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authorNick Vatamaniuc <>2019-04-11 15:24:40 -0400
committerGitHub <>2019-04-11 15:24:40 -0400
commitb5308da2b000f4e2949dcb5e9bf6255e2a06cebe (patch)
parent0467546ab8d3bf1982efc62e195f536c441bcd22 (diff)
parent3effc2b8ce6343a6a295778bbd8099ac0e7fd080 (diff)
Merge pull request #26 from cloudant/more-detailed-ranges-report
Report detailed missing shard ranges
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl b/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl
index 6aa5f589f..6e0382c4f 100644
--- a/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl
+++ b/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl
@@ -71,19 +71,73 @@ fold_dbs(Id, Shards, State) ->
IsSafe = fun(#shard{node = N}) -> lists:member(N, end,
IsLive = fun(#shard{node = N}) -> lists:member(N, end,
TargetN = State#state.n,
- Range = [0, ?RING_END],
+ LiveShards = lists:filter(IsLive, Shards),
+ SafeShards = lists:filter(IsSafe, Shards),
Acc0 = State#state.acc,
- Acc1 = case mem3_util:calculate_max_n(lists:filter(IsLive, Shards)) of
- TargetN -> Acc0;
- LiveN -> (State#state.callback)(Id, Range, {live, LiveN}, Acc0)
+ Acc1 = case mem3_util:calculate_max_n(LiveShards) of
+ LiveN when LiveN < TargetN ->
+ LiveRanges = get_range_counts(LiveN, LiveShards, Shards),
+ lists:foldl(fun({Range, N}, FAcc) ->
+ (State#state.callback)(Id, Range, {live, N}, FAcc)
+ end, Acc0, LiveRanges);
+ _ ->
+ Acc0
- Acc2 = case mem3_util:calculate_max_n(lists:filter(IsSafe, Shards)) of
- TargetN -> Acc1;
- SafeN -> (State#state.callback)(Id, Range, {safe, SafeN}, Acc1)
+ Acc2 = case mem3_util:calculate_max_n(SafeShards) of
+ SafeN when SafeN < TargetN ->
+ SafeRanges = get_range_counts(SafeN, SafeShards, Shards),
+ lists:foldl(fun({Range, N}, FAcc) ->
+ (State#state.callback)(Id, Range, {safe, N}, FAcc)
+ end, Acc1, SafeRanges);
+ _ ->
+ Acc1
{ok, State#state{acc = Acc2}}.
+get_range_counts(MaxN, Shards, AllShards) ->
+ Ranges = ranges(Shards),
+ AllRanges = ranges(AllShards),
+ % Get a list of ranges that were used to fill the MaxN rings. Also return
+ % whatever was left (not part of the rings).
+ {UnusedRanges, UsedRanges} = get_n_rings(MaxN, Ranges, []),
+ % All the ranges that participated in filling the N rings will get
+ % their number of copies set to MaxN.
+ UsedCounts = update_counts(UsedRanges, #{}, 1, fun(_) -> MaxN end),
+ % Add ranges that were present but didn't get picked in the rings
+ PresentCounts = update_counts(UnusedRanges, UsedCounts, 1, fun(N) ->
+ max(N + 1, MaxN)
+ end),
+ % Handle shards that are not present at all. Mark these ranges as missing.
+ Missing = [R || R <- AllRanges, not lists:member(R, Ranges)],
+ RangeCounts = update_counts(Missing, PresentCounts, 0, fun(_) -> 0 end),
+ % Report only shards with counts =< MaxN
+ RangeCounts1 = maps:filter(fun(_, N) -> N =< MaxN end, RangeCounts),
+ lists:sort(maps:to_list(RangeCounts1)).
+update_counts(Ranges, Acc0, Init, UpdateFun) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({B, E}, Acc) ->
+ maps:update_with({B, E}, UpdateFun, Init, Acc)
+ end, Acc0, Ranges).
+ranges(Shards) ->
+ lists:map(fun(S) -> [B, E] = mem3:range(S), {B, E} end, Shards).
+get_n_rings(N, Ranges, Rings) when N =< 0 ->
+ {Ranges, Rings};
+get_n_rings(N, Ranges, Rings) ->
+ Ring = mem3_util:get_ring(Ranges),
+ get_n_rings(N - 1, Ranges -- Ring, Rings ++ Ring).
cluster_n() ->
list_to_integer(config:get("cluster", "n", "3")).
@@ -150,3 +204,60 @@ custodian_ddoc() ->
{<<"validate_doc_update">>, ?CUSTODIAN_VALIDATION}
+get_range_counts_test_() ->
+ [?_assertEqual(Res, get_range_counts(N, Shards, AllShards)) || {N, Shards,
+ AllShards, Res} <- [
+ % No shards are present. There is a full range shard that would
+ % fit. Report that range as missing.
+ {0, [], [full()], [{{0, ?RING_END}, 0}]},
+ % Can't complete the ring. But would complete it if had the
+ % {2, ?RING_END} interval available.
+ {0, [sh(0, 1)], [sh(0, 1), sh(2, ?RING_END)], [{{2, ?RING_END}, 0}]},
+ % Can complete the ring only 1 time. Report that range as the
+ % one available with a count of 1
+ {1, [full()], [full(), full()], [{{0, ?RING_END}, 1}]},
+ % Can complete the ring only 1 time with a full range shard, but
+ % there is also {2, ?RING_END} that would complete another the
+ % the ring as well if {0, 1} was present.
+ {1, [sh(2, ?RING_END), full()], [sh(0, 1), sh(2, ?RING_END), full()],
+ [
+ {{0, 1}, 0},
+ {{0, ?RING_END}, 1},
+ {{2, ?RING_END}, 1}
+ ]
+ },
+ % Can complete the ring 2 times [{0, 2},{3, ?RING_END)] and full(),
+ % and there is remnant of a 5, 9 range that would comlete the ring
+ % as well if {0, 4} and {10, ?RING_END} were present. So report
+ {2, [sh(0, 2), sh(3, ?RING_END), sh(5, 9), full()], [sh(0, 2), sh(3,
+ ?RING_END), full(), sh(0, 4), sh(5, 9), sh(10, ?RING_END)],
+ [
+ {{0, 2}, 1},
+ {{0, 4}, 0},
+ {{0, ?RING_END}, 1},
+ {{3, ?RING_END}, 1},
+ {{5, 9}, 1},
+ {{10, ?RING_END}, 0}
+ ]
+ }
+ ]].
+full() ->
+ #shard{range = [0, ?RING_END]}.
+sh(B, E) ->
+ #shard{range = [B, E]}.