# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Module encapsulating Zmake wrapper object.""" import logging import os import pathlib import re import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import zmake.build_config import zmake.jobserver import zmake.modules import zmake.multiproc import zmake.project import zmake.toolchains as toolchains import zmake.util as util import zmake.version ninja_warnings = re.compile(r"^(\S*: )?warning:.*") ninja_errors = re.compile(r"error:.*") def ninja_stdout_log_level_override(line, current_log_level): """Update the log level for ninja builds if we hit an error. Ninja builds prints everything to stdout, but really we want to start logging things to CRITICAL Args: line: The line that is about to be logged. current_log_level: The active logging level that would be used for the line. """ # Output lines from Zephyr that are not normally useful # Send any lines that start with these strings to INFO cmake_suppress = [ "-- ", # device tree messages "Loaded configuration", "Including boilerplate", "Parsing ", "No change to configuration", "No change to Kconfig header", ] # Herewith a long list of things which are really for debugging, not # development. Return logging.DEBUG for each of these. # ninja puts progress information on stdout if line.startswith("["): return logging.DEBUG # we don't care about entering directories since it happens every time if line.startswith("ninja: Entering directory"): return logging.DEBUG # we know the build stops from the compiler messages and ninja return code if line.startswith("ninja: build stopped"): return logging.DEBUG # someone prints a *** SUCCESS *** message which we don't need if line.startswith("***"): return logging.DEBUG # dopey ninja puts errors on stdout, so fix that. It does not look # likely that it will be fixed upstream: # https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/issues/1537 # Try to drop output about the device tree if any(line.startswith(x) for x in cmake_suppress): return logging.INFO # this message is a bit like make failing. We already got the error output. if line.startswith("FAILED: CMakeFiles"): return logging.INFO # if a particular file fails it shows the build line used, but that is not # useful except for debugging. if line.startswith("ccache"): return logging.DEBUG if ninja_warnings.match(line): return logging.WARNING if ninja_errors.match(line): return logging.ERROR # When we see "Memory region" go into INFO, and stay there as long as the # line starts with \S+: if line.startswith("Memory region"): return logging.INFO if current_log_level == logging.INFO and line.split()[0].endswith(":"): return current_log_level if current_log_level == logging.WARNING: return current_log_level return logging.ERROR def cmake_log_level_override(line, default_log_level): """Update the log level for cmake output if we hit an error. Cmake prints some messages that are less than useful during development. Args: line: The line that is about to be logged. default_log_level: The default logging level that will be used for the line. """ # Strange output from Zephyr that we normally ignore if line.startswith("Including boilerplate"): return logging.DEBUG elif line.startswith("devicetree error:"): return logging.ERROR if ninja_warnings.match(line): return logging.WARNING if ninja_errors.match(line): return logging.ERROR return default_log_level def get_process_failure_msg(proc): """Creates a suitable failure message if something exits badly Args: proc: subprocess.Popen object containing the thing that failed Returns: Failure message as a string: """ return "Execution failed (return code={}): {}\n".format( proc.returncode, util.repr_command(proc.args) ) class Zmake: """Wrapper class encapsulating zmake's supported operations. The invocations of the constructor and the methods actually comes from the main function. The command line arguments are translated such that dashes are replaced with underscores and applied as keyword arguments to the constructor and the method, and the subcommand invoked becomes the method run. As such, you won't find documentation for each method's parameters here, as it would be duplicate of the help strings from the command line. Run "zmake --help" for full documentation of each parameter. Properties: executor: a zmake.multiproc.Executor object for submitting tasks to. _sequential: True to check the results of each build job sequentially, before launching more, False to just do this after all jobs complete """ def __init__( self, checkout=None, jobserver=None, jobs=0, modules_dir=None, zephyr_base=None ): zmake.multiproc.reset() self._checkout = checkout self._zephyr_base = zephyr_base if modules_dir: self.module_paths = zmake.modules.locate_from_directory(modules_dir) else: self.module_paths = zmake.modules.locate_from_checkout(self.checkout) if jobserver: self.jobserver = jobserver else: try: self.jobserver = zmake.jobserver.GNUMakeJobClient.from_environ() except OSError: self.jobserver = zmake.jobserver.GNUMakeJobServer(jobs=jobs) self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.executor = zmake.multiproc.Executor() self._sequential = jobs == 1 @property def checkout(self): if not self._checkout: self._checkout = util.locate_cros_checkout() return self._checkout.resolve() def locate_zephyr_base(self, version): """Locate the Zephyr OS repository. Args: version: If a Zephyr OS base was not supplied to Zmake, which version to search for as a tuple of integers. This argument is ignored if a Zephyr base was supplied to Zmake. Returns: A pathlib.Path to the found Zephyr OS repository. """ if self._zephyr_base: return self._zephyr_base return util.locate_zephyr_base(self.checkout, version) def configure( self, project_dir, build_dir=None, toolchain=None, ignore_unsupported_zephyr_version=False, build_after_configure=False, test_after_configure=False, bringup=False, coverage=False, ): """Set up a build directory to later be built by "zmake build".""" project = zmake.project.Project(project_dir) supported_versions = project.config.supported_zephyr_versions zephyr_base = self.locate_zephyr_base(max(supported_versions)).resolve() # Ignore the patchset from the Zephyr version. zephyr_version = util.read_zephyr_version(zephyr_base)[:2] if ( not ignore_unsupported_zephyr_version and zephyr_version not in supported_versions ): raise ValueError( "The Zephyr OS version (v{}.{}) is not supported by the " "project. You may wish to either configure zmake.yaml to " "support this version, or pass " "--ignore-unsupported-zephyr-version.".format(*zephyr_version) ) # Resolve build_dir if needed. build_dir = util.resolve_build_dir( platform_ec_dir=self.module_paths["ec"], project_dir=project_dir, build_dir=build_dir, ) # Make sure the build directory is clean. if os.path.exists(build_dir): self.logger.info("Clearing old build directory %s", build_dir) shutil.rmtree(build_dir) base_config = zmake.build_config.BuildConfig( environ_defs={"ZEPHYR_BASE": str(zephyr_base), "PATH": "/usr/bin"}, cmake_defs={ "DTS_ROOT": str(self.module_paths["ec"] / "zephyr"), "SYSCALL_INCLUDE_DIRS": str( self.module_paths["ec"] / "zephyr" / "include" / "drivers" ), }, ) # Prune the module paths to just those required by the project. module_paths = project.prune_modules(self.module_paths) module_config = zmake.modules.setup_module_symlinks( build_dir / "modules", module_paths ) # Symlink the Zephyr base into the build directory so it can # be used in the build phase. util.update_symlink(zephyr_base, build_dir / "zephyr_base") dts_overlay_config = project.find_dts_overlays(module_paths) if not toolchain: toolchain = project.config.toolchain toolchain_config = toolchains.get_toolchain(toolchain, module_paths) if bringup: base_config |= zmake.build_config.BuildConfig( kconfig_defs={"CONFIG_PLATFORM_EC_BRINGUP": "y"} ) if coverage: base_config |= zmake.build_config.BuildConfig( kconfig_defs={"CONFIG_COVERAGE": "y"} ) if not build_dir.exists(): build_dir = build_dir.mkdir() processes = [] self.logger.info("Building %s in %s.", project_dir, build_dir) for build_name, build_config in project.iter_builds(): self.logger.info("Configuring %s:%s.", project_dir, build_name) config = ( base_config | toolchain_config | module_config | dts_overlay_config | build_config ) output_dir = build_dir / "build-{}".format(build_name) kconfig_file = build_dir / "kconfig-{}.conf".format(build_name) proc = config.popen_cmake( self.jobserver, project_dir, output_dir, kconfig_file, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) job_id = "{}:{}".format(project_dir, build_name) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.DEBUG, proc.stdout, log_level_override_func=cmake_log_level_override, job_id=job_id, ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.ERROR, proc.stderr, log_level_override_func=cmake_log_level_override, job_id=job_id, ) processes.append(proc) for proc in processes: if proc.wait(): raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(proc)) # Create symlink to project util.update_symlink(project_dir, build_dir / "project") if test_after_configure: return self.test(build_dir=build_dir) elif build_after_configure: return self.build(build_dir=build_dir) def build(self, build_dir, output_files_out=None, fail_on_warnings=False): """Build a pre-configured build directory.""" def wait_and_check_success(procs, writers): """Wait for processes to complete and check for errors Args: procs: List of subprocess.Popen objects to check writers: List of LogWriter objects to check Returns: True if all if OK False if an error was found (so that zmake should exit) """ # Let all output be produced before exiting bad = None for proc in procs: if proc.wait() and not bad: bad = proc if bad: # Just show the first bad process for now. Both builds likely # produce the same error anyway. If they don't, the user can # still take action on the errors/warnings provided. Showing # multiple 'Execution failed' messages is not very friendly # since it exposes the fragmented nature of the build. raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(bad)) if fail_on_warnings and any( w.has_written(logging.WARNING) or w.has_written(logging.ERROR) for w in writers ): self.logger.warning("zmake: Warnings detected in build: aborting") return False return True procs = [] log_writers = [] dirs = {} build_dir = build_dir.resolve() project = zmake.project.Project(build_dir / "project") # Compute the version string. version_string = zmake.version.get_version_string( project, build_dir / "zephyr_base", zmake.modules.locate_from_directory(build_dir / "modules"), ) for build_name, build_config in project.iter_builds(): with self.jobserver.get_job(): dirs[build_name] = build_dir / "build-{}".format(build_name) cmd = ["/usr/bin/ninja", "-C", dirs[build_name].as_posix()] self.logger.info( "Building %s:%s: %s", build_dir, build_name, zmake.util.repr_command(cmd), ) proc = self.jobserver.popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) job_id = "{}:{}".format(build_dir, build_name) out = zmake.multiproc.log_output( logger=self.logger, log_level=logging.INFO, file_descriptor=proc.stdout, log_level_override_func=ninja_stdout_log_level_override, job_id=job_id, ) err = zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.ERROR, proc.stderr, job_id=job_id, ) if self._sequential: if not wait_and_check_success([proc], [out, err]): return 2 else: procs.append(proc) log_writers += [out, err] if not wait_and_check_success(procs, log_writers): return 2 # Run the packer. packer_work_dir = build_dir / "packer" output_dir = build_dir / "output" for d in output_dir, packer_work_dir: if not d.exists(): d.mkdir() if output_files_out is None: output_files_out = [] for output_file, output_name in project.packer.pack_firmware( packer_work_dir, self.jobserver, version_string=version_string, **dirs ): shutil.copy2(output_file, output_dir / output_name) self.logger.info("Output file '%r' created.", output_file) output_files_out.append(output_file) return 0 def test(self, build_dir): """Test a build directory.""" procs = [] output_files = [] self.build(build_dir, output_files_out=output_files) # If the project built but isn't a test, just bail. project = zmake.project.Project(build_dir / "project") if not project.config.is_test: return 0 for output_file in output_files: self.logger.info("Running tests in %s.", output_file) with self.jobserver.get_job(): proc = self.jobserver.popen( [output_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) job_id = "test {}".format(output_file) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.DEBUG, proc.stdout, job_id=job_id, ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.ERROR, proc.stderr, job_id=job_id, ) procs.append(proc) for idx, proc in enumerate(procs): if proc.wait(): raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(proc)) return 0 def testall(self): """Test all the valid test targets""" tmp_dirs = [] for project in zmake.project.find_projects(self.module_paths["ec"] / "zephyr"): is_test = project.config.is_test temp_build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( suffix="-{}".format(os.path.basename(project.project_dir.as_posix())), prefix="zbuild-", ) tmp_dirs.append(temp_build_dir) # Configure and run the test. self.executor.append( func=lambda: self.configure( project_dir=project.project_dir, build_dir=pathlib.Path(temp_build_dir), build_after_configure=True, test_after_configure=is_test, ) ) rv = self.executor.wait() for tmpdir in tmp_dirs: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return rv def _run_lcov(self, build_dir, lcov_file, initial=False): with self.jobserver.get_job(): if initial: self.logger.info("Running (initial) lcov on %s.", build_dir) else: self.logger.info("Running lcov on %s.", build_dir) cmd = [ "/usr/bin/lcov", "--gcov-tool", self.module_paths["ec"] / "util/llvm-gcov.sh", "-q", "-o", "-", "-c", "-d", build_dir, "-t", lcov_file.stem, "--exclude", "*/build-*/zephyr/*/generated/*", "--exclude", "*/ec/test/*", "--exclude", "*/ec/zephyr/emul/*", "--exclude", "*/ec/zephyr/test/*", "--exclude", "*/testsuite/*", "--exclude", "*/subsys/emul/*", ] if initial: cmd += ["-i"] proc = self.jobserver.popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.WARNING, proc.stderr, job_id="{}-lcov".format(build_dir), ) with open(lcov_file, "w") as outfile: for line in proc.stdout: if line.startswith("SF:"): path = line[3:].rstrip() outfile.write("SF:%s\n" % os.path.realpath(path)) else: outfile.write(line) if proc.wait(): raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(proc)) return 0 def _coverage_compile_only(self, project, build_dir, lcov_file): self.logger.info("Building %s in %s", project.project_dir, build_dir) rv = self.configure( project_dir=project.project_dir, build_dir=build_dir, build_after_configure=False, test_after_configure=False, coverage=True, ) if rv: return rv # Use ninja to compile the all.libraries target. build_project = zmake.project.Project(build_dir / "project") procs = [] dirs = {} for build_name, build_config in build_project.iter_builds(): self.logger.info("Building %s:%s all.libraries.", build_dir, build_name) dirs[build_name] = build_dir / "build-{}".format(build_name) proc = self.jobserver.popen( ["/usr/bin/ninja", "-C", dirs[build_name], "all.libraries"], # Ninja will connect as a job client instead and claim # many jobs. stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) job_id = "{}:{}".format(build_dir, build_name) zmake.multiproc.log_output( logger=self.logger, log_level=logging.DEBUG, file_descriptor=proc.stdout, log_level_override_func=ninja_stdout_log_level_override, job_id=job_id, ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.ERROR, proc.stderr, job_id=job_id, ) procs.append(proc) for proc in procs: if proc.wait(): raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(proc)) return self._run_lcov(build_dir, lcov_file, initial=True) def _coverage_run_test(self, project, build_dir, lcov_file): self.logger.info("Running test %s in %s", project.project_dir, build_dir) rv = self.configure( project_dir=project.project_dir, build_dir=build_dir, build_after_configure=True, test_after_configure=True, coverage=True, ) if rv: return rv return self._run_lcov(build_dir, lcov_file, initial=False) def coverage(self, build_dir): """Builds all targets with coverage enabled, and then runs the tests.""" all_lcov_files = [] root_dir = self.module_paths["ec"] / "zephyr" for project in zmake.project.find_projects(root_dir): is_test = project.config.is_test rel_path = project.project_dir.relative_to(root_dir) project_build_dir = pathlib.Path(build_dir).joinpath(rel_path) lcov_file = pathlib.Path(build_dir).joinpath( str(rel_path).replace("/", "_") + ".info" ) all_lcov_files.append(lcov_file) if is_test: # Configure and run the test. self.executor.append( func=lambda: self._coverage_run_test( project, project_build_dir, lcov_file ) ) else: # Configure and compile the non-test project. self.executor.append( func=lambda: self._coverage_compile_only( project, project_build_dir, lcov_file ) ) rv = self.executor.wait() if rv: return rv with self.jobserver.get_job(): # Get the build version proc = self.jobserver.popen( [self.module_paths["ec"] / "util/getversion.sh"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.ERROR, proc.stderr, job_id="getversion.sh" ) version = "" for line in proc.stdout: match = re.search(r'#define VERSION "(.*)"', line) if match: version = match.group(1) if proc.wait(): raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(proc)) # Merge info files into a single lcov.info self.logger.info("Merging coverage data into %s.", build_dir / "lcov.info") cmd = ["/usr/bin/lcov", "-o", build_dir / "lcov.info"] for info in all_lcov_files: cmd += ["-a", info] proc = self.jobserver.popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.ERROR, proc.stderr, job_id="lcov" ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.DEBUG, proc.stdout, job_id="lcov" ) if proc.wait(): raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(proc)) # Merge into a nice html report self.logger.info("Creating coverage report %s.", build_dir / "coverage_rpt") proc = self.jobserver.popen( [ "/usr/bin/genhtml", "-q", "-o", build_dir / "coverage_rpt", "-t", "Zephyr EC Unittest {}".format(version), "-p", self.checkout / "src", "-s", ] + all_lcov_files, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace", ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.ERROR, proc.stderr, job_id="genhtml" ) zmake.multiproc.log_output( self.logger, logging.DEBUG, proc.stdout, job_id="genhtml" ) if proc.wait(): raise OSError(get_process_failure_msg(proc)) return 0