#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. . /usr/share/misc/shflags readonly DEFAULT_RETRIES=${DEFAULT_RETRIES:-4} readonly STM32MON_CONNECT_RETRIES=${STM32MON_CONNECT_RETRIES:-6} readonly STM32MON_SERIAL_BAUDRATE=${STM32MON_SERIAL_BAUDRATE:-115200} DEFINE_boolean 'read' "${FLAGS_FALSE}" 'Read instead of write' 'r' # Both flash read and write protection are removed by default, but you # can optionally enable them (for testing purposes). DEFINE_boolean 'remove_flash_read_protect' "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \ 'Remove flash read protection while performing command' 'U' DEFINE_boolean 'remove_flash_write_protect' "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \ 'Remove flash write protection while performing command' 'u' DEFINE_integer 'retries' "${DEFAULT_RETRIES}" 'Specify number of retries' 'R' DEFINE_integer 'baudrate' "${STM32MON_SERIAL_BAUDRATE}" 'Specify UART baudrate' 'B' DEFINE_boolean 'hello' "${FLAGS_FALSE}" 'Only ping the bootloader' 'H' DEFINE_boolean 'services' "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \ 'Stop and restart conflicting fingerprint services' 's' FLAGS_HELP="Usage: ${0} [flags] [ec.bin]" # EXIT_SUCCESS=0 # EXIT_FAILURE=1 # EXIT_BASHBUILTIN=2 readonly EXIT_ARGUMENT=3 readonly EXIT_CONFIG=4 readonly EXIT_PRECONDITION=5 readonly EXIT_RUNTIME=6 # Process commandline flags FLAGS "${@}" || exit "${EXIT_ARGUMENT}" eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" readonly CROS_EC_SPI_MODALIAS_STR="of:NcrfpTCgoogle,cros-ec-spi" readonly CROS_EC_UART_MODALIAS_STR="of:NcrfpTCgoogle,cros-ec-uart" klog() { echo "flash_fp_mcu: $*" > /dev/kmsg } check_hardware_write_protect_disabled() { local hardware_write_protect_state if ! hardware_write_protect_state="$(crossystem wpsw_cur)"; then echo "Failed to get hardware write protect status" >&2 exit "${EXIT_PRECONDITION}" fi if [[ "${hardware_write_protect_state}" != "0" ]]; then echo "Please make sure hardware write protect is disabled." echo "See https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/firmware-porting-guide/firmware-ec-write-protection" exit "${EXIT_PRECONDITION}" fi } # Get the spiid for the fingerprint sensor based on the modalias # string: https://crbug.com/955117 get_spiid() { # TODO(b/179533783): Fix modalias on strongbad and remove this bypass. if [[ -n "${DEVICEID}" ]]; then echo "${DEVICEID}" return 0 fi for dev in /sys/bus/spi/devices/*; do if [[ "$(cat "${dev}/modalias")" == "${CROS_EC_SPI_MODALIAS_STR}" ]]; then basename "${dev}" return 0 fi done return 1 } # Get the uartid for the fingerprint sensor based on the modalias get_uartid() { for dev in /sys/bus/serial/devices/*; do if [ -f "${dev}/modalias" ]; then if [[ "$(cat "${dev}/modalias")" == "${CROS_EC_UART_MODALIAS_STR}" ]]; then basename "${dev}" return 0 fi fi done return 1 } # Usage: gpio [signal...] gpio() { local cmd="$1" shift for signal in "$@"; do case "${cmd}" in unexport|export) klog "Set gpio ${signal} to ${cmd}" echo "${signal}" > "/sys/class/gpio/${cmd}" ;; in|out) local direction="${cmd}" klog "Set gpio ${signal} direction to ${direction}" echo "${direction}" > "/sys/class/gpio/gpio${signal}/direction" ;; 0|1) local value="${cmd}" klog "Set gpio ${signal} to ${value}" echo "${value}" > "/sys/class/gpio/gpio${signal}/value" ;; get) local value="${cmd}" klog "Get gpio ${signal}" cat "/sys/class/gpio/gpio${signal}/value" ;; *) echo "Invalid gpio command: ${cmd}" >&2 exit "${EXIT_RUNTIME}" ;; esac done } # Usage: warn_gpio warn_gpio() { local signal=$1 local expected_value=$2 local msg=$3 local value if ! value="$(gpio get "${signal}")"; then echo "Error fetching gpio value ${signal}" >&2 exit "${EXIT_RUNTIME}" fi if [[ "${value}" != "${expected_value}" ]]; then echo "${msg}" >&2 return 1 fi } # Taken verbatim from # https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/docs/+/master/lsb-release.md#shell # This should not be used by anything except get_platform_name. # See https://crbug.com/98462. lsbval() { local key="$1" local lsbfile="${2:-/etc/lsb-release}" if ! echo "${key}" | grep -Eq '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'; then return 1 fi sed -E -n -e \ "/^[[:space:]]*${key}[[:space:]]*=/{ s:^[^=]+=[[:space:]]*:: s:[[:space:]]+$:: p }" "${lsbfile}" } # Get the underlying board (reference design) that we're running on (not the # FPMCU or sensor). get_platform_name() { local platform_name # We used to use "cros_config /identity platform-name", but that is specific # to mosys and does not actually provide the board name in all cases. # cros_config intentionally does not provide a way to get the board # name: b/156650654. # If there was a way to get the board name from cros_config, it's possible # that it could fail in the following cases: # # 1) We're running on a non-unibuild device (the only one with FP is nocturne) # 2) We're running on a proto device during bringup and the cros_config # settings haven't yet been setup. # # In all cases we can fall back to /etc/lsb-release. It's not recommended # to do this, but we don't have any other options in this case. echo "Getting platform name from /etc/lsb-release." 1>&2 platform_name="$(lsbval "CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD")" if [[ -z "${platform_name}" ]]; then return 1 fi # Tests are also run on modified images, like hatch-arc-r or hatch-borealis. # These devices still have fingerprint and are expected to pass tests. # See b/186697064. # We remove any suffix starting at the first '-'. platform_name="${platform_name%%-*}" echo "${platform_name}" } get_default_fw() { local board board="$(cros_config /fingerprint board)" # If cros_config returns "", that is okay assuming there is only # one firmware file on disk. local -a fws mapfile -t fws < <(find /opt/google/biod/fw -name "${board}*.bin") if [[ "${#fws[@]}" -ne 1 ]]; then return 1 fi echo "${fws[0]}" } # Find processes that have the named file, active or deleted, open. # # Deleted files are important because unbinding/rebinding cros-ec # with biod/timberslide running will result in the processes holding open # a deleted version of the files. Issues can arise if the process continue # to interact with the deleted files (ex kernel panic) while the raw driver # is being used in flash_fp_mcu. The lsof and fuser tools can't seem to # identify usages of the deleted named file directly, without listing all # files. This takes a large amount out time on Chromebooks, thus we need this # custom search routine. # # Usage: proc_open_file [file_pattern] proc_open_file() { local file_pattern="$1" # Avoid overloading kernel max arguments with the number of file names. local -a FDS=( /proc/*/fd/* ) xargs ls -l <<<"${FDS[*]}" 2>/dev/null | grep "${file_pattern}" | \ awk '{split($9,p,"/"); print "PID", p[3], "->", $11, $12}' return "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" } flash_fp_mcu_stm32() { local transport="${1}" local device="${2}" local gpio_nrst="${3}" local gpio_boot0="${4}" local gpio_pwren="${5}" local file="${6}" local deviceid local stm32mon_flags="-p --retries ${STM32MON_CONNECT_RETRIES}" if [[ "${transport}" == "UART" ]]; then stm32mon_flags+=" --baudrate ${FLAGS_baudrate} --device ${device}" else stm32mon_flags+=" -s ${device}" fi if [[ "${FLAGS_hello}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then if [[ "${FLAGS_remove_flash_write_protect}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then stm32mon_flags+=" -u" fi if [[ "${FLAGS_remove_flash_read_protect}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then stm32mon_flags+=" -U" fi if [[ "${FLAGS_read}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then # Read from FPMCU to file if [[ -e "${file}" ]]; then echo "Output file already exists: ${file}" return "${EXIT_PRECONDITION}" fi echo "# Reading to '${file}' over ${transport}" stm32mon_flags+=" -r ${file}" else # Write to FPMCU from file if [[ ! -f "${file}" ]]; then echo "Invalid image file: ${file}" return "${EXIT_PRECONDITION}" fi echo "# Flashing '${file}' over ${transport}" stm32mon_flags+=" -e -w ${file}" fi else echo "# Saying hello over ${transport}" fi check_hardware_write_protect_disabled if [[ "${transport}" == "UART" ]]; then if ! deviceid="$(get_uartid)"; then echo "Unable to find FP sensor UART device: ${CROS_EC_UART_MODALIAS_STR}" return "${EXIT_PRECONDITION}" fi else if ! deviceid="$(get_spiid)"; then echo "Unable to find FP sensor SPI device: ${CROS_EC_SPI_MODALIAS_STR}" return "${EXIT_PRECONDITION}" fi fi echo "Flashing ${transport} device ID: ${deviceid}" # Ensure the ACPI is not cutting power when unloading cros-ec-spi if [[ "${gpio_pwren}" -gt 0 ]]; then gpio export "${gpio_pwren}" gpio out "${gpio_pwren}" gpio 1 "${gpio_pwren}" fi # Remove cros_fp if present klog "Unbinding cros-ec driver" if [[ "${transport}" == "UART" ]]; then echo "${deviceid}" > /sys/bus/serial/drivers/cros-ec-uart/unbind else echo "${deviceid}" > /sys/bus/spi/drivers/cros-ec-spi/unbind fi # Configure the MCU Boot0 and NRST GPIOs gpio export "${gpio_boot0}" "${gpio_nrst}" gpio out "${gpio_boot0}" "${gpio_nrst}" # Reset sequence to enter bootloader mode gpio 1 "${gpio_boot0}" gpio 0 "${gpio_nrst}" sleep 0.001 klog "Binding raw driver" if [[ "${transport}" == "UART" ]]; then # load AMDI0020:01 ttyS1 echo AMDI0020:01 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dw-apb-uart/unbind; echo AMDI0020:01 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dw-apb-uart/bind; else echo spidev > "/sys/bus/spi/devices/${deviceid}/driver_override" echo "${deviceid}" > /sys/bus/spi/drivers/spidev/bind # The following sleep is a workaround to mitigate the effects of a # poorly behaved chip select line. See b/145023809. fi sleep 0.5 # We do not expect the drivers to change the pin state when binding. # If you receive this warning, the driver needs to be fixed on this board # and this flash attempt will probably fail. warn_gpio "${gpio_boot0}" 1 \ "WARNING: One of the drivers changed BOOT0 pin state on bind attempt." warn_gpio "${gpio_nrst}" 0 \ "WARNING: One of the drivers changed NRST pin state on bind attempt." if [[ ! -c "${device}" ]]; then echo "Failed to bind raw device driver." >&2 return "${EXIT_RUNTIME}" fi local attempt=0 local cmd_exit_status=1 local cmd="stm32mon ${stm32mon_flags}" for attempt in $(seq "${FLAGS_retries}"); do # Reset sequence to enter bootloader mode gpio 0 "${gpio_nrst}" sleep 0.01 # Release reset as the SPI bus is now ready gpio 1 "${gpio_nrst}" # As per section '68: Bootloader timings' from application note below: # https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/cd00167594-stm32-microcontroller-system-memory-boot-mode-stmicroelectronics.pdf # bootloader startup time is 16.63 ms for STM32F74xxx/75xxx and 53.975 ms # for STM32H74xxx/75xxx. SPI needs 1 us delay for one SPI byte sending. # Keeping some margin, add delay of 100 ms to consider minimum bootloader # startup time after the reset for stm32 devices. sleep 0.1 # Print out the actual underlying command we're running and run it echo "# ${cmd}" ${cmd} cmd_exit_status=$? if [[ "${cmd_exit_status}" -eq 0 ]]; then break fi echo "# Attempt ${attempt} failed." echo sleep 1 done # unload device if [[ "${transport}" != "UART" ]]; then klog "Unbinding raw driver" echo "${deviceid}" > /sys/bus/spi/drivers/spidev/unbind fi # Go back to normal mode gpio out "${gpio_nrst}" gpio 0 "${gpio_boot0}" "${gpio_nrst}" gpio 1 "${gpio_nrst}" # Give up GPIO control # TODO(b/179839337): Remove this for Strongbad DVT, where we should have # correct external pulls on these lines. if [[ "${PLATFORM_NAME}" != "strongbad" ]]; then gpio in "${gpio_boot0}" "${gpio_nrst}" fi gpio unexport "${gpio_boot0}" "${gpio_nrst}" # wait for FP MCU to come back up (including RWSIG delay) sleep 2 # Put back cros_fp driver if transport is SPI if [[ "${transport}" != "UART" ]]; then klog "Binding cros-ec driver" echo "" > "/sys/bus/spi/devices/${deviceid}/driver_override" echo "${deviceid}" > /sys/bus/spi/drivers/cros-ec-spi/bind # Kernel driver is back, we are no longer controlling power if [[ "${gpio_pwren}" -gt 0 ]]; then gpio unexport "${gpio_pwren}" fi fi if [[ "${cmd_exit_status}" -ne 0 ]]; then return "${EXIT_RUNTIME}" fi # Inform user to reboot if transport is UART. # Display fw version is transport is SPI if [[ "${transport}" == "UART" ]]; then echo "Please reboot this device." else # Test it klog "Query version" ectool --name=cros_fp version fi } config_hatch() { readonly TRANSPORT="SPI" readonly DEVICE="/dev/spidev1.1" # See # third_party/coreboot/src/soc/intel/cannonlake/include/soc/gpio_soc_defs.h # for pin name to number mapping. # Examine `cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/INT34BB:00/gpio-ranges` on a hatch # device to determine gpio number from pin number. readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip200" # FPMCU RST_ODL is on GPP_A12 = 200 + 12 = 212 readonly GPIO_NRST=212 # FPMCU BOOT0 is on GPP_A22 = 200 + 22 = 222 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=222 # FP_PWR_EN is on GPP_C11 = 456 + (192 - 181) = 456 + 11 = 467 readonly GPIO_PWREN=467 } config_nami() { readonly TRANSPORT="SPI" readonly DEVICE="/dev/spidev32765.0" readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip360" # FPMCU RST_ODL is on GPP_C9 = 360 + 57 = 417 readonly GPIO_NRST=417 # FPMCU BOOT0 is on GPP_D5 = 360 + 77 = 437 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=437 # FP_PWR_EN is on GPP_B11 = 360 + 35 = 395 readonly GPIO_PWREN=395 } config_nocturne() { readonly TRANSPORT="SPI" readonly DEVICE="/dev/spidev32765.0" readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip360" # FPMCU RST_ODL is on GPP_C10 = 360 + 58 = 418 readonly GPIO_NRST=418 # FPMCU BOOT0 is on GPP_C8 = 360 + 56 = 416 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=416 # FP_PWR_EN is on GPP_A11 = 360 + 11 = 371 readonly GPIO_PWREN=371 } config_strongbad() { readonly TRANSPORT="SPI" readonly DEVICE="/dev/spidev10.0" # TODO(b/179533783): Fix modalias on strongbad and remove this bypass. readonly DEVICEID="spi10.0" readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip392" # FPMCU RST_ODL is $(gpiofind FP_RST_L) is gpiochip0 22 readonly GPIO_NRST=$((392 + $(gpiofind FP_RST_L|cut -f2 -d" "))) # FPMCU BOOT0 is $(gpiofind FPMCU_BOOT0) is gpiochip0 10 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=$((392 + $(gpiofind FPMCU_BOOT0|cut -f2 -d" "))) # TODO(b/179839337): Hardware currently doesn't support PWREN, but the # next revision will. Add a comment here about the power enable gpio. readonly GPIO_PWREN=-1 } config_volteer() { readonly TRANSPORT="SPI" readonly DEVICE="/dev/spidev1.0" # See kernel/v5.4/drivers/pinctrl/intel/pinctrl-tigerlake.c # for pin name and pin number. # Examine `cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/INT34C5:00/gpio-ranges` on a # volteer device to determine gpio number from pin number. # For example: GPP_C23 is UART2_CTS which can be queried from EDS # the pin number is 194. From the gpio-ranges, the gpio value is # 408 + (194-171) = 431 readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip152" # FPMCU RST_ODL is on GPP_C23 = 408 + (194 - 171) = 431 readonly GPIO_NRST=431 # FPMCU BOOT0 is on GPP_C22 = 408 + (193 - 171) = 430 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=430 # FP_PWR_EN is on GPP_A21 = 216 + (63 - 42) = 237 readonly GPIO_PWREN=237 } config_brya() { readonly TRANSPORT="SPI" readonly DEVICE="/dev/spidev0.0" # See kernel/v5.10/drivers/pinctrl/intel/pinctrl-tigerlake.c # for pin name and pin number. # Examine `cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/INTC1055:00/gpio-ranges` on a # brya device to determine gpio number from pin number. # For example: GPP_D1 is ISH_GP_1 which can be queried from EDS # the pin number is 100 from the pinctrl-tigerlake.c. # From the gpio-ranges, the gpio value is 312 + (100-99) = 313 readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip152" # FPMCU RST_ODL is on GPP_D1 = 312 + (100 - 99) = 313 readonly GPIO_NRST=313 # FPMCU BOOT0 is on GPP_D0 = 312 + (99 - 99) = 312 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=312 # FP_PWR_EN is on GPP_D2 = 312 + (101 - 99) = 314 readonly GPIO_PWREN=314 } config_zork() { readonly TRANSPORT="UART" readonly DEVICE="/dev/ttyS1" readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip256" # FPMCU RST_ODL is on AGPIO 11 = 256 + 11 = 267 readonly GPIO_NRST=267 # FPMCU BOOT0 is on AGPIO 69 = 256 + 69 = 325 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=325 # FPMCU PWR_EN is on AGPIO 32 = 256 + 32 = 288, but should not be # necessary for flashing. Set invalid value. readonly GPIO_PWREN=-1 } config_guybrush() { readonly TRANSPORT="UART" readonly DEVICE="/dev/ttyS1" readonly GPIO_CHIP="gpiochip256" # FPMCU RST_ODL is on AGPIO 11 = 256 + 11 = 267 readonly GPIO_NRST=267 # FPMCU BOOT0 is on AGPIO 144 = 256 + 144 = 400 readonly GPIO_BOOT0=400 # FPMCU PWR_EN is on AGPIO 32 = 256 + 32 = 288, but should not be # necessary for flashing. Set invalid value. readonly GPIO_PWREN=-1 } main() { local filename="$1" # print out canonical path to differentiate between /usr/local/bin and # /usr/bin installs readlink -f "$0" # The "platform name" corresponds to the underlying board (reference design) # that we're running on (not the FPMCU or sensor). At the moment all of the # reference designs use the same GPIOs. If for some reason a design differs in # the future, we will want to add a nested check in the config_ # function. Doing it in this manner allows us to reduce the number of # configurations that we have to maintain (and reduces the amount of testing # if we're only updating a specific config_). if ! PLATFORM_NAME="$(get_platform_name)"; then echo "Failed to get platform name" exit "${EXIT_CONFIG}" fi readonly PLATFORM_NAME echo "Using config for ${PLATFORM_NAME}" # Check that the config function exists if [[ "$(type -t "config_${PLATFORM_NAME}")" != "function" ]]; then echo "No config for platform ${PLATFORM_NAME}" exit "${EXIT_CONFIG}" fi if ! "config_${PLATFORM_NAME}"; then echo "Configuration failed for platform ${PLATFORM_NAME}" exit "${EXIT_CONFIG}" fi # Help the user out with defaults, if no *file* was given. if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then # If we are actually reading, set to a timestamped temp file. if [[ "${FLAGS_read}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then filename="/tmp/fpmcu-fw-$(date --iso-8601=seconds).bin" else # Assume we are "writing" the default firmware to the FPMCU. if ! filename="$(get_default_fw)"; then echo "Failed to identify a default firmware file" >&2 exit "${EXIT_CONFIG}" fi fi fi # Check that the gpiochip exists if [[ ! -e "/sys/class/gpio/${GPIO_CHIP}" ]]; then echo "Cannot find GPIO chip: ${GPIO_CHIP}" exit "${EXIT_CONFIG}" fi if [[ "${FLAGS_services}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then echo "# Stopping biod and timberslide" stop biod stop timberslide LOG_PATH=/sys/kernel/debug/cros_fp/console_log fi # If cros-ec driver isn't bound on startup, this means the final rebinding # may fail. if [[ ! -c "/dev/cros_fp" ]]; then echo "WARNING: The cros-ec driver was not bound on startup." >&2 fi if [[ -c "${DEVICE}" ]]; then echo "WARNING: The raw driver was bound on startup." >&2 fi local files_open # Ensure no processes have cros_fp device or debug device open. # This might be biod and/or timberslide. if files_open=$(proc_open_file "/dev/cros_fp\|/sys/kernel/debug/cros_fp/*") then echo "WARNING: Another process has a cros_fp device file open." >&2 echo "${files_open}" >&2 echo "Try 'stop biod' and" >&2 echo "'stop timberslide LOG_PATH=/sys/kernel/debug/cros_fp/console_log'" >&2 echo "before running this script." >&2 echo "See b/188985272." >&2 fi # Ensure no processes are using the raw driver. This might be a wedged # stm32mon process spawned by this script. if files_open=$(proc_open_file "${DEVICE}"); then echo "WARNING: Another process has ${DEVICE} open." >&2 echo "${files_open}" >&2 echo "Try 'fuser -k ${DEVICE}' before running this script." >&2 echo "See b/188985272." >&2 fi local ret flash_fp_mcu_stm32 \ "${TRANSPORT}" \ "${DEVICE}" \ "${GPIO_NRST}" \ "${GPIO_BOOT0}" \ "${GPIO_PWREN}" \ "${filename}" ret=$? if [[ "${FLAGS_services}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then echo "# Restarting biod and timberslide" start timberslide LOG_PATH=/sys/kernel/debug/cros_fp/console_log start biod fi exit "${ret}" } main "$@"