#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Flashes and debugs the EC through openocd """ import argparse import dataclasses import distutils.spawn import os import pathlib import signal import socket import subprocess import sys import time EC_BASE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent # GDB variant to use if the board specific one is not found FALLBACK_GDB_VARIANT = "gdb-multiarch" @dataclasses.dataclass class BoardInfo: """Holds the board specific parameters.""" gdb_variant: str num_breakpoints: int num_watchpoints: int # Debuggers for each board, OpenOCD currently only supports GDB boards = { "rex": BoardInfo("arm-none-eabi-gdb", 6, 4), "skyrim": BoardInfo("arm-none-eabi-gdb", 6, 4), } def create_openocd_args(interface, board): """Return a list of arguments for initializing OpenOCD.""" if not board in boards: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported board {board}") args = [ "openocd", "-f", f"interface/{interface}.cfg", "-c", f"add_script_search_dir {EC_BASE}/util/openocd", "-f", f"board/{board}.cfg", ] return args def create_gdb_args(board, port, executable, attach): """Return a list of arguments for initializing GDB.""" if not board in boards: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported board {board}") board_info = boards[board] if distutils.spawn.find_executable(board_info.gdb_variant): gdb_path = board_info.gdb_variant elif distutils.spawn.find_executable(FALLBACK_GDB_VARIANT): print( f"GDB executable {board_info.gdb_variant} not found, " f"using {FALLBACK_GDB_VARIANT} instead" ) gdb_path = FALLBACK_GDB_VARIANT else: raise RuntimeError("No GDB executable found in the system") args = [ gdb_path, executable, # GDB can't autodetect these according to OpenOCD "-ex", f"set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit {board_info.num_breakpoints}", "-ex", f"set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit {board_info.num_watchpoints}", # Connect to OpenOCD "-ex", f"target extended-remote localhost:{port}", ] if not attach: args.extend(["-ex", "load"]) return args def flash(interface, board, image, verify): """Run openocd to flash the specified image file.""" print(f"Flashing image {image}") # Run OpenOCD and pipe its output to stdout # OpenOCD will shutdown after the flashing is completed args = create_openocd_args(interface, board) args += ["-c", f'init; flash_target "{image}" {int(verify)}; shutdown'] subprocess.run( args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True ) def debug(interface, board, port, executable, attach): """Start OpenOCD and connect GDB to it.""" # Start OpenOCD in the background openocd_args = create_openocd_args(interface, board) openocd_args += ["-c", f"gdb_port {port}"] openocd_out = "" with subprocess.Popen( # pylint: disable=subprocess-popen-preexec-fn openocd_args, encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, preexec_fn=os.setsid, ) as openocd: # Wait for OpenOCD to start, it'll open a port for GDB connections sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) connected = False for _ in range(0, 10): print("Waiting for OpenOCD to start...") connected = sock.connect_ex(("localhost", port)) if connected: break time.sleep(1000) if not connected: print(f"Failed to connect to OpenOCD on port {port}") return sock.close() old_sigint = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # Start GDB gdb_args = create_gdb_args(board, port, executable, attach) with subprocess.Popen( gdb_args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=sys.stdin, ) as gdb: while gdb.poll() is None and openocd.poll() is None: (output, _) = openocd.communicate() openocd_out += output signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_sigint) # Wait for OpenOCD to shutdown print("Waiting for OpenOCD to finish...") if openocd.poll() is None: try: # Read the last bit of stdout (output, _) = openocd.communicate(timeout=3) openocd_out += output except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # OpenOCD didn't shutdown, kill it openocd.kill() if openocd.returncode != 0: print("OpenOCD failed to shutdown cleanly: ") print(openocd_out) def debug_external(board, port, executable, attach): """Run GDB against an external gdbserver.""" gdb_args = create_gdb_args(board, port, executable, attach) old_sigint = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) subprocess.run( gdb_args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=sys.stdin, check=True, ) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_sigint) def get_flash_file(board): """Returns the path of the main output file for the board.""" return ( EC_BASE / "build" / "zephyr" / board / "output" / "ec.bin" ).resolve() def get_executable_file(board): """Returns the path of the main RO executable file for the board.""" return ( EC_BASE / "build" / "zephyr" / board / "output" / "zephyr.ro.elf" ).resolve() def main(): """Main function.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--board", "-b", choices=boards.keys(), required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--interface", "-i", default="jlink", help="The JTAG interface to use", ) parser.add_argument( "--file", "-f", type=pathlib.Path, default=None, help="The file to use, see each sub-command for what the file is used for", ) sub_parsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-command -h for specific help") flash_parser = sub_parsers.add_parser( "flash", help="Flashes an image to the target EC, \ FILE selects the image to flash, defaults to the zephyr image", ) flash_parser.set_defaults(command="flash") flash_parser.add_argument( "--no-verify", "-n", action="store_true", help="Do not verify flash after writing image", ) debug_parser = sub_parsers.add_parser( "debug", help="Debugs the target EC through GDB, FILE selects the executable to \ load debug info from, defaults to using the zephyr RO executable", ) debug_parser.set_defaults(command="debug") debug_parser.add_argument( "--port", "-p", help="The port for GDB to connect to", type=int, default=3333, ) debug_parser.add_argument( "--external-gdbserver", "-x", help="Do not run openocd, use an already running external gdb server", action="store_true", ) debug_parser.add_argument( "--attach", "-a", help="Do not load the binary after starting gdb, attach to the running instance instead", action="store_true", ) args = parser.parse_args() # Get the image path if we were given one target_file = None if args.file is not None: target_file = args.file.resolve() if args.command == "flash": image_file = ( get_flash_file(args.board) if target_file is None else target_file ) flash(args.interface, args.board, image_file, not args.no_verify) elif args.command == "debug": executable_file = ( get_executable_file(args.board) if target_file is None else target_file ) if args.external_gdbserver: debug_external( args.board, args.port, executable_file, args.attach, ) else: debug( args.interface, args.board, args.port, executable_file, args.attach, ) else: parser.print_usage() if __name__ == "__main__": main()