diff options
authorJan Lehnardt <>2013-09-21 16:16:13 +0200
committerJan Lehnardt <>2013-10-03 17:21:29 +0200
commit8d0e74915d07786c38a3c1bd8a13bdda67a4b028 (patch)
parent93fd37bd4eb43d49e6b159620800e169b8399453 (diff)
handle extras
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 388 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchjs-node/ b/src/couchjs-node/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0076b5161..000000000
--- a/src/couchjs-node/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 Iris Couch
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-if [ -z "$repo" -o ! -d "$repo" ]; then
- echo "Not a valid repo: $repo" >&2
- exit 1
-if [ -z "$commit" ]; then
- echo "Not a valid commit: $commit" >&2
- exit 1
-echo "Clone $repo:$commit to $(pwd)"
-set -e
-git clone "$repo" .
-git checkout "$commit"
-if [ -z "$skip_npm_install" ]; then
- npm install --production
diff --git a/src/couchjs-node/cli.js b/src/couchjs-node/cli.js
index 14a6d97be..a835cab26 100755
--- a/src/couchjs-node/cli.js
+++ b/src/couchjs-node/cli.js
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ var child_process = require('child_process')
var couchjs = require('./couchjs')
var package_json = require('./package.json')
-var couchdb_extra = require('./extra')
var LineStream = require('./stream')
var inspector = require('./inspector')
var log = require('./console').log
@@ -35,15 +34,10 @@ var opts = optimist.boolean(['h', 'V', 'H'])
, 'V': 'display version information and exit'
, 'H': 'enable couchjs cURL bindings (not implemented)'
- .boolean('extra')
- .describe('extra', 'Extra features for CouchDB, for os_daemons')
.usage('$0 <path to main.js>')
function main() {
- if(opts.argv.extra)
- return couchdb_extra()
var main_js = opts.argv._[0]
return console.error(
diff --git a/src/couchjs-node/extra.js b/src/couchjs-node/extra.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 2df0168d6..000000000
--- a/src/couchjs-node/extra.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-// Copyright 2011 Iris Couch
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-module.exports = main
-var os = require('os')
-var fs = require('fs')
-var URL = require('url')
-var util = require('util')
-var http = require('http')
-var async = require('async')
-var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
-var request = require('request')
-var optimist = require('optimist')
-var pushover = require('pushover')
-var child_process = require('child_process')
-var console = require('./console')
-var VER = require('./package.json').version
-var couch = { 'log': mk_couch_log('info')
- , 'warn' : mk_couch_log('warn')
- , 'error': mk_couch_log('error')
- , 'debug': mk_couch_log('debug')
- }
-var opts = optimist.usage('$0')
-var COUCH = null
-var GIT_DIR = null
-var COUCH_PASSWORD = null
-var GIT_PORT = null
-var APPLICATION = null
-function main() {
- if(
- return console.log(
- console.log('Extra CouchDB daemon: %s',
- couch.debug('CouchDB daemon %s: %s', VER,
- var env = {}
- for (var k in process.env) {
- var match = k.match(/^_couchdb_app_(.*)$/)
- if(match)
- env[match[1]] = process.env[k]
- }
- for (k in env)
- couch.debug(' %s = %s', k, env[k])
- if(env.port && env.password && env.couch && env.dir)
- return git(env)
- setInterval(function() {
- console.log('Still here')
- couch.log('Still in couch')
- }, 60000)
-function git(env) {
- GIT_PORT = +env.port
- COUCH = env.couch
- COUCH_DIR = util.format('%s/couchjs-%s', env.dir, VER)
- COUCH_PASSWORD = env.password
- //var couch_url = util.format('http://_nodejs:%s@', password, couch_port)
- //couch.log('couch url %j', couch_url)
- auth('_nodejs', COUCH_PASSWORD, function(er, userCtx) {
- if(er)
- throw er
- var roles = userCtx.roles || []
- if( != '_nodejs' || !~roles.indexOf('_admin'))
- throw new Error('Not admin: ' + JSON.stringify(res.body.userCtx))
- var repos = pushover(COUCH_DIR)
- repos.on('push', function(push) {
- couch.log('Push %s/%s: %s', push.repo, push.commit, push.branch)
- push.accept()
- //couch.log('Response: %j', Object.keys(push.response))
- push.response.on('finish', function() {
- //couch.log('Finished!')
- publish(push)
- })
- })
- repos.on('fetch', function(fetch) {
- couch.log('fetch %j', fetch.commit)
- fetch.accept()
- })
- var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
- if(! req.url.match(/^\/_nodejs\/_git(\/|$)/))
- return handle_http(req, res)
- req.pause()
- auth_req(req, function(er, userCtx) {
- if(er && er.statusCode) {
- res.writeHead(er.statusCode, er.headers)
- return res.end(er.body)
- }
- if(er) {
- couch.log('Bad req %s: %s', req.url, er.message)
- return res.end()
- }
- var roles = userCtx.roles || []
- if(!~ roles.indexOf('_admin')) {
- couch.log('Not admin: %s, %j', req.url, userCtx)
- res.writeHead(401, 'Unauthorized', {'content-type':'application/json'})
- return res.end('{"error":"not_authorized"}\n')
- }
- //couch.log('Handle Git: %j', req.url)
- repos.handle(req, res)
- req.resume()
- })
- })
- server.listen(GIT_PORT)
- })
-function handle_http(req, res) {
- var headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json'
- , 'server': 'NodeJS-CouchDB/'+VER
- }
- res.writeHead(200, 'OK', headers)
- var body = {'ok':true}
- return res.end(JSON.stringify(body) + '\n')
- }
- // Clean up the vhost changes.
- var vhost_path = req.headers['x-couchdb-vhost-path']
- if(vhost_path) {
- req.url = vhost_path
- delete req.headers['x-couchdb-vhost-path']
- }
- APPLICATION(req, res)
-function auth(user, pass, callback) {
- if(!COUCH)
- return process.nextTick(function() { callback(new Error('No _couchdb_port')) })
- var url = COUCH + '/_session'
- if(user || pass) {
- url = URL.parse(url)
- url.auth = util.format('%s:%s', user || '', pass || '')
- url = URL.format(url)
- }
- //couch.log('auth: %j', url)
- request({'url':url, 'json':true}, function(er, res) {
- //couch.log('auth result: %j', res.body)
- if(er)
- return callback(er)
- if(res.statusCode != 200) {
- er = new Error('Bad status '+res.statusCode+' for auth: ' + res.body)
- er.statusCode = res.statusCode
- er.body = JSON.stringify(res.body) + '\n'
- er.headers = res.headers
- return callback(er)
- }
- return callback(null, res.body.userCtx)
- })
-function auth_req(req, callback) {
- var headers = req.headers || {}
- var auth_str = req.headers.authorization || ''
- var match = auth_str.match(/^Basic (.+)$/)
- if(!match)
- return auth(null, null, callback)
- try {
- auth_str = new Buffer(match[1], 'base64').toString()
- match = auth_str.match(/^([^:]+):(.+)$/)
- } catch (er) {
- return callback(er)
- }
- if(!match)
- return callback(new Error('Bad auth string: ' + auth_str))
- auth(match[1], match[2], callback)
-function publish(push) {
- var script = __dirname + '/'
- var repo = COUCH_DIR + '/' + push.repo
- var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000 * 1000)
- var work = util.format('%s/%s/%s', COUCH_DIR, push.commit, id)
- mkdirp(work, function(er) {
- if(er) {
- couch.error('Failed to make working dir: %s', work)
- throw er
- }
- checkout()
- })
- function checkout() {
- var args = [script, repo, push.commit]
- var opts = { 'cwd':work, 'stdio':'pipe' }
- var child = child_process.spawn('bash', args, opts)
- var output = []
- child.stdout.on('data', function(x) {
- var msg = util.format('OUT %s', x.toString().trim())
- couch.debug(msg)
- output.push(msg)
- })
- child.stderr.on('data', function(x) {
- var msg = util.format('ERR %s', x.toString().trim())
- couch.debug(msg)
- output.push(msg)
- })
- child.on('exit', function(code) {
- if(code !== 0) {
- couch.error('Bad checkout: %d', code)
- output.forEach(function(line) {
- couch.error(line)
- })
- throw new Error('Bad checkout')
- }
- couch.log('Checked out push: %s', work)
- fs.readFile(work+'/package.json', 'utf8', function(er, body) {
- if(er)
- throw er
- body = JSON.parse(body)
- if(!body.couchdb)
- return couch.warn('No "couchdb" value in pushed package.json')
- run_app(work, body)
- })
- })
- }
-function run_app(work_dir, pkg) {
- var vhosts = []
- , main = null
- if(typeof pkg.couchdb == 'string')
- main = pkg.couchdb
- else {
- vhosts = pkg.couchdb.vhosts || []
- main = pkg.couchdb.main
- }
- couch.log('Run app %s: %j', main, vhosts)
- var mod_path = util.format('%s/%s', work_dir, main)
- try {
- var ok = require.resolve(mod_path)
- } catch (er) {
- return couch.error('Bad module path: %s', mod_path)
- }
- couch_mod = require(mod_path)
- APPLICATION = couch_mod
- couch.log('Installed CouchDB application')
- return async.forEach(vhosts, set_vhost, vhosts_set)
- function set_vhost(vhost, to_async) {
- var couch_url = URL.parse(COUCH)
- couch_url.auth = '_nodejs:' + COUCH_PASSWORD
- couch_url = URL.format(couch_url)
- couch.log('couch_url: %j', couch_url)
- var url = couch_url + '_config/vhosts/' + vhost
- var body = '/_nodejs'
- request.put({'url':url, 'json':body}, function(er, res) {
- if(er)
- return to_async(er)
- if(res.statusCode != 200)
- return to_async(new Error('Bad response '+res.statusCode+' to vhost: ' + vhost))
- couch.log('Set vhost: %s', vhost)
- return to_async()
- })
- }
- function vhosts_set(er) {
- if(er)
- throw er
- couch.log('Set %d vhosts for CouchDB application', vhosts.length)
- }
-// Utilities
-function mk_couch_log(level) {
- if(level == 'warn')
- level = 'error'
- return logger
- function logger() {
- var str = util.format.apply(util, arguments)
- var msg = ['log', str, {'level':level}]
- msg = JSON.stringify(msg)
- process.stdout.write(msg + '\n')
- }
-if(require.main === module)
- main()