diff options
authorPeng Hui Jiang <>2018-08-22 00:04:43 +0800
committerGitHub <>2018-08-22 00:04:43 +0800
commitc02f6d294d962d18c22d8179f43ee07add5437eb (patch)
parent8819a27864e4f4dbe0f4544986749b51d4a1d7eb (diff)
parente0c7ad386803dea20573201f4e6468bdae8294e1 (diff)
Merge pull request #1368 from apache/COUCHDB-3326-clustered-purge-pr3-refactor-pse-tests
[3/5] Clustered Purge - Rewrite pluggable storage engine tests
-rw-r--r--src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_attachments.erl (renamed from src/couch/src/test_engine_attachments.erl)50
-rw-r--r--src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_fold_docs.erl (renamed from src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_docs.erl)167
-rw-r--r--src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_ref_counting.erl (renamed from src/couch/src/test_engine_ref_counting.erl)57
21 files changed, 1817 insertions, 1735 deletions
diff --git a/rebar.config.script b/rebar.config.script
index b4de2d962..22dde7cde 100644
--- a/rebar.config.script
+++ b/rebar.config.script
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ SubDirs = [
+ "src/couch_pse_tests",
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_compaction.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_compaction.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 09a1e4ea5..000000000
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_compaction.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-cet_compact_empty() ->
- {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St1),
- {ok, St2, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St1, Path),
- {ok, St3, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St2, DbName, [], Term),
- Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St3),
- Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
- ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
-cet_compact_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- Actions = [{create, {<<"foo">>, []}}],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St2),
- {ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
- {ok, St4, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St3, DbName, [], Term),
- Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
- Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
- ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
-cet_compact_local_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- Actions = [{create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}}],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St2),
- {ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
- {ok, St4, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St3, DbName, [], Term),
- Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
- Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
- ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
-cet_compact_with_everything() ->
- {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- % Add a whole bunch of docs
- DocActions = lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
- {create, {docid(Seq), [{<<"int">>, Seq}]}}
- end, lists:seq(1, 1000)),
- LocalActions = lists:map(fun(I) ->
- {create, {local_docid(I), [{<<"int">>, I}]}}
- end, lists:seq(1, 25)),
- Actions1 = DocActions ++ LocalActions,
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:set_security(St2, [{<<"readers">>, <<"ohai">>}]),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:set_revs_limit(St3, 500),
- Actions2 = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"hooray">>, <<"purple">>}]}},
- {conflict, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"booo">>, false}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St5} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St4, Actions2),
- [FooFDI, BarFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St5, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]),
- FooRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FooFDI),
- BarRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(BarFDI),
- Actions3 = [
- {batch, [
- {purge, {<<"foo">>, FooRev#rev_info.rev}},
- {purge, {<<"bar">>, BarRev#rev_info.rev}}
- ]}
- ],
- {ok, St6} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St5, Actions3),
- PurgedIdRevs = [
- {<<"bar">>, [BarRev#rev_info.rev]},
- {<<"foo">>, [FooRev#rev_info.rev]}
- ],
- ?assertEqual(PurgedIdRevs, lists:sort(Engine:get_last_purged(St6))),
- {ok, St7} = try
- [Att0, Att1, Att2, Att3, Att4] = test_engine_util:prep_atts(Engine, St6, [
- {<<"ohai.txt">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(2048)},
- {<<"">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32768)},
- {<<"a.erl">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(29)},
- {<<"a.hrl">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(5000)},
- {<<"">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(400)}
- ]),
- Actions4 = [
- {create, {<<"small_att">>, [], [Att0]}},
- {create, {<<"large_att">>, [], [Att1]}},
- {create, {<<"multi_att">>, [], [Att2, Att3, Att4]}}
- ],
- test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St6, Actions4)
- catch throw:not_supported ->
- {ok, St6}
- end,
- {ok, St8} = Engine:commit_data(St7),
- Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St8),
- Config = [
- {"database_compaction", "doc_buffer_size", "1024"},
- {"database_compaction", "checkpoint_after", "2048"}
- ],
- {ok, St9, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:with_config(Config, fun() ->
- test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St8, Path)
- end),
- {ok, St10, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St9, DbName, [], Term),
- Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St10),
- Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
- ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
-cet_recompact_updates() ->
- {ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- Actions1 = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"bar">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
- {ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
- Actions2 = [
- {update, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"updated">>, true}]}},
- {create, {<<"baz">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions2),
- Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
- {ok, St5, NewPid} = Engine:finish_compaction(St4, DbName, [], Term),
- ?assertEqual(true, is_pid(NewPid)),
- Ref = erlang:monitor(process, NewPid),
- NewTerm = receive
- {'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
- Term0;
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
- erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
- after 10000 ->
- erlang:error(compactor_timed_out)
- end,
- {ok, St6, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St5, DbName, [], NewTerm),
- Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St6),
- Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
- ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
-docid(I) ->
- Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
- iolist_to_binary(Str).
-local_docid(I) ->
- Str = io_lib:format("_local/~4..0b", [I]),
- iolist_to_binary(Str).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e97fda9b..000000000
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--define(NUM_DOCS, 100).
-cet_empty_changes() ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:count_changes_since(St, 0)),
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
-cet_single_change() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions = [{create, {<<"a">>, []}}],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
- ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 1}]},
- Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
-cet_two_changes() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"b">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
- {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
-cet_two_changes_batch() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions1 = [
- {batch, [
- {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"b">>, []}}
- ]}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
- {ok, Changes1} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes1)),
- {ok, Engine, St3} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions2 = [
- {batch, [
- {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"a">>, []}}
- ]}
- ],
- {ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions2),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St4, 0)),
- {ok, Changes2} = Engine:fold_changes(St4, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"b">>, 1}, {<<"a">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes2)).
-cet_update_one() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
- {update, {<<"a">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
- ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 2}]},
- Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
-cet_update_first_of_two() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
- {update, {<<"a">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
- {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"b">>, 2}, {<<"a">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
-cet_update_second_of_two() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
- {update, {<<"b">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
- {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
-cet_check_mutation_ordering() ->
- Actions = shuffle(lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
- {create, {docid(Seq), []}}
- end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS))),
- DocIdOrder = [DocId || {_, {DocId, _}} <- Actions],
- DocSeqs = lists:zip(DocIdOrder, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)),
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- % First lets see that we can get the correct
- % suffix/prefix starting at every update sequence
- lists:foreach(fun(Seq) ->
- {ok, Suffix} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual(lists:nthtail(Seq, DocSeqs), lists:reverse(Suffix)),
- {ok, Prefix} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
- {dir, rev}
- ]),
- ?assertEqual(lists:sublist(DocSeqs, Seq + 1), Prefix)
- end, lists:seq(0, ?NUM_DOCS)),
- ok = do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St2, ?NUM_DOCS + 1, DocSeqs, []).
-do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St, _Seq, [], FinalDocSeqs) ->
- {ok, RevOrder} = Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual(FinalDocSeqs, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
- ok;
-do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St, Seq, [{DocId, _OldSeq} | Rest], DocSeqAcc) ->
- Actions = [{update, {DocId, []}}],
- {ok, NewSt} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St, Actions),
- NewAcc = DocSeqAcc ++ [{DocId, Seq}],
- Expected = Rest ++ NewAcc,
- {ok, RevOrder} = Engine:fold_changes(NewSt, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
- ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
- do_mutation_ordering(Engine, NewSt, Seq + 1, Rest, NewAcc).
-shuffle(List) ->
- random:seed(os:timestamp()),
- Paired = [{random:uniform(), I} || I <- List],
- Sorted = lists:sort(Paired),
- [I || {_, I} <- Sorted].
-remove_random(List) ->
- Pos = random:uniform(length(List)),
- remove_random(Pos, List).
-remove_random(1, [Item | Rest]) ->
- {Item, Rest};
-remove_random(N, [Skip | Rest]) when N > 1 ->
- {Item, Tail} = remove_random(N - 1, Rest),
- {Item, [Skip | Tail]}.
-fold_fun(#full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=Seq}, Acc) ->
- {ok, [{Id, Seq} | Acc]}.
-docid(I) ->
- Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
- iolist_to_binary(Str).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_get_set_props.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_get_set_props.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d2a44779..000000000
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_get_set_props.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-cet_default_props() ->
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
- create,
- {default_security_object, dso}
- ]),
- Node = node(),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St)),
- ?assertEqual(true, is_list(Engine:get_size_info(St))),
- ?assertEqual(true, is_integer(Engine:get_disk_version(St))),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St)),
- ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St)),
- ?assertEqual(dso, Engine:get_security(St)),
- ?assertEqual(1000, Engine:get_revs_limit(St)),
- ?assertMatch(<<_:32/binary>>, Engine:get_uuid(St)),
- ?assertEqual([{Node, 0}], Engine:get_epochs(St)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_compacted_seq(St)).
-cet_set_security() ->
- check_prop_set(get_security, set_security, dso, [{<<"readers">>, []}]).
-cet_set_revs_limit() ->
- check_prop_set(get_revs_limit, set_revs_limit, 1000, 50).
-check_prop_set(GetFun, SetFun, Default, Value) ->
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- {ok, St0} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
- create,
- {default_security_object, dso}
- ]),
- ?assertEqual(Default, Engine:GetFun(St0)),
- {ok, St1} = Engine:SetFun(St0, Value),
- ?assertEqual(Value, Engine:GetFun(St1)),
- {ok, St2} = Engine:commit_data(St1),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St2),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(Value, Engine:GetFun(St3)).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_open_close_delete.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_open_close_delete.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index b099d9fb0..000000000
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_open_close_delete.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-cet_open_non_existent() ->
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
- ?assertThrow({not_found, no_db_file}, Engine:init(DbPath, [])),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
-cet_open_create() ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
- ?assertMatch({ok, _}, Engine:init(DbPath, [create])),
- ?assertEqual(true, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
-cet_open_when_exists() ->
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
- ?assertMatch({ok, _}, Engine:init(DbPath, [create])),
- ?assertThrow({error, eexist}, Engine:init(DbPath, [create])).
-cet_terminate() ->
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
- {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [create]),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St),
- ?assertEqual(true, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
-cet_rapid_recycle() ->
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- {ok, St0} = Engine:init(DbPath, [create]),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St0),
- lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
- {ok, St1} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St1)
- end, lists:seq(1, 100)).
-cet_delete() ->
- Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
- RootDir = test_engine_util:rootdir(),
- DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
- {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [create]),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St),
- ?assertEqual(true, Engine:exists(DbPath)),
- ?assertEqual(ok, Engine:delete(RootDir, DbPath, [async])),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:exists(DbPath)).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_purge_docs.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_purge_docs.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e5bf249eb..000000000
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_purge_docs.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-cet_purge_simple() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions1 = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
- [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
- PrevRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
- Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
- Actions2 = [
- {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
- ],
- {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)).
-cet_purge_conflicts() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions1 = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
- {conflict, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
- [FDI1] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
- PrevRev1 = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI1),
- Rev1 = PrevRev1#rev_info.rev,
- Actions2 = [
- {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev1}}
- ],
- {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(4, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev1]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)),
- [FDI2] = Engine:open_docs(St3, [<<"foo">>]),
- PrevRev2 = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI2),
- Rev2 = PrevRev2#rev_info.rev,
- Actions3 = [
- {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev2}}
- ],
- {ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions3),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(5, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_purge_seq(St4)),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev2]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St4)).
-cet_add_delete_purge() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions1 = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
- {delete, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
- [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
- PrevRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
- Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
- Actions2 = [
- {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
- ],
- {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)).
-cet_add_two_purge_one() ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Actions1 = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
- {create, {<<"bar">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St2)),
- ?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St2)),
- [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St2, [<<"foo">>]),
- PrevRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
- Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
- Actions2 = [
- {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
- ],
- {ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2, Actions2),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_update_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_purge_seq(St3)),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], Engine:get_last_purged(St3)).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_read_write_docs.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_read_write_docs.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4307702d4..000000000
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_read_write_docs.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-cet_read_empty_docs() ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- ?assertEqual([not_found], Engine:open_docs(St, [<<"foo">>])),
- ?assertEqual(
- [not_found, not_found],
- Engine:open_docs(St, [<<"a">>, <<"b">>])
- ).
-cet_read_empty_local_docs() ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- ?assertEqual([not_found], Engine:open_local_docs(St, [<<"_local/foo">>])),
- ?assertEqual(
- [not_found, not_found],
- Engine:open_local_docs(St, [<<"_local/a">>, <<"_local/b">>])
- ).
-cet_write_one_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>]),
- #rev_info{
- rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
- deleted = Deleted,
- body_sp = DocPtr
- } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
- Doc0 = #doc{
- id = <<"foo">>,
- revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
- deleted = Deleted,
- body = DocPtr
- },
- Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
- Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
- couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
- end,
- ?assertEqual([{<<"vsn">>, 1}], Body1).
-cet_write_two_docs() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
- {create, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"stuff">>, true}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- Resps = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]),
- ?assertEqual(false, lists:member(not_found, Resps)).
-cet_write_three_doc_batch() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {batch, [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
- {create, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"stuff">>, true}]}},
- {create, {<<"baz">>, []}}
- ]}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(3, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- Resps = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"baz">>]),
- ?assertEqual(false, lists:member(not_found, Resps)).
-cet_update_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
- {update, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>]),
- #rev_info{
- rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
- deleted = Deleted,
- body_sp = DocPtr
- } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
- Doc0 = #doc{
- id = <<"foo">>,
- revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
- deleted = Deleted,
- body = DocPtr
- },
- Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
- Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
- couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
- end,
- ?assertEqual([{<<"vsn">>, 2}], Body1).
-cet_delete_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}},
- {delete, {<<"foo">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(2, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"foo">>]),
- #rev_info{
- rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
- deleted = Deleted,
- body_sp = DocPtr
- } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
- Doc0 = #doc{
- id = <<"foo">>,
- revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
- deleted = Deleted,
- body = DocPtr
- },
- Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
- Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
- couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
- end,
- ?assertEqual([], Body1).
-cet_write_local_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, [{<<"yay">>, false}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
- [#doc{} = Doc] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"yay">>, false}], Doc#doc.body).
-cet_write_mixed_batch() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {batch, [
- {create, {<<"bar">>, []}},
- {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, [{<<"yay">>, false}]}}
- ]}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(1, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- [#full_doc_info{}] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"bar">>]),
- [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
- [not_found] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"bar">>]),
- [#doc{}] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]).
-cet_update_local_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}},
- {update, {<<"_local/foo">>, [{<<"stuff">>, null}]}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
- [#doc{} = Doc] = Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
- ?assertEqual([{<<"stuff">>, null}], Doc#doc.body).
-cet_delete_local_doc() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St1)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St1)),
- Actions = [
- {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}},
- {delete, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}}
- ],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St4)),
- ?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St4)),
- [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
- ?assertEqual([not_found], Engine:open_local_docs(St4, [<<"_local/foo">>])).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cc6bccdc..000000000
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--define(TEST_MODULES, [
- test_engine_open_close_delete,
- test_engine_get_set_props,
- test_engine_read_write_docs,
- test_engine_attachments,
- test_engine_fold_docs,
- test_engine_fold_changes,
- test_engine_purge_docs,
- test_engine_compaction,
- test_engine_ref_counting
--define(COMPACTOR_TIMEOUT, 50000).
-create_tests(EngineApp) ->
- create_tests(EngineApp, EngineApp).
-create_tests(EngineApp, EngineModule) ->
- application:set_env(couch, test_engine, {EngineApp, EngineModule}),
- Tests = lists:map(fun(TestMod) ->
- {atom_to_list(TestMod), gather(TestMod)}
- end, ?TEST_MODULES),
- Setup = fun() ->
- Ctx = test_util:start_couch(),
- config:set("log", "include_sasl", "false", false),
- Ctx
- end,
- {
- setup,
- Setup,
- fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
- fun(_) -> Tests end
- }.
-gather(Module) ->
- Exports = Module:module_info(exports),
- Tests = lists:foldl(fun({Fun, Arity}, Acc) ->
- case {atom_to_list(Fun), Arity} of
- {[$c, $e, $t, $_ | _], 0} ->
- TestFun = make_test_fun(Module, Fun),
- [{timeout, 60, {spawn, TestFun}} | Acc];
- _ ->
- Acc
- end
- end, [], Exports),
- lists:reverse(Tests).
-make_test_fun(Module, Fun) ->
- Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s:~s", [Module, Fun])),
- Wrapper = fun() ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Module:Fun()
- end,
- {Name, Wrapper}.
-rootdir() ->
- config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", ".").
-dbpath() ->
- binary_to_list(filename:join(rootdir(), couch_uuids:random())).
-get_engine() ->
- case application:get_env(couch, test_engine) of
- {ok, {_, Engine}} ->
- Engine;
- _ ->
- couch_bt_engine
- end.
-init_engine() ->
- init_engine(default).
-init_engine(default) ->
- Engine = get_engine(),
- DbPath = dbpath(),
- {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
- create,
- {default_security_object, []}
- ]),
- {ok, Engine, St};
-init_engine(dbpath) ->
- Engine = get_engine(),
- DbPath = dbpath(),
- {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
- create,
- {default_security_object, []}
- ]),
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St}.
-apply_actions(_Engine, St, []) ->
- {ok, St};
-apply_actions(Engine, St, [Action | Rest]) ->
- NewSt = apply_action(Engine, St, Action),
- apply_actions(Engine, NewSt, Rest).
-apply_action(Engine, St, {batch, BatchActions}) ->
- apply_batch(Engine, St, BatchActions);
-apply_action(Engine, St, Action) ->
- apply_batch(Engine, St, [Action]).
-apply_batch(Engine, St, Actions) ->
- UpdateSeq = Engine:get_update_seq(St) + 1,
- AccIn = {UpdateSeq, [], [], []},
- AccOut = lists:foldl(fun(Action, Acc) ->
- {SeqAcc, DocAcc, LDocAcc, PurgeAcc} = Acc,
- case Action of
- {_, {<<"_local/", _/binary>>, _}} ->
- LDoc = gen_local_write(Engine, St, Action),
- {SeqAcc, DocAcc, [LDoc | LDocAcc], PurgeAcc};
- _ ->
- case gen_write(Engine, St, Action, SeqAcc) of
- {_OldFDI, _NewFDI} = Pair ->
- {SeqAcc + 1, [Pair | DocAcc], LDocAcc, PurgeAcc};
- {Pair, NewSeqAcc, NewPurgeInfo} ->
- NewPurgeAcc = [NewPurgeInfo | PurgeAcc],
- {NewSeqAcc, [Pair | DocAcc], LDocAcc, NewPurgeAcc}
- end
- end
- end, AccIn, Actions),
- {_, Docs0, LDocs, PurgeIdRevs} = AccOut,
- Docs = lists:reverse(Docs0),
- {ok, NewSt} = Engine:write_doc_infos(St, Docs, LDocs, PurgeIdRevs),
- NewSt.
-gen_local_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body}}) ->
- PrevRev = case Engine:open_local_docs(St, [DocId]) of
- [not_found] ->
- 0;
- [#doc{revs = {0, []}}] ->
- 0;
- [#doc{revs = {0, [RevStr | _]}}] ->
- binary_to_integer(RevStr)
- end,
- {RevId, Deleted} = case Action of
- Action when Action == create; Action == update ->
- {PrevRev + 1, false};
- delete ->
- {0, true}
- end,
- #doc{
- id = DocId,
- revs = {0, [RevId]},
- body = Body,
- deleted = Deleted
- }.
-gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body}}, UpdateSeq) ->
- gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body, []}}, UpdateSeq);
-gen_write(Engine, St, {create, {DocId, Body, Atts0}}, UpdateSeq) ->
- [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
- Atts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts0],
- Rev = couch_hash:md5_hash(term_to_binary({DocId, Body, Atts})),
- Doc0 = #doc{
- id = DocId,
- revs = {0, [Rev]},
- deleted = false,
- body = Body,
- atts = Atts
- },
- Doc1 = make_doc_summary(Engine, St, Doc0),
- {ok, Doc2, Len} = Engine:write_doc_body(St, Doc1),
- Sizes = #size_info{
- active = Len,
- external = erlang:external_size(Doc1#doc.body)
- },
- Leaf = #leaf{
- deleted = false,
- ptr = Doc2#doc.body,
- seq = UpdateSeq,
- sizes = Sizes,
- atts = Atts
- },
- {not_found, #full_doc_info{
- id = DocId,
- deleted = false,
- update_seq = UpdateSeq,
- rev_tree = [{0, {Rev, Leaf, []}}],
- sizes = Sizes
- }};
-gen_write(Engine, St, {purge, {DocId, PrevRevs0, _}}, UpdateSeq) ->
- [#full_doc_info{} = PrevFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
- PrevRevs = if is_list(PrevRevs0) -> PrevRevs0; true -> [PrevRevs0] end,
- #full_doc_info{
- rev_tree = PrevTree
- } = PrevFDI,
- {NewTree, RemRevs} = couch_key_tree:remove_leafs(PrevTree, PrevRevs),
- RemovedAll = lists:sort(RemRevs) == lists:sort(PrevRevs),
- if RemovedAll -> ok; true ->
- % If we didn't purge all the requested revisions
- % then its a bug in the test.
- erlang:error({invalid_purge_test_revs, PrevRevs})
- end,
- case NewTree of
- [] ->
- % We've completely purged the document
- {{PrevFDI, not_found}, UpdateSeq, {DocId, RemRevs}};
- _ ->
- % We have to relabel the update_seq of all
- % leaves. See couch_db_updater for details.
- {NewNewTree, NewUpdateSeq} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun
- (_RevId, Leaf, leaf, InnerSeqAcc) ->
- {Leaf#leaf{seq = InnerSeqAcc}, InnerSeqAcc + 1};
- (_RevId, Value, _Type, InnerSeqAcc) ->
- {Value, InnerSeqAcc}
- end, UpdateSeq, NewTree),
- NewFDI = PrevFDI#full_doc_info{
- update_seq = NewUpdateSeq - 1,
- rev_tree = NewNewTree
- },
- {{PrevFDI, NewFDI}, NewUpdateSeq, {DocId, RemRevs}}
- end;
-gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body, Atts0}}, UpdateSeq) ->
- [#full_doc_info{} = PrevFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
- Atts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts0],
- #full_doc_info{
- id = DocId,
- rev_tree = PrevRevTree
- } = PrevFDI,
- #rev_info{
- rev = PrevRev
- } = prev_rev(PrevFDI),
- {RevPos, PrevRevId} = PrevRev,
- Rev = gen_revision(Action, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts),
- Doc0 = #doc{
- id = DocId,
- revs = {RevPos + 1, [Rev, PrevRevId]},
- deleted = false,
- body = Body,
- atts = Atts
- },
- Doc1 = make_doc_summary(Engine, St, Doc0),
- {ok, Doc2, Len} = Engine:write_doc_body(St, Doc1),
- Deleted = case Action of
- update -> false;
- conflict -> false;
- delete -> true
- end,
- Sizes = #size_info{
- active = Len,
- external = erlang:external_size(Doc1#doc.body)
- },
- Leaf = #leaf{
- deleted = Deleted,
- ptr = Doc2#doc.body,
- seq = UpdateSeq,
- sizes = Sizes,
- atts = Atts
- },
- Path = gen_path(Action, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf),
- RevsLimit = Engine:get_revs_limit(St),
- NodeType = case Action of
- conflict -> new_branch;
- _ -> new_leaf
- end,
- {MergedTree, NodeType} = couch_key_tree:merge(PrevRevTree, Path),
- NewTree = couch_key_tree:stem(MergedTree, RevsLimit),
- NewFDI = PrevFDI#full_doc_info{
- deleted = couch_doc:is_deleted(NewTree),
- update_seq = UpdateSeq,
- rev_tree = NewTree,
- sizes = Sizes
- },
- {PrevFDI, NewFDI}.
-gen_revision(conflict, DocId, _PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
- couch_hash:md5_hash(term_to_binary({DocId, Body, Atts}));
-gen_revision(delete, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
- gen_revision(update, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts);
-gen_revision(update, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
- couch_hash:md5_hash(term_to_binary({DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts})).
-gen_path(conflict, _RevPos, _PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
- {0, {Rev, Leaf, []}};
-gen_path(delete, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
- gen_path(update, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf);
-gen_path(update, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
- {RevPos, {PrevRevId, ?REV_MISSING, [{Rev, Leaf, []}]}}.
-make_doc_summary(Engine, St, DocData) ->
- {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
- exit({result, Engine:serialize_doc(St, DocData)})
- end),
- receive
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, {result, Summary}} ->
- Summary;
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Error} ->
- erlang:error({make_doc_summary_error, Error})
- erlang:error(make_doc_summary_timeout)
- end.
-prep_atts(_Engine, _St, []) ->
- [];
-prep_atts(Engine, St, [{FileName, Data} | Rest]) ->
- {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
- {ok, Stream} = Engine:open_write_stream(St, []),
- exit(write_att(Stream, FileName, Data, Data))
- end),
- Att = receive
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, {{no_catch, not_supported}, _}} ->
- throw(not_supported);
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Resp} ->
- Resp
- erlang:error(attachment_write_timeout)
- end,
- [Att | prep_atts(Engine, St, Rest)].
-write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, <<>>) ->
- {StreamEngine, Len, Len, Md5, Md5} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
- couch_util:check_md5(Md5, couch_hash:md5_hash(OrigData)),
- Len = size(OrigData),
- couch_att:new([
- {name, FileName},
- {type, <<"application/octet-stream">>},
- {data, {stream, StreamEngine}},
- {att_len, Len},
- {disk_len, Len},
- {md5, Md5},
- {encoding, identity}
- ]);
-write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Data) ->
- {Chunk, Rest} = case size(Data) > 4096 of
- true ->
- <<Head:4096/binary, Tail/binary>> = Data,
- {Head, Tail};
- false ->
- {Data, <<>>}
- end,
- ok = couch_stream:write(Stream, Chunk),
- write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Rest).
-prev_rev(#full_doc_info{} = FDI) ->
- #doc_info{
- revs = [#rev_info{} = PrevRev | _]
- } = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI),
- PrevRev.
-db_as_term(Engine, St) ->
- [
- {props, db_props_as_term(Engine, St)},
- {docs, db_docs_as_term(Engine, St)},
- {local_docs, db_local_docs_as_term(Engine, St)},
- {changes, db_changes_as_term(Engine, St)}
- ].
-db_props_as_term(Engine, St) ->
- Props = [
- get_doc_count,
- get_del_doc_count,
- get_disk_version,
- get_update_seq,
- get_purge_seq,
- get_last_purged,
- get_security,
- get_revs_limit,
- get_uuid,
- get_epochs
- ],
- lists:map(fun(Fun) ->
- {Fun, Engine:Fun(St)}
- end, Props).
-db_docs_as_term(Engine, St) ->
- FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
- {ok, FDIs} = Engine:fold_docs(St, FoldFun, [], []),
- lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
- fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI)
- end, FDIs)).
-db_local_docs_as_term(Engine, St) ->
- FoldFun = fun(Doc, Acc) -> {ok, [Doc | Acc]} end,
- {ok, LDocs} = Engine:fold_local_docs(St, FoldFun, [], []),
- lists:reverse(LDocs).
-db_changes_as_term(Engine, St) ->
- FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
- {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, FoldFun, [], []),
- lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
- fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI)
- end, Changes)).
-fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI) ->
- #full_doc_info{
- id = DocId,
- rev_tree = OldTree
- } = FDI,
- {NewRevTree, _} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun(Rev, Node, Type, Acc) ->
- tree_to_term(Rev, Node, Type, Acc, DocId)
- end, {Engine, St}, OldTree),
- FDI#full_doc_info{
- rev_tree = NewRevTree,
- % Blank out sizes because we allow storage
- % engines to handle this with their own
- % definition until further notice.
- sizes = #size_info{
- active = -1,
- external = -1
- }
- }.
-tree_to_term(_Rev, _Leaf, branch, Acc, _DocId) ->
- {?REV_MISSING, Acc};
-tree_to_term({Pos, RevId}, #leaf{} = Leaf, leaf, {Engine, St}, DocId) ->
- #leaf{
- deleted = Deleted,
- ptr = Ptr
- } = Leaf,
- Doc0 = #doc{
- id = DocId,
- revs = {Pos, [RevId]},
- deleted = Deleted,
- body = Ptr
- },
- Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St, Doc0),
- Body = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
- couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
- end,
- Atts1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.atts) -> Doc1#doc.atts; true ->
- couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.atts)
- end,
- StreamSrc = fun(Sp) -> Engine:open_read_stream(St, Sp) end,
- Atts2 = [couch_att:from_disk_term(StreamSrc, Att) || Att <- Atts1],
- Atts = [att_to_term(Att) || Att <- Atts2],
- NewLeaf = Leaf#leaf{
- ptr = Body,
- sizes = #size_info{active = -1, external = -1},
- atts = Atts
- },
- {NewLeaf, {Engine, St}}.
-att_to_term(Att) ->
- Bin = couch_att:to_binary(Att),
- couch_att:store(data, Bin, Att).
-term_diff(T1, T2) when is_tuple(T1), is_tuple(T2) ->
- tuple_diff(tuple_to_list(T1), tuple_to_list(T2));
-term_diff(L1, L2) when is_list(L1), is_list(L2) ->
- list_diff(L1, L2);
-term_diff(V1, V2) when V1 == V2 ->
- nodiff;
-term_diff(V1, V2) ->
- {V1, V2}.
-tuple_diff([], []) ->
- nodiff;
-tuple_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
- {longer, T1};
-tuple_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
- {shorter, T2};
-tuple_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
- case term_diff(T1, T2) of
- nodiff ->
- tuple_diff(R1, R2);
- Else ->
- {T1, Else}
- end.
-list_diff([], []) ->
- nodiff;
-list_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
- {longer, T1};
-list_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
- {shorter, T2};
-list_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
- case term_diff(T1, T2) of
- nodiff ->
- list_diff(R1, R2);
- Else ->
- {T1, Else}
- end.
-compact(Engine, St1, DbPath) ->
- DbName = filename:basename(DbPath),
- {ok, St2, Pid} = Engine:start_compaction(St1, DbName, [], self()),
- Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- % Ideally I'd assert that Pid is linked to us
- % at this point but its technically possible
- % that it could have finished compacting by
- % the time we check... Quite the quandry.
- Term = receive
- {'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
- Term0;
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
- erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
- erlang:error(compactor_timed_out)
- end,
- {ok, St2, DbName, Pid, Term}.
-with_config(Config, Fun) ->
- OldConfig = apply_config(Config),
- try
- Fun()
- after
- apply_config(OldConfig)
- end.
-apply_config([]) ->
- [];
-apply_config([{Section, Key, Value} | Rest]) ->
- Orig = config:get(Section, Key),
- case Value of
- undefined -> config:delete(Section, Key);
- _ -> config:set(Section, Key, Value)
- end,
- [{Section, Key, Orig} | apply_config(Rest)].
diff --git a/src/couch/test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl b/src/couch/test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl
index df200df47..3e3ecbf25 100644
--- a/src/couch/test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch/test/couch_bt_engine_tests.erl
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
- test_engine_util:create_tests(couch, couch_bt_engine).
+ cpse_util:create_tests(couch, couch_bt_engine, "couch").
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83f3875a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+{application, couch_pse_tests, [
+ {description, "Apache CouchDB Pluggable Storage Engine Test Suite"},
+ {vsn, git},
+ {applications, [
+ kernel,
+ stdlib
+ ]}
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_gather.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_gather.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7804d419e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_gather.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+ module/1
+module(ModName) ->
+ Exports = ModName:module_info(exports),
+ SetupMod = get_setup_all(ModName, Exports),
+ TeardownMod = get_teardown_all(ModName, Exports),
+ SetupTest = get_fun(ModName, setup_each, 0, Exports),
+ TeardownTest = get_fun(ModName, teardown_each, 1, Exports),
+ RevTests = lists:foldl(fun({Fun, Arity}, Acc) ->
+ case {atom_to_list(Fun), Arity} of
+ {[$c, $p, $s, $e, $_ | _], Arity} when Arity == 0; Arity == 1 ->
+ TestFun = make_test_fun(ModName, Fun, Arity),
+ [TestFun | Acc];
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end, [], Exports),
+ Tests = lists:reverse(RevTests),
+ {
+ setup,
+ spawn,
+ SetupMod,
+ TeardownMod,
+ [
+ {
+ foreach,
+ SetupTest,
+ TeardownTest,
+ Tests
+ }
+ ]
+ }.
+get_setup_all(ModName, Exports) ->
+ case lists:member({setup_all, 0}, Exports) of
+ true -> fun ModName:setup_all/0;
+ false -> fun cpse_util:setup_all/0
+ end.
+get_teardown_all(ModName, Exports) ->
+ case lists:member({teardown_all, 1}, Exports) of
+ true -> fun ModName:teardown_all/1;
+ false -> fun cpse_util:teardown_all/1
+ end.
+get_fun(ModName, FunName, Arity, Exports) ->
+ case lists:member({FunName, Arity}, Exports) of
+ true -> fun ModName:FunName/Arity;
+ false when Arity == 0 -> fun() -> ok end;
+ false when Arity == 1 -> fun(_) -> ok end
+ end.
+make_test_fun(Module, Fun, Arity) ->
+ Name = atom_to_list(Fun),
+ case Arity of
+ 0 ->
+ fun(_) ->
+ {timeout, 60, {Name, fun() ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Module:Fun()
+ end}}
+ end;
+ 1 ->
+ fun(Arg) ->
+ {timeout, 60, {Name, fun() ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Module:Fun(Arg)
+ end}}
+ end
+ end.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_attachments.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_attachments.erl
index 691d4bd3c..61ada38c4 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_attachments.erl
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_attachments.erl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
@@ -18,32 +18,40 @@
-cet_write_attachment() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+setup_each() ->
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:create_db(),
+ Db.
+teardown_each(Db) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(couch_db:name(Db), []).
+cpse_write_attachment(Db1) ->
AttBin = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32768),
- [Att0] = test_engine_util:prep_atts(Engine, St1, [
+ [Att0] = cpse_util:prep_atts(Db1, [
{<<"ohai.txt">>, AttBin}
{stream, Stream} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att0),
- ?assertEqual(true, Engine:is_active_stream(St1, Stream)),
+ ?assertEqual(true, couch_db_engine:is_active_stream(Db1, Stream)),
- Actions = [{create, {<<"first">>, [], [Att0]}}],
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, St3} = Engine:commit_data(St2),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St3),
+ Actions = [{create, {<<"first">>, {[]}, [Att0]}}],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
- {ok, St4} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
- [FDI] = Engine:open_docs(St4, [<<"first">>]),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ [FDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"first">>]),
rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
deleted = Deleted,
body_sp = DocPtr
- } = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+ } = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI),
Doc0 = #doc{
id = <<"foo">>,
@@ -52,12 +60,12 @@ cet_write_attachment() ->
body = DocPtr
- Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St4, Doc0),
+ Doc1 = couch_db_engine:read_doc_body(Db3, Doc0),
Atts1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.atts) -> Doc1#doc.atts; true ->
- StreamSrc = fun(Sp) -> Engine:open_read_stream(St4, Sp) end,
+ StreamSrc = fun(Sp) -> couch_db_engine:open_read_stream(Db3, Sp) end,
[Att1] = [couch_att:from_disk_term(StreamSrc, T) || T <- Atts1],
ReadBin = couch_att:to_binary(Att1),
?assertEqual(AttBin, ReadBin)
@@ -71,23 +79,21 @@ cet_write_attachment() ->
% attachments streams when restarting (for instance if
% we ever have something that stores attachemnts in
% an external object store)
-cet_inactive_stream() ->
- {ok, Engine, DbPath, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
+cpse_inactive_stream(Db1) ->
AttBin = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32768),
- [Att0] = test_engine_util:prep_atts(Engine, St1, [
+ [Att0] = cpse_util:prep_atts(Db1, [
{<<"ohai.txt">>, AttBin}
{stream, Stream} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att0),
- ?assertEqual(true, Engine:is_active_stream(St1, Stream)),
+ ?assertEqual(true, couch_db_engine:is_active_stream(Db1, Stream)),
- Engine:terminate(normal, St1),
- {ok, St2} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db1),
+ {ok, Db2} = couch_db:reopen(Db1),
- ?assertEqual(false, Engine:is_active_stream(St2, Stream))
+ ?assertEqual(false, couch_db_engine:is_active_stream(Db2, Stream))
catch throw:not_supported ->
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_compaction.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_compaction.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11bf106d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_compaction.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+setup_each() ->
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:create_db(),
+ Db.
+teardown_each(Db) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(couch_db:name(Db), []).
+cpse_compact_empty(Db1) ->
+ Term1 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db1),
+ cpse_util:compact(Db1),
+ {ok, Db2} = couch_db:reopen(Db1),
+ Term2 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db2),
+ Diff = cpse_util:term_diff(Term1, Term2),
+ ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cpse_compact_doc(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [{create, {<<"foo">>, {[]}}}],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ Term1 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db2),
+ cpse_util:compact(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ Term2 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db3),
+ Diff = cpse_util:term_diff(Term1, Term2),
+ ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cpse_compact_local_doc(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [{create, {<<"_local/foo">>, {[]}}}],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ Term1 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db2),
+ cpse_util:compact(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ Term2 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db3),
+ Diff = cpse_util:term_diff(Term1, Term2),
+ ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cpse_compact_with_everything(Db1) ->
+ % Add a whole bunch of docs
+ DocActions = lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
+ {create, {docid(Seq), {[{<<"int">>, Seq}]}}}
+ end, lists:seq(1, 1000)),
+ LocalActions = lists:map(fun(I) ->
+ {create, {local_docid(I), {[{<<"int">>, I}]}}}
+ end, lists:seq(1, 25)),
+ Actions1 = DocActions ++ LocalActions,
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_batch(Db1, Actions1),
+ ok = couch_db:set_security(Db1, {[{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]}),
+ ok = couch_db:set_revs_limit(Db1, 500),
+ Actions2 = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[]}}},
+ {create, {<<"bar">>, {[{<<"hooray">>, <<"purple">>}]}}},
+ {conflict, {<<"bar">>, {[{<<"booo">>, false}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db3} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db2, Actions2),
+ [FooFDI, BarFDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]),
+ FooRev = cpse_util:prev_rev(FooFDI),
+ BarRev = cpse_util:prev_rev(BarFDI),
+ Actions3 = [
+ {batch, [
+ {purge, {<<"foo">>, FooRev#rev_info.rev}},
+ {purge, {<<"bar">>, BarRev#rev_info.rev}}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db4} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db3, Actions3),
+ PurgedIdRevs = [
+ {<<"bar">>, [BarRev#rev_info.rev]},
+ {<<"foo">>, [FooRev#rev_info.rev]}
+ ],
+ ?assertEqual(
+ PurgedIdRevs,
+ lists:sort(couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db4))
+ ),
+ {ok, Db5} = try
+ [Att0, Att1, Att2, Att3, Att4] = cpse_util:prep_atts(Db4, [
+ {<<"ohai.txt">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(2048)},
+ {<<"">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32768)},
+ {<<"a.erl">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(29)},
+ {<<"a.hrl">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(5000)},
+ {<<"">>, crypto:strong_rand_bytes(400)}
+ ]),
+ Actions4 = [
+ {create, {<<"small_att">>, {[]}, [Att0]}},
+ {create, {<<"large_att">>, {[]}, [Att1]}},
+ {create, {<<"multi_att">>, {[]}, [Att2, Att3, Att4]}}
+ ],
+ cpse_util:apply_actions(Db4, Actions4)
+ catch throw:not_supported ->
+ {ok, Db4}
+ end,
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db5),
+ {ok, Db6} = couch_db:reopen(Db5),
+ Term1 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db6),
+ Config = [
+ {"database_compaction", "doc_buffer_size", "1024"},
+ {"database_compaction", "checkpoint_after", "2048"}
+ ],
+ cpse_util:with_config(Config, fun() ->
+ cpse_util:compact(Db6)
+ end),
+ {ok, Db7} = couch_db:reopen(Db6),
+ Term2 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db7),
+ Diff = cpse_util:term_diff(Term1, Term2),
+ ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+cpse_recompact_updates(Db1) ->
+ Actions1 = lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
+ {create, {docid(Seq), {[{<<"int">>, Seq}]}}}
+ end, lists:seq(1, 1000)),
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_batch(Db1, Actions1),
+ {ok, Compactor} = couch_db:start_compact(Db2),
+ catch erlang:suspend_process(Compactor),
+ Actions2 = [
+ {update, {<<"0001">>, {[{<<"updated">>, true}]}}},
+ {create, {<<"boop">>, {[]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db3} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db2, Actions2),
+ Term1 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db3),
+ catch erlang:resume_process(Compactor),
+ cpse_util:compact(Db3),
+ {ok, Db4} = couch_db:reopen(Db3),
+ Term2 = cpse_util:db_as_term(Db4),
+ Diff = cpse_util:term_diff(Term1, Term2),
+ ?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
+docid(I) ->
+ Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
+ iolist_to_binary(Str).
+local_docid(I) ->
+ Str = io_lib:format("_local/~4..0b", [I]),
+ iolist_to_binary(Str).
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_fold_changes.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_fold_changes.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ee74f041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_fold_changes.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(NUM_DOCS, 25).
+setup_each() ->
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:create_db(),
+ Db.
+teardown_each(Db) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(couch_db:name(Db), []).
+cpse_empty_changes(Db) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db, 0)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []},
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cpse_single_change(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [{create, {<<"a">>, {[]}}}],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db2, 0)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 1}]},
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cpse_two_changes(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, {[]}}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, {[]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} =
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cpse_two_changes_batch(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [
+ {batch, [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, {[]}}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, {[]}}}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} =
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cpse_two_changes_batch_sorted(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [
+ {batch, [
+ {create, {<<"b">>, {[]}}},
+ {create, {<<"a">>, {[]}}}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} =
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cpse_update_one(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, {[]}}},
+ {update, {<<"a">>, {[]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db2, 0)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 2}]},
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cpse_update_first_of_two(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, {[]}}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, {[]}}},
+ {update, {<<"a">>, {[]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} =
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"b">>, 2}, {<<"a">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cpse_update_second_of_two(Db1) ->
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, {[]}}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, {[]}}},
+ {update, {<<"b">>, {[]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} =
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cpse_check_mutation_ordering(Db1) ->
+ Actions = shuffle(lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
+ {create, {docid(Seq), {[]}}}
+ end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS))),
+ DocIdOrder = [DocId || {_, {DocId, _}} <- Actions],
+ DocSeqs = lists:zip(DocIdOrder, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)),
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ % First lets see that we can get the correct
+ % suffix/prefix starting at every update sequence
+ lists:foreach(fun(Seq) ->
+ {ok, Suffix} =
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual(lists:nthtail(Seq, DocSeqs), lists:reverse(Suffix)),
+ {ok, Prefix} = couch_db_engine:fold_changes(
+ Db2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], [{dir, rev}]),
+ ?assertEqual(lists:sublist(DocSeqs, Seq + 1), Prefix)
+ end, lists:seq(0, ?NUM_DOCS)),
+ ok = do_mutation_ordering(Db2, ?NUM_DOCS + 1, DocSeqs, []).
+do_mutation_ordering(Db, _Seq, [], FinalDocSeqs) ->
+ {ok, RevOrder} = couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual(FinalDocSeqs, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
+ ok;
+do_mutation_ordering(Db, Seq, [{DocId, _OldSeq} | Rest], DocSeqAcc) ->
+ Actions = [{update, {DocId, {[]}}}],
+ {ok, NewDb} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db, Actions),
+ NewAcc = DocSeqAcc ++ [{DocId, Seq}],
+ Expected = Rest ++ NewAcc,
+ {ok, RevOrder} =
+ couch_db_engine:fold_changes(NewDb, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
+ do_mutation_ordering(NewDb, Seq + 1, Rest, NewAcc).
+shuffle(List) ->
+ random:seed(os:timestamp()),
+ Paired = [{random:uniform(), I} || I <- List],
+ Sorted = lists:sort(Paired),
+ [I || {_, I} <- Sorted].
+remove_random(List) ->
+ Pos = random:uniform(length(List)),
+ remove_random(Pos, List).
+remove_random(1, [Item | Rest]) ->
+ {Item, Rest};
+remove_random(N, [Skip | Rest]) when N > 1 ->
+ {Item, Tail} = remove_random(N - 1, Rest),
+ {Item, [Skip | Tail]}.
+fold_fun(#full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=Seq}, Acc) ->
+ {ok, [{Id, Seq} | Acc]}.
+docid(I) ->
+ Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
+ iolist_to_binary(Str).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_docs.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_fold_docs.erl
index 458878d97..09fbd26d0 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_docs.erl
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_fold_docs.erl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
@@ -21,80 +21,90 @@
-define(NUM_DOCS, 100).
-cet_fold_all() ->
- fold_all(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+setup_each() ->
+ cpse_util:dbname().
-cet_fold_all_local() ->
- fold_all(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+teardown_each(DbName) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(DbName, []).
-cet_fold_start_key() ->
- fold_start_key(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cpse_fold_all(DbName) ->
+ fold_all(DbName, fold_docs, fun docid/1).
-cet_fold_start_key_local() ->
- fold_start_key(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cpse_fold_all_local(DbName) ->
+ fold_all(DbName, fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
-cet_fold_end_key() ->
- fold_end_key(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cpse_fold_start_key(DbName) ->
+ fold_start_key(DbName, fold_docs, fun docid/1).
-cet_fold_end_key_local() ->
- fold_end_key(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cpse_fold_start_key_local(DbName) ->
+ fold_start_key(DbName, fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
-cet_fold_end_key_gt() ->
- fold_end_key_gt(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cpse_fold_end_key(DbName) ->
+ fold_end_key(DbName, fold_docs, fun docid/1).
-cet_fold_end_key_gt_local() ->
- fold_end_key_gt(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cpse_fold_end_key_local(DbName) ->
+ fold_end_key(DbName, fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
-cet_fold_range() ->
- fold_range(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cpse_fold_end_key_gt(DbName) ->
+ fold_end_key_gt(DbName, fold_docs, fun docid/1).
-cet_fold_range_local() ->
- fold_range(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cpse_fold_end_key_gt_local(DbName) ->
+ fold_end_key_gt(DbName, fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
-cet_fold_stop() ->
- fold_stop(fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cpse_fold_range(DbName) ->
+ fold_range(DbName, fold_docs, fun docid/1).
-cet_fold_stop_local() ->
- fold_stop(fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cpse_fold_range_local(DbName) ->
+ fold_range(DbName, fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
+cpse_fold_stop(DbName) ->
+ fold_user_fun_stop(DbName, fold_docs, fun docid/1).
+cpse_fold_stop_local(DbName) ->
+ fold_user_fun_stop(DbName, fold_local_docs, fun local_docid/1).
% This is a loose test but we have to have this until
% I figure out what to do about the total_rows/offset
% meta data included in _all_docs
-cet_fold_include_reductions() ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(fun docid/1),
+cpse_fold_include_reductions(DbName) ->
+ {ok, Db} = init_db(DbName, fun docid/1),
FoldFun = fun(_, _, nil) -> {ok, nil} end,
- {ok, Count, nil} = Engine:fold_docs(St, FoldFun, nil, [include_reductions]),
+ Opts = [include_reductions],
+ {ok, Count, nil} = couch_db_engine:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, nil, Opts),
?assert(Count >= 0).
-fold_all(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+fold_all(DbName, FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
- {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+ {ok, Db} = init_db(DbName, DocIdFun),
- {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
?assertEqual(?NUM_DOCS, length(DocIdAccFwd)),
?assertEqual(DocIds, lists:reverse(DocIdAccFwd)),
- {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [{dir, rev}]),
+ Opts = [{dir, rev}],
+ {ok, DocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], Opts),
?assertEqual(?NUM_DOCS, length(DocIdAccRev)),
?assertEqual(DocIds, DocIdAccRev).
-fold_start_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+fold_start_key(DbName, FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+ {ok, Db} = init_db(DbName, DocIdFun),
StartKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
StartKey = DocIdFun(StartKeyNum),
@@ -103,35 +113,35 @@ fold_start_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, ?NUM_DOCS)],
DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, StartKeyNum)],
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{start_key, <<255>>}
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, <<"">>}
- {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{start_key, <<"">>}
?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
- {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, <<255>>}
?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccRev)),
?assertEqual(AllDocIds, AllDocIdAccRev),
- {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{start_key, StartKey}
?assertEqual(length(DocIdsFwd), length(DocIdAccFwd)),
?assertEqual(DocIdsFwd, lists:reverse(DocIdAccFwd)),
- {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, StartKey}
@@ -139,30 +149,30 @@ fold_start_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
-fold_end_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+fold_end_key(DbName, FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+ {ok, Db} = init_db(DbName, DocIdFun),
EndKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
EndKey = DocIdFun(EndKeyNum),
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{end_key, <<"">>}
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{end_key, <<255>>}
AllDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
- {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{end_key, <<255>>}
?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
- {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{end_key, <<"">>}
@@ -171,7 +181,7 @@ fold_end_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, EndKeyNum)],
- {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{end_key, EndKey}
?assertEqual(length(DocIdsFwd), length(DocIdAccFwd)),
@@ -179,7 +189,7 @@ fold_end_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(EndKeyNum, ?NUM_DOCS)],
- {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{end_key, EndKey}
@@ -187,30 +197,30 @@ fold_end_key(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
-fold_end_key_gt(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+fold_end_key_gt(DbName, FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+ {ok, Db} = init_db(DbName, DocIdFun),
EndKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
EndKey = DocIdFun(EndKeyNum),
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{end_key_gt, <<"">>}
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{end_key_gt, <<255>>}
AllDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
- {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{end_key_gt, <<255>>}
?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
- {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{end_key_gt, <<"">>}
@@ -219,7 +229,7 @@ fold_end_key_gt(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, EndKeyNum - 1)],
- {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{end_key_gt, EndKey}
?assertEqual(length(DocIdsFwd), length(DocIdAccFwd)),
@@ -227,7 +237,7 @@ fold_end_key_gt(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(EndKeyNum + 1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
- {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{end_key_gt, EndKey}
@@ -235,8 +245,8 @@ fold_end_key_gt(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
-fold_range(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+fold_range(DbName, FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+ {ok, Db} = init_db(DbName, DocIdFun),
StartKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
EndKeyNum = StartKeyNum * 3,
@@ -244,12 +254,12 @@ fold_range(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
StartKey = DocIdFun(StartKeyNum),
EndKey = DocIdFun(EndKeyNum),
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{start_key, <<"">>},
{end_key, <<"">>}
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, <<"">>},
{end_key, <<255>>}
@@ -257,14 +267,14 @@ fold_range(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
AllDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)],
- {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{start_key, <<"">>},
{end_key, <<255>>}
?assertEqual(length(AllDocIds), length(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
?assertEqual(AllDocIds, lists:reverse(AllDocIdAccFwd)),
- {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, AllDocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, <<255>>},
{end_key_gt, <<"">>}
@@ -274,7 +284,7 @@ fold_range(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, EndKeyNum)],
- {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{start_key, StartKey},
{end_key, EndKey}
@@ -283,13 +293,13 @@ fold_range(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
DocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, EndKeyNum)],
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, StartKey},
{end_key, EndKey}
- {ok, DocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {ok, DocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, EndKey},
{end_key, StartKey}
@@ -298,24 +308,24 @@ fold_range(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
?assertEqual(DocIdsRev, DocIdAccRev).
-fold_stop(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = init_st(DocIdFun),
+fold_user_fun_stop(DbName, FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
+ {ok, Db} = init_db(DbName, DocIdFun),
StartKeyNum = ?NUM_DOCS div 4,
StartKey = DocIdFun(StartKeyNum),
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_stop/2, [], [
{start_key, <<255>>}
- ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_stop/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, <<"">>}
SuffixDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(?NUM_DOCS - 3, ?NUM_DOCS)],
- {ok, SuffixDocIdAcc} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+ {ok, SuffixDocIdAcc} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_stop/2, [], [
{start_key, DocIdFun(?NUM_DOCS - 3)}
?assertEqual(length(SuffixDocIds), length(SuffixDocIdAcc)),
@@ -323,7 +333,7 @@ fold_stop(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
PrefixDocIds = [DocIdFun(I) || I <- lists:seq(1, 3)],
- {ok, PrefixDocIdAcc} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+ {ok, PrefixDocIdAcc} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_stop/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, DocIdFun(3)}
@@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ fold_stop(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
FiveDocIdsFwd = [DocIdFun(I)
|| I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum, StartKeyNum + 5)],
- {ok, FiveDocIdAccFwd} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+ {ok, FiveDocIdAccFwd} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_stop/2, [], [
{start_key, StartKey}
?assertEqual(length(FiveDocIdsFwd), length(FiveDocIdAccFwd)),
@@ -342,7 +352,7 @@ fold_stop(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
FiveDocIdsRev = [DocIdFun(I)
|| I <- lists:seq(StartKeyNum - 5, StartKeyNum)],
- {ok, FiveDocIdAccRev} = Engine:FoldFun(St, fun fold_fun_stop/2, [], [
+ {ok, FiveDocIdAccRev} = couch_db_engine:FoldFun(Db, fun fold_stop/2, [], [
{dir, rev},
{start_key, StartKey}
@@ -350,13 +360,12 @@ fold_stop(FoldFun, DocIdFun) ->
?assertEqual(FiveDocIdsRev, FiveDocIdAccRev).
-init_st(DocIdFun) ->
- {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+init_db(DbName, DocIdFun) ->
+ {ok, Db1} = cpse_util:create_db(DbName),
Actions = lists:map(fun(Id) ->
- {create, {DocIdFun(Id), [{<<"int">>, Id}]}}
+ {create, {DocIdFun(Id), {[{<<"int">>, Id}]}}}
end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)),
- {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
- {ok, Engine, St2}.
+ cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, [{batch, Actions}]).
fold_fun(Doc, Acc) ->
@@ -367,7 +376,7 @@ fold_fun(Doc, Acc) ->
{ok, [Id | Acc]}.
-fold_fun_stop(Doc, Acc) ->
+fold_stop(Doc, Acc) ->
Id = case Doc of
#doc{id = Id0} -> Id0;
#full_doc_info{id = Id0} -> Id0
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_get_set_props.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_get_set_props.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97f164bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_get_set_props.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+setup_each() ->
+ cpse_util:dbname().
+teardown_each(DbName) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(DbName, []).
+cpse_default_props(DbName) ->
+ {ok, {_App, Engine, _Extension}} = application:get_env(couch, test_engine),
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:create_db(DbName),
+ Node = node(),
+ ?assertEqual(Engine, couch_db_engine:get_engine(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual(true, is_list(couch_db_engine:get_size_info(Db))),
+ ?assertEqual(true, is_integer(couch_db_engine:get_disk_version(Db))),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual([], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual([], couch_db_engine:get_security(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual(1000, couch_db_engine:get_revs_limit(Db)),
+ ?assertMatch(<<_:32/binary>>, couch_db_engine:get_uuid(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual([{Node, 0}], couch_db_engine:get_epochs(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_compacted_seq(Db)).
+ {<<"members">>, {[
+ {<<"roles">>, [<<"_admin">>]}
+ ]}},
+ {<<"admins">>, {[
+ {<<"roles">>, [<<"_admin">>]}
+ ]}}
+cpse_admin_only_security(DbName) ->
+ Config = [{"couchdb", "default_security", "admin_only"}],
+ {ok, Db1} = cpse_util:with_config(Config, fun() ->
+ cpse_util:create_db(DbName)
+ end),
+ ?assertEqual(?ADMIN_ONLY_SEC_PROPS, couch_db:get_security(Db1)),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db1),
+ {ok, Db2} = couch_db:reopen(Db1),
+ couch_log:error("~n~n~n~n~s -> ~s~n~n", [couch_db:name(Db1), couch_db:name(Db2)]),
+ ?assertEqual(?ADMIN_ONLY_SEC_PROPS, couch_db:get_security(Db2)).
+cpse_set_security(DbName) ->
+ SecProps = {[{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]},
+ check_prop_set(DbName, get_security, set_security, {[]}, SecProps).
+cpse_set_revs_limit(DbName) ->
+ check_prop_set(DbName, get_revs_limit, set_revs_limit, 1000, 50).
+check_prop_set(DbName, GetFun, SetFun, Default, Value) ->
+ {ok, Db0} = cpse_util:create_db(DbName),
+ ?assertEqual(Default, couch_db:GetFun(Db0)),
+ ?assertMatch(ok, couch_db:SetFun(Db0, Value)),
+ {ok, Db1} = couch_db:reopen(Db0),
+ ?assertEqual(Value, couch_db:GetFun(Db1)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db1)),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db1),
+ {ok, Db2} = couch_db:reopen(Db1),
+ ?assertEqual(Value, couch_db:GetFun(Db2)).
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_open_close_delete.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_open_close_delete.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c19d0ee4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_open_close_delete.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+setup_each() ->
+ cpse_util:dbname().
+teardown_each(DbName) ->
+ case couch_server:exists(DbName) of
+ true -> ok = couch_server:delete(DbName, []);
+ false -> ok
+ end.
+cpse_open_non_existent(DbName) ->
+ % Try twice to check that a failed open doesn't create
+ % the database for some reason.
+ ?assertEqual({not_found, no_db_file}, cpse_util:open_db(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual({not_found, no_db_file}, cpse_util:open_db(DbName)).
+cpse_open_create(DbName) ->
+ ?assertEqual(false, couch_server:exists(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual({not_found, no_db_file}, cpse_util:open_db(DbName)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, cpse_util:create_db(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual(true, couch_server:exists(DbName)).
+cpse_open_when_exists(DbName) ->
+ ?assertEqual(false, couch_server:exists(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual({not_found, no_db_file}, cpse_util:open_db(DbName)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, cpse_util:create_db(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual(file_exists, cpse_util:create_db(DbName)).
+cpse_terminate(DbName) ->
+ ?assertEqual(false, couch_server:exists(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual({not_found, no_db_file}, cpse_util:open_db(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, cycle_db(DbName, create_db)),
+ ?assertEqual(true, couch_server:exists(DbName)).
+cpse_rapid_recycle(DbName) ->
+ ?assertEqual(ok, cycle_db(DbName, create_db)),
+ lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
+ ?assertEqual(ok, cycle_db(DbName, open_db))
+ end, lists:seq(1, 100)).
+cpse_delete(DbName) ->
+ ?assertEqual(false, couch_server:exists(DbName)),
+ ?assertMatch(ok, cycle_db(DbName, create_db)),
+ ?assertEqual(true, couch_server:exists(DbName)),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, couch_server:delete(DbName, [])),
+ ?assertEqual(false, couch_server:exists(DbName)).
+cycle_db(DbName, Type) ->
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:Type(DbName),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db).
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_purge_docs.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_purge_docs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..435226899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_purge_docs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+setup_each() ->
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:create_db(),
+ Db.
+teardown_each(Db) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(couch_db:name(Db), []).
+cpse_purge_simple(Db1) ->
+ Actions1 = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions1),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual([], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db2)),
+ [FDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db2, [<<"foo">>]),
+ PrevRev = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+ Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
+ Actions2 = [
+ {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db3} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db2, Actions2),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db3)).
+cpse_purge_conflicts(Db1) ->
+ Actions1 = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}},
+ {conflict, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions1),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual([], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db2)),
+ [FDI1] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db2, [<<"foo">>]),
+ PrevRev1 = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI1),
+ Rev1 = PrevRev1#rev_info.rev,
+ Actions2 = [
+ {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev1}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db3} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db2, Actions2),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(4, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev1]}], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db3)),
+ [FDI2] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"foo">>]),
+ PrevRev2 = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI2),
+ Rev2 = PrevRev2#rev_info.rev,
+ Actions3 = [
+ {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev2}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db4} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db3, Actions3),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db4)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db4)),
+ ?assertEqual(5, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db4)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db4)),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev2]}], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db4)).
+cpse_add_delete_purge(Db1) ->
+ Actions1 = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}},
+ {delete, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions1),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual([], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db2)),
+ [FDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db2, [<<"foo">>]),
+ PrevRev = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+ Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
+ Actions2 = [
+ {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db3} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db2, Actions2),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(3, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db3)).
+cpse_add_two_purge_one(Db1) ->
+ Actions1 = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}},
+ {create, {<<"bar">>, {[]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions1),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db2)),
+ ?assertEqual([], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db2)),
+ [FDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db2, [<<"foo">>]),
+ PrevRev = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+ Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
+ Actions2 = [
+ {purge, {<<"foo">>, Rev}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db3} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db2, Actions2),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(3, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_purge_seq(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"foo">>, [Rev]}], couch_db_engine:get_last_purged(Db3)).
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_read_write_docs.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_read_write_docs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84bf9f323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_read_write_docs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+setup_each() ->
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:create_db(),
+ Db.
+teardown_each(Db) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(couch_db:name(Db), []).
+cpse_read_docs_from_empty_db(Db) ->
+ ?assertEqual([not_found], couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db, [<<"foo">>])),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [not_found, not_found],
+ couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db, [<<"a">>, <<"b">>])
+ ).
+cpse_read_empty_local_docs(Db) ->
+ {LocalA, LocalB} = {<<"_local/a">>, <<"_local/b">>},
+ ?assertEqual([not_found], couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db, [LocalA])),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [not_found, not_found],
+ couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db, [LocalA, LocalB])
+ ).
+cpse_write_one_doc(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db2)),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ [FDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"foo">>]),
+ #rev_info{
+ rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body_sp = DocPtr
+ } = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+ Doc0 = #doc{
+ id = <<"foo">>,
+ revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body = DocPtr
+ },
+ Doc1 = couch_db_engine:read_doc_body(Db3, Doc0),
+ Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+ couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+ end,
+ ?assertEqual({[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}, Body1).
+cpse_write_two_docs(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}},
+ {create, {<<"bar">>, {[{<<"stuff">>, true}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ Resps = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]),
+ ?assertEqual(false, lists:member(not_found, Resps)).
+cpse_write_three_doc_batch(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {batch, [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}},
+ {create, {<<"bar">>, {[{<<"stuff">>, true}]}}},
+ {create, {<<"baz">>, {[]}}}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(3, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(3, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ Resps = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"baz">>]),
+ ?assertEqual(false, lists:member(not_found, Resps)).
+cpse_update_doc(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}},
+ {update, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ [FDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"foo">>]),
+ #rev_info{
+ rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body_sp = DocPtr
+ } = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+ Doc0 = #doc{
+ id = <<"foo">>,
+ revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body = DocPtr
+ },
+ Doc1 = couch_db_engine:read_doc_body(Db3, Doc0),
+ Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+ couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+ end,
+ ?assertEqual({[{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}, Body1).
+cpse_delete_doc(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"foo">>, {[{<<"vsn">>, 1}]}}},
+ {delete, {<<"foo">>, {[]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ [FDI] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"foo">>]),
+ #rev_info{
+ rev = {RevPos, PrevRevId},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body_sp = DocPtr
+ } = cpse_util:prev_rev(FDI),
+ Doc0 = #doc{
+ id = <<"foo">>,
+ revs = {RevPos, [PrevRevId]},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body = DocPtr
+ },
+ Doc1 = couch_db_engine:read_doc_body(Db3, Doc0),
+ Body1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+ couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+ end,
+ ?assertEqual({[]}, Body1).
+cpse_write_local_doc(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, {[{<<"yay">>, false}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ [not_found] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+ [#doc{} = Doc] = couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+ ?assertEqual({[{<<"yay">>, false}]}, Doc#doc.body).
+cpse_write_mixed_batch(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {batch, [
+ {create, {<<"bar">>, {[]}}},
+ {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, {[{<<"yay">>, false}]}}}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ [#full_doc_info{}] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"bar">>]),
+ [not_found] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+ [not_found] = couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db3, [<<"bar">>]),
+ [#doc{}] = couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>]).
+cpse_update_local_doc(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, {[]}}},
+ {update, {<<"_local/foo">>, {[{<<"stuff">>, null}]}}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db1),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ [not_found] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+ [#doc{} = Doc] = couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+ ?assertEqual({[{<<"stuff">>, null}]}, Doc#doc.body).
+cpse_delete_local_doc(Db1) ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db1)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db1)),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}},
+ {delete, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}}
+ ],
+ {ok, Db2} = cpse_util:apply_actions(Db1, Actions),
+ {ok, _} = couch_db:ensure_full_commit(Db2),
+ cpse_util:shutdown_db(Db2),
+ {ok, Db3} = couch_db:reopen(Db2),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_del_doc_count(Db3)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, couch_db_engine:get_update_seq(Db3)),
+ [not_found] = couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>]),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [not_found],
+ couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db3, [<<"_local/foo">>])
+ ).
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_ref_counting.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_ref_counting.erl
index 18e75fb5a..2a0e4c202 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/test_engine_ref_counting.erl
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_test_ref_counting.erl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
@@ -21,49 +21,59 @@
-define(NUM_CLIENTS, 1000).
-cet_empty_monitors() ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- Pids = Engine:monitored_by(St),
- ?assert(is_list(Pids)),
- ?assertEqual([], Pids -- [self(), whereis(couch_stats_process_tracker)]).
+setup_each() ->
+ {ok, Db} = cpse_util:create_db(),
+ {Db, self()}.
+teardown_each({Db, _}) ->
+ ok = couch_server:delete(couch_db:name(Db), []).
-cet_incref_decref() ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
- {Pid, _} = Client = start_client(Engine, St),
+cpse_empty_monitors({Db, Pid}) ->
+ Pids = couch_db_engine:monitored_by(Db),
+ ?assert(is_list(Pids)),
+ Expected = [
+ Pid,
+ couch_db:get_pid(Db),
+ whereis(couch_stats_process_tracker)
+ ],
+ ?assertEqual([], Pids -- Expected).
+cpse_incref_decref({Db, _}) ->
+ {Pid, _} = Client = start_client(Db),
- Pids1 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+ Pids1 = couch_db_engine:monitored_by(Db),
?assert(lists:member(Pid, Pids1)),
- Pids2 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
+ Pids2 = couch_db_engine:monitored_by(Db),
?assert(not lists:member(Pid, Pids2)).
-cet_incref_decref_many() ->
- {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+cpse_incref_decref_many({Db, _}) ->
Clients = lists:map(fun(_) ->
- start_client(Engine, St)
+ start_client(Db)
end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_CLIENTS)),
lists:foreach(fun(C) -> wait_client(C) end, Clients),
- Pids1 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
- % +2 for db pid and process tracker
- ?assertEqual(?NUM_CLIENTS + 2, length(Pids1)),
+ Pids1 = couch_db_engine:monitored_by(Db),
+ % +3 for self, db pid, and process tracker
+ ?assertEqual(?NUM_CLIENTS + 3, length(Pids1)),
lists:foreach(fun(C) -> close_client(C) end, Clients),
- Pids2 = Engine:monitored_by(St),
- ?assertEqual(2, length(Pids2)).
+ Pids2 = couch_db_engine:monitored_by(Db),
+ ?assertEqual(3, length(Pids2)).
-start_client(Engine, St1) ->
+start_client(Db0) ->
spawn_monitor(fun() ->
- {ok, St2} = Engine:incref(St1),
+ {ok, Db1} = couch_db:open_int(couch_db:name(Db0), []),
{waiting, Pid} ->
@@ -74,12 +84,11 @@ start_client(Engine, St1) ->
close ->
+ couch_db:close(Db1),
after 1000 ->
- end,
- Engine:decref(St2)
+ end
diff --git a/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_util.erl b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff119519d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_pse_tests/src/cpse_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(TEST_MODULES, [
+ cpse_test_open_close_delete,
+ cpse_test_get_set_props,
+ cpse_test_read_write_docs,
+ cpse_test_attachments,
+ cpse_test_fold_docs,
+ cpse_test_fold_changes,
+ cpse_test_purge_docs,
+ cpse_test_compaction,
+ cpse_test_ref_counting
+-define(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, 5000).
+-define(COMPACTOR_TIMEOUT, 50000).
+create_tests(EngineApp, Extension) ->
+ create_tests(EngineApp, EngineApp, Extension).
+create_tests(EngineApp, EngineModule, Extension) ->
+ TestEngine = {EngineApp, EngineModule, Extension},
+ application:set_env(couch, test_engine, TestEngine),
+ lists:map(fun(TestMod) ->
+ {atom_to_list(TestMod), cpse_gather:module(TestMod)}
+ end, ?TEST_MODULES).
+setup_all() ->
+ setup_all([]).
+setup_all(ExtraApps) ->
+ Ctx = test_util:start_couch(ExtraApps),
+ {ok, {_, EngineMod, Extension}} = application:get_env(couch, test_engine),
+ EngineModStr = atom_to_list(EngineMod),
+ config:set("couchdb_engines", Extension, EngineModStr, false),
+ config:set("log", "include_sasl", "false", false),
+ Ctx.
+teardown_all(Ctx) ->
+ test_util:stop_couch(Ctx).
+rootdir() ->
+ config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", ".").
+dbname() ->
+ UUID = couch_uuids:random(),
+ <<"db-", UUID/binary>>.
+get_engine() ->
+ case application:get_env(couch, test_engine) of
+ {ok, {_App, _Mod, Extension}} ->
+ list_to_binary(Extension);
+ _ ->
+ <<"couch">>
+ end.
+create_db() ->
+ create_db(dbname()).
+create_db(DbName) ->
+ Engine = get_engine(),
+ couch_db:create(DbName, [{engine, Engine}, ?ADMIN_CTX]).
+open_db(DbName) ->
+ Engine = get_engine(),
+ couch_db:open_int(DbName, [{engine, Engine}, ?ADMIN_CTX]).
+shutdown_db(Db) ->
+ Pid = couch_db:get_pid(Db),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ exit(Pid, kill),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} ->
+ ok
+ erlang:error(database_shutdown_timeout)
+ end,
+ test_util:wait(fun() ->
+ case ets:member(couch_dbs, couch_db:name(Db)) of
+ true -> wait;
+ false -> ok
+ end
+ end).
+apply_actions(Db, []) ->
+ {ok, Db};
+apply_actions(Db, [Action | Rest]) ->
+ {ok, NewDb} = apply_action(Db, Action),
+ apply_actions(NewDb, Rest).
+apply_action(Db, {batch, BatchActions}) ->
+ apply_batch(Db, BatchActions);
+apply_action(Db, Action) ->
+ apply_batch(Db, [Action]).
+apply_batch(Db, Actions) ->
+ AccIn = {[], [], [], []},
+ AccOut = lists:foldl(fun(Action, Acc) ->
+ {DocAcc, ConfAcc, LDocAcc, PurgeAcc} = Acc,
+ case gen_write(Db, Action) of
+ {update, Doc} ->
+ {[Doc | DocAcc], ConfAcc, LDocAcc, PurgeAcc};
+ {conflict, Doc} ->
+ {DocAcc, [Doc | ConfAcc], LDocAcc, PurgeAcc};
+ {local, Doc} ->
+ {DocAcc, ConfAcc, [Doc | LDocAcc], PurgeAcc};
+ {purge, PurgeInfo} ->
+ {DocAcc, ConfAcc, LDocAcc, [PurgeInfo | PurgeAcc]}
+ end
+ end, AccIn, Actions),
+ {Docs0, Conflicts0, LDocs0, PurgeInfos0} = AccOut,
+ Docs = lists:reverse(Docs0),
+ Conflicts = lists:reverse(Conflicts0),
+ LDocs = lists:reverse(LDocs0),
+ PurgeInfos = lists:reverse(PurgeInfos0),
+ {ok, Resp} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, Docs ++ LDocs),
+ false = lists:member(conflict, Resp),
+ {ok, Db1} = couch_db:reopen(Db),
+ {ok, []} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, Conflicts, [], replicated_changes),
+ {ok, Db2} = couch_db:reopen(Db1),
+ if PurgeInfos == [] -> ok; true ->
+ {ok, _, _} = couch_db:purge_docs(Db2, PurgeInfos)
+ end,
+ couch_db:reopen(Db2).
+gen_write(Db, {Action, {<<"_local/", _/binary>> = DocId, Body}}) ->
+ PrevRev = case couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId) of
+ {not_found, _} ->
+ 0;
+ {ok, #doc{revs = {0, []}}} ->
+ 0;
+ {ok, #doc{revs = {0, [RevStr | _]}}} ->
+ binary_to_integer(RevStr)
+ end,
+ {RevId, Deleted} = case Action of
+ Action when Action == create; Action == update ->
+ {PrevRev + 1, false};
+ delete ->
+ {0, true}
+ end,
+ {local, #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = {0, [list_to_binary(integer_to_list(RevId))]},
+ body = Body,
+ deleted = Deleted
+ }};
+gen_write(Db, {Action, {DocId, Body}}) ->
+ gen_write(Db, {Action, {DocId, Body, []}});
+gen_write(Db, {create, {DocId, Body, Atts}}) ->
+ {not_found, _} = couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId),
+ {update, #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = {0, []},
+ deleted = false,
+ body = Body,
+ atts = Atts
+ }};
+gen_write(_Db, {purge, {DocId, PrevRevs0, _}}) ->
+ PrevRevs = if is_list(PrevRevs0) -> PrevRevs0; true -> [PrevRevs0] end,
+ {purge, {DocId, PrevRevs}};
+gen_write(Db, {Action, {DocId, Body, Atts}}) ->
+ #full_doc_info{} = PrevFDI = couch_db:get_full_doc_info(Db, DocId),
+ #full_doc_info{
+ id = DocId
+ } = PrevFDI,
+ #rev_info{
+ rev = PrevRev
+ } = prev_rev(PrevFDI),
+ NewRev = gen_rev(Action, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts),
+ Deleted = case Action of
+ update -> false;
+ conflict -> false;
+ delete -> true
+ end,
+ Type = case Action of
+ conflict -> conflict;
+ _ -> update
+ end,
+ {Type, #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = NewRev,
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body = Body,
+ atts = Atts
+ }}.
+gen_rev(A, DocId, {Pos, Rev}, Body, Atts) when A == update; A == delete ->
+ NewRev = crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, Rev, Body, Atts})),
+ {Pos + 1, [NewRev, Rev]};
+gen_rev(conflict, DocId, _, Body, Atts) ->
+ UUID = couch_uuids:random(),
+ NewRev = crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, UUID, Body, Atts})),
+ {1, [NewRev]}.
+prep_atts(_Db, []) ->
+ [];
+prep_atts(Db, [{FileName, Data} | Rest]) ->
+ {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+ {ok, Stream} = couch_db:open_write_stream(Db, []),
+ exit(write_att(Stream, FileName, Data, Data))
+ end),
+ Att = receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, {{no_catch, not_supported}, _}} ->
+ throw(not_supported);
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Resp} ->
+ Resp
+ erlang:error(attachment_write_timeout)
+ end,
+ [Att | prep_atts(Db, Rest)].
+write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, <<>>) ->
+ {StreamEngine, Len, Len, Md5, Md5} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
+ couch_util:check_md5(Md5, couch_hash:md5_hash(OrigData)),
+ Len = size(OrigData),
+ couch_att:new([
+ {name, FileName},
+ {type, <<"application/octet-stream">>},
+ {data, {stream, StreamEngine}},
+ {att_len, Len},
+ {disk_len, Len},
+ {md5, Md5},
+ {encoding, identity}
+ ]);
+write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Data) ->
+ {Chunk, Rest} = case size(Data) > 4096 of
+ true ->
+ <<Head:4096/binary, Tail/binary>> = Data,
+ {Head, Tail};
+ false ->
+ {Data, <<>>}
+ end,
+ ok = couch_stream:write(Stream, Chunk),
+ write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Rest).
+prev_rev(#full_doc_info{} = FDI) ->
+ #doc_info{
+ revs = [#rev_info{} = PrevRev | _]
+ } = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI),
+ PrevRev.
+db_as_term(Db) ->
+ [
+ {props, db_props_as_term(Db)},
+ {docs, db_docs_as_term(Db)},
+ {local_docs, db_local_docs_as_term(Db)},
+ {changes, db_changes_as_term(Db)}
+ ].
+db_props_as_term(Db) ->
+ Props = [
+ get_doc_count,
+ get_del_doc_count,
+ get_disk_version,
+ get_update_seq,
+ get_purge_seq,
+ get_last_purged,
+ get_security,
+ get_revs_limit,
+ get_uuid,
+ get_epochs
+ ],
+ lists:map(fun(Fun) ->
+ {Fun, couch_db_engine:Fun(Db)}
+ end, Props).
+db_docs_as_term(Db) ->
+ FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+ {ok, FDIs} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], []),
+ lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+ fdi_to_term(Db, FDI)
+ end, FDIs)).
+db_local_docs_as_term(Db) ->
+ FoldFun = fun(Doc, Acc) -> {ok, [Doc | Acc]} end,
+ {ok, LDocs} = couch_db:fold_local_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], []),
+ lists:reverse(LDocs).
+db_changes_as_term(Db) ->
+ FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+ {ok, Changes} = couch_db:fold_changes(Db, 0, FoldFun, [], []),
+ lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+ fdi_to_term(Db, FDI)
+ end, Changes)).
+fdi_to_term(Db, FDI) ->
+ #full_doc_info{
+ id = DocId,
+ rev_tree = OldTree
+ } = FDI,
+ {NewRevTree, _} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun(Rev, Node, Type, Acc) ->
+ tree_to_term(Rev, Node, Type, Acc, DocId)
+ end, Db, OldTree),
+ FDI#full_doc_info{
+ rev_tree = NewRevTree,
+ % Blank out sizes because we allow storage
+ % engines to handle this with their own
+ % definition until further notice.
+ sizes = #size_info{
+ active = -1,
+ external = -1
+ }
+ }.
+tree_to_term(_Rev, _Leaf, branch, Acc, _DocId) ->
+ {?REV_MISSING, Acc};
+tree_to_term({Pos, RevId}, #leaf{} = Leaf, leaf, Db, DocId) ->
+ #leaf{
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ ptr = Ptr
+ } = Leaf,
+ Doc0 = #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = {Pos, [RevId]},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body = Ptr
+ },
+ Doc1 = couch_db_engine:read_doc_body(Db, Doc0),
+ Body = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+ couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+ end,
+ Atts1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.atts) -> Doc1#doc.atts; true ->
+ couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.atts)
+ end,
+ StreamSrc = fun(Sp) -> couch_db:open_read_stream(Db, Sp) end,
+ Atts2 = [couch_att:from_disk_term(StreamSrc, Att) || Att <- Atts1],
+ Atts = [att_to_term(Att) || Att <- Atts2],
+ NewLeaf = Leaf#leaf{
+ ptr = Body,
+ sizes = #size_info{active = -1, external = -1},
+ atts = Atts
+ },
+ {NewLeaf, Db}.
+att_to_term(Att) ->
+ Bin = couch_att:to_binary(Att),
+ couch_att:store(data, Bin, Att).
+term_diff(T1, T2) when is_tuple(T1), is_tuple(T2) ->
+ tuple_diff(tuple_to_list(T1), tuple_to_list(T2));
+term_diff(L1, L2) when is_list(L1), is_list(L2) ->
+ list_diff(L1, L2);
+term_diff(V1, V2) when V1 == V2 ->
+ nodiff;
+term_diff(V1, V2) ->
+ {V1, V2}.
+tuple_diff([], []) ->
+ nodiff;
+tuple_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
+ {longer, T1};
+tuple_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
+ {shorter, T2};
+tuple_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
+ case term_diff(T1, T2) of
+ nodiff ->
+ tuple_diff(R1, R2);
+ Else ->
+ {T1, Else}
+ end.
+list_diff([], []) ->
+ nodiff;
+list_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
+ {longer, T1};
+list_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
+ {shorter, T2};
+list_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
+ case term_diff(T1, T2) of
+ nodiff ->
+ list_diff(R1, R2);
+ Else ->
+ {T1, Else}
+ end.
+compact(Db) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = couch_db:start_compact(Db),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ % Ideally I'd assert that Pid is linked to us
+ % at this point but its technically possible
+ % that it could have finished compacting by
+ % the time we check... Quite the quandry.
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, normal} ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, noproc} ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
+ erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
+ erlang:error(compactor_timed_out)
+ end,
+ test_util:wait(fun() ->
+ {ok, Db2} = couch_db:open_int(couch_db:name(Db), []),
+ try
+ CPid = couch_db:get_compactor_pid(Db2),
+ case is_pid(CPid) of
+ true -> wait;
+ false -> ok
+ end
+ after
+ couch_db:close(Db2)
+ end
+ end).
+with_config(Config, Fun) ->
+ OldConfig = apply_config(Config),
+ try
+ Fun()
+ after
+ apply_config(OldConfig)
+ end.
+apply_config([]) ->
+ [];
+apply_config([{Section, Key, Value} | Rest]) ->
+ Orig = config:get(Section, Key),
+ case Value of
+ undefined -> config:delete(Section, Key, false);
+ _ -> config:set(Section, Key, Value, false)
+ end,
+ [{Section, Key, Orig} | apply_config(Rest)].