#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Module for testing hash functions using extended commands.""" from __future__ import print_function import hashlib import struct import subcmd import utils # Hash command modes CMD_START = 0 CMD_CONT = 1 CMD_FINISH = 2 CMD_SINGLE = 3 # Hash modes MODE_SHA1 = 0 MODE_SHA256 = 1 # A standard empty response to HASH extended commands. EMPTY_RESPONSE = ''.join('%c' % x for x in (0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0xba, 0xcc, 0xd0, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x01)) test_inputs = ( # SHA mode cmd mode handle text (MODE_SHA1, 'single', 0, 'anything really will work here'), (MODE_SHA256, 'single', 0, 'some more text, this time for sha256'), (MODE_SHA256, 'start', 1, 'some more text, this time for sha256'), (MODE_SHA256, 'cont', 1, 'some more text, this time for sha256'), (MODE_SHA256, 'start', 2, 'this could be anything, we just need to'), (MODE_SHA1, 'single', 3, 'interleave a SHA1 single calculation'), (MODE_SHA256, 'single', 3, 'interleave a SHA256 single calculation'), (MODE_SHA1, 'start', 3, 'let\'s interleave a sha1 calculation'), (MODE_SHA256, 'cont', 2, 'fill up a second context with something'), (MODE_SHA256, 'cont', 1, 'let\'s feed some more into context 1'), (MODE_SHA256, 'finish', 1, 'some more text, this time for sha256'), (MODE_SHA1, 'cont', 3, 'with two active sha256 calculations'), (MODE_SHA1, 'finish', 3, 'this should be enough'), (MODE_SHA256, 'finish', 2, 'it does not really matter what'), ) def hash_test(tpm): """Exercise multiple hash threads simultaneously. Command structure, shared out of band with the test running on the target: field | size | note =================================================================== hash_cmd | 1 | 0 - start, 1 - cont., 2 - finish, 4 - single hash_mode | 1 | 0 - sha1, 1 - sha256 handle | 1 | session handle, ignored in 'single' mode text_len | 2 | size of the text to process, big endian text | text_len | text to hash Args: tpm: a tpm object used to communicate with the device Raises: subcmd.TpmTestError: on unexpected target responses """ contexts = {} function_map = { MODE_SHA1: ('sha1', hashlib.sha1), MODE_SHA256: ('sha256', hashlib.sha256) } cmd_map = { 'start': CMD_START, 'cont': CMD_CONT, 'finish': CMD_FINISH, 'single': CMD_SINGLE } for test in test_inputs: hash_mode, cmd_name, handle, text = test mode_name, hash_func = function_map[hash_mode] hash_cmd = cmd_map[cmd_name] test_name = '%s:%s:%d' % (mode_name, cmd_name, handle) cmd = '%c' % hash_cmd cmd += '%c' % hash_mode cmd += '%c' % handle # Ignored for single shots cmd += struct.pack('>H', len(text)) cmd += text wrapped_response = tpm.command(tpm.wrap_ext_command(subcmd.HASH, cmd)) if hash_cmd in (CMD_START, CMD_CONT): if hash_cmd == CMD_START: contexts[handle] = hash_func() h = contexts[handle] h.update(text) if wrapped_response != EMPTY_RESPONSE: raise subcmd.TpmTestError("Unexpected response to '%s': %s" % (test_name, utils.hex_dump(wrapped_response))) continue if hash_cmd == CMD_FINISH: h = contexts[handle] elif hash_cmd == CMD_SINGLE: h = hash_func() else: raise subcmd.TpmTestError('Unknown command %d' % hash_cmd) h.update(text) digest = h.digest() result = wrapped_response[12:] if result != h.digest(): raise subcmd.TpmTestError('%s error:%s%s' % (test_name, utils.hex_dump(digest), utils.hex_dump(result))) print('%sSUCCESS: %s' % (utils.cursor_back(), test_name))