/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * Test thermal engine. */ #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "host_command.h" #include "printf.h" #include "temp_sensor.h" #include "test_util.h" #include "thermal.h" #include "timer.h" #include "util.h" static int mock_temp[TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT]; static int fan_rpm; static int fan_rpm_mode = 1; static int cpu_throttled; static int cpu_down; extern struct thermal_config_t thermal_config[TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_COUNT]; extern const int fan_speed[THERMAL_FAN_STEPS + 1]; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Mock functions */ int temp_sensor_read(enum temp_sensor_id id, int *temp_ptr) { if (mock_temp[id] >= 0) { *temp_ptr = mock_temp[id]; return EC_SUCCESS; } else { return -mock_temp[id]; } } void pwm_set_fan_rpm_mode(int rpm_mode) { fan_rpm_mode = rpm_mode; } void pwm_set_fan_target_rpm(int rpm) { fan_rpm = rpm; } void chipset_force_shutdown(void) { cpu_down = 1; } void chipset_throttle_cpu(int throttled) { cpu_throttled = throttled; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Test utilities */ /* Test shorthands */ #define T_CPU TEMP_SENSOR_CPU #define T_BOARD TEMP_SENSOR_BOARD #define T_CASE TEMP_SENSOR_CASE #define THRESHOLD(x, y) (thermal_config[x].thresholds[y]) #define FAN_THRESHOLD(x, y) THRESHOLD(x, THRESHOLD_COUNT + (y)) static void reset_mock_temp(void) { int i; enum temp_sensor_type type; for (i = 0; i < TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; ++i) { type = temp_sensors[i].type; mock_temp[i] = FAN_THRESHOLD(type, 0) - 1; } } static int wait_fan_rpm(int rpm, int timeout_secs) { do { if (fan_rpm == rpm) return 1; usleep(SECOND); } while (timeout_secs--); return 0; } static int wait_value(int *v, int target, int timeout_secs) { do { if (*v == target) return 1; usleep(SECOND); } while (timeout_secs--); return 0; } static int wait_set(int *v, int timeout_secs) { return wait_value(v, 1, timeout_secs); } static int wait_clear(int *v, int timeout_secs) { return wait_value(v, 0, timeout_secs); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Tests */ static int test_init_val(void) { /* Initial mock temperature values are all zero. */ TEST_ASSERT(cpu_throttled == 0); TEST_ASSERT(cpu_down == 0); TEST_ASSERT(!(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_OVERLOAD))); TEST_ASSERT(!(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN))); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int test_cpu_fan(void) { reset_mock_temp(); /* * Increase CPU temperature to first fan step and check if * the fan comes up. */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = FAN_THRESHOLD(T_CPU, 0); TEST_ASSERT(wait_fan_rpm(fan_speed[1], 11)); /* Increase CPU temperature to second fan step */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = FAN_THRESHOLD(T_CPU, 1); TEST_ASSERT(wait_fan_rpm(fan_speed[2], 11)); /* Test threshold hysteresis */ mock_temp[T_CPU]--; usleep(15 * SECOND); TEST_ASSERT(fan_rpm == fan_speed[2]); /* Test action delay */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = FAN_THRESHOLD(T_CPU, 4); usleep((temp_sensors[T_CPU].action_delay_sec - 1) * SECOND); TEST_ASSERT(fan_rpm == fan_speed[2]); mock_temp[T_CPU] = FAN_THRESHOLD(T_CPU, 0); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int test_safety(void) { reset_mock_temp(); /* Trigger CPU throttling */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = THRESHOLD(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_WARNING); TEST_ASSERT(wait_set(&cpu_throttled, 11)); TEST_ASSERT(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_OVERLOAD)); /* Lower temperature. CPU not throttled anymore. */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = THRESHOLD(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_WARNING) - 5; TEST_ASSERT(wait_clear(&cpu_throttled, 2)); /* Thermal shutdown */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = THRESHOLD(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_CPU_DOWN); TEST_ASSERT(wait_set(&cpu_down, 11)); TEST_ASSERT(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN)); mock_temp[T_CPU] = 0; usleep(SECOND); cpu_down = 0; mock_temp[T_CPU] = THRESHOLD(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_POWER_DOWN); TEST_ASSERT(wait_set(&cpu_down, 11)); TEST_ASSERT(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN)); mock_temp[T_CPU] = 0; cpu_down = 0; return EC_SUCCESS; } static int test_sensor_failure(void) { reset_mock_temp(); /* Failure due to sensor not powered should be ignored */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = -EC_ERROR_NOT_POWERED; usleep(5 * SECOND); TEST_ASSERT(!(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL))); /* Other failure should be pumped up to host */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = -EC_ERROR_UNKNOWN; usleep(5 * SECOND); TEST_ASSERT(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL)); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int test_sensor_info(void) { struct ec_params_temp_sensor_get_info params; struct ec_response_temp_sensor_get_info resp; int i; for (i = 0; i < TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; ++i) { params.id = i; TEST_ASSERT(test_send_host_command( EC_CMD_TEMP_SENSOR_GET_INFO, 0, ¶ms, sizeof(params), &resp, sizeof(resp)) == EC_RES_SUCCESS); TEST_ASSERT_ARRAY_EQ(resp.sensor_name, temp_sensors[i].name, strlen(resp.sensor_name)); TEST_ASSERT(resp.sensor_type == temp_sensors[i].type); } params.id = TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT; TEST_ASSERT(test_send_host_command( EC_CMD_TEMP_SENSOR_GET_INFO, 0, ¶ms, sizeof(params), &resp, sizeof(resp)) != EC_RES_SUCCESS); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int set_threshold(int type, int threshold_id, int val) { struct ec_params_thermal_set_threshold params; params.sensor_type = type; params.threshold_id = threshold_id; params.value = val; return test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_THERMAL_SET_THRESHOLD, 0, ¶ms, sizeof(params), NULL, 0); } static int get_threshold(int type, int threshold_id, int *val) { struct ec_params_thermal_get_threshold params; struct ec_response_thermal_get_threshold resp; int rv; params.sensor_type = type; params.threshold_id = threshold_id; rv = test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_THERMAL_GET_THRESHOLD, 0, ¶ms, sizeof(params), &resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rv != EC_RES_SUCCESS) return rv; *val = resp.value; return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } static int verify_threshold(int type, int threshold_id, int val) { int actual_val; if (get_threshold(type, threshold_id, &actual_val) != EC_RES_SUCCESS) return 0; return val == actual_val; } static int test_threshold_hostcmd(void) { reset_mock_temp(); /* Verify thresholds */ TEST_ASSERT(verify_threshold(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_WARNING, THRESHOLD(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_WARNING))); TEST_ASSERT(verify_threshold(T_BOARD, THRESHOLD_WARNING, THRESHOLD(T_BOARD, THRESHOLD_WARNING))); TEST_ASSERT(verify_threshold(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_CPU_DOWN, THRESHOLD(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_CPU_DOWN))); /* Lower CPU throttling threshold and trigger */ TEST_ASSERT(set_threshold(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_WARNING, 350) == EC_RES_SUCCESS); mock_temp[T_CPU] = 355; TEST_ASSERT(wait_set(&cpu_throttled, 11)); TEST_ASSERT(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_OVERLOAD)); /* Lower thermal shutdown threshold */ TEST_ASSERT(set_threshold(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_CPU_DOWN, 353) == EC_RES_SUCCESS); TEST_ASSERT(wait_set(&cpu_down, 11)); TEST_ASSERT(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN)); /* Clear */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = 0; TEST_ASSERT(wait_clear(&cpu_throttled, 2)); cpu_down = 0; return EC_SUCCESS; } static int test_threshold_console_cmd(void) { char buf[100]; reset_mock_temp(); /* Lower CPU threshold and trigger */ snprintf(buf, 100, "thermalconf %d %d 330\n", T_CPU, THRESHOLD_WARNING); UART_INJECT(buf); msleep(100); mock_temp[T_CPU] = 335; TEST_ASSERT(wait_set(&cpu_throttled, 11)); TEST_ASSERT(host_get_events() & EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK(EC_HOST_EVENT_THERMAL_OVERLOAD)); /* Set first fan step to 280 K */ snprintf(buf, 100, "thermalfan %d 0 280\n", T_CPU); UART_INJECT(buf); msleep(100); mock_temp[T_CPU] = 280; TEST_ASSERT(wait_fan_rpm(fan_speed[1], 11)); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int test_invalid_hostcmd(void) { int dummy; TEST_ASSERT(set_threshold(TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_COUNT, THRESHOLD_WARNING, 100) != EC_RES_SUCCESS); TEST_ASSERT(set_threshold(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_COUNT + THERMAL_FAN_STEPS, 100) != EC_RES_SUCCESS); TEST_ASSERT(get_threshold(TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_COUNT, THRESHOLD_WARNING, &dummy) != EC_RES_SUCCESS); TEST_ASSERT(get_threshold(T_CPU, THRESHOLD_COUNT + THERMAL_FAN_STEPS, &dummy) != EC_RES_SUCCESS); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int test_auto_fan_ctrl(void) { reset_mock_temp(); /* Disable fan control */ pwm_set_fan_rpm_mode(0); thermal_control_fan(0); /* * Increase CPU temperature to first fan step and check the fan * doesn't come up. */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = FAN_THRESHOLD(T_CPU, 0); TEST_ASSERT(!wait_fan_rpm(fan_speed[1], 11)); /* Enable fan control */ TEST_ASSERT(test_send_host_command(EC_CMD_THERMAL_AUTO_FAN_CTRL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) == EC_RES_SUCCESS); TEST_ASSERT(fan_rpm_mode == 1); TEST_ASSERT(wait_fan_rpm(fan_speed[1], 11)); /* Disable fan control */ pwm_set_fan_rpm_mode(0); thermal_control_fan(0); /* Increase CPU temperature to second fan step */ mock_temp[T_CPU] = FAN_THRESHOLD(T_CPU, 1); TEST_ASSERT(!wait_fan_rpm(fan_speed[2], 11)); /* Enable fan control by console command */ UART_INJECT("autofan\n"); msleep(100); TEST_ASSERT(fan_rpm_mode == 1); TEST_ASSERT(wait_fan_rpm(fan_speed[2], 11)); return EC_SUCCESS; } static int check_assumption(void) { TEST_ASSERT((int)TEMP_SENSOR_CPU == (int)TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_CPU); TEST_ASSERT((int)TEMP_SENSOR_BOARD == (int)TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_BOARD); TEST_ASSERT((int)TEMP_SENSOR_CASE == (int)TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_CASE); TEST_ASSERT(temp_sensors[T_CPU].action_delay_sec != 0); TEST_ASSERT(thermal_config[T_CPU].config_flags & THERMAL_CONFIG_WARNING_ON_FAIL); return EC_SUCCESS; } void run_test(void) { test_reset(); /* Test assumptions */ RUN_TEST(check_assumption); RUN_TEST(test_init_val); RUN_TEST(test_cpu_fan); /* No tests for board and case temp sensors as they are ignored. */ RUN_TEST(test_safety); RUN_TEST(test_sensor_failure); RUN_TEST(test_auto_fan_ctrl); RUN_TEST(test_sensor_info); RUN_TEST(test_threshold_hostcmd); RUN_TEST(test_invalid_hostcmd); RUN_TEST(test_threshold_console_cmd); test_print_result(); }