diff options
authorPaul J. Davis <>2018-04-27 13:22:38 -0500
committerPaul J. Davis <>2018-04-27 13:22:38 -0500
commitafc0aebb9024758d76f670087b4ace8d44e4bf98 (patch)
parente666e7c8efe48497209bd67c7b0bffeb6f3b7550 (diff)
[SQUERGE] Throw error on duplicate UUIDs
Unless we're replicating purge infos its an error to repeat a UUID. Squerge to implement APIs
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
index 07feab001..cefe993f3 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -389,9 +389,22 @@ purge_docs(Db, IdRevs) ->
Rev :: {non_neg_integer(), binary()},
PurgeOption :: interactive_edit | replicated_changes,
Reply :: {ok, []} | {ok, [Rev]}.
-purge_docs(#db{main_pid = Pid} = Db, UUIdsIdsRevs, Options) ->
+purge_docs(#db{main_pid = Pid} = Db, UUIDsIdsRevs, Options) ->
+ % Check here if any UUIDs already exist when
+ % we're not replicating purge infos
+ IsRepl = lists:member(replicated_changes, Options),
+ if IsRepl -> ok; true ->
+ UUIDs = [UUID || {UUID, _, _} <- UUIDsIdsRevs],
+ lists:foreach(fun(Resp) ->
+ if Resp == not_found -> ok; true ->
+ Fmt = "Duplicate purge info UIUD: ~s",
+ Reason = io_lib:format(Fmt, [element(2, Resp)]),
+ throw({badreq, Reason})
+ end
+ end, get_purge_infos(Db, UUIDs))
+ end,
increment_stat(Db, [couchdb, database_purges]),
- gen_server:call(Pid, {purge_docs, UUIdsIdsRevs, Options}).
+ gen_server:call(Pid, {purge_docs, UUIDsIdsRevs, Options}).
-spec get_purge_infos(#db{}, [UUId]) -> [PurgeInfo] when
UUId :: binary(),