/* Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "ec_commands.h" static const struct ec_response_keybd_config nivviks_kb = { .num_top_row_keys = 10, .action_keys = { TK_BACK, /* T1 */ TK_REFRESH, /* T2 */ TK_FULLSCREEN, /* T3 */ TK_OVERVIEW, /* T4 */ TK_SNAPSHOT, /* T5 */ TK_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN, /* T6 */ TK_BRIGHTNESS_UP, /* T7 */ TK_VOL_MUTE, /* T8 */ TK_VOL_DOWN, /* T9 */ TK_VOL_UP, /* T10 */ }, .capabilities = KEYBD_CAP_SCRNLOCK_KEY, }; __override const struct ec_response_keybd_config *board_vivaldi_keybd_config(void) { return &nivviks_kb; }