diff options
authorDave Cottlehuber <>2012-12-03 13:36:58 +0100
committerDave Cottlehuber <>2012-12-11 14:10:52 +0100
commitffca957478b13ac9a68cdb78a255b2ea8d8f471d (patch)
parentd977eb7ec52bc13dca7b4f530cb51f42df0f6224 (diff)
import Couchbase docs
git clone git:// cd couchdb-docs rm -rf DocKit Makefile Makefile.bootstrap common couchdb-manual-1.1 couchdb-release-1.1 metadocs git checkout 9fc95b422060d020ba25f559e893fc7fb98c9a15 -- 'couchdb-manual-1.1/*.xml' 'couchdb-release-1.1/*.xml' tar cvzf couchdb-docs.tar.gz couchdb-manual-1.1 couchdb-release-1.1
31 files changed, 28614 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-auth-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-auth-metasrc.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-auth">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Authentication Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB Authentication methods provide an interface for
+ obtaining session and authorization data.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-auth-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Authentication API Calls</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="filter_class" condition="auth"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-api-auth"/>
+ </para>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-config-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-config-metasrc.xml
new file mode 100644
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-config">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Configuration Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API Server Configuration Methods provide an interface to
+ query and update the various configuration values within a running
+ CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-config-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration API Calls</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="filter_class" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-api-config"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_config</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns the entire CouchDB server configuration as a JSON
+ structure. The structure is organized by different configuration
+ sections, with individual values.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to get the configuration for a server:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_config
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The response is the JSON structure:
+ </para>
+ "query_server_config" : {
+ "reduce_limit" : "true"
+ },
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "os_process_timeout" : "5000",
+ "max_attachment_chunk_size" : "4294967296",
+ "max_document_size" : "4294967296",
+ "uri_file" : "/var/lib/couchdb/couch.uri",
+ "max_dbs_open" : "100",
+ "view_index_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "util_driver_dir" : "/usr/lib64/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.0.1/priv/lib",
+ "database_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "delayed_commits" : "true"
+ },
+ "attachments" : {
+ "compressible_types" : "text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml",
+ "compression_level" : "8"
+ },
+ "uuids" : {
+ "algorithm" : "utc_random"
+ },
+ "daemons" : {
+ "view_manager" : "{couch_view, start_link, []}",
+ "auth_cache" : "{couch_auth_cache, start_link, []}",
+ "uuids" : "{couch_uuids, start, []}",
+ "stats_aggregator" : "{couch_stats_aggregator, start, []}",
+ "query_servers" : "{couch_query_servers, start_link, []}",
+ "httpd" : "{couch_httpd, start_link, []}",
+ "stats_collector" : "{couch_stats_collector, start, []}",
+ "db_update_notifier" : "{couch_db_update_notifier_sup, start_link, []}",
+ "external_manager" : "{couch_external_manager, start_link, []}"
+ },
+ "stats" : {
+ "samples" : "[0, 60, 300, 900]",
+ "rate" : "1000"
+ },
+ "httpd" : {
+ "vhost_global_handlers" : "_utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users",
+ "secure_rewrites" : "true",
+ "authentication_handlers" : "{couch_httpd_oauth, oauth_authentication_handler},
+ {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler},
+ {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}",
+ "port" : "5984",
+ "default_handler" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_request}",
+ "allow_jsonp" : "false",
+ "bind_address" : "",
+ "max_connections" : "2048"
+ },
+ "query_servers" : {
+ "javascript" : "/usr/bin/couchjs /usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js"
+ },
+ "couch_httpd_auth" : {
+ "authentication_db" : "_users",
+ "require_valid_user" : "false",
+ "authentication_redirect" : "/_utils/session.html",
+ "timeout" : "600",
+ "auth_cache_size" : "50"
+ },
+ "httpd_db_handlers" : {
+ "_design" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}",
+ "_compact" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}",
+ "_view_cleanup" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_view_cleanup_req}",
+ "_temp_view" : "{couch_httpd_view, handle_temp_view_req}",
+ "_changes" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}"
+ },
+ "replicator" : {
+ "max_http_sessions" : "10",
+ "max_http_pipeline_size" : "10"
+ },
+ "log" : {
+ "include_sasl" : "true",
+ "level" : "info",
+ "file" : "/var/log/couchdb/couch.log"
+ },
+ "httpd_design_handlers" : {
+ "_update" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_doc_update_req}",
+ "_show" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_doc_show_req}",
+ "_info" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_design_info_req}",
+ "_list" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_view_list_req}",
+ "_view" : "{couch_httpd_view, handle_view_req}",
+ "_rewrite" : "{couch_httpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}"
+ },
+ "httpd_global_handlers" : {
+ "_replicate" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_replicate_req}",
+ "/" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<\"Welcome\">>}",
+ "_config" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}",
+ "_utils" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, \"/usr/share/couchdb/www\"}",
+ "_active_tasks" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}",
+ "_session" : "{couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}",
+ "_log" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_log_req}",
+ "favicon.ico" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, \"/usr/share/couchdb/www\"}",
+ "_all_dbs" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}",
+ "_oauth" : "{couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}",
+ "_restart" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}",
+ "_uuids" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}",
+ "_stats" : "{couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}"
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_config/section</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="config-section"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Gets the configuration structure for a single section. For
+ example, to retrieve the CouchDB configuration section values:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_config/couchdb
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains just the configuration values for this
+ section:
+ </para>
+ "os_process_timeout" : "5000",
+ "max_attachment_chunk_size" : "4294967296",
+ "max_document_size" : "4294967296",
+ "uri_file" : "/var/lib/couchdb/couch.uri",
+ "max_dbs_open" : "100",
+ "view_index_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "util_driver_dir" : "/usr/lib64/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.0.1/priv/lib",
+ "database_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "delayed_commits" : "true"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="config-section-key"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Gets a single configuration value from within a specific
+ configuration section. For example, to obtain the current log
+ level:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_config/log/level
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ Returns the string of the log level:
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The returned value will be the JSON of the value, which may be a
+ string or numeric value, or an array or object. Some client
+ environments may not parse simple strings or numeric values as
+ valid JSON.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="config-section-key"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Updates a configuration value. The new value should be supplied in
+ the request body in the corresponding JSON format. For example, if
+ you are setting a string value, you must supply a valid JSON
+ string.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to set the function used to generate UUIDs by the
+ <literal>GET /_uuids</literal> API call to use the
+ <literal>utc_random</literal> generator:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The return value will be empty, with the response code indicating
+ the success or failure of the configuration setting.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="config-section-key"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="DELETE"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes a configuration value. The returned JSON will be the value
+ of the configuration parameter before it was deleted. For example,
+ to delete the UUID parameter:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned value is the last configured UUID function:
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-db-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-db-metasrc.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-db">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Database Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The Database methods provide an interface to an entire database
+ withing CouchDB. These are database, rather than document, level
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-db-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Database API Calls</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="filter_class" condition="db"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-api-db"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For all the database methods, the database name within the URL path
+ should be the database name that you wish to perform the operation
+ on. For example, to obtain the meta information for the database
+ <literal>recipes</literal>, you would use the HTTP request:
+ </para>
+GET /recipes
+ <para>
+ For clarity, the form below is used in the URL paths:
+ </para>
+GET /db
+ <para>
+ Where <literal>db</literal> is the name of any database.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Gets information about the specified database. For example, to
+ retrieve the information for the database
+ <literal>recipe</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest">
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The JSON response contains meta information about the database. A
+ sample of the JSON returned for an empty database is provided
+ below:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse">
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "committed_update_seq" : 375048,
+ "disk_format_version" : 5,
+ "disk_size" : 33153123,
+ "doc_count" : 18386,
+ "doc_del_count" : 0,
+ "db_name" : "recipes",
+ "instance_start_time" : "1290700340925570",
+ "purge_seq" : 10,
+ "update_seq" : 375048
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The elements of the returned structure are shown in the table
+ below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-db-json-db-info">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-info"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Creates a new database. The database name must be composed of one
+ or more of the following characters:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Lowercase characters (<literal>a-z</literal>)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Name must begin with a lowercase letter
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Digits (<literal>0-9</literal>)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Any of the characters <literal>_</literal>,
+ <literal>$</literal>, <literal>(</literal>,
+ <literal>)</literal>, <literal>+</literal>,
+ <literal>-</literal>, and <literal>/</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Trying to create a database that does not meet these requirements
+ will return an error quoting these restrictions.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To create the database <literal>recipes</literal>:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned content contains the JSON status:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ <para>
+ Anything should be treated as an error, and the problem should be
+ taken form the HTTP response code.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="DELETE"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified database, and all the documents and
+ attachments contained within it.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To delete the database <literal>recipes</literal> you would send
+ the request:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ If successful, the returned JSON will indicate success
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_changes</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-changes"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Obtains a list of the changes made to the database. This can be
+ used to monitor for update and modifications to the database for
+ post processing or synchronization. There are three different
+ types of supported changes feeds, poll, longpoll, and continuous.
+ All requests are poll requests by default. You can select any feed
+ type explicitly using the <literal>feed</literal> query argument.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Poll</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With polling you can request the changes that have occured
+ since a specific sequence number. This returns the JSON
+ structure containing the changed document information. When
+ you perform a poll change request, only the changes since
+ the specific sequence number are returned. For example, the
+ query
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_changes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ Will get all of the changes in the database. You can request
+ a starting point using the <literal>since</literal> query
+ argument and specifying the sequence number. You will need
+ to record the latest sequence number in your client and then
+ use this when making another request as the new value to the
+ <literal>since</literal> parameter.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Longpoll</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With long polling the request to the server will remain open
+ until a change is made on the database, when the changes
+ will be reported, and then the connection will close. The
+ long poll is useful when you want to monitor for changes for
+ a specific purpose without wanting to monitoring
+ continuously for changes.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Because the wait for a change can be significant you can set
+ a timeout before the connection is automatically closed (the
+ <literal>timeout</literal> argument). You can also set a
+ heartbeat interval (using the <literal>heartbeat</literal>
+ query argument), which sends a newline to keep the
+ connection open.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Continuous</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Continuous sends all new changes back to the client
+ immediately, without closing the connection. In continuous
+ mode the format of the changes is slightly different to
+ accommodate the continuous nature while ensuring that the
+ JSON output is still valid for each change notification.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As with the longpoll feed type you can set both the timeout
+ and heartbeat intervals to ensure that the connection is
+ kept open for new changesand updates.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return structure for <literal>normal</literal> and
+ <literal>longpoll</literal> modes is a JSON array of changes
+ objects, and the last update sequence number. The structure is
+ described in the following table.
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-json-changes">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="changes"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return format for <literal>continuous</literal> mode the
+ server sends a CRLF (carriage-return, linefeed) delimited line for
+ each change. Each line contains the
+ <link linkend="table-couchdb-api-db_db-json-changes">JSON
+ object</link>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also request the full contents of each document change
+ (instead of just the change notification) by using the
+ <literal>include_docs</literal> parameter.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get-filters">
+ <title>Filtering</title>
+ <para>
+ You can filter the contents of the changes feed in a number of
+ ways. The most basic way is to specify one or more document IDs
+ to the query. This causes the returned structure value to only
+ contain changes for the specified IDs. Note that the value of
+ this query argument should be a JSON formatted array.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also filter the <literal>_changes</literal> feed by
+ defining a filter function within a design document. The
+ specification for the filter is the same as for replication
+ filters. You specify the name of the filter function to the
+ <literal>filter</literal> parameter, specifying the design
+ document name and filter name. For example:
+ </para>
+GET /db/_changes?filter=design_doc/filtername
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_changes</literal> feed can be used to watch
+ changes to specific document ID's or the list of
+ <literal>_design</literal> documents in a database. If the
+ <literal>filters</literal> parameter is set to
+ <literal>_doc_ids</literal> a list of doc IDs can be passed in
+ the <option>doc_ids</option> parameter as a JSON array.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-changes-filters"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_compact</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-compact"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request compaction of the specified database. Compaction
+ compresses the disk database file by performing the following
+ operations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Writes a new version of the database file, removing any unused
+ sections from the new version during write. Because a new file
+ is temporary created for this purpose, you will need twice the
+ current storage space of the specified database in order for
+ the compaction routine to complete.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Removes old revisions of documents from the database, up to
+ the per-database limit specified by the
+ <literal>_revs_limit</literal> database parameter. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/> .
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Compaction can only be requested on an individual database; you
+ cannot compact all the databases for a CouchDB instance. The
+ compaction process runs as a background process.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can determine if the compaction process is operating on a
+ database by obtaining the database meta information, the
+ <literal>compact_running</literal> value of the returned database
+ structure will be set to true. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/> .
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also obtain a list of running processes to determine
+ whether compaction is currently running. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_compact/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-compact-design-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Compacts the view indexes associated with the specified design
+ document. You can use this in place of the full database
+ compaction if you know a specific set of view indexes have been
+ affected by a recent database change.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to compact the views associated with the
+ <literal>recipes</literal> design document:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_compact/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ CouchDB will immediately return with a status indicating that the
+ compaction request has been received (HTTP status code 202):
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-view-cleanup_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_view_cleanup</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-view-cleanup"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Cleans up the cached view output on disk for a given view. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_view_cleanup
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ If the request is successful, a basic status message us returned:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-ensure-full-commit_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_ensure_full_commit</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-ensure-full-commit"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Commits any recent changes to the specified database to disk. You
+ should call this if you want to ensure that recent changes have
+ been written. For example, to commit all the changes to disk for
+ the database <literal>recipes</literal> you would use:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_ensure_full_commit
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ This returns a status message, containing the success message and
+ the timestamp for when the CouchDB instance was started:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true,
+ "instance_start_time" : "1288186189373361"
+<!-- <para>You can also optionally commit to disk all the updates up to a
+ specified update sequence ID by using the <literal>seq</literal>
+ argument to the request. The value should be the sequence ID returned
+ when creating or updating a document:</para>
+ -->
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_bulk_docs</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-bulk-docs"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The bulk document API allows you to create and update multiple
+ documents at the same time within a single request. The basic
+ operation is similar to creating or updating a single document,
+ except that you batch the document structure and information and .
+ When creating new documents the document ID is optional. For
+ updating existing documents, you must provide the document ID,
+ revision information, and new document values.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For both inserts and updates the basic structure of the JSON is
+ the same:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-json">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="bulkdocs"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-insert">
+ <title>Inserting Documents in Bulk</title>
+ <para>
+ To insert documents in bulk into a database you need to supply a
+ JSON structure with the array of documents that you want to add
+ to the database. Using this method you can either include a
+ document ID, or allow the document ID to be automatically
+ generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the following inserts three new documents, two with
+ the supplied document IDs, and one which will have a document ID
+ generated:
+ </para>
+ "docs" : [
+ {
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "LambStew",
+ "servings" : 6,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with scone topping",
+ "title" : "Lamb Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "servings" : 8,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with suet dumplings",
+ "title" : "Beef Stew"
+ },
+ ]
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The return type from a bulk insertion will be 201, with the
+ content of the returned structure indicating specific success or
+ otherwise messages on a per-document basis.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return structure from the example above contains a list of
+ the documents created, here with the combination and their
+ revision IDs:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_bulk_docs
+Content-Type: application/json
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "1-34c318924a8f327223eed702ddfdc66d",
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "1-857c7cbeb6c8dd1dd34a0c73e8da3c44",
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The content and structure of the returned JSON will depend on
+ the transaction semantics being used for the bulk update; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit"/>
+ for more information. Conflicts and validation errors when
+ updating documents in bulk must be handled separately; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-update">
+ <title>Updating Documents in Bulk</title>
+ <para>
+ The bulk document update procedure is similar to the insertion
+ procedure, except that you must specify the document ID and
+ current revision for every document in the bulk update JSON
+ string.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could send the following request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_bulk_docs
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "docs" : [
+ {
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with freshly baked bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "LambStew",
+ "_rev" : "1-34c318924a8f327223eed702ddfdc66d",
+ "servings" : 6,
+ "subtitle" : "Serve with a wholemeal scone topping",
+ "title" : "Lamb Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433"
+ "_rev" : "1-857c7cbeb6c8dd1dd34a0c73e8da3c44",
+ "servings" : 8,
+ "subtitle" : "Hand-made dumplings make a great accompaniment",
+ "title" : "Beef Stew"
+ }
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The return structure is the JSON of the updated documents, with
+ the new revision and ID information:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-e7af4c4e9981d960ecf78605d79b06d1"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "2-0786321986194c92dd3b57dfbfc741ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "2-bdd3bf3563bee516b96885a66c743f8e"
+ }
+ <para>
+ You can optionally delete documents during a bulk update by
+ adding the <literal>_deleted</literal> field with a value of
+ <literal>true</literal> to each docment ID/revision combination
+ within the submitted JSON structure.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return type from a bulk insertion will be 201, with the
+ content of the returned structure indicating specific success or
+ otherwise messages on a per-document basis.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The content and structure of the returned JSON will depend on
+ the transaction semantics being used for the bulk update; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit"/>
+ for more information. Conflicts and validation errors when
+ updating documents in bulk must be handled separately; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit">
+ <title>Bulk Documents Transaction Semantics</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB supports two different modes for updating (or inserting)
+ documents using the bulk documentation system. Each mode affects
+ both the state of the documents in the event of system failure,
+ and the level of conflict checking performed on each document.
+ The two modes are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>non-atomic</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default mode is non-atomic, that is, CouchDB will only
+ guarantee that some of the documents will be saved when you
+ send the request. The response will contain the list of
+ documents successfully inserted or updated during the
+ process. In the event of a crash, some of the documents may
+ have been successfully saved, and some will have been lost.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In this mode, the response structure will indicate whether
+ the document was updated by supplying the new
+ <literal>_rev</literal> parameter indicating a new document
+ revision was created. If the update failed, then you will
+ get an <literal>error</literal> of type
+ <literal>conflict</literal>. For example:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ In this case no new revision has been created and you will
+ need to submit the document update, with the correct
+ revision tag, to update the document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>all-or-nothing</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In all-or-nothing mode, either all documents are written to
+ the database, or no documents are written to the database,
+ in the event of a system failure during commit.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In addition, the per-document conflict checking is not
+ performed. Instead a new revision of the document is
+ created, even if the new revision is in conflict with the
+ current revision in the database. The returned structure
+ contains the list of documents with new revisions:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-e7af4c4e9981d960ecf78605d79b06d1"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "2-0786321986194c92dd3b57dfbfc741ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "2-bdd3bf3563bee516b96885a66c743f8e"
+ }
+ <para>
+ When updating documents using this mode the revision of a
+ document included in views will be arbitrary. You can check
+ the conflict status for a document by using the
+ <literal>conflicts=true</literal> query argument when
+ accessing the view. Conflicts should be handled individually
+ to ensure the consistency of your database.
+ </para>
+<!-- TODO: Add the forward reference to conflict resolution -->
+ <para>
+ To use this mode, you must include the
+ <literal>all_or_nothing</literal> field (set to true) within
+ the main body of the JSON of the request.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ The effects of different database operations on the different
+ modes are summarized in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit">
+ <title>Conflicts on Bulk Inserts</title>
+ <tgroup cols="4">
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Transaction Mode
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Transaction
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Cause
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolution
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Non-atomic
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Insert
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Requested document ID already exists
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resubmit with different document ID, or update the
+ existing document
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Non-atomic
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Update
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Revision missing or incorrect
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resubmit with correct revision
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ All-or-nothing
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Insert
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Additional revision inserted
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolve conflicted revisions
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ All-or-nothing
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Update
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Additional revision inserted
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolve conflicted revisions
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ <para>
+ Replication of documents is independent of the type of insert or
+ update. The documents and revisions created during a bulk insert
+ or update are replicated in the same way as any other document.
+ This can mean that if you make use of the all-or-nothing mode
+ the exact list of documents, revisions (and their conflict
+ state) may or may not be replicated to other databases
+ correctly.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors">
+ <title>Bulk Document Validation and Conflict Errors</title>
+ <para>
+ The JSON returned by the <literal>_bulk_docs</literal> operation
+ consists of an array of JSON structures, one for each document
+ in the original submission. The returned JSON structure should
+ be examined to ensure that all of the documents submitted in the
+ original request were successfully added to the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The exact structure of the returned information is shown in
+ <xref
+ linkend="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-return-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-return-json">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="bulkdocsreturn"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When a document (or document revision) is not correctly comitted
+ to the database because of an error, you should check the
+ <literal>error</literal> field to determine error type and
+ course of action. Errors will be one of the following type:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>conflict</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document as submitted is in conflict. If you used the
+ default bulk transaction mode then the new revision will not
+ have been created and you will need to re-submit the
+ document to the database. If you used
+ <literal>all-or-nothing</literal> mode then you will need to
+ manually resolve the conflicted revisions of the document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Conflict resolution of documents added using the bulk docs
+ interface is identical to the resolution procedures used
+ when resolving conflict errors during replication.
+ </para>
+<!-- TODO: Add a reference/link to the conflict/replication docs -->
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>forbidden</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Entries with this error type indicate that the validation
+ routine applied to the document during submission has
+ returned an error.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, if your validation routine includes the
+ following:
+ </para>
+<programlisting> throw({forbidden: 'invalid recipe ingredient'});</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The error returned will be:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "error" : "forbidden",
+ "reason" : "invalid recipe ingredient"
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional-validation"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-temp-view_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_temp_view</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-temp-view"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Creates (and executes) a temporary view based on the view function
+ supplied in the JSON request. For example:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_temp_view
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.value > 9995) { emit(null, doc.value); } }"
+ <para>
+ The resulting JSON response is the result from the execution of
+ the temporary view:
+ </para>
+ "total_rows" : 3,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.41913029012,
+ "id" : "05361cc6aa42033878acc1bacb1f39c2",
+ "key" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.94149934853,
+ "id" : "1f443f471e5929dd7b252417625ed170",
+ "key" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.01511339154,
+ "id" : "1f443f471e5929dd7b252417629c102b",
+ "key" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ <para>
+ The arguments also available to standard view requests also apply
+ to temporary views, but the execution of the view may take some
+ time as it relies on being executed at the time of the request. In
+ addition to the time taken, they are also computationally very
+ expensive to produce. You should use a defined view if you want to
+ achieve the best performance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional-views"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_purge</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-purge"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A database purge permanently removes the references to deleted
+ documents from the database. Deleting a document within CouchDB
+ does not actually remove the documen from the database, instead,
+ the document is marked as a deleted (and a new revision is
+ created). This is to ensure that deleted documents are replicated
+ to other databases as having been deleted. This also means that
+ you can check the status of a document and identify that the
+ document has been deleted.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The purge operation removes the refernces to the deleted documents
+ from the database. The purging of old documents is not replicated
+ to other databases. If you are replicating between databases and
+ have deleted a large number of documents you should run purge on
+ each database.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Purging documents does not remove the space used by them on
+ disk. To reclaim disk space, you should run a database compact
+ (see <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post"/>, and
+ compact views (see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post"/>).
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ To perform a purge operation you must send a request including the
+ JSON of the document IDs that you want to purge. For example:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_purge
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "FishStew" : [
+ "17-b3eb5ac6fbaef4428d712e66483dcb79"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The format of the request must include the document ID and one or
+ more revisions that must be purged.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The response will contain the purge sequence number, and a list of
+ the document IDs and revisions successfully purged.
+ </para>
+ "purged" : {
+ "FishStew" : [
+ "17-b3eb5ac6fbaef4428d712e66483dcb79"
+ ]
+ },
+ "purge_seq" : 11
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post-indexrebuild">
+ <title>Updating Indexes</title>
+ <para>
+ The number of purges on a database is tracked using a purge
+ sequence. This is used by the view indexer to optimize the
+ updating of views that contain the purged documents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When the indexer identifies that the purge sequence on a
+ database has changed, it compares the purge sequence of the
+ database with that stored in the view index. If the difference
+ between the stored sequence and database is sequence is only 1,
+ then the indexer uses a cached list of the most recently purged
+ documents, and then removes these documents from the index
+ individually. This prevents completely rebuilding the index from
+ scratch.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If the difference between the stored sequence number and current
+ database sequence is greater than 1, then the view index is
+ entirely rebuilt. This is an expensive operation as every
+ document in the database must be examined.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_all_docs</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-all-docs"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns a JSON structure of all of the documents in a given
+ database. The information is returned as a JSON structure
+ containing meta information about the return structure, and the
+ list documents and basic contents, consisting the ID, revision and
+ key. The key is generated from the document ID.
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="all-docs"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ By default the information returned contains only the document ID
+ and revision. For example, the request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest">
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_all_docs
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ Returns the following structure:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse">
+ "total_rows" : 18386,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-bc0d5aed1e339b1cc1f29578f3220a45"
+ },
+ "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
+ "key" : "Aberffrawcake"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "3-68a20c89a5e70357c20148f8e82ca331"
+ },
+ "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+ "key" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "3-9b2851ed9b6f655cc4eb087808406c60"
+ },
+ "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+ "key" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ <para>
+ The information is returned in the form of a temporary view of all
+ the database documents, with the returned key consisting of the ID
+ of the document. The remainder of the interface is therefore
+ identical to the View query arguments and their behavior.
+ </para>
+<!-- TODO Add link to view -->
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_all_docs</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-all-docs"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>POST</literal> to <literal>_all_docs</literal> allows
+ to specify multiple keys to be selected from the database. This
+ enables you to request multiple documents in a single request, in
+ place of multiple
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/> requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The request body should contain a list of the keys to be returned
+ as an array to a <literal>keys</literal> object. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest">
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_all_docs
+User-Agent: MyApp/0.1 libwww-perl/5.837
+ "keys" : [
+ "Zingylemontart",
+ "Yogurtraita"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The return JSON is the all documents structure, but with only the
+ selected keys in the output:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse">
+ "total_rows" : 2666,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-a3544d296de19e6f5b932ea77d886942"
+ },
+ "id" : "Zingylemontart",
+ "key" : "Zingylemontart"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-91635098bfe7d40197a1b98d7ee085fc"
+ },
+ "id" : "Yogurtraita",
+ "key" : "Yogurtraita"
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+<!-- TODO Add link to view -->
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-missing-revs_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_missing_revs</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-missing-revs"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-diff_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_revs_diff</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-revs-diff"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-security_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_security</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-security"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Gets the current secrity object from the specified database. The
+ security object consists of two compulsory elements,
+ <literal>admins</literal> and <literal>readers</literal>, which
+ are used to specify the list of users and/or roles that have admin
+ and reader rights to the database respectively. Any additional
+ fields in the security object are optional. The entire security
+ object is made available to validation and other internal
+ functions so that the database can control and limit
+ functionality.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To get the existing security object you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+ "admins" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "mc",
+ "slp"
+ ]
+ },
+ "readers" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "tim",
+ "brian"
+ ]
+ }
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-db-json-security">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="security"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ If the security object for a database has never beent set, then
+ the value returned will be empty.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-security_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_security</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-security"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Sets the security object for the given database.For example, to
+ set the security object for the <literal>recipes</literal>
+ database:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_security
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "admins" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "mc",
+ "slp"
+ ]
+ },
+ "readers" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "tim",
+ "brian"
+ ]
+ }
+ <para>
+ If the setting was successful, a JSON status object will be
+ returned:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_revs_limit</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-revs-limit"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Gets the current <literal>revs_limit</literal> (revision limit)
+ setting.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to get the current limit:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_revs_limit
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned information is the current setting as a numerical
+ scalar:
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_revs_limit</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-revs-limit"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Sets the maximum number of document revisions that will be tracked
+ by CouchDB, even after compaction has occurred. You can set the
+ revision limit on a database by using <literal>PUT</literal> with
+ a scalar integer of the limit that you want to set as the request
+ body.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to set the revs limit to 100 for the
+ <literal>recipes</literal> database:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_revs_limit
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ If the setting was successful, a JSON status object will be
+ returned:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-dbdoc-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-dbdoc-metasrc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b680064e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-dbdoc-metasrc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-dbdoc">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API Server Document methods detail how to create, read,
+ update and delete documents within a database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Document API Calls</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="filter_class" condition="dbdoc"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-api-dbdoc"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="dbdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Create a new document in the specified database, using the
+ supplied JSON document structure. If the JSON structure includes
+ the <literal>_id</literal> field, then the document will be
+ created with the specified document ID. If the
+ <literal>_id</literal> field is not specified, a new unique ID
+ will be generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you can generate a new document with a generated UUID
+ using the following request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The return JSON will specify the automatically enerated ID and
+ revision information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "64575eef70ab90a2b8d55fc09e00440d",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post-docid">
+ <title>Specifying the Document ID</title>
+ <para>
+ The document ID can be specified by including the
+ <literal>_id</literal> field in the JSON of the submitted
+ record. The following request will create the same document with
+ the ID <literal>FishStew</literal>:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The structure of the submitted document is as shown in the table
+ below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-json-document">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="document"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In either case, the returned JSON will specify the document ID,
+ revision ID, and status message:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_batchmode">
+ <title>Batch Mode Writes</title>
+ <para>
+ You can write documents to the database at a higher rate by
+ using the batch option. This collects document writes together
+ in memory (on a user-by-user basis) before they are committed to
+ disk. This increases the risk of the documents not being stored
+ in the event of a failure, since the documents are not written
+ to disk immediately.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To use the batched mode, append the <literal>batch=ok</literal>
+ query argument to the URL of the <literal>PUT</literal> or
+ <literal>POST</literal> request. The CouchDB server will respond
+ with a 202 HTTP response code immediately.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachments">
+ <title>Including Attachments</title>
+ <para>
+ You can include one or more attachments with a given document by
+ incorporating the attachment information within the JSON of the
+ document. This provides a simpler alternative to loading
+ documents with attachments than making a separate call (see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put"/>).
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-documentattachments">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="document_with_attachments"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>filename</literal> will be the attachment name. For
+ example, when sending the JSON structure below:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ "_attachments" : {
+ "styling.css" : {
+ "content-type" : "text/css",
+ "data" : "cCB7IGZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTJwdDsgfQo=",
+ },
+ },
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The attachment <literal>styling.css</literal> can be accessed
+ using <literal>/recipes/FishStew/styling.css</literal>. For more
+ information on attachments, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document data embedded in to the structure must be encoded
+ using base64.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns the specified <literal>doc</literal> from the specified
+ <literal>db</literal>. For example, to retrieve the document with
+ the id <literal>FishStew</literal> you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON is the JSON of the document, including the
+ document ID and revision number:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew"
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Unless you request a specific revision, the latest revision of the
+ document will always be returned.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-attachments">
+ <title>Attachments</title>
+ <para>
+ If the document includes attachments, then the returned
+ structure will contain a summary of the attachments associatd
+ with the document, but not the attachment data itself.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The JSON for the returned document will include the
+ <literal>_attachments</literal> field, with one or more
+ attachment definitions. For example:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ "_attachments" : {
+ "styling.css" : {
+ "stub" : true,
+ "content-type" : "text/css",
+ "length" : 783426,
+ },
+ },
+ <para>
+ The format of the returned JSON is shown in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-returneddocumentattachments">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="returneddocument_with_attachments"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-revs">
+ <title>Getting a List of Revisions</title>
+ <para>
+ You can obtain a list of the revisions for a given document by
+ adding the <literal>revs=true</literal> parameter to the request
+ URL. For example:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?revs=true
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON structure includes the original document,
+ including a <literal>_revisions</literal> structure that
+ includes the revision information:
+ </para>
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew",
+ "_revisions" : {
+ "ids" : [
+ "a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c",
+ "7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d",
+ "9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ ],
+ "start" : 3
+ },
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-document_with_revs">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="document_with_revs"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-revsextended">
+ <title>Obtaining an Extended Revision History</title>
+ <para>
+ You can get additional information about the revisions for a
+ given document by supplying the <literal>revs_info</literal>
+ argument to the query:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?revs_info=true
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ This returns extended revision information, including the
+ availability and status of each revision:
+ </para>
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_revs_info" : [
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ },
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d"
+ },
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ }
+ ],
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew",
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-document_with_revs_info">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="document_with_revs_info"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-specrev">
+ <title>Obtaining a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To get a specific revision, use the <literal>rev</literal>
+ argument to the request, and specify the full revision number:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The specified revision of the document will be returned,
+ including a <literal>_rev</literal> field specifying the
+ revision that was requested:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_head">
+ <title><literal>HEAD /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="HEAD"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns the HTTP Headers containing a minimal amount of
+ information about the specified document. The method supports the
+ same query arguments as the <literal>GET</literal> method, but
+ only the header information (including document size, and the
+ revision as an ETag), is returned. For example, a simple
+ <literal>HEAD</literal> request:
+ </para>
+HEAD http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the following HTTP Headers:
+ </para>
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Etag: "7-a19a1a5ecd946dad70e85233ba039ab2"
+Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 14:54:43 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 136
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+ <para>
+ The <literal>Etag</literal> header shows the current revision for
+ the requested document, and the <literal>Content-Length</literal>
+ specifies the length of the data, if the document were requested
+ in full.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Adding any of the query arguments (as supported by
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"><literal>GET</literal></link>
+ method), then the resulting HTTP Headers will correspond to what
+ would be returned. Note that the current revision is not returned
+ when the <literal>refs_info</literal> argument is used. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 14:57:16 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 609
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>PUT</literal> method creates a new named document, or
+ creates a new revision of the existing document. Unlike the
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post"><literal>POST</literal></link>
+ method, you must specify the document ID in the request URL.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to create the docment <literal>FishStew</literal>,
+ you would send the following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The return type is JSON of the status, document ID,and revision
+ number:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put-update">
+ <title>Updating an Existing Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To update an existing document you must specify the current
+ revision number within the <literal>_rev</literal> parameter.
+ For example:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "_rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ Alternatively, you can supply the current revision number in the
+ <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header of the request. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+If-Match: 2-d953b18035b76f2a5b1d1d93f25d3aea
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The JSON returned will include the updated revision number:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew99",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "2-d953b18035b76f2a5b1d1d93f25d3aea"
+ <para>
+ For information on batched writes, which can provide improved
+ performance, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_batchmode"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="DELETE"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified document from the database. You must supply
+ the current (latest) revision, either by using the
+ <literal>rev</literal> parameter to specify the revision:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ Alternatively, you can use ETags with the
+ <literal>If-Match</literal> field:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+If-Match: 3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the document ID, revision and status:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "4-2719fd41187c60762ff584761b714cfb"
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Note that deletion of a record increments the revision number.
+ The use of a revision for deletion of the record allows
+ replication of the database to correctly track the deletion in
+ synchronized copies.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy">
+ <title><literal>COPY /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="COPY"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>COPY</literal> command (which is non-standard HTTP)
+ copies an existing document to a new or existing document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The source document is specified on the request line, with the
+ <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header of the request
+ specifying the target document.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-simple">
+ <title>Copying a Document</title>
+ <para>
+ You can copy the latest version of a document to a new document
+ by specifying the current document and target document:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew
+ <para>
+ The above request copies the document
+ <literal>FishStew</literal> to the new document
+ <literal>IrishFishStew</literal>. The response is the ID and
+ revision of the new document.
+ </para>
+ "id" : "IrishFishStew",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-specrev">
+ <title>Copying from a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy <emphasis>from</emphasis> a specific version, use the
+ <literal>rev</literal> argument to the query string:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=5-acfd32d233f07cea4b4f37daaacc0082
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew
+ <para>
+ The new document will be created using the information in the
+ specified revision of the source document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-existing">
+ <title>Copying to an Existing Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy to an existing document, you must specify the current
+ revision string for the target document, using the
+ <literal>rev</literal> parameter to the
+ <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header string. For example:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew?rev=1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee
+ <para>
+ The return value will be the new revision of the copied
+ document:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "IrishFishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-55b6a1b251902a2c249b667dab1c6692"
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc-attachment"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns the file attachment <literal>attachment</literal>
+ associated with the document <literal>doc</literal>. The raw data
+ of the associated attachment is returned (just as if you were
+ accessing a static file. The returned HTTP
+ <literal>Content-type</literal> will be the same as the content
+ type set when the document attachment was submitted into the
+ database.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc-attachment"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Upload the supplied content as an attachment to the specified
+ document (<literal>doc</literal>). The
+ <literal>attachment</literal> name provided must be a URL encoded
+ string. You must also supply either the <literal>rev</literal>
+ query argument or the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header for
+ validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attacment content
+ type). The content type is used when the attachment is requested
+ as the corresponding content-type in the returned document header.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could upload a simple text document using the
+ following request:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic?rev=8-a94cb7e50ded1e06f943be5bfbddf8ca
+Content-Length: 10
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Roast it
+ <para>
+ Or by using the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic
+If-Match: 8-a94cb7e50ded1e06f943be5bfbddf8ca
+Content-Length: 10
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Roast it
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the new document information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "9-247bb19a41bfd9bfdaf5ee6e2e05be74"
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document
+ revision. Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not
+ individual attachments.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put-existing">
+ <title>Updating an Existing Attachment</title>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment using an existing attachment name will
+ update the corresponding stored content of the database. Since
+ you must supply the revision information to add an attachment to
+ a document, this serves as validation to update the existing
+ attachment.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-doc-attachment"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="DELETE"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the attachment <literal>attachment</literal> to the
+ specified <literal>doc</literal>. You must supply the
+ <literal>rev</literal> argument with the current revision to
+ delete the attachment.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to delete the attachment <literal>basic</literal> from
+ the recipe <literal>FishStew</literal>:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic?rev=9-247bb19a41bfd9bfdaf5ee6e2e05be74
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the updated revision information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "10-561bf6b1e27615cee83d1f48fa65dd3e"
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-design-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-design-metasrc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4edf75a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-design-metasrc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1462 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-design">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Design Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB, design documents provide the main interface for building
+ a CouchDB application. The design document defines the views used to
+ extract information from CouchDB through one or more views. Design
+ documents are created within your CouchDB instance in the same way
+ as you create database documents, but the content and definition of
+ the documents is different. Design Documents are named using an ID
+ defined with the design document URL path, and this URL can then be
+ used to access the database contents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Views and lists operate together to provide automated (and
+ formatted) output from your database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-design-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Design Document API Calls</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="filter_class" condition="design"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-api-design"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns the specified design document,
+ <literal>design-doc</literal> from the specified
+ <literal>db</literal>. For example, to retrieve the design
+ document <literal>recipes</literal> you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned string will be the JSON of the design document:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "_design/recipes",
+ "_rev" : "5-39f56a392b86bbee57e2138921346406"
+ "language" : "javascript",
+ "views" : {
+ "by_recipe" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.title != null) emit(doc.title, doc) }"
+ },
+ },
+ <para>
+ A list of the revisions can be obtained by using the
+ <literal>revs</literal> query argument, or an extended list of
+ revisions using the <literal>revs_info</literal> query argument.
+ This operates in the same way as for other documents. Fur further
+ examples, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Upload the specified design document,
+ <literal>design-doc</literal>, to the specified database. The
+ design document should follow the definition of a design document,
+ as summarised in the following table.
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-json-designdoc">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="design-doc"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For more information on writing views, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-functional-views"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="DELETE"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Delete an existing design document. Deleting a design document
+ also deletes all of the associated view indexes, and recovers the
+ corresponding space on disk for the indexes in question.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To delete, you must specify the current revision of the design
+ document using the <literal>rev</literal> query argument.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=2-ac58d589b37d01c00f45a4418c5a15a8
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The response contains the delete document ID and revision:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "recipe/_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "3-7a05370bff53186cb5d403f861aca154",
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy">
+ <title><literal>COPY /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="COPY"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>COPY</literal> command (non-standard HTTP) copies an
+ existing design document to a new or existing document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The source design document is specified on the request line, with
+ the <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header of the request
+ specifying the target document.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-simple">
+ <title>Copying a Design Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy the latest version of a design document to a new
+ document you specify the base document and target document:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: /recipes/_design/recipelist
+ <para>
+ The above request copies the design document
+ <literal>recipes</literal> to the new design document
+ <literal>recipelist</literal>. The response is the ID and
+ revision of the new document.
+ </para>
+ "id" : "recipes/_design/recipelist"
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Copying a design document does automatically reconstruct the
+ view indexes. These will be recreated, as with other views,
+ the first time the new view is accessed.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-specrev">
+ <title>Copying from a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy <emphasis>from</emphasis> a specific version, use the
+ <literal>rev</literal> argument to the query string:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=1-e23b9e942c19e9fb10ff1fde2e50e0f5
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist
+ <para>
+ The new design document will be created using the specified
+ revision of the source document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-existing">
+ <title>Copying to an Existing Design Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy to an existing document, you must specify the current
+ revision string for the target document, using the
+ <literal>rev</literal> parameter to the
+ <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header string. For example:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist?rev=1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee
+ <para>
+ The return value will be the new revision of the copied
+ document:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "recipes/_design/recipes"
+ "rev" : "2-55b6a1b251902a2c249b667dab1c6692",
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-attachment"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns the file attachment <literal>attachment</literal>
+ associated with the design document
+ <literal>/_design_/design-doc</literal>. The raw data of the
+ associated attachment is returned (just as if you were accessing a
+ static file. The returned HTTP <literal>Content-type</literal>
+ will be the same as the content type set when the document
+ attachment was submitted into the database.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-attachment"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Upload the supplied content as an attachment to the specified
+ design document (<literal>/_design/design-doc</literal>). The
+ <literal>attachment</literal> name provided must be a URL encoded
+ string. You must also supply either the <literal>rev</literal>
+ query argument or the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header for
+ validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attacment content
+ type). The content type is used when the attachment is requested
+ as the corresponding content-type in the returned document header.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could upload a simple text document using the
+ following request:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
+Content-Length: 39
+Content-Type: text/plain
+div.recipetitle {
+font-weight: bold;
+ <para>
+ Or by using the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic
+If-Match: 7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
+Content-Length: 39
+Content-Type: text/plain
+div.recipetitle {
+font-weight: bold;
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the new document information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "8-cb2b7d94eeac76782a02396ba70dfbf5",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document
+ revision. Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not
+ individual attachments.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-attachment"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="DELETE"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the attachment <literal>attachment</literal> to the
+ specified <literal>_design/design-doc</literal>. You must supply
+ the <literal>rev</literal> argument with the current revision to
+ delete the attachment.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to delete the attachment <literal>view.css</literal>
+ from the design document <literal>recipes</literal>:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=9-3db559f13a845c7751d407404cdeaa4a
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the updated revision information for
+ the parent document:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "10-f3b15bb408961f8dcc3d86c7d3b54c4c",
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-info_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-info"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Obtains information about a given design document, including the
+ index, index size and current status of the design document and
+ associated index information.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to get the information for the
+ <literal>recipes</literal> design document:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_info
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ This returns the following JSON structure:
+ </para>
+ "name" : "recipes"
+ "view_index" : {
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "updater_running" : false,
+ "language" : "javascript",
+ "purge_seq" : 10,
+ "waiting_commit" : false,
+ "waiting_clients" : 0,
+ "signature" : "fc65594ee76087a3b8c726caf5b40687",
+ "update_seq" : 375031,
+ "disk_size" : 16491
+ },
+ <para>
+ The individual fields in the returned JSON structure are detailed
+ in
+ <xref linkend="table-couchdb-api-design_db-designdoc-info-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-design_db-designdoc-info-json">
+ <remark role="title">Design Document Info JSON Contents</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="design-doc_info"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-view-viewname"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Executes the specified <literal>view-name</literal> from the
+ specified <literal>design-doc</literal> design document.
+ </para>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-indexes">
+ <title>Querying Views and Indexes</title>
+ <para>
+ The definition of a view within a design document also creates
+ an index based on the key information defined within each view.
+ The production and use of the index significantly increases the
+ speed of access and searching or selecting documents from the
+ view.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ However, the index is not updated when new documents are added
+ or modified in the database. Instead, the index is generated or
+ updated, either when the view is first accessed, or when the
+ view is accessed after a document has been updated. In each
+ case, the index is updated before the view query is executed
+ against the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ View indexes are updated incrementally in the following
+ situations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A new document has been added to the database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A document has been deleted from the database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A document in the database has been updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ View indexes are rebuilt entirely when the view definition
+ changes. To achieve this, a 'fingerprint' of the view definition
+ is created when the design document is updated. If the
+ fingerprint changes, then the view indexes are entirely rebuilt.
+ This ensures that changes to the view definitions are reflected
+ in the view indexes.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ View index rebuilds occur when one view from the same the view
+ group (i.e. all the views defined within a single a design
+ document) has been determined as needing a rebuild. For
+ example, if if you have a design document with different
+ views, and you update the database, all three view indexes
+ within the design document will be updated.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Because the view is updated when it has been queried, it can
+ result in a delay in returned information when the view is
+ accessed, especially if there are a large number of documents in
+ the database and the view index does not exist. There are a
+ number of ways to mitigate, but not completely eliminate, these
+ issues. These include:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Create the view definition (and associated design documents)
+ on your database before allowing insertion or updates to the
+ documents. If this is allowed while the view is being
+ accessed, the index can be updated incrementally.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Manually force a view request from the database. You can do
+ this either before users are allowed to use the view, or you
+ can access the view manually after documents are added or
+ updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Use the <literal>/db/_changes</literal> method to monitor
+ for changes to the database and then access the view to
+ force the corresponding view index to be updated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get"/>
+ for more information.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Use a monitor with the
+ <literal>update_notification</literal> section of the
+ CouchDB configuration file to monitor for changes to your
+ database, and trigger a view query to force the view to be
+ updated. For more information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-single-configuration-update_notification"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ None of these can completely eliminate the need for the indexes
+ to be rebuilt or updated when the view is accessed, but they may
+ lessen the effects on end-users of the index update affecting
+ the user experience.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Another alternative is to allow users to access a 'stale'
+ version of the view index, rather than forcing the index to be
+ updated and displaying the updated results. Using a stale view
+ may not return the latest information, but will return the
+ results of the view query using an existing version of the
+ index.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to access the existing stale view
+ <literal>by_recipe</literal> in the <literal>recipes</literal>
+ design document:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Accessing a stale view:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Does not trigger a rebuild of the view indexes, even if
+ there have been changes since the last access.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Returns the current version of the view index, if a current
+ version exists.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Returns an empty result set if the given view index does
+ exist.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ As an alternative, you use the <literal>update_after</literal>
+ value to the <option>stale</option> paramater. This causes the
+ view to be returned as a stale view, but for the update process
+ to be triggered after the view information has been returned to
+ the client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In addition to using stale views, you can also make use of the
+ <literal>update_seq</literal> query argument. Using this query
+ argument generates the view information including the update
+ sequence of the database from which the view was generated. The
+ returned value can be compared this to the current update
+ sequence exposed in the database information (returned by
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/>).
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-sorting">
+ <title>Sorting Returned Rows</title>
+ <para>
+ Each element within the returned array is sorted using native
+ UTF-8 sorting according to the contents of the key portion of
+ the emitted content. The basic order of output is as follows:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>null</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>false</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>true</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Numbers
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Text (case sensitive, lowercase first)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Arrays (according to the values of each element, in order)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Objects (according to the values of keys, in key order)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+<!-- TODO: Point to the view definition docs for information on the collation
+ specification -->
+ <para>
+ You can reverse the order of the returned view information by
+ using the <literal>descending</literal> query value set to true.
+ For example, Retrieving the list of recipes using the
+ <literal>by_title</literal> (limited to 5 records) view:
+ </para>
+ "offset" : 0,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "id" : "3-tiersalmonspinachandavocadoterrine",
+ "key" : "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
+ "key" : "Aberffraw cake",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aberffraw cake"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+ "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+ "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
+ "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Alabama peanut chicken"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 2667
+ <para>
+ Requesting the same in descending order will reverse the entire
+ view content. For example the request
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=5&amp;descending=true
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the last 5 records from the view:
+ </para>
+ "offset" : 0,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "id" : "Zucchiniinagrodolcesweet-sourcourgettes",
+ "key" : "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zingylemontart",
+ "key" : "Zingy lemon tart",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zingy lemon tart"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zestyseafoodavocado",
+ "key" : "Zesty seafood avocado",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zesty seafood avocado"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zabaglione",
+ "key" : "Zabaglione",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zabaglione"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Yogurtraita",
+ "key" : "Yogurt raita",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Yogurt raita"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 2667
+ <para>
+ The sorting direction is applied before the filtering applied
+ using the <literal>startkey</literal> and
+ <literal>endkey</literal> query arguments. For example the
+ following query:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?startkey=%22carrots%22&amp;endkey=%22egg%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ Will operate correctly when listing all the matching entries
+ between <quote>carrots</quote> and <literal>egg</literal>. If
+ the order of output is reversed with the
+ <literal>descending</literal> query argument, the view request
+ will return no entries:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&amp;startkey=%22carrots%22&amp;endkey=%22egg%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned result is empty:
+ </para>
+ "total_rows" : 26453,
+ "rows" : [],
+ "offset" : 21882
+ <para>
+ The results will be empty because the entries in the view are
+ reversed before the key filter is applied, and therefore the
+ <literal>endkey</literal> of <quote>egg</quote> will be seen
+ before the <literal>startkey</literal> of
+ <quote>carrots</quote>, resulting in an empty list.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Instead, you should reverse the values supplied to the
+ <literal>startkey</literal> and <literal>endkey</literal>
+ parameters to match the descending sorting applied to the keys.
+ Changing the previous example to:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&amp;startkey=%22egg%22&amp;endkey=%22carrots%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-ranges">
+ <title>Specifying Start and End Values</title>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>startkey</literal> and <literal>endkey</literal>
+ query arguments can be used to specify the range of values to be
+ displayed when querying the view.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The values
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-limit">
+ <title>Using Limits and Skipping Rows</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-reduction">
+ <title>View Reduction and Grouping</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-view-viewname"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Executes the specified <literal>view-name</literal> from the
+ specified <literal>design-doc</literal> design document. Unlike
+ the <literal>GET</literal> method for accessing views, the
+ <literal>POST</literal> method supports the specification of
+ explicit keys to be retrieved from the view results. The remainder
+ of the <literal>POST</literal> view functionality is identical to
+ the
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get"/>
+ fun
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the request below will return all the recipes where
+ the key for the view matches either <quote>claret</quote> or
+ <quote>clear apple cider</quote> :
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "keys" : [
+ "claret",
+ "clear apple juice"
+ ]
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned view data contains the standard view information, but
+ only where the keys match.
+ </para>
+ "total_rows" : 26484,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : [
+ "Scotch collops"
+ ],
+ "id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "key" : "claret"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : [
+ "Stand pie"
+ ],
+ "id" : "Standpie",
+ "key" : "clear apple juice"
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 6324
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post-multidoc">
+ <title>Multi-document Fetching</title>
+ <para>
+ By combining the <literal>POST</literal> method to a given view
+ with the <literal>include_docs=true</literal> query argument you
+ can obtain multiple documents from a database. The result is
+ more efficient than using multiple
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, sending the following request for ingredients
+ matching <quote>claret</quote> and <quote>clear apple
+ juice</quote>:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?include_docs=true
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "keys" : [
+ "claret",
+ "clear apple juice"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ Returns the full document for each recipe:
+ </para>
+ "offset" : 6324,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "doc" : {
+ "_id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "_rev" : "1-bcbdf724f8544c89697a1cbc4b9f0178",
+ "cooktime" : "8",
+ "ingredients" : [
+ {
+ "ingredient" : "onion",
+ "ingredtext" : "onion, peeled and chopped",
+ "meastext" : "1"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "keywords" : [
+ "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob",
+ "diet@wheat-free",
+ "diet@peanut-free",
+ "special collections@classic recipe",
+ "cuisine@british traditional",
+ "diet@corn-free",
+ "diet@citrus-free",
+ "special collections@very easy",
+ "diet@shellfish-free",
+ "main ingredient@meat",
+ "occasion@christmas",
+ "meal type@main",
+ "diet@egg-free",
+ "diet@gluten-free"
+ ],
+ "preptime" : "10",
+ "servings" : "4",
+ "subtitle" : "This recipe comes from an old recipe book of 1683 called 'The Gentlewoman's Kitchen'. This is an excellent way of making a rich and full-flavoured meat dish in a very short time.",
+ "title" : "Scotch collops",
+ "totaltime" : "18"
+ },
+ "id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "key" : "claret",
+ "value" : [
+ "Scotch collops"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "doc" : {
+ "_id" : "Standpie",
+ "_rev" : "1-bff6edf3ca2474a243023f2dad432a5a",
+ "cooktime" : "92",
+ "ingredients" : [
+... ],
+ "keywords" : [
+ "diet@dairy-free",
+ "diet@peanut-free",
+ "special collections@classic recipe",
+ "cuisine@british traditional",
+ "diet@corn-free",
+ "diet@citrus-free",
+ "occasion@buffet party",
+ "diet@shellfish-free",
+ "occasion@picnic",
+ "special collections@lunchbox",
+ "main ingredient@meat",
+ "convenience@serve with salad for complete meal",
+ "meal type@main",
+ "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob / oven",
+ "diet@cow dairy-free"
+ ],
+ "preptime" : "30",
+ "servings" : "6",
+ "subtitle" : "Serve this pie with pickled vegetables and potato salad.",
+ "title" : "Stand pie",
+ "totaltime" : "437"
+ },
+ "id" : "Standpie",
+ "key" : "clear apple juice",
+ "value" : [
+ "Stand pie"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 26484
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname_get">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-show-showname"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para></para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname-doc_get">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-show-showname-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para></para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal>GET
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal>POST
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename-doc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename/doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid"
+ condition="db-design-designdoc-update-updatename-doc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid"
+ condition="db-design-designdoc-update-updatename"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-rewrite-rewritename-anything">
+ <title><literal>ALL
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-design-designdoc-rewrite-rewritename-anything"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="ALL"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-introduction.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-introduction.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..714e5b0bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-introduction.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- -*- docbook-xml -*- -->
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-basics">
+ <title>CouchDB API</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API is the primary method of interfacing to a CouchDB
+ instance. Requests are made using HTTP and requests are used to
+ request information from the database, store new data, and perform
+ views and formatting of the information stored within the documents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Requests to the API can be categorised by the different areas of the
+ CouchDB system that you are accessing, and the HTTP method used to
+ send the request. Different methods imply different operations, for
+ example retrieval of information from the database is typically
+ handled by the <literal>GET</literal> operation, while updates are
+ handled by either a <literal>POST</literal> or
+ <literal>PUT</literal> request. There are some differences between
+ the information that must be supplied for the different methods. For
+ a guide to the basic HTTP methods and request structure, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-requests"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For nearly all operations, the submitted data, and the returned data
+ structure, is defined within a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
+ object. Basic information on the content and data types for JSON are
+ provided in <xref linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Errors when accessing the CouchDB API are reported using standard
+ HTTP Status Codes. A guide to the generic codes returned by CouchDB
+ are provided in
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-returncodes"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When accessing specific areas of the CouchDB API, specific
+ information and examples on the HTTP methods and request, JSON
+ structures, and error codes are provided. For a guide to the
+ different areas of the API, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-overview"/>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-requests">
+ <title>Request Format and Responses</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB supports the following HTTP request methods:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>GET</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request the specified item. As with normal HTTP requests, the
+ format of the URL defines what is returned. With CouchDB this
+ can include static items, database documents, and
+ configuration and statistical information. In most cases the
+ information is returned in the form of a JSON document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>HEAD</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>HEAD</literal> method is used to get the HTTP
+ header of a <literal>GET</literal> request without the body of
+ the response.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>POST</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Upload data. Within CouchDB <literal>POST</literal> is used to
+ set values, including uploading documents, setting document
+ values, and starting certain administration commands.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>PUT</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Used to put a specified resource. In CouchDB
+ <literal>PUT</literal> is used to create new objects,
+ including databases, documents, views and design documents.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>DELETE</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified resource, including documents, views,
+ and design documents.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>COPY</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A special method that can be used to copy documents and
+ objects.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ If you use the an unsupported HTTP request type with a URL that
+ does not support the specified type, a 405 error will be returned,
+ listing the supported HTTP methods. For example:
+ </para>
+ "error":"method_not_allowed",
+ "reason":"Only GET,HEAD allowed"
+ </programlisting>
+<!-- TODO: Link should be updated when we look at HTML return object -->
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB design document API and the functions when returning
+ HTML (for example as part of a show or list) enables you to
+ include custom HTTP headers through the <literal>headers</literal>
+ block of the return object. For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-request-header">
+ <title>HTTP Headers</title>
+ <para>
+ Because CouchDB uses HTTP for all communication, you need to
+ ensure that the correct HTTP headers are supplied (and processed
+ on retrieval) so that you get the right format and encoding.
+ Different environments and clients will be more or less strict on
+ the effect of these HTTP headers (especially when not present).
+ Where possible you should be as specific as possible.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-request-header-request">
+ <title>Request Headers</title>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Content-type</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Specifies the content type of the information being supplied
+ within the request. The specification uses MIME type
+ specifications. For the majority of requests this will be
+ JSON (<literal>application/json</literal>). For some
+ settings the MIME type will be plain text. When uploading
+ attachments it should be the corresponding MIME type for the
+ attachment or binary
+ (<literal>application/octet-stream</literal>).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The use of the <literal>Content-type</literal> on a request
+ is highly recommended.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Accept</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Specifies the list of accepted data types to be returned by
+ the server (i.e. that are accepted/understandable by the
+ client). The format should be a list of one or more MIME
+ types, separated by colons.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For the majority of requests the definition should be for
+ JSON data (<literal>application/json</literal>). For
+ attachments you can either specify the MIME type explicitly,
+ or use <literal>*/*</literal> to specify that all file types
+ are supported. If the <literal>Accept</literal> header is
+ not supplied, then the <literal>*/*</literal> MIME type is
+ assumed (i.e. client accepts all formats).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The use of <literal>Accept</literal> in queries for CouchDB
+ is not required, but is highly recommended as it helps to
+ ensure that the data returned can be processed by the
+ client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you specify a data type using the
+ <literal>Accept</literal> header, CouchDB will honor the
+ specified type in the <literal>Content-type</literal> header
+ field returned. For example, if you explicitly request
+ <literal>application/json</literal> in the
+ <literal>Accept</literal> of a request, the returned HTTP
+ headers will use the value in the returned
+ <literal>Content-type</literal> field.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, when sending a request without an explicit
+ <literal>Accept</literal> header, or when specifying
+ <literal>*/*</literal>:
+ </para>
+GET /recipes HTTP/1.1
+Host: couchdb:5984
+Accept: */*
+ <para>
+ The returned headers are:
+ </para>
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 13:39:34 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 227
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+ <para>
+ Note that the returned content type is
+ <literal>text/plain</literal> even though the information
+ returned by the request is in JSON format.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Explicitly specifying the <literal>Accept</literal> header:
+ </para>
+GET /recipes HTTP/1.1
+Host: couchdb:5984
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The headers returned include the
+ <literal>application/json</literal> content type:
+ </para>
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 13:40:11 GMT
+Content-Type: application/json
+Content-Length: 227
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-request-header-response">
+ <title>Response Headers</title>
+ <para>
+ Response headers are returned by the server when sending back
+ content and include a number of different header fields, many of
+ which are standard HTTP response header and have no significance
+ to CouchDB operation. The list of response headers important to
+ CouchDB are listed below.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Content-type</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Specifies the MIME type of the returned data. For most
+ request, the returned MIME type is
+ <literal>text/plain</literal>. All text is encoded in
+ Unicode (UTF-8), and this is explicitly stated in the
+ returned <literal>Content-type</literal>, as
+ <literal>text/plain;charset=utf-8</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Cache-control</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The cache control HTTP response header provides a suggestion
+ for client caching mechanisms on how to treat the returned
+ information. CouchDB typically returns the
+ <literal>must-revalidate</literal>, which indicates that the
+ information should be revalidated if possible. This is used
+ to ensure that the dynamic nature of the content is
+ correctly updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Content-length</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The length (in bytes) of the returned content.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Etag</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>Etag</literal> HTTP header field is used to
+ show the revision for a document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-json">
+ <title>JSON Basics</title>
+ <para>
+ The majority of requests and responses to CouchDB use the
+ JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) for formatting the content and
+ structure of the data and responses.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ JSON is used because it is the simplest and easiest to use
+ solution for working with data within a web browser, as JSON
+ structures can be evaluated and used as JavaScript objects within
+ the web browser environment. JSON also integrates with the
+ server-side JavaScript used within CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ JSON supports the same basic types as supported by JavaScript,
+ these are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Number (either integer or floating-point).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ String; this should be enclosed by double-quotes and supports
+ Unicode characters and backslash escaping. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>"A String"</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Boolean - a <literal>true</literal> or
+ <literal>false</literal> value. You can use these strings
+ directly. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>{ "value": true}</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Array - a list of values enclosed in square brackets. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>["one", "two", "three"]</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Object - a set of key/value pairs (i.e. an associative array,
+ or hash). The key must be a string, but the value can be any
+ of the supported JSON values. For example:
+ </para>
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Easy to make in advance, and then cook when ready",
+ "cooktime" : 60,
+ "title" : "Chicken Coriander"
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB, the JSON object is used to represent a variety of
+ structures, including the main CouchDB document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Parsing JSON into a JavaScript object is supported through the
+ <literal>eval()</literal> function in JavaScript, or through
+ various libraries that will perform the parsing of the content
+ into a JavaScript object for you. Libraries for parsing and
+ generating JSON are available in many languages, including Perl,
+ Python, Ruby, Erlang and others.
+ </para>
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ Care should be taken to ensure that your JSON structures are
+ valid, invalid structures will cause CouchDB to return an HTTP
+ status code of 500 (server error). See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-500"/>
+ .
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncodes">
+ <title>HTTP Status Codes</title>
+ <para>
+ With the interface to CouchDB working through HTTP, error codes
+ and statuses are reported using a combination of the HTTP status
+ code number, and corresponding data in the body of the response
+ data.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the error codes returned by CouchDB, and generic
+ descriptions of the related errors are provided below. The meaning
+ of different status codes for specific request types are provided
+ in the corresponding API call reference.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-200">
+ <literal>200 - OK</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-201">
+ <literal>201 - Created</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Document created successfully.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-202">
+ <literal>202 - Accepted</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request has been accepted, but the corresponding operation may
+ not have completed. This is used for background operations,
+ such as database compaction.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-304">
+ <literal>304 - Not Modified</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The additional content requested has not been modified. This
+ is used with the ETag system to identify the version of
+ information returned.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-400">
+ <literal>400 - Bad Request</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Bad request structure. The error can indicate an error with
+ the request URL, path or headers. Differences in the supplied
+ MD5 hash and content also trigger this error, as this may
+ indicate message corruption.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-401">
+ <literal>401 - Unauthorized</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The item requested was not available using the supplied
+ authorization, or authorization was not supplied.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-403">
+ <literal>403 - Forbidden</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The requested item or operation is forbidden.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-404">
+ <literal>404 - Not Found</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The requested content could not be found. The content will
+ include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ The structure will contain two keys, <literal>error</literal>
+ and <literal>reason</literal>. For example:
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-405">
+ <literal>405 - Resource Not Allowed</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A request was made using an invalid HTTP request type for the
+ URL requested. For example, you have requested a
+ <literal>PUT</literal> when a <literal>POST</literal> is
+ required. Errors of this type can also triggered by invalid
+ URL strings.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-406">
+ <literal>406 - Not Acceptable</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The requested content type is not supported by the server.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-409">
+ <literal>409 - Conflict</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request resulted in an update conflict.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-412">
+ <literal>412 - Precondition Failed</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The request headers from the client and the capabilities of
+ the server do not match.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-415">
+ <literal>415 - Bad Content Type</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The content types supported, and the content type of the
+ information being requested or submitted indicate that the
+ content type is not supported.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-416">
+ <literal>416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The range specified in the request header cannot be satisfied
+ by the server.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-417">
+ <literal>417 - Expectation Failed</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When sending documents in bulk, the bulk load operation
+ failed.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-500" xreflabel="HTTP
+ Status Code 500">
+ <literal>500 - Internal Server Error</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The request was invalid, either because the supplied JSON was
+ invalid, or invalid information was supplied as part of the
+ request.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-overview">
+ <title>CouchDB API Overview</title>
+ <para>
+ The components of the API URL path help determine the part of the
+ CouchDB server that is being accessed. The result is the structure
+ of the URL request both identifies and effectively describes the
+ area of the database you are accessing.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As with all URLs, the individual components are separated by a
+ forward slash.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As a general rule, URL components and JSON fields starting with
+ the <literal>_</literal> (underscore) character represent a
+ special component or entity within the server or returned object.
+ For example, the URL fragment <literal>/_all_dbs</literal> gets a
+ list of all of the databases in a CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The remainder of the URL API structure can be divided up according
+ to the URL structure. The different sections are divided as
+ follows:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>/db</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Database methods, related to adding, updating or deleting
+ databases, and setting database parameters and operations. For
+ more detailed information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db"/> .
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>/db/doc</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Document methods, those that create, store, update or delete
+ CouchDB documents and their attachments. For more information,
+ see <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>/db/_local/local-doc</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Document methods, those that create, store, update or delete
+ CouchDB documents only within the local database. Local
+ documents are not synchronized with other databases. For more
+ information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-localdb"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>/db/_design/design-doc</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Design documents provide the methods and structure for
+ recovering information from a CouchDB database in the form of
+ views, shows and lists. For more information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-design"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>/_special</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Special methods that obtain or set information about the
+ CouchDB instance, including methods for configuring
+ replication, accessing the logs, and generate Universally
+ Unique IDs (UUIDs). For more information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-misc"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>/_config</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Methods for getting, and settings, CouchDB configuration
+ parameters. For more information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-misc"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ Databases and Documents
+ To see a listing of databases:
+ /_all_dbs
+ To see some basic information about a database:
+ /dbname/
+ To see all a listing of the data documents in a database:
+ /dbname/_all_docs
+ To see a document:
+ /dbname/docid
+ To download a file attachment:
+ /dbname/docid/filename
+ Design Documents and Views
+ To see a design document:
+ /dbname/_design/designdocname
+ To query a view.
+ /dbname/_design/designdocname/_view/viewname?query
+ NOTE: Apparently the structure depends on the version #. In 0.8.1 the above doesn't work, but the below works: - JohnWarden
+ /dbname/_view/designdocname/viewname?query
+ To query a temporary ("slow") view (with the custom view function in the body of the request):
+ /dbname/_temp_view?query
+ Formatting
+ To format a document through a "show" template:
+ /dbname/_design/designdocname/_show/showname/docid
+ To format a view through a "list" template:
+ /dbname/_design/designdocname/_list/listname/viewname?query
+ -->
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-json-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-json-metasrc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f8d86e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-json-metasrc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE appendix PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<appendix id="couchdb-api-json">
+ <title>JSON Structure Reference</title>
+ <para>
+ The following appendix provides a quick reference to all the JSON
+ structures that you can supply to CouchDB, or get in return to
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-json-summary">
+ <remark role="title">JSON Structures</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="table-couchdb-api-json"/>
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="alltables"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="table-couchdb-api-json"/>
+ </para>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-localdb-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-localdb-metasrc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bbd0f016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-localdb-metasrc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-localdb">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Local (non-replicating) Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The Local (non-replicating) document interface allows you to create
+ local documents that are not replicated to other databases. These
+ documents can be used to hold configuration or other information
+ that is required specifically on the local CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Local documents have the following limitations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Local documents are not replicated to other databases.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The ID of the local document must be known for the document to
+ accessed. You cannot obtain a list of local documents from the
+ database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Local documents are not output by views, or the
+ <literal>_all_docs</literal> view.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Local documents can be used when you want to store configuration or
+ other information for the curent (local) instance of a given
+ database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-localdb-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Local (non-replicating) Document API
+ Calls</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="filter_class" condition="localdb"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-api-localdb"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-local-localdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Gets the specified local document. The semantics are identical to
+ accessing a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-local-localdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="PUT"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Stores the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to storing a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-local-localdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="DELETE"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to deleting a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_copy">
+ <title><literal>COPY /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="db-local-localdoc"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="COPY"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Copies the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to copying a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-misc-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-misc-metasrc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..200749fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-api-misc-metasrc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1357 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-misc">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Miscellaneous Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB Miscellaneous interface provides the basic interface to
+ a CouchDB server for obtaining CouchDB information and getting and
+ setting configuration information.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-misc-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Miscellaneous API Calls</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="summarytable"/>
+ <remark role="filter_class" condition="misc"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-api-misc"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_root_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="root"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information
+ about the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing
+ information about the server, including a welcome message and the
+ version of the server.
+ </para>
+ "couchdb" : "Welcome",
+ "version" : "1.0.1"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_active_tasks</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="active-tasks"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can obtain a list of active tasks by using the
+ <literal>/_active_tasks</literal> URL. The result is a JSON array
+ of the currently running tasks, with each task being described
+ with a single object. For example:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "pid" : "<0.11599.0>",
+ "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)",
+ "task" : "recipes",
+ "type" : "Database Compaction"
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned structure includes the following fields for each
+ task:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-misc-active-tasks-json">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="activetasks"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For operation type, valid values include:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Database Compaction</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Replication</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>View Group Compaction</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>View Group Indexer</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_all-dbs_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_all_dbs</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="all-dbs"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_all_dbs
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The return is a JSON array:
+ </para>
+ "_users",
+ "contacts",
+ "docs",
+ "invoices",
+ "locations"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_log_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_log</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="log"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Gets the CouchDB log, equivalent to accessing the local log file
+ of the corresponding CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When you request the log, the response is returned as plain
+ (UTF-8) text, with an HTTP <literal>Content-type</literal> header
+ as <literal>text/plain</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the request:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_log
+Accept: */*
+ <para>
+ The raw text is returned:
+ </para>
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 10:49:42 GMT] [info] [<0.23338.2>] - - 'PUT' /authdb 401
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /recipes/FishStew 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /_session 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.24199.2>] - - 'GET' / 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:03:38 GMT] [info] [<0.24207.2>] - - 'GET' /_log?offset=5 200
+ <para>
+ If you want to pick out specific parts of the log information you
+ can use the <literal>bytes</literal> argument, which specifies the
+ number of bytes to be returned, and <literal>offset</literal>,
+ which specifies where the reading of the log should start, counted
+ back from the end. For example, if you use the following request:
+ </para>
+GET /_log?bytes=500&amp;offset=2000
+ <para>
+ Reading of the log will start at 2000 bytes from the end of the
+ log, and 500 bytes will be shown.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /_replicate</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="replicate"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The specification of the replication request is controlled through
+ the JSON content of the request. The JSON should be an object with
+ the fields defining the source, target and other options. The
+ fields of the JSON request are shown in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-misc-json-replication">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="replication"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-operation">
+ <title>Replication Operation</title>
+ <para>
+ The aim of the replication is that at the end of the process,
+ all active documents on the source database are also in the
+ destination database and all documents that were deleted in the
+ source databases are also deleted (if they exist) on the
+ destination database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Replication can be described as either push or pull replication:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>Pull replication</emphasis> is where the
+ <literal>source</literal> is the remote CouchDB instance,
+ and the <literal>destination</literal> is the local
+ database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Pull replication is the most useful solution to use if your
+ source database has a permanent IP address, and your
+ destination (local) database may have a dynamically assigned
+ IP address (for example, through DHCP). This is particularly
+ important if you are replicating to a mobile or other device
+ from a central server.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>Push replication</emphasis> is where the
+ <literal>source</literal> is a local database, and
+ <literal>destination</literal> is a remote database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-sourcetarget">
+ <title>Specifying the Source and Target Database</title>
+ <para>
+ You must use the URL specification of the CouchDB database if
+ you want to perform replication in either of the following two
+ situations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replication with a remote database (i.e. another instance of
+ CouchDB on the same host, or a different host)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replication with a database that requires authentication
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ For example, to request replication between a database local to
+ the CouchDB instance to which you send the request, and a remote
+ database you might use the following request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://coucdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ In all cases, the requested databases in the
+ <literal>source</literal> and <literal>target</literal>
+ specification must exist. If they do not, an error will be
+ returned within the JSON object:
+ </para>
+ "error" : "db_not_found"
+ "reason" : "could not open http://couchdb-remote:5984/ol1ka/",
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ You can create the target database (providing your user
+ credentials allow it) by adding the
+ <literal>create_target</literal> field to the request object:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "create_target" : true
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ The <literal>create_target</literal> field is not destructive.
+ If the database already exists, the replication proceeds as
+ normal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-single">
+ <title>Single Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ You can request replication of a database so that the two
+ databases can be synchronized. By default, the replication
+ process occurs one time and synchronizes the two databases
+ together. For example, you can request a single synchronization
+ between two databases by supplying the <literal>source</literal>
+ and <literal>target</literal> fields within the request JSON
+ content.
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "recipes-snapshot",
+ <para>
+ In the above example, the databases <literal>recipes</literal>
+ and <literal>recipes-snapshot</literal> will be synchronized.
+ These databases are local to the CouchDB instance where the
+ request was made. The response will be a JSON structure
+ containing the success (or failure) of the synchronization
+ process, and statistics about the process:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true,
+ "history" : [
+ {
+ "docs_read" : 1000,
+ "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+ "recorded_seq" : 1000,
+ "end_last_seq" : 1000,
+ "doc_write_failures" : 0,
+ "start_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:13 GMT",
+ "start_last_seq" : 0,
+ "end_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:14 GMT",
+ "missing_checked" : 0,
+ "docs_written" : 1000,
+ "missing_found" : 1000
+ }
+ ],
+ "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+ "source_last_seq" : 1000
+ <para>
+ The structure defines the replication status, as described in
+ the table below:
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-api-misc-json-replication-status">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="replication-status"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-continuous">
+ <title>Continuous Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ Synchronization of a database with the previously noted methods
+ happens only once, at the time the replicate request is made. To
+ have the target database permanently replicated from the source,
+ you must set the <literal>continuous</literal> field of the JSON
+ object within the request to true.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With continuous replication changes in the source database are
+ replicated to the target database in perpetuity until you
+ specifically request that replication ceases.
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "continuous" : true
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ Changes will be replicated between the two databases as long as
+ a network connection is available between the two instances.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Two keep two databases synchronized with each other, you need
+ to set replication in both directions; that is, you must
+ replicate from <literal>databasea</literal> to
+ <literal>databaseb</literal>, and separately from
+ <literal>databaseb</literal> to <literal>databasea</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-cancel">
+ <title>Canceling Continuous Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ You can cancel continuous replication by adding the
+ <literal>cancel</literal> field to the JSON request object and
+ setting the value to true. Note that the structure of the
+ request must be identical to the original for the cancelation
+ request to be honoured. For example, if you requested continuous
+ replication, the cancellation request must also contain the
+ <literal>continuous</literal> field.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the replication request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ "create_target" : true,
+ "continuous" : true
+ <para>
+ Must be canceled using the request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "cancel" : true,
+ "continuous" : true
+ "create_target" : true,
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ Requesting cancellation of a replication that does not exist
+ results in a 404 error.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_restart_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /_restart</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="restart"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="POST"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Restarts the CouchDB instance. You must be authenticated as a user
+ with administration privileges for this to work.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+POST http://admin:password@couchdb:5984/_restart
+ <para>
+ The return value (if the server has not already restarted) is a
+ JSON status object indicating that the request has been received:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true,
+ <para>
+ If the server has already restarted, the header may be returned,
+ but no actual data is contained in the response.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_stats_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_stats</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="stats"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_stats</literal> method returns a JSON object
+ containting the statistics for the running server. The object is
+ structured with top-level sections collating the statistics for a
+ range of entries, with each individual statistic being easily
+ identified, and the content of each statistic is self-describing.
+ For example, the request time statistics, within the
+ <literal>couchdb</literal> section are structured as follows:
+ </para>
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "request_time" : {
+ "stddev" : "27.509",
+ "min" : "0.333333333333333",
+ "max" : "152",
+ "current" : "400.976",
+ "mean" : "10.837",
+ "sum" : "400.976",
+ "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+ },
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The fields provide the current, minimum and maximum, and a
+ collection of statistical means and quantities. The quantity in
+ each case is not defined, but the descriptions below provide
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The statistics are divided into the following top-level sections:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>couchdb</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Describes statistics specific to the internals of CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>couchdb</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>auth_cache_hits</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of authentication cache hits
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>auth_cache_misses</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of authentication cache misses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>database_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of times a document was read from a database
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>database_writes</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of times a database was changed
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>open_databases</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of open databases
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>open_os_files</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of file descriptors CouchDB has open
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>request_time</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ milliseconds
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>httpd_request_methods</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>httpd_request_methods</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>COPY</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP COPY requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>DELETE</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP DELETE requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>GET</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP GET requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>HEAD</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP HEAD requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>POST</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP POST requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>PUT</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP PUT requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>httpd_status_codes</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>httpd_status_codes</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>200</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 200 OK responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>201</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 201 Created responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>202</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>301</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>304</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>400</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>401</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>403</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>404</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>405</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>409</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>412</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>500</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>httpd</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>httpd</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>bulk_requests</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of bulk requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>clients_requesting_changes</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of clients for continuous _changes
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>requests</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>temporary_view_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of temporary view reads
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>view_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of view reads
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ You can also access individual statistics by quoting the
+ statistics sections and statistic ID as part of the URL path. For
+ example, to get the <literal>request_time</literal> statistics,
+ you can use:
+ </para>
+GET /_stats/couchdb/request_time
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This returns an entire statistics object, as with the full
+ request, but containining only the request individual statistic.
+ Hence, the returned structure is as follows:
+ </para>
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "request_time" : {
+ "stddev" : 7454.305,
+ "min" : 1,
+ "max" : 34185,
+ "current" : 34697.803,
+ "mean" : 1652.276,
+ "sum" : 34697.803,
+ "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+ }
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_utils_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_utils</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="utils"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Accesses the built-in Futon administration interface for CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_uuids_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_uuids</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="uuids"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Requests one or more Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) from
+ the CouchDB instance. The response is a JSON object providing a
+ list of UUIDs. For example:
+ </para>
+ "uuids" : [
+ "7e4b5a14b22ec1cf8e58b9cdd0000da3"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ You can use the <literal>count</literal> argument to specify the
+ number of UUIDs to be returned. For example:
+ </para>
+ GET http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5
+ <para>
+ Returns:
+ </para>
+ "uuids" : [
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405a80",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405bd2",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405e42",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b4061a0",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b406a20"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The UUID type is determined by the UUID type setting in the
+ CouchDB configuration. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, changing the UUID type to <literal>random</literal>:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: */*
+ <para>
+ When obtaining a list of UUIDs:
+ </para>
+ "uuids" : [
+ "031aad7b469956cf2826fcb2a9260492",
+ "6ec875e15e6b385120938df18ee8e496",
+ "cff9e881516483911aa2f0e98949092d",
+ "b89d37509d39dd712546f9510d4a9271",
+ "2e0dbf7f6c4ad716f21938a016e4e59f"
+ ]
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_favicon_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /favicon.ico</literal></title>
+ <para role="meta">
+ <remark role="type" condition="urlapi"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="accesstable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="favicon"/>
+ <remark role="method" condition="GET"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Returns the site icon. The return <literal>Content-type</literal>
+ header is <literal>image/x-icon</literal>, and the content stream
+ is the image data.
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-changes-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-changes-metasrc.xml
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index 000000000..338748600
--- /dev/null
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-single-changes">
+ <title>Changes Feed</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-changes-json-changes">
+ <remark role="type" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="json"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="itemtable"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="changes"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="inherit"/>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-changes-poll">
+ <title>Polling</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-changes-longpoll">
+ <title>Long Polling</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-changes-continuous">
+ <title>Continuous</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-changes-filters">
+ <title>Filters</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-config-options-metasrc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-config-options-metasrc.xml
new file mode 100644
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<section id="couchdb-single-config-options">
+ <title>CouchDB Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="classsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="config-couchdb-options"/>-->
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_attachments">
+ <title><literal>attachments</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-attachments-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="attachments"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_attachments"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_couchdb">
+ <title><literal>couchdb</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-couchdb-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="couchdb"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_couchdb"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_daemons">
+ <title><literal>daemons</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-daemons-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="daemons"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_daemons"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_db_handlers">
+ <title><literal>httpd_db_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_db_handlers-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="httpd_db_handlers"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_db_handlers"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_couch_httpd_auth">
+ <title><literal>couch_httpd_auth</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-couch_httpd_auth-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="couch_httpd_auth"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_couch_httpd_auth"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd">
+ <title><literal>httpd</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="httpd"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_design_handlers">
+ <title><literal>httpd_design_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_design_handlers-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="httpd_design_handlers"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_design_handlers"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_global_handlers">
+ <title><literal>httpd_global_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_global_handlers-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="httpd_global_handlers"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_global_handlers"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_log">
+ <title><literal>log</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-log-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="log"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_log"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_query_servers">
+ <title><literal>query_servers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-query_servers-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="query_servers"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_query_servers"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_query_server_config">
+ <title><literal>query_server_config</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-query_server_config-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="query_server_config"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_query_server_config"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_replicator">
+ <title><literal>replicator</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-replicator-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="replicator"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_replicator"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_stats">
+ <title><literal>stats</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-stats-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="stats"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_stats"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_uuids">
+ <title><literal>uuids</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <para role="meta" id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-uuids-summary">
+ <remark role="title">Configuration Groups</remark>
+ <remark role="type" condition="config"/>
+ <remark role="src" condition="couchdb"/>
+ <remark role="output" condition="optionsummarytable"/>
+ <remark role="version" condition="1.0"/>
+ <remark role="itemid" condition="uuids"/>
+<!-- <remark role="idprefix" condition="couchdb-single-config-options_uuids"/> -->
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-configuration.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-configuration.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef1fd2b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-configuration.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ ''>
+<chapter id="couchdb-single-configuration">
+ <title>Configuring CouchDB</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-files">
+ <title>CouchDB Configuration Files</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-files-locations">
+ <title>Configuration File Locations</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB reads files from the following locations, in the following
+ order.
+ </para>
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename>PREFIX/default.ini</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename>PREFIX/default.d/*</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename>PREFIX/local.ini</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename>PREFIX/local.d/*</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ <para>
+ Settings in successive documents override the settings in earlier
+ entries. For example, setting the <literal>bind_address</literal>
+ parameter in <filename>local.ini</filename> would override any
+ setting in <literal>default.ini</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ The <filename>default.ini</filename> file may be overwritten
+ during an upgrade or re-installation, so localised changes
+ should be made to the <filename>local.ini</filename> file or
+ files within the <filename>local.d</filename> directory.
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-mochiweb">
+ <title>MochiWeb Server Options</title>
+ <para>
+ Server options for the MochiWeb component of CouchDB can be added
+ to the configuration files. Settings should be added to the
+ <literal>server_options</literal> option of the
+ <literal>[httpd]</literal> section of
+ <filename>local.ini</filename>. For example:
+ </para>
+server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-osprocess">
+ <title>OS Daemons</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB now supports starting external processes. The support is
+ simple and enables CouchDB to start each configured OS daemon. If
+ the daemon stops at any point, CouchDB will restart it (with
+ protection to ensure regularly failing daemons are not repeatedly
+ restarted).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The daemon starting process is one-to-one; for each each
+ configured daemon in the configuration file, CouchDB will start
+ exactly one instance. If you need to run multiple instances, then
+ you must create separate individual configurations. Daemons are
+ configured within the <literal>[os_daemons]</literal> section of
+ your configuration file (<filename>local.ini</filename>). The
+ format of each configured daemon is:
+ </para>
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where <literal>NAME</literal> is an arbitrary (and unique) name to
+ identify the daemon; <literal>PATH</literal> is the full path to
+ the daemon to be executed; <literal>ARGS</literal> are any
+ required arguments to the daemon.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+basic_responder = /usr/local/bin/responsder.js
+ <para>
+ There is no interactivity between CouchDB and the running process,
+ but you can use the OS Daemons service to create new HTTP servers
+ and responders and then use the new proxy service to redirect
+ requests and output to the CouchDB managed service. For more
+ information on proxying, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-single-features-proxying"/>. For
+ further background on the OS Daemon service, see
+ <ulink url="">CouchDB
+ Externals API</ulink>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-update_notification">
+ <title>Update Notifications</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-socketoptions">
+ <title>Socket Options Configuration Setting</title>
+ <para>
+ The socket options for the listening socket in CouchDB can now be
+ set within the CouchDB configuration file. The setting should be
+ added to the <literal>[httpd]</literal> section of the file using
+ the option name <literal>socket_options</literal>. The
+ specification is as a list of tuples. For example:
+ </para>
+socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
+ <para>
+ The options supported are a subset of full options supported by
+ the TCP/IP stack. A list of the supported options are provided in
+ the
+ <ulink
+ url="">Erlang
+ inet</ulink> documentation.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-vhost">
+ <title><literal>vhosts</literal> definitions</title>
+ <para>
+ Similar to the rewrites section of a <literal>_design</literal>
+ document, the <literal>vhosts</literal> system uses variables in
+ the form of :varname or wildcards in the form of asterisks. The
+ variable results can be output into the resulting path as they are
+ in the rewriter.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-ssl">
+ <title>Configuring SSL Network Sockets</title>
+ <para>
+ SSL configuration in CouchDB was designed to be as easy as
+ possible. All you need is two files; a certificate and a private
+ key. If you bought an official SSL certificate from a certificate
+ authority, both should be in your possession already.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you just want to try this out and don't want to pay anything
+ upfront, you can create a self-signed certificate. Everything will
+ work the same, but clients will get a warning about an insecure
+ certificate.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You will need the OpenSSL command line tool installed. It probably
+ already is.
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>mkdir cert &amp;&amp; cd cert</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>openssl genrsa > privkey.pem</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out mycert.pem -days 1095</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>ls</userinput>
+mycert.pem privkey.pem
+ <para>
+ Now, you need to edit CouchDB's configuration, either by editing
+ your <filename>local.ini</filename> file or using the
+ <literal>/_config</literal> API calls or the configuration screen
+ in Futon. Here is what you need to do in
+ <filename>local.ini</filename>, you can infer what needs doing in
+ the other places.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Be sure to make these edits. Under <literal>[daemons]</literal>
+ you should see:
+ </para>
+; enable SSL support by uncommenting the following line and supply the PEM's below.
+; the default ssl port CouchDB listens on is 6984
+;httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
+ <para>
+ Here uncomment the last line:
+ </para>
+httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
+ <para>
+ Next, under <literal>[ssl]</literal> you will see:
+ </para>
+;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
+;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
+ <para>
+ Uncomment and adjust the paths so it matches your system's paths:
+ </para>
+cert_file = /home/jan/cert/mycert.pem
+key_file = /home/jan/cert/privkey.pem
+ <para>
+ For more information please read
+ <ulink
+ url=""></ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Now start (or restart) CouchDB. You should be able to connect to
+ it using HTTPS on port 6984:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl</userinput>
+curl: (60) SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
+error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
+More details here:
+curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"
+of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default
+bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file
+using the --cacert option.
+If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in
+the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a
+problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might
+not match the domain name in the URL).
+If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
+the -k (or --insecure) option.
+ <para>
+ Oh no what happened?! — Remember, clients will notify their
+ users that your certificate is self signed.
+ <command>curl</command> is the client in this case and it notifies
+ you. Luckily you trust yourself (don't you?) and you can specify
+ the <option>-k</option> option as the message reads:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -k</userinput>
+ </section>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-config-options.xml"/>
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--- /dev/null
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-single-dbmaint">
+ <title>Database Maintenance</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-single-features">
+ <title>Features and Functionality</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-httprange">
+ <title>HTTP Range Requests</title>
+ <para>
+ HTTP allows you to specify byte ranges for requests. This allows
+ the implementation of resumable downloads and skippable audio and
+ video streams alike. The following example uses a text file to
+ make the range request process easier.
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>cat file.txt</userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!
+ <para>
+ Uploading this as an attachment to a <literal>text</literal>
+ database using <command>curl</command>:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X PUT \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -d@file.txt</userinput>
+ <para>
+ Requesting the whole file works as normal:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET</userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!
+ <para>
+ But to retrieve only the first 13 bytes using
+ <command>curl</command>:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET -H "Range: bytes=0-12"</userinput>
+My hovercraft
+ <para>
+ HTTP supports many ways to specify single and even multiple byte
+ rangers. See
+ <ulink
+ url="">RFC
+ 2616</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Databases that have been created with CouchDB 1.0.2 or earlier
+ will support range requests in 1.1.0, but they are using a
+ less-optimal algorithm. If you plan to make heavy use of this
+ feature, make sure to compact your database with CouchDB 1.1.0
+ to take advantage of a better algorithm to find byte ranges.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-proxying">
+ <title>HTTP Proxying</title>
+ <para>
+ The HTTP proxy feature makes it easy to map and redirect different
+ content through your CouchDB URL. The proxy works by mapping a
+ pathname and passing all content after that prefix through to the
+ configured proxy address.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Configuration of the proxy redirect is handled through the
+ <literal>[httpd_global_handlers]</literal> section of the CouchDB
+ configuration file (typically <filename>local.ini</filename>). The
+ format is:
+ </para>
+PREFIX = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;"DESTINATION"&gt;&gt;}
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>PREFIX</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Is the string that will be matched. The string can be any
+ valid qualifier, although to ensure that existing database
+ names are not overridden by a proxy configuration, you can use
+ an underscore prefix.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>DESTINATION</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The fully-qualified URL to which the request should be sent.
+ The destination must include the <literal>http</literal>
+ prefix. The content is used verbatim in the original request,
+ so you can also forward to servers on different ports and to
+ specific paths on the target host.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ The proxy process then translates requests of the form:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To:
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Everything after <literal>PREFIX</literal> including the
+ required forward slash will be appended to the
+ <literal>DESTINATION</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ The response is then communicated back to the original client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the following configuration:
+ </para>
+_google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}]]>
+ <para>
+ Would forward all requests for
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/_google</literal> to the Google
+ website.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The service can also be used to forward to related CouchDB
+ services, such as Lucene:
+ </para>
+ <![CDATA[
+_fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}]]>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The proxy service is basic. If the request is not identified by
+ the <literal>DESTINATION</literal>, or the remainder of the
+ <literal>PATH</literal> specification is incomplete, the
+ original request URL is interpreted as if the
+ <literal>PREFIX</literal> component of that URL does not exist.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, requesting
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/_intranet/media</literal> when
+ <filename>/media</filename> on the proxy destination does not
+ exist, will cause the request URL to be interpreted as
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/media</literal>. Care should be
+ taken to ensure that both requested URLs and destination URLs
+ are able to cope
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-commonjs">
+ <title>CommonJS support for map functions</title>
+ <para>
+ CommonJS support allows you to use CommonJS notation inside
+ <methodname>map</methodname> and <methodname>reduce</methodname>
+ functions, but only of libraries that are stored inside the views
+ part of the design doc.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ So you could continue to access CommonJS code in,
+ from your list functions etc, but we'd add the ability to require
+ CommonJS modules within map and reduce, but only from
+ <filename>design_doc.views.lib</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ There's no worry here about namespace collisions, as Couch just
+ plucks <literal>views.*.map</literal> and
+ <literal>views.*.reduce</literal> out of the design doc. So you
+ could have a view called <literal>lib</literal> if you wanted, and
+ still have CommonJS stored in <literal>views.lib.sha1</literal>
+ and <literal>views.lib.stemmer</literal> if you wanted.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The implementation is simplified by enforcing that CommonJS
+ modules to be used in <methodname>map</methodname> functions be
+ stored in views.lib.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A sample design doc (taken from the test suite in Futon) is below:
+ </para>
+ "views" : {
+ "lib" : {
+ "baz" : "exports.baz = 'bam';",
+ "foo" : {
+ "zoom" : "exports.zoom = 'yeah';",
+ "boom" : "exports.boom = 'ok';",
+ "foo" : " = 'bar';"
+ }
+ },
+ "commonjs" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { emit(null, require('views/lib/foo/boom').boom)}"
+ }
+ },
+ "_id" : "_design/test"
+ <para>
+ The <literal>require()</literal> statement is relative to the
+ design document, but anything loaded form outside of
+ <literal>views/lib</literal> will fail.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-etag">
+ <title>Granular ETag support</title>
+ <para>
+ ETags have been assigned to a map/reduce group (the collection of
+ views in a single design document). Any change to any of the
+ indexes for those views would generate a new ETag for all view
+ URL's in a single design doc, even if that specific view's results
+ had not changed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB 1.1 each <literal>_view</literal> URL has it's own ETag
+ which only gets updated when changes are made to the database that
+ effect that index. If the index for that specific view does not
+ change, that view keeps the original ETag head (therefore sending
+ back 304 Not Modified more often).
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-introduction.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-introduction.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-single-introduction">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <para>
+ There are two interfaces to CouchDB, the built-in
+ Futon web-based interface and the CouchDB API accessed through the
+ HTTP REST interface. The former is the simplest way to view and
+ monitor your CouchDB installation and perform a
+ number of basic database and system operations. More information on
+ using the Futon interface can be found in
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-futon"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The primary way to interact with the CouchDB API is to use a client
+ library or other interface that provides access to the underlying
+ functionality through your chosen language or platform. However,
+ since the API is supported through HTTP REST, you can interact with
+ your CouchDB with any solution that supports the
+ HTTP protocol.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ There are a number of different tools that talk the HTTP protocol
+ and allow you to set and configure the necessary information. One
+ tool for this that allows for access from the command-line is
+ <command>curl</command>. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-curl"/>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-futon">
+ <title>Using Futon</title>
+ <para>
+ Futon is a native web-based interface built into CouchDB. It provides a basic interface to the majority of the
+ functionality, including the ability to create, update, delete and
+ view documents and views, provides access to the configuration
+ parameters, and an interface for initiating replication.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default view is the <guilabel>Overview</guilabel> page which
+ provides you with a list of the databases. The basic structure of
+ the page is consistent regardless of the section you are in. The
+ main panel on the left provides the main interface to the
+ databases, configuration or replication systems. The side panel on
+ the right provides navigation to the main areas of Futon
+ interface:
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-overview">
+ <title>Futon Overview</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1"
+format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Futon Overview</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ The main sections are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton>Overview</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The main overview page, which provides a list of the databases
+ and provides the interface for querying the database and
+ creating and updating documents. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton>Configuration</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ An interface into the configuration of your CouchDB installation. The interface allows you to edit the
+ different configurable parameters. For more details on
+ configuration, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-single-configuration"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton>Replicator</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ An interface to the replication system, enabling you to
+ initiate replication between local and remote databases. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-replication"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton>Status</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Displays a list of the running background tasks on the server.
+ Background tasks include view index building, compaction and
+ replication. The <guibutton>Status</guibutton> page is an
+ interface to the
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get">Active
+ Tasks</link> API call. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton>Verify Installation</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <guibutton>Verify Installation</guibutton> allows you to
+ check whether all of the components of your CouchDB installation are correctly installed.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton>Test Suite</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <guibutton>Test Suite</guibutton> section allows you to
+ run the built-in test suite. This executes a number of test
+ routines entirely within your browser to test the API and
+ functionality of your CouchDB installation. If
+ you select this page, you can run the tests by using the
+ <guibutton>Run All</guibutton> button. This will execute all
+ the tests, which may take some time.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs">
+ <title>Managing Databases and Documents</title>
+ <para>
+ You can manage databases and documents within Futon using the
+ main <guibutton>Overview</guibutton> section of the Futon
+ interface.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To create a new database, click the <guibutton>Create Database
+ &ellipsis;</guibutton> button. You will be prompted for the
+ database name, as shown in the figure below.
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs-createdb">
+ <title>Creating a Database</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1"
+format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Creating a Database</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ Once you have created the database (or selected an existing
+ one), you will be shown a list of the current documents. If you
+ create a new document, or select an existing document, you will
+ be presented with the edit document display.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Editing documents within Futon requires selecting the document
+ and then editing (and setting) the fields for the document
+ individually before saving the document back into the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the figure below shows the editor for a single
+ document, a newly created document with a single ID, the
+ document <literal>_id</literal> field.
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs-editdoc">
+ <title>Editing a Document</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1"
+format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Editing a Document</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ To add a field to the document:
+ </para>
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Click <guibutton>Add Field</guibutton>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ In the fieldname box, enter the name of the field you want
+ to create. For example, <quote>company</quote>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Click the green tick next to the field name to confirm the
+ field name change.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Double-click the corresponding <guilabel>Value</guilabel>
+ cell.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Enter a company name, for example <quote>Example</quote>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Click the green tick next to the field value to confirm the
+ field value.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The document is still not saved as this point. You must
+ explicitly save the document by clicking the <guibutton>Save
+ Document</guibutton> button at the top of the page. This
+ will save the document, and then display the new document
+ with the saved revision information (the
+ <literal>_rev</literal> field).
+ </para>
+ <figure
+ id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs-finaldoc">
+ <title>Edited Document</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1"
+format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Edited Document</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ <para>
+ The same basic interface is used for all editng operations
+ within Futon. You <emphasis>must</emphasis> rememmbr to save the
+ individual element (fieldname, value) using the green tick
+ button, before then saving the document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-replication">
+ <title>Configuring Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ When you click the <guibutton>Replicator</guibutton> option
+ within the <guilabel>Tools</guilabel> menu you are presented
+ with the Replicator screen. This allows you to start replication
+ between two databases by filling in or select the appropriate
+ options within the form provided.
+ </para>
+ <figure
+ id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-replication-form">
+ <title>Replication Form</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1"
+format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Replication Form</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ To start a replication process, either the select the local
+ database or enter a remote database name into the corresponding
+ areas of the form. Replication occurs from the database on the
+ left to the database on the right.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you are specifying a remote database name, you must specify
+ the full URL of the remote database (including the host, port
+ number and database name). If the remote instance requires
+ authentication, you can specify the username and password as
+ part of the URL, for example
+ <literal>http://username:pass@remotehost:5984/demo</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To enable continuous replication, click the
+ <guilabel>Continuous</guilabel> checkbox.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To start the replication process, click the
+ <guibutton>Replicate</guibutton> button. The replication process
+ should start and will continue in the background. If the
+ replication process will take a long time, you can monitor the
+ status of the replication using the
+ <guibutton>Status</guibutton> option under the
+ <guilabel>Tools</guilabel> menu.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Once replication has been completed, the page will show the
+ information returned when the replication process completes by
+ the API.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <guilabel>Replicator</guilabel> tool is an interface to the
+ underlying replication API. For more information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post"/>.
+ For more information on replication, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-replication"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-curl">
+ <title>Using <command>curl</command></title>
+ <para>
+ The <command>curl</command> utility is a command line tool
+ available on Unix, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows and many other
+ platforms. <command>curl</command> provides easy access to the
+ HTTP protocol (among others) directly from the command-line and is
+ therefore an ideal way of interacting with CouchDB
+ over the HTTP REST API.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For simple <literal>GET</literal> requests you can supply the URL
+ of the request. For example, to get the database information:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl</userinput>
+ <para>
+ This returns the database information (formatted in the output
+ below for clarity):
+ </para>
+ "modules" : {
+ "geocouch" : "7fd793c10f3aa667a1088a937398bc5b51472b7f"
+ },
+ "couchdb" : "Welcome",
+ "version" : "1.1.0",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ For some URLs, especially those that include special characters
+ such as ampersand, exclamation mark, or question mark, you
+ should quote the URL you are specifying on the command line. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl 'http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5'</userinput>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ You can explicitly set the HTTP command using the
+ <option>-X</option> command line option. For example, when
+ creating a database, you set the name of the database in the URL
+ you send using a PUT request:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X PUT</userinput>
+ <para>
+ But to obtain the database information you use a
+ <literal>GET</literal> request (with the return information
+ formatted for clarity):
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET</userinput>
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "doc_count" : 0,
+ "db_name" : "demo",
+ "purge_seq" : 0,
+ "committed_update_seq" : 0,
+ "doc_del_count" : 0,
+ "disk_format_version" : 5,
+ "update_seq" : 0,
+ "instance_start_time" : "1306421773496000",
+ "disk_size" : 79
+ <para>
+ For certain operations, you must specify the content type of
+ request, which you do by specifying the
+ <literal>Content-Type</literal> header using the
+ <option>-H</option> command-line option:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -H 'Content-type: application/json'</userinput>
+ <para>
+ You can also submit 'payload' data, that is, data in the body of
+ the HTTP request using the <option>-d</option> option. This is
+ useful if you need to submit JSON structures, for example document
+ data, as part of the request. For example, to submit a simple
+ document to the <literal>demo</literal> database:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
+ -X POST \
+ -d '{"company": "Example, Inc."}'</userinput>
+ "rev":"1-33b9fbce46930280dab37d672bbc8bb9"}
+ <para>
+ In the above example, the argument after the <option>-d</option>
+ option is the JSON of the document we want to submit.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document can be accessed by using the automatically generated
+ document ID that was returned:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET</userinput>
+ "_rev":"1-33b9fbce46930280dab37d672bbc8bb9",
+ "company":"Example, Inc."}
+ <para>
+ The API samples in the <xref linkend="couchdb-api-basics"/> show
+ the HTTP command, URL and any payload information that needs to be
+ submitted (and the expected return value). All of these examples
+ can be reproduced using <command>curl</command> with the
+ command-line examples shown above.
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-manual-ready.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-manual-ready.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8667927bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-manual-ready.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9409 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
+<book id="couchdb-1-1">
+ <title>CouchDB 1.1 Manual</title>
+ <bookinfo>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+ This manual documents the CouchDB
+ 1.1 database system, including the installation,
+ functionality, and CouchDB API.
+ </para>
+ <para xml:base="../common/docbuilddate.xml">
+ <emphasis>Last document update</emphasis>: 21 Feb 2012 20:09;
+ <emphasis>Document built</emphasis>: 21 Feb 2012 20:9.
+ </abstract>
+ </bookinfo>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-single-introduction">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <para>
+ There are two interfaces to CouchDB, the built-in
+ Futon web-based interface and the CouchDB API accessed through the
+ HTTP REST interface. The former is the simplest way to view and
+ monitor your CouchDB installation and perform a
+ number of basic database and system operations. More information on
+ using the Futon interface can be found in
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-futon"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The primary way to interact with the CouchDB API is to use a client
+ library or other interface that provides access to the underlying
+ functionality through your chosen language or platform. However,
+ since the API is supported through HTTP REST, you can interact with
+ your CouchDB with any solution that supports the
+ HTTP protocol.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ There are a number of different tools that talk the HTTP protocol
+ and allow you to set and configure the necessary information. One
+ tool for this that allows for access from the command-line is
+ <command moreinfo="none">curl</command>. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-curl"/>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-futon">
+ <title>Using Futon</title>
+ <para>
+ Futon is a native web-based interface built into CouchDB. It provides a basic interface to the majority of the
+ functionality, including the ability to create, update, delete and
+ view documents and views, provides access to the configuration
+ parameters, and an interface for initiating replication.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default view is the <guilabel moreinfo="none">Overview</guilabel> page which
+ provides you with a list of the databases. The basic structure of
+ the page is consistent regardless of the section you are in. The
+ main panel on the left provides the main interface to the
+ databases, configuration or replication systems. The side panel on
+ the right provides navigation to the main areas of Futon
+ interface:
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-overview" float="0">
+ <title>Futon Overview</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="images/futon-overview.png" format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Futon Overview</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ The main sections are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Overview</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The main overview page, which provides a list of the databases
+ and provides the interface for querying the database and
+ creating and updating documents. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Configuration</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ An interface into the configuration of your CouchDB installation. The interface allows you to edit the
+ different configurable parameters. For more details on
+ configuration, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-configuration"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Replicator</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ An interface to the replication system, enabling you to
+ initiate replication between local and remote databases. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-replication"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Status</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Displays a list of the running background tasks on the server.
+ Background tasks include view index building, compaction and
+ replication. The <guibutton moreinfo="none">Status</guibutton> page is an
+ interface to the
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get">Active
+ Tasks</link> API call. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Verify Installation</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <guibutton moreinfo="none">Verify Installation</guibutton> allows you to
+ check whether all of the components of your CouchDB installation are correctly installed.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Test Suite</guibutton>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <guibutton moreinfo="none">Test Suite</guibutton> section allows you to
+ run the built-in test suite. This executes a number of test
+ routines entirely within your browser to test the API and
+ functionality of your CouchDB installation. If
+ you select this page, you can run the tests by using the
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Run All</guibutton> button. This will execute all
+ the tests, which may take some time.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs">
+ <title>Managing Databases and Documents</title>
+ <para>
+ You can manage databases and documents within Futon using the
+ main <guibutton moreinfo="none">Overview</guibutton> section of the Futon
+ interface.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To create a new database, click the <guibutton moreinfo="none">Create Database
+ …</guibutton> button. You will be prompted for the
+ database name, as shown in the figure below.
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs-createdb" float="0">
+ <title>Creating a Database</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="images/futon-createdb.png" format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Creating a Database</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ Once you have created the database (or selected an existing
+ one), you will be shown a list of the current documents. If you
+ create a new document, or select an existing document, you will
+ be presented with the edit document display.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Editing documents within Futon requires selecting the document
+ and then editing (and setting) the fields for the document
+ individually before saving the document back into the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the figure below shows the editor for a single
+ document, a newly created document with a single ID, the
+ document <literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> field.
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs-editdoc" float="0">
+ <title>Editing a Document</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="images/futon-editdoc.png" format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Editing a Document</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ To add a field to the document:
+ </para>
+ <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Click <guibutton moreinfo="none">Add Field</guibutton>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ In the fieldname box, enter the name of the field you want
+ to create. For example, <quote>company</quote>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Click the green tick next to the field name to confirm the
+ field name change.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Double-click the corresponding <guilabel moreinfo="none">Value</guilabel>
+ cell.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Enter a company name, for example <quote>Example</quote>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Click the green tick next to the field value to confirm the
+ field value.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The document is still not saved as this point. You must
+ explicitly save the document by clicking the <guibutton moreinfo="none">Save
+ Document</guibutton> button at the top of the page. This
+ will save the document, and then display the new document
+ with the saved revision information (the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> field).
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-dbdocs-finaldoc" float="0">
+ <title>Edited Document</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="images/futon-editeddoc.png" format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Edited Document</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ <para>
+ The same basic interface is used for all editng operations
+ within Futon. You <emphasis>must</emphasis> rememmbr to save the
+ individual element (fieldname, value) using the green tick
+ button, before then saving the document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-futon-replication">
+ <title>Configuring Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ When you click the <guibutton moreinfo="none">Replicator</guibutton> option
+ within the <guilabel moreinfo="none">Tools</guilabel> menu you are presented
+ with the Replicator screen. This allows you to start replication
+ between two databases by filling in or select the appropriate
+ options within the form provided.
+ </para>
+ <figure id="fig-ccouchdb-single-introduction-futon-replication-form" float="0">
+ <title>Replication Form</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata width="100%" contentdepth="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="images/futon-replform.png" format="PNG" lang="en"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject>
+ <phrase lang="en">Replication Form</phrase>
+ </textobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>
+ To start a replication process, either the select the local
+ database or enter a remote database name into the corresponding
+ areas of the form. Replication occurs from the database on the
+ left to the database on the right.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you are specifying a remote database name, you must specify
+ the full URL of the remote database (including the host, port
+ number and database name). If the remote instance requires
+ authentication, you can specify the username and password as
+ part of the URL, for example
+ <literal moreinfo="none">http://username:pass@remotehost:5984/demo</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To enable continuous replication, click the
+ <guilabel moreinfo="none">Continuous</guilabel> checkbox.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To start the replication process, click the
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Replicate</guibutton> button. The replication process
+ should start and will continue in the background. If the
+ replication process will take a long time, you can monitor the
+ status of the replication using the
+ <guibutton moreinfo="none">Status</guibutton> option under the
+ <guilabel moreinfo="none">Tools</guilabel> menu.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Once replication has been completed, the page will show the
+ information returned when the replication process completes by
+ the API.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <guilabel moreinfo="none">Replicator</guilabel> tool is an interface to the
+ underlying replication API. For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post"/>.
+ For more information on replication, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-replication"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-introduction-curl">
+ <title>Using <command moreinfo="none">curl</command></title>
+ <para>
+ The <command moreinfo="none">curl</command> utility is a command line tool
+ available on Unix, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows and many other
+ platforms. <command moreinfo="none">curl</command> provides easy access to the
+ HTTP protocol (among others) directly from the command-line and is
+ therefore an ideal way of interacting with CouchDB
+ over the HTTP REST API.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For simple <literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal> requests you can supply the URL
+ of the request. For example, to get the database information:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl</userinput></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This returns the database information (formatted in the output
+ below for clarity):
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "modules" : {
+ "geocouch" : "7fd793c10f3aa667a1088a937398bc5b51472b7f"
+ },
+ "couchdb" : "Welcome",
+ "version" : "1.1.0",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ For some URLs, especially those that include special characters
+ such as ampersand, exclamation mark, or question mark, you
+ should quote the URL you are specifying on the command line. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl 'http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5'</userinput></programlisting>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ You can explicitly set the HTTP command using the
+ <option>-X</option> command line option. For example, when
+ creating a database, you set the name of the database in the URL
+ you send using a PUT request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -X PUT</userinput>
+ <para>
+ But to obtain the database information you use a
+ <literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal> request (with the return information
+ formatted for clarity):
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -X GET</userinput>
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "doc_count" : 0,
+ "db_name" : "demo",
+ "purge_seq" : 0,
+ "committed_update_seq" : 0,
+ "doc_del_count" : 0,
+ "disk_format_version" : 5,
+ "update_seq" : 0,
+ "instance_start_time" : "1306421773496000",
+ "disk_size" : 79
+ <para>
+ For certain operations, you must specify the content type of
+ request, which you do by specifying the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Content-Type</literal> header using the
+ <option>-H</option> command-line option:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -H 'Content-type: application/json'</userinput></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ You can also submit 'payload' data, that is, data in the body of
+ the HTTP request using the <option>-d</option> option. This is
+ useful if you need to submit JSON structures, for example document
+ data, as part of the request. For example, to submit a simple
+ document to the <literal moreinfo="none">demo</literal> database:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
+ -X POST \
+ -d '{"company": "Example, Inc."}'</userinput>
+ "rev":"1-33b9fbce46930280dab37d672bbc8bb9"}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ In the above example, the argument after the <option>-d</option>
+ option is the JSON of the document we want to submit.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document can be accessed by using the automatically generated
+ document ID that was returned:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -X GET</userinput>
+ "_rev":"1-33b9fbce46930280dab37d672bbc8bb9",
+ "company":"Example, Inc."}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The API samples in the <xref linkend="couchdb-api-basics"/> show
+ the HTTP command, URL and any payload information that needs to be
+ submitted (and the expected return value). All of these examples
+ can be reproduced using <command moreinfo="none">curl</command> with the
+ command-line examples shown above.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-single-features">
+ <title>Features and Functionality</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-httprange">
+ <title>HTTP Range Requests</title>
+ <para>
+ HTTP allows you to specify byte ranges for requests. This allows
+ the implementation of resumable downloads and skippable audio and
+ video streams alike. The following example uses a text file to
+ make the range request process easier.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">cat file.txt</userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Uploading this as an attachment to a <literal moreinfo="none">text</literal>
+ database using <command moreinfo="none">curl</command>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -X PUT \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -d@file.txt</userinput>
+ <para>
+ Requesting the whole file works as normal:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -X GET</userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ But to retrieve only the first 13 bytes using
+ <command moreinfo="none">curl</command>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -X GET -H "Range: bytes=0-12"</userinput>
+My hovercraft</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ HTTP supports many ways to specify single and even multiple byte
+ rangers. See
+ <ulink url="">RFC
+ 2616</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Databases that have been created with CouchDB 1.0.2 or earlier
+ will support range requests in 1.1.0, but they are using a
+ less-optimal algorithm. If you plan to make heavy use of this
+ feature, make sure to compact your database with CouchDB 1.1.0
+ to take advantage of a better algorithm to find byte ranges.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-proxying">
+ <title>HTTP Proxying</title>
+ <para>
+ The HTTP proxy feature makes it easy to map and redirect different
+ content through your CouchDB URL. The proxy works by mapping a
+ pathname and passing all content after that prefix through to the
+ configured proxy address.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Configuration of the proxy redirect is handled through the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">[httpd_global_handlers]</literal> section of the CouchDB
+ configuration file (typically <filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename>). The
+ format is:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[httpd_global_handlers]
+PREFIX = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;"DESTINATION"&gt;&gt;}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PREFIX</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Is the string that will be matched. The string can be any
+ valid qualifier, although to ensure that existing database
+ names are not overridden by a proxy configuration, you can use
+ an underscore prefix.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">DESTINATION</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The fully-qualified URL to which the request should be sent.
+ The destination must include the <literal moreinfo="none">http</literal>
+ prefix. The content is used verbatim in the original request,
+ so you can also forward to servers on different ports and to
+ specific paths on the target host.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ The proxy process then translates requests of the form:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">http://couchdb:5984/PREFIX/path</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ To:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DESTINATION/path</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Everything after <literal moreinfo="none">PREFIX</literal> including the
+ required forward slash will be appended to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">DESTINATION</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ The response is then communicated back to the original client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the following configuration:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">_google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;""&gt;&gt;}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Would forward all requests for
+ <literal moreinfo="none">http://couchdb:5984/_google</literal> to the Google
+ website.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The service can also be used to forward to related CouchDB
+ services, such as Lucene:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[httpd_global_handlers]
+_fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;""&gt;&gt;}</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The proxy service is basic. If the request is not identified by
+ the <literal moreinfo="none">DESTINATION</literal>, or the remainder of the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PATH</literal> specification is incomplete, the
+ original request URL is interpreted as if the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PREFIX</literal> component of that URL does not exist.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, requesting
+ <literal moreinfo="none">http://couchdb:5984/_intranet/media</literal> when
+ <filename moreinfo="none">/media</filename> on the proxy destination does not
+ exist, will cause the request URL to be interpreted as
+ <literal moreinfo="none">http://couchdb:5984/media</literal>. Care should be
+ taken to ensure that both requested URLs and destination URLs
+ are able to cope
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-commonjs">
+ <title>CommonJS support for map functions</title>
+ <para>
+ CommonJS support allows you to use CommonJS notation inside
+ <methodname>map</methodname> and <methodname>reduce</methodname>
+ functions, but only of libraries that are stored inside the views
+ part of the design doc.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ So you could continue to access CommonJS code in,
+ from your list functions etc, but we'd add the ability to require
+ CommonJS modules within map and reduce, but only from
+ <filename moreinfo="none">design_doc.views.lib</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ There's no worry here about namespace collisions, as Couch just
+ plucks <literal moreinfo="none">views.*.map</literal> and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">views.*.reduce</literal> out of the design doc. So you
+ could have a view called <literal moreinfo="none">lib</literal> if you wanted, and
+ still have CommonJS stored in <literal moreinfo="none">views.lib.sha1</literal>
+ and <literal moreinfo="none">views.lib.stemmer</literal> if you wanted.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The implementation is simplified by enforcing that CommonJS
+ modules to be used in <methodname>map</methodname> functions be
+ stored in views.lib.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A sample design doc (taken from the test suite in Futon) is below:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "views" : {
+ "lib" : {
+ "baz" : "exports.baz = 'bam';",
+ "foo" : {
+ "zoom" : "exports.zoom = 'yeah';",
+ "boom" : "exports.boom = 'ok';",
+ "foo" : " = 'bar';"
+ }
+ },
+ "commonjs" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { emit(null, require('views/lib/foo/boom').boom)}"
+ }
+ },
+ "_id" : "_design/test"
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">require()</literal> statement is relative to the
+ design document, but anything loaded form outside of
+ <literal moreinfo="none">views/lib</literal> will fail.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-etag">
+ <title>Granular ETag support</title>
+ <para>
+ ETags have been assigned to a map/reduce group (the collection of
+ views in a single design document). Any change to any of the
+ indexes for those views would generate a new ETag for all view
+ URL's in a single design doc, even if that specific view's results
+ had not changed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB 1.1 each <literal moreinfo="none">_view</literal> URL has it's own ETag
+ which only gets updated when changes are made to the database that
+ effect that index. If the index for that specific view does not
+ change, that view keeps the original ETag head (therefore sending
+ back 304 Not Modified more often).
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-single-replication">
+ <title>Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb">
+ <title>Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ A database where you
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal>/<literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> documents to
+ trigger replications and you <literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal> to cancel
+ ongoing replications. These documents have exactly the same
+ content as the JSON objects we used to <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replicate</literal> (fields <literal moreinfo="none">source</literal>,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">target</literal>, <literal moreinfo="none">create_target</literal>,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">continuous</literal>, <literal moreinfo="none">doc_ids</literal>,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">filter</literal>, <literal moreinfo="none">query_params</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a user defined
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal>. Design documents (and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_local</literal> documents) added to the replicator
+ database are ignored.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default name of this database is
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replicator</literal>. The name can be changed in the
+ <filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename> configuration, section
+ <literal moreinfo="none">[replicator]</literal>, parameter <literal moreinfo="none">db</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-basics">
+ <title>Basics</title>
+ <para>
+ Let's say you PUT the following document into _replicator:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true
+ <para>
+ In the couch log you'll see 2 entries like these:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:43:59 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.291.0&gt;] Document `my_rep` triggered replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target`
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:44:37 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.124.0&gt;] Replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target` finished (triggered by document `my_rep`)</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ As soon as the replication is triggered, the document will be
+ updated by CouchDB with 3 new fields:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Special fields set by the replicator start with the prefix
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_id</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The ID internally assigned to the replication. This is also
+ the ID exposed by <literal moreinfo="none">/_active_tasks</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The current state of the replication.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state_time</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970) that
+ tells us when the current replication state (marked in
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal>) was set.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ When the replication finishes, it will update the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> field (and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state_time</literal>) with the value
+ <literal moreinfo="none">completed</literal>, so the document will look like:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "completed",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ When an error happens during replication, the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> field is set to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal> (and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> gets updated of course).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When you PUT/POST a document to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replicator</literal> database, CouchDB will attempt to
+ start the replication up to 10 times (configurable under
+ <literal moreinfo="none">[replicator]</literal>, parameter
+ <literal moreinfo="none">max_replication_retry_count</literal>). If it fails on
+ the first attempt, it waits 5 seconds before doing a second
+ attempt. If the second attempt fails, it waits 10 seconds before
+ doing a third attempt. If the third attempt fails, it waits 20
+ seconds before doing a fourth attempt (each attempt doubles the
+ previous wait period). When an attempt fails, the Couch log will
+ show you something like:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[error] [&lt;0.149.0&gt;] Error starting replication `67c1bb92010e7abe35d7d629635f18b6+create_target` (document `my_rep_2`): {db_not_found,&lt;&lt;"could not open http://myserver:5986/foo/"&gt;&gt;</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> field is only set to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal> when all the attempts were
+ unsuccessful.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ There are only 3 possible values for the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> field:
+ <literal moreinfo="none">triggered</literal>, <literal moreinfo="none">completed</literal> and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal>. Continuous replications never get
+ their state set to <literal moreinfo="none">completed</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-docsame">
+ <title>Documents describing the same replication</title>
+ <para>
+ Lets suppose 2 documents are added to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replicator</literal> database in the following order:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ and
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ Both describe exactly the same replication (only their
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_ids</literal> differ). In this case document
+ <literal moreinfo="none">doc_A</literal> triggers the replication, getting
+ updated by CouchDB with the fields
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal>,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state_time</literal> and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_id</literal>, just like it was described
+ before. Document <literal moreinfo="none">doc_B</literal> however, is only
+ updated with one field, the <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_id</literal>
+ so it will look like this:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280"
+ <para>
+ While document <literal moreinfo="none">doc_A</literal> will look like this:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Note that both document get exactly the same value for the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_id</literal> field. This way you can
+ identify which documents refer to the same replication - you can
+ for example define a view which maps replication IDs to document
+ IDs.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-cancel">
+ <title>Canceling replications</title>
+ <para>
+ To cancel a replication simply <literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal> the
+ document which triggered the replication. The Couch log will
+ show you an entry like the following:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:16:29 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.125.0&gt;] Stopped replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+continuous+create_target` because replication document `doc_A` was deleted</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ You need to <literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal> the document that
+ triggered the replication. <literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal>ing
+ another document that describes the same replication but did
+ not trigger it, will not cancel the replication.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-restart">
+ <title>Server restart</title>
+ <para>
+ When CouchDB is restarted, it checks its
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replicator</literal> database and restarts any
+ replication that is described by a document that either has its
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> field set to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">triggered</literal> or it doesn't have yet the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> field set.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Continuous replications always have a
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replication_state</literal> field with the value
+ <literal moreinfo="none">triggered</literal>, therefore they're always
+ restarted when CouchDB is restarted.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-changing">
+ <title>Changing the Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine your replicator database (default name is _replicator)
+ has the two following documents that represent pull replications
+ from servers A and B:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now without stopping and restarting CouchDB, you change the name
+ of the replicator database to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"another_replicator_db"'
+ <para>
+ As soon as this is done, both pull replications defined before,
+ are stopped. This is explicitly mentioned in CouchDB's log:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.104.0&gt;] Stopping all ongoing replications because the replicator database was deleted or changed
+[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.127.0&gt;] - - PUT /_config/replicator/db 200</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Imagine now you add a replication document to the new replicator
+ database named <literal moreinfo="none">another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "rep_from_X",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_x",
+ "continuous": true
+ <para>
+ From now own you have a single replication going on in your
+ system: a pull replication pulling from server X. Now you change
+ back the replicator database to the original one
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_replicator</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"_replicator"'
+ <para>
+ Immediately after this operation, the replication pulling from
+ server X will be stopped and the replications defined in the
+ _replicator database (pulling from servers A and B) will be
+ resumed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Changing again the replicator database to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">another_replicator_db</literal> will stop the pull
+ replications pulling from servers A and B, and resume the pull
+ replication pulling from server X.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-replicating">
+ <title>Replicating the replicator database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine you have in server C a replicator database with the two
+ following pull replication documents in it:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now you would like to have the same pull replications going on
+ in server D, that is, you would like to have server D pull
+ replicating from servers A and B. You have two options:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Explicitly add two documents to server's D replicator
+ database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replicate server's C replicator database into server's D
+ replicator database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Both alternatives accomplish exactly the same goal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-delegations">
+ <title>Delegations</title>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a custom
+ <literal moreinfo="none">user_ctx</literal> property. This property defines the
+ user context under which a replication runs. For the old way of
+ triggering replications (POSTing to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/_replicate/</literal>), this property was not needed
+ (it didn't exist in fact) - this is because at the moment of
+ triggering the replication it has information about the
+ authenticated user. With the replicator database, since it's a
+ regular database, the information about the authenticated user
+ is only present at the moment the replication document is
+ written to the database - the replicator database implementation
+ is like a _changes feed consumer (with
+ <literal moreinfo="none">?include_docs=true</literal>) that reacts to what was
+ written to the replicator database - in fact this feature could
+ be implemented with an external script/program. This
+ implementation detail implies that for non admin users, a
+ <literal moreinfo="none">user_ctx</literal> property, containing the user's name
+ and a subset of his/her roles, must be defined in the
+ replication document. This is ensured by the document update
+ validation function present in the default design document of
+ the replicator database. This validation function also ensure
+ that a non admin user can set a user name property in the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">user_ctx</literal> property that doesn't match his/her
+ own name (same principle applies for the roles).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For admins, the <literal moreinfo="none">user_ctx</literal> property is
+ optional, and if it's missing it defaults to a user context with
+ name null and an empty list of roles - this mean design
+ documents will not be written to local targets. If writing
+ design documents to local targets is desired, the a user context
+ with the roles <literal moreinfo="none">_admin</literal> must be set explicitly.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Also, for admins the <literal moreinfo="none">user_ctx</literal> property can be
+ used to trigger a replication on behalf of another user. This is
+ the user context that will be passed to local target database
+ document validation functions.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">user_ctx</literal> property only has effect for
+ local endpoints.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Example delegated replication document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "user_ctx": {
+ "name": "joe",
+ "roles": ["erlanger", "researcher"]
+ }
+ <para>
+ As stated before, for admins the user_ctx property is optional,
+ while for regular (non admin) users it's mandatory. When the
+ roles property of <literal moreinfo="none">user_ctx</literal> is missing, it
+ defaults to the empty list <literal moreinfo="none">[ ]</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-basics">
+ <title>CouchDB API</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API is the primary method of interfacing to a CouchDB
+ instance. Requests are made using HTTP and requests are used to
+ request information from the database, store new data, and perform
+ views and formatting of the information stored within the documents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Requests to the API can be categorised by the different areas of the
+ CouchDB system that you are accessing, and the HTTP method used to
+ send the request. Different methods imply different operations, for
+ example retrieval of information from the database is typically
+ handled by the <literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal> operation, while updates are
+ handled by either a <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> or
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal> request. There are some differences between
+ the information that must be supplied for the different methods. For
+ a guide to the basic HTTP methods and request structure, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-requests"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For nearly all operations, the submitted data, and the returned data
+ structure, is defined within a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
+ object. Basic information on the content and data types for JSON are
+ provided in <xref linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Errors when accessing the CouchDB API are reported using standard
+ HTTP Status Codes. A guide to the generic codes returned by CouchDB
+ are provided in
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-returncodes"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When accessing specific areas of the CouchDB API, specific
+ information and examples on the HTTP methods and request, JSON
+ structures, and error codes are provided. For a guide to the
+ different areas of the API, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-overview"/>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-requests">
+ <title>Request Format and Responses</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB supports the following HTTP request methods:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request the specified item. As with normal HTTP requests, the
+ format of the URL defines what is returned. With CouchDB this
+ can include static items, database documents, and
+ configuration and statistical information. In most cases the
+ information is returned in the form of a JSON document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">HEAD</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">HEAD</literal> method is used to get the HTTP
+ header of a <literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal> request without the body of
+ the response.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Upload data. Within CouchDB <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> is used to
+ set values, including uploading documents, setting document
+ values, and starting certain administration commands.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Used to put a specified resource. In CouchDB
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal> is used to create new objects,
+ including databases, documents, views and design documents.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified resource, including documents, views,
+ and design documents.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">COPY</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A special method that can be used to copy documents and
+ objects.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ If you use the an unsupported HTTP request type with a URL that
+ does not support the specified type, a 405 error will be returned,
+ listing the supported HTTP methods. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "error":"method_not_allowed",
+ "reason":"Only GET,HEAD allowed"
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB design document API and the functions when returning
+ HTML (for example as part of a show or list) enables you to
+ include custom HTTP headers through the <literal moreinfo="none">headers</literal>
+ block of the return object. For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-request-header">
+ <title>HTTP Headers</title>
+ <para>
+ Because CouchDB uses HTTP for all communication, you need to
+ ensure that the correct HTTP headers are supplied (and processed
+ on retrieval) so that you get the right format and encoding.
+ Different environments and clients will be more or less strict on
+ the effect of these HTTP headers (especially when not present).
+ Where possible you should be as specific as possible.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-request-header-request">
+ <title>Request Headers</title>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Specifies the content type of the information being supplied
+ within the request. The specification uses MIME type
+ specifications. For the majority of requests this will be
+ JSON (<literal moreinfo="none">application/json</literal>). For some
+ settings the MIME type will be plain text. When uploading
+ attachments it should be the corresponding MIME type for the
+ attachment or binary
+ (<literal moreinfo="none">application/octet-stream</literal>).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The use of the <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal> on a request
+ is highly recommended.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Accept</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Specifies the list of accepted data types to be returned by
+ the server (i.e. that are accepted/understandable by the
+ client). The format should be a list of one or more MIME
+ types, separated by colons.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For the majority of requests the definition should be for
+ JSON data (<literal moreinfo="none">application/json</literal>). For
+ attachments you can either specify the MIME type explicitly,
+ or use <literal moreinfo="none">*/*</literal> to specify that all file types
+ are supported. If the <literal moreinfo="none">Accept</literal> header is
+ not supplied, then the <literal moreinfo="none">*/*</literal> MIME type is
+ assumed (i.e. client accepts all formats).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The use of <literal moreinfo="none">Accept</literal> in queries for CouchDB
+ is not required, but is highly recommended as it helps to
+ ensure that the data returned can be processed by the
+ client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you specify a data type using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Accept</literal> header, CouchDB will honor the
+ specified type in the <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal> header
+ field returned. For example, if you explicitly request
+ <literal moreinfo="none">application/json</literal> in the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Accept</literal> of a request, the returned HTTP
+ headers will use the value in the returned
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal> field.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, when sending a request without an explicit
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Accept</literal> header, or when specifying
+ <literal moreinfo="none">*/*</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET /recipes HTTP/1.1
+Host: couchdb:5984
+Accept: */*</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned headers are:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 13:39:34 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 227
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Note that the returned content type is
+ <literal moreinfo="none">text/plain</literal> even though the information
+ returned by the request is in JSON format.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Explicitly specifying the <literal moreinfo="none">Accept</literal> header:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET /recipes HTTP/1.1
+Host: couchdb:5984
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The headers returned include the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">application/json</literal> content type:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 13:40:11 GMT
+Content-Type: application/json
+Content-Length: 227
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-request-header-response">
+ <title>Response Headers</title>
+ <para>
+ Response headers are returned by the server when sending back
+ content and include a number of different header fields, many of
+ which are standard HTTP response header and have no significance
+ to CouchDB operation. The list of response headers important to
+ CouchDB are listed below.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Specifies the MIME type of the returned data. For most
+ request, the returned MIME type is
+ <literal moreinfo="none">text/plain</literal>. All text is encoded in
+ Unicode (UTF-8), and this is explicitly stated in the
+ returned <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal>, as
+ <literal moreinfo="none">text/plain;charset=utf-8</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Cache-control</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The cache control HTTP response header provides a suggestion
+ for client caching mechanisms on how to treat the returned
+ information. CouchDB typically returns the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">must-revalidate</literal>, which indicates that the
+ information should be revalidated if possible. This is used
+ to ensure that the dynamic nature of the content is
+ correctly updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Content-length</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The length (in bytes) of the returned content.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Etag</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">Etag</literal> HTTP header field is used to
+ show the revision for a document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-json">
+ <title>JSON Basics</title>
+ <para>
+ The majority of requests and responses to CouchDB use the
+ JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) for formatting the content and
+ structure of the data and responses.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ JSON is used because it is the simplest and easiest to use
+ solution for working with data within a web browser, as JSON
+ structures can be evaluated and used as JavaScript objects within
+ the web browser environment. JSON also integrates with the
+ server-side JavaScript used within CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ JSON supports the same basic types as supported by JavaScript,
+ these are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Number (either integer or floating-point).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ String; this should be enclosed by double-quotes and supports
+ Unicode characters and backslash escaping. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">"A String"</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Boolean - a <literal moreinfo="none">true</literal> or
+ <literal moreinfo="none">false</literal> value. You can use these strings
+ directly. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{ "value": true}</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Array - a list of values enclosed in square brackets. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">["one", "two", "three"]</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Object - a set of key/value pairs (i.e. an associative array,
+ or hash). The key must be a string, but the value can be any
+ of the supported JSON values. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Easy to make in advance, and then cook when ready",
+ "cooktime" : 60,
+ "title" : "Chicken Coriander"
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB, the JSON object is used to represent a variety of
+ structures, including the main CouchDB document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Parsing JSON into a JavaScript object is supported through the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">eval()</literal> function in JavaScript, or through
+ various libraries that will perform the parsing of the content
+ into a JavaScript object for you. Libraries for parsing and
+ generating JSON are available in many languages, including Perl,
+ Python, Ruby, Erlang and others.
+ </para>
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ Care should be taken to ensure that your JSON structures are
+ valid, invalid structures will cause CouchDB to return an HTTP
+ status code of 500 (server error). See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-500"/>
+ .
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncodes">
+ <title>HTTP Status Codes</title>
+ <para>
+ With the interface to CouchDB working through HTTP, error codes
+ and statuses are reported using a combination of the HTTP status
+ code number, and corresponding data in the body of the response
+ data.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the error codes returned by CouchDB, and generic
+ descriptions of the related errors are provided below. The meaning
+ of different status codes for specific request types are provided
+ in the corresponding API call reference.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-200">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">200 - OK</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-201">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">201 - Created</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Document created successfully.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-202">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">202 - Accepted</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request has been accepted, but the corresponding operation may
+ not have completed. This is used for background operations,
+ such as database compaction.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-304">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">304 - Not Modified</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The additional content requested has not been modified. This
+ is used with the ETag system to identify the version of
+ information returned.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-400">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">400 - Bad Request</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Bad request structure. The error can indicate an error with
+ the request URL, path or headers. Differences in the supplied
+ MD5 hash and content also trigger this error, as this may
+ indicate message corruption.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-401">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">401 - Unauthorized</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The item requested was not available using the supplied
+ authorization, or authorization was not supplied.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-403">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">403 - Forbidden</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The requested item or operation is forbidden.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-404">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">404 - Not Found</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The requested content could not be found. The content will
+ include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ The structure will contain two keys, <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal>
+ and <literal moreinfo="none">reason</literal>. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{"error":"not_found","reason":"no_db_file"}</programlisting>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-405">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">405 - Resource Not Allowed</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A request was made using an invalid HTTP request type for the
+ URL requested. For example, you have requested a
+ <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal> when a <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> is
+ required. Errors of this type can also triggered by invalid
+ URL strings.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-406">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">406 - Not Acceptable</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The requested content type is not supported by the server.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-409">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">409 - Conflict</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Request resulted in an update conflict.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-412">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">412 - Precondition Failed</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The request headers from the client and the capabilities of
+ the server do not match.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-415">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">415 - Bad Content Type</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The content types supported, and the content type of the
+ information being requested or submitted indicate that the
+ content type is not supported.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-416">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The range specified in the request header cannot be satisfied
+ by the server.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-417">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">417 - Expectation Failed</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When sending documents in bulk, the bulk load operation
+ failed.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="couchdb-api-introduction-returncode-500" xreflabel="HTTP Status Code 500">
+ <literal moreinfo="none">500 - Internal Server Error</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The request was invalid, either because the supplied JSON was
+ invalid, or invalid information was supplied as part of the
+ request.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-overview">
+ <title>CouchDB API Overview</title>
+ <para>
+ The components of the API URL path help determine the part of the
+ CouchDB server that is being accessed. The result is the structure
+ of the URL request both identifies and effectively describes the
+ area of the database you are accessing.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As with all URLs, the individual components are separated by a
+ forward slash.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As a general rule, URL components and JSON fields starting with
+ the <literal moreinfo="none">_</literal> (underscore) character represent a
+ special component or entity within the server or returned object.
+ For example, the URL fragment <literal moreinfo="none">/_all_dbs</literal> gets a
+ list of all of the databases in a CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The remainder of the URL API structure can be divided up according
+ to the URL structure. The different sections are divided as
+ follows:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/db</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Database methods, related to adding, updating or deleting
+ databases, and setting database parameters and operations. For
+ more detailed information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db"/> .
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Document methods, those that create, store, update or delete
+ CouchDB documents and their attachments. For more information,
+ see <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/db/_local/local-doc</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Document methods, those that create, store, update or delete
+ CouchDB documents only within the local database. Local
+ documents are not synchronized with other databases. For more
+ information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-localdb"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Design documents provide the methods and structure for
+ recovering information from a CouchDB database in the form of
+ views, shows and lists. For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-design"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/_special</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Special methods that obtain or set information about the
+ CouchDB instance, including methods for configuring
+ replication, accessing the logs, and generate Universally
+ Unique IDs (UUIDs). For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-misc"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/_config</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Methods for getting, and settings, CouchDB configuration
+ parameters. For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-misc"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-db">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Database Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The Database methods provide an interface to an entire database
+ withing CouchDB. These are database, rather than document, level
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db-summary"><title>Database API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get">
+ Returns database information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_put">
+ Create a new database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_delete">
+ Delete an existing database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_all_docs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_get">
+ Returns a built-in view of all documents in this database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_all_docs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_post">
+ Returns certain rows from the built-in view of all documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_bulk_docs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post">
+ Insert multiple documents in to the database in a single request
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_changes</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get">
+ Returns changes for the given database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_compact</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post">
+ Starts a compaction for the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_compact/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post">
+ Starts a compaction for all the views in the selected design
+ document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_ensure_full_commit</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-ensure-full-commit_post">
+ Makes sure all uncommitted changes are written and synchronized
+ to the disk
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_missing_revs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-missing-revs_post">
+ Given a list of document revisions, returns the document
+ revisions that do not exist in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_purge</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post">
+ Purge some historical documents entirely from database history
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_revs_diff</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-diff_post">
+ Given a list of document revisions, returns differences between
+ the given revisions and ones that are in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_revs_limit</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_get">
+ Gets the limit of historical revisions to store for a single
+ document in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_revs_limit</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_put">
+ Sets the limit of historical revisions to store for a single
+ document in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_security</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-security_get">
+ Returns the special security object for the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_security</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-security_put">
+ Sets the special security object for the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_temp_view</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-temp-view_post">
+ Execute a given view function for all documents and return the
+ result
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_view_cleanup</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-view-cleanup_post">
+ Removes view files that are not used by any design document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ For all the database methods, the database name within the URL path
+ should be the database name that you wish to perform the operation
+ on. For example, to obtain the meta information for the database
+ <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal>, you would use the HTTP request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET /recipes</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ For clarity, the form below is used in the URL paths:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET /db</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where <literal moreinfo="none">db</literal> is the name of any database.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Information about the database in JSON format
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets information about the specified database. For example, to
+ retrieve the information for the database
+ <literal moreinfo="none">recipe</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest" format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The JSON response contains meta information about the database. A
+ sample of the JSON returned for an empty database is provided
+ below:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse" format="linespecific">{
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "committed_update_seq" : 375048,
+ "disk_format_version" : 5,
+ "disk_size" : 33153123,
+ "doc_count" : 18386,
+ "doc_del_count" : 0,
+ "db_name" : "recipes",
+ "instance_start_time" : "1290700340925570",
+ "purge_seq" : 10,
+ "update_seq" : 375048
+ <para>
+ The elements of the returned structure are shown in the table
+ below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db-json-db-info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB database information object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">committed_update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of committed update.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Set to true if the database compaction routine is operating on
+ this database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">db_name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The name of the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">disk_format_version</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The version of the physical format used for the data when it is
+ stored on disk.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the data as stored on the disk. Views indexes
+ are not included in the calculation.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">doc_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ A count of the documents in the specified database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">doc_del_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of deleted documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">instance_start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Timestamp of when the database was created, expressed in
+ milliseconds since the epoch.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of purge operations on the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The current number of updates to the database.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>400</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Invalid database name
+ </entry></row><row><entry>412</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Database already exists
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Creates a new database. The database name must be composed of one
+ or more of the following characters:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Lowercase characters (<literal moreinfo="none">a-z</literal>)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Name must begin with a lowercase letter
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Digits (<literal moreinfo="none">0-9</literal>)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Any of the characters <literal moreinfo="none">_</literal>,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">$</literal>, <literal moreinfo="none">(</literal>,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">)</literal>, <literal moreinfo="none">+</literal>,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">-</literal>, and <literal moreinfo="none">/</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Trying to create a database that does not meet these requirements
+ will return an error quoting these restrictions.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To create the database <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned content contains the JSON status:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true
+ <para>
+ Anything should be treated as an error, and the problem should be
+ taken form the HTTP response code.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_delete">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Database has been deleted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified database, and all the documents and
+ attachments contained within it.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To delete the database <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal> you would send
+ the request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ If successful, the returned JSON will indicate success
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_changes</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_changes</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_changes</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the changes to the database
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">doc_ids</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the list of documents IDs to be filtered
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>json</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>none</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">feed</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Type of feed
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>normal</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">continuous</literal></entry><entry>Continuous (non-polling) mode</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">longpoll</literal></entry><entry>Long polling mode</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">normal</literal></entry><entry>Normal mode</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">filter</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Filter function from a design document to get updates
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>none</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">heartbeat</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Period after which an empty line is sent during longpoll or
+ continuous
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>60000</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Quantity</emphasis></entry><entry>milliseconds</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the document with the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Maximum number of rows rows to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>none</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">since</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Start the results from changes immediately after the
+ specified sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">timeout</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Maximum period to wait before the response is sent
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>60000</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Quantity</emphasis></entry><entry>milliseconds</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Obtains a list of the changes made to the database. This can be
+ used to monitor for update and modifications to the database for
+ post processing or synchronization. There are three different
+ types of supported changes feeds, poll, longpoll, and continuous.
+ All requests are poll requests by default. You can select any feed
+ type explicitly using the <literal moreinfo="none">feed</literal> query argument.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Poll</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With polling you can request the changes that have occured
+ since a specific sequence number. This returns the JSON
+ structure containing the changed document information. When
+ you perform a poll change request, only the changes since
+ the specific sequence number are returned. For example, the
+ query
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_changes
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Will get all of the changes in the database. You can request
+ a starting point using the <literal moreinfo="none">since</literal> query
+ argument and specifying the sequence number. You will need
+ to record the latest sequence number in your client and then
+ use this when making another request as the new value to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">since</literal> parameter.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Longpoll</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With long polling the request to the server will remain open
+ until a change is made on the database, when the changes
+ will be reported, and then the connection will close. The
+ long poll is useful when you want to monitor for changes for
+ a specific purpose without wanting to monitoring
+ continuously for changes.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Because the wait for a change can be significant you can set
+ a timeout before the connection is automatically closed (the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">timeout</literal> argument). You can also set a
+ heartbeat interval (using the <literal moreinfo="none">heartbeat</literal>
+ query argument), which sends a newline to keep the
+ connection open.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Continuous</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Continuous sends all new changes back to the client
+ immediately, without closing the connection. In continuous
+ mode the format of the changes is slightly different to
+ accommodate the continuous nature while ensuring that the
+ JSON output is still valid for each change notification.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As with the longpoll feed type you can set both the timeout
+ and heartbeat intervals to ensure that the connection is
+ kept open for new changesand updates.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return structure for <literal moreinfo="none">normal</literal> and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">longpoll</literal> modes is a JSON array of changes
+ objects, and the last update sequence number. The structure is
+ described in the following table.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-json-changes" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Changes information for a database
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last change sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">results</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Changes made to a database
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">changes</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of changes, field-by-field, for this document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Update sequence number
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ The return format for <literal moreinfo="none">continuous</literal> mode the
+ server sends a CRLF (carriage-return, linefeed) delimited line for
+ each change. Each line contains the
+ <link linkend="table-couchdb-api-db_db-json-changes">JSON
+ object</link>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also request the full contents of each document change
+ (instead of just the change notification) by using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">include_docs</literal> parameter.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get-filters">
+ <title>Filtering</title>
+ <para>
+ You can filter the contents of the changes feed in a number of
+ ways. The most basic way is to specify one or more document IDs
+ to the query. This causes the returned structure value to only
+ contain changes for the specified IDs. Note that the value of
+ this query argument should be a JSON formatted array.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also filter the <literal moreinfo="none">_changes</literal> feed by
+ defining a filter function within a design document. The
+ specification for the filter is the same as for replication
+ filters. You specify the name of the filter function to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">filter</literal> parameter, specifying the design
+ document name and filter name. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET /db/_changes?filter=design_doc/filtername</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">_changes</literal> feed can be used to watch
+ changes to specific document ID's or the list of
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_design</literal> documents in a database. If the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">filters</literal> parameter is set to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_doc_ids</literal> a list of doc IDs can be passed in
+ the <option>doc_ids</option> parameter as a JSON array.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-changes-filters"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_compact</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_compact</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_compact</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Compaction request has been accepted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Request compaction of the specified database. Compaction
+ compresses the disk database file by performing the following
+ operations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Writes a new version of the database file, removing any unused
+ sections from the new version during write. Because a new file
+ is temporary created for this purpose, you will need twice the
+ current storage space of the specified database in order for
+ the compaction routine to complete.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Removes old revisions of documents from the database, up to
+ the per-database limit specified by the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_revs_limit</literal> database parameter. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/> .
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Compaction can only be requested on an individual database; you
+ cannot compact all the databases for a CouchDB instance. The
+ compaction process runs as a background process.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can determine if the compaction process is operating on a
+ database by obtaining the database meta information, the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">compact_running</literal> value of the returned database
+ structure will be set to true. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/> .
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also obtain a list of running processes to determine
+ whether compaction is currently running. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_compact/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_compact/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_compact/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Compaction request has been accepted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Compacts the view indexes associated with the specified design
+ document. You can use this in place of the full database
+ compaction if you know a specific set of view indexes have been
+ affected by a recent database change.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to compact the views associated with the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal> design document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_compact/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB will immediately return with a status indicating that the
+ compaction request has been received (HTTP status code 202):
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-view-cleanup_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_view_cleanup</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_view_cleanup</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_view_cleanup</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Cleans up the cached view output on disk for a given view. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_view_cleanup
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ If the request is successful, a basic status message us returned:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-ensure-full-commit_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_ensure_full_commit</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_ensure_full_commit</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_ensure_full_commit</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Commit completed successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Commits any recent changes to the specified database to disk. You
+ should call this if you want to ensure that recent changes have
+ been written. For example, to commit all the changes to disk for
+ the database <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal> you would use:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_ensure_full_commit
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This returns a status message, containing the success message and
+ the timestamp for when the CouchDB instance was started:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true,
+ "instance_start_time" : "1288186189373361"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_bulk_docs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_bulk_docs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_bulk_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the docs and updates to be applied
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of updated documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document(s) have been created or updated
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The bulk document API allows you to create and update multiple
+ documents at the same time within a single request. The basic
+ operation is similar to creating or updating a single document,
+ except that you batch the document structure and information and .
+ When creating new documents the document ID is optional. For
+ updating existing documents, you must provide the document ID,
+ revision information, and new document values.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For both inserts and updates the basic structure of the JSON is
+ the same:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">all_or_nothing</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Sets the database commit mode to use all-or-nothing semantics
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">docs</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Documents Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">_deleted</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Whether the document should be deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-insert">
+ <title>Inserting Documents in Bulk</title>
+ <para>
+ To insert documents in bulk into a database you need to supply a
+ JSON structure with the array of documents that you want to add
+ to the database. Using this method you can either include a
+ document ID, or allow the document ID to be automatically
+ generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the following inserts three new documents, two with
+ the supplied document IDs, and one which will have a document ID
+ generated:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "docs" : [
+ {
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "LambStew",
+ "servings" : 6,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with scone topping",
+ "title" : "Lamb Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "servings" : 8,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with suet dumplings",
+ "title" : "Beef Stew"
+ },
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The return type from a bulk insertion will be 201, with the
+ content of the returned structure indicating specific success or
+ otherwise messages on a per-document basis.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return structure from the example above contains a list of
+ the documents created, here with the combination and their
+ revision IDs:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_bulk_docs
+Content-Type: application/json
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "1-34c318924a8f327223eed702ddfdc66d",
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "1-857c7cbeb6c8dd1dd34a0c73e8da3c44",
+ }
+ <para>
+ The content and structure of the returned JSON will depend on
+ the transaction semantics being used for the bulk update; see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit"/>
+ for more information. Conflicts and validation errors when
+ updating documents in bulk must be handled separately; see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-update">
+ <title>Updating Documents in Bulk</title>
+ <para>
+ The bulk document update procedure is similar to the insertion
+ procedure, except that you must specify the document ID and
+ current revision for every document in the bulk update JSON
+ string.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could send the following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_bulk_docs
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "docs" : [
+ {
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with freshly baked bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "LambStew",
+ "_rev" : "1-34c318924a8f327223eed702ddfdc66d",
+ "servings" : 6,
+ "subtitle" : "Serve with a wholemeal scone topping",
+ "title" : "Lamb Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433"
+ "_rev" : "1-857c7cbeb6c8dd1dd34a0c73e8da3c44",
+ "servings" : 8,
+ "subtitle" : "Hand-made dumplings make a great accompaniment",
+ "title" : "Beef Stew"
+ }
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The return structure is the JSON of the updated documents, with
+ the new revision and ID information:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-e7af4c4e9981d960ecf78605d79b06d1"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "2-0786321986194c92dd3b57dfbfc741ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "2-bdd3bf3563bee516b96885a66c743f8e"
+ }
+ <para>
+ You can optionally delete documents during a bulk update by
+ adding the <literal moreinfo="none">_deleted</literal> field with a value of
+ <literal moreinfo="none">true</literal> to each docment ID/revision combination
+ within the submitted JSON structure.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return type from a bulk insertion will be 201, with the
+ content of the returned structure indicating specific success or
+ otherwise messages on a per-document basis.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The content and structure of the returned JSON will depend on
+ the transaction semantics being used for the bulk update; see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit"/>
+ for more information. Conflicts and validation errors when
+ updating documents in bulk must be handled separately; see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit">
+ <title>Bulk Documents Transaction Semantics</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB supports two different modes for updating (or inserting)
+ documents using the bulk documentation system. Each mode affects
+ both the state of the documents in the event of system failure,
+ and the level of conflict checking performed on each document.
+ The two modes are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">non-atomic</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default mode is non-atomic, that is, CouchDB will only
+ guarantee that some of the documents will be saved when you
+ send the request. The response will contain the list of
+ documents successfully inserted or updated during the
+ process. In the event of a crash, some of the documents may
+ have been successfully saved, and some will have been lost.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In this mode, the response structure will indicate whether
+ the document was updated by supplying the new
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> parameter indicating a new document
+ revision was created. If the update failed, then you will
+ get an <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal> of type
+ <literal moreinfo="none">conflict</literal>. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ }
+ <para>
+ In this case no new revision has been created and you will
+ need to submit the document update, with the correct
+ revision tag, to update the document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">all-or-nothing</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In all-or-nothing mode, either all documents are written to
+ the database, or no documents are written to the database,
+ in the event of a system failure during commit.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In addition, the per-document conflict checking is not
+ performed. Instead a new revision of the document is
+ created, even if the new revision is in conflict with the
+ current revision in the database. The returned structure
+ contains the list of documents with new revisions:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-e7af4c4e9981d960ecf78605d79b06d1"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "2-0786321986194c92dd3b57dfbfc741ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "2-bdd3bf3563bee516b96885a66c743f8e"
+ }
+ <para>
+ When updating documents using this mode the revision of a
+ document included in views will be arbitrary. You can check
+ the conflict status for a document by using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">conflicts=true</literal> query argument when
+ accessing the view. Conflicts should be handled individually
+ to ensure the consistency of your database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To use this mode, you must include the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">all_or_nothing</literal> field (set to true) within
+ the main body of the JSON of the request.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ The effects of different database operations on the different
+ modes are summarized in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit">
+ <title>Conflicts on Bulk Inserts</title>
+ <tgroup cols="4">
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Transaction Mode
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Transaction
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Cause
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolution
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Non-atomic
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Insert
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Requested document ID already exists
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resubmit with different document ID, or update the
+ existing document
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Non-atomic
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Update
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Revision missing or incorrect
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resubmit with correct revision
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ All-or-nothing
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Insert
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Additional revision inserted
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolve conflicted revisions
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ All-or-nothing
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Update
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Additional revision inserted
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolve conflicted revisions
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ <para>
+ Replication of documents is independent of the type of insert or
+ update. The documents and revisions created during a bulk insert
+ or update are replicated in the same way as any other document.
+ This can mean that if you make use of the all-or-nothing mode
+ the exact list of documents, revisions (and their conflict
+ state) may or may not be replicated to other databases
+ correctly.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors">
+ <title>Bulk Document Validation and Conflict Errors</title>
+ <para>
+ The JSON returned by the <literal moreinfo="none">_bulk_docs</literal> operation
+ consists of an array of JSON structures, one for each document
+ in the original submission. The returned JSON structure should
+ be examined to ensure that all of the documents submitted in the
+ original request were successfully added to the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The exact structure of the returned information is shown in
+ <xref linkend="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-return-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-return-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Document Response
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">docs</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Docs Returned Documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error type
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">reason</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error string with extended reason
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ When a document (or document revision) is not correctly comitted
+ to the database because of an error, you should check the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal> field to determine error type and
+ course of action. Errors will be one of the following type:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">conflict</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document as submitted is in conflict. If you used the
+ default bulk transaction mode then the new revision will not
+ have been created and you will need to re-submit the
+ document to the database. If you used
+ <literal moreinfo="none">all-or-nothing</literal> mode then you will need to
+ manually resolve the conflicted revisions of the document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Conflict resolution of documents added using the bulk docs
+ interface is identical to the resolution procedures used
+ when resolving conflict errors during replication.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">forbidden</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Entries with this error type indicate that the validation
+ routine applied to the document during submission has
+ returned an error.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, if your validation routine includes the
+ following:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">throw({forbidden: 'invalid recipe ingredient'});</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The error returned will be:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "error" : "forbidden",
+ "reason" : "invalid recipe ingredient"
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional-validation"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-temp-view_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_temp_view</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_temp_view</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_temp_view</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the temporary view definition
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Temporary view result set
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Creates (and executes) a temporary view based on the view function
+ supplied in the JSON request. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_temp_view
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.value &gt; 9995) { emit(null, doc.value); } }"
+ <para>
+ The resulting JSON response is the result from the execution of
+ the temporary view:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "total_rows" : 3,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.41913029012,
+ "id" : "05361cc6aa42033878acc1bacb1f39c2",
+ "key" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.94149934853,
+ "id" : "1f443f471e5929dd7b252417625ed170",
+ "key" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.01511339154,
+ "id" : "1f443f471e5929dd7b252417629c102b",
+ "key" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ <para>
+ The arguments also available to standard view requests also apply
+ to temporary views, but the execution of the view may take some
+ time as it relies on being executed at the time of the request. In
+ addition to the time taken, they are also computationally very
+ expensive to produce. You should use a defined view if you want to
+ achieve the best performance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional-views"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_purge</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_purge</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_purge</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document IDs/revisions to be purged
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON structure with purged documents and purge sequence
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ A database purge permanently removes the references to deleted
+ documents from the database. Deleting a document within CouchDB
+ does not actually remove the documen from the database, instead,
+ the document is marked as a deleted (and a new revision is
+ created). This is to ensure that deleted documents are replicated
+ to other databases as having been deleted. This also means that
+ you can check the status of a document and identify that the
+ document has been deleted.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The purge operation removes the refernces to the deleted documents
+ from the database. The purging of old documents is not replicated
+ to other databases. If you are replicating between databases and
+ have deleted a large number of documents you should run purge on
+ each database.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Purging documents does not remove the space used by them on
+ disk. To reclaim disk space, you should run a database compact
+ (see <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post"/>, and
+ compact views (see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post"/>).
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ To perform a purge operation you must send a request including the
+ JSON of the document IDs that you want to purge. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_purge
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "FishStew" : [
+ "17-b3eb5ac6fbaef4428d712e66483dcb79"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The format of the request must include the document ID and one or
+ more revisions that must be purged.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The response will contain the purge sequence number, and a list of
+ the document IDs and revisions successfully purged.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "purged" : {
+ "FishStew" : [
+ "17-b3eb5ac6fbaef4428d712e66483dcb79"
+ ]
+ },
+ "purge_seq" : 11
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post-indexrebuild">
+ <title>Updating Indexes</title>
+ <para>
+ The number of purges on a database is tracked using a purge
+ sequence. This is used by the view indexer to optimize the
+ updating of views that contain the purged documents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When the indexer identifies that the purge sequence on a
+ database has changed, it compares the purge sequence of the
+ database with that stored in the view index. If the difference
+ between the stored sequence and database is sequence is only 1,
+ then the indexer uses a cached list of the most recently purged
+ documents, and then removes these documents from the index
+ individually. This prevents completely rebuilding the index from
+ scratch.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If the difference between the stored sequence number and current
+ database sequence is greater than 1, then the view index is
+ entirely rebuilt. This is an expensive operation as every
+ document in the database must be examined.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_all_docs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_all_docs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_all_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON object containing document information, ordered by the
+ document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">descending</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return the documents in descending by key order
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">endkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">endkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified document ID is
+ reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">group</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Group the results using the reduce function to a group or
+ single row
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">group_level</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the group level to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the full content of the documents in the return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">inclusive_end</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specifies whether the specified end key should be included
+ in the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">key</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return only documents that match the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified
+ number
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">reduce</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Use the reduction function
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">skip</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Skip this number of records before starting to return the
+ results
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">stale</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow the results from a stale view to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ok</literal></entry><entry>Allow stale views</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">startkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">startkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the update sequence in the generated results
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns a JSON structure of all of the documents in a given
+ database. The information is returned as a JSON structure
+ containing meta information about the return structure, and the
+ list documents and basic contents, consisting the ID, revision and
+ key. The key is generated from the document ID.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ All Database Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">offset</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Offset where the document list started
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rows</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of document object
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">total_rows</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents in the database/view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Current update sequence for the database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ By default the information returned contains only the document ID
+ and revision. For example, the request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest" format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_all_docs
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the following structure:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse" format="linespecific">{
+ "total_rows" : 18386,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-bc0d5aed1e339b1cc1f29578f3220a45"
+ },
+ "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
+ "key" : "Aberffrawcake"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "3-68a20c89a5e70357c20148f8e82ca331"
+ },
+ "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+ "key" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "3-9b2851ed9b6f655cc4eb087808406c60"
+ },
+ "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+ "key" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ <para>
+ The information is returned in the form of a temporary view of all
+ the database documents, with the returned key consisting of the ID
+ of the document. The remainder of the interface is therefore
+ identical to the View query arguments and their behavior.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_all_docs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_all_docs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_all_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document IDs you want included
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the returned view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> to <literal moreinfo="none">_all_docs</literal> allows
+ to specify multiple keys to be selected from the database. This
+ enables you to request multiple documents in a single request, in
+ place of multiple
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/> requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The request body should contain a list of the keys to be returned
+ as an array to a <literal moreinfo="none">keys</literal> object. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest" format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_all_docs
+User-Agent: MyApp/0.1 libwww-perl/5.837
+ "keys" : [
+ "Zingylemontart",
+ "Yogurtraita"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The return JSON is the all documents structure, but with only the
+ selected keys in the output:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse" format="linespecific">{
+ "total_rows" : 2666,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-a3544d296de19e6f5b932ea77d886942"
+ },
+ "id" : "Zingylemontart",
+ "key" : "Zingylemontart"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-91635098bfe7d40197a1b98d7ee085fc"
+ },
+ "id" : "Yogurtraita",
+ "key" : "Yogurtraita"
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-missing-revs_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_missing_revs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_missing_revs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_missing_revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of document revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of missing revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-diff_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_revs_diff</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_revs_diff</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_revs_diff</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of document and revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of differences from supplied document/revision list
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-security_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_security</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_security</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_security</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the security object
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the current secrity object from the specified database. The
+ security object consists of two compulsory elements,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">admins</literal> and <literal moreinfo="none">readers</literal>, which
+ are used to specify the list of users and/or roles that have admin
+ and reader rights to the database respectively. Any additional
+ fields in the security object are optional. The entire security
+ object is made available to validation and other internal
+ functions so that the database can control and limit
+ functionality.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To get the existing security object you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "admins" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "mc",
+ "slp"
+ ]
+ },
+ "readers" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "tim",
+ "brian"
+ ]
+ }
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db-json-security" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Security Object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">admins</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with admin privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">roles</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">users</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">readers</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with reader privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">roles</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">users</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ If the security object for a database has never beent set, then
+ the value returned will be empty.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-security_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_security</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_security</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_security</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON specifying the admin and user security for the database
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Sets the security object for the given database.For example, to
+ set the security object for the <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal>
+ database:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_security
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "admins" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "mc",
+ "slp"
+ ]
+ },
+ "readers" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "tim",
+ "brian"
+ ]
+ }
+ <para>
+ If the setting was successful, a JSON status object will be
+ returned:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_revs_limit</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_revs_limit</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_revs_limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The current revision limit setting
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the current <literal moreinfo="none">revs_limit</literal> (revision limit)
+ setting.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to get the current limit:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_revs_limit
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned information is the current setting as a numerical
+ scalar:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">1000</programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_revs_limit</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_revs_limit</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_revs_limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ A scalar integer of the revision limit setting
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Confirmation of setting of the revision limit
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Sets the maximum number of document revisions that will be tracked
+ by CouchDB, even after compaction has occurred. You can set the
+ revision limit on a database by using <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal> with
+ a scalar integer of the limit that you want to set as the request
+ body.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to set the revs limit to 100 for the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal> database:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_revs_limit
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ If the setting was successful, a JSON status object will be
+ returned:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-dbdoc">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API Server Document methods detail how to create, read,
+ update and delete documents within a database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-summary"><title>Document API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post">
+ Create a new document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get">
+ Returns the latest revision of the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">HEAD</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_head">
+ Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put">
+ Inserts a new document, or new version of an existing document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete">
+ Deletes the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">COPY</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy">
+ Copies the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get">
+ Gets the attachment of a document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put">
+ Adds an attachment of a document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_delete">
+ Deletes an attachment of a document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the new document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the committed document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">batch</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow document store request to be batched with others
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ok</literal></entry><entry>Enable</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been created successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Conflict - a document with the specified document ID already
+ exists
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Create a new document in the specified database, using the
+ supplied JSON document structure. If the JSON structure includes
+ the <literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> field, then the document will be
+ created with the specified document ID. If the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> field is not specified, a new unique ID
+ will be generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you can generate a new document with a generated UUID
+ using the following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The return JSON will specify the automatically enerated ID and
+ revision information:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "64575eef70ab90a2b8d55fc09e00440d",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post-docid">
+ <title>Specifying the Document ID</title>
+ <para>
+ The document ID can be specified by including the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> field in the JSON of the submitted
+ record. The following request will create the same document with
+ the ID <literal moreinfo="none">FishStew</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The structure of the submitted document is as shown in the table
+ below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json-document" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ In either case, the returned JSON will specify the document ID,
+ revision ID, and status message:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_batchmode">
+ <title>Batch Mode Writes</title>
+ <para>
+ You can write documents to the database at a higher rate by
+ using the batch option. This collects document writes together
+ in memory (on a user-by-user basis) before they are committed to
+ disk. This increases the risk of the documents not being stored
+ in the event of a failure, since the documents are not written
+ to disk immediately.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To use the batched mode, append the <literal moreinfo="none">batch=ok</literal>
+ query argument to the URL of the <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal> or
+ <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> request. The CouchDB server will respond
+ with a 202 HTTP response code immediately.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachments">
+ <title>Including Attachments</title>
+ <para>
+ You can include one or more attachments with a given document by
+ incorporating the attachment information within the JSON of the
+ document. This provides a simpler alternative to loading
+ documents with attachments than making a separate call (see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put"/>).
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-documentattachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment information
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">data</literal> </entry><entry>
+ File attachment content, Base64 encoded
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">filename</literal> will be the attachment name. For
+ example, when sending the JSON structure below:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ "_attachments" : {
+ "styling.css" : {
+ "content-type" : "text/css",
+ "data" : "cCB7IGZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTJwdDsgfQo=",
+ },
+ },
+ <para>
+ The attachment <literal moreinfo="none">styling.css</literal> can be accessed
+ using <literal moreinfo="none">/recipes/FishStew/styling.css</literal>. For more
+ information on attachments, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document data embedded in to the structure must be encoded
+ using base64.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the JSON for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">conflicts</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Returns the conflict tree for the document.
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document created
+ </entry></row><row><entry>400</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The format of the request or revision was invalid
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The specified document or revision cannot be found, or has been
+ deleted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Conflict - a document with the specified document ID already
+ exists
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the specified <literal moreinfo="none">doc</literal> from the specified
+ <literal moreinfo="none">db</literal>. For example, to retrieve the document with
+ the id <literal moreinfo="none">FishStew</literal> you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON is the JSON of the document, including the
+ document ID and revision number:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ Unless you request a specific revision, the latest revision of the
+ document will always be returned.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-attachments">
+ <title>Attachments</title>
+ <para>
+ If the document includes attachments, then the returned
+ structure will contain a summary of the attachments associatd
+ with the document, but not the attachment data itself.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The JSON for the returned document will include the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_attachments</literal> field, with one or more
+ attachment definitions. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ "_attachments" : {
+ "styling.css" : {
+ "stub" : true,
+ "content-type" : "text/css",
+ "length" : 783426,
+ },
+ },
+ <para>
+ The format of the returned JSON is shown in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-returneddocumentattachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">length</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Length (bytes) of the attachment data
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">revpos</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Revision where this attachment exists
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">stub</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether the attachment is a stub
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-revs">
+ <title>Getting a List of Revisions</title>
+ <para>
+ You can obtain a list of the revisions for a given document by
+ adding the <literal moreinfo="none">revs=true</literal> parameter to the request
+ URL. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?revs=true
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON structure includes the original document,
+ including a <literal moreinfo="none">_revisions</literal> structure that
+ includes the revision information:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew",
+ "_revisions" : {
+ "ids" : [
+ "a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c",
+ "7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d",
+ "9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ ],
+ "start" : 3
+ },
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-document_with_revs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_revisions</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">ids</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of valid revision IDs, in reverse order (latest first)
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">start</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Prefix number for the latest revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-revsextended">
+ <title>Obtaining an Extended Revision History</title>
+ <para>
+ You can get additional information about the revisions for a
+ given document by supplying the <literal moreinfo="none">revs_info</literal>
+ argument to the query:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?revs_info=true
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This returns extended revision information, including the
+ availability and status of each revision:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_revs_info" : [
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ },
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d"
+ },
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ }
+ ],
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew",
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-document_with_revs_info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_revs_info</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Extended Revision Info
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Full revision string
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Status of the revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-specrev">
+ <title>Obtaining a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To get a specific revision, use the <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal>
+ argument to the request, and specify the full revision number:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The specified revision of the document will be returned,
+ including a <literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> field specifying the
+ revision that was requested:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_head">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">HEAD /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API HEAD /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">HEAD /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The specified document or revision cannot be found, or has been
+ deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the HTTP Headers containing a minimal amount of
+ information about the specified document. The method supports the
+ same query arguments as the <literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal> method, but
+ only the header information (including document size, and the
+ revision as an ETag), is returned. For example, a simple
+ <literal moreinfo="none">HEAD</literal> request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">HEAD http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the following HTTP Headers:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Etag: "7-a19a1a5ecd946dad70e85233ba039ab2"
+Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 14:54:43 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 136
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">Etag</literal> header shows the current revision for
+ the requested document, and the <literal moreinfo="none">Content-Length</literal>
+ specifies the length of the data, if the document were requested
+ in full.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Adding any of the query arguments (as supported by
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></link>
+ method), then the resulting HTTP Headers will correspond to what
+ would be returned. Note that the current revision is not returned
+ when the <literal moreinfo="none">refs_info</literal> argument is used. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 14:57:16 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 609
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate</programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the new document, or updated version of the existed
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document ID and revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">batch</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow document store request to be batched with others
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ok</literal></entry><entry>Enable</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been created successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document accepted for writing (batch mode)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal> method creates a new named document, or
+ creates a new revision of the existing document. Unlike the
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post"><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></link>
+ method, you must specify the document ID in the request URL.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to create the docment <literal moreinfo="none">FishStew</literal>,
+ you would send the following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The return type is JSON of the status, document ID,and revision
+ number:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put-update">
+ <title>Updating an Existing Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To update an existing document you must specify the current
+ revision number within the <literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> parameter.
+ For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "_rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ Alternatively, you can supply the current revision number in the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal> HTTP header of the request. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+If-Match: 2-d953b18035b76f2a5b1d1d93f25d3aea
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The JSON returned will include the updated revision number:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "FishStew99",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "2-d953b18035b76f2a5b1d1d93f25d3aea"
+ <para>
+ For information on batched writes, which can provide improved
+ performance, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_batchmode"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the deleted revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Revision is missing, invalid or not the latest
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified document from the database. You must supply
+ the current (latest) revision, either by using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> parameter to specify the revision:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Alternatively, you can use ETags with the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal> field:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+If-Match: 3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the document ID, revision and status:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "4-2719fd41187c60762ff584761b714cfb"
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Note that deletion of a record increments the revision number.
+ The use of a revision for deletion of the record allows
+ replication of the database to correctly track the deletion in
+ synchronized copies.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">COPY /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API COPY /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">COPY /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the new document and revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision to copy from
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">Destination</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Destination document (and optional revision)</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been copied and created successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Conflict (target document already exists)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">COPY</literal> command (which is non-standard HTTP)
+ copies an existing document to a new or existing document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The source document is specified on the request line, with the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Destination</literal> HTTP Header of the request
+ specifying the target document.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-simple">
+ <title>Copying a Document</title>
+ <para>
+ You can copy the latest version of a document to a new document
+ by specifying the current document and target document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The above request copies the document
+ <literal moreinfo="none">FishStew</literal> to the new document
+ <literal moreinfo="none">IrishFishStew</literal>. The response is the ID and
+ revision of the new document.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "IrishFishStew",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-specrev">
+ <title>Copying from a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy <emphasis>from</emphasis> a specific version, use the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> argument to the query string:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=5-acfd32d233f07cea4b4f37daaacc0082
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The new document will be created using the information in the
+ specified revision of the source document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-existing">
+ <title>Copying to an Existing Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy to an existing document, you must specify the current
+ revision string for the target document, using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> parameter to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Destination</literal> HTTP Header string. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew?rev=1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The return value will be the new revision of the copied
+ document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "IrishFishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-55b6a1b251902a2c249b667dab1c6692"
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the document data
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the file attachment <literal moreinfo="none">attachment</literal>
+ associated with the document <literal moreinfo="none">doc</literal>. The raw data
+ of the associated attachment is returned (just as if you were
+ accessing a static file. The returned HTTP
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal> will be the same as the content
+ type set when the document attachment was submitted into the
+ database.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Raw document data
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON document status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current document revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">Content-Length</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Length (bytes) of the attachment being uploaded</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">Content-Type</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>MIME type for the uploaded attachment</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Attachment has been accepted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Upload the supplied content as an attachment to the specified
+ document (<literal moreinfo="none">doc</literal>). The
+ <literal moreinfo="none">attachment</literal> name provided must be a URL encoded
+ string. You must also supply either the <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal>
+ query argument or the <literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal> HTTP header for
+ validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attacment content
+ type). The content type is used when the attachment is requested
+ as the corresponding content-type in the returned document header.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could upload a simple text document using the
+ following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic?rev=8-a94cb7e50ded1e06f943be5bfbddf8ca
+Content-Length: 10
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Roast it</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Or by using the <literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal> HTTP header:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic
+If-Match: 8-a94cb7e50ded1e06f943be5bfbddf8ca
+Content-Length: 10
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Roast it</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the new document information:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "9-247bb19a41bfd9bfdaf5ee6e2e05be74"
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document
+ revision. Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not
+ individual attachments.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put-existing">
+ <title>Updating an Existing Attachment</title>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment using an existing attachment name will
+ update the corresponding stored content of the database. Since
+ you must supply the revision information to add an attachment to
+ a document, this serves as validation to update the existing
+ attachment.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_delete">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision of the document to be deleted
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Attachment deleted successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the attachment <literal moreinfo="none">attachment</literal> to the
+ specified <literal moreinfo="none">doc</literal>. You must supply the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> argument with the current revision to
+ delete the attachment.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to delete the attachment <literal moreinfo="none">basic</literal> from
+ the recipe <literal moreinfo="none">FishStew</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic?rev=9-247bb19a41bfd9bfdaf5ee6e2e05be74
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the updated revision information:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "10-561bf6b1e27615cee83d1f48fa65dd3e"
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-localdb">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Local (non-replicating) Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The Local (non-replicating) document interface allows you to create
+ local documents that are not replicated to other databases. These
+ documents can be used to hold configuration or other information
+ that is required specifically on the local CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Local documents have the following limitations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Local documents are not replicated to other databases.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The ID of the local document must be known for the document to
+ accessed. You cannot obtain a list of local documents from the
+ database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Local documents are not output by views, or the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">_all_docs</literal> view.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Local documents can be used when you want to store configuration or
+ other information for the curent (local) instance of a given
+ database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-localdb-summary"><title>Local (non-replicating) Document API
+ Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_get">
+ Returns the latest revision of the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_put">
+ Inserts a new version of the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_delete">
+ Deletes the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">COPY</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_copy">
+ Copies the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the returned document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>400</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The format of the request or revision was invalid
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The specified document or revision cannot be found, or has been
+ deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the specified local document. The semantics are identical to
+ accessing a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the committed document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been created successfully
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Stores the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to storing a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_delete">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the deleted document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to deleting a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_copy">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">COPY /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API COPY /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">COPY /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the copied document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision to copy from
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">Destination</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Destination document (and optional revision)</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Copies the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to copying a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-design">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Design Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB, design documents provide the main interface for building
+ a CouchDB application. The design document defines the views used to
+ extract information from CouchDB through one or more views. Design
+ documents are created within your CouchDB instance in the same way
+ as you create database documents, but the content and definition of
+ the documents is different. Design Documents are named using an ID
+ defined with the design document URL path, and this URL can then be
+ used to access the database contents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Views and lists operate together to provide automated (and
+ formatted) output from your database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-design-summary"><title>Design Document API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_get">
+ Returns the latest revision of the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_put">
+ Creates or updates a design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_delete">
+ Deletes the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">COPY</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy">
+ Copies the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_info</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-info_get">
+ Returns information about the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_get">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_post">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results for
+ certain documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_get">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_post">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results for
+ certain documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ALL</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-rewrite-rewritename-anything_all">
+ Invokes the URL rewrite handler and processes the request after
+ rewriting
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname_get">
+ Invokes the show handler without a document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname-doc_get">
+ Invokes the show handler for the given document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename_post">
+ Invokes the update handler without a document ID
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename-doc_put">
+ Invokes the update handler with a specific document ID
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get">
+ Returns results of the view
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post">
+ Returns certain rows from the view
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_get">
+ Gets an attachment of the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_put">
+ Inserts an attachment to the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_delete">
+ Deletes an attachment from the design document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the existing design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the specified design document,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">design-doc</literal> from the specified
+ <literal moreinfo="none">db</literal>. For example, to retrieve the design
+ document <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal> you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned string will be the JSON of the design document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "_id" : "_design/recipes",
+ "_rev" : "5-39f56a392b86bbee57e2138921346406"
+ "language" : "javascript",
+ "views" : {
+ "by_recipe" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.title != null) emit(doc.title, doc) }"
+ },
+ },
+ <para>
+ A list of the revisions can be obtained by using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">revs</literal> query argument, or an extended list of
+ revisions using the <literal moreinfo="none">revs_info</literal> query argument.
+ This operates in the same way as for other documents. Fur further
+ examples, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Upload the specified design document,
+ <literal moreinfo="none">design-doc</literal>, to the specified database. The
+ design document should follow the definition of a design document,
+ as summarised in the following table.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json-designdoc" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document Revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">views</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">viewname</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Definition
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">map</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Map Function for View
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">reduce</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Reduce Function for View
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ For more information on writing views, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional-views"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_delete">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of deleted design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Delete an existing design document. Deleting a design document
+ also deletes all of the associated view indexes, and recovers the
+ corresponding space on disk for the indexes in question.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To delete, you must specify the current revision of the design
+ document using the <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> query argument.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=2-ac58d589b37d01c00f45a4418c5a15a8
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The response contains the delete document ID and revision:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "recipe/_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "3-7a05370bff53186cb5d403f861aca154",
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">COPY /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API COPY /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">COPY /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the copied document and revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision to copy from
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">Destination</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Destination document (and optional revision)</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">COPY</literal> command (non-standard HTTP) copies an
+ existing design document to a new or existing document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The source design document is specified on the request line, with
+ the <literal moreinfo="none">Destination</literal> HTTP Header of the request
+ specifying the target document.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-simple">
+ <title>Copying a Design Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy the latest version of a design document to a new
+ document you specify the base document and target document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: /recipes/_design/recipelist</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The above request copies the design document
+ <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal> to the new design document
+ <literal moreinfo="none">recipelist</literal>. The response is the ID and
+ revision of the new document.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "recipes/_design/recipelist"
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Copying a design document does automatically reconstruct the
+ view indexes. These will be recreated, as with other views,
+ the first time the new view is accessed.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-specrev">
+ <title>Copying from a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy <emphasis>from</emphasis> a specific version, use the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> argument to the query string:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=1-e23b9e942c19e9fb10ff1fde2e50e0f5
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The new design document will be created using the specified
+ revision of the source document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-existing">
+ <title>Copying to an Existing Design Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy to an existing document, you must specify the current
+ revision string for the target document, using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> parameter to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Destination</literal> HTTP Header string. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist?rev=1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The return value will be the new revision of the copied
+ document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "recipes/_design/recipes"
+ "rev" : "2-55b6a1b251902a2c249b667dab1c6692",
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document content
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the file attachment <literal moreinfo="none">attachment</literal>
+ associated with the design document
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/_design_/design-doc</literal>. The raw data of the
+ associated attachment is returned (just as if you were accessing a
+ static file. The returned HTTP <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal>
+ will be the same as the content type set when the document
+ attachment was submitted into the database.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Upload the supplied content as an attachment to the specified
+ design document (<literal moreinfo="none">/_design/design-doc</literal>). The
+ <literal moreinfo="none">attachment</literal> name provided must be a URL encoded
+ string. You must also supply either the <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal>
+ query argument or the <literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal> HTTP header for
+ validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attacment content
+ type). The content type is used when the attachment is requested
+ as the corresponding content-type in the returned document header.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could upload a simple text document using the
+ following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
+Content-Length: 39
+Content-Type: text/plain
+div.recipetitle {
+font-weight: bold;
+ <para>
+ Or by using the <literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal> HTTP header:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic
+If-Match: 7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
+Content-Length: 39
+Content-Type: text/plain
+div.recipetitle {
+font-weight: bold;
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the new document information:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "8-cb2b7d94eeac76782a02396ba70dfbf5",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document
+ revision. Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not
+ individual attachments.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_delete">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the deleted revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the attachment <literal moreinfo="none">attachment</literal> to the
+ specified <literal moreinfo="none">_design/design-doc</literal>. You must supply
+ the <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> argument with the current revision to
+ delete the attachment.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to delete the attachment <literal moreinfo="none">view.css</literal>
+ from the design document <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=9-3db559f13a845c7751d407404cdeaa4a</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the updated revision information for
+ the parent document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "id" : "_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "10-f3b15bb408961f8dcc3d86c7d3b54c4c",
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-info_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the design document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Obtains information about a given design document, including the
+ index, index size and current status of the design document and
+ associated index information.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to get the information for the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal> design document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_info
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This returns the following JSON structure:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "name" : "recipes"
+ "view_index" : {
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "updater_running" : false,
+ "language" : "javascript",
+ "purge_seq" : 10,
+ "waiting_commit" : false,
+ "waiting_clients" : 0,
+ "signature" : "fc65594ee76087a3b8c726caf5b40687",
+ "update_seq" : 375031,
+ "disk_size" : 16491
+ },
+ <para>
+ The individual fields in the returned JSON structure are detailed
+ in
+ <xref linkend="table-couchdb-api-design_db-designdoc-info-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-design_db-designdoc-info-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>Design Document Info JSON Contents</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Name/ID of Design Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">view_index</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Index
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether a compaction routine is currently running on
+ the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">language</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Language for the defined views
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The purge sequence that has been processed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">signature</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MD5 signature of the views for the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The update sequence of the corresponding database that has been
+ indexed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">updater_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if the view is currently being updated
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">waiting_clients</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of clients waiting on views from this design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">waiting_commit</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if there are outstanding commits to the underlying
+ database that need to processed
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the documents returned by the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">descending</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return the documents in descending by key order
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">endkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">endkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified document ID is
+ reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">group</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Group the results using the reduce function to a group or
+ single row
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">group_level</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the group level to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the full content of the documents in the return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">inclusive_end</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specifies whether the specified end key should be included
+ in the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">key</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return only documents that match the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified
+ number
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">reduce</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Use the reduction function
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">skip</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Skip this number of records before starting to return the
+ results
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">stale</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow the results from a stale view to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ok</literal></entry><entry>Allow stale views</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">startkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">startkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the update sequence in the generated results
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Executes the specified <literal moreinfo="none">view-name</literal> from the
+ specified <literal moreinfo="none">design-doc</literal> design document.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-indexes">
+ <title>Querying Views and Indexes</title>
+ <para>
+ The definition of a view within a design document also creates
+ an index based on the key information defined within each view.
+ The production and use of the index significantly increases the
+ speed of access and searching or selecting documents from the
+ view.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ However, the index is not updated when new documents are added
+ or modified in the database. Instead, the index is generated or
+ updated, either when the view is first accessed, or when the
+ view is accessed after a document has been updated. In each
+ case, the index is updated before the view query is executed
+ against the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ View indexes are updated incrementally in the following
+ situations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A new document has been added to the database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A document has been deleted from the database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A document in the database has been updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ View indexes are rebuilt entirely when the view definition
+ changes. To achieve this, a 'fingerprint' of the view definition
+ is created when the design document is updated. If the
+ fingerprint changes, then the view indexes are entirely rebuilt.
+ This ensures that changes to the view definitions are reflected
+ in the view indexes.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ View index rebuilds occur when one view from the same the view
+ group (i.e. all the views defined within a single a design
+ document) has been determined as needing a rebuild. For
+ example, if if you have a design document with different
+ views, and you update the database, all three view indexes
+ within the design document will be updated.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Because the view is updated when it has been queried, it can
+ result in a delay in returned information when the view is
+ accessed, especially if there are a large number of documents in
+ the database and the view index does not exist. There are a
+ number of ways to mitigate, but not completely eliminate, these
+ issues. These include:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Create the view definition (and associated design documents)
+ on your database before allowing insertion or updates to the
+ documents. If this is allowed while the view is being
+ accessed, the index can be updated incrementally.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Manually force a view request from the database. You can do
+ this either before users are allowed to use the view, or you
+ can access the view manually after documents are added or
+ updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Use the <literal moreinfo="none">/db/_changes</literal> method to monitor
+ for changes to the database and then access the view to
+ force the corresponding view index to be updated. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get"/>
+ for more information.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Use a monitor with the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">update_notification</literal> section of the
+ CouchDB configuration file to monitor for changes to your
+ database, and trigger a view query to force the view to be
+ updated. For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-configuration-update_notification"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ None of these can completely eliminate the need for the indexes
+ to be rebuilt or updated when the view is accessed, but they may
+ lessen the effects on end-users of the index update affecting
+ the user experience.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Another alternative is to allow users to access a 'stale'
+ version of the view index, rather than forcing the index to be
+ updated and displaying the updated results. Using a stale view
+ may not return the latest information, but will return the
+ results of the view query using an existing version of the
+ index.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to access the existing stale view
+ <literal moreinfo="none">by_recipe</literal> in the <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal>
+ design document:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_recipe?stale=ok</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Accessing a stale view:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Does not trigger a rebuild of the view indexes, even if
+ there have been changes since the last access.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Returns the current version of the view index, if a current
+ version exists.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Returns an empty result set if the given view index does
+ exist.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ As an alternative, you use the <literal moreinfo="none">update_after</literal>
+ value to the <option>stale</option> paramater. This causes the
+ view to be returned as a stale view, but for the update process
+ to be triggered after the view information has been returned to
+ the client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In addition to using stale views, you can also make use of the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> query argument. Using this query
+ argument generates the view information including the update
+ sequence of the database from which the view was generated. The
+ returned value can be compared this to the current update
+ sequence exposed in the database information (returned by
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/>).
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-sorting">
+ <title>Sorting Returned Rows</title>
+ <para>
+ Each element within the returned array is sorted using native
+ UTF-8 sorting according to the contents of the key portion of
+ the emitted content. The basic order of output is as follows:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">null</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">false</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">true</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Numbers
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Text (case sensitive, lowercase first)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Arrays (according to the values of each element, in order)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Objects (according to the values of keys, in key order)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ You can reverse the order of the returned view information by
+ using the <literal moreinfo="none">descending</literal> query value set to true.
+ For example, Retrieving the list of recipes using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">by_title</literal> (limited to 5 records) view:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "offset" : 0,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "id" : "3-tiersalmonspinachandavocadoterrine",
+ "key" : "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
+ "key" : "Aberffraw cake",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aberffraw cake"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+ "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+ "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
+ "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Alabama peanut chicken"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 2667
+ <para>
+ Requesting the same in descending order will reverse the entire
+ view content. For example the request
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=5&amp;descending=true
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the last 5 records from the view:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "offset" : 0,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "id" : "Zucchiniinagrodolcesweet-sourcourgettes",
+ "key" : "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zingylemontart",
+ "key" : "Zingy lemon tart",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zingy lemon tart"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zestyseafoodavocado",
+ "key" : "Zesty seafood avocado",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zesty seafood avocado"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zabaglione",
+ "key" : "Zabaglione",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zabaglione"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Yogurtraita",
+ "key" : "Yogurt raita",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Yogurt raita"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 2667
+ <para>
+ The sorting direction is applied before the filtering applied
+ using the <literal moreinfo="none">startkey</literal> and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">endkey</literal> query arguments. For example the
+ following query:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?startkey=%22carrots%22&amp;endkey=%22egg%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Will operate correctly when listing all the matching entries
+ between <quote>carrots</quote> and <literal moreinfo="none">egg</literal>. If
+ the order of output is reversed with the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">descending</literal> query argument, the view request
+ will return no entries:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&amp;startkey=%22carrots%22&amp;endkey=%22egg%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned result is empty:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "total_rows" : 26453,
+ "rows" : [],
+ "offset" : 21882
+ <para>
+ The results will be empty because the entries in the view are
+ reversed before the key filter is applied, and therefore the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">endkey</literal> of <quote>egg</quote> will be seen
+ before the <literal moreinfo="none">startkey</literal> of
+ <quote>carrots</quote>, resulting in an empty list.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Instead, you should reverse the values supplied to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">startkey</literal> and <literal moreinfo="none">endkey</literal>
+ parameters to match the descending sorting applied to the keys.
+ Changing the previous example to:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&amp;startkey=%22egg%22&amp;endkey=%22carrots%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-ranges">
+ <title>Specifying Start and End Values</title>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">startkey</literal> and <literal moreinfo="none">endkey</literal>
+ query arguments can be used to specify the range of values to be
+ displayed when querying the view.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The values
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-limit">
+ <title>Using Limits and Skipping Rows</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-reduction">
+ <title>View Reduction and Grouping</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ List of keys to be returned from specified view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the documents returned by the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">descending</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return the documents in descending by key order
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">endkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">endkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified document ID is
+ reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">group</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Group the results using the reduce function to a group or
+ single row
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">group_level</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the group level to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the full content of the documents in the return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">inclusive_end</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specifies whether the specified end key should be included
+ in the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">key</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return only documents that match the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified
+ number
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">reduce</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Use the reduction function
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">skip</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Skip this number of records before starting to return the
+ results
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">stale</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow the results from a stale view to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ok</literal></entry><entry>Allow stale views</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">startkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">startkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the update sequence in the generated results
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Executes the specified <literal moreinfo="none">view-name</literal> from the
+ specified <literal moreinfo="none">design-doc</literal> design document. Unlike
+ the <literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal> method for accessing views, the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> method supports the specification of
+ explicit keys to be retrieved from the view results. The remainder
+ of the <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> view functionality is identical to
+ the
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get"/>
+ fun
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the request below will return all the recipes where
+ the key for the view matches either <quote>claret</quote> or
+ <quote>clear apple cider</quote> :
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "keys" : [
+ "claret",
+ "clear apple juice"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The returned view data contains the standard view information, but
+ only where the keys match.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "total_rows" : 26484,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : [
+ "Scotch collops"
+ ],
+ "id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "key" : "claret"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : [
+ "Stand pie"
+ ],
+ "id" : "Standpie",
+ "key" : "clear apple juice"
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 6324
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post-multidoc">
+ <title>Multi-document Fetching</title>
+ <para>
+ By combining the <literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal> method to a given view
+ with the <literal moreinfo="none">include_docs=true</literal> query argument you
+ can obtain multiple documents from a database. The result is
+ more efficient than using multiple
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, sending the following request for ingredients
+ matching <quote>claret</quote> and <quote>clear apple
+ juice</quote>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?include_docs=true
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "keys" : [
+ "claret",
+ "clear apple juice"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ Returns the full document for each recipe:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "offset" : 6324,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "doc" : {
+ "_id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "_rev" : "1-bcbdf724f8544c89697a1cbc4b9f0178",
+ "cooktime" : "8",
+ "ingredients" : [
+ {
+ "ingredient" : "onion",
+ "ingredtext" : "onion, peeled and chopped",
+ "meastext" : "1"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "keywords" : [
+ "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob",
+ "diet@wheat-free",
+ "diet@peanut-free",
+ "special collections@classic recipe",
+ "cuisine@british traditional",
+ "diet@corn-free",
+ "diet@citrus-free",
+ "special collections@very easy",
+ "diet@shellfish-free",
+ "main ingredient@meat",
+ "occasion@christmas",
+ "meal type@main",
+ "diet@egg-free",
+ "diet@gluten-free"
+ ],
+ "preptime" : "10",
+ "servings" : "4",
+ "subtitle" : "This recipe comes from an old recipe book of 1683 called 'The Gentlewoman's Kitchen'. This is an excellent way of making a rich and full-flavoured meat dish in a very short time.",
+ "title" : "Scotch collops",
+ "totaltime" : "18"
+ },
+ "id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "key" : "claret",
+ "value" : [
+ "Scotch collops"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "doc" : {
+ "_id" : "Standpie",
+ "_rev" : "1-bff6edf3ca2474a243023f2dad432a5a",
+ "cooktime" : "92",
+ "ingredients" : [
+... ],
+ "keywords" : [
+ "diet@dairy-free",
+ "diet@peanut-free",
+ "special collections@classic recipe",
+ "cuisine@british traditional",
+ "diet@corn-free",
+ "diet@citrus-free",
+ "occasion@buffet party",
+ "diet@shellfish-free",
+ "occasion@picnic",
+ "special collections@lunchbox",
+ "main ingredient@meat",
+ "convenience@serve with salad for complete meal",
+ "meal type@main",
+ "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob / oven",
+ "diet@cow dairy-free"
+ ],
+ "preptime" : "30",
+ "servings" : "6",
+ "subtitle" : "Serve this pie with pickled vegetables and potato salad.",
+ "title" : "Stand pie",
+ "totaltime" : "437"
+ },
+ "id" : "Standpie",
+ "key" : "clear apple juice",
+ "value" : [
+ "Stand pie"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 26484
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the result of the show
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">details</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether details should be included
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">format</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Format of the returned information
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para/>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname-doc_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the show for the given document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para/>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename-doc_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document update information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Updated document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document update information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Updated document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-rewrite-rewritename-anything">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">ALL
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API ALL /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">ALL /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-misc">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Miscellaneous Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB Miscellaneous interface provides the basic interface to
+ a CouchDB server for obtaining CouchDB information and getting and
+ setting configuration information.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-summary"><title>Miscellaneous API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_root_get">
+ Get the welcome message and version information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_active_tasks</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get">
+ Obtain a list of the tasks running in the server
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_all_dbs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_all-dbs_get">
+ Get a list of all the DBs
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_log</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_log_get">
+ Return the server log file
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_replicate</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post">
+ Set or cancel replication
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_restart</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_restart_post">
+ Restart the server
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_stats</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_stats_get">
+ Return server statistics
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_utils</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_utils_get">
+ CouchDB administration interface (Futon)
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_uuids</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_uuids_get">
+ Get generated UUIDs from the server
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/favicon.ico</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_favicon_get">
+ Get the site icon
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_root_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Welcome message and version
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information
+ about the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing
+ information about the server, including a welcome message and the
+ version of the server.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "couchdb" : "Welcome",
+ "version" : "1.0.1"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_active_tasks</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_active_tasks</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_active_tasks</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ List of running tasks, including the task type, name, status and
+ process ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ You can obtain a list of active tasks by using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/_active_tasks</literal> URL. The result is a JSON array
+ of the currently running tasks, with each task being described
+ with a single object. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[
+ {
+ "pid" : "&lt;0.11599.0&gt;",
+ "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)",
+ "task" : "recipes",
+ "type" : "Database Compaction"
+ }
+ <para>
+ The returned structure includes the following fields for each
+ task:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-active-tasks-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ List of Active Tasks
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">tasks</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Active Task
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">pid</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Process ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">task</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task name
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Operation Type
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ For operation type, valid values include:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Database Compaction</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">Replication</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">View Group Compaction</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">View Group Indexer</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_all-dbs_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_all_dbs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_all_dbs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_all_dbs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of DBs
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/_all_dbs
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The return is a JSON array:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[
+ "_users",
+ "contacts",
+ "docs",
+ "invoices",
+ "locations"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_log_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_log</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_log</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_log</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Log content
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">bytes</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Bytes to be returned
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>1000</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">offset</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Offset in bytes where the log tail should be started
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the CouchDB log, equivalent to accessing the local log file
+ of the corresponding CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When you request the log, the response is returned as plain
+ (UTF-8) text, with an HTTP <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal> header
+ as <literal moreinfo="none">text/plain</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/_log
+Accept: */*</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The raw text is returned:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 10:49:42 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.23338.2&gt;] - - 'PUT' /authdb 401
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.23428.2&gt;] - - 'GET' /recipes/FishStew 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.23428.2&gt;] - - 'GET' /_session 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.24199.2&gt;] - - 'GET' / 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:03:38 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.24207.2&gt;] - - 'GET' /_log?offset=5 200</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ If you want to pick out specific parts of the log information you
+ can use the <literal moreinfo="none">bytes</literal> argument, which specifies the
+ number of bytes to be returned, and <literal moreinfo="none">offset</literal>,
+ which specifies where the reading of the log should start, counted
+ back from the end. For example, if you use the following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET /_log?bytes=500&amp;offset=2000</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Reading of the log will start at 2000 bytes from the end of the
+ log, and 500 bytes will be shown.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /_replicate</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /_replicate</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /_replicate</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Replication specification
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Welcome message and version
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Replication request successfully completed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Continuous replication request has been accepted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Either the source or target DB is not found
+ </entry></row><row><entry>500</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON specification was invalid
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The specification of the replication request is controlled through
+ the JSON content of the request. The JSON should be an object with
+ the fields defining the source, target and other options. The
+ fields of the JSON request are shown in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-json-replication" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Settings
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">cancel</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Cancels the replication
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">continuous</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Configure the replication to be continuous
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">create_target</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Creates the target database
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">doc_ids</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Array of document IDs to be synchronized
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">proxy</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Address of a proxy server through which replication should occur
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">source</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Source database name or URL
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">target</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Target database name or URL
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-operation">
+ <title>Replication Operation</title>
+ <para>
+ The aim of the replication is that at the end of the process,
+ all active documents on the source database are also in the
+ destination database and all documents that were deleted in the
+ source databases are also deleted (if they exist) on the
+ destination database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Replication can be described as either push or pull replication:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>Pull replication</emphasis> is where the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">source</literal> is the remote CouchDB instance,
+ and the <literal moreinfo="none">destination</literal> is the local
+ database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Pull replication is the most useful solution to use if your
+ source database has a permanent IP address, and your
+ destination (local) database may have a dynamically assigned
+ IP address (for example, through DHCP). This is particularly
+ important if you are replicating to a mobile or other device
+ from a central server.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>Push replication</emphasis> is where the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">source</literal> is a local database, and
+ <literal moreinfo="none">destination</literal> is a remote database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-sourcetarget">
+ <title>Specifying the Source and Target Database</title>
+ <para>
+ You must use the URL specification of the CouchDB database if
+ you want to perform replication in either of the following two
+ situations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replication with a remote database (i.e. another instance of
+ CouchDB on the same host, or a different host)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replication with a database that requires authentication
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ For example, to request replication between a database local to
+ the CouchDB instance to which you send the request, and a remote
+ database you might use the following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://coucdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ In all cases, the requested databases in the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">source</literal> and <literal moreinfo="none">target</literal>
+ specification must exist. If they do not, an error will be
+ returned within the JSON object:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "error" : "db_not_found"
+ "reason" : "could not open http://couchdb-remote:5984/ol1ka/",
+ <para>
+ You can create the target database (providing your user
+ credentials allow it) by adding the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">create_target</literal> field to the request object:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "create_target" : true
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">create_target</literal> field is not destructive.
+ If the database already exists, the replication proceeds as
+ normal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-single">
+ <title>Single Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ You can request replication of a database so that the two
+ databases can be synchronized. By default, the replication
+ process occurs one time and synchronizes the two databases
+ together. For example, you can request a single synchronization
+ between two databases by supplying the <literal moreinfo="none">source</literal>
+ and <literal moreinfo="none">target</literal> fields within the request JSON
+ content.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "recipes-snapshot",
+ <para>
+ In the above example, the databases <literal moreinfo="none">recipes</literal>
+ and <literal moreinfo="none">recipes-snapshot</literal> will be synchronized.
+ These databases are local to the CouchDB instance where the
+ request was made. The response will be a JSON structure
+ containing the success (or failure) of the synchronization
+ process, and statistics about the process:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true,
+ "history" : [
+ {
+ "docs_read" : 1000,
+ "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+ "recorded_seq" : 1000,
+ "end_last_seq" : 1000,
+ "doc_write_failures" : 0,
+ "start_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:13 GMT",
+ "start_last_seq" : 0,
+ "end_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:14 GMT",
+ "missing_checked" : 0,
+ "docs_written" : 1000,
+ "missing_found" : 1000
+ }
+ ],
+ "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+ "source_last_seq" : 1000
+ <para>
+ The structure defines the replication status, as described in
+ the table below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-json-replication-status" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Status
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">history</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication History
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">doc_write_failures</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of document write failures
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">docs_read</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents read
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">docs_written</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents written to target
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">end_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">end_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation completed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">missing_checked</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents checked
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">missing_found</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents found
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">recorded_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last recorded sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Session ID for this replication operation
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">start_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ First sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation started
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ok</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Unique session ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">source_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number read from source database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-continuous">
+ <title>Continuous Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ Synchronization of a database with the previously noted methods
+ happens only once, at the time the replicate request is made. To
+ have the target database permanently replicated from the source,
+ you must set the <literal moreinfo="none">continuous</literal> field of the JSON
+ object within the request to true.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With continuous replication changes in the source database are
+ replicated to the target database in perpetuity until you
+ specifically request that replication ceases.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "continuous" : true
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ Changes will be replicated between the two databases as long as
+ a network connection is available between the two instances.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Two keep two databases synchronized with each other, you need
+ to set replication in both directions; that is, you must
+ replicate from <literal moreinfo="none">databasea</literal> to
+ <literal moreinfo="none">databaseb</literal>, and separately from
+ <literal moreinfo="none">databaseb</literal> to <literal moreinfo="none">databasea</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-cancel">
+ <title>Canceling Continuous Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ You can cancel continuous replication by adding the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">cancel</literal> field to the JSON request object and
+ setting the value to true. Note that the structure of the
+ request must be identical to the original for the cancelation
+ request to be honoured. For example, if you requested continuous
+ replication, the cancellation request must also contain the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">continuous</literal> field.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the replication request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ "create_target" : true,
+ "continuous" : true
+ <para>
+ Must be canceled using the request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "cancel" : true,
+ "continuous" : true
+ "create_target" : true,
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ Requesting cancellation of a replication that does not exist
+ results in a 404 error.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_restart_post">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">POST /_restart</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /_restart</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">POST /_restart</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document created successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Restarts the CouchDB instance. You must be authenticated as a user
+ with administration privileges for this to work.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">POST http://admin:password@couchdb:5984/_restart</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The return value (if the server has not already restarted) is a
+ JSON status object indicating that the request has been received:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "ok" : true,
+ <para>
+ If the server has already restarted, the header may be returned,
+ but no actual data is contained in the response.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_stats_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_stats</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_stats</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_stats</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Server statistics
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal moreinfo="none">_stats</literal> method returns a JSON object
+ containting the statistics for the running server. The object is
+ structured with top-level sections collating the statistics for a
+ range of entries, with each individual statistic being easily
+ identified, and the content of each statistic is self-describing.
+ For example, the request time statistics, within the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">couchdb</literal> section are structured as follows:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "request_time" : {
+ "stddev" : "27.509",
+ "min" : "0.333333333333333",
+ "max" : "152",
+ "current" : "400.976",
+ "mean" : "10.837",
+ "sum" : "400.976",
+ "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+ },
+ }
+ <para>
+ The fields provide the current, minimum and maximum, and a
+ collection of statistical means and quantities. The quantity in
+ each case is not defined, but the descriptions below provide
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The statistics are divided into the following top-level sections:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">couchdb</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Describes statistics specific to the internals of CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">couchdb</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">auth_cache_hits</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of authentication cache hits
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">auth_cache_misses</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of authentication cache misses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">database_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of times a document was read from a database
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">database_writes</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of times a database was changed
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">open_databases</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of open databases
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">open_os_files</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of file descriptors CouchDB has open
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">request_time</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ milliseconds
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">httpd_request_methods</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_request_methods</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">COPY</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP COPY requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP DELETE requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP GET requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">HEAD</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP HEAD requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP POST requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP PUT requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">httpd_status_codes</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_status_codes</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">200</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 200 OK responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">201</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 201 Created responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">202</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">301</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">304</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">400</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">401</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">403</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">404</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">405</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">409</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">412</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">500</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal moreinfo="none">httpd</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">httpd</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">bulk_requests</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of bulk requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">clients_requesting_changes</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of clients for continuous _changes
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">requests</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">temporary_view_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of temporary view reads
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal moreinfo="none">view_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of view reads
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ You can also access individual statistics by quoting the
+ statistics sections and statistic ID as part of the URL path. For
+ example, to get the <literal moreinfo="none">request_time</literal> statistics,
+ you can use:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET /_stats/couchdb/request_time</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This returns an entire statistics object, as with the full
+ request, but containining only the request individual statistic.
+ Hence, the returned structure is as follows:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "request_time" : {
+ "stddev" : 7454.305,
+ "min" : 1,
+ "max" : 34185,
+ "current" : 34697.803,
+ "mean" : 1652.276,
+ "sum" : 34697.803,
+ "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+ }
+ }
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_utils_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_utils</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_utils</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_utils</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Administration interface
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Accesses the built-in Futon administration interface for CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_uuids_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_uuids</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_uuids</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_uuids</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ List of UUIDs
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">count</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Number of UUIDs to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Requests one or more Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) from
+ the CouchDB instance. The response is a JSON object providing a
+ list of UUIDs. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "uuids" : [
+ "7e4b5a14b22ec1cf8e58b9cdd0000da3"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ You can use the <literal moreinfo="none">count</literal> argument to specify the
+ number of UUIDs to be returned. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "uuids" : [
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405a80",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405bd2",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405e42",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b4061a0",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b406a20"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The UUID type is determined by the UUID type setting in the
+ CouchDB configuration. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, changing the UUID type to <literal moreinfo="none">random</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: */*
+ <para>
+ When obtaining a list of UUIDs:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "uuids" : [
+ "031aad7b469956cf2826fcb2a9260492",
+ "6ec875e15e6b385120938df18ee8e496",
+ "cff9e881516483911aa2f0e98949092d",
+ "b89d37509d39dd712546f9510d4a9271",
+ "2e0dbf7f6c4ad716f21938a016e4e59f"
+ ]
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_favicon_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /favicon.ico</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /favicon.ico</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /favicon.ico</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Binary content for the favicon.ico site icon
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the site icon. The return <literal moreinfo="none">Content-type</literal>
+ header is <literal moreinfo="none">image/x-icon</literal>, and the content stream
+ is the image data.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-config">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Configuration Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API Server Configuration Methods provide an interface to
+ query and update the various configuration values within a running
+ CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-config-summary"><title>Configuration API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_config</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config_get">
+ Obtain a list of the entire server configuration
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_config/section</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section_get">
+ Get all the configuration values for the specified section
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_config/section/key</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_get">
+ Get a specific section/configuration value
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_config/section/key</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put">
+ Set the specified configuration value
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_config/section/key</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_delete">
+ Delete the current setting
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_config</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_config</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_config</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns a structure configuration name and value pairs,
+ organized by section
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the entire CouchDB server configuration as a JSON
+ structure. The structure is organized by different configuration
+ sections, with individual values.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to get the configuration for a server:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/_config
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The response is the JSON structure:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "query_server_config" : {
+ "reduce_limit" : "true"
+ },
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "os_process_timeout" : "5000",
+ "max_attachment_chunk_size" : "4294967296",
+ "max_document_size" : "4294967296",
+ "uri_file" : "/var/lib/couchdb/couch.uri",
+ "max_dbs_open" : "100",
+ "view_index_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "util_driver_dir" : "/usr/lib64/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.0.1/priv/lib",
+ "database_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "delayed_commits" : "true"
+ },
+ "attachments" : {
+ "compressible_types" : "text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml",
+ "compression_level" : "8"
+ },
+ "uuids" : {
+ "algorithm" : "utc_random"
+ },
+ "daemons" : {
+ "view_manager" : "{couch_view, start_link, []}",
+ "auth_cache" : "{couch_auth_cache, start_link, []}",
+ "uuids" : "{couch_uuids, start, []}",
+ "stats_aggregator" : "{couch_stats_aggregator, start, []}",
+ "query_servers" : "{couch_query_servers, start_link, []}",
+ "httpd" : "{couch_httpd, start_link, []}",
+ "stats_collector" : "{couch_stats_collector, start, []}",
+ "db_update_notifier" : "{couch_db_update_notifier_sup, start_link, []}",
+ "external_manager" : "{couch_external_manager, start_link, []}"
+ },
+ "stats" : {
+ "samples" : "[0, 60, 300, 900]",
+ "rate" : "1000"
+ },
+ "httpd" : {
+ "vhost_global_handlers" : "_utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users",
+ "secure_rewrites" : "true",
+ "authentication_handlers" : "{couch_httpd_oauth, oauth_authentication_handler},
+ {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler},
+ {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}",
+ "port" : "5984",
+ "default_handler" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_request}",
+ "allow_jsonp" : "false",
+ "bind_address" : "",
+ "max_connections" : "2048"
+ },
+ "query_servers" : {
+ "javascript" : "/usr/bin/couchjs /usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js"
+ },
+ "couch_httpd_auth" : {
+ "authentication_db" : "_users",
+ "require_valid_user" : "false",
+ "authentication_redirect" : "/_utils/session.html",
+ "timeout" : "600",
+ "auth_cache_size" : "50"
+ },
+ "httpd_db_handlers" : {
+ "_design" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}",
+ "_compact" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}",
+ "_view_cleanup" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_view_cleanup_req}",
+ "_temp_view" : "{couch_httpd_view, handle_temp_view_req}",
+ "_changes" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}"
+ },
+ "replicator" : {
+ "max_http_sessions" : "10",
+ "max_http_pipeline_size" : "10"
+ },
+ "log" : {
+ "include_sasl" : "true",
+ "level" : "info",
+ "file" : "/var/log/couchdb/couch.log"
+ },
+ "httpd_design_handlers" : {
+ "_update" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_doc_update_req}",
+ "_show" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_doc_show_req}",
+ "_info" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_design_info_req}",
+ "_list" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_view_list_req}",
+ "_view" : "{couch_httpd_view, handle_view_req}",
+ "_rewrite" : "{couch_httpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}"
+ },
+ "httpd_global_handlers" : {
+ "_replicate" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_replicate_req}",
+ "/" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, &lt;&lt;\"Welcome\"&gt;&gt;}",
+ "_config" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}",
+ "_utils" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, \"/usr/share/couchdb/www\"}",
+ "_active_tasks" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}",
+ "_session" : "{couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}",
+ "_log" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_log_req}",
+ "favicon.ico" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, \"/usr/share/couchdb/www\"}",
+ "_all_dbs" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}",
+ "_oauth" : "{couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}",
+ "_restart" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}",
+ "_uuids" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}",
+ "_stats" : "{couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}"
+ }
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_config/section</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_config/section</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_config/section</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ All the configuration values within a specified section
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the configuration structure for a single section. For
+ example, to retrieve the CouchDB configuration section values:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/_config/couchdb
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains just the configuration values for this
+ section:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">{
+ "os_process_timeout" : "5000",
+ "max_attachment_chunk_size" : "4294967296",
+ "max_document_size" : "4294967296",
+ "uri_file" : "/var/lib/couchdb/couch.uri",
+ "max_dbs_open" : "100",
+ "view_index_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "util_driver_dir" : "/usr/lib64/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.0.1/priv/lib",
+ "database_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "delayed_commits" : "true"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_get">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_config/section/key</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">GET /_config/section/key</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Value of the specified key/section
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets a single configuration value from within a specific
+ configuration section. For example, to obtain the current log
+ level:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">GET http://couchdb:5984/_config/log/level
+Accept: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the string of the log level:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">"info"</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The returned value will be the JSON of the value, which may be a
+ string or numeric value, or an array or object. Some client
+ environments may not parse simple strings or numeric values as
+ valid JSON.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /_config/section/key</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">PUT /_config/section/key</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Value structure
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Previous value
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Configuration option updated successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>500</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Error setting configuration
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Updates a configuration value. The new value should be supplied in
+ the request body in the corresponding JSON format. For example, if
+ you are setting a string value, you must supply a valid JSON
+ string.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to set the function used to generate UUIDs by the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">GET /_uuids</literal> API call to use the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">utc_random</literal> generator:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The return value will be empty, with the response code indicating
+ the success or failure of the configuration setting.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_delete">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /_config/section/key</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE /_config/section/key</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Previous value
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry/><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry/><entry/><entry/></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes a configuration value. The returned JSON will be the value
+ of the configuration parameter before it was deleted. For example,
+ to delete the UUID parameter:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">DELETE http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned value is the last configured UUID function:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">"random"</programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-api-auth">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Authentication Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB Authentication methods provide an interface for
+ obtaining session and authorization data.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-auth-summary"><title>Authentication API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_oauth/access_token</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_access-token_get">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_oauth/authorize</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_authorize_get">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_oauth/authorize</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_authorize_post">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_oauth/request_token</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_authorize_get">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">GET</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_session</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_session_get">
+ Returns cookie based login user information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">POST</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_session</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_session_post">
+ Do cookie based user login
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/_session</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_session_delete">
+ Logout cookie based user
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <chapter id="couchdb-single-configuration">
+ <title>Configuring CouchDB</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-files">
+ <title>CouchDB Configuration Files</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-files-locations">
+ <title>Configuration File Locations</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB reads files from the following locations, in the following
+ order.
+ </para>
+ <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename moreinfo="none">PREFIX/default.ini</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename moreinfo="none">PREFIX/default.d/*</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename moreinfo="none">PREFIX/local.ini</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <filename moreinfo="none">PREFIX/local.d/*</filename>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ <para>
+ Settings in successive documents override the settings in earlier
+ entries. For example, setting the <literal moreinfo="none">bind_address</literal>
+ parameter in <filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename> would override any
+ setting in <literal moreinfo="none">default.ini</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ The <filename moreinfo="none">default.ini</filename> file may be overwritten
+ during an upgrade or re-installation, so localised changes
+ should be made to the <filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename> file or
+ files within the <filename moreinfo="none">local.d</filename> directory.
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-mochiweb">
+ <title>MochiWeb Server Options</title>
+ <para>
+ Server options for the MochiWeb component of CouchDB can be added
+ to the configuration files. Settings should be added to the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">server_options</literal> option of the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">[httpd]</literal> section of
+ <filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename>. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[httpd]
+server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]</programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-osprocess">
+ <title>OS Daemons</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB now supports starting external processes. The support is
+ simple and enables CouchDB to start each configured OS daemon. If
+ the daemon stops at any point, CouchDB will restart it (with
+ protection to ensure regularly failing daemons are not repeatedly
+ restarted).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The daemon starting process is one-to-one; for each each
+ configured daemon in the configuration file, CouchDB will start
+ exactly one instance. If you need to run multiple instances, then
+ you must create separate individual configurations. Daemons are
+ configured within the <literal moreinfo="none">[os_daemons]</literal> section of
+ your configuration file (<filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename>). The
+ format of each configured daemon is:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">NAME = PATH ARGS</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where <literal moreinfo="none">NAME</literal> is an arbitrary (and unique) name to
+ identify the daemon; <literal moreinfo="none">PATH</literal> is the full path to
+ the daemon to be executed; <literal moreinfo="none">ARGS</literal> are any
+ required arguments to the daemon.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[os_daemons]
+basic_responder = /usr/local/bin/responsder.js</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ There is no interactivity between CouchDB and the running process,
+ but you can use the OS Daemons service to create new HTTP servers
+ and responders and then use the new proxy service to redirect
+ requests and output to the CouchDB managed service. For more
+ information on proxying, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-features-proxying"/>. For
+ further background on the OS Daemon service, see
+ <ulink url="">CouchDB
+ Externals API</ulink>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-update_notification">
+ <title>Update Notifications</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-socketoptions">
+ <title>Socket Options Configuration Setting</title>
+ <para>
+ The socket options for the listening socket in CouchDB can now be
+ set within the CouchDB configuration file. The setting should be
+ added to the <literal moreinfo="none">[httpd]</literal> section of the file using
+ the option name <literal moreinfo="none">socket_options</literal>. The
+ specification is as a list of tuples. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">[httpd]
+socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The options supported are a subset of full options supported by
+ the TCP/IP stack. A list of the supported options are provided in
+ the
+ <ulink url="">Erlang
+ inet</ulink> documentation.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-vhost">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">vhosts</literal> definitions</title>
+ <para>
+ Similar to the rewrites section of a <literal moreinfo="none">_design</literal>
+ document, the <literal moreinfo="none">vhosts</literal> system uses variables in
+ the form of :varname or wildcards in the form of asterisks. The
+ variable results can be output into the resulting path as they are
+ in the rewriter.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-configuration-ssl">
+ <title>Configuring SSL Network Sockets</title>
+ <para>
+ SSL configuration in CouchDB was designed to be as easy as
+ possible. All you need is two files; a certificate and a private
+ key. If you bought an official SSL certificate from a certificate
+ authority, both should be in your possession already.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you just want to try this out and don't want to pay anything
+ upfront, you can create a self-signed certificate. Everything will
+ work the same, but clients will get a warning about an insecure
+ certificate.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You will need the OpenSSL command line tool installed. It probably
+ already is.
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">mkdir cert &amp;&amp; cd cert</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">openssl genrsa &gt; privkey.pem</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out mycert.pem -days 1095</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">ls</userinput>
+mycert.pem privkey.pem</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Now, you need to edit CouchDB's configuration, either by editing
+ your <filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename> file or using the
+ <literal moreinfo="none">/_config</literal> API calls or the configuration screen
+ in Futon. Here is what you need to do in
+ <filename moreinfo="none">local.ini</filename>, you can infer what needs doing in
+ the other places.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Be sure to make these edits. Under <literal moreinfo="none">[daemons]</literal>
+ you should see:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">; enable SSL support by uncommenting the following line and supply the PEM's below.
+; the default ssl port CouchDB listens on is 6984
+;httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Here uncomment the last line:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Next, under <literal moreinfo="none">[ssl]</literal> you will see:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
+;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Uncomment and adjust the paths so it matches your system's paths:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">cert_file = /home/jan/cert/mycert.pem
+key_file = /home/jan/cert/privkey.pem</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ For more information please read
+ <ulink url=""></ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Now start (or restart) CouchDB. You should be able to connect to
+ it using HTTPS on port 6984:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl</userinput>
+curl: (60) SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
+error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
+More details here:
+curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"
+of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default
+bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file
+using the --cacert option.
+If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in
+the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a
+problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might
+not match the domain name in the URL).
+If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
+the -k (or --insecure) option.</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Oh no what happened?! — Remember, clients will notify their
+ users that your certificate is self signed.
+ <command moreinfo="none">curl</command> is the client in this case and it notifies
+ you. Luckily you trust yourself (don't you?) and you can specify
+ the <option>-k</option> option as the message reads:
+ </para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">shell&gt; <userinput moreinfo="none">curl -k</userinput>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options">
+ <title>CouchDB Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="section"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Section</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">attachments</literal></entry><entry>
+ Attachment options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">couchdb</literal></entry><entry>
+ CouchDB specific options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">daemons</literal></entry><entry>
+ Daemons and background processes
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_db_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Database Operation handlers
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">couch_httpd_auth</literal></entry><entry>
+ HTTPD Authentication options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">httpd</literal></entry><entry>
+ HTTPD Server options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_design_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Handlers for design document operations
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_global_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Handlers for global operations
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">log</literal></entry><entry>
+ Logging options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">query_servers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Query Server options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">query_server_config</literal></entry><entry>
+ Query server options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">replicator</literal></entry><entry>
+ Replicator Options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ssl</literal></entry><entry>
+ SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">stats</literal></entry><entry>
+ Statistics options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">uuids</literal></entry><entry>
+ UUID generation options
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_attachments">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">attachments</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-attachments-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">compressible_types</literal></entry><entry>
+ compressible_types
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">compression_level</literal></entry><entry>
+ compression_level
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_couchdb">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">couchdb</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-couchdb-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">database_dir</literal></entry><entry>
+ database_dir
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">delayed_commits</literal></entry><entry>
+ delayed_commits
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">max_attachment_chunk_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_attachment_chunk_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">max_dbs_open</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_dbs_open
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">max_document_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_document_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">os_process_timeout</literal></entry><entry>
+ os_process_timeout
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">uri_file</literal></entry><entry>
+ uri_file
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">util_driver_dir</literal></entry><entry>
+ util_driver_dir
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">view_index_dir</literal></entry><entry>
+ view_index_dir
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_daemons">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">daemons</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-daemons-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">httpsd</literal></entry><entry>
+ Enabled HTTPS service
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">auth_cache</literal></entry><entry>
+ auth_cache
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">db_update_notifier</literal></entry><entry>
+ db_update_notifier
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">external_manager</literal></entry><entry>
+ external_manager
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">httpd</literal></entry><entry>
+ httpd
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">query_servers</literal></entry><entry>
+ query_servers
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">stats_aggregator</literal></entry><entry>
+ stats_aggregator
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">stats_collector</literal></entry><entry>
+ stats_collector
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">uuids</literal></entry><entry>
+ uuids
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">view_manager</literal></entry><entry>
+ view_manager
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_db_handlers">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_db_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_db_handlers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_changes</literal></entry><entry>
+ _changes
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_compact</literal></entry><entry>
+ _compact
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_design</literal></entry><entry>
+ _design
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_temp_view</literal></entry><entry>
+ _temp_view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_view_cleanup</literal></entry><entry>
+ _view_cleanup
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_couch_httpd_auth">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">couch_httpd_auth</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-couch_httpd_auth-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">auth_cache_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ auth_cache_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">authentication_db</literal></entry><entry>
+ authentication_db
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">authentication_redirect</literal></entry><entry>
+ authentication_redirect
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">require_valid_user</literal></entry><entry>
+ require_valid_user
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">timeout</literal></entry><entry>
+ timeout
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">httpd</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">nodelay</literal></entry><entry>
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">allow_jsonp</literal></entry><entry>
+ allow_jsonp
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">authentication_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ authentication_handlers
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">bind_address</literal></entry><entry>
+ bind_address
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">default_handler</literal></entry><entry>
+ default_handler
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">max_connections</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_connections
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">port</literal></entry><entry>
+ port
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">secure_rewrites</literal></entry><entry>
+ secure_rewrites
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">vhost_global_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ vhost_global_handlers
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_design_handlers">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_design_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_design_handlers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_info</literal></entry><entry>
+ _info
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_list</literal></entry><entry>
+ _list
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rewrite</literal></entry><entry>
+ _rewrite
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_show</literal></entry><entry>
+ _show
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_update</literal></entry><entry>
+ _update
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_view</literal></entry><entry>
+ _view
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_global_handlers">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">httpd_global_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_global_handlers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">/</literal></entry><entry>
+ /
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_active_tasks</literal></entry><entry>
+ _active_tasks
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_all_dbs</literal></entry><entry>
+ _all_dbs
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_config</literal></entry><entry>
+ _config
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_log</literal></entry><entry>
+ _log
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_oauth</literal></entry><entry>
+ _oauth
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_replicate</literal></entry><entry>
+ _replicate
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_restart</literal></entry><entry>
+ _restart
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_session</literal></entry><entry>
+ _session
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_stats</literal></entry><entry>
+ _stats
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_utils</literal></entry><entry>
+ _utils
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_uuids</literal></entry><entry>
+ _uuids
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">favicon.ico</literal></entry><entry>
+ favicon.ico
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_log">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">log</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-log-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">file</literal></entry><entry>
+ file
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">include_sasl</literal></entry><entry>
+ include_sasl
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">level</literal></entry><entry>
+ level
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_query_servers">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">query_servers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-query_servers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">javascript</literal></entry><entry>
+ javascript
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_query_server_config">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">query_server_config</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-query_server_config-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">reduce_limit</literal></entry><entry>
+ reduce_limit
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_replicator">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">replicator</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-replicator-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">max_http_pipeline_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_http_pipeline_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">max_http_sessions</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_http_sessions
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_stats">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">stats</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-stats-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rate</literal></entry><entry>
+ rate
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">samples</literal></entry><entry>
+ samples
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_uuids">
+ <title><literal moreinfo="none">uuids</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-uuids-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">algorithm</literal></entry><entry>
+ algorithm
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <appendix id="couchdb-api-json">
+ <title>JSON Structure Reference</title>
+ <para>
+ The following appendix provides a quick reference to all the JSON
+ structures that you can supply to CouchDB, or get in return to
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json-summary"><title>JSON Structures</title><tgroup cols="1"><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_all-docs">
+ All Database Documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocsreturn">
+ Bulk Document Response
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocs">
+ Bulk Documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_changes">
+ Changes information for a database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document">
+ CouchDB Document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_jsonerror">
+ CouchDB Error Status
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_db-info">
+ CouchDB database information object
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc">
+ Design Document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info">
+ Design Document Information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info-spatial">
+ Design Document spatial index Information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_attachments">
+ Document with Attachments
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_activetasks">
+ List of Active Tasks
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_replication">
+ Replication Settings
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_replication-status">
+ Replication Status
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs_info">
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs">
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_returneddocument_with_attachments">
+ Returned Document with Attachments
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_security">
+ Security Object
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json_all-docs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ All Database Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">offset</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Offset where the document list started
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">rows</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of document object
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">total_rows</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents in the database/view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Current update sequence for the database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocsreturn" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Document Response
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">docs</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Docs Returned Documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">error</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error type
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">reason</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error string with extended reason
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">all_or_nothing</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Sets the database commit mode to use all-or-nothing semantics
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">docs</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Documents Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">_deleted</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Whether the document should be deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_changes" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Changes information for a database
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last change sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">results</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Changes made to a database
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">changes</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of changes, field-by-field, for this document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Update sequence number
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_jsonerror" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB Error Status
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">error</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error type
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">reason</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error string with extended reason
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_db-info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB database information object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">committed_update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of committed update.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Set to true if the database compaction routine is operating on
+ this database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">db_name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The name of the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">disk_format_version</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The version of the physical format used for the data when it is
+ stored on disk.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the data as stored on the disk. Views indexes
+ are not included in the calculation.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">doc_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ A count of the documents in the specified database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">doc_del_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of deleted documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">instance_start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Timestamp of when the database was created, expressed in
+ milliseconds since the epoch.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of purge operations on the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The current number of updates to the database.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document Revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">views</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">viewname</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Definition
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">map</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Map Function for View
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">reduce</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Reduce Function for View
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document Information
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Name/ID of Design Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">view_index</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Index
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether a compaction routine is currently running on
+ the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">language</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Language for the defined views
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The purge sequence that has been processed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">signature</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MD5 signature of the views for the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The update sequence of the corresponding database that has been
+ indexed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">updater_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if the view is currently being updated
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">waiting_clients</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of clients waiting on views from this design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">waiting_commit</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if there are outstanding commits to the underlying
+ database that need to processed
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info-spatial" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document spatial index Information
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Name/ID of Design Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">spatial_index</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Index
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether a compaction routine is currently running on
+ the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">language</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Language for the defined views
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The purge sequence that has been processed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">signature</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MD5 signature of the views for the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The update sequence of the corresponding database that has been
+ indexed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">updater_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if the view is currently being updated
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">waiting_clients</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of clients waiting on views from this design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">waiting_commit</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if there are outstanding commits to the underlying
+ database that need to processed
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_attachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment information
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">data</literal> </entry><entry>
+ File attachment content, Base64 encoded
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_activetasks" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ List of Active Tasks
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">tasks</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Active Task
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">pid</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Process ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">task</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task name
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Operation Type
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_replication" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Settings
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">cancel</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Cancels the replication
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">continuous</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Configure the replication to be continuous
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">create_target</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Creates the target database
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">doc_ids</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Array of document IDs to be synchronized
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">proxy</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Address of a proxy server through which replication should occur
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">source</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Source database name or URL
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">target</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Target database name or URL
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_replication-status" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Status
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">history</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication History
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">doc_write_failures</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of document write failures
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">docs_read</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents read
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">docs_written</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents written to target
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">end_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">end_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation completed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">missing_checked</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents checked
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">missing_found</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents found
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">recorded_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last recorded sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Session ID for this replication operation
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">start_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ First sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation started
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">ok</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Unique session ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">source_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number read from source database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs_info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_revs_info</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Extended Revision Info
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Full revision string
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Status of the revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_revisions</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">ids</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of valid revision IDs, in reverse order (latest first)
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">start</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Prefix number for the latest revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_returneddocument_with_attachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">length</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Length (bytes) of the attachment data
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">revpos</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Revision where this attachment exists
+ </entry></row><row><entry>                <literal moreinfo="none">stub</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether the attachment is a stub
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_security" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Security Object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">admins</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with admin privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">roles</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">users</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal moreinfo="none">readers</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with reader privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">roles</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry>        <literal moreinfo="none">users</literal> <literal moreinfo="none">[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<book id="couchdb-__meta_version_id__">
+ <title>CouchDB __meta_version__ Manual</title>
+ <bookinfo>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+ This manual documents the CouchDB
+ __meta_version__ database system, including the installation,
+ functionality, and CouchDB API.
+ </para>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="../common/docbuilddate.xml"/>
+ </abstract>
+ </bookinfo>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-introduction.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-features.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-replication.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-changes.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-dbmaint.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-views.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-backuprestore.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-api-introduction.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-db.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-dbdoc.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-localdb.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-design.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-misc.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-config.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-auth.xml"/>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="couchdb-configuration.xml"/>
+<!-- Appendices -->
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="metadoc-couchdb-api-json.xml"/>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-replication.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-replication.xml
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index 000000000..a62a88434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-replication.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-single-replication">
+ <title>Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb">
+ <title>Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ A database where you
+ <literal>PUT</literal>/<literal>POST</literal> documents to
+ trigger replications and you <literal>DELETE</literal> to cancel
+ ongoing replications. These documents have exactly the same
+ content as the JSON objects we used to <literal>POST</literal> to
+ <literal>_replicate</literal> (fields <literal>source</literal>,
+ <literal>target</literal>, <literal>create_target</literal>,
+ <literal>continuous</literal>, <literal>doc_ids</literal>,
+ <literal>filter</literal>, <literal>query_params</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a user defined
+ <literal>_id</literal>. Design documents (and
+ <literal>_local</literal> documents) added to the replicator
+ database are ignored.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default name of this database is
+ <literal>_replicator</literal>. The name can be changed in the
+ <filename>local.ini</filename> configuration, section
+ <literal>[replicator]</literal>, parameter <literal>db</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-basics">
+ <title>Basics</title>
+ <para>
+ Let's say you PUT the following document into _replicator:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true
+ <para>
+ In the couch log you'll see 2 entries like these:
+ </para>
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:43:59 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.291.0&gt;] Document `my_rep` triggered replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target`
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:44:37 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.124.0&gt;] Replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target` finished (triggered by document `my_rep`)
+ <para>
+ As soon as the replication is triggered, the document will be
+ updated by CouchDB with 3 new fields:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Special fields set by the replicator start with the prefix
+ <literal>_replication_</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The ID internally assigned to the replication. This is also
+ the ID exposed by <literal>/_active_tasks</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The current state of the replication.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970) that
+ tells us when the current replication state (marked in
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>) was set.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ When the replication finishes, it will update the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field (and
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal>) with the value
+ <literal>completed</literal>, so the document will look like:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "completed",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ When an error happens during replication, the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field is set to
+ <literal>error</literal> (and
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> gets updated of course).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When you PUT/POST a document to the
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database, CouchDB will attempt to
+ start the replication up to 10 times (configurable under
+ <literal>[replicator]</literal>, parameter
+ <literal>max_replication_retry_count</literal>). If it fails on
+ the first attempt, it waits 5 seconds before doing a second
+ attempt. If the second attempt fails, it waits 10 seconds before
+ doing a third attempt. If the third attempt fails, it waits 20
+ seconds before doing a fourth attempt (each attempt doubles the
+ previous wait period). When an attempt fails, the Couch log will
+ show you something like:
+ </para>
+[error] [&lt;0.149.0&gt;] Error starting replication `67c1bb92010e7abe35d7d629635f18b6+create_target` (document `my_rep_2`): {db_not_found,&lt;&lt;"could not open http://myserver:5986/foo/"&gt;&gt;
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_replication_state</literal> field is only set to
+ <literal>error</literal> when all the attempts were
+ unsuccessful.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ There are only 3 possible values for the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field:
+ <literal>triggered</literal>, <literal>completed</literal> and
+ <literal>error</literal>. Continuous replications never get
+ their state set to <literal>completed</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-docsame">
+ <title>Documents describing the same replication</title>
+ <para>
+ Lets suppose 2 documents are added to the
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database in the following order:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ and
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ Both describe exactly the same replication (only their
+ <literal>_ids</literal> differ). In this case document
+ <literal>doc_A</literal> triggers the replication, getting
+ updated by CouchDB with the fields
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>,
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal> and
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal>, just like it was described
+ before. Document <literal>doc_B</literal> however, is only
+ updated with one field, the <literal>_replication_id</literal>
+ so it will look like this:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280"
+ <para>
+ While document <literal>doc_A</literal> will look like this:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Note that both document get exactly the same value for the
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal> field. This way you can
+ identify which documents refer to the same replication - you can
+ for example define a view which maps replication IDs to document
+ IDs.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-cancel">
+ <title>Canceling replications</title>
+ <para>
+ To cancel a replication simply <literal>DELETE</literal> the
+ document which triggered the replication. The Couch log will
+ show you an entry like the following:
+ </para>
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:16:29 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.125.0&gt;] Stopped replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+continuous+create_target` because replication document `doc_A` was deleted
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ You need to <literal>DELETE</literal> the document that
+ triggered the replication. <literal>DELETE</literal>ing
+ another document that describes the same replication but did
+ not trigger it, will not cancel the replication.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-restart">
+ <title>Server restart</title>
+ <para>
+ When CouchDB is restarted, it checks its
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database and restarts any
+ replication that is described by a document that either has its
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field set to
+ <literal>triggered</literal> or it doesn't have yet the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field set.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Continuous replications always have a
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field with the value
+ <literal>triggered</literal>, therefore they're always
+ restarted when CouchDB is restarted.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-changing">
+ <title>Changing the Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine your replicator database (default name is _replicator)
+ has the two following documents that represent pull replications
+ from servers A and B:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now without stopping and restarting CouchDB, you change the name
+ of the replicator database to
+ <literal>another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"another_replicator_db"'
+ <para>
+ As soon as this is done, both pull replications defined before,
+ are stopped. This is explicitly mentioned in CouchDB's log:
+ </para>
+[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [<0.104.0>] Stopping all ongoing replications because the replicator database was deleted or changed
+[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [<0.127.0>] - - PUT /_config/replicator/db 200
+ <para>
+ Imagine now you add a replication document to the new replicator
+ database named <literal>another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_X",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_x",
+ "continuous": true
+ <para>
+ From now own you have a single replication going on in your
+ system: a pull replication pulling from server X. Now you change
+ back the replicator database to the original one
+ <literal>_replicator</literal>:
+ </para>
+$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"_replicator"'
+ <para>
+ Immediately after this operation, the replication pulling from
+ server X will be stopped and the replications defined in the
+ _replicator database (pulling from servers A and B) will be
+ resumed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Changing again the replicator database to
+ <literal>another_replicator_db</literal> will stop the pull
+ replications pulling from servers A and B, and resume the pull
+ replication pulling from server X.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-replicating">
+ <title>Replicating the replicator database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine you have in server C a replicator database with the two
+ following pull replication documents in it:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now you would like to have the same pull replications going on
+ in server D, that is, you would like to have server D pull
+ replicating from servers A and B. You have two options:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Explicitly add two documents to server's D replicator
+ database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replicate server's C replicator database into server's D
+ replicator database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Both alternatives accomplish exactly the same goal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-replication-replicatordb-delegations">
+ <title>Delegations</title>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a custom
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property. This property defines the
+ user context under which a replication runs. For the old way of
+ triggering replications (POSTing to
+ <literal>/_replicate/</literal>), this property was not needed
+ (it didn't exist in fact) - this is because at the moment of
+ triggering the replication it has information about the
+ authenticated user. With the replicator database, since it's a
+ regular database, the information about the authenticated user
+ is only present at the moment the replication document is
+ written to the database - the replicator database implementation
+ is like a _changes feed consumer (with
+ <literal>?include_docs=true</literal>) that reacts to what was
+ written to the replicator database - in fact this feature could
+ be implemented with an external script/program. This
+ implementation detail implies that for non admin users, a
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property, containing the user's name
+ and a subset of his/her roles, must be defined in the
+ replication document. This is ensured by the document update
+ validation function present in the default design document of
+ the replicator database. This validation function also ensure
+ that a non admin user can set a user name property in the
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property that doesn't match his/her
+ own name (same principle applies for the roles).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For admins, the <literal>user_ctx</literal> property is
+ optional, and if it's missing it defaults to a user context with
+ name null and an empty list of roles - this mean design
+ documents will not be written to local targets. If writing
+ design documents to local targets is desired, the a user context
+ with the roles <literal>_admin</literal> must be set explicitly.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Also, for admins the <literal>user_ctx</literal> property can be
+ used to trigger a replication on behalf of another user. This is
+ the user context that will be passed to local target database
+ document validation functions.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>user_ctx</literal> property only has effect for
+ local endpoints.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Example delegated replication document:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "user_ctx": {
+ "name": "joe",
+ "roles": ["erlanger", "researcher"]
+ }
+ <para>
+ As stated before, for admins the user_ctx property is optional,
+ while for regular (non admin) users it's mandatory. When the
+ roles property of <literal>user_ctx</literal> is missing, it
+ defaults to the empty list <literal>[ ]</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-single-troubleshooting.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-single-troubleshooting.xml
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+ <section id="couchdb-single-features-errormessages">
+ <title>Error Messages</title>
+ <para>
+ The errors reported when CouchDB is unable to read a required file
+ have been updated so that explicit information about the files and
+ problem can now be identified from the error message. The errors
+ report file permission access either when reading or writing to
+ configuration and database files.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The error is raised both through the log file and the error
+ message returned through the API call as a JSON error message. For
+ example, when setting configuration values:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -H 'X-Couch-Persist: true' -X PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/couchdb/delayed_commits -d '"false"'</userinput>
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Errors will always be reported using the
+ <literal>file_permission_error</literal> error type.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ During startup permissions errors on key files are also reported
+ in the log with a descriptive error message and file location so
+ that permissions can be fixed before restart.
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-views.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/couchdb-views.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-single-views">
+ <title>Views</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-auth.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-auth.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-auth">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Authentication Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB Authentication methods provide an interface for
+ obtaining session and authorization data.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-auth-summary"><title>Authentication API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_oauth/access_token</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_access-token_get">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_oauth/authorize</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_authorize_get">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_oauth/authorize</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_authorize_post">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_oauth/request_token</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_authorize_get">
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_session</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_session_get">
+ Returns cookie based login user information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_session</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_session_post">
+ Do cookie based user login
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_session</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-auth_session_delete">
+ Logout cookie based user
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-config.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7af03370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-config">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Configuration Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API Server Configuration Methods provide an interface to
+ query and update the various configuration values within a running
+ CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-config-summary"><title>Configuration API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_config</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config_get">
+ Obtain a list of the entire server configuration
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_config/section</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section_get">
+ Get all the configuration values for the specified section
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_config/section/key</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_get">
+ Get a specific section/configuration value
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_config/section/key</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put">
+ Set the specified configuration value
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_config/section/key</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_delete">
+ Delete the current setting
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_config</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_config</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_config</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns a structure configuration name and value pairs,
+ organized by section
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the entire CouchDB server configuration as a JSON
+ structure. The structure is organized by different configuration
+ sections, with individual values.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to get the configuration for a server:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_config
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The response is the JSON structure:
+ </para>
+ "query_server_config" : {
+ "reduce_limit" : "true"
+ },
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "os_process_timeout" : "5000",
+ "max_attachment_chunk_size" : "4294967296",
+ "max_document_size" : "4294967296",
+ "uri_file" : "/var/lib/couchdb/couch.uri",
+ "max_dbs_open" : "100",
+ "view_index_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "util_driver_dir" : "/usr/lib64/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.0.1/priv/lib",
+ "database_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "delayed_commits" : "true"
+ },
+ "attachments" : {
+ "compressible_types" : "text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml",
+ "compression_level" : "8"
+ },
+ "uuids" : {
+ "algorithm" : "utc_random"
+ },
+ "daemons" : {
+ "view_manager" : "{couch_view, start_link, []}",
+ "auth_cache" : "{couch_auth_cache, start_link, []}",
+ "uuids" : "{couch_uuids, start, []}",
+ "stats_aggregator" : "{couch_stats_aggregator, start, []}",
+ "query_servers" : "{couch_query_servers, start_link, []}",
+ "httpd" : "{couch_httpd, start_link, []}",
+ "stats_collector" : "{couch_stats_collector, start, []}",
+ "db_update_notifier" : "{couch_db_update_notifier_sup, start_link, []}",
+ "external_manager" : "{couch_external_manager, start_link, []}"
+ },
+ "stats" : {
+ "samples" : "[0, 60, 300, 900]",
+ "rate" : "1000"
+ },
+ "httpd" : {
+ "vhost_global_handlers" : "_utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users",
+ "secure_rewrites" : "true",
+ "authentication_handlers" : "{couch_httpd_oauth, oauth_authentication_handler},
+ {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler},
+ {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}",
+ "port" : "5984",
+ "default_handler" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_request}",
+ "allow_jsonp" : "false",
+ "bind_address" : "",
+ "max_connections" : "2048"
+ },
+ "query_servers" : {
+ "javascript" : "/usr/bin/couchjs /usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js"
+ },
+ "couch_httpd_auth" : {
+ "authentication_db" : "_users",
+ "require_valid_user" : "false",
+ "authentication_redirect" : "/_utils/session.html",
+ "timeout" : "600",
+ "auth_cache_size" : "50"
+ },
+ "httpd_db_handlers" : {
+ "_design" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}",
+ "_compact" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}",
+ "_view_cleanup" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_view_cleanup_req}",
+ "_temp_view" : "{couch_httpd_view, handle_temp_view_req}",
+ "_changes" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}"
+ },
+ "replicator" : {
+ "max_http_sessions" : "10",
+ "max_http_pipeline_size" : "10"
+ },
+ "log" : {
+ "include_sasl" : "true",
+ "level" : "info",
+ "file" : "/var/log/couchdb/couch.log"
+ },
+ "httpd_design_handlers" : {
+ "_update" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_doc_update_req}",
+ "_show" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_doc_show_req}",
+ "_info" : "{couch_httpd_db, handle_design_info_req}",
+ "_list" : "{couch_httpd_show, handle_view_list_req}",
+ "_view" : "{couch_httpd_view, handle_view_req}",
+ "_rewrite" : "{couch_httpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}"
+ },
+ "httpd_global_handlers" : {
+ "_replicate" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_replicate_req}",
+ "/" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<\"Welcome\">>}",
+ "_config" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}",
+ "_utils" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, \"/usr/share/couchdb/www\"}",
+ "_active_tasks" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}",
+ "_session" : "{couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}",
+ "_log" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_log_req}",
+ "favicon.ico" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, \"/usr/share/couchdb/www\"}",
+ "_all_dbs" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}",
+ "_oauth" : "{couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}",
+ "_restart" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}",
+ "_uuids" : "{couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}",
+ "_stats" : "{couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}"
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_config/section</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_config/section</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_config/section</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ All the configuration values within a specified section
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the configuration structure for a single section. For
+ example, to retrieve the CouchDB configuration section values:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_config/couchdb
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains just the configuration values for this
+ section:
+ </para>
+ "os_process_timeout" : "5000",
+ "max_attachment_chunk_size" : "4294967296",
+ "max_document_size" : "4294967296",
+ "uri_file" : "/var/lib/couchdb/couch.uri",
+ "max_dbs_open" : "100",
+ "view_index_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "util_driver_dir" : "/usr/lib64/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.0.1/priv/lib",
+ "database_dir" : "/var/lib/couchdb",
+ "delayed_commits" : "true"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_config/section/key</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_config/section/key</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Value of the specified key/section
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets a single configuration value from within a specific
+ configuration section. For example, to obtain the current log
+ level:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_config/log/level
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ Returns the string of the log level:
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The returned value will be the JSON of the value, which may be a
+ string or numeric value, or an array or object. Some client
+ environments may not parse simple strings or numeric values as
+ valid JSON.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /_config/section/key</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /_config/section/key</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Value structure
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Previous value
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Configuration option updated successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>500</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Error setting configuration
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Updates a configuration value. The new value should be supplied in
+ the request body in the corresponding JSON format. For example, if
+ you are setting a string value, you must supply a valid JSON
+ string.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to set the function used to generate UUIDs by the
+ <literal>GET /_uuids</literal> API call to use the
+ <literal>utc_random</literal> generator:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The return value will be empty, with the response code indicating
+ the success or failure of the configuration setting.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /_config/section/key</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /_config/section/key</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>DELETE /_config/section/key</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Previous value
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes a configuration value. The returned JSON will be the value
+ of the configuration parameter before it was deleted. For example,
+ to delete the UUID parameter:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned value is the last configured UUID function:
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-db.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-db.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16fde4f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-db.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1937 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-db">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Database Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The Database methods provide an interface to an entire database
+ withing CouchDB. These are database, rather than document, level
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db-summary"><title>Database API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get">
+ Returns database information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_put">
+ Create a new database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_delete">
+ Delete an existing database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_all_docs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_get">
+ Returns a built-in view of all documents in this database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_all_docs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_post">
+ Returns certain rows from the built-in view of all documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_bulk_docs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post">
+ Insert multiple documents in to the database in a single request
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_changes</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get">
+ Returns changes for the given database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_compact</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post">
+ Starts a compaction for the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_compact/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post">
+ Starts a compaction for all the views in the selected design
+ document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_ensure_full_commit</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-ensure-full-commit_post">
+ Makes sure all uncommitted changes are written and synchronized
+ to the disk
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_missing_revs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-missing-revs_post">
+ Given a list of document revisions, returns the document
+ revisions that do not exist in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_purge</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post">
+ Purge some historical documents entirely from database history
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_revs_diff</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-diff_post">
+ Given a list of document revisions, returns differences between
+ the given revisions and ones that are in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_revs_limit</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_get">
+ Gets the limit of historical revisions to store for a single
+ document in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_revs_limit</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_put">
+ Sets the limit of historical revisions to store for a single
+ document in the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_security</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-security_get">
+ Returns the special security object for the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_security</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-security_put">
+ Sets the special security object for the database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_temp_view</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-temp-view_post">
+ Execute a given view function for all documents and return the
+ result
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_view_cleanup</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-view-cleanup_post">
+ Removes view files that are not used by any design document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ For all the database methods, the database name within the URL path
+ should be the database name that you wish to perform the operation
+ on. For example, to obtain the meta information for the database
+ <literal>recipes</literal>, you would use the HTTP request:
+ </para>
+GET /recipes
+ <para>
+ For clarity, the form below is used in the URL paths:
+ </para>
+GET /db
+ <para>
+ Where <literal>db</literal> is the name of any database.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Information about the database in JSON format
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets information about the specified database. For example, to
+ retrieve the information for the database
+ <literal>recipe</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest">
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The JSON response contains meta information about the database. A
+ sample of the JSON returned for an empty database is provided
+ below:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse">
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "committed_update_seq" : 375048,
+ "disk_format_version" : 5,
+ "disk_size" : 33153123,
+ "doc_count" : 18386,
+ "doc_del_count" : 0,
+ "db_name" : "recipes",
+ "instance_start_time" : "1290700340925570",
+ "purge_seq" : 10,
+ "update_seq" : 375048
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The elements of the returned structure are shown in the table
+ below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db-json-db-info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB database information object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>committed_update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of committed update.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Set to true if the database compaction routine is operating on
+ this database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>db_name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The name of the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>disk_format_version</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The version of the physical format used for the data when it is
+ stored on disk.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the data as stored on the disk. Views indexes
+ are not included in the calculation.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>doc_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ A count of the documents in the specified database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>doc_del_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of deleted documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>instance_start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Timestamp of when the database was created, expressed in
+ milliseconds since the epoch.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of purge operations on the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The current number of updates to the database.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>400</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Invalid database name
+ </entry></row><row><entry>412</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Database already exists
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Creates a new database. The database name must be composed of one
+ or more of the following characters:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Lowercase characters (<literal>a-z</literal>)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Name must begin with a lowercase letter
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Digits (<literal>0-9</literal>)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Any of the characters <literal>_</literal>,
+ <literal>$</literal>, <literal>(</literal>,
+ <literal>)</literal>, <literal>+</literal>,
+ <literal>-</literal>, and <literal>/</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Trying to create a database that does not meet these requirements
+ will return an error quoting these restrictions.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To create the database <literal>recipes</literal>:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned content contains the JSON status:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ <para>
+ Anything should be treated as an error, and the problem should be
+ taken form the HTTP response code.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>DELETE /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Database has been deleted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified database, and all the documents and
+ attachments contained within it.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To delete the database <literal>recipes</literal> you would send
+ the request:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ If successful, the returned JSON will indicate success
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_changes</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_changes</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_changes</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the changes to the database
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>doc_ids</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the list of documents IDs to be filtered
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>json</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>none</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>feed</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Type of feed
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>normal</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>continuous</literal></entry><entry>Continuous (non-polling) mode</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>longpoll</literal></entry><entry>Long polling mode</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>normal</literal></entry><entry>Normal mode</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>filter</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Filter function from a design document to get updates
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>none</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>heartbeat</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Period after which an empty line is sent during longpoll or
+ continuous
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>60000</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Quantity</emphasis></entry><entry>milliseconds</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the document with the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Maximum number of rows rows to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>none</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>since</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Start the results from changes immediately after the
+ specified sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>timeout</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Maximum period to wait before the response is sent
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>60000</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Quantity</emphasis></entry><entry>milliseconds</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Obtains a list of the changes made to the database. This can be
+ used to monitor for update and modifications to the database for
+ post processing or synchronization. There are three different
+ types of supported changes feeds, poll, longpoll, and continuous.
+ All requests are poll requests by default. You can select any feed
+ type explicitly using the <literal>feed</literal> query argument.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Poll</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With polling you can request the changes that have occured
+ since a specific sequence number. This returns the JSON
+ structure containing the changed document information. When
+ you perform a poll change request, only the changes since
+ the specific sequence number are returned. For example, the
+ query
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_changes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ Will get all of the changes in the database. You can request
+ a starting point using the <literal>since</literal> query
+ argument and specifying the sequence number. You will need
+ to record the latest sequence number in your client and then
+ use this when making another request as the new value to the
+ <literal>since</literal> parameter.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Longpoll</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With long polling the request to the server will remain open
+ until a change is made on the database, when the changes
+ will be reported, and then the connection will close. The
+ long poll is useful when you want to monitor for changes for
+ a specific purpose without wanting to monitoring
+ continuously for changes.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Because the wait for a change can be significant you can set
+ a timeout before the connection is automatically closed (the
+ <literal>timeout</literal> argument). You can also set a
+ heartbeat interval (using the <literal>heartbeat</literal>
+ query argument), which sends a newline to keep the
+ connection open.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis role="bold">Continuous</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Continuous sends all new changes back to the client
+ immediately, without closing the connection. In continuous
+ mode the format of the changes is slightly different to
+ accommodate the continuous nature while ensuring that the
+ JSON output is still valid for each change notification.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As with the longpoll feed type you can set both the timeout
+ and heartbeat intervals to ensure that the connection is
+ kept open for new changesand updates.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return structure for <literal>normal</literal> and
+ <literal>longpoll</literal> modes is a JSON array of changes
+ objects, and the last update sequence number. The structure is
+ described in the following table.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-json-changes" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Changes information for a database
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last change sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>results</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Changes made to a database
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>changes</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of changes, field-by-field, for this document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Update sequence number
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ The return format for <literal>continuous</literal> mode the
+ server sends a CRLF (carriage-return, linefeed) delimited line for
+ each change. Each line contains the
+ <link linkend="table-couchdb-api-db_db-json-changes">JSON
+ object</link>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also request the full contents of each document change
+ (instead of just the change notification) by using the
+ <literal>include_docs</literal> parameter.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get-filters">
+ <title>Filtering</title>
+ <para>
+ You can filter the contents of the changes feed in a number of
+ ways. The most basic way is to specify one or more document IDs
+ to the query. This causes the returned structure value to only
+ contain changes for the specified IDs. Note that the value of
+ this query argument should be a JSON formatted array.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also filter the <literal>_changes</literal> feed by
+ defining a filter function within a design document. The
+ specification for the filter is the same as for replication
+ filters. You specify the name of the filter function to the
+ <literal>filter</literal> parameter, specifying the design
+ document name and filter name. For example:
+ </para>
+GET /db/_changes?filter=design_doc/filtername
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_changes</literal> feed can be used to watch
+ changes to specific document ID's or the list of
+ <literal>_design</literal> documents in a database. If the
+ <literal>filters</literal> parameter is set to
+ <literal>_doc_ids</literal> a list of doc IDs can be passed in
+ the <option>doc_ids</option> parameter as a JSON array.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-single-changes-filters"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_compact</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_compact</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_compact</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Compaction request has been accepted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Request compaction of the specified database. Compaction
+ compresses the disk database file by performing the following
+ operations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Writes a new version of the database file, removing any unused
+ sections from the new version during write. Because a new file
+ is temporary created for this purpose, you will need twice the
+ current storage space of the specified database in order for
+ the compaction routine to complete.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Removes old revisions of documents from the database, up to
+ the per-database limit specified by the
+ <literal>_revs_limit</literal> database parameter. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/> .
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Compaction can only be requested on an individual database; you
+ cannot compact all the databases for a CouchDB instance. The
+ compaction process runs as a background process.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can determine if the compaction process is operating on a
+ database by obtaining the database meta information, the
+ <literal>compact_running</literal> value of the returned database
+ structure will be set to true. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/> .
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also obtain a list of running processes to determine
+ whether compaction is currently running. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_compact/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_compact/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_compact/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Compaction request has been accepted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Compacts the view indexes associated with the specified design
+ document. You can use this in place of the full database
+ compaction if you know a specific set of view indexes have been
+ affected by a recent database change.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to compact the views associated with the
+ <literal>recipes</literal> design document:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_compact/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ CouchDB will immediately return with a status indicating that the
+ compaction request has been received (HTTP status code 202):
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-view-cleanup_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_view_cleanup</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_view_cleanup</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_view_cleanup</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Cleans up the cached view output on disk for a given view. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_view_cleanup
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ If the request is successful, a basic status message us returned:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-ensure-full-commit_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_ensure_full_commit</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_ensure_full_commit</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_ensure_full_commit</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON success statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Commit completed successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Commits any recent changes to the specified database to disk. You
+ should call this if you want to ensure that recent changes have
+ been written. For example, to commit all the changes to disk for
+ the database <literal>recipes</literal> you would use:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_ensure_full_commit
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ This returns a status message, containing the success message and
+ the timestamp for when the CouchDB instance was started:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true,
+ "instance_start_time" : "1288186189373361"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_bulk_docs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_bulk_docs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_bulk_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the docs and updates to be applied
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of updated documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document(s) have been created or updated
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The bulk document API allows you to create and update multiple
+ documents at the same time within a single request. The basic
+ operation is similar to creating or updating a single document,
+ except that you batch the document structure and information and .
+ When creating new documents the document ID is optional. For
+ updating existing documents, you must provide the document ID,
+ revision information, and new document values.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For both inserts and updates the basic structure of the JSON is
+ the same:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>all_or_nothing</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Sets the database commit mode to use all-or-nothing semantics
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>docs</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Documents Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>_deleted</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Whether the document should be deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-insert">
+ <title>Inserting Documents in Bulk</title>
+ <para>
+ To insert documents in bulk into a database you need to supply a
+ JSON structure with the array of documents that you want to add
+ to the database. Using this method you can either include a
+ document ID, or allow the document ID to be automatically
+ generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the following inserts three new documents, two with
+ the supplied document IDs, and one which will have a document ID
+ generated:
+ </para>
+ "docs" : [
+ {
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "LambStew",
+ "servings" : 6,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with scone topping",
+ "title" : "Lamb Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "servings" : 8,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with suet dumplings",
+ "title" : "Beef Stew"
+ },
+ ]
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The return type from a bulk insertion will be 201, with the
+ content of the returned structure indicating specific success or
+ otherwise messages on a per-document basis.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return structure from the example above contains a list of
+ the documents created, here with the combination and their
+ revision IDs:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_bulk_docs
+Content-Type: application/json
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "1-34c318924a8f327223eed702ddfdc66d",
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "1-857c7cbeb6c8dd1dd34a0c73e8da3c44",
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The content and structure of the returned JSON will depend on
+ the transaction semantics being used for the bulk update; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit"/>
+ for more information. Conflicts and validation errors when
+ updating documents in bulk must be handled separately; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-update">
+ <title>Updating Documents in Bulk</title>
+ <para>
+ The bulk document update procedure is similar to the insertion
+ procedure, except that you must specify the document ID and
+ current revision for every document in the bulk update JSON
+ string.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could send the following request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_bulk_docs
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "docs" : [
+ {
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with freshly baked bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "LambStew",
+ "_rev" : "1-34c318924a8f327223eed702ddfdc66d",
+ "servings" : 6,
+ "subtitle" : "Serve with a wholemeal scone topping",
+ "title" : "Lamb Stew"
+ },
+ {
+ "_id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433"
+ "_rev" : "1-857c7cbeb6c8dd1dd34a0c73e8da3c44",
+ "servings" : 8,
+ "subtitle" : "Hand-made dumplings make a great accompaniment",
+ "title" : "Beef Stew"
+ }
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The return structure is the JSON of the updated documents, with
+ the new revision and ID information:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-e7af4c4e9981d960ecf78605d79b06d1"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "2-0786321986194c92dd3b57dfbfc741ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "2-bdd3bf3563bee516b96885a66c743f8e"
+ }
+ <para>
+ You can optionally delete documents during a bulk update by
+ adding the <literal>_deleted</literal> field with a value of
+ <literal>true</literal> to each docment ID/revision combination
+ within the submitted JSON structure.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The return type from a bulk insertion will be 201, with the
+ content of the returned structure indicating specific success or
+ otherwise messages on a per-document basis.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The content and structure of the returned JSON will depend on
+ the transaction semantics being used for the bulk update; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit"/>
+ for more information. Conflicts and validation errors when
+ updating documents in bulk must be handled separately; see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit">
+ <title>Bulk Documents Transaction Semantics</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB supports two different modes for updating (or inserting)
+ documents using the bulk documentation system. Each mode affects
+ both the state of the documents in the event of system failure,
+ and the level of conflict checking performed on each document.
+ The two modes are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>non-atomic</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default mode is non-atomic, that is, CouchDB will only
+ guarantee that some of the documents will be saved when you
+ send the request. The response will contain the list of
+ documents successfully inserted or updated during the
+ process. In the event of a crash, some of the documents may
+ have been successfully saved, and some will have been lost.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In this mode, the response structure will indicate whether
+ the document was updated by supplying the new
+ <literal>_rev</literal> parameter indicating a new document
+ revision was created. If the update failed, then you will
+ get an <literal>error</literal> of type
+ <literal>conflict</literal>. For example:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "error" : "conflict",
+ "reason" : "Document update conflict."
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ In this case no new revision has been created and you will
+ need to submit the document update, with the correct
+ revision tag, to update the document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>all-or-nothing</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In all-or-nothing mode, either all documents are written to
+ the database, or no documents are written to the database,
+ in the event of a system failure during commit.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In addition, the per-document conflict checking is not
+ performed. Instead a new revision of the document is
+ created, even if the new revision is in conflict with the
+ current revision in the database. The returned structure
+ contains the list of documents with new revisions:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-e7af4c4e9981d960ecf78605d79b06d1"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "LambStew",
+ "rev" : "2-0786321986194c92dd3b57dfbfc741ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "rev" : "2-bdd3bf3563bee516b96885a66c743f8e"
+ }
+ <para>
+ When updating documents using this mode the revision of a
+ document included in views will be arbitrary. You can check
+ the conflict status for a document by using the
+ <literal>conflicts=true</literal> query argument when
+ accessing the view. Conflicts should be handled individually
+ to ensure the consistency of your database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To use this mode, you must include the
+ <literal>all_or_nothing</literal> field (set to true) within
+ the main body of the JSON of the request.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ The effects of different database operations on the different
+ modes are summarized in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-commit">
+ <title>Conflicts on Bulk Inserts</title>
+ <tgroup cols="4">
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Transaction Mode
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Transaction
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Cause
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolution
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Non-atomic
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Insert
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Requested document ID already exists
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resubmit with different document ID, or update the
+ existing document
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Non-atomic
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Update
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Revision missing or incorrect
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resubmit with correct revision
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ All-or-nothing
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Insert
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Additional revision inserted
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolve conflicted revisions
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ All-or-nothing
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Update
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Additional revision inserted
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Resolve conflicted revisions
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ <para>
+ Replication of documents is independent of the type of insert or
+ update. The documents and revisions created during a bulk insert
+ or update are replicated in the same way as any other document.
+ This can mean that if you make use of the all-or-nothing mode
+ the exact list of documents, revisions (and their conflict
+ state) may or may not be replicated to other databases
+ correctly.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs_post-errors">
+ <title>Bulk Document Validation and Conflict Errors</title>
+ <para>
+ The JSON returned by the <literal>_bulk_docs</literal> operation
+ consists of an array of JSON structures, one for each document
+ in the original submission. The returned JSON structure should
+ be examined to ensure that all of the documents submitted in the
+ original request were successfully added to the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The exact structure of the returned information is shown in
+ <xref
+ linkend="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-return-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-bulk-docs-return-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Document Response
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>docs</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Docs Returned Documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>error</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error type
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>reason</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error string with extended reason
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ When a document (or document revision) is not correctly comitted
+ to the database because of an error, you should check the
+ <literal>error</literal> field to determine error type and
+ course of action. Errors will be one of the following type:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>conflict</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document as submitted is in conflict. If you used the
+ default bulk transaction mode then the new revision will not
+ have been created and you will need to re-submit the
+ document to the database. If you used
+ <literal>all-or-nothing</literal> mode then you will need to
+ manually resolve the conflicted revisions of the document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Conflict resolution of documents added using the bulk docs
+ interface is identical to the resolution procedures used
+ when resolving conflict errors during replication.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>forbidden</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Entries with this error type indicate that the validation
+ routine applied to the document during submission has
+ returned an error.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, if your validation routine includes the
+ following:
+ </para>
+<programlisting> throw({forbidden: 'invalid recipe ingredient'});</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The error returned will be:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "7f7638c86173eb440b8890839ff35433",
+ "error" : "forbidden",
+ "reason" : "invalid recipe ingredient"
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional-validation"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-temp-view_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_temp_view</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_temp_view</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_temp_view</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the temporary view definition
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Temporary view result set
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Creates (and executes) a temporary view based on the view function
+ supplied in the JSON request. For example:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_temp_view
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.value > 9995) { emit(null, doc.value); } }"
+ <para>
+ The resulting JSON response is the result from the execution of
+ the temporary view:
+ </para>
+ "total_rows" : 3,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.41913029012,
+ "id" : "05361cc6aa42033878acc1bacb1f39c2",
+ "key" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.94149934853,
+ "id" : "1f443f471e5929dd7b252417625ed170",
+ "key" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : 9998.01511339154,
+ "id" : "1f443f471e5929dd7b252417629c102b",
+ "key" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ <para>
+ The arguments also available to standard view requests also apply
+ to temporary views, but the execution of the view may take some
+ time as it relies on being executed at the time of the request. In
+ addition to the time taken, they are also computationally very
+ expensive to produce. You should use a defined view if you want to
+ achieve the best performance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For more information, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-functional-views"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_purge</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_purge</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_purge</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document IDs/revisions to be purged
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON structure with purged documents and purge sequence
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ A database purge permanently removes the references to deleted
+ documents from the database. Deleting a document within CouchDB
+ does not actually remove the documen from the database, instead,
+ the document is marked as a deleted (and a new revision is
+ created). This is to ensure that deleted documents are replicated
+ to other databases as having been deleted. This also means that
+ you can check the status of a document and identify that the
+ document has been deleted.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The purge operation removes the refernces to the deleted documents
+ from the database. The purging of old documents is not replicated
+ to other databases. If you are replicating between databases and
+ have deleted a large number of documents you should run purge on
+ each database.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Purging documents does not remove the space used by them on
+ disk. To reclaim disk space, you should run a database compact
+ (see <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact_post"/>, and
+ compact views (see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-compact-design-doc_post"/>).
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ To perform a purge operation you must send a request including the
+ JSON of the document IDs that you want to purge. For example:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_purge
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "FishStew" : [
+ "17-b3eb5ac6fbaef4428d712e66483dcb79"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The format of the request must include the document ID and one or
+ more revisions that must be purged.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The response will contain the purge sequence number, and a list of
+ the document IDs and revisions successfully purged.
+ </para>
+ "purged" : {
+ "FishStew" : [
+ "17-b3eb5ac6fbaef4428d712e66483dcb79"
+ ]
+ },
+ "purge_seq" : 11
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-purge_post-indexrebuild">
+ <title>Updating Indexes</title>
+ <para>
+ The number of purges on a database is tracked using a purge
+ sequence. This is used by the view indexer to optimize the
+ updating of views that contain the purged documents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When the indexer identifies that the purge sequence on a
+ database has changed, it compares the purge sequence of the
+ database with that stored in the view index. If the difference
+ between the stored sequence and database is sequence is only 1,
+ then the indexer uses a cached list of the most recently purged
+ documents, and then removes these documents from the index
+ individually. This prevents completely rebuilding the index from
+ scratch.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If the difference between the stored sequence number and current
+ database sequence is greater than 1, then the view index is
+ entirely rebuilt. This is an expensive operation as every
+ document in the database must be examined.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_all_docs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_all_docs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_all_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON object containing document information, ordered by the
+ document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>descending</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return the documents in descending by key order
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>endkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>endkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified document ID is
+ reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>group</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Group the results using the reduce function to a group or
+ single row
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>group_level</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the group level to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the full content of the documents in the return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>inclusive_end</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specifies whether the specified end key should be included
+ in the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>key</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return only documents that match the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified
+ number
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>reduce</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Use the reduction function
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>skip</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Skip this number of records before starting to return the
+ results
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>stale</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow the results from a stale view to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>ok</literal></entry><entry>Allow stale views</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>startkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>startkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>update_seq</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the update sequence in the generated results
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns a JSON structure of all of the documents in a given
+ database. The information is returned as a JSON structure
+ containing meta information about the return structure, and the
+ list documents and basic contents, consisting the ID, revision and
+ key. The key is generated from the document ID.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ All Database Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>offset</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Offset where the document list started
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>rows</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of document object
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>total_rows</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents in the database/view
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>update_seq</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Current update sequence for the database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ By default the information returned contains only the document ID
+ and revision. For example, the request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest">
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_all_docs
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ Returns the following structure:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse">
+ "total_rows" : 18386,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-bc0d5aed1e339b1cc1f29578f3220a45"
+ },
+ "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
+ "key" : "Aberffrawcake"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "3-68a20c89a5e70357c20148f8e82ca331"
+ },
+ "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+ "key" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "3-9b2851ed9b6f655cc4eb087808406c60"
+ },
+ "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+ "key" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ <para>
+ The information is returned in the form of a temporary view of all
+ the database documents, with the returned key consisting of the ID
+ of the document. The remainder of the interface is therefore
+ identical to the View query arguments and their behavior.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-all-docs_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_all_docs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_all_docs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_all_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document IDs you want included
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the returned view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>POST</literal> to <literal>_all_docs</literal> allows
+ to specify multiple keys to be selected from the database. This
+ enables you to request multiple documents in a single request, in
+ place of multiple
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/> requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The request body should contain a list of the keys to be returned
+ as an array to a <literal>keys</literal> object. For example:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httprequest">
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_all_docs
+User-Agent: MyApp/0.1 libwww-perl/5.837
+ "keys" : [
+ "Zingylemontart",
+ "Yogurtraita"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The return JSON is the all documents structure, but with only the
+ selected keys in the output:
+ </para>
+<programlisting role="httpresponse">
+ "total_rows" : 2666,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-a3544d296de19e6f5b932ea77d886942"
+ },
+ "id" : "Zingylemontart",
+ "key" : "Zingylemontart"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : {
+ "rev" : "1-91635098bfe7d40197a1b98d7ee085fc"
+ },
+ "id" : "Yogurtraita",
+ "key" : "Yogurtraita"
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 0
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-missing-revs_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_missing_revs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_missing_revs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_missing_revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of document revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of missing revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-diff_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_revs_diff</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_revs_diff</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_revs_diff</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of document and revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of differences from supplied document/revision list
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-security_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_security</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_security</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_security</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the security object
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the current secrity object from the specified database. The
+ security object consists of two compulsory elements,
+ <literal>admins</literal> and <literal>readers</literal>, which
+ are used to specify the list of users and/or roles that have admin
+ and reader rights to the database respectively. Any additional
+ fields in the security object are optional. The entire security
+ object is made available to validation and other internal
+ functions so that the database can control and limit
+ functionality.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To get the existing security object you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+ "admins" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "mc",
+ "slp"
+ ]
+ },
+ "readers" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "tim",
+ "brian"
+ ]
+ }
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-db-json-security" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Security Object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>admins</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with admin privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>roles</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>users</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>readers</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with reader privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>roles</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>users</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ If the security object for a database has never beent set, then
+ the value returned will be empty.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-security_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_security</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_security</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/_security</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON specifying the admin and user security for the database
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Sets the security object for the given database.For example, to
+ set the security object for the <literal>recipes</literal>
+ database:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_security
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "admins" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "mc",
+ "slp"
+ ]
+ },
+ "readers" : {
+ "roles" : [],
+ "names" : [
+ "tim",
+ "brian"
+ ]
+ }
+ <para>
+ If the setting was successful, a JSON status object will be
+ returned:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_revs_limit</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_revs_limit</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_revs_limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The current revision limit setting
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the current <literal>revs_limit</literal> (revision limit)
+ setting.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to get the current limit:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_revs_limit
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned information is the current setting as a numerical
+ scalar:
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-db_db-revs-limit_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_revs_limit</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_revs_limit</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/_revs_limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ A scalar integer of the revision limit setting
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Confirmation of setting of the revision limit
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Sets the maximum number of document revisions that will be tracked
+ by CouchDB, even after compaction has occurred. You can set the
+ revision limit on a database by using <literal>PUT</literal> with
+ a scalar integer of the limit that you want to set as the request
+ body.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to set the revs limit to 100 for the
+ <literal>recipes</literal> database:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_revs_limit
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ If the setting was successful, a JSON status object will be
+ returned:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-dbdoc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-dbdoc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a924c2d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-dbdoc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-dbdoc">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB API Server Document methods detail how to create, read,
+ update and delete documents within a database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-summary"><title>Document API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post">
+ Create a new document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get">
+ Returns the latest revision of the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>HEAD</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_head">
+ Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put">
+ Inserts a new document, or new version of an existing document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete">
+ Deletes the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>COPY</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy">
+ Copies the document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get">
+ Gets the attachment of a document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put">
+ Adds an attachment of a document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_delete">
+ Deletes an attachment of a document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the new document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the committed document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>batch</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow document store request to be batched with others
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>ok</literal></entry><entry>Enable</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been created successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Conflict - a document with the specified document ID already
+ exists
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Create a new document in the specified database, using the
+ supplied JSON document structure. If the JSON structure includes
+ the <literal>_id</literal> field, then the document will be
+ created with the specified document ID. If the
+ <literal>_id</literal> field is not specified, a new unique ID
+ will be generated.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you can generate a new document with a generated UUID
+ using the following request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The return JSON will specify the automatically enerated ID and
+ revision information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "64575eef70ab90a2b8d55fc09e00440d",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post-docid">
+ <title>Specifying the Document ID</title>
+ <para>
+ The document ID can be specified by including the
+ <literal>_id</literal> field in the JSON of the submitted
+ record. The following request will create the same document with
+ the ID <literal>FishStew</literal>:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The structure of the submitted document is as shown in the table
+ below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json-document" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ In either case, the returned JSON will specify the document ID,
+ revision ID, and status message:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_batchmode">
+ <title>Batch Mode Writes</title>
+ <para>
+ You can write documents to the database at a higher rate by
+ using the batch option. This collects document writes together
+ in memory (on a user-by-user basis) before they are committed to
+ disk. This increases the risk of the documents not being stored
+ in the event of a failure, since the documents are not written
+ to disk immediately.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To use the batched mode, append the <literal>batch=ok</literal>
+ query argument to the URL of the <literal>PUT</literal> or
+ <literal>POST</literal> request. The CouchDB server will respond
+ with a 202 HTTP response code immediately.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachments">
+ <title>Including Attachments</title>
+ <para>
+ You can include one or more attachments with a given document by
+ incorporating the attachment information within the JSON of the
+ document. This provides a simpler alternative to loading
+ documents with attachments than making a separate call (see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put"/>).
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-documentattachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment information
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>data</literal> </entry><entry>
+ File attachment content, Base64 encoded
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>filename</literal> will be the attachment name. For
+ example, when sending the JSON structure below:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ "_attachments" : {
+ "styling.css" : {
+ "content-type" : "text/css",
+ "data" : "cCB7IGZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTJwdDsgfQo=",
+ },
+ },
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The attachment <literal>styling.css</literal> can be accessed
+ using <literal>/recipes/FishStew/styling.css</literal>. For more
+ information on attachments, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The document data embedded in to the structure must be encoded
+ using base64.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the JSON for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>conflicts</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Returns the conflict tree for the document.
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document created
+ </entry></row><row><entry>400</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The format of the request or revision was invalid
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The specified document or revision cannot be found, or has been
+ deleted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Conflict - a document with the specified document ID already
+ exists
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the specified <literal>doc</literal> from the specified
+ <literal>db</literal>. For example, to retrieve the document with
+ the id <literal>FishStew</literal> you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON is the JSON of the document, including the
+ document ID and revision number:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew"
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Unless you request a specific revision, the latest revision of the
+ document will always be returned.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-attachments">
+ <title>Attachments</title>
+ <para>
+ If the document includes attachments, then the returned
+ structure will contain a summary of the attachments associatd
+ with the document, but not the attachment data itself.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The JSON for the returned document will include the
+ <literal>_attachments</literal> field, with one or more
+ attachment definitions. For example:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ "_attachments" : {
+ "styling.css" : {
+ "stub" : true,
+ "content-type" : "text/css",
+ "length" : 783426,
+ },
+ },
+ <para>
+ The format of the returned JSON is shown in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-returneddocumentattachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>length</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Length (bytes) of the attachment data
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>revpos</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Revision where this attachment exists
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>stub</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether the attachment is a stub
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-revs">
+ <title>Getting a List of Revisions</title>
+ <para>
+ You can obtain a list of the revisions for a given document by
+ adding the <literal>revs=true</literal> parameter to the request
+ URL. For example:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?revs=true
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON structure includes the original document,
+ including a <literal>_revisions</literal> structure that
+ includes the revision information:
+ </para>
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew",
+ "_revisions" : {
+ "ids" : [
+ "a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c",
+ "7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d",
+ "9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ ],
+ "start" : 3
+ },
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-document_with_revs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_revisions</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>ids</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of valid revision IDs, in reverse order (latest first)
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>start</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Prefix number for the latest revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-revsextended">
+ <title>Obtaining an Extended Revision History</title>
+ <para>
+ You can get additional information about the revisions for a
+ given document by supplying the <literal>revs_info</literal>
+ argument to the query:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?revs_info=true
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ This returns extended revision information, including the
+ availability and status of each revision:
+ </para>
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_revs_info" : [
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ },
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d"
+ },
+ {
+ "status" : "available",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ }
+ ],
+ "title" : "Irish Fish Stew",
+ "_rev" : "3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c"
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-dbdoc-document_with_revs_info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_revs_info</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Extended Revision Info
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Full revision string
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Status of the revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get-specrev">
+ <title>Obtaining a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To get a specific revision, use the <literal>rev</literal>
+ argument to the request, and specify the full revision number:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The specified revision of the document will be returned,
+ including a <literal>_rev</literal> field specifying the
+ revision that was requested:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "FishStew",
+ "_rev" : "2-7c4740b4dcf26683e941d6641c00c39d",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with a green salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_head">
+ <title><literal>HEAD /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API HEAD /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>HEAD /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The specified document or revision cannot be found, or has been
+ deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the HTTP Headers containing a minimal amount of
+ information about the specified document. The method supports the
+ same query arguments as the <literal>GET</literal> method, but
+ only the header information (including document size, and the
+ revision as an ETag), is returned. For example, a simple
+ <literal>HEAD</literal> request:
+ </para>
+HEAD http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the following HTTP Headers:
+ </para>
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Etag: "7-a19a1a5ecd946dad70e85233ba039ab2"
+Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 14:54:43 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 136
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+ <para>
+ The <literal>Etag</literal> header shows the current revision for
+ the requested document, and the <literal>Content-Length</literal>
+ specifies the length of the data, if the document were requested
+ in full.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Adding any of the query arguments (as supported by
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"><literal>GET</literal></link>
+ method), then the resulting HTTP Headers will correspond to what
+ would be returned. Note that the current revision is not returned
+ when the <literal>refs_info</literal> argument is used. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R13B)
+Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 14:57:16 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
+Content-Length: 609
+Cache-Control: must-revalidate
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the new document, or updated version of the existed
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document ID and revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>batch</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow document store request to be batched with others
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>ok</literal></entry><entry>Enable</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been created successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document accepted for writing (batch mode)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>PUT</literal> method creates a new named document, or
+ creates a new revision of the existing document. Unlike the
+ <link linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_post"><literal>POST</literal></link>
+ method, you must specify the document ID in the request URL.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to create the docment <literal>FishStew</literal>,
+ you would send the following request:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh bread",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The return type is JSON of the status, document ID,and revision
+ number:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put-update">
+ <title>Updating an Existing Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To update an existing document you must specify the current
+ revision number within the <literal>_rev</literal> parameter.
+ For example:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "_rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ Alternatively, you can supply the current revision number in the
+ <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header of the request. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+If-Match: 2-d953b18035b76f2a5b1d1d93f25d3aea
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "servings" : 4,
+ "subtitle" : "Delicious with fresh salad",
+ "title" : "Fish Stew"
+ <para>
+ The JSON returned will include the updated revision number:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew99",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "2-d953b18035b76f2a5b1d1d93f25d3aea"
+ <para>
+ For information on batched writes, which can provide improved
+ performance, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db_batchmode"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>DELETE /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the deleted revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Revision is missing, invalid or not the latest
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified document from the database. You must supply
+ the current (latest) revision, either by using the
+ <literal>rev</literal> parameter to specify the revision:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ Alternatively, you can use ETags with the
+ <literal>If-Match</literal> field:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+If-Match: 3-a1a9b39ee3cc39181b796a69cb48521c
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the document ID, revision and status:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "4-2719fd41187c60762ff584761b714cfb"
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Note that deletion of a record increments the revision number.
+ The use of a revision for deletion of the record allows
+ replication of the database to correctly track the deletion in
+ synchronized copies.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy">
+ <title><literal>COPY /db/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API COPY /db/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>COPY /db/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the new document and revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision to copy from
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>Destination</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Destination document (and optional revision)</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been copied and created successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Conflict (target document already exists)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>COPY</literal> command (which is non-standard HTTP)
+ copies an existing document to a new or existing document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The source document is specified on the request line, with the
+ <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header of the request
+ specifying the target document.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-simple">
+ <title>Copying a Document</title>
+ <para>
+ You can copy the latest version of a document to a new document
+ by specifying the current document and target document:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew
+ <para>
+ The above request copies the document
+ <literal>FishStew</literal> to the new document
+ <literal>IrishFishStew</literal>. The response is the ID and
+ revision of the new document.
+ </para>
+ "id" : "IrishFishStew",
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-specrev">
+ <title>Copying from a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy <emphasis>from</emphasis> a specific version, use the
+ <literal>rev</literal> argument to the query string:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew?rev=5-acfd32d233f07cea4b4f37daaacc0082
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew
+ <para>
+ The new document will be created using the information in the
+ specified revision of the source document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy-existing">
+ <title>Copying to an Existing Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy to an existing document, you must specify the current
+ revision string for the target document, using the
+ <literal>rev</literal> parameter to the
+ <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header string. For example:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: IrishFishStew?rev=1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee
+ <para>
+ The return value will be the new revision of the copied
+ document:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "IrishFishStew",
+ "rev" : "2-55b6a1b251902a2c249b667dab1c6692"
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the document data
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the file attachment <literal>attachment</literal>
+ associated with the document <literal>doc</literal>. The raw data
+ of the associated attachment is returned (just as if you were
+ accessing a static file. The returned HTTP
+ <literal>Content-type</literal> will be the same as the content
+ type set when the document attachment was submitted into the
+ database.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Raw document data
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON document status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current document revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>Content-Length</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Length (bytes) of the attachment being uploaded</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>Content-Type</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>MIME type for the uploaded attachment</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Attachment has been accepted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Upload the supplied content as an attachment to the specified
+ document (<literal>doc</literal>). The
+ <literal>attachment</literal> name provided must be a URL encoded
+ string. You must also supply either the <literal>rev</literal>
+ query argument or the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header for
+ validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attacment content
+ type). The content type is used when the attachment is requested
+ as the corresponding content-type in the returned document header.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could upload a simple text document using the
+ following request:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic?rev=8-a94cb7e50ded1e06f943be5bfbddf8ca
+Content-Length: 10
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Roast it
+ <para>
+ Or by using the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic
+If-Match: 8-a94cb7e50ded1e06f943be5bfbddf8ca
+Content-Length: 10
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Roast it
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the new document information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "9-247bb19a41bfd9bfdaf5ee6e2e05be74"
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document
+ revision. Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not
+ individual attachments.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_put-existing">
+ <title>Updating an Existing Attachment</title>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment using an existing attachment name will
+ update the corresponding stored content of the database. Since
+ you must supply the revision information to add an attachment to
+ a document, this serves as validation to update the existing
+ attachment.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc-attachment_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>DELETE /db/doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision of the document to be deleted
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Attachment deleted successfully
+ </entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the attachment <literal>attachment</literal> to the
+ specified <literal>doc</literal>. You must supply the
+ <literal>rev</literal> argument with the current revision to
+ delete the attachment.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to delete the attachment <literal>basic</literal> from
+ the recipe <literal>FishStew</literal>:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic?rev=9-247bb19a41bfd9bfdaf5ee6e2e05be74
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the updated revision information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "FishStew",
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "10-561bf6b1e27615cee83d1f48fa65dd3e"
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-design.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-design.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acf08eb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-design.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-design">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Design Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB, design documents provide the main interface for building
+ a CouchDB application. The design document defines the views used to
+ extract information from CouchDB through one or more views. Design
+ documents are created within your CouchDB instance in the same way
+ as you create database documents, but the content and definition of
+ the documents is different. Design Documents are named using an ID
+ defined with the design document URL path, and this URL can then be
+ used to access the database contents.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Views and lists operate together to provide automated (and
+ formatted) output from your database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-design-summary"><title>Design Document API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_get">
+ Returns the latest revision of the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_put">
+ Creates or updates a design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_delete">
+ Deletes the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>COPY</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy">
+ Copies the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_info</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-info_get">
+ Returns information about the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_get">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_post">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results for
+ certain documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_get">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_post">
+ Invokes the list handler to translate the given view results for
+ certain documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>ALL</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-rewrite-rewritename-anything_all">
+ Invokes the URL rewrite handler and processes the request after
+ rewriting
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname_get">
+ Invokes the show handler without a document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname-doc_get">
+ Invokes the show handler for the given document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename_post">
+ Invokes the update handler without a document ID
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name/doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename-doc_put">
+ Invokes the update handler with a specific document ID
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get">
+ Returns results of the view
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post">
+ Returns certain rows from the view
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_get">
+ Gets an attachment of the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_put">
+ Inserts an attachment to the design document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_delete">
+ Deletes an attachment from the design document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the existing design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the specified design document,
+ <literal>design-doc</literal> from the specified
+ <literal>db</literal>. For example, to retrieve the design
+ document <literal>recipes</literal> you would send the following
+ request:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned string will be the JSON of the design document:
+ </para>
+ "_id" : "_design/recipes",
+ "_rev" : "5-39f56a392b86bbee57e2138921346406"
+ "language" : "javascript",
+ "views" : {
+ "by_recipe" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.title != null) emit(doc.title, doc) }"
+ },
+ },
+ <para>
+ A list of the revisions can be obtained by using the
+ <literal>revs</literal> query argument, or an extended list of
+ revisions using the <literal>revs_info</literal> query argument.
+ This operates in the same way as for other documents. Fur further
+ examples, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Upload the specified design document,
+ <literal>design-doc</literal>, to the specified database. The
+ design document should follow the definition of a design document,
+ as summarised in the following table.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json-designdoc" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document Revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>views</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>viewname</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Definition
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>map</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Map Function for View
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>reduce</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Reduce Function for View
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ For more information on writing views, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-functional-views"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>DELETE /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of deleted design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Delete an existing design document. Deleting a design document
+ also deletes all of the associated view indexes, and recovers the
+ corresponding space on disk for the indexes in question.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To delete, you must specify the current revision of the design
+ document using the <literal>rev</literal> query argument.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=2-ac58d589b37d01c00f45a4418c5a15a8
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The response contains the delete document ID and revision:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "recipe/_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "3-7a05370bff53186cb5d403f861aca154",
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy">
+ <title><literal>COPY /db/_design/design-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API COPY /db/_design/design-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>COPY /db/_design/design-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the copied document and revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision to copy from
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>Destination</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Destination document (and optional revision)</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>COPY</literal> command (non-standard HTTP) copies an
+ existing design document to a new or existing document.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The source design document is specified on the request line, with
+ the <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header of the request
+ specifying the target document.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-simple">
+ <title>Copying a Design Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy the latest version of a design document to a new
+ document you specify the base document and target document:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: /recipes/_design/recipelist
+ <para>
+ The above request copies the design document
+ <literal>recipes</literal> to the new design document
+ <literal>recipelist</literal>. The response is the ID and
+ revision of the new document.
+ </para>
+ "id" : "recipes/_design/recipelist"
+ "rev" : "1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Copying a design document does automatically reconstruct the
+ view indexes. These will be recreated, as with other views,
+ the first time the new view is accessed.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-specrev">
+ <title>Copying from a Specific Revision</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy <emphasis>from</emphasis> a specific version, use the
+ <literal>rev</literal> argument to the query string:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes?rev=1-e23b9e942c19e9fb10ff1fde2e50e0f5
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist
+ <para>
+ The new design document will be created using the specified
+ revision of the source document.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc_copy-existing">
+ <title>Copying to an Existing Design Document</title>
+ <para>
+ To copy to an existing document, you must specify the current
+ revision string for the target document, using the
+ <literal>rev</literal> parameter to the
+ <literal>Destination</literal> HTTP Header string. For example:
+ </para>
+COPY http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes
+Content-Type: application/json
+Destination: recipes/_design/recipelist?rev=1-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee
+ <para>
+ The return value will be the new revision of the copied
+ document:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "recipes/_design/recipes"
+ "rev" : "2-55b6a1b251902a2c249b667dab1c6692",
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document content
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the file attachment <literal>attachment</literal>
+ associated with the design document
+ <literal>/_design_/design-doc</literal>. The raw data of the
+ associated attachment is returned (just as if you were accessing a
+ static file. The returned HTTP <literal>Content-type</literal>
+ will be the same as the content type set when the document
+ attachment was submitted into the database.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status statement
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Upload the supplied content as an attachment to the specified
+ design document (<literal>/_design/design-doc</literal>). The
+ <literal>attachment</literal> name provided must be a URL encoded
+ string. You must also supply either the <literal>rev</literal>
+ query argument or the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header for
+ validation, and the HTTP headers (to set the attacment content
+ type). The content type is used when the attachment is requested
+ as the corresponding content-type in the returned document header.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, you could upload a simple text document using the
+ following request:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
+Content-Length: 39
+Content-Type: text/plain
+div.recipetitle {
+font-weight: bold;
+ <para>
+ Or by using the <literal>If-Match</literal> HTTP header:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/recipes/FishStew/basic
+If-Match: 7-f7114d4d81124b223283f3e89eee043e
+Content-Length: 39
+Content-Type: text/plain
+div.recipetitle {
+font-weight: bold;
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the new document information:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "8-cb2b7d94eeac76782a02396ba70dfbf5",
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Uploading an attachment updates the corresponding document
+ revision. Revisions are tracked for the parent document, not
+ individual attachments.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-attachment_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>DELETE /db/_design/design-doc/attachment</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the deleted revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the attachment <literal>attachment</literal> to the
+ specified <literal>_design/design-doc</literal>. You must supply
+ the <literal>rev</literal> argument with the current revision to
+ delete the attachment.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example to delete the attachment <literal>view.css</literal>
+ from the design document <literal>recipes</literal>:
+ </para>
+DELETE http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/view.css?rev=9-3db559f13a845c7751d407404cdeaa4a
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned JSON contains the updated revision information for
+ the parent document:
+ </para>
+ "id" : "_design/recipes"
+ "ok" : true,
+ "rev" : "10-f3b15bb408961f8dcc3d86c7d3b54c4c",
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-info_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the design document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Obtains information about a given design document, including the
+ index, index size and current status of the design document and
+ associated index information.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to get the information for the
+ <literal>recipes</literal> design document:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_info
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ This returns the following JSON structure:
+ </para>
+ "name" : "recipes"
+ "view_index" : {
+ "compact_running" : false,
+ "updater_running" : false,
+ "language" : "javascript",
+ "purge_seq" : 10,
+ "waiting_commit" : false,
+ "waiting_clients" : 0,
+ "signature" : "fc65594ee76087a3b8c726caf5b40687",
+ "update_seq" : 375031,
+ "disk_size" : 16491
+ },
+ <para>
+ The individual fields in the returned JSON structure are detailed
+ in
+ <xref linkend="table-couchdb-api-design_db-designdoc-info-json"/>.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-design_db-designdoc-info-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>Design Document Info JSON Contents</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Name/ID of Design Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>view_index</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Index
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether a compaction routine is currently running on
+ the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>language</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Language for the defined views
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The purge sequence that has been processed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>signature</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MD5 signature of the views for the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The update sequence of the corresponding database that has been
+ indexed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>updater_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if the view is currently being updated
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>waiting_clients</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of clients waiting on views from this design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>waiting_commit</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if there are outstanding commits to the underlying
+ database that need to processed
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the documents returned by the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>descending</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return the documents in descending by key order
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>endkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>endkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified document ID is
+ reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>group</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Group the results using the reduce function to a group or
+ single row
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>group_level</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the group level to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the full content of the documents in the return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>inclusive_end</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specifies whether the specified end key should be included
+ in the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>key</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return only documents that match the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified
+ number
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>reduce</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Use the reduction function
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>skip</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Skip this number of records before starting to return the
+ results
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>stale</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow the results from a stale view to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>ok</literal></entry><entry>Allow stale views</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>startkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>startkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>update_seq</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the update sequence in the generated results
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Executes the specified <literal>view-name</literal> from the
+ specified <literal>design-doc</literal> design document.
+ </para>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-indexes">
+ <title>Querying Views and Indexes</title>
+ <para>
+ The definition of a view within a design document also creates
+ an index based on the key information defined within each view.
+ The production and use of the index significantly increases the
+ speed of access and searching or selecting documents from the
+ view.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ However, the index is not updated when new documents are added
+ or modified in the database. Instead, the index is generated or
+ updated, either when the view is first accessed, or when the
+ view is accessed after a document has been updated. In each
+ case, the index is updated before the view query is executed
+ against the database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ View indexes are updated incrementally in the following
+ situations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A new document has been added to the database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A document has been deleted from the database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ A document in the database has been updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ View indexes are rebuilt entirely when the view definition
+ changes. To achieve this, a 'fingerprint' of the view definition
+ is created when the design document is updated. If the
+ fingerprint changes, then the view indexes are entirely rebuilt.
+ This ensures that changes to the view definitions are reflected
+ in the view indexes.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ View index rebuilds occur when one view from the same the view
+ group (i.e. all the views defined within a single a design
+ document) has been determined as needing a rebuild. For
+ example, if if you have a design document with different
+ views, and you update the database, all three view indexes
+ within the design document will be updated.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Because the view is updated when it has been queried, it can
+ result in a delay in returned information when the view is
+ accessed, especially if there are a large number of documents in
+ the database and the view index does not exist. There are a
+ number of ways to mitigate, but not completely eliminate, these
+ issues. These include:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Create the view definition (and associated design documents)
+ on your database before allowing insertion or updates to the
+ documents. If this is allowed while the view is being
+ accessed, the index can be updated incrementally.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Manually force a view request from the database. You can do
+ this either before users are allowed to use the view, or you
+ can access the view manually after documents are added or
+ updated.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Use the <literal>/db/_changes</literal> method to monitor
+ for changes to the database and then access the view to
+ force the corresponding view index to be updated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-db_db-changes_get"/>
+ for more information.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Use a monitor with the
+ <literal>update_notification</literal> section of the
+ CouchDB configuration file to monitor for changes to your
+ database, and trigger a view query to force the view to be
+ updated. For more information, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-single-configuration-update_notification"/>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ None of these can completely eliminate the need for the indexes
+ to be rebuilt or updated when the view is accessed, but they may
+ lessen the effects on end-users of the index update affecting
+ the user experience.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Another alternative is to allow users to access a 'stale'
+ version of the view index, rather than forcing the index to be
+ updated and displaying the updated results. Using a stale view
+ may not return the latest information, but will return the
+ results of the view query using an existing version of the
+ index.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, to access the existing stale view
+ <literal>by_recipe</literal> in the <literal>recipes</literal>
+ design document:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Accessing a stale view:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Does not trigger a rebuild of the view indexes, even if
+ there have been changes since the last access.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Returns the current version of the view index, if a current
+ version exists.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Returns an empty result set if the given view index does
+ exist.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ As an alternative, you use the <literal>update_after</literal>
+ value to the <option>stale</option> paramater. This causes the
+ view to be returned as a stale view, but for the update process
+ to be triggered after the view information has been returned to
+ the client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In addition to using stale views, you can also make use of the
+ <literal>update_seq</literal> query argument. Using this query
+ argument generates the view information including the update
+ sequence of the database from which the view was generated. The
+ returned value can be compared this to the current update
+ sequence exposed in the database information (returned by
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-db_db_get"/>).
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-sorting">
+ <title>Sorting Returned Rows</title>
+ <para>
+ Each element within the returned array is sorted using native
+ UTF-8 sorting according to the contents of the key portion of
+ the emitted content. The basic order of output is as follows:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>null</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>false</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>true</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Numbers
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Text (case sensitive, lowercase first)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Arrays (according to the values of each element, in order)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Objects (according to the values of keys, in key order)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ You can reverse the order of the returned view information by
+ using the <literal>descending</literal> query value set to true.
+ For example, Retrieving the list of recipes using the
+ <literal>by_title</literal> (limited to 5 records) view:
+ </para>
+ "offset" : 0,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "id" : "3-tiersalmonspinachandavocadoterrine",
+ "key" : "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "3-tier salmon, spinach and avocado terrine"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Aberffrawcake",
+ "key" : "Aberffraw cake",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aberffraw cake"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Adukiandorangecasserole-microwave",
+ "key" : "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aduki and orange casserole - microwave"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Aioli-garlicmayonnaise",
+ "key" : "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Aioli - garlic mayonnaise"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Alabamapeanutchicken",
+ "key" : "Alabama peanut chicken",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Alabama peanut chicken"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 2667
+ <para>
+ Requesting the same in descending order will reverse the entire
+ view content. For example the request
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_title?limit=5&amp;descending=true
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Returns the last 5 records from the view:
+ </para>
+ "offset" : 0,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "id" : "Zucchiniinagrodolcesweet-sourcourgettes",
+ "key" : "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zucchini in agrodolce (sweet-sour courgettes)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zingylemontart",
+ "key" : "Zingy lemon tart",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zingy lemon tart"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zestyseafoodavocado",
+ "key" : "Zesty seafood avocado",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zesty seafood avocado"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Zabaglione",
+ "key" : "Zabaglione",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Zabaglione"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "Yogurtraita",
+ "key" : "Yogurt raita",
+ "value" : [
+ null,
+ "Yogurt raita"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 2667
+ <para>
+ The sorting direction is applied before the filtering applied
+ using the <literal>startkey</literal> and
+ <literal>endkey</literal> query arguments. For example the
+ following query:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?startkey=%22carrots%22&amp;endkey=%22egg%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ Will operate correctly when listing all the matching entries
+ between <quote>carrots</quote> and <literal>egg</literal>. If
+ the order of output is reversed with the
+ <literal>descending</literal> query argument, the view request
+ will return no entries:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&amp;startkey=%22carrots%22&amp;endkey=%22egg%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
+ <para>
+ The returned result is empty:
+ </para>
+ "total_rows" : 26453,
+ "rows" : [],
+ "offset" : 21882
+ <para>
+ The results will be empty because the entries in the view are
+ reversed before the key filter is applied, and therefore the
+ <literal>endkey</literal> of <quote>egg</quote> will be seen
+ before the <literal>startkey</literal> of
+ <quote>carrots</quote>, resulting in an empty list.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Instead, you should reverse the values supplied to the
+ <literal>startkey</literal> and <literal>endkey</literal>
+ parameters to match the descending sorting applied to the keys.
+ Changing the previous example to:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?descending=true&amp;startkey=%22egg%22&amp;endkey=%22carrots%22
+Accept: application/json
+Content-Type: application/json
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-ranges">
+ <title>Specifying Start and End Values</title>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>startkey</literal> and <literal>endkey</literal>
+ query arguments can be used to specify the range of values to be
+ displayed when querying the view.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The values
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-limit">
+ <title>Using Limits and Skipping Rows</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get-reduction">
+ <title>View Reduction and Grouping</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ List of keys to be returned from specified view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the documents returned by the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>descending</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return the documents in descending by key order
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>endkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified key is reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>endkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Stop returning records when the specified document ID is
+ reached
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>group</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Group the results using the reduce function to a group or
+ single row
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>group_level</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the group level to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>include_docs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the full content of the documents in the return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>inclusive_end</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specifies whether the specified end key should be included
+ in the result
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>key</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return only documents that match the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>limit</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified
+ number
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>reduce</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Use the reduction function
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>true</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>skip</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Skip this number of records before starting to return the
+ results
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>stale</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Allow the results from a stale view to be used
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>ok</literal></entry><entry>Allow stale views</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>startkey</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified key
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>startkey_docid</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return records starting with the specified document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>update_seq</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Include the update sequence in the generated results
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>false</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Executes the specified <literal>view-name</literal> from the
+ specified <literal>design-doc</literal> design document. Unlike
+ the <literal>GET</literal> method for accessing views, the
+ <literal>POST</literal> method supports the specification of
+ explicit keys to be retrieved from the view results. The remainder
+ of the <literal>POST</literal> view functionality is identical to
+ the
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get"/>
+ fun
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the request below will return all the recipes where
+ the key for the view matches either <quote>claret</quote> or
+ <quote>clear apple cider</quote> :
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "keys" : [
+ "claret",
+ "clear apple juice"
+ ]
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned view data contains the standard view information, but
+ only where the keys match.
+ </para>
+ "total_rows" : 26484,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "value" : [
+ "Scotch collops"
+ ],
+ "id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "key" : "claret"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : [
+ "Stand pie"
+ ],
+ "id" : "Standpie",
+ "key" : "clear apple juice"
+ }
+ ],
+ "offset" : 6324
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_post-multidoc">
+ <title>Multi-document Fetching</title>
+ <para>
+ By combining the <literal>POST</literal> method to a given view
+ with the <literal>include_docs=true</literal> query argument you
+ can obtain multiple documents from a database. The result is
+ more efficient than using multiple
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, sending the following request for ingredients
+ matching <quote>claret</quote> and <quote>clear apple
+ juice</quote>:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/recipes/_design/recipes/_view/by_ingredient?include_docs=true
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "keys" : [
+ "claret",
+ "clear apple juice"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ Returns the full document for each recipe:
+ </para>
+ "offset" : 6324,
+ "rows" : [
+ {
+ "doc" : {
+ "_id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "_rev" : "1-bcbdf724f8544c89697a1cbc4b9f0178",
+ "cooktime" : "8",
+ "ingredients" : [
+ {
+ "ingredient" : "onion",
+ "ingredtext" : "onion, peeled and chopped",
+ "meastext" : "1"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "keywords" : [
+ "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob",
+ "diet@wheat-free",
+ "diet@peanut-free",
+ "special collections@classic recipe",
+ "cuisine@british traditional",
+ "diet@corn-free",
+ "diet@citrus-free",
+ "special collections@very easy",
+ "diet@shellfish-free",
+ "main ingredient@meat",
+ "occasion@christmas",
+ "meal type@main",
+ "diet@egg-free",
+ "diet@gluten-free"
+ ],
+ "preptime" : "10",
+ "servings" : "4",
+ "subtitle" : "This recipe comes from an old recipe book of 1683 called 'The Gentlewoman's Kitchen'. This is an excellent way of making a rich and full-flavoured meat dish in a very short time.",
+ "title" : "Scotch collops",
+ "totaltime" : "18"
+ },
+ "id" : "Scotchcollops",
+ "key" : "claret",
+ "value" : [
+ "Scotch collops"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "doc" : {
+ "_id" : "Standpie",
+ "_rev" : "1-bff6edf3ca2474a243023f2dad432a5a",
+ "cooktime" : "92",
+ "ingredients" : [
+... ],
+ "keywords" : [
+ "diet@dairy-free",
+ "diet@peanut-free",
+ "special collections@classic recipe",
+ "cuisine@british traditional",
+ "diet@corn-free",
+ "diet@citrus-free",
+ "occasion@buffet party",
+ "diet@shellfish-free",
+ "occasion@picnic",
+ "special collections@lunchbox",
+ "main ingredient@meat",
+ "convenience@serve with salad for complete meal",
+ "meal type@main",
+ "cook method.hob, oven, grill@hob / oven",
+ "diet@cow dairy-free"
+ ],
+ "preptime" : "30",
+ "servings" : "6",
+ "subtitle" : "Serve this pie with pickled vegetables and potato salad.",
+ "title" : "Stand pie",
+ "totaltime" : "437"
+ },
+ "id" : "Standpie",
+ "key" : "clear apple juice",
+ "value" : [
+ "Stand pie"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "total_rows" : 26484
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname_get">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the result of the show
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>details</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether details should be included
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>format</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Format of the returned information
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para></para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-show-showname-doc_get">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_show/show-name/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Returns the show for the given document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para></para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal>GET
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-otherdesigndoc-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal>POST
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/other-design-doc/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_list/list-name/view-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename-doc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename/doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name/doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name/doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document update information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Updated document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-update-updatename_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/updatename</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /db/_design/design-doc/_update/update-name</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document update information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Updated document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ id="couchdb-api-design_db-design-designdoc-rewrite-rewritename-anything">
+ <title><literal>ALL
+ /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API ALL /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>ALL /db/_design/design-doc/_rewrite/rewrite-name/anything</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-json.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-json.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e773d481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-json.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE appendix PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<appendix id="couchdb-api-json">
+ <title>JSON Structure Reference</title>
+ <para>
+ The following appendix provides a quick reference to all the JSON
+ structures that you can supply to CouchDB, or get in return to
+ requests.
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json-summary"><title>JSON Structures</title><tgroup cols="1"><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_all-docs">
+ All Database Documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocsreturn">
+ Bulk Document Response
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocs">
+ Bulk Documents
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_changes">
+ Changes information for a database
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document">
+ CouchDB Document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_jsonerror">
+ CouchDB Error Status
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_db-info">
+ CouchDB database information object
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc">
+ Design Document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info">
+ Design Document Information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info-spatial">
+ Design Document spatial index Information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_attachments">
+ Document with Attachments
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_activetasks">
+ List of Active Tasks
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_replication">
+ Replication Settings
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_replication-status">
+ Replication Status
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs_info">
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs">
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_returneddocument_with_attachments">
+ Returned Document with Attachments
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><link linkend="table-couchdb-api-json_security">
+ Security Object
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-json_all-docs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ All Database Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>offset</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Offset where the document list started
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>rows</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of document object
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>total_rows</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents in the database/view
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>update_seq</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Current update sequence for the database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocsreturn" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Document Response
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>docs</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Docs Returned Documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>error</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error type
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>reason</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error string with extended reason
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_bulkdocs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Bulk Documents
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>all_or_nothing</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Sets the database commit mode to use all-or-nothing semantics
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>docs</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Bulk Documents Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>_deleted</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Whether the document should be deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_changes" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Changes information for a database
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last change sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>results</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Changes made to a database
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>changes</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of changes, field-by-field, for this document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Update sequence number
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_jsonerror" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB Error Status
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>error</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error type
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>reason</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Error string with extended reason
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_db-info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ CouchDB database information object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>committed_update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of committed update.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Set to true if the database compaction routine is operating on
+ this database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>db_name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The name of the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>disk_format_version</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The version of the physical format used for the data when it is
+ stored on disk.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the data as stored on the disk. Views indexes
+ are not included in the calculation.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>doc_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ A count of the documents in the specified database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>doc_del_count</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of deleted documents
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>instance_start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Timestamp of when the database was created, expressed in
+ milliseconds since the epoch.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The number of purge operations on the database.
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The current number of updates to the database.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Design Document Revision
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>views</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>viewname</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Definition
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>map</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Map Function for View
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>reduce</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Reduce Function for View
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document Information
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Name/ID of Design Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>view_index</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Index
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether a compaction routine is currently running on
+ the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>language</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Language for the defined views
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The purge sequence that has been processed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>signature</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MD5 signature of the views for the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The update sequence of the corresponding database that has been
+ indexed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>updater_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if the view is currently being updated
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>waiting_clients</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of clients waiting on views from this design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>waiting_commit</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if there are outstanding commits to the underlying
+ database that need to processed
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_design-doc_info-spatial" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Design Document spatial index Information
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>name</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Name/ID of Design Document
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>spatial_index</literal> </entry><entry>
+ View Index
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>compact_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether a compaction routine is currently running on
+ the view
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>disk_size</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Size in bytes of the view as stored on disk
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>language</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Language for the defined views
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>purge_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The purge sequence that has been processed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>signature</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MD5 signature of the views for the design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>update_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ The update sequence of the corresponding database that has been
+ indexed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>updater_running</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if the view is currently being updated
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>waiting_clients</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of clients waiting on views from this design document
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>waiting_commit</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates if there are outstanding commits to the underlying
+ database that need to processed
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_attachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment information
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>data</literal> </entry><entry>
+ File attachment content, Base64 encoded
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_activetasks" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ List of Active Tasks
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>tasks</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Active Task
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>pid</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Process ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>task</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task name
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Operation Type
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_replication" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Settings
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>cancel</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Cancels the replication
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>continuous</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Configure the replication to be continuous
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>create_target</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Creates the target database
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>doc_ids</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Array of document IDs to be synchronized
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>proxy</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Address of a proxy server through which replication should occur
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>source</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Source database name or URL
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>target</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Target database name or URL
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_replication-status" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Status
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>history</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication History
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>doc_write_failures</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of document write failures
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>docs_read</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents read
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>docs_written</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents written to target
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>end_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>end_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation completed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>missing_checked</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents checked
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>missing_found</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents found
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>recorded_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last recorded sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Session ID for this replication operation
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>start_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ First sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation started
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>ok</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication status
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Unique session ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>source_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number read from source database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs_info" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Detailed Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_revs_info</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Extended Revision Info
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>rev</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Full revision string
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Status of the revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_document_with_revs" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned CouchDB Document with Revision Info
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_revisions</literal> </entry><entry>
+ CouchDB Document Revisions
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>ids</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Array of valid revision IDs, in reverse order (latest first)
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>start</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Prefix number for the latest revision
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_returneddocument_with_attachments" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Returned Document with Attachments
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_id</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_rev</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Revision ID (when updating an existing document)
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>_attachments</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Document Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>filename</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Attachment
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>content_type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ MIME Content type string
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>length</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Length (bytes) of the attachment data
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>revpos</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Revision where this attachment exists
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>stub</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Indicates whether the attachment is a stub
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table><table id="table-couchdb-api-json_security" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Security Object
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>admins</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with admin privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>roles</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>users</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>readers</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Roles/Users with reader privileges
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>roles</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of roles with parent privilege
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>users</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ List of users with parent privilege
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-localdb.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-localdb.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f7161f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-localdb.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-localdb">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Local (non-replicating) Document Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The Local (non-replicating) document interface allows you to create
+ local documents that are not replicated to other databases. These
+ documents can be used to hold configuration or other information
+ that is required specifically on the local CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Local documents have the following limitations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Local documents are not replicated to other databases.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The ID of the local document must be known for the document to
+ accessed. You cannot obtain a list of local documents from the
+ database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Local documents are not output by views, or the
+ <literal>_all_docs</literal> view.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Local documents can be used when you want to store configuration or
+ other information for the curent (local) instance of a given
+ database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-localdb-summary"><title>Local (non-replicating) Document API
+ Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_get">
+ Returns the latest revision of the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>PUT</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_put">
+ Inserts a new version of the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>DELETE</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_delete">
+ Deletes the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>COPY</literal></entry><entry><literal>/db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_copy">
+ Copies the non-replicated document
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the returned document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Specify the revision to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of the revisions for the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>revs_info</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Return a list of detailed revision information for the
+ document
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>boolean</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Supported Values</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><literal>true</literal></entry><entry>Includes the revisions</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>400</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The format of the request or revision was invalid
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The specified document or revision cannot be found, or has been
+ deleted
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the specified local document. The semantics are identical to
+ accessing a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_get"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_put">
+ <title><literal>PUT /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API PUT /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>PUT /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the committed document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document has been created successfully
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Stores the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to storing a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_put"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_delete">
+ <title><literal>DELETE /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API DELETE /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>DELETE /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON with the deleted document information
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Current revision of the document for validation
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>If-Match</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Current revision of the document for validation</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>409</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Supplied revision is incorrect or missing
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to deleting a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_delete"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-localdb_db-local-localdoc_copy">
+ <title><literal>COPY /db/_local/local-doc</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API COPY /db/_local/local-doc</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>COPY /db/_local/local-doc</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON of the copied document
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>rev</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Revision to copy from
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>string</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">HTTP Headers</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Header</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>Destination</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>Destination document (and optional revision)</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>no</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Copies the specified local document. The semantics are identical
+ to copying a standard document in the specified database, except
+ that the document is not replicated. See
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-api-dbdoc_db-doc_copy"/>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-misc.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-api-misc.xml
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index 000000000..a9ae88264
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1412 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<chapter id="couchdb-api-misc">
+ <title>CouchDB API Server Miscellaneous Methods</title>
+ <para>
+ The CouchDB Miscellaneous interface provides the basic interface to
+ a CouchDB server for obtaining CouchDB information and getting and
+ setting configuration information.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-summary"><title>Miscellaneous API Calls</title><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="method"/><colspec colname="path"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Method</entry><entry>Path</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_root_get">
+ Get the welcome message and version information
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_active_tasks</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get">
+ Obtain a list of the tasks running in the server
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_all_dbs</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_all-dbs_get">
+ Get a list of all the DBs
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_log</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_log_get">
+ Return the server log file
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_replicate</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post">
+ Set or cancel replication
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>POST</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_restart</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_restart_post">
+ Restart the server
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_stats</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_stats_get">
+ Return server statistics
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_utils</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_utils_get">
+ CouchDB administration interface (Futon)
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/_uuids</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_uuids_get">
+ Get generated UUIDs from the server
+ </link></entry></row><row><entry><literal>GET</literal></entry><entry><literal>/favicon.ico</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="couchdb-api-misc_favicon_get">
+ Get the site icon
+ </link></entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_root_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Welcome message and version
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information
+ about the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing
+ information about the server, including a welcome message and the
+ version of the server.
+ </para>
+ "couchdb" : "Welcome",
+ "version" : "1.0.1"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_active-tasks_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_active_tasks</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_active_tasks</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_active_tasks</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ List of running tasks, including the task type, name, status and
+ process ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ You can obtain a list of active tasks by using the
+ <literal>/_active_tasks</literal> URL. The result is a JSON array
+ of the currently running tasks, with each task being described
+ with a single object. For example:
+ </para>
+ {
+ "pid" : "<0.11599.0>",
+ "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)",
+ "task" : "recipes",
+ "type" : "Database Compaction"
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The returned structure includes the following fields for each
+ task:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-active-tasks-json" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ List of Active Tasks
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>tasks</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Active Task
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>pid</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Process ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>status</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>task</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Task name
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>type</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Operation Type
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <para>
+ For operation type, valid values include:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Database Compaction</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Replication</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>View Group Compaction</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>View Group Indexer</literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_all-dbs_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_all_dbs</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_all_dbs</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_all_dbs</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON list of DBs
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance. For
+ example:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_all_dbs
+Accept: application/json
+ <para>
+ The return is a JSON array:
+ </para>
+ "_users",
+ "contacts",
+ "docs",
+ "invoices",
+ "locations"
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_log_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_log</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_log</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_log</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Log content
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>bytes</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Bytes to be returned
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>1000</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>offset</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Offset in bytes where the log tail should be started
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis></entry><entry>0</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Gets the CouchDB log, equivalent to accessing the local log file
+ of the corresponding CouchDB instance.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When you request the log, the response is returned as plain
+ (UTF-8) text, with an HTTP <literal>Content-type</literal> header
+ as <literal>text/plain</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the request:
+ </para>
+GET http://couchdb:5984/_log
+Accept: */*
+ <para>
+ The raw text is returned:
+ </para>
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 10:49:42 GMT] [info] [<0.23338.2>] - - 'PUT' /authdb 401
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /recipes/FishStew 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /_session 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.24199.2>] - - 'GET' / 200
+[Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:03:38 GMT] [info] [<0.24207.2>] - - 'GET' /_log?offset=5 200
+ <para>
+ If you want to pick out specific parts of the log information you
+ can use the <literal>bytes</literal> argument, which specifies the
+ number of bytes to be returned, and <literal>offset</literal>,
+ which specifies where the reading of the log should start, counted
+ back from the end. For example, if you use the following request:
+ </para>
+GET /_log?bytes=500&amp;offset=2000
+ <para>
+ Reading of the log will start at 2000 bytes from the end of the
+ log, and 500 bytes will be shown.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /_replicate</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /_replicate</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /_replicate</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Replication specification
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Welcome message and version
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Replication request successfully completed
+ </entry></row><row><entry>202</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Continuous replication request has been accepted
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Either the source or target DB is not found
+ </entry></row><row><entry>500</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON specification was invalid
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The specification of the replication request is controlled through
+ the JSON content of the request. The JSON should be an object with
+ the fields defining the source, target and other options. The
+ fields of the JSON request are shown in the table below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-json-replication" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Settings
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>cancel</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Cancels the replication
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>continuous</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Configure the replication to be continuous
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>create_target</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Creates the target database
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>doc_ids</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Array of document IDs to be synchronized
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>proxy</literal> (optional) </entry><entry>
+ Address of a proxy server through which replication should occur
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>source</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Source database name or URL
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>target</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Target database name or URL
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-operation">
+ <title>Replication Operation</title>
+ <para>
+ The aim of the replication is that at the end of the process,
+ all active documents on the source database are also in the
+ destination database and all documents that were deleted in the
+ source databases are also deleted (if they exist) on the
+ destination database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Replication can be described as either push or pull replication:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>Pull replication</emphasis> is where the
+ <literal>source</literal> is the remote CouchDB instance,
+ and the <literal>destination</literal> is the local
+ database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Pull replication is the most useful solution to use if your
+ source database has a permanent IP address, and your
+ destination (local) database may have a dynamically assigned
+ IP address (for example, through DHCP). This is particularly
+ important if you are replicating to a mobile or other device
+ from a central server.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>Push replication</emphasis> is where the
+ <literal>source</literal> is a local database, and
+ <literal>destination</literal> is a remote database.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-sourcetarget">
+ <title>Specifying the Source and Target Database</title>
+ <para>
+ You must use the URL specification of the CouchDB database if
+ you want to perform replication in either of the following two
+ situations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replication with a remote database (i.e. another instance of
+ CouchDB on the same host, or a different host)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replication with a database that requires authentication
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ For example, to request replication between a database local to
+ the CouchDB instance to which you send the request, and a remote
+ database you might use the following request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://coucdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ In all cases, the requested databases in the
+ <literal>source</literal> and <literal>target</literal>
+ specification must exist. If they do not, an error will be
+ returned within the JSON object:
+ </para>
+ "error" : "db_not_found"
+ "reason" : "could not open http://couchdb-remote:5984/ol1ka/",
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ You can create the target database (providing your user
+ credentials allow it) by adding the
+ <literal>create_target</literal> field to the request object:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "create_target" : true
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ The <literal>create_target</literal> field is not destructive.
+ If the database already exists, the replication proceeds as
+ normal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-single">
+ <title>Single Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ You can request replication of a database so that the two
+ databases can be synchronized. By default, the replication
+ process occurs one time and synchronizes the two databases
+ together. For example, you can request a single synchronization
+ between two databases by supplying the <literal>source</literal>
+ and <literal>target</literal> fields within the request JSON
+ content.
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "recipes-snapshot",
+ <para>
+ In the above example, the databases <literal>recipes</literal>
+ and <literal>recipes-snapshot</literal> will be synchronized.
+ These databases are local to the CouchDB instance where the
+ request was made. The response will be a JSON structure
+ containing the success (or failure) of the synchronization
+ process, and statistics about the process:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true,
+ "history" : [
+ {
+ "docs_read" : 1000,
+ "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+ "recorded_seq" : 1000,
+ "end_last_seq" : 1000,
+ "doc_write_failures" : 0,
+ "start_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:13 GMT",
+ "start_last_seq" : 0,
+ "end_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:14 GMT",
+ "missing_checked" : 0,
+ "docs_written" : 1000,
+ "missing_found" : 1000
+ }
+ ],
+ "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+ "source_last_seq" : 1000
+ <para>
+ The structure defines the replication status, as described in
+ the table below:
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/JSON/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//json/json.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-api-misc-json-replication-status" class="jsonstructure"><title>
+ Replication Status
+ </title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="item" colwidth="30*"/><colspec colname="desc" colwidth="70*"/><tbody><row><entry ><emphasis role="bold">Field</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry ><literal>history</literal> <literal>[array]</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication History
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>doc_write_failures</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of document write failures
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>docs_read</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents read
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>docs_written</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of documents written to target
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>end_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>end_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation completed
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>missing_checked</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents checked
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>missing_found</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Number of missing documents found
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>recorded_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last recorded sequence number
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Session ID for this replication operation
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>start_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ First sequence number in changes stream
+ </entry></row><row><entry >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<literal>start_time</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Date/Time replication operation started
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>ok</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Replication status
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>session_id</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Unique session ID
+ </entry></row><row><entry ><literal>source_last_seq</literal> </entry><entry>
+ Last sequence number read from source database
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-continuous">
+ <title>Continuous Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ Synchronization of a database with the previously noted methods
+ happens only once, at the time the replicate request is made. To
+ have the target database permanently replicated from the source,
+ you must set the <literal>continuous</literal> field of the JSON
+ object within the request to true.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With continuous replication changes in the source database are
+ replicated to the target database in perpetuity until you
+ specifically request that replication ceases.
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "continuous" : true
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ Changes will be replicated between the two databases as long as
+ a network connection is available between the two instances.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Two keep two databases synchronized with each other, you need
+ to set replication in both directions; that is, you must
+ replicate from <literal>databasea</literal> to
+ <literal>databaseb</literal>, and separately from
+ <literal>databaseb</literal> to <literal>databasea</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_replicate_post-cancel">
+ <title>Canceling Continuous Replication</title>
+ <para>
+ You can cancel continuous replication by adding the
+ <literal>cancel</literal> field to the JSON request object and
+ setting the value to true. Note that the structure of the
+ request must be identical to the original for the cancelation
+ request to be honoured. For example, if you requested continuous
+ replication, the cancellation request must also contain the
+ <literal>continuous</literal> field.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the replication request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ "create_target" : true,
+ "continuous" : true
+ <para>
+ Must be canceled using the request:
+ </para>
+POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: application/json
+ "cancel" : true,
+ "continuous" : true
+ "create_target" : true,
+ "source" : "recipes",
+ "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+ <para>
+ Requesting cancellation of a replication that does not exist
+ results in a 404 error.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_restart_post">
+ <title><literal>POST /_restart</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API POST /_restart</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>POST /_restart</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ JSON status message
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">yes</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>201</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Document created successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Restarts the CouchDB instance. You must be authenticated as a user
+ with administration privileges for this to work.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+POST http://admin:password@couchdb:5984/_restart
+ <para>
+ The return value (if the server has not already restarted) is a
+ JSON status object indicating that the request has been received:
+ </para>
+ "ok" : true,
+ <para>
+ If the server has already restarted, the header may be returned,
+ but no actual data is contained in the response.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_stats_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_stats</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_stats</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_stats</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Server statistics
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_stats</literal> method returns a JSON object
+ containting the statistics for the running server. The object is
+ structured with top-level sections collating the statistics for a
+ range of entries, with each individual statistic being easily
+ identified, and the content of each statistic is self-describing.
+ For example, the request time statistics, within the
+ <literal>couchdb</literal> section are structured as follows:
+ </para>
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "request_time" : {
+ "stddev" : "27.509",
+ "min" : "0.333333333333333",
+ "max" : "152",
+ "current" : "400.976",
+ "mean" : "10.837",
+ "sum" : "400.976",
+ "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+ },
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The fields provide the current, minimum and maximum, and a
+ collection of statistical means and quantities. The quantity in
+ each case is not defined, but the descriptions below provide
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The statistics are divided into the following top-level sections:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>couchdb</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Describes statistics specific to the internals of CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>couchdb</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>auth_cache_hits</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of authentication cache hits
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>auth_cache_misses</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of authentication cache misses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>database_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of times a document was read from a database
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>database_writes</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of times a database was changed
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>open_databases</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of open databases
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>open_os_files</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of file descriptors CouchDB has open
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>request_time</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ milliseconds
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>httpd_request_methods</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>httpd_request_methods</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>COPY</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP COPY requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>DELETE</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP DELETE requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>GET</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP GET requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>HEAD</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP HEAD requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>POST</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP POST requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>PUT</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP PUT requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>httpd_status_codes</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>httpd_status_codes</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>200</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 200 OK responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>201</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 201 Created responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>202</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>301</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>304</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>400</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>401</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>403</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>404</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>405</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>409</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>412</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>500</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>httpd</literal>
+ </para>
+ <table>
+ <title><literal>httpd</literal> statistics</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="stat"/>
+ <colspec colname="desc"/>
+ <colspec colname="unit"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ Statistic ID
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Description
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Unit
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>bulk_requests</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of bulk requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>clients_requesting_changes</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of clients for continuous _changes
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>requests</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of HTTP requests
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>temporary_view_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of temporary view reads
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><literal>view_reads</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ Number of view reads
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ number
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ You can also access individual statistics by quoting the
+ statistics sections and statistic ID as part of the URL path. For
+ example, to get the <literal>request_time</literal> statistics,
+ you can use:
+ </para>
+GET /_stats/couchdb/request_time
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This returns an entire statistics object, as with the full
+ request, but containining only the request individual statistic.
+ Hence, the returned structure is as follows:
+ </para>
+ "couchdb" : {
+ "request_time" : {
+ "stddev" : 7454.305,
+ "min" : 1,
+ "max" : 34185,
+ "current" : 34697.803,
+ "mean" : 1652.276,
+ "sum" : 34697.803,
+ "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+ }
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_utils_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_utils</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_utils</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_utils</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Administration interface
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Accesses the built-in Futon administration interface for CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_uuids_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /_uuids</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /_uuids</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /_uuids</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ List of UUIDs
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Query Arguments</emphasis></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Argument</emphasis></entry><entry><literal>count</literal></entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry><entry>
+ Number of UUIDs to return
+ </entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis></entry><entry>yes</entry></row><row><entry></entry><entry><emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis></entry><entry>numeric</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Requests one or more Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) from
+ the CouchDB instance. The response is a JSON object providing a
+ list of UUIDs. For example:
+ </para>
+ "uuids" : [
+ "7e4b5a14b22ec1cf8e58b9cdd0000da3"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ You can use the <literal>count</literal> argument to specify the
+ number of UUIDs to be returned. For example:
+ </para>
+ GET http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5
+ <para>
+ Returns:
+ </para>
+ "uuids" : [
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405a80",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405bd2",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405e42",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b4061a0",
+ "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b406a20"
+ ]
+ <para>
+ The UUID type is determined by the UUID type setting in the
+ CouchDB configuration. See
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-api-config_config-section-key_put"/>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, changing the UUID type to <literal>random</literal>:
+ </para>
+PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+Content-Type: application/json
+Accept: */*
+ <para>
+ When obtaining a list of UUIDs:
+ </para>
+ "uuids" : [
+ "031aad7b469956cf2826fcb2a9260492",
+ "6ec875e15e6b385120938df18ee8e496",
+ "cff9e881516483911aa2f0e98949092d",
+ "b89d37509d39dd712546f9510d4a9271",
+ "2e0dbf7f6c4ad716f21938a016e4e59f"
+ ]
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-api-misc_favicon_get">
+ <title><literal>GET /favicon.ico</literal></title>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/URLAPI/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//urlapi/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<informaltable><textobject><phrase>URL API GET /favicon.ico</phrase></textobject><tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="field"/><colspec colname="info"/><colspec colname="addinfo"/><tbody><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Method</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo"><literal>GET /favicon.ico</literal></entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Request</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ None
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Response</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Binary content for the favicon.ico site icon
+ </entry></row><row><entry><emphasis role="bold">Admin Privileges Required</emphasis></entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">no</entry></row><row><entry namest="field" nameend="addinfo"><emphasis role="bold">Return Codes</emphasis></entry></row><row><entry>200</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ Request completed successfully.
+ </entry></row><row><entry>404</entry><entry namest="info" nameend="addinfo">
+ The requested content could not be found. The returned content
+ will include further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></informaltable>
+ <para>
+ Returns the site icon. The return <literal>Content-type</literal>
+ header is <literal>image/x-icon</literal>, and the content stream
+ is the image data.
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-config-options.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-config-options.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..177ab4181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-manual-1.1/metadoc-couchdb-config-options.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<section id="couchdb-single-config-options">
+ <title>CouchDB Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="section"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Section</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>attachments</literal></entry><entry>
+ Attachment options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>couchdb</literal></entry><entry>
+ CouchDB specific options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>daemons</literal></entry><entry>
+ Daemons and background processes
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>httpd_db_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Database Operation handlers
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>couch_httpd_auth</literal></entry><entry>
+ HTTPD Authentication options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>httpd</literal></entry><entry>
+ HTTPD Server options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>httpd_design_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Handlers for design document operations
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>httpd_global_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Handlers for global operations
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>log</literal></entry><entry>
+ Logging options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>query_servers</literal></entry><entry>
+ Query Server options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>query_server_config</literal></entry><entry>
+ Query server options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>replicator</literal></entry><entry>
+ Replicator Options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>ssl</literal></entry><entry>
+ SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>stats</literal></entry><entry>
+ Statistics options
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>uuids</literal></entry><entry>
+ UUID generation options
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_attachments">
+ <title><literal>attachments</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-attachments-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>compressible_types</literal></entry><entry>
+ compressible_types
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>compression_level</literal></entry><entry>
+ compression_level
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_couchdb">
+ <title><literal>couchdb</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-couchdb-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>database_dir</literal></entry><entry>
+ database_dir
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>delayed_commits</literal></entry><entry>
+ delayed_commits
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>max_attachment_chunk_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_attachment_chunk_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>max_dbs_open</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_dbs_open
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>max_document_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_document_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>os_process_timeout</literal></entry><entry>
+ os_process_timeout
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>uri_file</literal></entry><entry>
+ uri_file
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>util_driver_dir</literal></entry><entry>
+ util_driver_dir
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>view_index_dir</literal></entry><entry>
+ view_index_dir
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_daemons">
+ <title><literal>daemons</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-daemons-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>httpsd</literal></entry><entry>
+ Enabled HTTPS service
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>auth_cache</literal></entry><entry>
+ auth_cache
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>db_update_notifier</literal></entry><entry>
+ db_update_notifier
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>external_manager</literal></entry><entry>
+ external_manager
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>httpd</literal></entry><entry>
+ httpd
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>query_servers</literal></entry><entry>
+ query_servers
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>stats_aggregator</literal></entry><entry>
+ stats_aggregator
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>stats_collector</literal></entry><entry>
+ stats_collector
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>uuids</literal></entry><entry>
+ uuids
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>view_manager</literal></entry><entry>
+ view_manager
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_db_handlers">
+ <title><literal>httpd_db_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_db_handlers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>_changes</literal></entry><entry>
+ _changes
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_compact</literal></entry><entry>
+ _compact
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_design</literal></entry><entry>
+ _design
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_temp_view</literal></entry><entry>
+ _temp_view
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_view_cleanup</literal></entry><entry>
+ _view_cleanup
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_couch_httpd_auth">
+ <title><literal>couch_httpd_auth</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-couch_httpd_auth-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>auth_cache_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ auth_cache_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>authentication_db</literal></entry><entry>
+ authentication_db
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>authentication_redirect</literal></entry><entry>
+ authentication_redirect
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>require_valid_user</literal></entry><entry>
+ require_valid_user
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>timeout</literal></entry><entry>
+ timeout
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd">
+ <title><literal>httpd</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>nodelay</literal></entry><entry>
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>allow_jsonp</literal></entry><entry>
+ allow_jsonp
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>authentication_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ authentication_handlers
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>bind_address</literal></entry><entry>
+ bind_address
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>default_handler</literal></entry><entry>
+ default_handler
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>max_connections</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_connections
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>port</literal></entry><entry>
+ port
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>secure_rewrites</literal></entry><entry>
+ secure_rewrites
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>vhost_global_handlers</literal></entry><entry>
+ vhost_global_handlers
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_design_handlers">
+ <title><literal>httpd_design_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_design_handlers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>_info</literal></entry><entry>
+ _info
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_list</literal></entry><entry>
+ _list
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_rewrite</literal></entry><entry>
+ _rewrite
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_show</literal></entry><entry>
+ _show
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_update</literal></entry><entry>
+ _update
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_view</literal></entry><entry>
+ _view
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_httpd_global_handlers">
+ <title><literal>httpd_global_handlers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-httpd_global_handlers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>/</literal></entry><entry>
+ /
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_active_tasks</literal></entry><entry>
+ _active_tasks
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_all_dbs</literal></entry><entry>
+ _all_dbs
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_config</literal></entry><entry>
+ _config
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_log</literal></entry><entry>
+ _log
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_oauth</literal></entry><entry>
+ _oauth
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_replicate</literal></entry><entry>
+ _replicate
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_restart</literal></entry><entry>
+ _restart
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_session</literal></entry><entry>
+ _session
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_stats</literal></entry><entry>
+ _stats
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_utils</literal></entry><entry>
+ _utils
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>_uuids</literal></entry><entry>
+ _uuids
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>favicon.ico</literal></entry><entry>
+ favicon.ico
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_log">
+ <title><literal>log</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-log-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>file</literal></entry><entry>
+ file
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>include_sasl</literal></entry><entry>
+ include_sasl
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>level</literal></entry><entry>
+ level
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_query_servers">
+ <title><literal>query_servers</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-query_servers-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>javascript</literal></entry><entry>
+ javascript
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_query_server_config">
+ <title><literal>query_server_config</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-query_server_config-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>reduce_limit</literal></entry><entry>
+ reduce_limit
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_replicator">
+ <title><literal>replicator</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-replicator-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>max_http_pipeline_size</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_http_pipeline_size
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>max_http_sessions</literal></entry><entry>
+ max_http_sessions
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_stats">
+ <title><literal>stats</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-stats-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>rate</literal></entry><entry>
+ rate
+ </entry></row><row><entry><literal>samples</literal></entry><entry>
+ samples
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-single-config-options_uuids">
+ <title><literal>uuids</literal> Configuration Options</title>
+ <para>
+ &nbsp;
+ </para>
+ <remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/Config/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-meta" condition="../metadocs//config/couchdb.xml"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/CouchDocs/"/>
+<remark role="dependency-tool" condition="../DocKit/bin/"/>
+<table id="table-couchdb-single-config-options-uuids-summary"><title>Configuration Groups</title><tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="option"/><colspec colname="desc"/><thead><row><entry>Option</entry><entry>Description</entry></row></thead><tbody><row><entry><literal>algorithm</literal></entry><entry>
+ algorithm
+ </entry></row></tbody></tgroup></table>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-release-1.1/couchdb-release-1.1-ready.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-release-1.1/couchdb-release-1.1-ready.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..208b9787a
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+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-release-1.1/couchdb-release-1.1-ready.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
+<article id="couchdb-release-1.1">
+ <title>CouchDB Release 1.1 Feature Guide</title>
+ <articleinfo>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+ This document provides details on the new features introduced in
+ the CouchDB 1.1 release from the CouchDB 1.0.x release series.
+ </para>
+ <para xml:base="../common/docbuilddate.xml">
+ <emphasis>Last document update</emphasis>: 25 Jan 2012 14:44;
+ <emphasis>Document built</emphasis>: 21 Feb 2012 20:8.
+ </abstract>
+ </articleinfo>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-upgrading">
+ <title>Upgrading to CouchDB 1.1</title>
+ <para>
+ You can upgrade your existing CouchDB 1.0.x installation to
+ CouchDB 1.1 without any specific steps or migration. When you run
+ CouchDB 1.1 the existing data and index files will be opened and
+ used as normal.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The first time you run a compaction routine on your database
+ within CouchDB 1.1, the data structure and indexes will be updated
+ to the new version of the CouchDB database format that can only be
+ read by CouchDB 1.1 and later. This step is not reversable. Once
+ the data files have been updated and migrated to the new version
+ the data files will no longer work with a CouchDB 1.0.x release.
+ </para>
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ If you want to retain support for openein gthe data files in
+ CouchDB 1.0.x you must back up your data files before performing
+ the upgrade and compaction process.
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchb-release-1.1-replicatordb">
+ <title>Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ A database where you
+ <literal>PUT</literal>/<literal>POST</literal> documents to
+ trigger replications and you <literal>DELETE</literal> to cancel
+ ongoing replications. These documents have exactly the same
+ content as the JSON objects we used to <literal>POST</literal> to
+ <literal>_replicate</literal> (fields <literal>source</literal>,
+ <literal>target</literal>, <literal>create_target</literal>,
+ <literal>continuous</literal>, <literal>doc_ids</literal>,
+ <literal>filter</literal>, <literal>query_params</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a user defined
+ <literal>_id</literal>. Design documents (and
+ <literal>_local</literal> documents) added to the replicator
+ database are ignored.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default name of this database is
+ <literal>_replicator</literal>. The name can be changed in the
+ <filename>local.ini</filename> configuration, section
+ <literal>[replicator]</literal>, parameter <literal>db</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-basics">
+ <title>Basics</title>
+ <para>
+ Let's say you PUT the following document into _replicator:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true
+ <para>
+ In the couch log you'll see 2 entries like these:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:43:59 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.291.0&gt;] Document `my_rep` triggered replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target`
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:44:37 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.124.0&gt;] Replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target` finished (triggered by document `my_rep`)</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ As soon as the replication is triggered, the document will be
+ updated by CouchDB with 3 new fields:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Special fields set by the replicator start with the prefix
+ <literal>_replication_</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The ID internally assigned to the replication. This is also
+ the ID exposed by <literal>/_active_tasks</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The current state of the replication.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970) that
+ tells us when the current replication state (marked in
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>) was set.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ When the replication finishes, it will update the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field (and
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal>) with the value
+ <literal>completed</literal>, so the document will look like:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "completed",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ When an error happens during replication, the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field is set to
+ <literal>error</literal> (and
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> gets updated of course).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When you PUT/POST a document to the
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database, CouchDB will attempt to
+ start the replication up to 10 times (configurable under
+ <literal>[replicator]</literal>, parameter
+ <literal>max_replication_retry_count</literal>). If it fails on
+ the first attempt, it waits 5 seconds before doing a second
+ attempt. If the second attempt fails, it waits 10 seconds before
+ doing a third attempt. If the third attempt fails, it waits 20
+ seconds before doing a fourth attempt (each attempt doubles the
+ previous wait period). When an attempt fails, the Couch log will
+ show you something like:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>[error] [&lt;0.149.0&gt;] Error starting replication `67c1bb92010e7abe35d7d629635f18b6+create_target` (document `my_rep_2`): {db_not_found,&lt;&lt;"could not open http://myserver:5986/foo/"&gt;&gt;</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_replication_state</literal> field is only set to
+ <literal>error</literal> when all the attempts were
+ unsuccessful.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ There are only 3 possible values for the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field:
+ <literal>triggered</literal>, <literal>completed</literal> and
+ <literal>error</literal>. Continuous replications never get
+ their state set to <literal>completed</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-docsame">
+ <title>Documents describing the same replication</title>
+ <para>
+ Lets suppose 2 documents are added to the
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database in the following order:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ and
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ Both describe exactly the same replication (only their
+ <literal>_ids</literal> differ). In this case document
+ <literal>doc_A</literal> triggers the replication, getting
+ updated by CouchDB with the fields
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>,
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal> and
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal>, just like it was described
+ before. Document <literal>doc_B</literal> however, is only
+ updated with one field, the <literal>_replication_id</literal>
+ so it will look like this:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280"
+ <para>
+ While document <literal>doc_A</literal> will look like this:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Note that both document get exactly the same value for the
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal> field. This way you can
+ identify which documents refer to the same replication - you can
+ for example define a view which maps replication IDs to document
+ IDs.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-cancel">
+ <title>Canceling replications</title>
+ <para>
+ To cancel a replication simply <literal>DELETE</literal> the
+ document which triggered the replication. The Couch log will
+ show you an entry like the following:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:16:29 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.125.0&gt;] Stopped replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+continuous+create_target` because replication document `doc_A` was deleted</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ You need to <literal>DELETE</literal> the document that
+ triggered the replication. <literal>DELETE</literal>ing
+ another document that describes the same replication but did
+ not trigger it, will not cancel the replication.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-restart">
+ <title>Server restart</title>
+ <para>
+ When CouchDB is restarted, it checks its
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database and restarts any
+ replication that is described by a document that either has its
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field set to
+ <literal>triggered</literal> or it doesn't have yet the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field set.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Continuous replications always have a
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field with the value
+ <literal>triggered</literal>, therefore they're always
+ restarted when CouchDB is restarted.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-changing">
+ <title>Changing the Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine your replicator database (default name is _replicator)
+ has the two following documents that represent pull replications
+ from servers A and B:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now without stopping and restarting CouchDB, you change the name
+ of the replicator database to
+ <literal>another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"another_replicator_db"'
+ <para>
+ As soon as this is done, both pull replications defined before,
+ are stopped. This is explicitly mentioned in CouchDB's log:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.104.0&gt;] Stopping all ongoing replications because the replicator database was deleted or changed
+[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.127.0&gt;] - - PUT /_config/replicator/db 200</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Imagine now you add a replication document to the new replicator
+ database named <literal>another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_X",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_x",
+ "continuous": true
+ <para>
+ From now own you have a single replication going on in your
+ system: a pull replication pulling from server X. Now you change
+ back the replicator database to the original one
+ <literal>_replicator</literal>:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"_replicator"'
+ <para>
+ Immediately after this operation, the replication pulling from
+ server X will be stopped and the replications defined in the
+ _replicator database (pulling from servers A and B) will be
+ resumed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Changing again the replicator database to
+ <literal>another_replicator_db</literal> will stop the pull
+ replications pulling from servers A and B, and resume the pull
+ replication pulling from server X.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-replicating">
+ <title>Replicating the replicator database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine you have in server C a replicator database with the two
+ following pull replication documents in it:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now you would like to have the same pull replications going on
+ in server D, that is, you would like to have server D pull
+ replicating from servers A and B. You have two options:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Explicitly add two documents to server's D replicator
+ database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replicate server's C replicator database into server's D
+ replicator database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Both alternatives accomplish exactly the same goal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-delegations">
+ <title>Delegations</title>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a custom
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property. This property defines the
+ user context under which a replication runs. For the old way of
+ triggering replications (POSTing to
+ <literal>/_replicate/</literal>), this property was not needed
+ (it didn't exist in fact) - this is because at the moment of
+ triggering the replication it has information about the
+ authenticated user. With the replicator database, since it's a
+ regular database, the information about the authenticated user
+ is only present at the moment the replication document is
+ written to the database - the replicator database implementation
+ is like a _changes feed consumer (with
+ <literal>?include_docs=true</literal>) that reacts to what was
+ written to the replicator database - in fact this feature could
+ be implemented with an external script/program. This
+ implementation detail implies that for non admin users, a
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property, containing the user's name
+ and a subset of his/her roles, must be defined in the
+ replication document. This is ensured by the document update
+ validation function present in the default design document of
+ the replicator database. This validation function also ensure
+ that a non admin user can set a user name property in the
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property that doesn't match his/her
+ own name (same principle applies for the roles).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For admins, the <literal>user_ctx</literal> property is
+ optional, and if it's missing it defaults to a user context with
+ name null and an empty list of roles - this mean design
+ documents will not be written to local targets. If writing
+ design documents to local targets is desired, the a user context
+ with the roles <literal>_admin</literal> must be set explicitly.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Also, for admins the <literal>user_ctx</literal> property can be
+ used to trigger a replication on behalf of another user. This is
+ the user context that will be passed to local target database
+ document validation functions.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>user_ctx</literal> property only has effect for
+ local endpoints.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Example delegated replication document:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "user_ctx": {
+ "name": "joe",
+ "roles": ["erlanger", "researcher"]
+ }
+ <para>
+ As stated before, for admins the user_ctx property is optional,
+ while for regular (non admin) users it's mandatory. When the
+ roles property of <literal>user_ctx</literal> is missing, it
+ defaults to the empty list <literal>[ ]</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-ssl">
+ <title>Native SSL Support</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB 1.1 supports SSL natively. All your secure connection
+ needs can now be served without the need set and maintain a
+ separate proxy server that handles SSL.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ SSL setup can be tricky, but the configuration in CouchDB was
+ designed to be as easy as possible. All you need is two files; a
+ certificate and a private key. If you bought an official SSL
+ certificate from a certificate authority, both should be in your
+ possession already.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you just want to try this out and don't want to pay anything
+ upfront, you can create a self-signed certificate. Everything will
+ work the same, but clients will get a warning about an insecure
+ certificate.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You will need the OpenSSL command line tool installed. It probably
+ already is.
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>mkdir cert &amp;&amp; cd cert</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>openssl genrsa &gt; privkey.pem</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out mycert.pem -days 1095</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>ls</userinput>
+mycert.pem privkey.pem</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Now, you need to edit CouchDB's configuration, either by editing
+ your <filename>local.ini</filename> file or using the
+ <literal>/_config</literal> API calls or the configuration screen
+ in Futon. Here is what you need to do in
+ <filename>local.ini</filename>, you can infer what needs doing in
+ the other places.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Be sure to make these edits. Under <literal>[daemons]</literal>
+ you should see:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>; enable SSL support by uncommenting the following line and supply the PEM's below.
+; the default ssl port CouchDB listens on is 6984
+;httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Here uncomment the last line:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Next, under <literal>[ssl]</literal> you will see:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
+;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Uncomment and adjust the paths so it matches your system's paths:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>cert_file = /home/jan/cert/mycert.pem
+key_file = /home/jan/cert/privkey.pem</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ For more information please read
+ <ulink url=""></ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Now start (or restart) CouchDB. You should be able to connect to
+ it using HTTPS on port 6984:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>curl</userinput>
+curl: (60) SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
+error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
+More details here:
+curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"
+of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default
+bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file
+using the --cacert option.
+If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in
+the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a
+problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might
+not match the domain name in the URL).
+If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
+the -k (or --insecure) option.</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Oh no what happened?! — Remember, clients will notify their
+ users that your certificate is self signed.
+ <command>curl</command> is the client in this case and it notifies
+ you. Luckily you trust yourself (don't you?) and you can specify
+ the <option>-k</option> option as the message reads:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>curl -k</userinput>
+ <para>
+ All done.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-httprange">
+ <title>HTTP Range Requests</title>
+ <para>
+ HTTP allows you to specify byte ranges for requests. This allows
+ the implementation of resumable downloads and skippable audio and
+ video streams alike. Now this is available for all attachments
+ inside CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This is just a real quick run through how this looks under the
+ hood. Usually, you will have larger binary files to serve from
+ CouchDB, like MP3s and videos, but to make things a little more
+ obvious, I use a text file here (Note that I use the
+ <literal>application/octet-stream</literal> Content-Type instead
+ of <literal>text/plain</literal>).
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>cat file.txt </userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Now lets store this text file as an attachment in CouchDB. First,
+ we create a database:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X PUT</userinput>
+ <para>
+ Then we create a new document and the file attachment in one go:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -d@file.txt</userinput>
+ <para>
+ Now we can request the whole file easily:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET</userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ But say we only want the first 13 bytes:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET -H "Range: bytes=0-12"</userinput>
+My hovercraft</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ HTTP supports many ways to specify single and even multiple byte
+ rangers. Read all about it in
+ <ulink url="">RFC
+ 2616</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Databases that have been created with CouchDB 1.0.2 or earlier
+ will support range requests in 1.1.0, but they are using a
+ less-optimal algorithm. If you plan to make heavy use of this
+ feature, make sure to compact your database with CouchDB 1.1.0
+ to take advantage of a better algorithm to find byte ranges.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-proxying">
+ <title>HTTP Proxying</title>
+ <para>
+ The HTTP proxy feature makes it easy to map and redirect different
+ content through your CouchDB URL. The proxy works by mapping a
+ pathname and passing all content after that prefix through to the
+ configured proxy address.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Configuration of the proxy redirect is handled through the
+ <literal>[httpd_global_handlers]</literal> section of the CouchDB
+ configuration file (typically <filename>local.ini</filename>). The
+ format is:
+ </para>
+PREFIX = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;"DESTINATION"&gt;&gt;}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>PREFIX</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Is the string that will be matched. The string can be any
+ valid qualifier, although to ensure that existing database
+ names are not overridden by a proxy configuration, you can use
+ an underscore prefix.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>DESTINATION</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The fully-qualified URL to which the request should be sent.
+ The destination must include the <literal>http</literal>
+ prefix. The content is used verbatim in the original request,
+ so you can also forward to servers on different ports and to
+ specific paths on the target host.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ The proxy process then translates requests of the form:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To:
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Everything after <literal>PREFIX</literal> including the
+ required forward slash will be appended to the
+ <literal>DESTINATION</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ The response is then communicated back to the original client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the following configuration:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>_google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;""&gt;&gt;}</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Would forward all requests for
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/_google</literal> to the Google
+ website.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The service can also be used to forward to related CouchDB
+ services, such as Lucene:
+ </para>
+_fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;""&gt;&gt;}</programlisting>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The proxy service is basic. If the request is not identified by
+ the <literal>DESTINATION</literal>, or the remainder of the
+ <literal>PATH</literal> specification is incomplete, the
+ original request URL is interpreted as if the
+ <literal>PREFIX</literal> component of that URL does not exist.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, requesting
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/_intranet/media</literal> when
+ <filename>/media</filename> on the proxy destination does not
+ exist, will cause the request URL to be interpreted as
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/media</literal>. Care should be
+ taken to ensure that both requested URLs and destination URLs
+ are able to cope
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-commonjs">
+ <title>Added CommonJS support to map functions</title>
+ <para>
+ We didn't have CommonJS require in map functions because the
+ current CommonJS implementation is scoped to the whole design doc,
+ and giving views access to load code from anywhere in the design
+ doc would mean we'd have to blow away your view index any time you
+ changed anything. Having to rebuild views from scratch just
+ because you changed some CSS or a show function isn't fun, so we
+ avoided the issue by keeping CommonJS require out of map and
+ reduce altogether.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The solution we came up with is to allow CommonJS inside map and
+ reduce funs, but only of libraries that are stored inside the
+ views part of the design doc.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ So you could continue to access CommonJS code in,
+ from your list functions etc, but we'd add the ability to require
+ CommonJS modules within map and reduce, but only from
+ design_doc.views.lib
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ There's no worry here about namespace collisions, as Couch just
+ plucks <literal>views.*.map</literal> and
+ <literal>views.*.reduce</literal> out of the design doc. So you
+ could have a view called <literal>lib</literal> if you wanted, and
+ still have CommonJS stored in <literal>views.lib.sha1</literal>
+ and <literal>views.lib.stemmer</literal> if you wanted.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ We simplified the implementation by enforcing that CommonJS
+ modules to be used in map functions be stored in views.lib.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A sample design doc (taken from the test suite in Futon) is below:
+ </para>
+ "views" : {
+ "lib" : {
+ "baz" : "exports.baz = 'bam';",
+ "foo" : {
+ "zoom" : "exports.zoom = 'yeah';",
+ "boom" : "exports.boom = 'ok';",
+ "foo" : " = 'bar';"
+ }
+ },
+ "commonjs" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { emit(null, require('views/lib/foo/boom').boom)}"
+ }
+ },
+ "_id" : "_design/test"
+ <para>
+ The <literal>require()</literal> statement is relative to the
+ design document, but anything loaded form outside of
+ <literal>views/lib</literal> will fail.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-etag">
+ <title>More granular ETag support for views</title>
+ <para>
+ ETags have been assigned to a map/reduce group (the collection of
+ views in a single design document). Any change to any of the
+ indexes for those views would generate a new ETag for all view
+ URL's in a single design doc, even if that specific view's results
+ had not changed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB 1.1 each <literal>_view</literal> URL has it's own ETag
+ which only gets updated when changes are made to the database that
+ effect that index. If the index for that specific view does not
+ change, that view keeps the original ETag head (therefore sending
+ back 304 Not Modified more often).
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-filters">
+ <title>Added built-in filters for <literal>_changes</literal>:
+ <literal>_doc_ids</literal> and <literal>_design</literal>.</title>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_changes</literal> feed can now be used to watch
+ changes to specific document ID's or the list of
+ <literal>_design</literal> documents in a database. If the
+ <literal>filters</literal> parameter is set to
+ <literal>_doc_ids</literal> a list of doc IDs can be passed in the
+ "doc_ids" as a JSON array.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-wildcards">
+ <title>Allow wildcards in vhosts definitions</title>
+ <para>
+ Similar to the rewrites section of a <literal>_design</literal>
+ document, the new <literal>vhosts</literal> system uses variables
+ in the form of :varname or wildcards in the form of asterisks. The
+ variable results can be output into the resulting path as they are
+ in the rewriter.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-osprocess">
+ <title>OS Daemons</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB now supports starting external processes. The support is
+ simple and enables CouchDB to start each configured OS daemon. If
+ the daemon stops at any point, CouchDB will restart it (with
+ protection to ensure regularly failing daemons are not repeatedly
+ restarted).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The daemon starting process is one-to-one; for each each
+ configured daemon in the configuration file, CouchDB will start
+ exactly one instance. If you need to run multiple instances, then
+ you must create separate individual configurations. Daemons are
+ configured within the <literal>[os_daemons]</literal> section of
+ your configuration file (<filename>local.ini</filename>). The
+ format of each configured daemon is:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>NAME = PATH ARGS</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where <literal>NAME</literal> is an arbitrary (and unique) name to
+ identify the daemon; <literal>PATH</literal> is the full path to
+ the daemon to be executed; <literal>ARGS</literal> are any
+ required arguments to the daemon.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+basic_responder = /usr/local/bin/responsder.js</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ There is no interactivity between CouchDB and the running process,
+ but you can use the OS Daemons service to create new HTTP servers
+ and responders and then use the new proxy service to redirect
+ requests and output to the CouchDB managed service. For more
+ information on proxying, see
+ <xref linkend="couchdb-release-1.1-proxying"/>. For further
+ background on the OS Daemon service, see
+ <ulink url="">CouchDB
+ Externals API</ulink>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="coudhdb-release-1.1-updateafter">
+ <title>Stale views and <literal>update_after</literal></title>
+ <para>
+ Currently a view request can include the
+ <literal>stale=ok</literal> query argument, which allows the
+ contents of a stale view index to be used to produce the view
+ output. In order to trigger a build of the outdated view index, a
+ second view request must be made.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To simplify this process, the <literal>update_after</literal>
+ value can be supplied to the <literal>stale</literal> query
+ argument. This triggers a rebuild of the view index after the
+ results of the view have been retrieved.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-socketoptions">
+ <title>Socket Options Configuration Setting</title>
+ <para>
+ The socket options for the listening socket in CouchDB can now be
+ set within the CouchDB configuration file. The setting should be
+ added to the <literal>[httpd]</literal> section of the file using
+ the option name <literal>socket_options</literal>. The
+ specification is as a list of tuples. For example:
+ </para>
+socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]</programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The options supported are a subset of full options supported by
+ the TCP/IP stack. A list of the supported options are provided in
+ the
+ <ulink url="">Erlang
+ inet</ulink> documentation.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-serveroptions">
+ <title>Server Options Configuration Setting</title>
+ <para>
+ Server options for the MochiWeb component of CouchDB can now be
+ added to the configuration file. Settings should be added to the
+ <literal>server_options</literal> option of the
+ <literal>[httpd]</literal> section of
+ <filename>local.ini</filename>. For example:
+ </para>
+server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]</programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-errormessages">
+ <title>Improved Error Messages</title>
+ <para>
+ The errors reported when CouchDB is unable to read a required file
+ have been updated so that explicit information about the files and
+ problem can now be identified from the error message. The errors
+ report file permission access either when reading or writing to
+ configuration and database files.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The error is raised both through the log file and the error
+ message returned through the API call as a JSON error message. For
+ example, when setting configuration values:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>shell&gt; <userinput>curl -H 'X-Couch-Persist: true' -X PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/couchdb/delayed_commits -d '"false"'</userinput>
+ <para>
+ Errors will always be reported using the
+ <literal>file_permission_error</literal> error type.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ During startup permissions errors on key files are also reported
+ in the log with a descriptive error message and file location so
+ that permissions can be fixed before restart.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-microoptimizations">
+ <title>Multiple micro-optimizations when reading data.</title>
+ <para>
+ We found a number of places where CouchDB wouldn't do the absolute
+ optimal thing when reading data and got rid of quite a few
+ inefficiencies. The problem with small optimizations all over the
+ place is that you may not notice them with every use-case, but we
+ sure hope you can see an improvement overall.
+ </para>
+ </section>
diff --git a/share/docs/couchdb-release-1.1/couchdb-release-1.1.xml b/share/docs/couchdb-release-1.1/couchdb-release-1.1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e70142adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/docs/couchdb-release-1.1/couchdb-release-1.1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN'
+ '' [
+<!ENTITY % every.entities SYSTEM "entities.ent">
+<article id="couchdb-release-1.1">
+ <title>CouchDB Release 1.1 Feature Guide</title>
+ <articleinfo>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+ This document provides details on the new features introduced in
+ the CouchDB 1.1 release from the CouchDB 1.0.x release series.
+ </para>
+ <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="../common/docbuilddate.xml"/>
+ </abstract>
+ </articleinfo>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-upgrading">
+ <title>Upgrading to CouchDB 1.1</title>
+ <para>
+ You can upgrade your existing CouchDB 1.0.x installation to
+ CouchDB 1.1 without any specific steps or migration. When you run
+ CouchDB 1.1 the existing data and index files will be opened and
+ used as normal.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The first time you run a compaction routine on your database
+ within CouchDB 1.1, the data structure and indexes will be updated
+ to the new version of the CouchDB database format that can only be
+ read by CouchDB 1.1 and later. This step is not reversable. Once
+ the data files have been updated and migrated to the new version
+ the data files will no longer work with a CouchDB 1.0.x release.
+ </para>
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ If you want to retain support for openein gthe data files in
+ CouchDB 1.0.x you must back up your data files before performing
+ the upgrade and compaction process.
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchb-release-1.1-replicatordb">
+ <title>Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ A database where you
+ <literal>PUT</literal>/<literal>POST</literal> documents to
+ trigger replications and you <literal>DELETE</literal> to cancel
+ ongoing replications. These documents have exactly the same
+ content as the JSON objects we used to <literal>POST</literal> to
+ <literal>_replicate</literal> (fields <literal>source</literal>,
+ <literal>target</literal>, <literal>create_target</literal>,
+ <literal>continuous</literal>, <literal>doc_ids</literal>,
+ <literal>filter</literal>, <literal>query_params</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a user defined
+ <literal>_id</literal>. Design documents (and
+ <literal>_local</literal> documents) added to the replicator
+ database are ignored.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The default name of this database is
+ <literal>_replicator</literal>. The name can be changed in the
+ <filename>local.ini</filename> configuration, section
+ <literal>[replicator]</literal>, parameter <literal>db</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-basics">
+ <title>Basics</title>
+ <para>
+ Let's say you PUT the following document into _replicator:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true
+ <para>
+ In the couch log you'll see 2 entries like these:
+ </para>
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:43:59 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.291.0&gt;] Document `my_rep` triggered replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target`
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:44:37 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.124.0&gt;] Replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+create_target` finished (triggered by document `my_rep`)
+ <para>
+ As soon as the replication is triggered, the document will be
+ updated by CouchDB with 3 new fields:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Special fields set by the replicator start with the prefix
+ <literal>_replication_</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The ID internally assigned to the replication. This is also
+ the ID exposed by <literal>/_active_tasks</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The current state of the replication.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970) that
+ tells us when the current replication state (marked in
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>) was set.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ When the replication finishes, it will update the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field (and
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal>) with the value
+ <literal>completed</literal>, so the document will look like:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "create_target": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "completed",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ When an error happens during replication, the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field is set to
+ <literal>error</literal> (and
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> gets updated of course).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When you PUT/POST a document to the
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database, CouchDB will attempt to
+ start the replication up to 10 times (configurable under
+ <literal>[replicator]</literal>, parameter
+ <literal>max_replication_retry_count</literal>). If it fails on
+ the first attempt, it waits 5 seconds before doing a second
+ attempt. If the second attempt fails, it waits 10 seconds before
+ doing a third attempt. If the third attempt fails, it waits 20
+ seconds before doing a fourth attempt (each attempt doubles the
+ previous wait period). When an attempt fails, the Couch log will
+ show you something like:
+ </para>
+[error] [&lt;0.149.0&gt;] Error starting replication `67c1bb92010e7abe35d7d629635f18b6+create_target` (document `my_rep_2`): {db_not_found,&lt;&lt;"could not open http://myserver:5986/foo/"&gt;&gt;
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_replication_state</literal> field is only set to
+ <literal>error</literal> when all the attempts were
+ unsuccessful.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ There are only 3 possible values for the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field:
+ <literal>triggered</literal>, <literal>completed</literal> and
+ <literal>error</literal>. Continuous replications never get
+ their state set to <literal>completed</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-docsame">
+ <title>Documents describing the same replication</title>
+ <para>
+ Lets suppose 2 documents are added to the
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database in the following order:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ and
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar"
+ <para>
+ Both describe exactly the same replication (only their
+ <literal>_ids</literal> differ). In this case document
+ <literal>doc_A</literal> triggers the replication, getting
+ updated by CouchDB with the fields
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal>,
+ <literal>_replication_state_time</literal> and
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal>, just like it was described
+ before. Document <literal>doc_B</literal> however, is only
+ updated with one field, the <literal>_replication_id</literal>
+ so it will look like this:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280"
+ <para>
+ While document <literal>doc_A</literal> will look like this:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "doc_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Note that both document get exactly the same value for the
+ <literal>_replication_id</literal> field. This way you can
+ identify which documents refer to the same replication - you can
+ for example define a view which maps replication IDs to document
+ IDs.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-cancel">
+ <title>Canceling replications</title>
+ <para>
+ To cancel a replication simply <literal>DELETE</literal> the
+ document which triggered the replication. The Couch log will
+ show you an entry like the following:
+ </para>
+[Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:16:29 GMT] [info] [&lt;0.125.0&gt;] Stopped replication `c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280+continuous+create_target` because replication document `doc_A` was deleted
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ You need to <literal>DELETE</literal> the document that
+ triggered the replication. <literal>DELETE</literal>ing
+ another document that describes the same replication but did
+ not trigger it, will not cancel the replication.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-restart">
+ <title>Server restart</title>
+ <para>
+ When CouchDB is restarted, it checks its
+ <literal>_replicator</literal> database and restarts any
+ replication that is described by a document that either has its
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field set to
+ <literal>triggered</literal> or it doesn't have yet the
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field set.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Continuous replications always have a
+ <literal>_replication_state</literal> field with the value
+ <literal>triggered</literal>, therefore they're always
+ restarted when CouchDB is restarted.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-changing">
+ <title>Changing the Replicator Database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine your replicator database (default name is _replicator)
+ has the two following documents that represent pull replications
+ from servers A and B:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now without stopping and restarting CouchDB, you change the name
+ of the replicator database to
+ <literal>another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"another_replicator_db"'
+ <para>
+ As soon as this is done, both pull replications defined before,
+ are stopped. This is explicitly mentioned in CouchDB's log:
+ </para>
+[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [<0.104.0>] Stopping all ongoing replications because the replicator database was deleted or changed
+[Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:44:20 GMT] [info] [<0.127.0>] - - PUT /_config/replicator/db 200
+ <para>
+ Imagine now you add a replication document to the new replicator
+ database named <literal>another_replicator_db</literal>:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_X",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_x",
+ "continuous": true
+ <para>
+ From now own you have a single replication going on in your
+ system: a pull replication pulling from server X. Now you change
+ back the replicator database to the original one
+ <literal>_replicator</literal>:
+ </para>
+$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/replicator/db -d '"_replicator"'
+ <para>
+ Immediately after this operation, the replication pulling from
+ server X will be stopped and the replications defined in the
+ _replicator database (pulling from servers A and B) will be
+ resumed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Changing again the replicator database to
+ <literal>another_replicator_db</literal> will stop the pull
+ replications pulling from servers A and B, and resume the pull
+ replication pulling from server X.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-replicating">
+ <title>Replicating the replicator database</title>
+ <para>
+ Imagine you have in server C a replicator database with the two
+ following pull replication documents in it:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "rep_from_A",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_a",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "c0ebe9256695ff083347cbf95f93e280",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297971311
+ "_id": "rep_from_B",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "foo_b",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "_replication_id": "231bb3cf9d48314eaa8d48a9170570d1",
+ "_replication_state": "triggered",
+ "_replication_state_time": 1297974122
+ <para>
+ Now you would like to have the same pull replications going on
+ in server D, that is, you would like to have server D pull
+ replicating from servers A and B. You have two options:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Explicitly add two documents to server's D replicator
+ database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Replicate server's C replicator database into server's D
+ replicator database
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ Both alternatives accomplish exactly the same goal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-replicatordb-delegations">
+ <title>Delegations</title>
+ <para>
+ Replication documents can have a custom
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property. This property defines the
+ user context under which a replication runs. For the old way of
+ triggering replications (POSTing to
+ <literal>/_replicate/</literal>), this property was not needed
+ (it didn't exist in fact) - this is because at the moment of
+ triggering the replication it has information about the
+ authenticated user. With the replicator database, since it's a
+ regular database, the information about the authenticated user
+ is only present at the moment the replication document is
+ written to the database - the replicator database implementation
+ is like a _changes feed consumer (with
+ <literal>?include_docs=true</literal>) that reacts to what was
+ written to the replicator database - in fact this feature could
+ be implemented with an external script/program. This
+ implementation detail implies that for non admin users, a
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property, containing the user's name
+ and a subset of his/her roles, must be defined in the
+ replication document. This is ensured by the document update
+ validation function present in the default design document of
+ the replicator database. This validation function also ensure
+ that a non admin user can set a user name property in the
+ <literal>user_ctx</literal> property that doesn't match his/her
+ own name (same principle applies for the roles).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For admins, the <literal>user_ctx</literal> property is
+ optional, and if it's missing it defaults to a user context with
+ name null and an empty list of roles - this mean design
+ documents will not be written to local targets. If writing
+ design documents to local targets is desired, the a user context
+ with the roles <literal>_admin</literal> must be set explicitly.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Also, for admins the <literal>user_ctx</literal> property can be
+ used to trigger a replication on behalf of another user. This is
+ the user context that will be passed to local target database
+ document validation functions.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>user_ctx</literal> property only has effect for
+ local endpoints.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Example delegated replication document:
+ </para>
+ "_id": "my_rep",
+ "source": "",
+ "target": "bar",
+ "continuous": true,
+ "user_ctx": {
+ "name": "joe",
+ "roles": ["erlanger", "researcher"]
+ }
+ <para>
+ As stated before, for admins the user_ctx property is optional,
+ while for regular (non admin) users it's mandatory. When the
+ roles property of <literal>user_ctx</literal> is missing, it
+ defaults to the empty list <literal>[ ]</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-ssl">
+ <title>Native SSL Support</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB 1.1 supports SSL natively. All your secure connection
+ needs can now be served without the need set and maintain a
+ separate proxy server that handles SSL.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ SSL setup can be tricky, but the configuration in CouchDB was
+ designed to be as easy as possible. All you need is two files; a
+ certificate and a private key. If you bought an official SSL
+ certificate from a certificate authority, both should be in your
+ possession already.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you just want to try this out and don't want to pay anything
+ upfront, you can create a self-signed certificate. Everything will
+ work the same, but clients will get a warning about an insecure
+ certificate.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You will need the OpenSSL command line tool installed. It probably
+ already is.
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>mkdir cert &amp;&amp; cd cert</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>openssl genrsa > privkey.pem</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out mycert.pem -days 1095</userinput>
+shell&gt; <userinput>ls</userinput>
+mycert.pem privkey.pem
+ <para>
+ Now, you need to edit CouchDB's configuration, either by editing
+ your <filename>local.ini</filename> file or using the
+ <literal>/_config</literal> API calls or the configuration screen
+ in Futon. Here is what you need to do in
+ <filename>local.ini</filename>, you can infer what needs doing in
+ the other places.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Be sure to make these edits. Under <literal>[daemons]</literal>
+ you should see:
+ </para>
+; enable SSL support by uncommenting the following line and supply the PEM's below.
+; the default ssl port CouchDB listens on is 6984
+;httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
+ <para>
+ Here uncomment the last line:
+ </para>
+httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
+ <para>
+ Next, under <literal>[ssl]</literal> you will see:
+ </para>
+;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
+;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
+ <para>
+ Uncomment and adjust the paths so it matches your system's paths:
+ </para>
+cert_file = /home/jan/cert/mycert.pem
+key_file = /home/jan/cert/privkey.pem
+ <para>
+ For more information please read
+ <ulink
+ url=""></ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Now start (or restart) CouchDB. You should be able to connect to
+ it using HTTPS on port 6984:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl</userinput>
+curl: (60) SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
+error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
+More details here:
+curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"
+of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default
+bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file
+using the --cacert option.
+If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in
+the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a
+problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might
+not match the domain name in the URL).
+If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
+the -k (or --insecure) option.
+ <para>
+ Oh no what happened?! — Remember, clients will notify their
+ users that your certificate is self signed.
+ <command>curl</command> is the client in this case and it notifies
+ you. Luckily you trust yourself (don't you?) and you can specify
+ the <option>-k</option> option as the message reads:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -k</userinput>
+ <para>
+ All done.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-httprange">
+ <title>HTTP Range Requests</title>
+ <para>
+ HTTP allows you to specify byte ranges for requests. This allows
+ the implementation of resumable downloads and skippable audio and
+ video streams alike. Now this is available for all attachments
+ inside CouchDB.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This is just a real quick run through how this looks under the
+ hood. Usually, you will have larger binary files to serve from
+ CouchDB, like MP3s and videos, but to make things a little more
+ obvious, I use a text file here (Note that I use the
+ <literal>application/octet-stream</literal> Content-Type instead
+ of <literal>text/plain</literal>).
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>cat file.txt </userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!
+ <para>
+ Now lets store this text file as an attachment in CouchDB. First,
+ we create a database:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X PUT</userinput>
+ <para>
+ Then we create a new document and the file attachment in one go:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -d@file.txt</userinput>
+ <para>
+ Now we can request the whole file easily:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET</userinput>
+My hovercraft is full of eels!
+ <para>
+ But say we only want the first 13 bytes:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -X GET -H "Range: bytes=0-12"</userinput>
+My hovercraft
+ <para>
+ HTTP supports many ways to specify single and even multiple byte
+ rangers. Read all about it in
+ <ulink
+ url="">RFC
+ 2616</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Databases that have been created with CouchDB 1.0.2 or earlier
+ will support range requests in 1.1.0, but they are using a
+ less-optimal algorithm. If you plan to make heavy use of this
+ feature, make sure to compact your database with CouchDB 1.1.0
+ to take advantage of a better algorithm to find byte ranges.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-proxying">
+ <title>HTTP Proxying</title>
+ <para>
+ The HTTP proxy feature makes it easy to map and redirect different
+ content through your CouchDB URL. The proxy works by mapping a
+ pathname and passing all content after that prefix through to the
+ configured proxy address.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Configuration of the proxy redirect is handled through the
+ <literal>[httpd_global_handlers]</literal> section of the CouchDB
+ configuration file (typically <filename>local.ini</filename>). The
+ format is:
+ </para>
+PREFIX = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, &lt;&lt;"DESTINATION"&gt;&gt;}
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>PREFIX</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Is the string that will be matched. The string can be any
+ valid qualifier, although to ensure that existing database
+ names are not overridden by a proxy configuration, you can use
+ an underscore prefix.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>DESTINATION</literal>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The fully-qualified URL to which the request should be sent.
+ The destination must include the <literal>http</literal>
+ prefix. The content is used verbatim in the original request,
+ so you can also forward to servers on different ports and to
+ specific paths on the target host.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ The proxy process then translates requests of the form:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To:
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Everything after <literal>PREFIX</literal> including the
+ required forward slash will be appended to the
+ <literal>DESTINATION</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ The response is then communicated back to the original client.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, the following configuration:
+ </para>
+_google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}]]>
+ <para>
+ Would forward all requests for
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/_google</literal> to the Google
+ website.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The service can also be used to forward to related CouchDB
+ services, such as Lucene:
+ </para>
+ <![CDATA[
+_fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}]]>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ The proxy service is basic. If the request is not identified by
+ the <literal>DESTINATION</literal>, or the remainder of the
+ <literal>PATH</literal> specification is incomplete, the
+ original request URL is interpreted as if the
+ <literal>PREFIX</literal> component of that URL does not exist.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, requesting
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/_intranet/media</literal> when
+ <filename>/media</filename> on the proxy destination does not
+ exist, will cause the request URL to be interpreted as
+ <literal>http://couchdb:5984/media</literal>. Care should be
+ taken to ensure that both requested URLs and destination URLs
+ are able to cope
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-commonjs">
+ <title>Added CommonJS support to map functions</title>
+ <para>
+ We didn't have CommonJS require in map functions because the
+ current CommonJS implementation is scoped to the whole design doc,
+ and giving views access to load code from anywhere in the design
+ doc would mean we'd have to blow away your view index any time you
+ changed anything. Having to rebuild views from scratch just
+ because you changed some CSS or a show function isn't fun, so we
+ avoided the issue by keeping CommonJS require out of map and
+ reduce altogether.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The solution we came up with is to allow CommonJS inside map and
+ reduce funs, but only of libraries that are stored inside the
+ views part of the design doc.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ So you could continue to access CommonJS code in,
+ from your list functions etc, but we'd add the ability to require
+ CommonJS modules within map and reduce, but only from
+ design_doc.views.lib
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ There's no worry here about namespace collisions, as Couch just
+ plucks <literal>views.*.map</literal> and
+ <literal>views.*.reduce</literal> out of the design doc. So you
+ could have a view called <literal>lib</literal> if you wanted, and
+ still have CommonJS stored in <literal>views.lib.sha1</literal>
+ and <literal>views.lib.stemmer</literal> if you wanted.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ We simplified the implementation by enforcing that CommonJS
+ modules to be used in map functions be stored in views.lib.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A sample design doc (taken from the test suite in Futon) is below:
+ </para>
+ "views" : {
+ "lib" : {
+ "baz" : "exports.baz = 'bam';",
+ "foo" : {
+ "zoom" : "exports.zoom = 'yeah';",
+ "boom" : "exports.boom = 'ok';",
+ "foo" : " = 'bar';"
+ }
+ },
+ "commonjs" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { emit(null, require('views/lib/foo/boom').boom)}"
+ }
+ },
+ "_id" : "_design/test"
+ <para>
+ The <literal>require()</literal> statement is relative to the
+ design document, but anything loaded form outside of
+ <literal>views/lib</literal> will fail.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-etag">
+ <title>More granular ETag support for views</title>
+ <para>
+ ETags have been assigned to a map/reduce group (the collection of
+ views in a single design document). Any change to any of the
+ indexes for those views would generate a new ETag for all view
+ URL's in a single design doc, even if that specific view's results
+ had not changed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In CouchDB 1.1 each <literal>_view</literal> URL has it's own ETag
+ which only gets updated when changes are made to the database that
+ effect that index. If the index for that specific view does not
+ change, that view keeps the original ETag head (therefore sending
+ back 304 Not Modified more often).
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-filters">
+ <title>Added built-in filters for <literal>_changes</literal>:
+ <literal>_doc_ids</literal> and <literal>_design</literal>.</title>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>_changes</literal> feed can now be used to watch
+ changes to specific document ID's or the list of
+ <literal>_design</literal> documents in a database. If the
+ <literal>filters</literal> parameter is set to
+ <literal>_doc_ids</literal> a list of doc IDs can be passed in the
+ "doc_ids" as a JSON array.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-wildcards">
+ <title>Allow wildcards in vhosts definitions</title>
+ <para>
+ Similar to the rewrites section of a <literal>_design</literal>
+ document, the new <literal>vhosts</literal> system uses variables
+ in the form of :varname or wildcards in the form of asterisks. The
+ variable results can be output into the resulting path as they are
+ in the rewriter.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-osprocess">
+ <title>OS Daemons</title>
+ <para>
+ CouchDB now supports starting external processes. The support is
+ simple and enables CouchDB to start each configured OS daemon. If
+ the daemon stops at any point, CouchDB will restart it (with
+ protection to ensure regularly failing daemons are not repeatedly
+ restarted).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The daemon starting process is one-to-one; for each each
+ configured daemon in the configuration file, CouchDB will start
+ exactly one instance. If you need to run multiple instances, then
+ you must create separate individual configurations. Daemons are
+ configured within the <literal>[os_daemons]</literal> section of
+ your configuration file (<filename>local.ini</filename>). The
+ format of each configured daemon is:
+ </para>
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Where <literal>NAME</literal> is an arbitrary (and unique) name to
+ identify the daemon; <literal>PATH</literal> is the full path to
+ the daemon to be executed; <literal>ARGS</literal> are any
+ required arguments to the daemon.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+basic_responder = /usr/local/bin/responsder.js
+ <para>
+ There is no interactivity between CouchDB and the running process,
+ but you can use the OS Daemons service to create new HTTP servers
+ and responders and then use the new proxy service to redirect
+ requests and output to the CouchDB managed service. For more
+ information on proxying, see
+ <xref
+ linkend="couchdb-release-1.1-proxying"/>. For further
+ background on the OS Daemon service, see
+ <ulink url="">CouchDB
+ Externals API</ulink>
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="coudhdb-release-1.1-updateafter">
+ <title>Stale views and <literal>update_after</literal></title>
+ <para>
+ Currently a view request can include the
+ <literal>stale=ok</literal> query argument, which allows the
+ contents of a stale view index to be used to produce the view
+ output. In order to trigger a build of the outdated view index, a
+ second view request must be made.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To simplify this process, the <literal>update_after</literal>
+ value can be supplied to the <literal>stale</literal> query
+ argument. This triggers a rebuild of the view index after the
+ results of the view have been retrieved.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-socketoptions">
+ <title>Socket Options Configuration Setting</title>
+ <para>
+ The socket options for the listening socket in CouchDB can now be
+ set within the CouchDB configuration file. The setting should be
+ added to the <literal>[httpd]</literal> section of the file using
+ the option name <literal>socket_options</literal>. The
+ specification is as a list of tuples. For example:
+ </para>
+socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
+ <para>
+ The options supported are a subset of full options supported by
+ the TCP/IP stack. A list of the supported options are provided in
+ the
+ <ulink
+ url="">Erlang
+ inet</ulink> documentation.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-serveroptions">
+ <title>Server Options Configuration Setting</title>
+ <para>
+ Server options for the MochiWeb component of CouchDB can now be
+ added to the configuration file. Settings should be added to the
+ <literal>server_options</literal> option of the
+ <literal>[httpd]</literal> section of
+ <filename>local.ini</filename>. For example:
+ </para>
+server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
+ </programlisting>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-errormessages">
+ <title>Improved Error Messages</title>
+ <para>
+ The errors reported when CouchDB is unable to read a required file
+ have been updated so that explicit information about the files and
+ problem can now be identified from the error message. The errors
+ report file permission access either when reading or writing to
+ configuration and database files.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The error is raised both through the log file and the error
+ message returned through the API call as a JSON error message. For
+ example, when setting configuration values:
+ </para>
+shell&gt; <userinput>curl -H 'X-Couch-Persist: true' -X PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/couchdb/delayed_commits -d '"false"'</userinput>
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Errors will always be reported using the
+ <literal>file_permission_error</literal> error type.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ During startup permissions errors on key files are also reported
+ in the log with a descriptive error message and file location so
+ that permissions can be fixed before restart.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="couchdb-release-1.1-microoptimizations">
+ <title>Multiple micro-optimizations when reading data.</title>
+ <para>
+ We found a number of places where CouchDB wouldn't do the absolute
+ optimal thing when reading data and got rid of quite a few
+ inefficiencies. The problem with small optimizations all over the
+ place is that you may not notice them with every use-case, but we
+ sure hope you can see an improvement overall.
+ </para>
+ </section>