#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Run tests for zmake itself (not including Zephyr builds). # You can run a single test with: # ./run_tests.sh tests/test_zmake.py::TestFilters::test_filter_normal # Or debug a test with: # ./run_tests.sh -- --pdb tests/test_zmake.py::TestFilters::test_filter_normal # Run with coverage # ./run_tests.sh --coverage # Exit if any command exits non-zero. set -e TEMP=$(getopt -o ch --long coverage,help -n 'run_tests.sh' -- "$@") eval set -- "${TEMP}" COVERAGE=false HELP="run_tests.sh [ -c | --coverage ] [ -h | --help ] pytest_args" while true; do case "$1" in -h | --help ) echo "${HELP}" ; exit 0 ;; -c | --coverage ) COVERAGE=true; shift ;; -- ) shift; break ;; * ) break ;; esac done PYTHON=python3 if which vpython3; then PYTHON="vpython3" fi # Show commands being run. set -x # cd to the directory containing this script. cd "$(dirname "$(realpath -e "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" # Test the copy in-tree, instead of what setuptools or the ebuild # installed. export PYTHONPATH="${PWD}" # Run pytest. if "${COVERAGE}" ; then ${PYTHON?} -m coverage erase ${PYTHON?} -m coverage run --source=zmake -m pytest -v "$@" ${PYTHON?} -m coverage report ${PYTHON?} -m coverage html else ${PYTHON?} -m pytest -v "$@" fi # Check auto-generated README.md is as expected. ${PYTHON?} -m zmake generate-readme --diff