#!/bin/bash -e # Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This file is implemented similar to is_enabled_error.sh TEST_DIR="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" TEST_CMD="$(cat "${TEST_DIR}/RO/test/static_if_error.o.cmd")" TEST_ERROR_COUNT=0 BAD_ERROR_MSG="This error should not be seen in the compiler output!" fail() { echo "Fail" echo "$1" echo "$BUILD_OUTPUT" TEST_ERROR_COUNT=$((TEST_ERROR_COUNT+1)) } for test_macro in STATIC_IF STATIC_IF_NOT; do for test_value in 0 1 2 A "5 + 5"; do echo -n "Running TEST_MACRO=${test_macro} TEST_VALUE=${test_value}..." TEST_CMD_COMPLETE=" ${TEST_CMD} \"-DTEST_MACRO=${test_macro}\" \"-DTEST_VALUE=${test_value}\"" echo "$TEST_CMD_COMPLETE" if BUILD_OUTPUT="$(sh -c "$TEST_CMD_COMPLETE" 2>&1)"; then fail "Compilation should not have succeeded." continue fi if grep -q "$BAD_ERROR_MSG" <<<"$BUILD_OUTPUT"; then fail "TEST_MACRO was not defined." continue fi done done if [[ $TEST_ERROR_COUNT -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Pass!" else echo "Fail! (${TEST_ERROR_COUNT} tests)" fi