diff options
authoriilyak <>2017-08-29 12:04:17 -0700
committerGitHub <>2017-08-29 12:04:17 -0700
commit64a48bad6203c6bbc646c082abb3d878202cce10 (patch)
parent83a5ac5b358a7a8b32ed092ddde32c2676859bb1 (diff)
parent87c40b9ee404a40498f126565344408b180231a3 (diff)
Merge pull request #761 from cloudant/print-linked-processes2
Add a debugging utilities for listing processes
1 files changed, 517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
index 633b2c685..858a4fb10 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
@@ -13,11 +13,194 @@
+ help/0,
+ help/1
+ process_name/1,
+ link_tree/1,
+ link_tree/2,
+ mapfold_tree/3,
+ map_tree/2,
+ fold_tree/3,
+ linked_processes_info/2,
+ print_linked_processes/1
+help() ->
+ [
+ opened_files,
+ opened_files_by_regexp,
+ opened_files_contains,
+ process_name,
+ link_tree,
+ mapfold,
+ map,
+ fold,
+ linked_processes_info,
+ print_linked_processes
+ ].
+-spec help(Function :: atom()) -> ok.
+help(opened_files) ->
+ io:format("
+ opened_files()
+ --------------
+ Returns list of currently opened files
+ It iterates through `erlang:ports` and filters out all ports which are not efile.
+ It uses `process_info(Pid, dictionary)` to get info about couch_file properties.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(opened_files_by_regexp) ->
+ io:format("
+ opened_files_by_regexp(FileRegExp)
+ ----------------------------------
+ Returns list of currently opened files which name match the provided regular expression.
+ It iterates through `erlang:ports()` and filter out all ports which are not efile.
+ It uses `process_info(Pid, dictionary)` to get info about couch_file properties.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(opened_files_contains) ->
+ io:format("
+ opened_files_contains(SubString)
+ --------------------------------
+ Returns list of currently opened files whose names contain the provided SubString.
+ It iterates through `erlang:ports()` and filters out all ports which are not efile.
+ It uses `process_info(Pid, dictionary)` to get info about couch_file properties.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(process_name) ->
+ io:format("
+ process_name(Pid)
+ -----------------
+ Uses heuristics to figure out the process name.
+ The heuristic is based on the following information about the process:
+ - process_info(Pid, registered_name)
+ - '$initial_call' key in process dictionary
+ - process_info(Pid, initial_call)
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(link_tree) ->
+ io:format("
+ link_tree(Pid)
+ --------------
+ Returns a tree which represents a cluster of linked processes.
+ This function receives the initial Pid to start from.
+ The function doesn't recurse to pids older than initial one.
+ The Pids which are lesser than initial Pid are still shown in the output.
+ This is analogue of `link_tree(RootPid, []).`
+ link_tree(Pid, Info)
+ --------------------
+ Returns a tree which represents a cluster of linked processes.
+ This function receives the initial Pid to start from.
+ The function doesn't recurse to pids older than initial one.
+ The Pids which are lesser than initial Pid are still shown in the output.
+ The info argument is a list of process_info_item() as documented in
+ erlang:process_info/2. We don't do any attempts to prevent dangerous items.
+ Be warn that passing some of them such as `messages` for example
+ can be dangerous in a very busy system.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(mapfold_tree) ->
+ io:format("
+ mapfold_tree(Tree, Acc, Fun)
+ -----------------------
+ Traverses all nodes of the tree. It is a combination of a map and fold.
+ It calls a user provided callback for every node of the tree.
+ `Fun(Key, Value, Pos, Acc) -> {NewValue, NewAcc}`.
+ Where:
+ - Key of the node (usualy Pid of a process)
+ - Value of the node (usualy information collected by link_tree)
+ - Pos - depth from the root of the tree
+ - Acc - user's accumulator
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(map_tree) ->
+ io:format("
+ map_tree(Tree, Fun)
+ -----------------------
+ Traverses all nodes of the tree in order to modify them.
+ It calls a user provided callback
+ `Fun(Key, Value, Pos) -> NewValue`
+ Where:
+ - Key of the node (usualy Pid of a process)
+ - Value of the node (usualy information collected by link_tree)
+ - Pos - depth from the root of the tree
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(fold_tree) ->
+ io:format("
+ fold_tree(Tree, Fun)
+ Traverses all nodes of the tree in order to collect some aggregated information
+ about the tree. It calls a user provided callback
+ `Fun(Key, Value, Pos) -> NewValue`
+ Where:
+ - Key of the node (usualy Pid of a process)
+ - Value of the node (usualy information collected by link_tree)
+ - Pos - depth from the root of the tree
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(linked_processes_info) ->
+ io:format("
+ linked_processes_info(Pid, Info)
+ --------------------------------
+ Convenience function which reduces the amount of typing compared to direct
+ use of link_tree.
+ - Pid: initial Pid to start from
+ - Info: a list of process_info_item() as documented
+ in erlang:process_info/2.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(print_linked_processes) ->
+ io:format("
+ - print_linked_processes(Pid)
+ - print_linked_processes(RegisteredName)
+ - print_linked_processes(couch_index_server)
+ ---------------------------
+ Print cluster of linked processes. This function receives the
+ initial Pid to start from. The function doesn't recurse to pids
+ older than initial one. The output would look like similar to:
+ ```
+name | reductions | message_queue_len | memory
+couch_index_server[<0.288.0>] | 478240 | 0 | 109696
+ couch_index:init/1[<0.3520.22>] | 4899 | 0 | 109456
+ couch_file:init/1[<0.886.22>] | 11973 | 0 | 67984
+ couch_index:init/1[<0.3520.22>] | 4899 | 0 | 109456
+ ```
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(Unknown) ->
+ io:format("Unknown function: `~p`. Please try one of the following:~n", [Unknown]),
+ [io:format(" - ~s~n", [Function]) || Function <- help()],
+ io:format(" ---~n", []),
+ ok.
-spec opened_files() ->
[{port(), CouchFilePid :: pid(), Fd :: pid() | tuple(), FilePath :: string()}].
@@ -50,3 +233,337 @@ opened_files_contains(FileNameFragment) ->
lists:filter(fun({_Port, _Pid, _Fd, Path}) ->
string:str(Path, FileNameFragment) > 0
end, couch_debug:opened_files()).
+process_name(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ case process_info(Pid, registered_name) of
+ {registered_name, Name} ->
+ iolist_to_list(io_lib:format("~s[~p]", [Name, Pid]));
+ _ ->
+ {dictionary, Dict} = process_info(Pid, dictionary),
+ case proplists:get_value('$initial_call', Dict) of
+ undefined ->
+ {initial_call, {M, F, A}} = process_info(Pid, initial_call),
+ iolist_to_list(io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p[~p]", [M, F, A, Pid]));
+ {M, F, A} ->
+ iolist_to_list(io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p[~p]", [M, F, A, Pid]))
+ end
+ end;
+process_name(Else) ->
+ iolist_to_list(io_lib:format("~p", [Else])).
+iolist_to_list(List) ->
+ binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(List)).
+link_tree(RootPid) ->
+ link_tree(RootPid, []).
+link_tree(RootPid, Info) ->
+ link_tree(RootPid, Info, fun(_, Props) -> Props end).
+link_tree(RootPid, Info, Fun) ->
+ {_, Result} = link_tree(
+ RootPid, [links | Info], gb_trees:empty(), 0, [RootPid], Fun),
+ Result.
+link_tree(RootPid, Info, Visited0, Pos, [Pid | Rest], Fun) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Pid, Visited0) of
+ {value, Props} ->
+ {Visited0, [{Pos, {Pid, Fun(Pid, Props), []}}]};
+ none when RootPid =< Pid ->
+ Props = info(Pid, Info),
+ Visited1 = gb_trees:insert(Pid, Props, Visited0),
+ {links, Children} = lists:keyfind(links, 1, Props),
+ {Visited2, NewTree} = link_tree(
+ RootPid, Info, Visited1, Pos + 1, Children, Fun),
+ {Visited3, Result} = link_tree(
+ RootPid, Info, Visited2, Pos, Rest, Fun),
+ {Visited3, [{Pos, {Pid, Fun(Pid, Props), NewTree}}] ++ Result};
+ none ->
+ Props = info(Pid, Info),
+ Visited1 = gb_trees:insert(Pid, Props, Visited0),
+ {Visited2, Result} = link_tree(
+ RootPid, Info, Visited1, Pos, Rest, Fun),
+ {Visited2, [{Pos, {Pid, Fun(Pid, Props), []}}] ++ Result}
+ end;
+link_tree(_RootPid, _Info, Visited, _Pos, [], _Fun) ->
+ {Visited, []}.
+info(Pid, Info) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ ValidProps = [
+ backtrace,
+ binary,
+ catchlevel,
+ current_function,
+ current_location,
+ current_stacktrace,
+ dictionary,
+ error_handler,
+ garbage_collection,
+ garbage_collection_info,
+ group_leader,
+ heap_size,
+ initial_call,
+ links,
+ last_calls,
+ memory,
+ message_queue_len,
+ messages,
+ min_heap_size,
+ min_bin_vheap_size,
+ monitored_by,
+ monitors,
+ message_queue_data,
+ priority,
+ reductions,
+ registered_name,
+ sequential_trace_token,
+ stack_size,
+ status,
+ suspending,
+ total_heap_size,
+ trace,
+ trap_exit
+ ],
+ Validated = lists:filter(fun(P) -> lists:member(P, ValidProps) end, Info),
+ process_info(Pid, lists:usort(Validated));
+info(Port, Info) when is_port(Port) ->
+ ValidProps = [
+ registered_name,
+ id,
+ connected,
+ links,
+ name,
+ input,
+ output,
+ os_pid
+ ],
+ Validated = lists:filter(fun(P) -> lists:member(P, ValidProps) end, Info),
+ port_info(Port, lists:usort(Validated)).
+port_info(Port, Items) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(Item, Acc) ->
+ case (catch erlang:port_info(Port, Item)) of
+ {Item, _Value} = Info -> [Info | Acc];
+ _Else -> Acc
+ end
+ end, [], Items).
+mapfold_tree([], Acc, _Fun) ->
+ {[], Acc};
+mapfold_tree([{Pos, {Key, Value0, SubTree0}} | Rest0], Acc0, Fun) ->
+ {Value1, Acc1} = Fun(Key, Value0, Pos, Acc0),
+ {SubTree1, Acc2} = mapfold_tree(SubTree0, Acc1, Fun),
+ {Rest1, Acc3} = mapfold_tree(Rest0, Acc2, Fun),
+ {[{Pos, {Key, Value1, SubTree1}} | Rest1], Acc3}.
+map_tree(Tree, Fun) ->
+ {Result, _} = mapfold_tree(Tree, nil, fun(Key, Value, Pos, Acc) ->
+ {Fun(Key, Value, Pos), Acc}
+ end),
+ Result.
+fold_tree(Tree, Acc, Fun) ->
+ {_, Result} = mapfold_tree(Tree, Acc, fun(Key, Value, Pos, AccIn) ->
+ {Value, Fun(Key, Value, Pos, AccIn)}
+ end),
+ Result.
+linked_processes_info(Pid, Info) ->
+ link_tree(Pid, Info, fun(P, Props) -> {process_name(P), Props} end).
+print_linked_processes(couch_index_server) ->
+ print_couch_index_server_processes();
+print_linked_processes(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined -> {error, {unknown, Name}};
+ Pid -> print_linked_processes(Pid)
+ end;
+print_linked_processes(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Info = [reductions, message_queue_len, memory],
+ TableSpec = [
+ {50, left, name}, {12, centre, reductions},
+ {19, centre, message_queue_len}, {10, centre, memory}
+ ],
+ Tree = linked_processes_info(Pid, Info),
+ print_tree(Tree, TableSpec).
+id("couch_file:init" ++ _, Pid, _Props) ->
+ case couch_file:process_info(Pid) of
+ {{file_descriptor, prim_file, {Port, Fd}}, FilePath} ->
+ term2str([
+ term2str(Fd), ":",
+ term2str(Port), ":",
+ shorten_path(FilePath)]);
+ undefined ->
+ ""
+ end;
+id(_IdStr, _Pid, _Props) ->
+ "".
+print_couch_index_server_processes() ->
+ Info = [reductions, message_queue_len, memory],
+ TableSpec = [
+ {50, left, name}, {12, centre, reductions},
+ {19, centre, message_queue_len}, {14, centre, memory}, {id}
+ ],
+ Tree = link_tree(whereis(couch_index_server), Info, fun(P, Props) ->
+ IdStr = process_name(P),
+ {IdStr, [{id, id(IdStr, P, Props)} | Props]}
+ end),
+ print_tree(Tree, TableSpec).
+shorten_path(Path) ->
+ ViewDir = list_to_binary(config:get("couchdb", "view_index_dir")),
+ DatabaseDir = list_to_binary(config:get("couchdb", "database_dir")),
+ File = list_to_binary(Path),
+ Len = max(
+ binary:longest_common_prefix([File, DatabaseDir]),
+ binary:longest_common_prefix([File, ViewDir])
+ ),
+ <<_:Len/binary, Rest/binary>> = File,
+ binary_to_list(Rest).
+%% Pretty print functions
+%% Limmitations:
+%% - The first column has to be specified as {Width, left, Something}
+%% The TableSpec is a list of either:
+%% - {Value}
+%% - {Width, Align, Value}
+%% Align is one of the following:
+%% - left
+%% - centre
+%% - right
+print_tree(Tree, TableSpec) ->
+ io:format("~s~n", [format(TableSpec)]),
+ map_tree(Tree, fun(_, {Id, Props}, Pos) ->
+ io:format("~s~n", [table_row(Id, Pos * 2, Props, TableSpec)])
+ end),
+ ok.
+format(Spec) ->
+ Fields = [format_value(Format) || Format <- Spec],
+ string:join(Fields, "|").
+format_value({Value}) -> term2str(Value);
+format_value({Width, Align, Value}) -> string:Align(term2str(Value), Width).
+bind_value({K}, Props) when is_list(Props) ->
+ {element(2, lists:keyfind(K, 1, Props))};
+bind_value({Width, Align, K}, Props) when is_list(Props) ->
+ {Width, Align, element(2, lists:keyfind(K, 1, Props))}.
+term2str(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> atom_to_list(Atom);
+term2str(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> binary_to_list(Binary);
+term2str(Integer) when is_integer(Integer) -> integer_to_list(Integer);
+term2str(Float) when is_float(Float) -> float_to_list(Float);
+term2str(String) when is_list(String) -> lists:flatten(String);
+term2str(Term) -> iolist_to_list(io_lib:format("~p", [Term])).
+table_row(Key, Indent, Props, [{KeyWidth, Align, _} | Spec]) ->
+ Values = [bind_value(Format, Props) || Format <- Spec],
+ KeyStr = string:Align(term2str(Key), KeyWidth - Indent),
+ [string:copies(" ", Indent), KeyStr, "|" | format(Values)].
+random_processes(Depth) ->
+ random_processes([], Depth).
+random_processes(Pids, 0) ->
+ lists:usort(Pids);
+random_processes(Acc, Depth) ->
+ Caller = self(),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Pid = case oneof([spawn_link, open_port]) of
+ spawn_monitor ->
+ {P, _} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+ Caller ! {Ref, random_processes(Depth - 1)},
+ receive looper -> ok end
+ end),
+ P;
+ spawn ->
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ Caller ! {Ref, random_processes(Depth - 1)},
+ receive looper -> ok end
+ end);
+ spawn_link ->
+ spawn_link(fun() ->
+ Caller ! {Ref, random_processes(Depth - 1)},
+ receive looper -> ok end
+ end);
+ open_port ->
+ spawn_link(fun() ->
+ Port = erlang:open_port({spawn, "sleep 10"}, []),
+ true = erlang:link(Port),
+ Caller ! {Ref, random_processes(Depth - 1)},
+ receive looper -> ok end
+ end)
+ end,
+ receive
+ {Ref, Pids} -> random_processes([Pid | Pids] ++ Acc, Depth - 1)
+ end.
+oneof(Options) ->
+ lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Options)), Options).
+tree() ->
+ [InitialPid | _] = Processes = random_processes(5),
+ {InitialPid, Processes, link_tree(InitialPid)}.
+setup() ->
+ tree().
+teardown({_InitialPid, Processes, _Tree}) ->
+ [exit(Pid, normal) || Pid <- Processes].
+link_tree_test_() ->
+ {
+ "link_tree tests",
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
+ [
+ fun should_have_same_shape/1,
+ fun should_include_extra_info/1
+ ]
+ }
+ }.
+should_have_same_shape({InitialPid, _Processes, Tree}) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ InfoTree = linked_processes_info(InitialPid, []),
+ ?assert(is_equal(InfoTree, Tree)),
+ ok
+ end).
+should_include_extra_info({InitialPid, _Processes, _Tree}) ->
+ Info = [reductions, message_queue_len, memory],
+ ?_test(begin
+ InfoTree = linked_processes_info(InitialPid, Info),
+ map_tree(InfoTree, fun(Key, {_Id, Props}, _Pos) ->
+ case Key of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ ?assert(lists:keymember(reductions, 1, Props)),
+ ?assert(lists:keymember(message_queue_len, 1, Props)),
+ ?assert(lists:keymember(memory, 1, Props));
+ Port ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ Props
+ end),
+ ok
+ end).
+is_equal([], []) -> true;
+is_equal([{Pos, {Pid, _, A}} | RestA], [{Pos, {Pid, _, B}} | RestB]) ->
+ case is_equal(RestA, RestB) of
+ false -> false;
+ true -> is_equal(A, B)
+ end.