)) { /* TODO(b/171924356): The "emulator" build only builds RO and * the functions used in the tests are only in RW, so these * tests are not run on the emulator. */ RUN_TEST(test_validate_fp_buffer_offset_success); RUN_TEST(test_validate_fp_buffer_offset_failure_no_overflow); RUN_TEST(test_validate_fp_buffer_offset_failure_overflow); } /* The tests after this only work on device right now. */ if (IS_ENABLED(EMU_BUILD)) { test_print_result(); return; } if (argc < 2) { ccprintf("usage: runtest [uart|spi]\n"); test_fail(); return; } /* The transport type is cached in a static variable, so the tests * cannot be run back to back (without reboot). */ if (strncmp(argv[1], "uart", 4) == 0 && IS_ENABLED(BOARD_BLOONCHIPPER)) RUN_TEST(test_host_command_protocol_info_uart); else if (strncmp(argv[1], "spi", 3) == 0) RUN_TEST(test_host_command_protocol_info_spi); test_print_result(); }