diff options
authorPaul J. Davis <>2017-09-05 11:56:47 -0500
committerPaul J. Davis <>2017-09-05 11:56:47 -0500
commitfe0202f5960f98bd46028504d09fbde05a728b78 (patch)
parentf88822d38976d0972625d4d831c2af728bac756d (diff)
Implement an external HAMT structure
This adds an on disk Hashed Array Mappped Trie based on literature. This will be used during the first pass of compaction to try and speed up the metadata copy operation when writing the id_tree back into the compacted database.
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_ehamt.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_ehamt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfa8bc724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_ehamt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% This file is an implementation of an external hash array
+% mapped trie (HAMT). Currently this is used by the first pass
+% of compaction to map document id's to `#full_doc_info{}`
+% records so that we can recreate the id_tree in the new
+% database.
+% The structure of an HAMT is described in [1] which can
+% be found easily on the internet. While it may sound a
+% bit complicated its fairly easy conceptually. For each key
+% we add to the HAMT, we calculate a hash value. To navigate
+% the tree we consume 5 bits to find the child node. When a
+% followed path has only one key/value we terminate our recursion
+% rather than fill all nodes as one might expect from a b+tree
+% (In other words, not all leaf nodes are at the same depth).
+% This implementation has a slightly different solution for
+% hash collisions in that rather than compute new hashes to
+% continue recursing we just use a linked list that is probed
+% to find the requested key. Given that our hash collision
+% rates are on the order of 2^-32 this should provide for fairly
+% small linked lists that must be searched when collisions occur.
+% Beyond those basics the only somewhat complicated bits of math
+% are related to the CTPOP implementation. This is copied from
+% the original HAMT paper and taken as an article of faith. If
+% you just consider it to be "number of 1 bits in this value" it
+% will simplify the logic when reading this module.
+% [1] "Ideal Hash Trees" Phil Bagwell 2000
+ open/1,
+ open/2,
+ get_fd/1,
+ get_state/1,
+ insert/2,
+ lookup/2
+-record(ehamt, {
+ version = 1,
+ fd,
+ root = {node, 0, {}}
+open(Fd) ->
+ {ok, #ehamt{fd = Fd}}.
+open(Fd, Options) ->
+ {ok, set_options(#ehamt{fd = Fd}, Options)}.
+set_options(EHamt, []) ->
+ EHamt;
+set_options(EHamt, [{root, Root} | Rest]) ->
+ set_options(EHamt#ehamt{root = Root}, Rest).
+get_fd(#ehamt{fd = Fd}) ->
+ Fd.
+get_state(#ehamt{fd = Fd, root = Root}) ->
+ flush_nodes(Fd, Root).
+insert(EHamt, {K, V}) ->
+ #ehamt{
+ fd = Fd,
+ root = Root
+ } = EHamt,
+ HId = hash(K),
+ {ok, DiskLoc, _} = couch_file:append_term(Fd, {K, V}),
+ insert(Fd, read_node(Fd, Root), HId, DiskLoc, 0).
+insert(_Fd, {item, HId, DiskLocs}, HId, DiskLoc, _Depth) ->
+ {item, HId, [DiskLoc | DiskLocs]};
+insert(Fd, {item, HId1, DiskLocs}, HId2, DiskLoc, Depth) ->
+ % Transform this item in a new node and then
+ % continue our insertion algorithm. We do this
+ % because we're not guaranteed that the hash ids
+ % are different at the current depth.
+ Map = get_header_index(HId1, Depth),
+ Children = [{item, HId1, DiskLocs}],
+ Node = {node, Map, Children},
+ insert(Fd, Node, HId2, DiskLoc, Depth);
+insert(Fd, {node, Map, Children}, HId, DiskLoc, Depth) ->
+ Idx = get_header_index(HId, Depth),
+ case is_set(Map, Idx) of
+ true ->
+ Pos = get_header_position(Map, Idx),
+ Child = erlang:element(Pos + 1, Children),
+ NewChild0 = insert(Fd, Child, HId, DiskLoc, Depth + 1),
+ NewChild1 = write_node(Fd, NewChild0, Depth + 1),
+ NewChildren = erlang:setelement(Pos + 1, Children, NewChild1),
+ {node, Map, NewChildren};
+ false ->
+ Pos = get_header_position(Map, Idx),
+ NewChild0 = {item, HId, [DiskLoc]},
+ NewChild1 = write_node(Fd, NewChild0, Depth + 1),
+ NewMap = Map bor Idx,
+ NewChildren = erlang:insert_element(Pos + 1, Children, NewChild1),
+ {node, NewMap, NewChildren}
+ end.
+lookup(EHamt, Key) ->
+ #ehamt{
+ fd = Fd,
+ root = Root
+ } = EHamt,
+ HId = hash(Key),
+ lookup(Fd, read_node(Fd, Root), HId, Key, 0).
+lookup(_Fd, {item, HId, []}, HId, _, _) ->
+ not_found;
+lookup(Fd, {item, HId, [DiskLoc | RestLocs]}, HId, Key, Depth) ->
+ case couch_file:pread_term(Fd, DiskLoc) of
+ {ok, {Key, Value}} ->
+ {ok, Value};
+ {ok, _} ->
+ lookup(Fd, {item, HId, RestLocs}, HId, Key, Depth)
+ end;
+lookup(_Fd, {item, HId1, _}, HId2, _, _) when HId1 /= HId2 ->
+ not_found;
+lookup(Fd, {node, Map, Children}, HId, Key, Depth) ->
+ Idx = get_header_index(HId, Depth),
+ case is_set(Map, Idx) of
+ true ->
+ Pos = get_header_position(Map, Idx),
+ Child = read_node(Fd, Pos, Children),
+ lookup(Fd, Child, HId, Key, Depth + 1);
+ false ->
+ not_found
+ end.
+write_node(_Fd, Child, Depth) when Depth >= 0, Depth =< 2 ->
+ Child;
+write_node(Fd, Child, Depth) when is_integer(Depth), Depth > 2 ->
+ {ok, DiskLoc, _} = couch_file:append_term(Fd, Child),
+ DiskLoc.
+flush_nodes(_Fd, DiskLoc) when is_integer(DiskLoc) ->
+ DiskLoc;
+flush_nodes(Fd, {item, _, _} = Node) ->
+ {ok, DiskLoc, _} = couch_file:append_term(Fd, Node),
+ DiskLoc;
+flush_nodes(Fd, {node, Map, Children}) ->
+ NewChildren = lists:foldl(fun(Idx, Acc) ->
+ case erlang:element(Idx, Acc) of
+ DiskLoc when is_integer(DiskLoc) ->
+ Acc;
+ Child when is_tuple(Child) ->
+ NewChild = flush_nodes(Fd, Child),
+ erlang:setelement(Idx, Acc, NewChild)
+ end
+ end, Children, lists:seq(1, size(Children))),
+ NewNode = {node, Map, NewChildren},
+ {ok, DiskLoc, _} = couch_file:append_term(Fd, NewNode),
+ DiskLoc.
+read_node(Fd, Pos, Children) ->
+ read_node(Fd, erlang:element(Pos, Children)).
+read_node(Fd, DiskLoc) when is_integer(DiskLoc) ->
+ {ok, Child} = couch_file:pread_term(Fd, DiskLoc),
+ Child;
+read_node(_Fd, Child) when is_tuple(Child) ->
+ Child.
+hash(Term) ->
+ erlang:phash2(Term, 4294967296).
+get_header_index(HashId, Depth) when Depth >= 0, Depth < 5->
+ Rotate = 32 - 5 * (Depth + 1),
+ (HashId bsr Rotate) band 16#1F.
+is_set(Header, Idx) when Idx >= 0, Idx =< 31 ->
+ Header band (1 bsl Idx).
+get_header_position(Header, Idx) ->
+ % Adding 1 because tuples are 1 based
+ 1 + ctpop(Header band ((1 bsl Idx) - 1)).
+ctpop(V0) when V0 >= 0, V0 =< 16#FFFFFFFF ->
+ SK5 = 16#55555555,
+ SK3 = 16#33333333,
+ SKF0 = 16#F0F0F0F,
+ V1 = V0 - ((V0 bsr 1) band SK5),
+ V2 = (V1 band SK3) + ((V1 bsr 2) band SK3),
+ V3 = (V2 band SKF0) + ((V2 bsr 4) band SKF0),
+ V4 = V3 + (V3 bsr 8),
+ (V4 + (V4 bsr 16)) band 16#3F.
+bit_count(0) ->
+ 0;
+bit_count(V0) when V0 >= 0, V0 =< 16#FFFFFFFF ->
+ (V0 band 1) + bit_count(V0 bsr 1).
+ctpop_test() ->
+ Cases = [
+ {0, 0},
+ {1, 1},
+ {1, 2},
+ {2, 3},
+ {1, 4},
+ {8, 255},
+ {1, 256},
+ {32, 16#FFFFFFFF}
+ ],
+ random:seed(os:timestamp()),
+ SmallCases = lists:map(fun(I) ->
+ {bit_count(I), I}
+ end, lists:seq(1, 16#10000)),
+ RandomCases = lists:map(fun(_) ->
+ T = random:uniform(16#100000000) - 1,
+ {bit_count(T), T}
+ end, lists:seq(1, 5000)),
+ lists:foreach(fun({E, T}) ->
+ ?assertEqual(E, ctpop(T))
+ end, Cases ++ SmallCases ++ RandomCases).