/* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "printf.h" #include "test_util.h" #include "util.h" #define INIT_VALUE 0x5E #define NO_BYTES_TOUCHED NULL static const char err_str[] = "ERROR"; static char output[1024]; int run(int expect_ret, const char *expect, bool output_null, size_t size_limit, const char *format, va_list args) { size_t expect_size = expect ? strlen(expect) + 1 : 0; int rv; ccprintf("\n"); ccprintf("size_limit=%-4zd | format='%s'\n", size_limit, format); ccprintf("expect ='%s' | expect_status=%d\n", expect ? expect : "NO_BYTES_TOUCHED", expect_ret); TEST_ASSERT(expect_size <= sizeof(output)); TEST_ASSERT(expect_size <= size_limit); memset(output, INIT_VALUE, sizeof(output)); rv = vsnprintf(output_null ? NULL : output, size_limit, format, args); ccprintf("received='%.*s' | ret =%d\n", 30, output, rv); TEST_ASSERT_ARRAY_EQ(output, expect, expect_size); TEST_ASSERT_MEMSET(&output[expect_size], INIT_VALUE, sizeof(output) - expect_size); if (rv >= 0) { TEST_ASSERT(rv == expect_size - 1); TEST_ASSERT(EC_SUCCESS == expect_ret); } else { TEST_ASSERT(rv == -expect_ret); } return EC_SUCCESS; } int expect_success(const char *expect, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int rv; va_start(args, format); rv = run(EC_SUCCESS, expect, false, sizeof(output), format, args); va_end(args); return rv; } int expect(int expect_ret, const char *expect, bool output_null, size_t size_limit, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int rv; va_start(args, format); rv = run(expect_ret, expect, output_null, size_limit, format, args); va_end(args); return rv; } #define T(n) \ do { \ int rv = (n); \ if (rv != EC_SUCCESS) \ return rv; \ } while (0) test_static int test_vsnprintf_args(void) { T(expect_success("", "")); T(expect_success("a", "a")); T(expect(/* expect an invalid args error */ EC_ERROR_INVAL, NO_BYTES_TOUCHED, /* given -1 as output size limit */ false, -1, "")); T(expect(/* expect an invalid args error */ EC_ERROR_INVAL, NO_BYTES_TOUCHED, /* given 0 as output size limit */ false, 0, "")); T(expect(/* expect SUCCESS */ EC_SUCCESS, "", /* given 1 as output size limit and a blank format */ false, 1, "")); T(expect(/* expect an overflow error */ EC_ERROR_OVERFLOW, "", /* given 1 as output size limit with a non-blank format */ false, 1, "a")); T(expect(/* expect an invalid args error */ EC_ERROR_INVAL, NO_BYTES_TOUCHED, /* given NULL as the output buffer */ true, sizeof(output), "")); T(expect(/* expect an invalid args error */ EC_ERROR_INVAL, NO_BYTES_TOUCHED, /* given a NULL format string */ false, sizeof(output), NULL)); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_vsnprintf_int(void) { T(expect_success("123", "%d", 123)); T(expect_success("-123", "%d", -123)); T(expect_success("+123", "%+d", 123)); T(expect_success("-123", "%+d", -123)); T(expect_success("123", "%-d", 123)); T(expect_success("-123", "%-d", -123)); T(expect_success(" 123", "%5d", 123)); T(expect_success(" +123", "%+5d", 123)); T(expect_success("00123", "%05d", 123)); T(expect_success("00123", "%005d", 123)); /* * TODO(crbug.com/974084): This odd behavior should be fixed. * T(expect_success("+0123", "%+05d", 123)); * Actual: "0+123" * T(expect_success("+0123", "%+005d", 123)); * Actual: "0+123" */ T(expect_success(" 123", "%*d", 5, 123)); T(expect_success(" +123", "%+*d", 5, 123)); T(expect_success("00123", "%0*d", 5, 123)); /* * TODO(crbug.com/974084): This odd behavior should be fixed. * T(expect_success("00123", "%00*d", 5, 123)); * Actual: "ERROR" */ T(expect_success("0+123", "%+0*d", 5, 123)); /* * TODO(crbug.com/974084): This odd behavior should be fixed. * T(expect_success("0+123", "%+00*d", 5, 123)); * Actual: "ERROR" */ T(expect_success("123 ", "%-5d", 123)); T(expect_success("+123 ", "%-+5d", 123)); T(expect_success(err_str, "%+-5d", 123)); T(expect_success("123 ", "%-05d", 123)); T(expect_success("123 ", "%-005d", 123)); T(expect_success("+123 ", "%-+05d", 123)); T(expect_success("+123 ", "%-+005d", 123)); T(expect_success("0.00123", "%.5d", 123)); T(expect_success("+0.00123", "%+.5d", 123)); T(expect_success("0.00123", "%7.5d", 123)); T(expect_success(" 0.00123", "%9.5d", 123)); T(expect_success(" +0.00123", "%+9.5d", 123)); T(expect_success("123", "%u", 123)); T(expect_success("4294967295", "%u", -1)); T(expect_success("18446744073709551615", "%llu", (uint64_t)-1)); T(expect_success("0", "%x", 0)); T(expect_success("0", "%X", 0)); T(expect_success("5e", "%x", 0X5E)); T(expect_success("5E", "%X", 0X5E)); /* * %l is deprecated on 32-bit systems (see crbug.com/984041), but is * is still functional on 64-bit systems. */ if (sizeof(long) == sizeof(uint32_t)) { T(expect_success(err_str, "%lx", 0x7b)); T(expect_success(err_str, "%08lu", 0x7b)); T(expect_success("13ERROR", "%d%lu", 13, 14)); } else { T(expect_success("7b", "%lx", 0x7b)); T(expect_success("00000123", "%08lu", 123)); T(expect_success("131415", "%d%lu%d", 13, 14L, 15)); } return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_vsnprintf_pointers(void) { void *ptr = (void *)0x55005E00; unsigned int val = 0; T(expect_success("55005e00", "%pP", ptr)); T(expect_success(err_str, "%P", ptr)); /* %p by itself is invalid */ T(expect(EC_ERROR_INVAL, NO_BYTES_TOUCHED, false, -1, "%p")); /* %p with an unknown suffix is invalid */ T(expect(EC_ERROR_INVAL, NO_BYTES_TOUCHED, false, -1, "%p ")); /* %p with an unknown suffix is invalid */ T(expect(EC_ERROR_INVAL, NO_BYTES_TOUCHED, false, -1, "%pQ")); /* Test %pb, binary format */ T(expect_success("0", "%pb", BINARY_VALUE(val, 0))); val = 0x5E; T(expect_success("1011110", "%pb", BINARY_VALUE(val, 0))); T(expect_success("0000000001011110", "%pb", BINARY_VALUE(val, 16))); val = 0x12345678; T(expect_success("10010001101000101011001111000", "%pb", BINARY_VALUE(val, 0))); val = 0xFEDCBA90; /* Test a number that makes the longest string possible */ T(expect_success("11111110110111001011101010010000", "%pb", BINARY_VALUE(val, 0))); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_vsnprintf_chars(void) { T(expect_success("a", "%c", 'a')); T(expect_success("*", "%c", '*')); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_vsnprintf_strings(void) { T(expect_success("abc", "%s", "abc")); T(expect_success(" abc", "%5s", "abc")); T(expect_success("abc", "%0s", "abc")); T(expect_success("abc ", "%-5s", "abc")); T(expect_success("abc", "%*s", 0, "abc")); T(expect_success("a", "%.1s", "abc")); T(expect_success("a", "%.*s", 1, "abc")); T(expect_success("", "%.0s", "abc")); T(expect_success("", "%.*s", 0, "abc")); /* * TODO(crbug.com/974084): * Ignoring the padding parameter is slightly * odd behavior and could use a review. */ T(expect_success("ab", "%5.2s", "abc")); T(expect_success("abc", "%.4s", "abc")); /* * Given a malformed string (address 0x1 is a good example), * if we ask for zero precision, expect no bytes to be read * from the malformed address and a blank output string. */ T(expect_success("", "%.0s", (char *)1)); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_vsnprintf_timestamps(void) { uint64_t ts = 0; T(expect_success("0.000000", "%pT", &ts)); ts = 123456; T(expect_success("0.123456", "%pT", &ts)); ts = 9999999000000; T(expect_success("9999999.000000", "%pT", &ts)); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_vsnprintf_hexdump(void) { const char bytes[] = {0x00, 0x5E}; T(expect_success("005e", "%ph", HEX_BUF(bytes, 2))); T(expect_success("", "%ph", HEX_BUF(bytes, 0))); T(expect_success("00", "%ph", HEX_BUF(bytes, 1))); return EC_SUCCESS; } test_static int test_vsnprintf_combined(void) { T(expect_success("abc", "%c%s", 'a', "bc")); T(expect_success("12\tbc", "%d\t%s", 12, "bc")); return EC_SUCCESS; } void run_test(int argc, char **argv) { test_reset(); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_args); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_int); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_pointers); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_chars); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_strings); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_timestamps); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_hexdump); RUN_TEST(test_vsnprintf_combined); test_print_result(); }