/* Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include "ec_tasks.h" #include "task.h" #include "timer.h" /* Second for platform/ec task API (in microseconds). */ #define TASK_SEC(s) (s * 1000 * 1000) K_SEM_DEFINE(task_done1, 0, 1); K_SEM_DEFINE(task_done2, 0, 1); K_SEM_DEFINE(test_ready1, 0, 1); K_SEM_DEFINE(test_ready2, 0, 1); static void (*task1)(void); static void (*task2)(void); static void run_test(void (*task1_run)(void), void (*task2_run)(void)) { task1 = task1_run; task2 = task2_run; k_sem_give(&test_ready1); k_sem_give(&test_ready2); k_sem_take(&task_done1, K_FOREVER); k_sem_take(&task_done2, K_FOREVER); } void task1_entry(void *p) { while (1) { k_sem_take(&test_ready1, K_FOREVER); task1(); k_sem_give(&task_done1); } } void task2_entry(void *p) { while (1) { k_sem_take(&test_ready2, K_FOREVER); task2(); k_sem_give(&task_done2); } } /* * Unlike Tasks 1 & 2, it is allowed to run Task 3 more than once per * call to run_test(). It will call task3_entry_func if set, and wait * for the next event. This is useful to test things like timers, * which you are expecting the event to fire at some point in the * future, and you want to test that it happens. */ static void (*task3_entry_func)(uint32_t event_mask); void task3_entry(void *p) { uint32_t events = 0; for (;;) { if (task3_entry_func) task3_entry_func(events); events = task_wait_event(-1); } } static void set_event_before_task_start1(void) { const uint32_t events = task_wait_event(TASK_SEC(2)); zassert_equal(events, 0xAAAA, "Should have 0xAAAA events"); } static void set_event_before_task_start2(void) { /* Do nothing */ } static void test_set_event_before_task_start(void) { /* Send event before tasks start */ task_set_event(TASK_ID_TASK_1, 0xAAAA); start_ec_tasks(); run_test(set_event_before_task_start1, set_event_before_task_start2); } static void task_get_current1(void) { zassert_equal(task_get_current(), TASK_ID_TASK_1, "ID matches"); } static void task_get_current2(void) { zassert_equal(task_get_current(), TASK_ID_TASK_2, "ID matches"); } static void test_task_get_current(void) { run_test(&task_get_current1, &task_get_current2); } static void timeout1(void) { const uint32_t start_ms = k_uptime_get(); const uint32_t events = task_wait_event(TASK_SEC(2)); const uint32_t end_ms = k_uptime_get(); zassert_equal(events, TASK_EVENT_TIMER, "Should have timeout event"); zassert_within(end_ms - start_ms, 2000, 100, "Timeout for 2 seconds"); } static void timeout2(void) { /* Do nothing */ } static void test_timeout(void) { run_test(&timeout1, &timeout2); } /* * Timer test: * 1. Task 1 arms a timer for Task 3 in expiring 2 seconds. * 2. Task 2 does nothing. * 3. Task 3 validates that the it receives a TASK_EVENT_TIMER event * 2 seconds after Task 1 armed the timer (within 100ms * tolerance). */ static timestamp_t timer_armed_at; K_SEM_DEFINE(check_timer_finished, 0, 1); static void check_timer(uint32_t event_mask) { timestamp_t now = get_time(); zassert_equal(event_mask & TASK_EVENT_TIMER, TASK_EVENT_TIMER, "Timer event mask should be set"); zassert_within(now.val - timer_armed_at.val, TASK_SEC(2), TASK_SEC(1) / 10, "Timer should expire at 2 seconds from arm time"); k_sem_give(&check_timer_finished); } static void timer_task_1(void) { timestamp_t timer_timeout; timer_armed_at = get_time(); timer_timeout.val = timer_armed_at.val + TASK_SEC(2); task3_entry_func = check_timer; zassert_equal(timer_arm(timer_timeout, TASK_ID_TASK_3), EC_SUCCESS, "Setting timer should succeed"); } static void timer_task_2(void) { /* Do nothing */ } static void test_timer(void) { run_test(timer_task_1, timer_task_2); zassert_equal(k_sem_take(&check_timer_finished, K_SECONDS(4 * 1000)), 0, "Task 3 did not finish within timeout"); zassert_equal(task3_entry_func, check_timer, "check_timer should have been enabled"); task3_entry_func = NULL; } static void event_delivered1(void) { const uint32_t start_ms = k_uptime_get(); const uint32_t events = task_wait_event(-1); const uint32_t end_ms = k_uptime_get(); zassert_equal(events, 0x1234, "Verify event bits"); zassert_within(end_ms - start_ms, 5000, 100, "Waited for 5 seconds"); } static void event_delivered2(void) { k_sleep(K_SECONDS(5)); task_set_event(TASK_ID_TASK_1, 0x1234); } static void test_event_delivered(void) { run_test(&event_delivered1, &event_delivered2); } static void event_mask_not_delivered1(void) { task_set_event(TASK_ID_TASK_2, 0x007F); } static void event_mask_not_delivered2(void) { const uint32_t start_ms = k_uptime_get(); const uint32_t events = task_wait_event_mask(0x0080, TASK_SEC(7)); const uint32_t end_ms = k_uptime_get(); zassert_equal(events, TASK_EVENT_TIMER, "Should have timeout event"); zassert_within(end_ms - start_ms, 7000, 100, "Timeout for 7 seconds"); const uint32_t leftover_events = task_wait_event(0); zassert_equal(leftover_events, 0x007F, "All events should be waiting"); } static void test_event_mask_not_delivered(void) { run_test(&event_mask_not_delivered1, &event_mask_not_delivered2); } static void event_mask_extra1(void) { k_sleep(K_SECONDS(1)); task_set_event(TASK_ID_TASK_2, 0x00FF); } static void event_mask_extra2(void) { const uint32_t start_ms = k_uptime_get(); const uint32_t events = task_wait_event_mask(0x0001, TASK_SEC(10)); const uint32_t end_ms = k_uptime_get(); zassert_equal(events, 0x0001, "Verify only waited for event"); zassert_within(end_ms - start_ms, 1000, 100, "Timeout for 1 second"); const uint32_t leftover_events = task_wait_event(0); zassert_equal(leftover_events, 0x00FE, "All events should be waiting"); } static void test_event_mask_extra(void) { run_test(&event_mask_extra1, &event_mask_extra2); } static void empty_set_mask1(void) { k_sleep(K_SECONDS(1)); /* * It is generally invalid to set a 0 event, but this simulates a race * condition and exercises fallback code in task_wait_event */ task_set_event(TASK_ID_TASK_2, 0); k_sleep(K_SECONDS(1)); task_set_event(TASK_ID_TASK_2, 0x1234); } static void empty_set_mask2(void) { const uint32_t start_ms = k_uptime_get(); const uint32_t events = task_wait_event_mask(0x1234, TASK_SEC(10)); const uint32_t end_ms = k_uptime_get(); zassert_equal(events, 0x1234, "Verify only waited for event"); zassert_within(end_ms - start_ms, 2000, 100, "Timeout for 2 seconds"); } static void test_empty_set_mask(void) { run_test(&empty_set_mask1, &empty_set_mask2); } void test_main(void) { /* Note that test_set_event_before_task_start calls start_ec_tasks */ ztest_test_suite(test_task_shim, ztest_unit_test(test_set_event_before_task_start), ztest_unit_test(test_task_get_current), ztest_unit_test(test_timeout), ztest_unit_test(test_timer), ztest_unit_test(test_event_delivered), ztest_unit_test(test_event_mask_not_delivered), ztest_unit_test(test_event_mask_extra), ztest_unit_test(test_empty_set_mask)); ztest_run_test_suite(test_task_shim); }