diff options
authorEric Avdey <>2018-12-10 20:22:47 -0400
committerGitHub <>2018-12-10 20:22:47 -0400
commitb1893658fc035cbe6a821f77025920a8c506e4da (patch)
parent445e232d5539faf644c80cec495c0665671af3f9 (diff)
parent5350907e123f63243596b8b6e3e34267ec15def5 (diff)
Merge pull request #1796 from cloudant/tests/port-delayed_commits-to-elixir
Port delayed_commits test to Elixir
4 files changed, 89 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/test/elixir/ b/test/elixir/
index e80df1f31..54de35929 100644
--- a/test/elixir/
+++ b/test/elixir/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ X means done, - means partially
- [ ] Port conflicts.js
- [ ] Port cookie_auth.js
- [ ] Port copy_doc.js
- - [ ] Port delayed_commits.js
+ - [X] Port delayed_commits.js
- [ ] Port design_docs.js
- [ ] Port design_options.js
- [ ] Port design_paths.js
diff --git a/test/elixir/lib/couch.ex b/test/elixir/lib/couch.ex
index 302b8276a..934262216 100644
--- a/test/elixir/lib/couch.ex
+++ b/test/elixir/lib/couch.ex
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ defmodule Couch do
CouchDB library to power test suite.
+ def process_url("http://" <> _ = url) do
+ url
+ end
def process_url(url) do
"" <> url
diff --git a/test/elixir/lib/couch/db_test.ex b/test/elixir/lib/couch/db_test.ex
index 930090b51..3bbfb7eaa 100644
--- a/test/elixir/lib/couch/db_test.ex
+++ b/test/elixir/lib/couch/db_test.ex
@@ -239,4 +239,57 @@ defmodule Couch.DBTest do
opts = [pretty: true, width: 20, limit: :infinity, printable_limit: :infinity]
inspect(resp, opts)
+ def restart_cluster() do
+ resp = Couch.get("/_membership")
+ assert resp.status_code == 200
+ nodes = resp.body["all_nodes"]
+ nodes_ports =
+ Enum.reduce(nodes, [], fn node, acc ->
+ port = node_to_port(node)
+ [{node, port} | acc]
+ end)
+ tasks =
+, fn {node, port} ->
+ Task.async(fn -> restart_node(node, port) end)
+ end)
+ Task.yield_many(tasks, length(nodes) * 5000)
+ end
+ def restart_node(node \\ "node1@") do
+ port = node_to_port(node)
+ restart_node(node, port)
+ end
+ defp restart_node(node, port) do
+ url = "{port}/_node/#{node}/_restart"
+ resp =
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["ok"]
+ # make sure node went down. we assuming the node can't bounce quick
+ # enough to inroduce a race here
+ retry_until(fn -> !node_is_running(port) end)
+ # wait utill node is back
+ retry_until(fn -> node_is_running(port) end, 500, 10_000)
+ end
+ defp node_is_running(port) do
+ url = "{port}/_up"
+ resp = Couch.get(url)
+ case HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp) do
+ true -> resp.status_code in 200..399
+ false -> false
+ end
+ end
+ defp node_to_port(node) do
+ url = "/_node/#{node}/_config/chttpd/port"
+ resp = Couch.get(url)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ resp.body
+ end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/delayed_commits_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/delayed_commits_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e80d0bdfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir/test/delayed_commits_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+defmodule DelayedCommitsTest do
+ use CouchTestCase
+ @moduledoc """
+ Test CouchDB delayed commits
+ This is a port of the delayed_commits.js suite
+ Note that delayed_commits is deprecated in 2.0, so this is a minimal
+ test to show it still works. delayed_commits will be removed in 3.0.
+ """
+ @tag config: [
+ {"couchdb", "delayed_commits", "true"}
+ ]
+ @tag :with_db
+ test "delayed commit", context do
+ db_name = context[:db_name]
+ doc_id = "doc-1"
+ resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/#{doc_id}", body: %{a: 2, b: 4})
+ assert resp.status_code in 201..204
+ assert resp.body["ok"]
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/#{doc_id}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, "The new doc should be in the database"
+ restart_cluster()
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/#{doc_id}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404, "The new doc should be missing"
+ end