#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Upload twister results to ResultDB Usage: $ rdb stream -new -realm chromium:public -tag builder_name:${HOSTNAME%%.*} -- ./util/zephyr_to_resultdb.py --results=twister-out/twister.json --upload=True """ import argparse import base64 import datetime import json import os import pathlib import re import requests # pylint: disable=import-error def translate_status(status): """Translates ZTEST status to ResultDB status""" ret_status = "SKIP" if status == "passed": ret_status = "PASS" elif status == "failed": ret_status = "FAIL" elif status in ["skipped", "filtered"]: ret_status = "SKIP" elif status == "blocked": # Twister status for tests that didn't run due to test suite timeout ret_status = "ABORT" return ret_status def translate_expected(status): """Translates ZTEST status to ResultDB expected""" flag = False if status in ["passed", "filtered"]: flag = True return flag def translate_duration(testcase): """Translates ZTEST execution_time to ResultDB duration""" time = testcase.get("execution_time") if not time: return None return f"{float(time)/1000:.9f}s" def testcase_summary(testcase): """Translates ZTEST testcase to ResultDB summaryHtml""" html = "


" if ( "log" in testcase or "reason" in testcase or translate_status(testcase["status"]) == "SKIP" ): html = '

' return html def testcase_artifact(testcase): """Translates ZTEST testcase to ResultDB artifact""" artifact = "Unknown" if "log" in testcase and testcase["log"]: artifact = testcase["log"] elif "reason" in testcase and testcase["reason"]: artifact = testcase["reason"] elif testcase["status"] == "filtered": artifact = "filtered" elif testcase["status"] == "skipped": artifact = "skipped" return base64.b64encode(artifact.encode()) def testsuite_artifact(testsuite): """Translates ZTEST testcase to ResultDB artifact""" artifact = "Unknown" if "log" in testsuite and testsuite["log"]: artifact = testsuite["log"] return base64.b64encode(artifact.encode()) def testcase_to_result(testsuite, testcase, base_tags, config_tags): """Translates ZTEST testcase to ResultDB format See TestResult type in https://crsrc.org/i/go/src/go.chromium.org/luci/resultdb/sink/proto/v1/test_result.proto """ result = { "testId": testcase["identifier"], "status": translate_status(testcase["status"]), "expected": translate_expected(testcase["status"]), "summaryHtml": testcase_summary(testcase), "artifacts": { "test_log": { "contents": testcase_artifact(testcase), }, "testsuite_log": { "contents": testsuite_artifact(testsuite), }, }, "tags": [ {"key": "suite", "value": testsuite["name"]}, {"key": "platform", "value": testsuite["platform"]}, ], "duration": translate_duration(testcase), "testMetadata": {"name": testcase["identifier"]}, } for (key, value) in base_tags: result["tags"].append({"key": key, "value": value}) for (key, value) in config_tags: result["tags"].append({"key": key.lower(), "value": value}) if result["status"] == "FAIL" and "log" in testcase and testcase["log"]: assert_msg = re.findall( r"Assertion failed.*$", testcase["log"], re.MULTILINE ) if assert_msg: result["failureReason"] = {"primaryErrorMessage": assert_msg[0]} else: result["failureReason"] = { "primaryErrorMessage": "Assert not found - possibly occurred in test setup" } return result def get_testsuite_config_tags(twister_dir, testsuite): """Creates config tags from the testsuite""" config_tags = [] suite_path = f"{twister_dir}/{testsuite['platform']}/{testsuite['name']}" dot_config = f"{suite_path}/zephyr/.config" if pathlib.Path(dot_config).exists(): with open(dot_config) as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: # Ignore empty lines and comments if line.strip() and not line.startswith("#"): result = re.search(r"(\w+)=(.+$)", line) config_tags.append((result.group(1), result.group(2))) else: print(f"Can't find config file for {testsuite['name']}") return config_tags def create_base_tags(data): """Creates base tags needed for Testhaus""" base_tags = [] queued_time = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( data["environment"]["run_date"] ) base_tags.append( ("queued_time", queued_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC")) ) base_tags.append(("zephyr_version", data["environment"]["zephyr_version"])) base_tags.append(("board", data["environment"]["os"])) base_tags.append(("toolchain", data["environment"]["toolchain"])) return base_tags def json_to_resultdb(result_file): """Translates Twister json test report to ResultDB format""" with open(result_file) as file: data = json.load(file) results = [] base_tags = create_base_tags(data) for testsuite in data["testsuites"]: config_tags = get_testsuite_config_tags( os.path.dirname(result_file), testsuite ) for testcase in testsuite["testcases"]: if testcase["status"]: results.append( testcase_to_result( testsuite, testcase, base_tags, config_tags ) ) file.close() return results class BytesEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Encoder for ResultDB format""" def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, bytes): return o.decode("utf-8") return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) def upload_results(results): """Upload results to ResultDB""" with open(os.environ["LUCI_CONTEXT"]) as file: sink = json.load(file)["result_sink"] # Uploads all test results at once. res = requests.post( url="http://%s/prpc/luci.resultsink.v1.Sink/ReportTestResults" % sink["address"], headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "ResultSink %s" % sink["auth_token"], }, data=json.dumps({"testResults": results}, cls=BytesEncoder), ) res.raise_for_status() def main(): """main""" # Set up argument parser. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=("Upload Zephyr Twister test results to ResultDB") ) parser.add_argument("--results") parser.add_argument("--upload", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.results: print(f"Converting: {args.results}") rdb_results = json_to_resultdb(args.results) if args.upload: upload_results(rdb_results) else: raise Exception("Missing test result file for conversion") if __name__ == "__main__": main()