diff options
authorILYA Khlopotov <>2020-12-02 04:30:15 -0800
committerILYA Khlopotov <>2020-12-02 10:16:43 -0800
commit109f74feafd3278f2df5deb80c6e20bca2916212 (patch)
parentc362b1c11326050e09fd2ad5303e1221b38e8b0c (diff)
Add ability to control which Elixir integration tests to run
New `elixir-suite` Makefile target is added. It runs a predefined set of elixir integration tests. The feature is controlled by two files: - test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir - contains list of all available tests - test/elixir/test/config/skip.elixir - contains list of tests to skip In order to update the `test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir` when new tests are added. The one would need to run the following command: ``` MIX_ENV=integration mix suite > test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir ```
7 files changed, 1164 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8844b869b..a142f85b8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -271,6 +271,17 @@ elixir-cluster-with-quorum: elixir-init elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo devc
--degrade-cluster 1 \
--no-eval 'mix test --trace --only with_quorum_test $(EXUNIT_OPTS)'
+.PHONY: elixir-suite
+elixir-suite: export MIX_ENV=integration
+elixir-suite: elixir-init elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo devclean
+ @dev/run -n 1 -q -a adm:pass \
+ --enable-erlang-views \
+ --no-join \
+ --locald-config test/elixir/test/config/test-config.ini \
+ --erlang-config rel/files/eunit.config \
+ --no-eval 'mix test --trace --include test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir --exclude test/elixir/test/config/skip.elixir'
.PHONY: elixir-check-formatted
elixir-check-formatted: elixir-init
@mix format --check-formatted
diff --git a/ b/
index fa676ad13..aeb7fe7b6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -224,6 +224,17 @@ elixir-cluster-with-quorum: elixir-init elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo devc
--degrade-cluster 1 \
--no-eval 'mix test --trace --only with_quorum_test $(EXUNIT_OPTS)'
+.PHONY: elixir-suite
+elixir-suite: export MIX_ENV=integration
+elixir-suite: elixir-init elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo devclean
+ @dev\run -n 1 -q -a adm:pass \
+ --enable-erlang-views \
+ --no-join \
+ --locald-config test/elixir/test/config/test-config.ini \
+ --erlang-config rel/files/eunit.config \
+ --no-eval 'mix test --trace --include test\elixir\test\config\suite.elixir --exclude test\elixir\test\config\skip.elixir'
.PHONY: elixir-check-formatted
elixir-check-formatted: elixir-init
@mix format --check-formatted
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
index ae42af5d6..c454df331 100644
--- a/mix.exs
+++ b/mix.exs
@@ -20,6 +20,29 @@ defmodule CoverTool do
+defmodule Mix.Tasks.Suite do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Helper task to create `suites.elixir` file. It suppose to be used as follows
+ ```
+ MIX_ENV=integration mix suite > test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir
+ ```
+ """
+ use Mix.Task
+ @shortdoc "Outputs all availabe integration tests"
+ def run(_) do
+ Path.wildcard(Path.join(Mix.Project.build_path(), "/**/ebin"))
+ |> Enum.filter(&File.dir?/1)
+ |>
+ tests =
+ Couch.Test.Suite.list()
+ |> Enum.sort()
+ |> Couch.Test.Suite.group_by()
+ IO.puts(Couch.Test.Suite.pretty_print(tests))
+ end
defmodule CouchDBTest.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
diff --git a/test/elixir/lib/suite.ex b/test/elixir/lib/suite.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60b7766d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir/lib/suite.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+defmodule Couch.Test.Suite do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Common code to configure ExUnit runner.
+ It replaces the usual invocation of `ExUnit.start()` in
+ `test_helper.exs` related to integration tests with:
+ ```
+ Couch.Test.Suite.start()
+ ```
+ """
+ @doc """
+ This helper function can be used to create `suite.elixir`
+ as
+ ```
+ tests =
+ Couch.Test.Suite.list()
+ |> Enum.sort()
+ |> Couch.Test.Suite.group_by()
+ IO.puts(Couch.Test.Suite.pretty_print(tests))
+ ```
+ """
+ def list() do
+ test_paths = Keyword.get(Mix.Project.config(), :test_paths, [])
+ Enum.reduce(test_paths, [], fn directory, acc ->
+ list(directory) ++ acc
+ end)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ This helper function can be used to create `suite.elixir`
+ as
+ ```
+ tests =
+ Couch.Test.Suite.list(["test/elixir/test"])
+ |> Enum.sort()
+ |> Couch.Test.Suite.group_by()
+ IO.puts(Couch.Test.Suite.pretty_print(tests))
+ ```
+ """
+ def list(directory) do
+ ensure_exunit_started()
+ Enum.reduce(test_files(directory), [], fn file_path, acc ->
+ tests_in_file(file_path) ++ acc
+ end)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ This helper function is used in a snippet to create `suite.elixir`
+ see list/1
+ """
+ def group_by(tests) do
+ tests |> Enum.group_by(&module_name/1, &test_name/1)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ This helper function is used in a snippet to create `suite.elixir`
+ see list/1
+ """
+ def pretty_print(tests) do
+ tests = Enum.join(Enum.sort(, fn {module_name, test_names} ->
+ test_names = test_names
+ |> x -> ~s("#{x}") end) |> Enum.join(",\n ")
+ ~s( "#{module_name}": [\n #{test_names}\n ])
+ end)), ",\n")
+ "%{\n#{tests}\n}"
+ end
+ def start(exclude \\ []) do
+ # If build number detected assume we running on Jenkins
+ # and skip certain tests that fail on jenkins.
+ default_exclude =
+ case System.get_env("BUILD_NUMBER") !== nil do
+ true -> [:pending, :skip_on_jenkins]
+ false -> [:pending]
+ end
+ current_exclude = Keyword.get(ExUnit.configuration(), :exclude, [])
+ {ignores, current_exclude} = from_file(current_exclude)
+ current_include = Keyword.get(ExUnit.configuration(), :include, [])
+ {suite, current_include} = from_file(current_include)
+ only_test_ids =
+ case suite -- ignores do
+ [] ->
+ nil
+ test_ids ->
+ to_tests(test_ids)
+ end
+ ExUnit.configure(
+ exclude: Enum.uniq(default_exclude ++ current_exclude ++ exclude),
+ include: current_include,
+ formatters: [JUnitFormatter, ExUnit.CLIFormatter],
+ only_test_ids: only_test_ids
+ )
+ ExUnit.start()
+ end
+ # Helpers for start/0
+ defp split_files(opts) do
+ {files, opts} =
+ Enum.split_with(opts, fn x ->
+ String.ends_with?(Atom.to_string(x), ".elixir")
+ end)
+ {, &Atom.to_string/1), opts}
+ end
+ defp read_from_file(file_name) do
+ {map, _} = Code.eval_file(file_name)
+ map
+ |> Enum.reduce([], fn {module, tests}, acc ->
+, &{module, &1}) ++ acc
+ end)
+ end
+ defp from_file(opts) do
+ case split_files(opts) do
+ {[], opts} ->
+ {[], opts}
+ {[file_name], opts} ->
+ {read_from_file(file_name), opts}
+ {_, _} ->
+ throw("Only one file is supported in --exclude or --include")
+ end
+ end
+ defp to_tests(ids) do
+, fn {module_name, test_name} ->
+ {String.to_atom("Elixir.#{module_name}"), String.to_atom("test #{test_name}")}
+ end)
+ )
+ end
+ # Helpers for list/0
+ defp ensure_exunit_started() do
+ if not Process.get(EXUNIT_STARTED, false) do
+ started? =
+ Application.started_applications()
+ |>, 0))
+ |> Enum.member?(:ex_unit)
+ if not started? do
+ ExUnit.start(autorun: false)
+ Process.get(EXUNIT_STARTED, true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ defp test_files(directory) do
+ files = Path.wildcard(Path.join(directory, "*_test.exs"))
+ Enum.filter(files, &File.regular?/1)
+ end
+ def tests_in_file(file_path) do
+ ensure_exunit_started()
+ Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true)
+ tests =
+ Enum.reduce(require_file(file_path), [], fn {module_name, _}, acc ->
+ if :erlang.function_exported(module_name, :__ex_unit__, 0) do
+ module_name.__ex_unit__().tests ++ acc
+ else
+ acc
+ end
+ end)
+ Code.unrequire_files([file_path])
+ tests
+ end
+ def require_file(file_path) do
+ drop_stderr(fn ->
+ Code.require_file(file_path)
+ end)
+ end
+ defp drop_stderr(fun) do
+ {:ok, pid} ="")
+ original_pid = Process.whereis(:standard_error)
+ try do
+ Process.unregister(:standard_error)
+ Process.register(pid, :standard_error)
+ fun.()
+ after
+ Process.unregister(:standard_error)
+ Process.register(original_pid, :standard_error)
+ StringIO.close(pid)
+ end
+ end
+ defp test_name(test) do
+ String.replace_leading(Atom.to_string(, "test ", "")
+ end
+ defp module_name(test) do
+ test.module
+ |> Atom.to_string()
+ |> String.replace_leading("Elixir.", "")
+ end
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/config/skip.elixir b/test/elixir/test/config/skip.elixir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c63b5b3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir/test/config/skip.elixir
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ "AllDocsTest": [
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMultipartTest": [
+ "manages attachments multipart requests successfully",
+ "manages compressed attachments successfully"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentNamesTest": [
+ "saves attachment names successfully"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentPathsTest": [
+ "manages attachment paths successfully - design docs"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentRangesTest": [
+ ],
+ "AttachmentViewTest": [
+ "manages attachments in views successfully"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentsTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-809 - stubs should only require the 'stub' field",
+ "empty attachments",
+ "etags for attachments",
+ "implicit doc creation allows creating docs with a reserved id. COUCHDB-565",
+ "large attachments COUCHDB-366",
+ "md5 header for attachments",
+ "saves binary",
+ "COUCHDB-497 - empty attachments",
+ "update attachment"
+ ],
+ "AuthCacheTest": [
+ ],
+ "BasicsTest": [
+ ],
+ "BatchSaveTest": [
+ ],
+ "BulkDocsTest": [
+ ],
+ "ChangesAsyncTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1852",
+ "continuous changes",
+ "continuous filtered changes",
+ "continuous filtered changes with doc ids",
+ "eventsource changes",
+ "eventsource heartbeat",
+ "live changes",
+ "longpoll changes",
+ "longpoll filtered changes"
+ ],
+ "ChangesTest": [
+ "changes filtering on design docs"
+ ],
+ "CoffeeTest": [
+ "CoffeeScript basic functionality"
+ ],
+ "CompactTest": [
+ ],
+ "ConfigTest": [
+ "Atoms, binaries, and strings suffice as whitelist sections and keys.",
+ "Blacklist is functional",
+ "CouchDB respects configured protocols",
+ "Keys not in the whitelist may not be modified",
+ "Non-2-tuples in the whitelist are ignored",
+ "Non-list whitelist values allow further modification of the whitelist",
+ "Non-term whitelist values allow further modification of the whitelist",
+ "PORT `BUGGED` ?raw tests from config.js",
+ "Reload config",
+ "Server-side password hashing, and raw updates disabling that",
+ "Settings can be altered with undefined whitelist allowing any change",
+ "Standard config options are present"
+ ],
+ "CookieAuthTest": [
+ "cookie auth"
+ ],
+ "CopyDocTest": [
+ "Copy doc tests"
+ ],
+ "DesignDocsQueryTest": [
+ ],
+ "DesignDocsTest": [
+ "circular commonjs dependencies",
+ "commonjs require",
+ "module id values are as expected"
+ ],
+ "DesignOptionsTest": [
+ "design doc options - include_desing=false"
+ ],
+ "DesignPathTest": [
+ "design doc path",
+ "design doc path with slash in db name"
+ ],
+ "ErlangViewsTest": [
+ "Erlang map function",
+ "Erlang reduce function",
+ "Erlang reduce function larger dataset"
+ ],
+ "EtagsHeadTest": [
+ ],
+ "FormSubmitTest": [
+ ],
+ "HelperTest": [
+ ],
+ "HttpTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-708: newlines document names",
+ "location header"
+ ],
+ "InvalidDocIDsTest": [
+ ],
+ "JsonpTest": [
+ ],
+ "JwtAuthTest": [
+ ],
+ "ListViewsTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1113",
+ "HTTP header response set after getRow() called in _list function",
+ "abort iteration with reduce",
+ "empty list",
+ "extra qs params",
+ "get with query params",
+ "handling _all_docs by _list functions. the result should be equal",
+ "multi-key fetch with GET",
+ "multi-key fetch with POST",
+ "multiple languages in design docs",
+ "no multi-key fetch allowed when group=false",
+ "reduce with 0 rows",
+ "secObj is available",
+ "standard GET",
+ "standard OPTIONS",
+ "stop iteration",
+ "the richness of the arguments",
+ "too many Get Rows",
+ "we can run lists and views from separate docs",
+ "we do multi-key requests on lists and views in separate docs",
+ "when there is a reduce present, and used",
+ "when there is a reduce present, but not used",
+ "with 0 rows",
+ "with accept headers for HTML",
+ "with include_docs and a reference to the doc"
+ ],
+ "LocalDocsTest": [
+ ],
+ "LotsOfDocsTest": [
+ ],
+ "MethodOverrideTest": [
+ ],
+ "MultipleRowsTest": [
+ ],
+ "ProxyAuthTest": [
+ "proxy auth with secret",
+ "proxy auth without secret"
+ ],
+ "PurgeTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1065",
+ "purge documents"
+ ],
+ "ReaderACLTest": [
+ "can't set non string reader names or roles",
+ "members can query views",
+ "restricted db can be read by authorized users",
+ "unrestricted db can be read",
+ "works with readers (backwards compat with 1.0)"
+ ],
+ "RecreateDocTest": [
+ ],
+ "ReduceBuiltinTest": [
+ ],
+ "ReduceFalseTest": [
+ ],
+ "ReduceTest": [
+ ],
+ "ReplicationBadIdTest": [
+ "replication doc with bad rep id"
+ ],
+ "ReplicationTest": [
+ ],
+ "ReplicatorDBByDocIdTest": [
+ "replicatior db by doc id"
+ ],
+ "RevStemmingTest": [
+ "revs limit is kept after compaction"
+ ],
+ "RevisionTest": [
+ ],
+ "RewriteJSTest": [
+ "Test basic js rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "Test basic js rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "early response on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "early response on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "loop on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "loop on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "requests with body preserve the query string rewrite on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "requests with body preserve the query string rewrite on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes"
+ ],
+ "RewriteTest": [
+ "Test basic rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "Test basic rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "loop detection on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "loop detection on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "serial execution is not spuriously counted as loop on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "serial execution is not spuriously counted as loop on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes"
+ ],
+ "SecurityValidationTest": [
+ ],
+ "ShowDocumentsTest": [
+ "JS can't set etag",
+ "accept header switching - different mime has different etag",
+ "deleted docs",
+ "id with slash",
+ "list() compatible API",
+ "list() compatible API with provides function",
+ "missing design doc",
+ "registering types works",
+ "security object",
+ "should keep next result order: chunks + return value + provided chunks + provided return value",
+ "show error",
+ "show fail with non-existing docid",
+ "show query parameters",
+ "show with doc",
+ "show with doc - etags",
+ "show with existing doc",
+ "show with missing doc",
+ "show with non-existing docid",
+ "show without docid",
+ "the provides mime matcher",
+ "the provides mime matcher without a match"
+ ],
+ "UTF8Test": [
+ ],
+ "UUIDsTest": [
+ "sequential uuids are sequential",
+ "utc_id uuids are correct",
+ "utc_random uuids are roughly random"
+ ],
+ "UpdateDocumentsTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1229 - allow slashes in doc ids for update handlers",
+ "COUCHDB-648 - the code in the JSON response should be honored",
+ "Insert doc with empty id",
+ "base64 response",
+ "bump counter",
+ "doc can be created",
+ "form update via application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ "in place update",
+ "update document"
+ ],
+ "UsersDbSecurityTest": [
+ "user db security"
+ ],
+ "UsersDbTest": [
+ "users db"
+ ],
+ "ViewCollationRawTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewCollationTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewCompactionTest": [
+ "view compaction"
+ ],
+ "ViewConflictsTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewErrorsTest": [
+ "infinite loop",
+ "reduce overflow error",
+ "temporary view should give error message"
+ ],
+ "ViewIncludeDocsTest": [
+ "emitted _rev controls things"
+ ],
+ "ViewMapTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewMultiKeyAllDocsTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewMultiKeyDesignTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewOffsetTest": [
+ "basic view offsets",
+ "repeated view offsets"
+ ],
+ "ViewPaginationTest": [
+ "aliases start_key and start_key_doc_id should work",
+ "basic view pagination",
+ "descending view pagination",
+ "descending=false parameter should just be ignored",
+ "endkey document id",
+ "endkey document id, but with end_key_doc_id alias"
+ ],
+ "ViewSandboxingTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewTest": [
+ ],
+ "ViewUpdateSeqTest": [
+ "_all_docs update seq",
+ "db info update seq",
+ "view update seq"
+ ],
+ "WithQuorumTest": [
+ "Attachments overriden quorum should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Attachments should return 201-Created",
+ "Bulk docs overriden quorum should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Creating-Updating/Deleting doc with overriden quorum should return 202-Acepted/200-OK",
+ "Creating/Deleting DB should return 201-Created/202-Acepted"
+ ],
+ "WithoutQuorumTest": [
+ "Attachments overriden quorum should return 201-Created",
+ "Attachments should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Bulk docs should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Copy doc should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Creating/Deleting DB should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Creating/Updating/Deleting doc should return 202-Acepted"
+ ]
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir b/test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4155f331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir/test/config/suite.elixir
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+ "AllDocsTest": [
+ "All Docs tests",
+ "GET with one key",
+ "POST boolean",
+ "POST edge case with colliding parameters - query takes precedence",
+ "POST with empty body",
+ "POST with keys and limit",
+ "POST with missing keys",
+ "POST with query parameter and JSON body",
+ "_local_docs POST with keys and limit",
+ "all_docs ordering"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentMultipartTest": [
+ "manages attachments multipart requests successfully",
+ "manages compressed attachments successfully"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentNamesTest": [
+ "saves attachment names successfully"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentPathsTest": [
+ "manages attachment paths successfully",
+ "manages attachment paths successfully - design docs"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentRangesTest": [
+ "manages attachment range requests successfully"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentViewTest": [
+ "manages attachments in views successfully"
+ ],
+ "AttachmentsTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-809 - stubs should only require the 'stub' field",
+ "attachment via multipart/form-data",
+ "delete attachment",
+ "empty attachments",
+ "errors for bad attachment",
+ "etags for attachments",
+ "implicit doc creation allows creating docs with a reserved id. COUCHDB-565",
+ "large attachments COUCHDB-366",
+ "md5 header for attachments",
+ "reads attachment successfully",
+ "saves attachment successfully",
+ "saves binary",
+ "COUCHDB-497 - empty attachments",
+ "update attachment"
+ ],
+ "AuthCacheTest": [
+ "auth cache management"
+ ],
+ "BasicsTest": [
+ "A document read with etag works",
+ "Can create several documents",
+ "Check _revs_limit",
+ "Check for invalid document members",
+ "Create a document and save it to the database",
+ "Created database has appropriate db info name",
+ "Creating a new DB should return location header",
+ "Creating a new DB with slashes should return Location header (COUCHDB-411)",
+ "DELETE'ing a non-existent doc should 404",
+ "Database should be in _all_dbs",
+ "Default headers are returned for doc with open_revs=all",
+ "Empty database should have zero docs",
+ "Exceeding configured DB name size limit returns an error",
+ "Make sure you can do a seq=true option",
+ "On restart, a request for creating an already existing db can not override",
+ "POST doc response has a Location header",
+ "POST doc with an _id field isn't overwritten by uuid",
+ "PUT doc has a Location header",
+ "PUT error when body not an object",
+ "PUT on existing DB should return 412 instead of 500",
+ "Ready endpoint",
+ "Regression test for COUCHDB-954",
+ "Revs info status is good",
+ "Session contains adm context",
+ "Simple map functions",
+ "Welcome endpoint",
+ "_all_docs POST error when multi-get is not a {'key': [...]} structure",
+ "_all_docs/queries works",
+ "_bulk_docs POST error when body not an object",
+ "_design_docs works",
+ "_local_docs works",
+ "oops, the doc id got lost in code nirwana"
+ ],
+ "BatchSaveTest": [
+ "batch post",
+ "batch put",
+ "batch put with identical doc ids"
+ ],
+ "BulkDocsTest": [
+ "bulk docs can create, update, & delete many docs per request",
+ "bulk docs can detect conflicts",
+ "bulk docs emits conflict error for duplicate doc `_id`s",
+ "bulk docs raises conflict error for combined update & delete",
+ "bulk docs raises error for `all_or_nothing` option",
+ "bulk docs raises error for invlaid `docs` parameter",
+ "bulk docs raises error for invlaid `new_edits` parameter",
+ "bulk docs raises error for missing `docs` parameter",
+ "bulk docs raises transaction_too_large error for transaction larger than 10MB",
+ "bulk docs supplies `id` if not provided in doc"
+ ],
+ "ChangesAsyncTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1852",
+ "continuous changes",
+ "continuous filtered changes",
+ "continuous filtered changes with doc ids",
+ "eventsource changes",
+ "eventsource heartbeat",
+ "live changes",
+ "longpoll changes",
+ "longpoll filtered changes"
+ ],
+ "ChangesTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1037-empty result for ?limit=1&filter=foo/bar in some cases",
+ "COUCHDB-1256",
+ "COUCHDB-1923",
+ "Changes feed negative heartbeat",
+ "Changes feed non-integer heartbeat",
+ "changes filtering on design docs",
+ "changes filtering on docids",
+ "changes limit",
+ "erlang function filtered changes",
+ "function filtered changes",
+ "map function filtered changes",
+ "non-existing desing doc and funcion for filtered changes",
+ "non-existing desing doc for filtered changes",
+ "non-existing function for filtered changes"
+ ],
+ "CoffeeTest": [
+ "CoffeeScript basic functionality"
+ ],
+ "CompactTest": [
+ "compaction reduces size of deleted docs"
+ ],
+ "ConfigTest": [
+ "Atoms, binaries, and strings suffice as whitelist sections and keys.",
+ "Blacklist is functional",
+ "CouchDB respects configured protocols",
+ "Keys not in the whitelist may not be modified",
+ "Non-2-tuples in the whitelist are ignored",
+ "Non-list whitelist values allow further modification of the whitelist",
+ "Non-term whitelist values allow further modification of the whitelist",
+ "PORT `BUGGED` ?raw tests from config.js",
+ "Reload config",
+ "Server-side password hashing, and raw updates disabling that",
+ "Settings can be altered with undefined whitelist allowing any change",
+ "Standard config options are present"
+ ],
+ "CookieAuthTest": [
+ "cookie auth"
+ ],
+ "CopyDocTest": [
+ "Copy doc tests"
+ ],
+ "DesignDocsQueryTest": [
+ "POST edge case with colliding parameters - query takes precedence",
+ "POST with empty body",
+ "POST with keys and limit",
+ "POST with query parameter and JSON body",
+ "query _design_docs (GET with no parameters)",
+ "query _design_docs descending=false",
+ "query _design_docs descending=true",
+ "query _design_docs end_key",
+ "query _design_docs end_key inclusive_end=false",
+ "query _design_docs end_key inclusive_end=false descending",
+ "query _design_docs end_key inclusive_end=true",
+ "query _design_docs end_key limit",
+ "query _design_docs end_key skip",
+ "query _design_docs endkey",
+ "query _design_docs post with keys",
+ "query _design_docs start_key",
+ "query _design_docs startkey",
+ "query _design_docs update_seq",
+ "query _design_docs with multiple key",
+ "query _design_docs with single key"
+ ],
+ "DesignDocsTest": [
+ "_all_docs view returns correctly with keys",
+ "all_docs_twice",
+ "circular commonjs dependencies",
+ "commonjs in map functions",
+ "commonjs require",
+ "consistent _rev for design docs",
+ "design doc deletion",
+ "language not specified, Javascript is implied",
+ "module id values are as expected",
+ "startkey and endkey",
+ "that we get correct design doc info back",
+ "validate doc update"
+ ],
+ "DesignOptionsTest": [
+ "design doc options - include_design default value",
+ "design doc options - include_desing=false",
+ "design doc options - include_desing=true",
+ "design doc options - local_seq=true"
+ ],
+ "DesignPathTest": [
+ "design doc path",
+ "design doc path with slash in db name"
+ ],
+ "ErlangViewsTest": [
+ "Erlang map function",
+ "Erlang reduce function",
+ "Erlang reduce function larger dataset"
+ ],
+ "EtagsHeadTest": [
+ "etag header on creation",
+ "etag header on head",
+ "etag header on retrieval",
+ "etags head"
+ ],
+ "FormSubmitTest": [
+ "form submission gives back invalid content-type"
+ ],
+ "HelperTest": [
+ "retry_until handles assertions",
+ "retry_until handles boolean conditions",
+ "retry_until times out"
+ ],
+ "HttpTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-708: newlines document names",
+ "location header",
+ "location header should include X-Forwarded-Host",
+ "location header should include custom header"
+ ],
+ "InvalidDocIDsTest": [
+ "_local-prefixed ids are illegal",
+ "a PUT request with absent _id is forbidden",
+ "accidental POST to form handling code",
+ "explicit _bulk_docks policy",
+ "invalid _prefix",
+ "using a non-string id is forbidden"
+ ],
+ "JsonpTest": [
+ "jsonp chunked callbacks",
+ "jsonp not configured callbacks",
+ "jsonp unchunked callbacks"
+ ],
+ "JwtAuthTest": [
+ "jwt auth with EC secret",
+ "jwt auth with HMAC secret",
+ "jwt auth with RSA secret",
+ "jwt auth with required iss claim",
+ "jwt auth without secret"
+ ],
+ "ListViewsTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1113",
+ "HTTP header response set after getRow() called in _list function",
+ "abort iteration with reduce",
+ "empty list",
+ "extra qs params",
+ "get with query params",
+ "handling _all_docs by _list functions. the result should be equal",
+ "multi-key fetch with GET",
+ "multi-key fetch with POST",
+ "multiple languages in design docs",
+ "no multi-key fetch allowed when group=false",
+ "reduce with 0 rows",
+ "secObj is available",
+ "standard GET",
+ "standard OPTIONS",
+ "stop iteration",
+ "the richness of the arguments",
+ "too many Get Rows",
+ "we can run lists and views from separate docs",
+ "we do multi-key requests on lists and views in separate docs",
+ "when there is a reduce present, and used",
+ "when there is a reduce present, but not used",
+ "with 0 rows",
+ "with accept headers for HTML",
+ "with include_docs and a reference to the doc"
+ ],
+ "LocalDocsTest": [
+ "GET with multiple keys",
+ "GET with no parameters",
+ "POST edge case with colliding parameters - query takes precedence",
+ "POST with empty body",
+ "POST with keys and limit",
+ "POST with query parameter and JSON body"
+ ],
+ "LotsOfDocsTest": [
+ "lots of docs with _all_docs",
+ "lots of docs with a regular view"
+ ],
+ "MethodOverrideTest": [
+ "Method Override is ignored when original Method isn't POST",
+ "method override DELETE",
+ "method override PUT"
+ ],
+ "MultipleRowsTest": [
+ "multiple rows"
+ ],
+ "ProxyAuthTest": [
+ "proxy auth with secret",
+ "proxy auth without secret"
+ ],
+ "PurgeTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1065",
+ "purge documents"
+ ],
+ "ReaderACLTest": [
+ "can't set non string reader names or roles",
+ "members can query views",
+ "restricted db can be read by authorized users",
+ "unrestricted db can be read",
+ "works with readers (backwards compat with 1.0)"
+ ],
+ "RecreateDocTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1265 - changes feed after we try and break the update_seq tree",
+ "COUCHDB-292 - recreate a deleted document",
+ "Recreate a deleted document with non-exsistant rev",
+ "recreate document"
+ ],
+ "ReduceBuiltinTest": [
+ "Builtin count and sum reduce for key as array",
+ "Builtin reduce functions",
+ "Builtin reduce functions with trailings"
+ ],
+ "ReduceFalseTest": [
+ "Basic reduce functions"
+ ],
+ "ReduceTest": [
+ "Basic reduce functions",
+ "More complex array key view row testing",
+ "More complex reductions that need to use the combine option",
+ "Reduce pagination"
+ ],
+ "ReplicationBadIdTest": [
+ "replication doc with bad rep id"
+ ],
+ "ReplicationTest": [
+ "compressed attachment replication - remote-to-remote",
+ "continuous replication - remote-to-remote",
+ "create_target filter option - remote-to-remote",
+ "filtered replications - remote-to-remote",
+ "non-admin or reader user on source - remote-to-remote",
+ "non-admin user on target - remote-to-remote",
+ "replicate with since_seq - remote-to-remote",
+ "replicating attachment without conflict - COUCHDB-885",
+ "replication by doc ids - remote-to-remote",
+ "replication cancellation",
+ "replication restarts after filter change - COUCHDB-892 - remote-to-remote",
+ "simple remote-to-remote replication - remote-to-remote",
+ "source database not found with host",
+ "unauthorized replication cancellation",
+ "validate_doc_update failure replications - remote-to-remote"
+ ],
+ "ReplicatorDBByDocIdTest": [
+ "replicatior db by doc id"
+ ],
+ "RevStemmingTest": [
+ "revs limit is kept after compaction",
+ "revs limit produces replication conflict ",
+ "revs limit update"
+ ],
+ "RevisionTest": [
+ "`new_edits: false` prevents bulk updates (COUCHDB-1178)",
+ "mismatched rev in body and etag returns error",
+ "mismatched rev in body and query string returns error",
+ "multiple updates with same _rev raise conflict errors"
+ ],
+ "RewriteJSTest": [
+ "Test basic js rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "Test basic js rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "early response on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "early response on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "loop on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "loop on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "requests with body preserve the query string rewrite on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "requests with body preserve the query string rewrite on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes"
+ ],
+ "RewriteTest": [
+ "Test basic rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "Test basic rewrites on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "loop detection on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "loop detection on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "path relative to server on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes",
+ "serial execution is not spuriously counted as loop on test_rewrite_suite_db",
+ "serial execution is not spuriously counted as loop on test_rewrite_suite_db%2Fwith_slashes"
+ ],
+ "SecurityValidationTest": [
+ "Author presence and user security",
+ "Author presence and user security when replicated",
+ "Ddoc writes with admin and replication contexts",
+ "Force basic login",
+ "Jerry can save a document normally",
+ "Non-admin user cannot save a ddoc",
+ "Saving document using the wrong credentials",
+ "_session API",
+ "try to set a wrong value for _security"
+ ],
+ "ShowDocumentsTest": [
+ "JS can't set etag",
+ "accept header switching - different mime has different etag",
+ "deleted docs",
+ "id with slash",
+ "list() compatible API",
+ "list() compatible API with provides function",
+ "missing design doc",
+ "registering types works",
+ "security object",
+ "should keep next result order: chunks + return value + provided chunks + provided return value",
+ "show error",
+ "show fail with non-existing docid",
+ "show query parameters",
+ "show with doc",
+ "show with doc - etags",
+ "show with existing doc",
+ "show with missing doc",
+ "show with non-existing docid",
+ "show without docid",
+ "the provides mime matcher",
+ "the provides mime matcher without a match"
+ ],
+ "UTF8Test": [
+ "UTF8 support"
+ ],
+ "UUIDsTest": [
+ "Bad Request error when exceeding max UUID count",
+ "Method Not Allowed error on POST",
+ "cache busting headers are set",
+ "can return single uuid",
+ "no duplicates in 1,000 UUIDs",
+ "sequential uuids are sequential",
+ "utc_id uuids are correct",
+ "utc_random uuids are roughly random"
+ ],
+ "UpdateDocumentsTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-1229 - allow slashes in doc ids for update handlers",
+ "COUCHDB-648 - the code in the JSON response should be honored",
+ "GET is not allowed",
+ "Insert doc with empty id",
+ "Server provides UUID when POSTing without an ID in the URL",
+ "base64 response",
+ "bump counter",
+ "doc can be created",
+ "form update via application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ "in place update",
+ "update document",
+ "update error invalid path"
+ ],
+ "UsersDbSecurityTest": [
+ "user db security"
+ ],
+ "UsersDbTest": [
+ "users db"
+ ],
+ "ViewCollationRawTest": [
+ "ascending collation order",
+ "descending collation order",
+ "inclusive_end=false",
+ "inclusive_end=true",
+ "key query option",
+ "raw semantics in key ranges"
+ ],
+ "ViewCollationTest": [
+ "ascending collation order",
+ "descending collation order",
+ "inclusive_end=false",
+ "inclusive_end=true",
+ "key query option"
+ ],
+ "ViewCompactionTest": [
+ "view compaction"
+ ],
+ "ViewConflictsTest": [
+ "view conflict"
+ ],
+ "ViewErrorsTest": [
+ "emit undefined key results as null",
+ "emit undefined value results as null",
+ "error responses for invalid multi-get bodies",
+ "exception in map function",
+ "infinite loop",
+ "query parse error",
+ "query view with invalid params",
+ "reduce overflow error",
+ "temporary view should give error message"
+ ],
+ "ViewIncludeDocsTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-549 - include_docs=true with conflicts=true",
+ "Not an error with include_docs=false&reduce=true",
+ "Reduce support when reduce=false",
+ "emitted _rev controls things",
+ "include docs in all_docs",
+ "include docs in view",
+ "link to another doc from a value",
+ "no reduce support"
+ ],
+ "ViewMapTest": [
+ "_conflict is supported",
+ "_local_seq is supported",
+ "bad range returns error",
+ "can do design doc swap",
+ "can index design docs",
+ "can use key in query string",
+ "can use keys in query string",
+ "descending=true query with startkey_docid",
+ "inclusive = false",
+ "multiple emits in correct value order",
+ "query returns docs",
+ "supports linked documents",
+ "updated docs rebuilds index"
+ ],
+ "ViewMultiKeyAllDocsTest": [
+ "GET - get invalid rows when the key doesn't exist",
+ "POST - get invalid rows when the key doesn't exist",
+ "empty keys",
+ "keys in GET parameters",
+ "keys in GET parameters (descending)",
+ "keys in GET parameters (descending, skip, limit)",
+ "keys in GET parameters (limit)",
+ "keys in GET parameters (skip)",
+ "keys in POST body",
+ "keys in POST body (descending)",
+ "keys in POST body (descending, skip, limit)",
+ "keys in POST body (limit)",
+ "keys in POST body (skip)"
+ ],
+ "ViewMultiKeyDesignTest": [
+ "GET - invalid parameter combinations get rejected ",
+ "POST - invalid parameter combinations get rejected ",
+ "argument combinations",
+ "dir works",
+ "empty keys",
+ "keys in GET body (group)",
+ "keys in GET parameters",
+ "keys in POST body",
+ "keys in POST body (group)",
+ "limit works",
+ "offset works",
+ "that a map & reduce containing func support keys when reduce=false",
+ "that limiting by startkey_docid and endkey_docid get applied",
+ "that missing keys work too"
+ ],
+ "ViewOffsetTest": [
+ "basic view offsets",
+ "repeated view offsets"
+ ],
+ "ViewPaginationTest": [
+ "aliases start_key and start_key_doc_id should work",
+ "basic view pagination",
+ "descending view pagination",
+ "descending=false parameter should just be ignored",
+ "endkey document id",
+ "endkey document id, but with end_key_doc_id alias"
+ ],
+ "ViewSandboxingTest": [
+ "COUCHDB-925 - altering 'doc' variable in map function affects other map functions",
+ "attempting to change the document has no effect",
+ "runtime code evaluation can be prevented",
+ "view cannot access the map_funs and map_results array",
+ "view cannot invoke interpreter internals"
+ ],
+ "ViewTest": [
+ "GET with multiple keys",
+ "GET with no parameters",
+ "GET with one key",
+ "POST edge case with colliding parameters - query takes precedence",
+ "POST with boolean parameter",
+ "POST with empty body",
+ "POST with keys and limit",
+ "POST with query parameter and JSON body"
+ ],
+ "ViewUpdateSeqTest": [
+ "_all_docs update seq",
+ "db info update seq",
+ "view update seq"
+ ],
+ "WithQuorumTest": [
+ "Attachments overriden quorum should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Attachments should return 201-Created",
+ "Bulk docs overriden quorum should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Bulk docs should return 201-Created",
+ "Copy doc should return 201-Created",
+ "Creating-Updating/Deleting doc should return 201-Created/200-OK",
+ "Creating-Updating/Deleting doc with overriden quorum should return 202-Acepted/200-OK",
+ "Creating/Deleting DB should return 201-Created/202-Acepted"
+ ],
+ "WithoutQuorumTest": [
+ "Attachments overriden quorum should return 201-Created",
+ "Attachments should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Bulk docs overriden quorum should return 201-Created",
+ "Bulk docs should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Copy doc should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Creating-Updating/Deleting doc with overriden quorum should return 201-Created/200-OK",
+ "Creating/Deleting DB should return 202-Acepted",
+ "Creating/Updating/Deleting doc should return 202-Acepted"
+ ]
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs b/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs
index 6311fca44..72989e7c5 100644
--- a/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs
+++ b/test/elixir/test/test_helper.exs
@@ -1,16 +1 @@
-# If build number detected assume we running on Jenkins
-# and skip certain tests that fail on jenkins.
-exclude =
- case System.get_env("BUILD_NUMBER") !== nil do
- true -> [:pending, :skip_on_jenkins]
- false -> [:pending]
- end
-current_exclude = Keyword.get(ExUnit.configuration(), :exclude, [])
- exclude: Enum.uniq(exclude ++ current_exclude),
- formatters: [JUnitFormatter, ExUnit.CLIFormatter]