# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import hypothesis import hypothesis.strategies as st import os import pathlib import pytest import string import tempfile import zmake.jobserver import zmake.util as util from zmake.build_config import BuildConfig # Strategies for use with hypothesis filenames = st.text( alphabet=set(string.printable) - {'/', ';'}, min_size=1, max_size=254) paths = st.builds(lambda parts: pathlib.Path('/', *parts), st.iterables(filenames, min_size=1)) config_keys = st.text(alphabet=set(string.ascii_uppercase) | {'_'}, min_size=1) config_values = st.builds(str, st.just('y') | st.just('n') | st.integers()) config_dicts = st.dictionaries(keys=config_keys, values=config_values) config_dicts_at_least_one_entry = st.dictionaries(keys=config_keys, values=config_values, min_size=1) build_configs = st.builds(BuildConfig, environ_defs=config_dicts, cmake_defs=config_dicts, kconfig_defs=config_dicts, kconfig_files=st.lists(paths)) build_configs_no_kconfig = st.builds(BuildConfig, environ_defs=config_dicts, cmake_defs=config_dicts) build_configs_with_at_least_one_kconfig = st.builds( BuildConfig, environ_defs=config_dicts, cmake_defs=config_dicts, kconfig_defs=config_dicts_at_least_one_entry) @hypothesis.given(st.data(), build_configs) def test_merge(coins, combined): """Test that when splitting a config in half and merging the two halves, we get the original config back. """ def split(iterable): left = [] right = [] bools = st.booleans() for item in iterable: if coins.draw(bools): left.append(item) else: right.append(item) return left, right # Split the original config into two env1, env2 = split(combined.environ_defs.items()) cmake1, cmake2 = split(combined.cmake_defs.items()) kconf1, kconf2 = split(combined.kconfig_defs.items()) files1, files2 = split(combined.kconfig_files) c1 = BuildConfig(environ_defs=dict(env1), cmake_defs=dict(cmake1), kconfig_defs=dict(kconf1), kconfig_files=files1) c2 = BuildConfig(environ_defs=dict(env2), cmake_defs=dict(cmake2), kconfig_defs=dict(kconf2), kconfig_files=files2) # Merge the split configs merged = c1 | c2 # Assert that the merged split configs is the original config assert merged.environ_defs == combined.environ_defs assert merged.cmake_defs == combined.cmake_defs assert merged.kconfig_defs == combined.kconfig_defs assert set(merged.kconfig_files) == set(combined.kconfig_files) class FakeJobClient(zmake.jobserver.JobClient): """Simple job client to capture argv/environ.""" def __init__(self): self.captured_argv = [] self.captured_env = {} def get_job(self): return zmake.jobserver.JobHandle(lambda: None) def popen(self, argv, env={}, **kwargs): self.captured_argv = [str(arg) for arg in argv] self.captured_env = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in env.items()} def parse_cmake_args(argv): """Parse command line arguments like cmake does. This is an intenionally minimal implementation, which only understands the subset of arguments actually used by zmake. Args: argv: The argument list. Returns: A 2-tuple of a namespace from argparse and the corresponding parsed Cmake definitions. """ assert argv[0] == '/usr/bin/cmake' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-S', dest='source_dir', type=pathlib.Path) parser.add_argument('-B', dest='build_dir', type=pathlib.Path) parser.add_argument('-G', dest='generator') parser.add_argument('-D', dest='defs', action='append', default=[]) args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) # Build the definition dictionary cmake_defs = {} for defn in args.defs: key, sep, val = defn.partition('=') if not sep: val = '1' assert key not in cmake_defs cmake_defs[key] = val return args, cmake_defs @hypothesis.given(build_configs_no_kconfig, paths, paths) def test_popen_cmake_no_kconfig(conf, project_dir, build_dir): """Test popen_cmake for a config with no kconfig definitions.""" job_client = FakeJobClient() conf.popen_cmake(job_client, project_dir, build_dir) args, cmake_defs = parse_cmake_args(job_client.captured_argv) assert cmake_defs == conf.cmake_defs assert job_client.captured_env == conf.environ_defs @hypothesis.given(build_configs_with_at_least_one_kconfig, paths, paths) def test_popen_cmake_kconfig_but_no_file(conf, project_dir, build_dir): """Test that running popen_cmake with Kconfig definitions to write out, but no path to do so, should raise an error. """ job_client = FakeJobClient() with pytest.raises(ValueError): conf.popen_cmake(job_client, project_dir, build_dir) @hypothesis.given(build_configs, paths, paths) def test_popen_cmake_kconfig(conf, project_dir, build_dir): job_client = FakeJobClient() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as f: temp_path = f.name try: conf.popen_cmake(job_client, project_dir, build_dir, kconfig_path=pathlib.Path(temp_path)) args, cmake_defs = parse_cmake_args(job_client.captured_argv) expected_kconfig_files = set(str(f) for f in conf.kconfig_files) expected_kconfig_files.add(temp_path) if expected_kconfig_files: kconfig_files = set(cmake_defs.pop('CONF_FILE').split(';')) else: assert 'CONF_FILE' not in cmake_defs kconfig_files = set() assert cmake_defs == conf.cmake_defs assert job_client.captured_env == conf.environ_defs assert kconfig_files == expected_kconfig_files kconfig_defs = util.read_kconfig_file(temp_path) assert kconfig_defs == conf.kconfig_defs finally: os.unlink(temp_path)