# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import setuptools setuptools.setup( name="zephyr-chrome-utils", version="0.1", description="CrOS Zephyr Utilities", long_description="Utilities used for working on a Zephyr-based EC", url="https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/ec", author="Chromium OS Authors", author_email="chromiumos-dev@chromium.org", license="BSD", # What does your project relate to? keywords="chromeos", # You can just specify the packages manually here if your project is # simple. Or you can use find_packages(). packages=["zmake"], python_requires=">=3.6, <4", # List run-time dependencies here. These will be installed by pip when # your project is installed. For an analysis of "install_requires" vs pip's # requirements files see: # https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/requirements.html install_requires=[ "jsonschema>=3.2.0", "pyyaml>=3.13", ], # To provide executable scripts, use entry points in preference to the # "scripts" keyword. Entry points provide cross-platform support and allow # pip to create the appropriate form of executable for the target platform. entry_points={ "console_scripts": [ "zmake=zmake.__main__:main", ], }, )