/* Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * Test motion sense code: Check lid angle calculation and tablet mode * transition. */ #include "accelgyro.h" #include "common.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "motion_common.h" #include "motion_lid.h" #include "motion_sense.h" #include "tablet_mode.h" #include "test_util.h" #include "util.h" #include #include /*****************************************************************************/ /* Test utilities */ /* Array units is in m/s^2 - old matrix format. */ int filler(const struct motion_sensor_t *s, const float v) { return (v * MOTION_SCALING_FACTOR) / s->current_range; } static int test_lid_angle_less180(void) { int index = 0, lid_angle; struct motion_sensor_t *lid = &motion_sensors[CONFIG_LID_ANGLE_SENSOR_LID]; struct motion_sensor_t *base = &motion_sensors[CONFIG_LID_ANGLE_SENSOR_BASE]; /* We don't have TASK_CHIP so simulate init ourselves */ hook_notify(HOOK_CHIPSET_SHUTDOWN); TEST_ASSERT(sensor_active == SENSOR_ACTIVE_S5); TEST_ASSERT(lid->drv->get_data_rate(lid) == 0); /* Go to S0 state */ hook_notify(HOOK_CHIPSET_SUSPEND); hook_notify(HOOK_CHIPSET_RESUME); msleep(1000); TEST_ASSERT(sensor_active == SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0); TEST_ASSERT(lid->drv->get_data_rate(lid) == TEST_LID_FREQUENCY); /* Open lid, testing close to 180 degree. */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_LID_OPEN, 1); msleep(1000); cprints(CC_ACCEL, "start loop"); /* Check we will never enter tablet mode. */ while (index < kAccelerometerLaptopModeTestDataLength) { feed_accel_data(kAccelerometerLaptopModeTestData, &index, filler); wait_for_valid_sample(); lid_angle = motion_lid_get_angle(); cprints(CC_ACCEL, "%d : LID(%d, %d, %d)/BASE(%d, %d, %d): %d", index / TEST_LID_SAMPLE_SIZE, lid->xyz[X], lid->xyz[Y], lid->xyz[Z], base->xyz[X], base->xyz[Y], base->xyz[Z], lid_angle); /* We need few sample to debounce and enter laptop mode. */ TEST_ASSERT(index < TEST_LID_SAMPLE_SIZE * (TABLET_MODE_DEBOUNCE_COUNT + 2) || !tablet_get_mode()); } /* Check we will never exit tablet mode. */ index = 0; while (index < kAccelerometerFullyOpenTestDataLength) { feed_accel_data(kAccelerometerFullyOpenTestData, &index, filler); wait_for_valid_sample(); lid_angle = motion_lid_get_angle(); cprints(CC_ACCEL, "%d : LID(%d, %d, %d)/BASE(%d, %d, %d): %d", index / TEST_LID_SAMPLE_SIZE, lid->xyz[X], lid->xyz[Y], lid->xyz[Z], base->xyz[X], base->xyz[Y], base->xyz[Z], lid_angle); TEST_ASSERT(index < TEST_LID_SAMPLE_SIZE * (TABLET_MODE_DEBOUNCE_COUNT + 2) || tablet_get_mode()); } return EC_SUCCESS; } void run_test(int argc, const char **argv) { test_reset(); RUN_TEST(test_lid_angle_less180); test_print_result(); }