diff options
authorBenjamin Anderson <>2014-10-29 12:52:30 -0700
committerEric Avdey <>2016-11-24 13:55:18 -0400
commitc4da61c8eb98cedd3cf7a28c293cb1f6d3ec8571 (patch)
parent252467cb4a27637090b5f9006483f5b7ab551699 (diff)
Chunk missing revisions before attempting to save on target
In cases with pathological documents revision patterns (e.g., 10000 open conflicts and tree depth of 300000 on a single document), attempting to replicate the full revision tree in one batch causes the system to crash by attempting to send an oversized message. We've observed messages of > 4GB in the wild. This patch divides the set of revisions-to-replicate for a single document into chunks of a configurable size, thereby allowing operators to keep the system stable when attempting to replicate these troublesome documents. BugzID: 37676
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem3_rep.erl b/src/mem3_rep.erl
index 938260da6..ad7ac55f5 100644
--- a/src/mem3_rep.erl
+++ b/src/mem3_rep.erl
@@ -252,8 +252,10 @@ replicate_batch(#acc{target = #shard{node=Node, name=Name}} = Acc) ->
[] ->
Missing ->
- Docs = open_docs(Acc, Missing),
- ok = save_on_target(Node, Name, Docs)
+ lists:map(fun(Chunk) ->
+ Docs = open_docs(Acc, Chunk),
+ ok = save_on_target(Node, Name, Docs)
+ end, chunk_revs(Missing))
{ok, Acc#acc{revcount=0, infos=[]}}.
@@ -271,6 +273,32 @@ find_missing_revs(Acc) ->
+chunk_revs(Revs) ->
+ Limit = list_to_integer(config:get("mem3", "rev_chunk_size", "5000")),
+ chunk_revs(Revs, Limit).
+chunk_revs(Revs, Limit) ->
+ chunk_revs(Revs, {0, []}, [], Limit).
+chunk_revs([], {_Count, Chunk}, Chunks, _Limit) ->
+ [Chunk|Chunks];
+chunk_revs([{Id, R, A}|Revs], {Count, Chunk}, Chunks, Limit) when length(R) =< Limit - Count ->
+ chunk_revs(
+ Revs,
+ {Count + length(R), [{Id, R, A}|Chunk]},
+ Chunks,
+ Limit
+ );
+chunk_revs([{Id, R, A}|Revs], {Count, Chunk}, Chunks, Limit) ->
+ {This, Next} = lists:split(Limit - Count, R),
+ chunk_revs(
+ [{Id, Next, A}|Revs],
+ {0, []},
+ [[{Id, This, A}|Chunk]|Chunks],
+ Limit
+ ).
open_docs(#acc{source=Source, infos=Infos}, Missing) ->
lists:flatmap(fun({Id, Revs, _}) ->
FDI = lists:keyfind(Id,, Infos),