#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # Generate version information for the EC binary : "${BOARD:=}" : "${CR50_DEV:=}" : "${CR50_SQA:=}" : "${CRYPTO_TEST:=}" : "${REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD:=}" : "${STATIC_VERSION:=}" : "${VCSID:=}" # Use this symbol as a separator to be able to reliably concatenate strings of # text. dc=$'\001' # Default marker to indicate 'dirty' repositories dirty_marker='+' # Derive path to chromeos_version.sh script CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT="/mnt/host/source" CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY="${CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay" CROS_VERSION_SCRIPT="${CHROMIUMOS_OVERLAY}/chromeos/config/chromeos_version.sh" # This function examines the state of the current directory and attempts to # extract its version information: the latest tag, if any, how many patches # are there since the latest tag, the top sha1, and if there are local # modifications. # # Local modifications are reported by concatenating the revision string and # the string '-dirty' using the $dc symbol as the separator. # # If there is no tags defined in this git repository, the base version is # considered to be 0.0. # # If current directory is not a git depository, this function prints out # "no_version" get_tree_version() { local marker local ghash local numcommits local tag local vbase local ver_branch local ver_major if ghash="$(git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null)"; then if gdesc="$(git describe --dirty --match='v*' 2>/dev/null)"; then IFS="-" read -r -a fields <<< "${gdesc}" tag="${fields[0]}" IFS="." read -r -a vernum <<< "${tag}" numcommits=$((vernum[2]+${fields[1]:-0})) ver_major="${vernum[0]}" ver_branch="${vernum[1]}" else numcommits=$(git rev-list HEAD | wc -l) ver_major="v0" ver_branch="0" fi # avoid putting the -dirty attribute if only the timestamp # changed git status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -n "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null)" ]; then marker="${dirty_marker}" else marker="-" fi vbase="${ver_major}.${ver_branch}.${numcommits}${marker}${ghash}" else # Fall back to the VCSID provided by the packaging system if available. # Ex VCSID: 0.0.1-r1519-9b368af6a4943b90941471d0bdf7e7208788f898 if [[ -n "${VCSID}" ]]; then ghash="${VCSID##*-}" vbase="1.1.9999-${ghash:0:7}" else # then ultimately fails to "no_version" vbase="no_version" fi fi if [[ "${marker}" == "${dirty_marker}" ]]; then echo "${vbase}${dc}${marker}" else echo "${vbase}${dc}" fi } main() { local component local dir_list local gitdate local most_recent_file local most_recents local timestamp local tool_ver local values local vbase local ver if [[ -z "${STATIC_VERSION}" ]]; then ver="${CR50_SQA:+SQA/}${CR50_DEV:+DBG/}${CRYPTO_TEST:+CT/}${BOARD}_" tool_ver="" else ver="STATIC_VERSION" tool_ver="STATIC_VERSION_TOOL" fi most_recents=() # Non empty if any of the component repos is 'dirty'. dir_list=( . ) # list of component directories, always includes the EC tree case "${BOARD}" in (cr50) dir_list+=( ../../third_party/tpm2 ../../third_party/cryptoc ) ;; (*_fp|*dartmonkey|*bloonchipper) if [[ -d ../../third_party/cryptoc ]]; then dir_list+=( ../../third_party/cryptoc ) fi if [[ -d ./private ]]; then dir_list+=( ./private ) fi if [[ -d ./private/fingerprint/fpc ]]; then dir_list+=( ./private/fingerprint/fpc ) fi ;; esac # Create a combined version string for all component directories. if [[ -z "${STATIC_VERSION}" ]]; then for git_dir in "${dir_list[@]}"; do pushd "${git_dir}" > /dev/null || exit 1 component="$(basename "${git_dir}")" IFS="${dc}" read -r -a values <<< "$(get_tree_version)" vbase="${values[0]}" # Retrieved version information. if [[ -n "${values[1]}" ]]; then # From each modified repo get the most recently modified file. most_recent_file="$(git status --porcelain | \ awk '$1 ~ /[M|A|?]/ {print $2}' | \ xargs -r ls -t | head -1)" if [[ -n "${most_recent_file}" ]]; then most_recents+=("$(realpath "${most_recent_file}")") fi fi if [ "${component}" != "." ]; then ver+=" ${component}:" fi ver+="${vbase}" tool_ver+="${vbase}" if [[ "${git_dir}" == "." ]]; then # Truncate to 31 chars to leave room for terminating NUL that is # automatically added to constant C strings. ver_32="${ver:0:31}" ver="${ver_32}" fi popd > /dev/null || exit 1 done fi echo "/* This file is generated by util/getversion.sh */" # Truncated version string that is exactly 32-bytes (NUL terminated). echo "#define CROS_EC_VERSION32 \"${ver_32}\"" echo "/* Version string for ectool. */" echo "#define CROS_ECTOOL_VERSION \"${tool_ver}\"" echo "/* Version string for stm32mon. */" echo "#define CROS_STM32MON_VERSION \"${tool_ver}\"" echo "/* Sub-fields for use in Makefile.rules and to form build info string" echo " * in common/version.c. */" echo "#define VERSION \"${ver}\"" if [[ -n "${STATIC_VERSION}" ]] || [[ "${REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD}" = 1 ]]; then echo '#define BUILDER "reproducible@build"' else echo "#define BUILDER \"${USER}@$(hostname)\"" fi if [[ -n "${STATIC_VERSION}" ]]; then echo "#define DATE \"STATIC_VERSION_DATE\"" elif [[ ${#most_recents[@]} != 0 ]]; then # There are modified files, use the timestamp of the most recent one as # the build version timestamp. # shellcheck disable=SC2012 most_recent_file="$(ls -t "${most_recents[@]}"| head -1)" timestamp="$(stat -c '%y' "${most_recent_file}" | sed 's/\..*//')" echo "/* Repo is dirty, using time of most recent file modification. */" echo "#define DATE \"${timestamp}\"" else echo "/* Repo is clean, use the commit date of the last commit. */" # If called from an ebuild we won't have a git repo, so redirect stderr # to avoid annoying 'Not a git repository' errors. gitdate="$( for git_dir in "${dir_list[@]}"; do git -C "${git_dir}" log -1 --format='%ct %ci' HEAD 2>/dev/null done | sort | tail -1 | cut -d ' ' -f '2 3')" echo "#define DATE \"${gitdate}\"" fi # Use the chromeos_version_string when available. # This will not work if run from a standalone CrOS EC checkout. echo "#define CROS_FWID_MISSING_STR \"CROS_FWID_MISSING\"" if [[ -f "${CROS_VERSION_SCRIPT}" ]]; then cros_version_output=$("${CROS_VERSION_SCRIPT}") CHROMEOS_BUILD=$(echo "${cros_version_output}" | \ grep "^ *CHROMEOS_BUILD=" | cut -d= -f2) CHROMEOS_BRANCH=$(echo "${cros_version_output}" | \ grep "^ *CHROMEOS_BRANCH=" | cut -d= -f2) CHROMEOS_PATCH=$(echo "${cros_version_output}" | \ grep "^ *CHROMEOS_PATCH=" | cut -d= -f2) # Official builds must set CHROMEOS_OFFICIAL=1. if [ "${CHROMEOS_OFFICIAL:-0}" -ne 1 ]; then # For developer builds, overwrite CHROMEOS_PATCH with the date. # This date is abbreviated compared to chromeos_version.sh so # fwid_version will more likely fit in 32 bytes. CHROMEOS_PATCH=$(date +%y_%m_%d) fi fwid="${BOARD}_${CHROMEOS_BUILD}.${CHROMEOS_BRANCH}.${CHROMEOS_PATCH}" echo "/* CrOS FWID of this build */" echo "#define CROS_FWID32 \"${fwid:0:31}\"" else echo "/* CrOS FWID is not available for this build */" echo "#define CROS_FWID32 CROS_FWID_MISSING_STR" fi } main