diff options
authorGarren Smith <>2014-05-19 18:12:44 +0200
committerGarren Smith <>2014-06-30 10:17:51 +0200
commitdc83b57f02c128dd53e8ae226dc08d2dff14ed81 (patch)
parentcf65167ff942a0c421a449e2a5736a7c9a5a70d5 (diff)
Fauxton: Refactor sidebar nav for new design
11 files changed, 376 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/assets/less/documents.less b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/assets/less/documents.less
index 8b0ba2e61..4e87dd680 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/assets/less/documents.less
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/assets/less/documents.less
@@ -171,8 +171,9 @@ button.beautify {
padding-left: 55px;
font-size: 14px;
&:hover {
+ background-color: #af2d24;
+ color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
- color: #af2d24;
@@ -194,30 +195,6 @@ button.beautify {
-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg); /* Opera, Chrome, and Safari */
- {
- position: absolute;
- top: 2px;
- right: 15px;
- .dropdown-menu{
- left: -82px;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- width: auto;
- min-width: 0;
- li a {
- padding: 10px 15px 10px 12px;
- }
- }
- .dropdown-toggle{
- text-decoration: none;
- }
- > a {
- border-bottom: none;
- text-decoration: none;
- font-size: 16px;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/sidebarviews.js b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/sidebarviews.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88233f682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/sidebarviews.js
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+// the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+ "app",
+ "api",
+ "addons/fauxton/components",
+ "addons/documents/resources",
+ "addons/databases/resources"
+function(app, FauxtonAPI, Components, Documents, Databases) {
+ var Views = {};
+ Views.Sidebar = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
+ template: "addons/documents/templates/sidebar",
+ className: "sidenav",
+ tagName: "nav",
+ events: {
+ "click button#delete-database": "showDeleteDatabaseModal"
+ },
+ initialize: function(options) {
+ this.database = options.database;
+ if (options.ddocInfo) {
+ this.ddocID =;
+ this.currView = options.ddocInfo.currView;
+ }
+ },
+ showDeleteDatabaseModal: function(event){
+ this.deleteDBModal.showModal();
+ },
+ serialize: function() {
+ var docLinks = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('docLinks'),
+ newLinks = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:newLinks'),
+ addLinks = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:links'),
+ extensionList = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:list');
+ return {
+ changes_url: '#' + this.database.url('changes'),
+ permissions_url: '#' + this.database.url('app') + '/permissions',
+ db_url: '#' + this.database.url('index'),
+ database: this.collection.database,
+ database_url: '#' + this.database.url('app'),
+ docLinks: docLinks,
+ addLinks: addLinks,
+ newLinks: newLinks,
+ extensionList: extensionList > 0
+ };
+ },
+ beforeRender: function(manage) {
+ this.deleteDBModal = this.setView(
+ '#delete-db-modal',
+ new Views.DeleteDBModal({database: this.database})
+ );
+ var database = this.collection.database,
+ newurl = "#" + database.url('app') + '/new';
+ var newLinks = [{
+ title: 'Add new',
+ links: [{
+ title: 'New Doc',
+ url: newurl,
+ icon: 'fonticon-circle-plus'
+ },{
+ title: 'New Design Doc',
+ url: newurl,
+ icon: 'fonticon-circle-plus'
+ }]
+ }];
+ this.insertView("#new-all-docs-button", new Components.MenuDropDown({
+ links: newLinks,
+ }));
+ this.insertView("#new-design-docs-button", new Components.MenuDropDown({
+ links: newLinks,
+ }));
+ this.collection.each(function(design) {
+ if (design.has('doc')){
+ this.insertView(new Views.DdocSidenav({
+ model: design,
+ collection: this.collection
+ }));
+ }
+ },this);
+ },
+ afterRender: function () {
+ if (this.selectedTab) {
+ this.setSelectedTab(this.selectedTab);
+ }
+ },
+ setSelectedTab: function (selectedTab) {
+ this.selectedTab = selectedTab;
+ var $selectedTab = this.$('#' + selectedTab);
+ this.$('li').removeClass('active');
+ $selectedTab.parent().addClass('active');
+ if ($selectedTab.parents(".accordion-body").length !== 0){
+ $selectedTab
+ .parents(".accordion-body")
+ .addClass("in")
+ .parents(".nav-header")
+ .find(".js-collapse-toggle").addClass("down");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Views.DdocSidenav = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
+ tagName: "ul",
+ className: "nav nav-list",
+ template: "addons/documents/templates/design_doc_menu",
+ events: {
+ "click button": "no",
+ "click .js-collapse-toggle": "toggleArrow"
+ },
+ initialize: function(){
+ },
+ toggleArrow: function(e){
+ this.$(e.currentTarget).toggleClass("down");
+ },
+ no: function(event){
+ event.preventDefault();
+ alert("no");
+ },
+ buildIndexList: function(collection, selector, ddocType){
+ var design =^_design\//,"");
+ _.each(_.keys(collection[selector]), function(key){
+ this.insertView(".accordion-body", new Views.IndexItem({
+ selector: selector,
+ ddoc: design,
+ index: key,
+ ddocType: ddocType,
+ database:
+ }));
+ }, this);
+ },
+ serialize: function(){
+ var ddocName =^_design\//,"");
+ return{
+ database: this.collection.database,
+ designDoc: ddocName,
+ ddoc_clean: app.utils.removeSpecialCharacters(ddocName),
+ ddoc_encoded: app.utils.safeURLName(ddocName),
+ database_encoded: app.utils.safeURLName(,
+ };
+ },
+ beforeRender: function(manage) {
+ var ddocDocs = this.model.get("doc"),
+ ddocName =^_design\//,""),
+ sideBarMenuLinks = [];
+ var sidebarListTypes = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:list');
+ if (ddocDocs){
+ //Views
+ this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "views", "view");
+ //lists
+ // this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "lists");
+ // //show
+ // this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "show");
+ // //filters
+ // this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "filters");
+ //extensions
+ _.each(sidebarListTypes, function (type) {
+ this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, type);
+ },this);
+ }
+ var docSafe = app.utils.safeURLName(ddocName),
+ database = this.collection.database,
+ links = _.reduce(FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:links'), function (menuLinks, link) {
+ menuLinks.push({
+ title: link.title,
+ url: "#" + database.url('app') + "/" + link.url + "/" + docSafe,
+ icon: 'fonticon-circle-plus'
+ });
+ return menuLinks;
+ }, [{
+ title: 'Secondary View',
+ url: "#" + database.url('app') + "/new_view/" + docSafe,
+ icon: 'fonticon-circle-plus'
+ }]);
+ sideBarMenuLinks.push({
+ title: 'Add new',
+ links: links
+ });
+ this.insertView(".new-button", new Components.MenuDropDown({
+ links: sideBarMenuLinks,
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ Views.IndexItem = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
+ template: "addons/documents/templates/index_menu_item",
+ tagName: "li",
+ initialize: function(options){
+ this.index = options.index;
+ this.ddoc = options.ddoc;
+ this.database = options.database;
+ this.selected = !! options.selected;
+ this.selector = options.selector;
+ this.ddocType = options.ddocType || this.selector;
+ },
+ serialize: function() {
+ return {
+ icon: this.ddocType,
+ type: this.ddocType,
+ index: this.index,
+ ddoc: this.ddoc,
+ database: this.database,
+ selected: this.selected
+ };
+ },
+ afterRender: function() {
+ if (this.selected) {
+ $(".sidenav ul.nav-list li").removeClass("active");
+ this.$el.addClass("active");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return Views;
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/add_new_ddoc_fn_dropdown.html b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/add_new_ddoc_fn_dropdown.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 77323a970..000000000
--- a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/add_new_ddoc_fn_dropdown.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-the License.
-<div class="dropdown">
- <a class="dropdown-toggle icon fonticon-circle-plus" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#" data-bypass="true"></a>
- <ul class="dropdown-menu arrow" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel">
- <% if (full){ %>
- <li><a class="icon fonticon-replication" href="#replicate/<>">Replicate</a><li>
- <li><a class="icon fonticon-trash" href="#" data-bypass="true">Delete</a><li>
- <%}%>
- <li class="header-label">Add new</li>
- <li><a class="icon fonticon-circle-plus" href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/new_view/<%=ddocSafe%>">Secondary View</a><li>
-<!-- <li><a class="icon fonticon-circle-plus" href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/new_filter/<%=ddocSafe%>">Filter Function</a><li>
- <li><a class="icon fonticon-circle-plus" href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/new_show/<%=ddocSafe%>">Show Function</a><li>
- <li><a class="icon fonticon-circle-plus" href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/new_list/<%=ddocSafe%>">List function</a><li> -->
- <% _.each(extensionLinks, function(link) { %>
- <li><a class="icon fonticon-circle-plus" href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/<%=link.url%>/<%=ddocSafe%>"><%=link.title%></a><li>
- <%});%>
- </ul>
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/design_doc_menu.html b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/design_doc_menu.html
index c5bd3923b..63d601640 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/design_doc_menu.html
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/design_doc_menu.html
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.
<li class="nav-header">
+ <div class="new-button add-dropdown"></div>
<span class="fonticon-play js-collapse-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#<%= ddoc_clean %>">
<%= designDoc%>
- <div class="new-button"></div>
<ul class="accordion-body collapse" id="<%= ddoc_clean %>">
- <a id="<%= ddoc_clean %>_metadata" href="#database/<%= database_encoded %>/_design/<%= ddoc_encoded %>/metadata" class="toggle-view">
+ <a id="<%= ddoc_clean %>_metadata" href="#/database/<%- database_encoded %>/_design/<%- ddoc_encoded %>/metadata" class="toggle-view">
Design Doc Metadata
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/index_menu_item.html b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/index_menu_item.html
index 455f491b6..04995f3e8 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/index_menu_item.html
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/index_menu_item.html
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.
-<a id="<%= removeSpecialCharacters(ddoc) %>_<%= removeSpecialCharacters(index) %>" href="#database/<%= safeURL(database) %>/_design/<%= safeURL(ddoc)%>/_<%=type%>/<%= safeURL(index) %>" class="toggle-view">
- <%= index %>
+<a id="<%- removeSpecialCharacters(ddoc) %>_<%- removeSpecialCharacters(index) %>" href="#/database/<%- safeURL(database) %>/_design/<%= safeURL(ddoc)%>/_<%=type%>/<%= safeURL(index) %>" class="toggle-view">
+ <% if (icon) { %>
+ <i class="fonticon-<%- icon %>"></i>
+ <% } %>
+ <%- index %>
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/sidebar.html b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/sidebar.html
index 74c8605cc..b90a7b6cf 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/sidebar.html
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/templates/sidebar.html
@@ -11,40 +11,21 @@ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.
-<!-- <header class="row-fluid">
- <div class="span12">
- <div class="btn-group">
- <button class="btn dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-btn" data-toggle="dropdown">
- Create New
- <span class="caret"></span>
- </button>
- <ul class="dropdown-menu">
- <!-- dropdown menu links -->
-<!-- <li>
- <a id="doc" href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/new">Document</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/new_view">Secondary Index</a>
- <% _.each(newLinks, function (item) { %>
- <a href="#<%= database.url('app') %>/<%=item.url%>"> <%= %></a>
- <% }); %>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <button id="delete-database" class="btn pull-right"><i class="icon-trash"></i> Database</button>
- </div>
- </header> -->
+<ul class="nav nav-list">
+ <li><a id="permissions" href="<%= permissions_url %>">Permissions</a><li>
+ <li><a id="changes" href="<%= changes_url %>">Changes</a><li>
+ <% _.each(docLinks, function (link) { %>
+ <li><a href="<%= database_url + '/' + link.url %>"><%= link.title %></a></li>
+ <% }); %>
+ <li class="active">
+ <div id="new-all-docs-button" class="add-dropdown"> </div>
+ <a id="all-docs" href="#<%= database.url('index') %>" class="toggle-view"> All Documents</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <div id="new-design-docs-button" class="add-dropdown"> </div>
+ <a id="design-docs" href='#<%= database.url("index") %>?startkey="_design"&endkey="_e"' class="toggle-view"> All Design Docs</a>
+ </li>
- <ul class="nav nav-list">
- <li><a id="permissions" href="<%= permissions_url %>">Permissions</a><li>
- <li><a id="changes" href="<%= changes_url %>">Changes</a><li>
- <% _.each(docLinks, function (link) { %>
- <li><a href="<%= database_url + '/' + link.url %>"><%= link.title %></a></li>
- <% }); %>
- <li class="active"><a id="all-docs" href="#<%= database.url('index') %>" class="toggle-view"> All documents</a></li>
- <li><a id="design-docs" href='#<%= database.url("index") %>?startkey="_design"&endkey="_e"' class="toggle-view"> All design docs</a></li>
- </ul>
- <div id="delete-db-modal"> </div>
+<div id="delete-db-modal"> </div>
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/views.js b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/views.js
index ad69fb78d..6d739fc6a 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/views.js
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/documents/views.js
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ define([
+ "addons/documents/sidebarviews",
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ define([
-function(app, FauxtonAPI, Components, Documents, Databases, pouchdb,
+function(app, FauxtonAPI, Components, Documents, Views, Databases, pouchdb,
resizeColumns, beautify, prettify, ZeroClipboard) {
function showError (msg) {
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@ function(app, FauxtonAPI, Components, Documents, Databases, pouchdb,
- var Views = {};
Views.SearchBox = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
template: "addons/documents/templates/search",
@@ -336,41 +336,7 @@ function(app, FauxtonAPI, Components, Documents, Databases, pouchdb,
- Views.IndexItem = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
- template: "addons/documents/templates/index_menu_item",
- tagName: "li",
- initialize: function(options){
- this.index = options.index;
- this.ddoc = options.ddoc;
- this.database = options.database;
- this.selected = !! options.selected;
- this.selector = options.selector;
- },
- serialize: function() {
- return {
- type: this.selector,
- index: this.index,
- ddoc: this.ddoc,
- database: this.database,
- // index_clean: app.utils.removeSpecialCharacters(this.index),
- // ddoc_clean: app.utils.removeSpecialCharacters(this.ddoc),
- // index_encoded: app.utils.safeURLName(this.index),
- // ddoc_encoded: app.utils.safeURLName(this.ddoc),
- // database_encoded: app.utils.safeURLName(this.database),
- selected: this.selected
- };
- },
- afterRender: function() {
- if (this.selected) {
- $(".sidenav ul.nav-list li").removeClass("active");
- this.$el.addClass("active");
- }
- }
- });
Views.AllDocsNumber = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
template: "addons/documents/templates/all_docs_number",
@@ -1812,156 +1778,9 @@ function(app, FauxtonAPI, Components, Documents, Databases, pouchdb,
- Views.Sidebar = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
- template: "addons/documents/templates/sidebar",
- className: "sidenav",
- tagName: "nav",
- events: {
- "click button#delete-database": "showDeleteDatabaseModal"
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- this.database = options.database;
- if (options.ddocInfo) {
- this.ddocID =;
- this.currView = options.ddocInfo.currView;
- }
- },
- showDeleteDatabaseModal: function(event){
- this.deleteDBModal.showModal();
- },
- serialize: function() {
- var docLinks = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('docLinks'),
- newLinks = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:newLinks'),
- addLinks = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:links'),
- extensionList = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:list');
- return {
- changes_url: '#' + this.database.url('changes'),
- permissions_url: '#' + this.database.url('app') + '/permissions',
- db_url: '#' + this.database.url('index'),
- database: this.collection.database,
- database_url: '#' + this.database.url('app'),
- docLinks: docLinks,
- addLinks: addLinks,
- newLinks: newLinks,
- extensionList: extensionList > 0
- };
- },
- beforeRender: function(manage) {
- this.deleteDBModal = this.setView(
- '#delete-db-modal',
- new Views.DeleteDBModal({database: this.database})
- );
- this.collection.each(function(design) {
- if (design.has('doc')){
- this.insertView(new Views.DdocSidenav({
- model: design,
- collection: this.collection
- }));
- }
- },this);
- },
- afterRender: function () {
- if (this.selectedTab) {
- this.setSelectedTab(this.selectedTab);
- }
- },
- setSelectedTab: function (selectedTab) {
- this.selectedTab = selectedTab;
- var $selectedTab = this.$('#' + selectedTab);
- this.$('li').removeClass('active');
- $selectedTab.parent().addClass('active');
- if ($selectedTab.parents(".accordion-body").length !== 0){
- $selectedTab
- .parents(".accordion-body")
- .addClass("in")
- .parents(".nav-header")
- .find(".js-collapse-toggle").addClass("down");
- }
- }
- });
- Views.DdocSidenav = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
- tagName: "ul",
- className: "nav nav-list",
- template: "addons/documents/templates/design_doc_menu",
- events: {
- "click button": "no",
- "click .js-collapse-toggle": "toggleArrow"
- },
- initialize: function(){
- },
- toggleArrow: function(e){
- this.$(e.currentTarget).toggleClass("down");
- },
- no: function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- alert("no");
- },
- buildIndexList: function(collection, selector){
- var design =^_design\//,"");
- _.each(_.keys(collection[selector]), function(key){
- this.insertView(".accordion-body", new Views.IndexItem({
- selector: selector,
- ddoc: design,
- index: key,
- database:
- }));
- }, this);
- },
- serialize: function(){
- var ddocName =^_design\//,"");
- return{
- database: this.collection.database,
- designDoc: ddocName,
- ddoc_clean: app.utils.removeSpecialCharacters(ddocName),
- ddoc_encoded: app.utils.safeURLName(ddocName),
- database_encoded: app.utils.safeURLName(,
- };
- },
- beforeRender: function(manage) {
- var ddocDocs = this.model.get("doc");
- var ddocName =^_design\//,"");
- var sidebarListTypes = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:list');
- if (ddocDocs){
- //Views
- this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "views");
- //lists
- // this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "lists");
- // //show
- // this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "show");
- // //filters
- // this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, "filters");
- //extensions
- _.each(sidebarListTypes, function (type) {
- this.buildIndexList(ddocDocs, type);
- },this);
- }
- this.insertView(".new-button", new Views.newMenuDropdown({
- database: this.collection.database,
- ddocSafeName: app.utils.safeURLName(ddocName),
- fullMenu: false
- }));
- }
- });
- Views.Indexed = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({});
Views.Changes = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
template: "addons/documents/templates/changes",
@@ -2012,31 +1831,6 @@ function(app, FauxtonAPI, Components, Documents, Databases, pouchdb,
- Views.newMenuDropdown = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
- template: "addons/documents/templates/add_new_ddoc_fn_dropdown",
- tagName: "div",
- className: "dropdown",
- initialize: function(options){
- this.database = options.database;
- this.fullMenu = options.fullMenu;
- this.ddocSafeName = options.ddocSafeName || "";
- },
- serialize: function(){
- var sidebarItem = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:links');
- return {
- extensionLinks: sidebarItem,
- database: this.database,
- ddocSafe: this.ddocSafeName,
- full: this.fullMenu
- };
- }
- });
- Views.temp = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
- });
Views.DdocInfo = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
template: "addons/documents/templates/ddoc_info",
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/fauxton/components.js b/src/fauxton/app/addons/fauxton/components.js
index 79a932043..6450240ca 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/app/addons/fauxton/components.js
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/fauxton/components.js
@@ -533,6 +533,32 @@ function(app, FauxtonAPI, ace, spin) {
+ //Menu Drop down component. It takes links in this format and renders the Dropdown:
+ // [{
+ // title: 'Section Title (optional)',
+ // links: [{
+ // icon: 'icon-class (optional)',
+ // url: 'clickalble-url',
+ // title: 'name of link'
+ // }]
+ // }]
+ Components.MenuDropDown = FauxtonAPI.View.extend({
+ template: "addons/fauxton/templates/menu_dropdown",
+ className: "dropdown",
+ initialize: function(options){
+ this.links = options.links;
+ },
+ serialize: function(){
+ var sidebarItem = FauxtonAPI.getExtensions('sidebar:links');
+ console.log('linls', this.links);
+ return {
+ links: this.links
+ };
+ }
+ });
//need to make this into a backbone view...
var routeObjectSpinner;
FauxtonAPI.RouteObject.on('beforeEstablish', function (routeObject) {
diff --git a/src/fauxton/app/addons/fauxton/templates/menu_dropdown.html b/src/fauxton/app/addons/fauxton/templates/menu_dropdown.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f662e608a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fauxton/app/addons/fauxton/templates/menu_dropdown.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+the License.
+<a class="dropdown-toggle icon fonticon-circle-plus" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#" data-bypass="true"></a>
+<ul class="dropdown-menu arrow" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel">
+ <% _.each(links, function (linkSection) { %>
+ <% if (linkSection.title) { %>
+ <li class="header-label"> <%- linkSection.title %> </li>
+ <% } %>
+ <% _.each(linkSection.links, function (link) { %>
+ <li>
+ <a
+ <% if (link.icon) { %>
+ class="icon <%- link.icon %>"
+ <% } %>
+ href="<%- link.url %>">
+ <%- link.title %>
+ </a>
+ <li>
+ <%});%>
+ <%});%>
+ </ul>
diff --git a/src/fauxton/assets/less/bootstrap/dropdowns.less b/src/fauxton/assets/less/bootstrap/dropdowns.less
index 5b3ca77a4..f510b1793 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/assets/less/bootstrap/dropdowns.less
+++ b/src/fauxton/assets/less/bootstrap/dropdowns.less
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
.dropdown-submenu:hover > a,
.dropdown-submenu:focus > a {
text-decoration: none;
- color: @dropdownLinkColorHover;
- #gradient > .vertical(@dropdownLinkBackgroundHover, darken(@dropdownLinkBackgroundHover, 5%));
+ color: #fff;
+ //#gradient > .vertical(@dropdownLinkBackgroundHover, darken(@dropdownLinkBackgroundHover, 5%));
// Active state
diff --git a/src/fauxton/assets/less/fauxton.less b/src/fauxton/assets/less/fauxton.less
index 28bd9541f..a8ddbace6 100644
--- a/src/fauxton/assets/less/fauxton.less
+++ b/src/fauxton/assets/less/fauxton.less
@@ -694,10 +694,15 @@ table.databases {
.divider {
border: none;
- a {
+ > li > a:hover,
+ > li > a:focus{
background-color: @darkRed;
color: #fff;
+ > a {
+ color: @darkRed;
+ }
> li > a{
padding: 10px 13px 10px 30px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #d3d7db;
@@ -723,6 +728,10 @@ table.databases {
text-shadow: none;
color: #333333;
margin-bottom: -4px;
+ & > span:hover {
+ color: @red;
+ }
@@ -920,3 +929,26 @@ div.spinner {
list-style-type: none;
+div.add-dropdown {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15px;
+ .dropdown-menu{
+ left: -82px;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ width: auto;
+ min-width: 0;
+ li a {
+ padding: 10px 15px 10px 12px;
+ }
+ }
+ .dropdown-toggle{
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+ > a {
+ border-bottom: none;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ }