diff options
authorILYA Khlopotov <>2017-08-21 12:59:18 -0700
committerILYA Khlopotov <>2017-08-21 12:59:18 -0700
commitb710ecaced0338ed33e50ae802107aab077ec2d5 (patch)
parentf8aee3ac8698bbcd976e05a8fe7d3b2815d264de (diff)
Add help function
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
index 8e17ac022..ca5aabd09 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
+ help/0,
+ help/1
@@ -30,6 +35,182 @@
+help() ->
+ [
+ opened_files,
+ opened_files_by_regexp,
+ opened_files_contains,
+ process_name,
+ link_tree,
+ link_tree,
+ mapfold,
+ map,
+ fold,
+ linked_processes_info,
+ print_linked_processes,
+ ps
+ ].
+-spec help(Function :: atom()) -> ok.
+help(opened_files) ->
+ io:format("
+ opened_files()
+ --------------
+ Returns list of currently opened files
+ It iterates through erlang:ports and filter out all ports which are not efile.
+ It uses `process_info(Pid, dictionary)` to get info about couch_file properties.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(opened_files_by_regexp) ->
+ io:format("
+ opened_files_by_regexp(FileRegExp)
+ ----------------------------------
+ Returns list of currently opened files which name matches provided regular expression.
+ It iterates through `erlang:ports()` and filter out all ports which are not efile.
+ It uses `process_info(Pid, dictionary)` to get info about couch_file properties.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(opened_files_contains) ->
+ io:format("
+ opened_files_contains(SubString)
+ --------------------------------
+ Returns list of currently opened files which name contains provided SubString.
+ It iterates through `erlang:ports()` and filter out all ports which are not efile.
+ It uses `process_info(Pid, dictionary)` to get info about couch_file properties.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(process_name) ->
+ io:format("
+ process_name(Pid)
+ -----------------
+ Uses heuristics to figure out the best way to name process.
+ The heuristic is based on the following information about the process:
+ - process_info(Pid, registered_name)
+ - '$initial_call' key in process dictionary
+ - process_info(Pid, initial_call)
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(link_tree) ->
+ io:format("
+ link_tree(Pid)
+ --------------
+ Returns a tree which represents a cluster of linked processes.
+ This function receives the initial Pid to start from.
+ The function doesn't recurse to pids older than initial one.
+ The Pids which are lesser than initial Pid are still shown in the output.
+ This is analogue of `link_tree(RootPid, []).`
+ link_tree(Pid, Info)
+ --------------------
+ Returns a tree which represents a cluster of linked processes.
+ This function receives the initial Pid to start from.
+ The function doesn't recurse to pids older than initial one.
+ The Pids which are lesser than initial Pid are still shown in the output.
+ The info argument is a list of process_info_item() as documented in
+ erlang:process_info/2. We don't do any attempts to prevent dangerous items.
+ Be warn that passing some of them such as `messages` for example
+ can be dangerous in a very busy system.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(mapfold) ->
+ io:format("
+ mapfold(Tree, Acc, Fun)
+ -----------------------
+ Traverses all nodes of the tree. It is a combination of a map and fold.
+ It calls a user provided callback for every node of the tree.
+ `Fun(Key, Value, Pos, Acc) -> {NewValue, NewAcc}`.
+ Where:
+ - Key of the node (usualy Pid of a process)
+ - Value of the node (usualy information collected by link_tree)
+ - Pos - depth from the root of the tree
+ - Acc - user's accumulator
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(map) ->
+ io:format("
+ map(Tree, Fun)
+ -----------------------
+ Traverses all nodes of the tree in order to modify them.
+ It calls a user provided callback
+ `Fun(Key, Value, Pos) -> NewValue`
+ Where:
+ - Key of the node (usualy Pid of a process)
+ - Value of the node (usualy information collected by link_tree)
+ - Pos - depth from the root of the tree
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(fold) ->
+ io:format("
+ fold(Tree, Fun)
+ Traverses all nodes of the tree in order to collect some aggregated information
+ about the tree. It calls a user provided callback
+ `Fun(Key, Value, Pos) -> NewValue`
+ Where:
+ - Key of the node (usualy Pid of a process)
+ - Value of the node (usualy information collected by link_tree)
+ - Pos - depth from the root of the tree
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(linked_processes_info) ->
+ io:format("
+ linked_processes_info(Pid, Info)
+ --------------------------------
+ Convinience function which reduces the amount of typing compared to direct
+ use of link_tree.
+ - Pid: initial Pid to start from
+ - Info: a list of process_info_item() as documented
+ in erlang:process_info/2.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(print_linked_processes) ->
+ io:format("
+ print_linked_processes(Pid)
+ ---------------------------
+ Print cluster of linked processes. This function receives the
+ initial Pid to start from. The function doesn't recurse to pids
+ older than initial one. The output would look like similar to:
+ ```
+name | reductions | message_queue_len | memory
+couch_index_server[<0.288.0>] | 478240 | 0 | 109696
+ couch_index:init/1[<0.3520.22>] | 4899 | 0 | 109456
+ couch_file:init/1[<0.886.22>] | 11973 | 0 | 67984
+ couch_index:init/1[<0.3520.22>] | 4899 | 0 | 109456
+ ```
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(ps) ->
+ io:format("
+ ps(couch_index_server)
+ ----------------------
+ Convinence function which would display additional information about processes.
+ For couch_file Pids the path to the file as well as file descriptor are added.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(Unknown) ->
+ io:format("Unknown function: `~p`. Please try one of the following:~n", [Unknown]),
+ [io:format(" - ~s~n", [Function]) || Function <- help()],
+ io:format(" ---~n", []),
+ ok.
-spec opened_files() ->
[{port(), CouchFilePid :: pid(), Fd :: pid() | tuple(), FilePath :: string()}].