/* Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include "common.h" #include "ec_commands.h" #include "fpsensor_state.h" #include "mock/fpsensor_state_mock.h" #include "test_util.h" #include "util.h" test_static int test_fp_enc_status_valid_flags(void) { /* Putting expected value here because test_static should take void */ const uint32_t expected = FP_ENC_STATUS_SEED_SET; int rv; struct ec_response_fp_encryption_status resp = { 0 }; rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_FP_ENC_STATUS, 0, NULL, 0, &resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rv != EC_RES_SUCCESS) { ccprintf("%s:%s(): failed to get encryption status. rv = %d\n", __FILE__, __func__, rv); return -1; } if (resp.valid_flags != expected) { ccprintf("%s:%s(): expected valid flags 0x%08x, got 0x%08x\n", __FILE__, __func__, expected, resp.valid_flags); return -1; } return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } static int check_seed_set_result(const int rv, const uint32_t expected, const struct ec_response_fp_encryption_status *resp) { const uint32_t actual = resp->status & FP_ENC_STATUS_SEED_SET; if (rv != EC_RES_SUCCESS || expected != actual) { ccprintf("%s:%s(): rv = %d, seed is set: %d\n", __FILE__, __func__, rv, actual); return -1; } return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_fp_tpm_seed_not_set(void) { int rv; struct ec_response_fp_encryption_status resp = { 0 }; /* Initially the seed should not have been set. */ rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_FP_ENC_STATUS, 0, NULL, 0, &resp, sizeof(resp)); return check_seed_set_result(rv, 0, &resp); } test_static int test_set_fp_tpm_seed(void) { int rv; struct ec_params_fp_seed params; struct ec_response_fp_encryption_status resp = { 0 }; params.struct_version = FP_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_VERSION; memcpy(params.seed, default_fake_tpm_seed, sizeof(default_fake_tpm_seed)); rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_FP_SEED, 0, ¶ms, sizeof(params), NULL, 0); if (rv != EC_RES_SUCCESS) { ccprintf("%s:%s(): rv = %d, set seed failed\n", __FILE__, __func__, rv); return -1; } /* Now seed should have been set. */ rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_FP_ENC_STATUS, 0, NULL, 0, &resp, sizeof(resp)); return check_seed_set_result(rv, FP_ENC_STATUS_SEED_SET, &resp); } test_static int test_set_fp_tpm_seed_again(void) { int rv; struct ec_params_fp_seed params; struct ec_response_fp_encryption_status resp = { 0 }; TEST_ASSERT(fp_tpm_seed_is_set()); params.struct_version = FP_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_VERSION; memcpy(params.seed, default_fake_tpm_seed, sizeof(default_fake_tpm_seed)); rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_FP_SEED, 0, ¶ms, sizeof(params), NULL, 0); if (rv != EC_RES_ACCESS_DENIED) { ccprintf("%s:%s(): rv = %d, setting seed the second time " "should result in EC_RES_ACCESS_DENIED but did not.\n", __FILE__, __func__, rv); return -1; } /* Now seed should still be set. */ rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_FP_ENC_STATUS, 0, NULL, 0, &resp, sizeof(resp)); return check_seed_set_result(rv, FP_ENC_STATUS_SEED_SET, &resp); } test_static int test_fp_set_sensor_mode(void) { uint32_t requested_mode = 0; uint32_t output_mode = 0; /* Validate initial conditions */ TEST_ASSERT(FP_MAX_FINGER_COUNT == 5); TEST_ASSERT(templ_valid == 0); TEST_ASSERT(sensor_mode == 0); /* GIVEN missing output parameter, THEN get error */ TEST_ASSERT(fp_set_sensor_mode(0, NULL) == EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM); /* THEN sensor_mode is unchanged */ TEST_ASSERT(sensor_mode == 0); /* GIVEN requested mode includes FP_MODE_DONT_CHANGE, THEN succeed */ TEST_ASSERT(sensor_mode == 0); TEST_ASSERT(output_mode == 0); requested_mode = FP_MODE_DONT_CHANGE; TEST_ASSERT(fp_set_sensor_mode(requested_mode, &output_mode) == EC_RES_SUCCESS); /* THEN sensor_mode is unchanged */ TEST_ASSERT(sensor_mode == 0); /* THEN output_mode matches sensor_mode */ TEST_ASSERT(output_mode == sensor_mode); /* GIVEN request to change to valid sensor mode */ TEST_ASSERT(sensor_mode == 0); requested_mode = FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION; /* THEN succeed */ TEST_ASSERT(fp_set_sensor_mode(requested_mode, &output_mode) == EC_RES_SUCCESS); /* THEN requested mode is returned */ TEST_ASSERT(requested_mode == output_mode); /* THEN sensor_mode is updated */ TEST_ASSERT(sensor_mode == requested_mode); /* GIVEN max number of fingers already enrolled */ sensor_mode = 0; output_mode = 0xdeadbeef; templ_valid = FP_MAX_FINGER_COUNT; requested_mode = FP_MODE_ENROLL_SESSION; /* THEN additional enroll attempt will fail */ TEST_ASSERT(fp_set_sensor_mode(requested_mode, &output_mode) == EC_RES_INVALID_PARAM); /* THEN output parameters is unchanged */ TEST_ASSERT(output_mode = 0xdeadbeef); /* THEN sensor_mode is unchanged */ TEST_ASSERT(sensor_mode == 0); return EC_SUCCESS; } void run_test(int argc, char **argv) { RUN_TEST(test_fp_enc_status_valid_flags); RUN_TEST(test_fp_tpm_seed_not_set); RUN_TEST(test_set_fp_tpm_seed); RUN_TEST(test_set_fp_tpm_seed_again); RUN_TEST(test_fp_set_sensor_mode); test_print_result(); }