diff options
authorMike Wallace <>2014-08-20 15:26:01 +0100
committerJay Doane <>2021-04-19 00:34:24 -0700
commit045692f03ba4852c70a7f976d1f871ed36455f30 (patch)
parent69defe2df57573e76d7df6816dd6639d36b5fa35 (diff)
Run local checks via RPC
This commit changes the run functionality such that when checks are run on the single-node they are called via RPC to the local cluster node. This resolves an issue where the file permissions check would run using the escript user rather than the dbcore user in single-node mode. BugzID: 33731
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl b/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl
index 1beb02e0e..8b98d82e3 100644
--- a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl
+++ b/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl
@@ -31,13 +31,8 @@
%% @doc Run the supplied list of checks on the local node
-spec run([Module::atom()]) -> [tuple()].
run(Checks) ->
- lists:flatten(lists:foldl(fun(Mod, Acc) ->
- Node = weatherreport_node:nodename(),
- MessagesWithNode = lists:map(fun({Level, Module, Message}) ->
- {Node, Level, Module, Message}
- end, weatherreport_check:check(Mod, get_check_options())),
- [MessagesWithNode | Acc]
- end, [], Checks)).
+ weatherreport_node:can_connect(),
+ run(Checks, [weatherreport_node:nodename()]).
%% @doc Run the supplied list of checks on the supplied list of cluster nodes
-spec run([Module::atom()], [node()] | all) -> [tuple()].