# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import collections import logging import os import select import threading """Zmake multiprocessing utility module. This module is used to aid in zmake's multiprocessing. It contains tools available to log output from multiple processes on the fly. This means that a process does not need to finish before the output is available to the developer on the screen. """ # A local pipe use to signal the look that a new file descriptor was added and # should be included in the select statement. _logging_interrupt_pipe = os.pipe() # A condition variable used to synchronize logging operations. _logging_cv = threading.Condition() # A map of file descriptors to their LogWriter _logging_map = {} # Should we log job names or not log_job_names = True def reset(): """Reset this module to its starting state (useful for tests)""" global _logging_map _logging_map = {} class LogWriter: """Contains information about a file descriptor that is producing output There is typically one of these for each file descriptor that a process is writing to while running (stdout and stderr). Properties: _logger: The logger object to use. _log_level: The logging level to use. _override_func: A function used to override the log level. The function will be called once per line prior to logging and will be passed the arguments of the line and the default log level. _written_at_level: dict: key: log_level value: True if output was written at that level _job_id: The name to prepend to logged lines _file_descriptor: The file descriptor being logged. """ def __init__( self, logger, log_level, log_level_override_func, job_id, file_descriptor ): self._logger = logger self._log_level = log_level self._override_func = log_level_override_func # A map whether output was printed at each logging level self._written_at_level = collections.defaultdict(lambda: False) self._job_id = job_id self._file_descriptor = file_descriptor def log_line(self, line): """Log a line of output If the log-level override function requests a change in log level, that causes self._log_level to be updated accordingly. Args: line: Text line to log """ if self._override_func: # Get the new log level and update the default. The reason we # want to update the default is that if we hit an error, all # future logging should be moved to the new logging level. This # greatly simplifies the logic that is needed to update the log # level. self._log_level = self._override_func(line, self._log_level) if self._job_id and log_job_names: self._logger.log(self._log_level, "[%s]%s", self._job_id, line) else: self._logger.log(self._log_level, line) self._written_at_level[self._log_level] = True def has_written(self, log_level): """Check if output was written at a certain log level Args: log_level: log level to check Returns: True if any output was written at that log level, False if not """ return self._written_at_level[log_level] def wait(self): """Wait for this LogWriter to finish. This method will block execution until all the logs have been flushed out. """ with _logging_cv: _logging_cv.wait_for(lambda: self._file_descriptor not in _logging_map) def _log_fd(fd): """Log information from a single file descriptor. This function is BLOCKING. It will read from the given file descriptor until either the end of line is read or EOF. Once EOF is read it will remove the file descriptor from _logging_map so it will no longer be used. Additionally, in some cases, the file descriptor will be closed (caused by a call to Popen.wait()). In these cases, the file descriptor will also be removed from the map as it is no longer valid. """ with _logging_cv: writer = _logging_map[fd] if fd.closed: del _logging_map[fd] _logging_cv.notify_all() return line = fd.readline() if not line: # EOF del _logging_map[fd] _logging_cv.notify_all() return line = line.rstrip("\n") if line: writer.log_line(line) def _prune_logging_fds(): """Prune the current file descriptors under _logging_map. This function will iterate over the logging map and check for closed file descriptors. Every closed file descriptor will be removed. """ with _logging_cv: remove = [fd for fd in _logging_map.keys() if fd.closed] for fd in remove: del _logging_map[fd] if remove: _logging_cv.notify_all() def _logging_loop(): """The primary logging thread loop. This is the entry point of the logging thread. It will listen for (1) any new data on the output file descriptors that were added via log_output() and (2) any new file descriptors being added by log_output(). Once a file descriptor is ready to be read, this function will call _log_fd to perform the actual read and logging. """ while True: with _logging_cv: _logging_cv.wait_for(lambda: _logging_map) keys = list(_logging_map.keys()) + [_logging_interrupt_pipe[0]] try: fds, _, _ = select.select(keys, [], []) except ValueError: # One of the file descriptors must be closed, prune them and try # again. _prune_logging_fds() continue if _logging_interrupt_pipe[0] in fds: # We got a dummy byte sent by log_output(), this is a signal used to # break out of the blocking select.select call to tell us that the # file descriptor set has changed. We just need to read the byte and # remove this descriptor from the list. If we actually have data # that should be read it will be read in the for loop below. os.read(_logging_interrupt_pipe[0], 1) fds.remove(_logging_interrupt_pipe[0]) for fd in fds: _log_fd(fd) _logging_thread = None def log_output( logger, log_level, file_descriptor, log_level_override_func=None, job_id=None ): """Log the output from the given file descriptor. Args: logger: The logger object to use. log_level: The logging level to use. file_descriptor: The file descriptor to read from. log_level_override_func: A function used to override the log level. The function will be called once per line prior to logging and will be passed the arguments of the line and the default log level. Returns: LogWriter object for the resulting output """ with _logging_cv: global _logging_thread if _logging_thread is None or not _logging_thread.is_alive(): # First pass or thread must have died, create a new one. _logging_thread = threading.Thread(target=_logging_loop, daemon=True) _logging_thread.start() writer = LogWriter( logger, log_level, log_level_override_func, job_id, file_descriptor ) _logging_map[file_descriptor] = writer # Write a dummy byte to the pipe to break the select so we can add the # new fd. os.write(_logging_interrupt_pipe[1], b"x") # Notify the condition so we can run the select on the current fds. _logging_cv.notify_all() return writer def wait_for_log_end(): """Wait for all the logs to be printed. This method will block execution until all the logs have been flushed out. """ with _logging_cv: _logging_cv.wait_for(lambda: not _logging_map) class Executor: """Parallel executor helper class. This class is used to run multiple functions in parallel. The functions MUST return an integer result code (or throw an exception). This class will start a thread per operation and wait() for all the threads to resolve. Attributes: lock: The condition variable used to synchronize across threads. threads: A list of threading.Thread objects currently under this Executor. results: A list of result codes returned by each of the functions called by this Executor. """ def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Condition() self.threads = [] self.results = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def append(self, func): """Append the given function to the wait list. Once added, the function's return value will be used to determine the Executor's final result value. The function must return an int result code or throw an exception. For example: If two functions were added to the Executor, they will both be run in parallel and their results will determine whether or not the Executor succeeded. If both functions returned 0, then the Executor's wait function will also return 0. Args: func: A function which returns an int result code or throws an exception. """ with self.lock: thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: self._run_fn(func), daemon=True) thread.start() self.threads.append(thread) def wait(self): """Wait for a result to be available. This function waits for the executor to resolve (i.e., all threads have finished). Returns: An integer result code of either the first failed function or 0 if they all succeeded. """ with self.lock: self.lock.wait_for(predicate=lambda: self._is_finished) return self._result def _run_fn(self, func): """Entry point to each running thread. This function will run the function provided in the append() function. The result value of the function will be used to determine the Executor's result value. If the function throws any exception it will be caught and -1 will be used as the assumed result value. Args: func: The function to run. """ try: result = func() except Exception as ex: self.logger.exception(ex) result = -1 with self.lock: self.results.append(result) self.lock.notify_all() @property def _is_finished(self): """Whether or not the Executor is considered to be done. Returns: True if the Executor is considered done. """ if len(self.threads) == len(self.results): return True return False @property def _result(self): """The result code of the Executor. Note that _is_finished must be True for this to have any meaning. Returns: An int representing the result value of the underlying functions. """ return next((result for result in self.results if result), 0)