#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" # Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """acroterm.py - Terminal program for Acropora RTOS Loosely based on miniterm.py from PySerial. Eventually: - Switch to/from binary cmsg() mode - Local console history/editing - Integrate with coverage tool? """ import argparse import atexit import fcntl import glob import math import pickle import os import re import struct import subprocess import sys import tempfile import termios import threading import zlib import serial # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def fatal(desc): """Print an error and exit.""" sys.stderr.write('\nacroterm error: %s\n' % desc) sys.exit(1) def notice(desc): """Print a notification to stderr.""" sys.stderr.write('\nacroterm: %s\n' % desc) def crc8(buf): """CRC-8""" c = 0 for d in buf: c ^= d << 8 for _ in range(8): if c & 0x8000: c ^= (0x1070 << 3) c <<= 1 return c >> 8 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PacketError(Exception): """Base packet error exception. TODO(vbendeb): should this be rolled into PacketDataLenError()? """ def __init__(self, packet): super().__init__() self.packet = packet class PacketDataLenError(PacketError): """Exception to throw if packet length error is detected""" def __init__(self, packet, count): super().__init__(packet) self.count = count # Constants from enum cmsg_channel CMSG_CHAN_DEFAULT = 0 CMSG_CHAN_TASK_CMSG = 1 CMSG_CHAN_SYSTEM = 2 CMSG_CHAN_INTERRUPT = 3 CMSG_CHAN_INIT = 4 CMSG_CHAN_EXCEPTION = 5 CMSG_CHAN_CUSTOM = 0x40 CMSG_CHAN_CUSTOM_LAST = 0x7f CMSG_CHAN_FLAG_TASK = 0x80 CMSG_CHAN_FLAG_ASYNC = 0x40 CMSG_CHAN_FLAG_SYSCALL = 0x20 CMSG_CHAN_MASK_TASK_ID = 0x1f # Constants from enum syscall_cmsg_format CMSG_FORMAT_DONE = 0 CMSG_FORMAT_SIGNED = 1 CMSG_FORMAT_UNSIGNED = 2 CMSG_FORMAT_HEX = 3 CMSG_FORMAT_CHAR = 4 CMSG_FORMAT_ERR = 5 CMSG_FORMAT_STRING = 6 CMSG_FORMAT_64BIT = 7 CMSG_FORMAT_BUFFER_BASED = 12 CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_STRUCT = CMSG_FORMAT_BUFFER_BASED CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_STRING = 13 CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_BYTES = 14 CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_WORDS = 15 # 64-bit pseudo-formats CMSG_FORMAT_SIGNED64 = 100 + CMSG_FORMAT_SIGNED CMSG_FORMAT_UNSIGNED64 = 100 + CMSG_FORMAT_UNSIGNED CMSG_FORMAT_HEX64 = 100 + CMSG_FORMAT_HEX CMSG_FORMAT_TIME64 = 100 + CMSG_FORMAT_CHAR class Packet(object): """Console output packet from acropora""" MAGIC = 0xc0 END_MAGIC = 0xc1 FORMAT = struct.Struct(' bytes of data as a bytearray.""" if len(self.data) < count: raise PacketDataLenError(self, count) d = self.data[:count] self.data = self.data[count:] return d def unpack_ph(self, header): """Class specific header unpack structure Saves class unique fields in the instance, returns the common ones to the caller. """ (b1, chan, self.const_str_len, time_lo, time_hi, data_len, crc) = self.FORMAT.unpack(header) self.param_count = b1 >> 5 return b1, chan, time_lo, time_hi, data_len, crc def validate_header(self): """Validate the packet header. Returns: True if there is more data needed. """ if self.expect_len != self.FORMAT.size: return False header = self.data[:self.FORMAT.size] b1, chan, time_lo, time_hi, data_len, crc = self.unpack_ph(header) if crc != crc8(header[:-1]): print('Bad packet size') return False self.channel = chan timestamp = time_hi << 32 | time_lo if timestamp < self.last_timestamp: # Reboot will restart the sequence at 0 self.next_seq = 0 self.last_timestamp = timestamp self.timestr = '%d.%06d' % (timestamp // 1000000, timestamp % 1000000) # Flag dropped packets if b1 & 0x10: self.errors.append('(sender dropped packet(s))') sequence = b1 & 0x0f if self.next_seq is not None and sequence != self.next_seq: self.errors.append('(missing packet(s)); got %d expect %d' % (sequence, self.next_seq)) self.next_seq = (sequence + 1) % 16 self.data_len = data_len if not data_len: # No data; just header self.check_trailer_and_decode_packet() return False self.expect_len += data_len + 1 # +1 for packet end return True def decode_param(self, fmt, param): """Decode one param and return as string""" dout = '' # TODO: maybe tidier to pass param in as a bytearray and unpack it here? if fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_SIGNED: if param > 1 << 31: param -= 1 << 32 dout += '%d' % param elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_SIGNED64: if param > 1 << 63: param -= 1 << 64 dout += '%d' % param elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_UNSIGNED or fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_UNSIGNED64: dout += '%u' % param elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_HEX: dout += '0x%08x' % param elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_HEX64: dout += '0x%016x' % param elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_CHAR: dout += "'%c'" % param elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_TIME64: if param == (1 << 64) - 1: dout += '(FOREVER)' else: dout += '%d.%06d' % (param // 1000000, param % 1000000) elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_ERR: err_type = param >> 30 if param == 0: dout += 'ErrNone' elif err_type < 2: fileno = (param >> 19) & 0x7ff lineno = (param >> 8) & 0x7ff # Or instance dout += 'Err#%d' % (param & 0xff) if fileno: dout += ':File#%d' % fileno if lineno: dout += ':%s#%d' % ( 'Instance' if err_type else 'Line', lineno) elif err_type == 2: err_subtype = (param >> 28) & 0x03 if err_subtype == 0: dout += 'ErrSub#%d:Code#%d' % ( (param >> 16) & 0xfff, param & 0xffff) else: dout += 'ErrReserved#%08x' % param else: dout += 'ErrLegacy0x%08x' % (param & 0x3fffffff) elif fmt in (CMSG_FORMAT_STRING, CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_STRING, CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_STRUCT, CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_BYTES, CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_WORDS): size = param & 0xffff if size == 0xffff: dout += ('(BadStrPtr)' if fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_STRING else '(bad size/offs)') else: buf = self.next_data(size) if fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_STRING or fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_STRING: dout += buf.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_STRUCT: stype = param >> 16 handler = Packet.struct_handlers.get( stype, Packet.default_struct_handler) dout += handler(stype, buf) elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_BYTES: dout += ' '.join('%02x' % x for x in buf) elif fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_BUF_WORDS: count = (param & 0xffff) // 4 words = struct.unpack('=%dL' % count, buf) dout += ' '.join('%08x' % x for x in words) else: if fmt > 100: dout += 'BadFormatL%d' % (fmt - 100) else: dout += 'BadFormat%d' % fmt return dout def check_trailer_and_decode_packet(self): 'Verify trailer presence and decode packet' # Consume packet header. self.next_data(self.FORMAT.size) # Flag (but keep processing) bad data: header is still fine. if self.data_len and ((not self.data) or self.data[-1] != self.END_MAGIC): self.errors.append( '(packet data missing end magic; may be corrupt)') self.decode_packet() self.reset() def decode_packet(self): """Decode a packet, now that it's all shown up.""" channel = self.channel self.decoded += '[%s/' % self.timestr if channel == CMSG_CHAN_DEFAULT: self.decoded += '??' elif channel == CMSG_CHAN_INTERRUPT: self.decoded += 'I.' elif channel == CMSG_CHAN_INIT: self.decoded += 'i.' elif channel == CMSG_CHAN_EXCEPTION: self.decoded += 'E.' elif channel & CMSG_CHAN_TASK_CMSG: if channel & CMSG_CHAN_FLAG_SYSCALL: self.decoded += 'A' if channel & CMSG_CHAN_FLAG_ASYNC else 'T' else: self.decoded += 'a' if channel & CMSG_CHAN_FLAG_ASYNC else 't' self.decoded += '%d' % (channel & CMSG_CHAN_MASK_TASK_ID) else: self.decoded += '%02x' % channel self.decoded += ']' # Decode data const_str = '' param_decoded = [] try: if self.const_str_len: const_str = self.next_data(self.const_str_len ).decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') param_count = self.param_count if param_count: # Unpack format nibbles formats = [] fbuf = self.next_data((self.param_count + 1) // 2) for f in fbuf: formats += [f & 0xf, f >> 4] # Unpack params params = struct.unpack('=' + ('L' * param_count), self.next_data(4 * param_count)) p = 0 while p < param_count: param = params[p] fmt = formats[p] p += 1 if fmt == CMSG_FORMAT_64BIT: param |= params[p] << 32 fmt = formats[p] + 100 # TODO: define constant p += 1 param_decoded.append(self.decode_param(fmt, param)) except PacketDataLenError: print(' (bad len)') # Handle format chars inside the decoded string # TODO: use regex rather than scanning a char at a time if const_str: self.decoded += ' ' const_chars = [c for c in const_str] while const_chars: c = const_chars.pop(0) if c == '$': if param_decoded: self.decoded += param_decoded.pop(0) elif c == '%': if const_chars: self.decoded += const_chars.pop(0) else: self.decoded += c # Consume remaining params if param_decoded: self.decoded += ' ' + ' '.join(param_decoded) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Packet struct handlers CMSG_STRUCT_PMP_CSRS = 0 CMSG_STRUCT_MGPSCRATCH_CSRS = 1 CMSG_STRUCT_EXCEPTION_FRAME = 2 CMSG_STRUCT_COVERAGE_COUNTERS = 3 CMSG_STRUCT_TASK_PRINT_ONE = 4 CMSG_STRUCT_SHMEM_PRINT_ONE = 5 CMSG_STRUCT_64BIT_POINTER = 6 def handle_struct_pmp_csrs(_, buf): """Format for printing pmp_csrs acropora structure""" fields = struct.unpack('=4L16L', buf) pmpcfg = fields[0:4] pmpaddr = fields[4:20] out = '\n' for i in range(0, 16, 4): out += 'pmp%02d-%02d %08x: ' % (i, i + 3, pmpcfg[i // 4]) out += '%08x-%08x %08x-%08x\n' % pmpaddr[i : i + 4] for i in range(16): cfg = pmpcfg[i >> 2] >> (8 * (i & 3)) if cfg == 0: continue out += 'pmp%-2d: %02x %s%s%s%s' % (i, cfg, 'R' if (cfg & (1 << 0)) else '-', 'W' if (cfg & (1 << 1)) else '-', 'X' if (cfg & (1 << 2)) else '-', 'L' if (cfg & (1 << 7)) else '-') cfg_type = (cfg >> 3) & 3 if cfg_type == 1: # TOR out += '%08x - %08x' % (pmpaddr[i - 1] if i else 0, pmpaddr[i]) elif cfg_type == 2: # NA4 out += '%08x' % pmpaddr[i] elif cfg_type == 3: # NAPOT addr = pmpaddr[i] out += '%08x size %08x' % ((addr & (addr + 1)) << 2, (addr ^ (addr + 1) + 1) << 2) else: out += '-' out += '\n' return out Packet.set_struct_handler(CMSG_STRUCT_PMP_CSRS, handle_struct_pmp_csrs) def handle_struct_mgpscratch_csrs(_, buf): """Format for printing mgpscratch_csrs acropora structure""" fields = struct.unpack('=16L', buf) out = '\n' for i in range(0, 16, 4): out += 'gen%02d-%02d ' % (i, i + 3) out += '%08x %08x %08x %08x\n' % fields[i : i + 4] return out Packet.set_struct_handler(CMSG_STRUCT_MGPSCRATCH_CSRS, handle_struct_mgpscratch_csrs) mcause_desc = { 0:'Instruction address misaligned', 1:'Instruction access fault', 2:'Illegal instruction', 3:'Breakpoint', 4:'Load address misaligned', 5:'Load access fault', 6:'Store/AMO address misaligned', 7:'Store/AMO access fault', 8:'Environment call from U-mode', 9:'Environment call from S-mode', 10:'NMI', 11:'Environment call from M-mode', 12:'Instruction page fault', 13:'Load page fault', 14:'Reserved', 15:'Store/AMO page fault', 48:'Watchdog' } def handle_struct_exception_frame(_, buf): """Format for printing exception_frame acropora structure""" out = '' fieldvals = struct.unpack('=14L12L7L8LL', buf) fieldnames = ['gp', 'tp', 'sp', 'mcause', 'mepc', 'mtval', 'mstatus', 'mscratch', 'mie', 'mip', 'mtvec', 'mnmivec', 'trapflgs', 'reserved0'] fieldnames += ['s%d' % i for i in range(12)] fieldnames += ['t%d' % i for i in range(7)] fieldnames += ['a%d' % i for i in range(8)] fieldnames += ['ra'] fields = dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldvals)) mstatus = fields['mstatus'] out += '%s-MODE EXCEPTION ' % ('M' if (mstatus & (3 << 11)) else 'U') mcause = fields['mcause'] out += '%08x: %s\n' % (mcause, mcause_desc.get(mcause, '?')) fieldlines = (('s0', 'gp', 'mstatus', 'mie'), ('s1', 'ra', 'mepc', 'mip'), ('s2', 'sp', 'mtvec', 'mnmivec'), ('s3', 'tp', 'mtval', 'mscratch'), ('s4', 'a0', 't0', 'trapflgs'), ('s5', 'a1', 't1'), ('s6', 'a2', 't2'), ('s7', 'a3', 't3'), ('s8', 'a4', 't4'), ('s9', 'a5', 't5'), ('s10', 'a6', 't6'), ('s11', 'a7')) fieldlinelen = (3, 3, 7, 8) for fline in fieldlines: fl = zip(fline, fieldlinelen) out += ' '.join('%-*s %08x' % (l, f, fields[f]) for f, l in fl) + '\n' return out Packet.set_struct_handler(CMSG_STRUCT_EXCEPTION_FRAME, handle_struct_exception_frame) def handle_struct_coverage_counters(_, buf): """Format for printing coverage_counters acropora structure""" # TODO: this should just write them to coverage directly; no need to parse # later. count = len(buf) // 8 counters = struct.unpack('=%dQ' % count, buf) return ' '.join(str(c) for c in counters) Packet.set_struct_handler(CMSG_STRUCT_COVERAGE_COUNTERS, handle_struct_coverage_counters) def handle_struct_task_print_one(_, buf): """Format for printing task_print_one acropora structure""" fieldvals = struct.unpack('=LLLLQLLLL16c', buf) fieldnames = ['flags', 'events', 'events_enabled', 'events_async_enabled', 'wake_time', 'mepc', 'msg_head', 'msg_tail', 'msg_queue_mask', 'name'] fields = dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldvals)) out = '' flags = fields['flags'] out += 'R' if (flags & (1 << 0)) else 's' out += 'T' if (flags & (1 << 1)) else '.' out += ' %(mepc)08x %(events)08x' % fields out += ' %(events_enabled)08x %(events_async_enabled)08x' % fields out += ' %(msg_head)04x %(msg_tail)04x %(msg_queue_mask)04x' % fields wake_time = fields['wake_time'] if wake_time == 0xffffffffffffffff: out += ' (FOREVER)' else: out += '%7d.%06d' % (wake_time // 1000000, wake_time % 1000000) out += ' ' + fields['name'].decode() return out Packet.set_struct_handler(CMSG_STRUCT_TASK_PRINT_ONE, handle_struct_task_print_one) def handle_struct_shmem_print_one(_, buf): """Format for printing shmem_print _one acropora structure""" fieldvals = struct.unpack('=LLLLLBBBB', buf) fieldnames = ['addr', 'max_size', 'allocated_size', 'allocated_owner_mask', 'flags', 'handle', 'owner', 'requested_owner', 'map_count'] fields = dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldvals)) out = '' out += '%(handle)2d %(flags)02x %(addr)08x' % fields out += ' %(allocated_size)6d/%(max_size)6d m%(map_count)d' % fields if fields['owner'] != 32: # SHMEM_OWNER_NONE out += ' o%d' % fields['owner'] if fields['requested_owner'] != 32: # SHMEM_OWNER_NONE out += '->%d' % fields['requested_owner'] return out Packet.set_struct_handler(CMSG_STRUCT_SHMEM_PRINT_ONE, handle_struct_shmem_print_one) def handle_struct_64bit_pointer(_, buf): """Unpack and convert to text a 64 bit value""" fields = struct.unpack('=Q', buf) return '0x%16x' % fields Packet.set_struct_handler(CMSG_STRUCT_64BIT_POINTER, handle_struct_64bit_pointer) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Console(object): """OS abstraction for console (input/output codec, no echo)""" def __init__(self): self.fd = sys.stdin.fileno() self.old = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd) atexit.register(self.cleanup) def setup(self): """Set console to read single characters, no echo""" attr = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd) attr[3] = attr[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO & ~termios.ISIG attr[6][termios.VMIN] = 1 attr[6][termios.VTIME] = 0 termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSANOW, attr) def cleanup(self): """Restore default console settings""" termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, self.old) @staticmethod def getkey(): """Read a single key from the console""" while True: try: c = sys.stdin.read(1) if c == '\x7f': c = '\x08' # Map the BS key (which yields DEL) to backspace return c except IOError as e: # When the programming command is running, it can eat stdin. if e.errno == 11: # Resource temporarily unavailable pass else: raise @staticmethod def write(text): """Write string""" try: sys.stdout.write(text) except UnicodeEncodeError: sys.stdout.write(str(bytes(text, 'utf-8'))) sys.stdout.flush() def cancel(self): """Cancel getkey operation""" fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, termios.TIOCSTI, b'\0') def __enter__(self): self.cleanup() return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.setup() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Acroterm(object): """Acropora terminal class. Receives characters from a serial interface or a program, passes them through a packet processing and/or directly sends them to the console depending on the input stream contents. """ COLOR_DEFAULT = '\x1b[0m' COLOR_BLACK = '\x1b[0;30m' COLOR_RED = '\x1b[0;31m' COLOR_GREEN = '\x1b[0;32m' COLOR_BROWN = '\x1b[0;33m' COLOR_BLUE = '\x1b[0;34m' COLOR_PURPLE = '\x1b[0;35m' COLOR_CYAN = '\x1b[0;36m' COLOR_LGRAY = '\x1b[0;37m' COLOR_DGRAY = '\x1b[1;30m' COLOR_LRED = '\x1b[1;31m' COLOR_LGREEN = '\x1b[1;32m' COLOR_YELLOW = '\x1b[1;33m' COLOR_LBLUE = '\x1b[1;34m' COLOR_LPURPLE = '\x1b[1;35m' COLOR_LCYAN = '\x1b[1;36m' COLOR_LWHITE = '\x1b[1;37m' COLOR_BOLD = '\x1b[1m' COLOR_FAINT = '\x1b[2m' COLOR_ITALIC = '\x1b[3m' COLOR_UNDERLINE = '\x1b[4m' COLOR_BLINK = '\x1b[5m' COLOR_NEGATIVE = '\x1b[7m' COLOR_CROSSED = '\x1b[9m' color_theme = { 'none': {}, 'light': {'default': COLOR_DEFAULT, 'normal': COLOR_BLUE, 'error': COLOR_RED, 'not_packet': COLOR_GREEN, 'program': COLOR_PURPLE}, 'dark': {'default': COLOR_DEFAULT, 'normal': COLOR_LGREEN, 'error': COLOR_LRED, 'not_packet': COLOR_LBLUE, 'program': COLOR_PURPLE}, 'mono': {'default': COLOR_DEFAULT, 'normal': COLOR_BOLD, 'error': COLOR_NEGATIVE, 'not_packet': COLOR_FAINT, 'program': COLOR_ITALIC} } def color(self, vtype): """Return text color according to the color scheme. Args: vtype: A string, type of the text (see color_theme dictionary above) """ # Fall back to default and then empty string return self.color_themes.get(vtype, self.color_theme.get('default', '')) def __init__(self, args): # Config # TODO: maybe just save args? self.exit_char = '\x03' # Ctrl+C self.exit_sequence = args.remote_exit self.exit_seq_fail = args.remote_fail self.log_filename = args.log self.cmd_filter = args.cmd_filter self.timeout_secs = args.timeout self.coverage_filter = args.coverage_filter self.coverage_filter_active = False # Other state self.packet = Packet() self.current_line = '' self.exit_code = 0 self.alive = True # Set up the console self.console = Console() self.console.setup() # Start logging if self.log_filename is not None: if self.log_filename: self.log_file = open(self.log_filename, 'wb') else: fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='acroterm.', suffix='.log', dir='/tmp') self.log_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') notice('Saving log in %s' % name) else: self.log_file = None # Colors for different display items self.color_themes = self.color_theme.get(args.color, 'none') # Start serial thread if args.tty: notice('Starting on %s; ^C=exit' % args.tty) self.serial = serial.Serial(port=args.tty, baudrate=args.baud, timeout=0) self.rx_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.serial_reader, name='rx') self.rx_thread.daemon = True self.rx_thread.start() else: self.serial = self.rx_thread = None # Start local input thread self.tx_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.writer, name='tx') self.tx_thread.daemon = True self.tx_thread.start() # Start command process if args.cmd: notice('Running command...') self.cmd_proc = subprocess.Popen( args.cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) self.cmd_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.cmd_reader, name='cmd') self.cmd_thread.start() else: self.cmd_proc = self.cmd_thread = None # Start timeout if necessary if self.timeout_secs > 0: self.timer = threading.Timer(self.timeout_secs, self.timeout_handler) self.timer.start() else: self.timer = None self.cr50_mode = type(self).__name__ == 'Cr50Term' def stop(self): """Set flag to stop worker threads""" self.alive = False if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() if self.serial: self.serial.cancel_read() self.console.cancel() if self.cmd_proc: self.cmd_proc.terminate() def join_tx(self): """Wait for the transmit thread to terminate""" self.tx_thread.join() def join_all(self): """Wait for all worker threads to terminate""" self.join_tx() if self.serial: self.serial.cancel_read() if self.rx_thread: self.rx_thread.join() if self.cmd_thread: self.cmd_thread.join() def close(self): """Close the terminal session""" if self.serial: self.serial.close() if self.log_file: self.log_file.close() def process_line(self, line): """Process a line of text for special sequences.""" # TODO: Those really should be special packets, not just strings, now # that we can send packets... if self.exit_sequence and self.exit_sequence in line: notice('Exit from remote') self.stop() elif self.exit_seq_fail and self.exit_seq_fail in line: notice('Exit from remote - failure!') self.exit_code = 1 self.stop() elif (self.coverage_filter and '***Dumping coverage***' in line): self.coverage_filter_active = True self.console.write('\nSaving') elif self.coverage_filter_active: if ':COV:' in line: self.console.write('.') if '***Coverage end***' in line: self.coverage_filter_active = False self.console.write('done.\n') def process_output(self, data): """Process chunk of received data. Could come over serial line or from a program, depending on how this script was invoked. If inside the packet - send the data to the packet handler, otherwise print it on the console. Args: data: a byte array, the received chunk. """ self.log_file.write(data) # Scan for magic sequences for c in data: # If processing a packet or line requested exit, stop now if not self.alive: break # Handle packets if self.packet.add_byte(c): e = self.packet.get_errors() if e: self.console.write(self.color('error')) self.console.write('\n'.join(e)) self.console.write(self.color('default')+'\n') d = self.packet.get_decoded() if d: if not self.coverage_filter_active: self.console.write(self.color('normal')) self.console.write(d) self.console.write(self.color('default')) if not self.cr50_mode: self.console.write('\n') self.process_line(d) continue # Note that unicode will only work *inside* packets. It can't # work outside because Unicode code points overlap the packet # start/end byte values. c = chr(c) if not self.coverage_filter_active: self.console.write(self.color('not_packet')) self.console.write(c) self.console.write(self.color('default')) if c in '\r\n': self.process_line(self.current_line) self.current_line = '' else: self.current_line += c def serial_reader(self): """Loop and copy serial->console""" # TODO: option to dump data which is waiting at start (from a previous # run) try: while self.alive: # Read all that is there or wait for one byte data = self.serial.read(self.serial.in_waiting or 1) if data: self.process_output(data) except (serial.SerialException, OSError): self.stop() raise def writer(self): """Loop and copy console->serial until self.exit_char is received.""" try: while self.alive: try: c = self.console.getkey() except KeyboardInterrupt: c = self.exit_char # Could have died while waiting for key if not self.alive: break if c == self.exit_char: notice('Exit from console') self.stop() # exit app break if self.serial: self.serial.write(bytes(c, encoding='utf-8')) else: self.cmd_proc.stdin.write(bytes(c, encoding='utf-8')) self.cmd_proc.stdin.flush() except: self.stop() raise def cmd_reader(self): """Shell out to programming tool and filter output.""" proc = self.cmd_proc if self.serial: # Command is for programming, with output filtering while True: raw_line = proc.stdout.readline() if raw_line: line = raw_line.decode() if self.cmd_filter and self.cmd_filter in line: line = '#' sys.stdout.write(self.color('program') + line + self.color('default')) sys.stdout.flush() elif proc.poll() is not None: break else: # Command is the program we want to run, with packet I/O while self.alive: data = proc.stdout.read1(1) if data: self.process_output(data) else: if proc.poll() is not None: break self.cmd_proc = None notice('Command exited with code %d' % proc.returncode) if not self.serial: self.stop() def timeout_handler(self): """Close terminal on timeout.""" notice('Hit timeout') self.stop() int_param = re.compile(r'^[0-9.\-]*([l]{0,2}|z)[Xcdux]') split_int = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)') str_param = re.compile(r'^[0-9.\-]*s') ptr_param = re.compile(r'^p[hPT]') ll_struct = struct.Struct('