#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ChromeOS Uart Stress Test This tester runs the command 'chargen' on EC and/or AP, captures the output, and compares it against the expected output to check any characters lost. Prerequisite: (1) This test needs PySerial. Please check if it is available before test. Can be installed by 'pip install pyserial' (2) If servod is running, turn uart_timestamp off before running this test. e.g. dut-control cr50_uart_timestamp:off """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import argparse import atexit import logging import os import stat import sys import threading import time import serial # pylint:disable=import-error BAUDRATE = 115200 # Default baudrate setting for UART port CROS_USERNAME = "root" # Account name to login to ChromeOS CROS_PASSWORD = "test0000" # Password to login to ChromeOS CHARGEN_TXT = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # The result of 'chargen 62 62' CHARGEN_TXT_LEN = len(CHARGEN_TXT) CR = "\r" # Carriage Return LF = "\n" # Line Feed CRLF = CR + LF FLAG_FILENAME = "/tmp/chargen_testing" TPM_CMD = ( "trunks_client --key_create --rsa=2048 --usage=sign" " --key_blob=/tmp/blob &> /dev/null" ) # A ChromeOS TPM command for the cr50 stress # purpose. CR50_LOAD_GEN_CMD = "while [[ -f %s ]]; do %s; done &" % ( FLAG_FILENAME, TPM_CMD, ) # A command line to run TPM_CMD in background # infinitely. class ChargenTestError(Exception): """Exception for Uart Stress Test Error""" pass class UartSerial(object): """Test Object for a single UART serial device Attributes: UART_DEV_PROFILES char_loss_occurrences: Number that character loss happens cleanup_cli: Command list to perform before the test exits cr50_workload: True if cr50 should be stressed, or False otherwise usb_output: True if output should be generated to USB channel dev_prof: Dictionary of device profile duration: Time to keep chargen running eol: Characters to add at the end of input logger: object that store the log num_ch_exp: Expected number of characters in output num_ch_cap: Number of captured characters in output test_cli: Command list to run for chargen test test_thread: Thread object that captures the UART output serial: serial.Serial object """ UART_DEV_PROFILES = ( # Kernel { "prompt": "localhost login:", "device_type": "AP", "prepare_cmd": [ CROS_USERNAME, # Login CROS_PASSWORD, # Password "dmesg -D", # Disable console message "touch " + FLAG_FILENAME, # Create a temp file ], "cleanup_cmd": [ "rm -f " + FLAG_FILENAME, # Remove the temp file "dmesg -E", # Enable console message "logout", # Logout ], "end_of_input": LF, }, # EC { "prompt": "> ", "device_type": "EC", "prepare_cmd": ["chan save", "chan 0"], # Disable console message "cleanup_cmd": ["", "chan restore"], "end_of_input": CRLF, }, ) def __init__( self, port, duration, timeout=1, baudrate=BAUDRATE, cr50_workload=False, usb_output=False, ): """Initialize UartSerial Args: port: UART device path. e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 duration: Time to test, in seconds timeout: Read timeout value. baudrate: Baud rate such as 9600 or 115200. cr50_workload: True if a workload should be generated on cr50 usb_output: True if a workload should be generated to USB channel """ # Initialize serial object self.serial = serial.Serial() self.serial.port = port self.serial.timeout = timeout self.serial.baudrate = baudrate self.duration = duration self.cr50_workload = cr50_workload self.usb_output = usb_output self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__ + "| " + port) self.test_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.stress_test_thread) self.dev_prof = {} self.cleanup_cli = [] self.test_cli = [] self.eol = CRLF self.num_ch_exp = 0 self.num_ch_cap = 0 self.char_loss_occurrences = 0 atexit.register(self.cleanup) def run_command(self, command_lines, delay=0): """Run command(s) at UART prompt Args: command_lines: list of commands to run. delay: delay after a command in second """ for cli in command_lines: self.logger.debug("run %r", cli) self.serial.write((cli + self.eol).encode()) self.serial.flush() if delay: time.sleep(delay) def cleanup(self): """Before termination, clean up the UART device.""" self.logger.debug("Closing...") self.serial.open() self.run_command(self.cleanup_cli) # Run cleanup commands self.serial.close() self.logger.debug("Cleanup done") def get_output(self): """Capture the UART output Args: stop_char: Read output buffer until it reads stop_char. Returns: text from UART output. """ if self.serial.inWaiting() == 0: time.sleep(1) return self.serial.read(self.serial.inWaiting()).decode() def prepare(self): """Prepare the test: Identify the type of UART device (EC or Kernel?), then decide what kind of commands to use to generate stress loads. Raises: ChargenTestError if UART source can't be identified. """ try: self.logger.info("Preparing...") self.serial.open() # Prepare the device for test self.serial.flushInput() self.serial.flushOutput() self.get_output() # drain data # Give a couple of line feeds, and capture the prompt text self.run_command(["", ""]) prompt_txt = self.get_output() # Detect the device source: EC or AP? # Detect if the device is AP or EC console based on the captured. for dev_prof in self.UART_DEV_PROFILES: if dev_prof["prompt"] in prompt_txt: self.dev_prof = dev_prof break else: # No prompt patterns were found. UART seems not responding or in # an undesirable status. if prompt_txt: raise ChargenTestError( "%s: Got an unknown prompt text: %s\n" "Check manually whether %s is available." % (self.serial.port, prompt_txt, self.serial.port) ) else: raise ChargenTestError( "%s: Got no input. Close any other connections" " to this port, and try it again." % self.serial.port ) self.logger.info( "Detected as %s UART", self.dev_prof["device_type"] ) # Log displays the UART type (AP|EC) instead of device filename. self.logger = logging.getLogger( type(self).__name__ + "| " + self.dev_prof["device_type"] ) # Either login to AP or run some commands to prepare the device # for test self.eol = self.dev_prof["end_of_input"] self.run_command(self.dev_prof["prepare_cmd"], delay=2) self.cleanup_cli += self.dev_prof["cleanup_cmd"] # 'chargen' of AP does not have option for USB output. # Force it work on UART. if self.dev_prof["device_type"] == "AP": self.usb_output = False # Check whether the command 'chargen' is available in the device. # 'chargen 1 4' is supposed to print '0000' self.get_output() # drain data chargen_cmd = "chargen 1 4" if self.usb_output: chargen_cmd += " usb" self.run_command([chargen_cmd]) tmp_txt = self.get_output() # Check whether chargen command is available. if "0000" not in tmp_txt: raise ChargenTestError( "%s: Chargen got an unexpected result: %s" % (self.dev_prof["device_type"], tmp_txt) ) self.num_ch_exp = int(self.serial.baudrate * self.duration / 10) chargen_cmd = ( "chargen " + str(CHARGEN_TXT_LEN) + " " + str(self.num_ch_exp) ) if self.usb_output: chargen_cmd += " usb" self.test_cli = [chargen_cmd] self.logger.info("Ready to test") finally: self.serial.close() def stress_test_thread(self): """Test thread Raises: ChargenTestError: if broken character is found. """ try: self.serial.open() self.serial.flushInput() self.serial.flushOutput() # Run TPM command in background to burden cr50. if self.dev_prof["device_type"] == "AP" and self.cr50_workload: self.run_command([CR50_LOAD_GEN_CMD]) self.logger.debug("run TPM job while %s exists", FLAG_FILENAME) # Run the command 'chargen', one time self.run_command([""]) # Give a line feed self.get_output() # Drain the output self.run_command(self.test_cli) self.serial.readline() # Drain the echoed command line. err_msg = "%s: Expected %r but got %s after %d char received" # Keep capturing the output until the test timer is expired. self.num_ch_cap = 0 self.char_loss_occurrences = 0 data_starve_count = 0 total_num_ch = ( self.num_ch_exp ) # Expected number of characters in total ch_exp = CHARGEN_TXT[0] ch_cap = ( "z" # any character value is ok for loop initial condition. ) while self.num_ch_cap < total_num_ch: captured = self.get_output() if captured: # There is some output data. Reset the data starvation count. data_starve_count = 0 else: data_starve_count += 1 if data_starve_count > 1: # If nothing was captured more than once, then terminate the test. self.logger.debug("No more output") break for ch_cap in captured: if ch_cap not in CHARGEN_TXT: # If it is not alpha-numeric, terminate the test. if ch_cap not in CRLF: # If it is neither a CR nor LF, then it is an error case. self.logger.error( "Whole captured characters: %r", captured ) raise ChargenTestError( err_msg % ( "Broken char captured", ch_exp, hex(ord(ch_cap)), self.num_ch_cap, ) ) # Set the loop termination condition true. total_num_ch = self.num_ch_cap if self.num_ch_cap >= total_num_ch: break if ch_exp != ch_cap: # If it is alpha-numeric but not continuous, then some characters # are lost. self.logger.error( err_msg, "Char loss detected", ch_exp, repr(ch_cap), self.num_ch_cap, ) self.char_loss_occurrences += 1 # Recalculate the expected number of characters to adjust # termination condition. The loss might be bigger than this # adjustment, but it is okay since it will terminates by either # CR/LF detection or by data starvation. idx_ch_exp = CHARGEN_TXT.find(ch_exp) idx_ch_cap = CHARGEN_TXT.find(ch_cap) if idx_ch_cap < idx_ch_exp: idx_ch_cap += len(CHARGEN_TXT) total_num_ch -= idx_ch_cap - idx_ch_exp self.num_ch_cap += 1 # Determine What character is expected next? ch_exp = CHARGEN_TXT[ (CHARGEN_TXT.find(ch_cap) + 1) % CHARGEN_TXT_LEN ] finally: self.serial.close() def start_test(self): """Start the test thread""" self.logger.info("Test thread starts") self.test_thread.start() def wait_test_done(self): """Wait until the test thread get done and join""" self.test_thread.join() self.logger.info("Test thread is done") def get_result(self): """Display the result Returns: Integer = the number of lost character Raises: ChargenTestError: if the capture is corrupted. """ # If more characters than expected are captured, it means some messages # from other than chargen are mixed. Stop processing further. if self.num_ch_exp < self.num_ch_cap: raise ChargenTestError( "%s: UART output is corrupted." % self.dev_prof["device_type"] ) # Get the count difference between the expected to the captured # as the number of lost character. char_lost = self.num_ch_exp - self.num_ch_cap self.logger.info( "%8d char lost / %10d (%.1f %%)", char_lost, self.num_ch_exp, char_lost * 100.0 / self.num_ch_exp, ) return char_lost, self.num_ch_exp, self.char_loss_occurrences class ChargenTest(object): """UART stress tester Attributes: logger: logging object serials: Dictionary where key is filename of UART device, and the value is UartSerial object """ def __init__(self, ports, duration, cr50_workload=False, usb_output=False): """Initialize UART stress tester Args: ports: List of UART ports to test. duration: Time to keep testing in seconds. cr50_workload: True if a workload should be generated on cr50 usb_output: True if a workload should be generated to USB channel Raises: ChargenTestError: if any of ports is not a valid character device. """ # Save the arguments for port in ports: try: mode = os.stat(port).st_mode except OSError as e: raise ChargenTestError(e) if not stat.S_ISCHR(mode): raise ChargenTestError("%s is not a character device." % port) if duration <= 0: raise ChargenTestError("Input error: duration is not positive.") # Initialize logging object self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__) # Create an UartSerial object per UART port self.serials = {} # UartSerial objects for port in ports: self.serials[port] = UartSerial( port=port, duration=duration, cr50_workload=cr50_workload, usb_output=usb_output, ) def prepare(self): """Prepare the test for each UART port""" self.logger.info("Prepare ports for test") for _, ser in self.serials.items(): ser.prepare() self.logger.info("Ports are ready to test") def print_result(self): """Display the test result for each UART port Returns: char_lost: Total number of characters lost """ char_lost = 0 for _, ser in self.serials.items(): (tmp_lost, _, _) = ser.get_result() char_lost += tmp_lost # If any characters are lost, then test fails. msg = "lost %d character(s) from the test" % char_lost if char_lost > 0: self.logger.error("FAIL: %s", msg) else: self.logger.info("PASS: %s", msg) return char_lost def run(self): """Run the stress test on UART port(s) Raises: ChargenTestError: If any characters are lost. """ # Detect UART source type, and decide which command to test. self.prepare() # Run the test on each UART port in thread. self.logger.info("Test starts") for _, ser in self.serials.items(): ser.start_test() # Wait all tests to finish. for _, ser in self.serials.items(): ser.wait_test_done() # Print the result. char_lost = self.print_result() if char_lost: raise ChargenTestError( "Test failed: lost %d character(s)" % char_lost ) self.logger.info("Test is done") def parse_args(cmdline): """Parse command line arguments. Args: cmdline: list to be parsed Returns: tuple (options, args) where args is a list of cmdline arguments that the parser was unable to match i.e. they're servod controls, not options. """ description = """%(prog)s repeats sending a uart console command to each UART device for a given time, and check if output has any missing characters. Examples: %(prog)s /dev/ttyUSB2 --time 3600 %(prog)s /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/ttyUSB2 --debug %(prog)s /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/ttyUSB2 --cr50 """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "port", type=str, nargs="*", help="UART device path to test" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cr50", action="store_true", default=False, help="generate TPM workload on cr50", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable debug messages", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--time", type=int, help="Test duration in second", default=300 ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--usb", action="store_true", default=False, help="Generate output to USB channel instead", ) return parser.parse_known_args(cmdline) def main(): """Main function wrapper""" try: (options, _) = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # Set Log format log_format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-6s | %(name)-25s" date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if options.debug: log_format += " | %(filename)s:%(lineno)4d:%(funcName)-18s" loglevel = logging.DEBUG else: loglevel = logging.INFO log_format += " | %(message)s" logging.basicConfig( level=loglevel, format=log_format, datefmt=date_format ) # Create a ChargenTest object utest = ChargenTest( options.port, options.time, cr50_workload=options.cr50, usb_output=options.usb, ) utest.run() # Run except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) except ChargenTestError as e: logging.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()