#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Validate Zephyr project configuration files.""" import argparse import logging import os import pathlib import site import sys import tempfile EC_BASE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent if "ZEPHYR_BASE" in os.environ: ZEPHYR_BASE = pathlib.Path(os.environ.get("ZEPHYR_BASE")) else: ZEPHYR_BASE = pathlib.Path( EC_BASE.resolve().parent.parent / "third_party" / "zephyr" / "main" ) if not os.path.exists(ZEPHYR_BASE): raise Exception( f"ZEPHYR_BASE path does not exist!\nZEPHYR_BASE={ZEPHYR_BASE}" ) site.addsitedir(ZEPHYR_BASE / "scripts") site.addsitedir(ZEPHYR_BASE / "scripts" / "kconfig") # pylint:disable=import-error,wrong-import-position import kconfiglib import zephyr_module # pylint:enable=import-error,wrong-import-position # Known configuration file extensions. CONF_FILE_EXT = (".conf", ".overlay", "_defconfig") def _parse_args(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose Output" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dt-has", action="store_true", help="Check for options that depends on a DT_HAS_..._ENABLE symbol.", ) parser.add_argument( "CONFIG_FILE", nargs="*", help="List of config files to be checked, non config files are ignored.", type=pathlib.Path, ) return parser.parse_args(argv) def _init_log(verbose): """Initialize a logger object.""" console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")) log = logging.getLogger(__file__) log.addHandler(console) if verbose: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return log class KconfigCheck: """Validate Zephyr project configuration files. Attributes: verbose: whether to enable verbose mode logging """ def __init__(self, verbose): self.log = _init_log(verbose) self.fail_count = 0 # Preload the upstream Kconfig. self.program_kconf = {None: self._init_kconfig(None)} def _init_kconfig(self, filename): """Initialize a kconfiglib object with all boards and arch options. Args: filename: the path of the Kconfig file to load. Returns: A kconfiglib.Kconfig object. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: modules = zephyr_module.parse_modules( ZEPHYR_BASE, modules=[EC_BASE] ) kconfig = "" for module in modules: kconfig += zephyr_module.process_kconfig( module.project, module.meta ) # generate Kconfig.modules file with open(pathlib.Path(temp_dir) / "Kconfig.modules", "w") as file: file.write(kconfig) # generate empty Kconfig.dts file with open(pathlib.Path(temp_dir) / "Kconfig.dts", "w") as file: file.write("") os.environ["ZEPHYR_BASE"] = str(ZEPHYR_BASE) os.environ["srctree"] = str(ZEPHYR_BASE) os.environ["KCONFIG_BINARY_DIR"] = temp_dir os.environ["ARCH_DIR"] = "arch" os.environ["ARCH"] = "*" os.environ["BOARD_DIR"] = "boards/*/*" if not filename: filename = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "Kconfig") self.log.info("Loading Kconfig: %s", filename) return kconfiglib.Kconfig(filename) def _kconf_from_path(self, path): """Return a Kconfig object for the specified path. If path resides under zephyr/program, find the name of the program and look for a corresponding program specific Kconfig file. If one is present, return a corresponding Kconfig object for the program. Stores a list of per-program Kconfig objects internally, so each program Kconfig is only loaded once. Args: path: the path of the Kconfig file to load. Returns: A kconfiglib.Kconfig object. """ program_path = pathlib.Path(EC_BASE, "zephyr", "program") file_path = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() program = None program_kconfig = None if program_path in file_path.parents: idx = file_path.parents.index(program_path) program = file_path.parts[-(idx + 1)] kconfig_path = pathlib.Path(program_path, program, "Kconfig") if kconfig_path.is_file(): program_kconfig = kconfig_path self.log.info( "Path: %s, program: %s, program_kconfig: %s", path, program, program_kconfig, ) if program not in self.program_kconf: if not program_kconfig: self.program_kconf[program] = self.program_kconf[None] else: self.program_kconf[program] = self._init_kconfig( program_kconfig ) return self.program_kconf[program] def _fail(self, *args): """Report a fail in the error log and increment the fail counter.""" self.fail_count += 1 self.log.error(*args) def _filter_config_files(self, files): """Yield files with known config suffixes from the command line.""" for file in files: if not file.exists(): self.log.info("Ignoring %s: file has been removed", file) continue if not file.name.endswith(CONF_FILE_EXT): self.log.info("Ignoring %s: unrecognized suffix", file) continue yield file def _check_dt_has(self, file_name): """Check file_name for known automatic config options. Check file_name for any explicitly enabled option that has a dependency on a devicetree symbol. These are normally enabled automatically so there's no point enabling them explicitly. """ kconf = self._kconf_from_path(file_name) symbols = {} for name, val in kconf.syms.items(): dep = kconfiglib.expr_str(val.direct_dep) if "DT_HAS_" in dep: symbols[name] = dep self.log.info("Checking %s", file_name) with open(file_name, "r") as file: for line_num, line in enumerate(file.readlines(), start=1): for name in symbols: match = f"CONFIG_{name}=y" if line.startswith(match): dep = symbols[name] self._fail( "%s:%d: unnecessary config option %s (depends on %s)", file_name, line_num, match, dep, ) def run_checks(self, files, dt_has): """Run all config checks.""" config_files = self._filter_config_files(files) for file in config_files: if dt_has: self._check_dt_has(file) return self.fail_count def main(argv): """Main function""" args = _parse_args(argv) kconfig_checker = KconfigCheck(args.verbose) return kconfig_checker.run_checks(args.CONFIG_FILE, args.dt_has) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))