#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" # Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. 'Unit tests for util_precompile.py' import os import pickle import tempfile import unittest import zlib import util_precompile class TestUtilPrecompile(unittest.TestCase): 'Test class for testing various util_precompile.py functions' def test_generate_cmsg_line(self): 'Test generating of cmsgX() lines from format messages/arguments' # A tuple of tuples of typical format strings, following the matching # number of parameters, the last element is the expected parameter # description mask, describing the variety of format specifications in # the format string. inputs = (('"%s\n', 'errmsgs[rv]', 3), ('%d', 10, 1), ('"no format"', ), ('[%pT CCD state:', '((void *)0)', 7), ('%08x: DIO%c%-2d %2d %3s%3s%3s%4s ', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 858984721)) string_indices = [] for inp in inputs: fmt = inp[0] if len(inp) > 1: params = inp[1:-1] mask = inp[-1] else: params = [] mask = None blocks = fmt.split('%')[1:] line = util_precompile.generate_cmsg_line( fmt, params, fmt.split('%')[1:], 'chan', 'func') exp_start = 'cmsg%d(chan, ' % len(blocks) if params: args = '%s' % (', '.join(['(uintptr_t)(%s)' % x for x in params])) exp_end = ', %d, %s);\n' % (mask, args) else: exp_end = ');\n' try: self.assertTrue(line.startswith(exp_start)) self.assertTrue(line.endswith(exp_end)) except AssertionError: print('line: %s\nexp_start: %s\nexp_end: %s' % ( line, exp_start, exp_end)) raise line = line.replace(exp_start, '', 1) line = line.replace(exp_end, '', 1) string_indices.append(int(line)) # Verify the contents of the generated blob zipped = util_precompile.generate_blob() dump = zlib.decompress(zipped) strings = pickle.loads(dump).split('\0') for inp, index in zip(inputs, string_indices): string = inp[0] self.assertTrue(strings[index] == string) def test_tokenize(self): 'Verify tokenize() function ability to parse vararg string' in_tokens = ( '"simple string"', '"another string, with a comma"', '"string split" " in two"', '"string with \\"escaped\\" double quotes"', '(&(const struct hex_buffer_params)' '{ .buffer = (ec_efs_ctx.hash), .size = (32) })') out_tokens = util_precompile.tokenize(', '.join(in_tokens)) for in_t, out_t in zip(in_tokens, out_tokens): self.assertEqual(in_t, out_t) def test_line_processor(self): 'Test line processor class ability to consolidate preprocessor lines' # Reset the string dictionary. util_precompile.FMT_DICT = {} in_out_tuples = ( ( """ cprintf(CC_COMMAND, "Last attempt returned " "%d\\n", rv) ;""", ' cmsg1(CC_COMMAND, 0, 1, (uintptr_t)(rv));\n' ), ( ' cprintf(CC_COMMAND, "ec_hash_secdata : %ph\\n", ' '(&(const struct hex_buffer_params)' '{ .buffer = (ec_efs_ctx.hash), .size = (32) }));', ' cmsg1(CC_COMMAND, 1, 5, (uintptr_t)((&(const struct ' 'hex_buffer_params)' '{ .buffer = (ec_efs_ctx.hash), .size = (32) })));\n' ), ( 'struct ec_params_get_cmd_versions {', 'struct ec_params_get_cmd_versions {', ), ( ' cprints(CC_CCD, "CCD test lab mode %sbled", v ' '? "ena" : "disa");', ' cmsg1(CC_CCD, 2, 3, (uintptr_t)(v ? "ena" : "disa"));\n' ), ( ' cprintf(CC_COMMAND, "%s: deleting var failed!\\n", ' '__func__);', ' cmsg1(CC_COMMAND, 3, 6, (uintptr_t)4);\n' ), ( ' return cprintf(CC_COMMAND, "%s: done!\\n", __func__);', ' return cmsg1(CC_COMMAND, 5, 6, (uintptr_t)4);\n' ) ) line_processor = util_precompile.LineProcessor() for inp, outp in in_out_tuples: result = '' for line in inp.splitlines(): section = line_processor.process_preprocessor_line(line) if section: result += section self.assertEqual(result, outp) try: string_index = int(outp.split(',')[1]) except IndexError: # This is the line without a print statement. continue fmt = inp.split(',')[1].strip() for key, value in util_precompile.FMT_DICT.items(): if value == string_index: fmt = fmt.replace('" "', '') fmt = fmt.replace('\\n', '\n') fmt = fmt.strip('"') if 'cprints' in inp: fmt = '[^T' + fmt self.assertEqual(fmt, key) break else: self.fail('did not find "%s" in the dictionary') def test_incremental_blob(self): """Verify that string blob is properly extended. When invoked with an existing blob, util_precompile.py is supposed to re-use existing strings and only add new ones. Create a test file with a set of strings, generate the blob, then create another test file, with an extra string inserted in the beginning and verify, generate the blob again, and verify that the resulting blob has the strings at expected indices. """ first_string_set = ('format string #1', 'format string #2', 'format_strint #3') second_string_set = ('format string #4',) + first_string_set with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='test_uc') as td: source_code = os.path.join(td, 'src.E') lock_file = os.path.join(td, 'lock') blob = os.path.join(td, 'blob') util_precompile.FMT_DICT = {} def prepare_source_code(file_name, strings): 'Generate test .E file given a list of text strings' with open(file_name, 'w') as sf: for string in strings: sf.write(' cprintf(CHAN, "%s");\n' % string) prepare_source_code(source_code, first_string_set) util_precompile.main(['_', '-o', blob, '-l', lock_file, source_code]) prepare_source_code(source_code, second_string_set) util_precompile.FMT_DICT = {} util_precompile.main(['_', '-o', blob, '-l', lock_file, source_code]) # Verify that strings in the blob are at the expected indices. # The first set strings should have lower indices. for i, string in enumerate(first_string_set): self.assertEqual(util_precompile.FMT_DICT.get(string, None), i) # The second set strings should have higher indices. string = second_string_set[0] i = len(second_string_set) - 1 self.assertEqual(util_precompile.FMT_DICT.get(string, None), i) def test_drop_escapes(self): 'Verify proper conversion of escape characters' insouts = (('\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\'"\\\\', '\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\'"\\'), ('line \\x1a with two hex escapes \\x1b\\n', 'line \x1a with two hex escapes \x1b\n')) for i, o in insouts: self.assertEqual(o, util_precompile.drop_escapes(i)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()