#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Build and test all of the Zephyr boards. This is the entry point for the custom firmware builder workflow recipe. """ import argparse import multiprocessing import pathlib import subprocess import sys import zmake.project # TODO(crbug/1181505): Code outside of chromite should not be importing from # chromite.api.gen. Import json_format after that so we get the matching one. from chromite.api.gen.chromite.api import firmware_pb2 from google.protobuf import json_format DEFAULT_BUNDLE_DIRECTORY = '/tmp/artifact_bundles' DEFAULT_BUNDLE_METADATA_FILE = '/tmp/artifact_bundle_metadata' def build(opts): """Builds all Zephyr firmware targets""" # TODO(b/169178847): Add appropriate metric information metrics = firmware_pb2.FwBuildMetricList() with open(opts.metrics, 'w') as f: f.write(json_format.MessageToJson(metrics)) targets = [ 'projects/posix-ec', 'projects/volteer/volteer', ] for target in targets: print('Building {}'.format(target)) cmd = ['zmake', '-D', 'configure', '-b', target] rv = subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent).returncode if rv != 0: return rv return 0 def bundle(opts): if opts.code_coverage: bundle_coverage(opts) else: bundle_firmware(opts) def get_bundle_dir(opts): """Get the directory for the bundle from opts or use the default. Also create the directory if it doesn't exist.""" bundle_dir = (opts.output_dir if opts.output_dir else DEFAULT_BUNDLE_DIRECTORY) bundle_dir = pathlib.Path(bundle_dir) if not bundle_dir.is_dir(): bundle_dir.mkdir() return bundle_dir def write_metadata(opts, info): """Write the metadata about the bundle.""" bundle_metadata_file = (opts.metadata if opts.metadata else DEFAULT_BUNDLE_METADATA_FILE) with open(bundle_metadata_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json_format.MessageToJson(info)) def bundle_coverage(opts): """Bundles the artifacts from code coverage into its own tarball.""" info = firmware_pb2.FirmwareArtifactInfo() info.bcs_version_info.version_string = opts.bcs_version bundle_dir = get_bundle_dir(opts) zephyr_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent platform_ec = zephyr_dir.resolve().parent build_dir = platform_ec / 'build/zephyr-coverage' tarball_name = 'coverage.tbz2' tarball_path = bundle_dir / tarball_name cmd = ['tar', 'cvfj', tarball_path, 'lcov.info'] subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=build_dir, check=True) meta = info.objects.add() meta.file_name = tarball_name meta.lcov_info.type = firmware_pb2.FirmwareArtifactInfo.LcovTarballInfo.LcovType.LCOV write_metadata(opts, info) def bundle_firmware(opts): """Bundles the artifacts from each target into its own tarball.""" info = firmware_pb2.FirmwareArtifactInfo() info.bcs_version_info.version_string = opts.bcs_version bundle_dir = get_bundle_dir(opts) zephyr_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent platform_ec = zephyr_dir.resolve().parent for project in zmake.project.find_projects(zephyr_dir).values(): build_dir = platform_ec / "build" / "zephyr" / project.config.project_name artifacts_dir = build_dir / 'output' # TODO(kmshelton): Remove once the build command does not rely # on a pre-defined list of targets. if not artifacts_dir.is_dir(): continue tarball_name = '{}.firmware.tbz2'.format(project.config.project_name) tarball_path = bundle_dir.joinpath(tarball_name) cmd = ['tar', 'cvfj', tarball_path, '.'] subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=artifacts_dir, check=True) meta = info.objects.add() meta.file_name = tarball_name meta.tarball_info.type = ( firmware_pb2.FirmwareArtifactInfo.TarballInfo.FirmwareType.EC) # TODO(kmshelton): Populate the rest of metadata contents as it # gets defined in infra/proto/src/chromite/api/firmware.proto. write_metadata(opts, info) def test(opts): """Runs all of the unit tests for Zephyr firmware""" # TODO(b/169178847): Add appropriate metric information metrics = firmware_pb2.FwTestMetricList() with open(opts.metrics, 'w') as f: f.write(json_format.MessageToJson(metrics)) zephyr_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() # Run zmake tests to ensure we have a fully working zmake before # proceeding. subprocess.run([zephyr_dir / 'zmake' / 'run_tests.sh'], check=True) # Run formatting checks on all BUILD.py files. config_files = zephyr_dir.rglob("**/BUILD.py") subprocess.run(["black", "--diff", "--check", *config_files], check=True) subprocess.run(['zmake', '-D', 'testall'], check=True) # Run the test with coverage also, as sometimes they behave differently. platform_ec = zephyr_dir.parent build_dir = platform_ec / 'build/zephyr-coverage' return subprocess.run( ['zmake', '-D', 'coverage', build_dir], cwd=platform_ec).returncode def main(args): """Builds and tests all of the Zephyr targets and reports build metrics""" opts = parse_args(args) if not hasattr(opts, 'func'): print("Must select a valid sub command!") return -1 # Run selected sub command function return opts.func(opts) def parse_args(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( '--cpus', default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), help='The number of cores to use.', ) parser.add_argument( '--metrics', dest='metrics', required=True, help='File to write the json-encoded MetricsList proto message.', ) parser.add_argument( '--metadata', required=False, help=('Full pathname for the file in which to write build artifact ' 'metadata.'), ) parser.add_argument( '--output-dir', required=False, help= 'Full pathanme for the directory in which to bundle build artifacts.', ) parser.add_argument( '--code-coverage', required=False, action='store_true', help='Build host-based unit tests for code coverage.', ) parser.add_argument( '--bcs-version', dest='bcs_version', default='', required=False, # TODO(b/180008931): make this required=True. help='BCS version to include in metadata.', ) # Would make this required=True, but not available until 3.7 sub_cmds = parser.add_subparsers() build_cmd = sub_cmds.add_parser('build', help='Builds all firmware targets') build_cmd.set_defaults(func=build) build_cmd = sub_cmds.add_parser('bundle', help='Creates a tarball containing build ' 'artifacts from all firmware targets') build_cmd.set_defaults(func=bundle) test_cmd = sub_cmds.add_parser('test', help='Runs all firmware unit tests') test_cmd.set_defaults(func=test) return parser.parse_args(args) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))